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I’m tired and I need a vacation


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Please excuse my tone. I am tired. I am a nurse and I work hard. Recently I have been working harder, so much so that I cry a lot. The first vacation that cancelled was in March, I had saved hard for that one, it would have been my first vacation in more than a year. I rebooked. Now it looks like the vacation I have booked In November may be canceled too. I’m done if that happens. I need some joy, some sunshine, some me-time in my life. I am tired.

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I am sorry.  

I am working remote.  Staying in, watching TV I look up at the computer and work some more.  

I was talking to my brother on Friday for his birthday and he reminded me his calendar says I would be there for a visit.  Of couse, that trip was cancelled.  


But my disappointment pales to yours because you are working not only hard but in a profession that has to be so stressful.  

I hope you can give yourself some luxury moments at home.  Until your next vacation.  


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I just got back from the beach 4 days no retrictions. It was lovely.  And now back to northern va with retrictions. 😷  i needed that break. Felt really good to be "normal again." No masks. Elevators. And dining in resturants. 

Edited by seaman11
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Us oldies in New Zealand have had it good in comparison to lots of others,   We arrived back from the Spirit the day that NZ closed its borders so we were able to self isolate at home for 2 weeks when others got our groceries.   Then we had a month in full lockdown when we could,only go to the grocers or to the doctor.  Then a couple of weeks when things eased a bit more and now we are back to "normal".

We get  on well together so were happy with each others company for all that time.  Still lots to do in the garden so we are enjoying life.


Thanks to all who worked so hard to keep us safe.


We hope those of you in less fortunate countries than ours are able to get some time to yourselves and that you continue to stay free of the virus.


Kia Kaha


Ka Kite Ano

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I understand. Everyone needs to have a rest for their physical and mental health. I am so stressed

due to taking care of an elderly relative with dementia. I cried too the other day when I realized that

so far two vacations were cancelled and probably the next one too. For you I recommend what

someone else said..take a staycation.

Edited by Peachypooh
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Thank you for working so hard!  Sounds like you need a vacation for sure.  Don't give up hope on your November cruise but if it does get cancelled, book another one!  Cruising will come back eventually and when it does, you'll be ready.


In the meantime, find a little place to escape to and take a good ole fashioned road trip.


Stay well!

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To the OP, my heartfelt gratitude for your hard work.   Even in normal times,  I look upon nurses with awe of what they do every day.  As the others have suggested, consider a week at home, if you can manage that.   You could sleep in, take naps, take walks, binge on TV, dive into a good book, work on a hobby - whatever brings you some relaxation and joy.


This year I had a 14-day British Isles cruise booked, as well as land vacations in London and Paris.   One by one,  I had to cancel them all.  I am profoundly sad, as I had planned them for a long time and had been so excited.  


Because off my age, I should continue to practice social distancing and avoid crowds and other risks of travel, even a road trip, for . . .who knows how long.   But, I bought a bicycle during a recent staycation.   It's not London or Paris, but I can now get some exercise,  going further from my house than my feet can take me LOL!  The bike shop owner offered to speak with a British or French accent if I called with any questions about my new purchase.  😄

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9 hours ago, stefmaia said:

Please excuse my tone. I am tired. I am a nurse and I work hard. Recently I have been working harder, so much so that I cry a lot. The first vacation that cancelled was in March, I had saved hard for that one, it would have been my first vacation in more than a year. I rebooked. Now it looks like the vacation I have booked In November may be canceled too. I’m done if that happens. I need some joy, some sunshine, some me-time in my life. I am tired.


Thank you for your health care nurse during these unprecedented (in modern) times.  My #3 sons' wife is a DPT in a large DC hospital and, now 6 months pregnant, has been working overtime.  As the C-19 first phase of the pandemic appears to be at hand for now, we are all now challenged with addressing another serious, and emotionally draining experience; piled right on after C-19 without a chance to catch one's breath.  Again, thank you.


Like others, we too are trapped, although recently retired and can't have our older grand kids (8 & 6) to take to Disney then to NH for the summer, can't visit son in Boston or son, pregnant wife, 27 MO, in Maryland as we don't know if we're contagious or they are and airline flight is out of the question for the foreseeable future.


Hopefully, like the following poster, you can find that 'escape place that you can get to.  You deserve it.


We will all cruise again some day.


18 minutes ago, Laszlo said:

Headed to New Hampshire July 3rd for a week and then the Outer Banks for two weeks in September. Its Paris or Hawaii but it will do


We've been back in NH (Lake Winnipesaukee) since we "fled" Florida (Hutchinson Island South, Stuart FL) in late March primarily afraid that state lines would be closed for traffic and we wouldn't be able to get home.  Our state was not "broad brushed" shut down; almost 11 pages of essential businesses, but caution with our proximity to Boston.  We are opening up quite a bit, however, some southeast counties are behind a phase due to # of cases; yet, here too, primarily nursing homes and related elderly care facilities, and the very elderly or others with high levels of underlying risk conditions (and yes, there are others outside of that demographic, but it is very remote).


I don't know where you are headed, so generally from the Lakes Region up through the White Mountains are essentially (or soon to be) totally open, including golf, restaurants (outside or TO, inside soon) and hotels with guidance.  There are a lot of influx on the weekends (now expanded to late Thursday to early Monday for some) so if your are AirBNB or similar, bring groceries or plan to shop mid-week; the weekends find the grocery stores overwhelmed.  There is "curb side" by almost every business in most industries and it runs really well.


Also, your timing will be great re: allergies as the pine pollen is moving in now and will be the last spring heavy pollen and the waters and weather are warming up.  Hope that you have great weather.

