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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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34 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:

Upon the recommendation here we watched the Netflix movie "Hitman." It was really good and fun. A few twists and turns I did not expect. Highly recommend this one.

After enjoying Hit Man we watched Anybody but you with same star also on Netflix, good movie a little more R rated . 

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4 hours ago, firefly333 said:

I just heard from the guy driving the 18 wheeler truck for delivery. He has a job in the  morning up in jacksonville and doesnt know how long it will take. And then me. Its forecast to rain.


A 18 wheeler is a lot bigger truck than came to pick me up. Hes saying if he cant park with 75 feet of the elevator a big add on and another $200 for the elevator. I was going to tip at least $200 for the elevator but just saying they specifically told me there was no extra charge for the elevator as long as they didnt have to use the stairs. So first a additional more than $1500 when they arrived to pick up, and now a extra charge if someone else is parked next to the elevator. On the other side is the elevator trailer idk if I can bribe them if necessary to park there. During the weekend it was completely empty on both sides now one side has a long trailer for the elevator company. Now it's a 18 wheeler coming and extra charge if he cant park right there close to the elevator and  o one else is deliveries or dropping off groceries. 


Praying it's not pouring rain. And I mean that sincerely, praying. Just when I got those boxes today and a night stand a neighbor was getting rid of. Solid wood. I can almost not lick it up it's so heavy. What I have coming is pretty darn heavy. 2 triple dressers both with  mirrors a 4 poster bed, a tall boy dresser. Sofa and arm chair I dont care if theh deliver or toss. I planned to replace them anyway as soon as I looked around. The mall is right close but just walking over there in the afternoon heat and humidity takes away my breath in the afternoons here. I told him I wish they could become here first in the morning before it gets so hot. 


Every time they do something they up the price. They for sure specifically said there wasnt a extra charge for the elevator. Now it's at least $200 more plus he me toned $75, maybe to park the 18 wheeler. I'd rate them a  inus 2 on communication.


Oh and remember I called in last week and the girl said she would tell them 48 hours  notice so I had plenty of time to tell them to pad the elevator? After hours tonight for tomorrow afternoon delivery isnt even 24 hours notice. I just left notice for the maintenance man. This is kinda like the email to empty all the drawers so then they fill all the wardrobe boxes with empty hangers and tee shirts that could easily have been in drawers. Movers said they didnt care if there was stuff in the drawers.  Minus 2 on communication imo is generous. 


Well seems like we have delivery scheduled for a rainy.day. if things arent totally melted and ruined I'll be happy. Like a large oil painting. I really had no idea my stuff woukd sit for weeks in the heat.. but delivery ..rain or not. Please let this go ok. 

Jane, I hate to say this, but I think someone is jerking your chain. Don’t you have a signed contract? Does it say anything about elevators? It all should have been in writing. They also shouldn’t have charged you the extra 1,500.00 if you have a solid contract. If they were trying to get another 200.00 from me there’s no way I’d tip them extra. They probably see an older female and will probably try to intimidate you. Is there a male neighbor that can be there also?

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2 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

Upon the recommendation here we watched the Netflix movie "Hitman." It was really good and fun. A few twists and turns I did not expect. Highly recommend this one.

I started watching it and had to turn it off . Maybe if I had persisted I would have found it worthwhile. I’ve started watching Frosted and pure fluff with bad reviews but it is Jerry Seinfeld’s movie . I’ve seen his act four times (different jokes )and he mentions pop tarts twice in his routine .  It is only a fun movie for him . 

Edited by NHProud
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7 hours ago, ReneeFLL said:

Jane, I hate to say this, but I think someone is jerking your chain. Don’t you have a signed contract? Does it say anything about elevators? It all should have been in writing. They also shouldn’t have charged you the extra 1,500.00 if you have a solid contract. If they were trying to get another 200.00 from me there’s no way I’d tip them extra. They probably see an older female and will probably try to intimidate you. Is there a male neighbor that can be there also?


I completely agree with this Jane.  Check your contract and call the main office of your mover to see if these extra charges are legitimate.  Might just be the driver trying to squeeze a few extra bucks out of you.  As I said earlier, my moving company said they'd figure out how to get my stuff to my house no matter how close they could park.  There was never a mention of an additional charge.  

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8 hours ago, ReneeFLL said:

Jane, I hate to say this, but I think someone is jerking your chain. Don’t you have a signed contract? Does it say anything about elevators? It all should have been in writing. They also shouldn’t have charged you the extra 1,500.00 if you have a solid contract. If they were trying to get another 200.00 from me there’s no way I’d tip them extra. They probably see an older female and will probably try to intimidate you. Is there a male neighbor that can be there also?

The folks who arrange the moving collect a fee I now know. I got a attachment calling it a brokerage fee. They dont really let you talk to the movers who are separate.


I got a email saying things like have all drawers empty. Which was why all my old tee shirts were hung up and then the movers arrive and said they dont care if there is stuff in the drawers. Hung up empty hangers and tee shirts in wardrobe boxes. Then said you used all 7 wardrobe boxes estimated.


They give you a estimate. Based on cubic feet so a bunch of extra wardrobe boxes is costly. Twice quality assurance talked to me and went over what I was shipping. They say the estimate is based on cubic feet in the truck. Had I to do this again I'd have left the sofa and arm chair there. I naively thought since they have the list to be moved everything was included and I could take my time looking for a new set once ingot here. I could easily have cut down on cubic feet had I known how inaccurate the estimate was. 


My living room here is oddly shaped. And had I any idea how they count BUSINESS days from the delivery date I gave them not from the pick up date. I for sure woukdnt have brought them. And I'd have had all those tee shirts I wear in drawers. And the hanging empty plastic hangers in the wardrobe boxes pissed me off big time. One of the 4 guys was new that was doing it. 4 guys are hard to watch continually. Emlty plastic hangers throw them in a box or out. Dont use wardrobe box space for empty hangers. 


I will for sure be taking pictures when they arrive. Right now I dont want to threaten them and delay delivery. My biggest fear is 3 weeks in the heat stuff is melted. Worried about my antiques. Art work, a oil painting too big for my car. I've had it 50 years. Supposed to be by a famous artist who paints roses. Mostly at this point I'm worried about my stuff in the heat. 


How these folks can have 10 stars something is faked imo or they had better experiences. Also the folks who sell the move are separate from the movers. This is the closest I got to a contract. A disclaimer that the deposit I paid was actually a brokerage fee. The calls were verbal, not in writing, so I cant prove I was told there would be no elevator fee. I was going to tip anyway. This elevator is so slow I knew was a issue. I'm just going to tell him call it a tip or a fee, but it's a tip he was going to get anyway. The elevator situation here with 1 elevator not working of 2 for the whole bldg and this afternoon when its busiest is going to take forever. This was also a partial pack since they packed up my closets and some stuff in the kitchen plus my 80 ish boxes. So the pick up guys had it worse since they packed some stuff. Same fee both ends. Right  ow I just want to know my stuff is ok. Some might not be their fault. That tornado went thru right where I live by the next morning and power was off in my area. I spent yesterday morning arguing with my buyer about the tree from next door that crushed the fence between us. Title company says AS IS. He was demanding I call the city code compliance and make the  neighbor share his insurance payment I'm sure he got. Dont think there is a law that can make a neighbor fix a fence between back yards. Its lucky the contract says AS IS. I'm selling it under what I have in it. Closing set for june 15. Title company insists on a wet signature. Is sending a notary to my house. Says it has to be a wet signature for warranty. 



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12 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Bad day at work.  We had a girl coming into work with her Grandson this morning.  Schools done last week in our area.  


She was carrying a whole watermelon and her lunch bag and somehow lost her footing in the driveway (which is sloped).  Her Grandson said she slid a couple of feet (flip flops on probably didn't help).


She called me crying for help that she was in parking lot and couldn't get up.  Her Grandson looked really scared so another lady helped calm him down while we got her inside and put ice on ankle as that was starting to swell up


She refused to go to hospital but finally agreed to go to an urgent care for x-rays.   My boss drove her and Yup she has a fractured fibula up towards the knee and a sprained ankle.   

She has an appt for ortho doc tomorrow.   I feel so bad for her.   Horrible to see someone in that much pain.  




So sorry I feel bad for them. 


8 hours ago, NHProud said:

I started watching it and had to turn it off . Maybe if I had persisted I would have found it worthwhile. I’ve started watching Frosted and pure fluff with bad reviews but it is Jerry Seinfeld’s movie . I’ve seen his act four times (different jokes )and he mentions pop tarts twice in his routine .  It is only a fun movie for him . 


We watched Seinfeld’s movie and enjoyed it.

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8 hours ago, NHProud said:

I started watching it and had to turn it off . Maybe if I had persisted I would have found it worthwhile. I’ve started watching Frosted and pure fluff with bad reviews but it is Jerry Seinfeld’s movie . I’ve seen his act four times (different jokes )and he mentions pop tarts twice in his routine .  It is only a fun movie for him . 

We also really liked Frosted.

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1 hour ago, firefly333 said:

The folks who arrange the moving collect a fee I now know. I got a attachment calling it a brokerage fee. They dont really let you talk to the movers who are separate.


I got a email saying things like have all drawers empty. Which was why all my old tee shirts were hung up and then the movers arrive and said they dont care if there is stuff in the drawers. Hung up empty hangers and tee shirts in wardrobe boxes. Then said you used all 7 wardrobe boxes estimated.


They give you a estimate. Based on cubic feet so a bunch of extra wardrobe boxes is costly. Twice quality assurance talked to me and went over what I was shipping. They say the estimate is based on cubic feet in the truck. Had I to do this again I'd have left the sofa and arm chair there. I naively thought since they have the list to be moved everything was included and I could take my time looking for a new set once ingot here. I could easily have cut down on cubic feet had I known how inaccurate the estimate was. 


My living room here is oddly shaped. And had I any idea how they count BUSINESS days from the delivery date I gave them not from the pick up date. I for sure woukdnt have brought them. And I'd have had all those tee shirts I wear in drawers. And the hanging empty plastic hangers in the wardrobe boxes pissed me off big time. One of the 4 guys was new that was doing it. 4 guys are hard to watch continually. Emlty plastic hangers throw them in a box or out. Dont use wardrobe box space for empty hangers. 


I will for sure be taking pictures when they arrive. Right now I dont want to threaten them and delay delivery. My biggest fear is 3 weeks in the heat stuff is melted. Worried about my antiques. Art work, a oil painting too big for my car. I've had it 50 years. Supposed to be by a famous artist who paints roses. Mostly at this point I'm worried about my stuff in the heat. 


How these folks can have 10 stars something is faked imo or they had better experiences. Also the folks who sell the move are separate from the movers. This is the closest I got to a contract. A disclaimer that the deposit I paid was actually a brokerage fee. The calls were verbal, not in writing, so I cant prove I was told there would be no elevator fee. I was going to tip anyway. This elevator is so slow I knew was a issue. I'm just going to tell him call it a tip or a fee, but it's a tip he was going to get anyway. The elevator situation here with 1 elevator not working of 2 for the whole bldg and this afternoon when its busiest is going to take forever. This was also a partial pack since they packed up my closets and some stuff in the kitchen plus my 80 ish boxes. So the pick up guys had it worse since they packed some stuff. Same fee both ends. Right  ow I just want to know my stuff is ok. Some might not be their fault. That tornado went thru right where I live by the next morning and power was off in my area. I spent yesterday morning arguing with my buyer about the tree from next door that crushed the fence between us. Title company says AS IS. He was demanding I call the city code compliance and make the  neighbor share his insurance payment I'm sure he got. Dont think there is a law that can make a neighbor fix a fence between back yards. Its lucky the contract says AS IS. I'm selling it under what I have in it. Closing set for june 15. Title company insists on a wet signature. Is sending a notary to my house. Says it has to be a wet signature for warranty. 



It would seem that this company only has a C rating on BBB.  There are several complaints regarding the issues you are having.  Hopefully your items arrive soon.  I wouldn't worry about just 1 elevator or if it is slow.  That is what they get paid for.  It will give you more time to look at your stuff for damage. 

If the tree was in your neighbors yard it is their responsibility to fix any damage to the fence.  If the house is being sold as is it it the responsibility of the new owner to get with the neighbor to resolve the issue.  Code enforcement has no way to make the neighbor share an insurance payment that may or may not have been paid.  Small claims court would be one way for the new owner to try to get the neighbor to fix the fence.  Personally if I were the new owner I would just fix the fence myself instead of making waves in my new neighborhood.  I would direct the new owner to contact their realtor about any questions they may have and not talk with them.

Edited by Keksie
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1 hour ago, Sea Dog said:

We watched Seinfeld’s movie and enjoyed it.


55 minutes ago, George C said:

We also really liked Frosted.


Me too.


Not all comedy needs to be edgy or ground breaking, sometimes just good old fashion, light hearted fluff is what the world needs.


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  We moved 20 years ago to TX from NY and everything went smoothly.  No broker fee, no additional cost.  Movers packed up our kitchen items, and we even paid for our 2nd car to be shipped as well.  Everything was listed plainly in the contract.  I don't recall how long it took to be delivered, maybe a week or so and it certainly was in the time frame promised.  I don't remember who the movers were or how we chose them but ultimately it was a good choice and a stress-free move.


@firefly333 Jane, I hope things go smoothly with delivery.  I'm sorry you're getting slammed with extra costs.

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16 minutes ago, HBE4 said:



Me too.


Not all comedy needs to be edgy or ground breaking, sometimes just good old fashion, light hearted fluff is what the world needs.


I didn't see it but I like Seinfeld's humor.  Dry and sarcastic and so funny!

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18 hours ago, HBE4 said:


Ah, okay. Aug 2nd for me. No chance of crossing paths at the pier.  However.....(see below)



Maybe.😊 There are a few other cruises on my radar & Bella 2.0 IS one of them.  I'm still focused on the August cruise with booking flights, excursions, pre- and post- cruise trips and the age old question of drink package or not? 


But once all of that is settled, I'll start looking down the road further. Let just say that at this moment, there is a better chance of meeting than not meeting. 😇


25th for us. No chance of crossing paths in August, unless I bump into you and your group somewhere in Orlando!
But I (like many others on this thread) do hope to see you on Bella 2.

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My current Netfilx obsession is a show called "Killing Eve". It originally aired on the BBC and Netflix has acquired all 4 seasons. I watched the first season in 1 day - 8 episodes, 40 minutes each.  Basic premise is a British Intelligence agent matches wits with a psychopathic assassin from Russia & they become obsessed with each other. A very enjoyable cat-and-mouse game that has it all - drama, suspense, action, humor, and heartbreak. Well scripted & fabulous acting, plenty of twists and turns where everyone is not as they seem, this is not a female version of James Bond or Bourne Identity type show.


Jodie Comer who plays the assassin might be my new favorite villain of all time. Why it's such a pleasure to watch someone who is so gleefully evil is a testament to her acting ability.

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35 minutes ago, BonTexasNY said:

  We moved 20 years ago to TX from NY and everything went smoothly.  No broker fee, no additional cost.  Movers packed up our kitchen items, and we even paid for our 2nd car to be shipped as well.  Everything was listed plainly in the contract.  I don't recall how long it took to be delivered, maybe a week or so and it certainly was in the time frame promised.  I don't remember who the movers were or how we chose them but ultimately it was a good choice and a stress-free move.


@firefly333 Jane, I hope things go smoothly with delivery.  I'm sorry you're getting slammed with extra costs.

When I called he said he needed a deposit. That attachment sent later says it was disclosed that this was a brokerage fee to sell the move to movers. Lie. Saying we need a percentage as a deposit is not the same as saying it was disclosed it was a brokerage fee just for selling movers the contract. It was a partial pack, meaning it was sold that they woukd partially pack up  y stuff. Movers kept acting like this was news to them. I was shipping 1 bedroom and a 2nd bedroom of stuff including 80 small boxes already packed. 


Theh told me 2 to 12 days. Then it was business days, then it was business days counting from the delivery date I selected. I said friday may 31 would give me time to rest. Ok may 31. Twice the moving guy said he couldnt promise delivery that exact day. At no time did he or anyone else say to me the 12 business days starts from the delivery date. I think it's a  normal assumption to think the 12 days starts from the date of pick up. Didnt cross my  ind to ask when the 12 business days count starts. 


Email said all drawers have ro be empty. Another lie. Movers said makes no difference to them. Just takes more wardrobe space and cubic feet and them packing work to hang up my tee shirts.


I moved from a 1107 sf teensy 2 bedroom house. Most of it was a very long large kitchen. 2 small closets. 1 bedroom set plus a 2nd triple dresser. I had 2 built in desks in both bedrooms so not even a desk to move. If this was a large home I could understand but this was a tiny house to be near my parents I bought about 3 years ago in a very tight market. 


How they have 10 stars on google someone is only submitting high or fake reviews. I saw someone above mentioned BBB. I will also submit a complaint to them. My stuff has sat on a hot truck 3 weeks as of yesterday. And including the new charges this 18 wheel trucker yesterday now is adding. If he cant park next to elevator and the $200 elevator fee. I was told for sure no charges for elevator. But I admit having 1 out of 2 out of service will be a pita. Still no call, idk how big of a job they had up in Jacksonville. It's just about Noon here. It took over 3 hours to pack in the first place because they were taking things apart and wrapping them for safety. Even the legs of my kitchen table were removed. It's a tiny eat in kitchen table though. 


Hopefully I hear soon. I'd say it's a good hour from jacksonville to here. If they dont arrive soon they will be working in the dark. Allowing a  hour drive to here. Waiting still too hear they are on the way. 

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19 hours ago, HBE4 said:


I have not been to Sherwood Island since the 1970's but gravel pit might be an apt description.   The place I was this past weekend had more sand than I expected but was still a bit on the rocky side. I've been to Hammonasset State Park on the eastern side of CT and the beach there seems pretty sandy & decent ocean waves. Make sense since that it where the ocean and LI Sound meet. BTW, why is it called LI Sound and not a LI Bay? I have no idea.


I spent 30 years visiting Long Beach Island as DW family used to rent a house there for 2 weeks each year. I agree, much better sand but also 3+ hour trip for me each way so no can do for a day trip. South Shore of Long Island (the Atlantic Ocean side) is the best I can do for a day trip. Jones Beach or Robert Moses State Park & even that is pushing it to the limit with summer weekend traffic. Hence, I go on weekdays. 🙂

You can take the train to Grand Central and change for the LIRR and take that to Long Beach ,less than one hour on the LIRR.

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Oh no!! It just started raining. If the area along the area to park is taken he will have to park outside the gate and truck things in in the rain plus a extra charge. 


Sun was out all morning but nope he had to do another job first. Now its pouring rain. I knew it was coming in from the south. South has a flood warning. By tomorrow will be even  worse here. 


They say worrying never helped anything. Telling myself to just stay calm. Eat something. It will be a long long afternoon. I'm sure it's at least a hours drive here and no call they are on their way.


I tried to drive all the valuables myself. This is just the stuff from a tiny 2 bedroom house. I just keep repeating calm calm. 

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50 minutes ago, HBE4 said:

My current Netfilx obsession is a show called "Killing Eve". It originally aired on the BBC and Netflix has acquired all 4 seasons. I watched the first season in 1 day - 8 episodes, 40 minutes each.  Basic premise is a British Intelligence agent matches wits with a psychopathic assassin from Russia & they become obsessed with each other. A very enjoyable cat-and-mouse game that has it all - drama, suspense, action, humor, and heartbreak. Well scripted & fabulous acting, plenty of twists and turns where everyone is not as they seem, this is not a female version of James Bond or Bourne Identity type show.


Jodie Comer who plays the assassin might be my new favorite villain of all time. Why it's such a pleasure to watch someone who is so gleefully evil is a testament to her acting ability.

An excellent series

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10 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

Oh no!! It just started raining. If the area along the area to park is taken he will have to park outside the gate and truck things in in the rain plus a extra charge. 


Sun was out all morning but nope he had to do another job first. Now its pouring rain. I knew it was coming in from the south. South has a flood warning. By tomorrow will be even  worse here. 


They say worrying never helped anything. Telling myself to just stay calm. Eat something. It will be a long long afternoon. I'm sure it's at least a hours drive here and no call they are on their way.


I tried to drive all the valuables myself. This is just the stuff from a tiny 2 bedroom house. I just keep repeating calm calm. 


Take a deep breath.  There is nothing you can do about the rain or the elevator situation.  Movers deal with elevators all the time, so just let them deal with it.  If they have to wait, they will wait.  The more you play into it with them, the more he is going to try to add more charges.


I would pull out anything you have in writing from the movers and read it over a few times to try to find out what you included in your agreement and what was disclosed as possible extra charges.  Ask for everything in writing from these guys if they try to charge you more and take pictures of anything that they might have damaged and get it documented, in writing, before they leave your condo.  You can also take pictures now of your rooms so if they damage something as they are bringing stuff in, you will have before and after pictures.  Take pictures of doorways, hallways, and anywhere they might bounce something off of as they come in.  Do what you can to protect yourself now, so you can file a claim later.  Point it out when it happens and take pictures.


Take control of what you can now.  It is going to be a long day but hopefully, you will have your stuff at the end of the day and you can then start settling in.  Hang in there!

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Garden doing good. 

Thursday harvest...



Yesterday morning Sharon brought in this Orange Kentucky Beefsteak. 



Yesterday afternoon...





We have been enjoying 



We also pulled the last garlic Yesterday.   We got 215 bulbs this year.

So far we have harvested 45 regular tomatoes 🍅 and over 100 cherry tomatoes!  The neighbors are loving it!

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I tried to take a picture and edit my last post. It said too late. Sorry for a 3rd post. Calm calm.


Clear to the left is the veterans museum, plus a library of war books some free and some can be checked out. A museum of war stuff. My bil is a vet, give him a place to hang out. Also a DAV room where you can go to make claims. 


From the museum out to the right is 63 acres of lake with a walking path. I walked some there yesterday  morning. You can also rent a kayak or paddle boat. My cousin who is better at maps saysnits a smile to walk around this lake. There is also a huge reserve not far, 4.5 miles in, 4.5 miles out. I havent checked it out. But this lake is where I talked tomthe fishermen yesterday so I could tell my bil and his daughter who fishes. 


Maybe you can see its pouring rain, the rain clouds dont look black but for sure it's raining hard. 


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1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

  We moved 20 years ago to TX from NY and everything went smoothly.  No broker fee, no additional cost.  Movers packed up our kitchen items, and we even paid for our 2nd car to be shipped as well.  Everything was listed plainly in the contract.  I don't recall how long it took to be delivered, maybe a week or so and it certainly was in the time frame promised.  I don't remember who the movers were or how we chose them but ultimately it was a good choice and a stress-free move.


@firefly333 Jane, I hope things go smoothly with delivery.  I'm sorry you're getting slammed with extra costs.

My move from New York City to Dallas suburb was extremely easy , my job paid for everything. They did the packing, then they gave everyone a months pay tax free, also a thousand for a down payment of a car and an interest free loan for the rest . This was in 1982 , they also told us if we didn’t like Texas they would pay to move us back and give us a severance package.


We just returned from doctor/surgeon Shelaghs finger is doing much better and now only has bandage on the one finger .

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10 minutes ago, George C said:

My move from New York City to Dallas suburb was extremely easy , my job paid for everything. They did the packing, then they gave everyone a months pay tax free, also a thousand for a down payment of a car and an interest free loan for the rest . This was in 1982 , they also told us if we didn’t like Texas they would pay to move us back and give us a severance package.


We just returned from doctor/surgeon Shelaghs finger is doing much better and now only has bandage on the one finger .


The company I used to work for would pay moving costs for some of their new hires, usually executives and account managers.  They paid moving costs, real estate costs, short term rentals and much more, depending on what they had negotiated into their employment offer.  Once all costs had been reimbursed, we would then figure out the tax impact all this would have on the employee and issue a check for that, which was also adjusted for the tax impact.

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Our last (and hopefully final) move to South Carolina was quite an experience.  The movers were scheduled for packing on Tuesday, loading on Wednesday and unloading at our new house on Friday. Monday afternoon we had major thunderstorms and the power went out.  It was still out Tuesday morning so I went to the sporting goods store and bought battery powered lanterns. Packing was not bad except for the basement where it was rather dark and quite hot and humid. Power still off Wednesday while they loaded the truck. We had planned on cleaning Wednesday and early Thursday before driving to the new house.  We did what we could without power Wednesday and went to sleep on the floor.  Power finally came back on Thursday morning.  We did a few things then packed the cars and left. Unloading went uneventfully.

I have always laughed that it happened that way to keep me from being emotional about leaving the house we had lived in for almost 30 years.  We moved into the house before we had kids and they had left before we moved. Lots of memories in that house.

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