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It seem like middle Tennessee is running around like there never was a virus.  Traffic and store crowding, no masks, as much or more than pre virus.   And, our virus numbers keep climbing, climbing.   My wife and I are afraid to go out and join the happy crowd.  We are both old enough that we certainly don't want to be infected.  We may have a second mandatory lockdown ahead of us if folks don't get serious about this.  

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Though not a RN I too work in the ICU of a hospital here in NJ.  After months of overwhelmed with patients we are finally seeing some progress.  We are down to 6 to 7 patients and none with Covid.


I had two cruises cancelled and expect my cruise in January to be cancelled as well.  I usually go to Atlantic City once a month but they are still closed.  I finally got to see my granddaughter after 4 months but no kissing or hugging.


I too am so ready for a vacation and will probably do a road trip too.  Except I hate riding in the car.  Sigh....

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I hear you.  My work was deemed essential, and we have been surprisingly busy through it all.  Not nearly like how you've been I'm sure, so I can only imagine how ready you are for a vacation.  I do hope your November cruise doesn't get canceled. 


IDK about Florida, but some Maine resorts are doing special pricing for Mainers.  Maybe there is a place somewhat nearby doing the same thing.  I'd imagine just getting away for a weekend or better yet if you can take a Friday or Monday off to make it a long weekend would be so beneficial to your well being. 

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13 minutes ago, WickedRed said:

I hear you.  My work was deemed essential, and we have been surprisingly busy through it all.  Not nearly like how you've been I'm sure, so I can only imagine how ready you are for a vacation.  I do hope your November cruise doesn't get canceled. 


IDK about Florida, but some Maine resorts are doing special pricing for Mainers.  Maybe there is a place somewhat nearby doing the same thing.  I'd imagine just getting away for a weekend or better yet if you can take a Friday or Monday off to make it a long weekend would be so beneficial to your well being. 

Well, since your governor is making anyone from out of Maine quarantine for 14 days, its the only way the Maine resorts can hope to stay open. I know I'm not planning a trip to Maine right now due to this (though I would in a heartbeat otherwise). 


1 hour ago, Formula280SS said:


Thank you for your health care nurse during these unprecedented (in modern) times.  My #3 sons' wife is a DPT in a large DC hospital and, now 6 months pregnant, has been working overtime.  As the C-19 first phase of the pandemic appears to be at hand for now, we are all now challenged with addressing another serious, and emotionally draining experience; piled right on after C-19 without a chance to catch one's breath.  Again, thank you.


Like others, we too are trapped, although recently retired and can't have our older grand kids (8 & 6) to take to Disney then to NH for the summer, can't visit son in Boston or son, pregnant wife, 27 MO, in Maryland as we don't know if we're contagious or they are and airline flight is out of the question for the foreseeable future.


Hopefully, like the following poster, you can find that 'escape place that you can get to.  You deserve it.


We will all cruise again some day.



We've been back in NH (Lake Winnipesaukee) since we "fled" Florida (Hutchinson Island South, Stuart FL) in late March primarily afraid that state lines would be closed for traffic and we wouldn't be able to get home.  Our state was not "broad brushed" shut down; almost 11 pages of essential businesses, but caution with our proximity to Boston.  We are opening up quite a bit, however, some southeast counties are behind a phase due to # of cases; yet, here too, primarily nursing homes and related elderly care facilities, and the very elderly or others with high levels of underlying risk conditions (and yes, there are others outside of that demographic, but it is very remote).


I don't know where you are headed, so generally from the Lakes Region up through the White Mountains are essentially (or soon to be) totally open, including golf, restaurants (outside or TO, inside soon) and hotels with guidance.  There are a lot of influx on the weekends (now expanded to late Thursday to early Monday for some) so if your are AirBNB or similar, bring groceries or plan to shop mid-week; the weekends find the grocery stores overwhelmed.  There is "curb side" by almost every business in most industries and it runs really well.


Also, your timing will be great re: allergies as the pine pollen is moving in now and will be the last spring heavy pollen and the waters and weather are warming up.  Hope that you have great weather.


I believe New Hampshire also has the same quarantine requirement? NH would be my second choice for a few days away.

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4 minutes ago, 1025cruise said:

Well, since your governor is making anyone from out of Maine quarantine for 14 days, its the only way the Maine resorts can hope to stay open. I know I'm not planning a trip to Maine right now due to this (though I would in a heartbeat otherwise). 



I believe New Hampshire also has the same quarantine requirement? NH would be my second choice for a few days away.


Actually she has recently revised that order.  If you have documentation of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hrs of coming into Maine, there is no need to quarantine for 14 days.  Unless you live in NH or VT, then you're welcome to come without a quarantine or test.  Not sure how any of that is getting enforced but that is the new rule.  Think I heard NH and VT were following the same or similar guideline.

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30 minutes ago, 1025cruise said:

Well, since your governor is making anyone from out of Maine quarantine for 14 days, its the only way the Maine resorts can hope to stay open. I know I'm not planning a trip to Maine right now due to this (though I would in a heartbeat otherwise). 



I believe New Hampshire also has the same quarantine requirement? NH would be my second choice for a few days away.


Although Maine and New Hampshire have quite different orders on essential businesses and whether such orders are state-wide or by county or region, Maine has exempted out of state visitors from New Hampshire and Vermont from the 14-day self quarantine requirement. 


EDIT:  Quote from WickedRed I Missed


"Actually she has recently revised that order.  If you have documentation of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hrs of coming into Maine, there is no need to quarantine for 14 days.  Unless you live in NH or VT, then you're welcome to come without a quarantine or test.  Not sure how any of that is getting enforced but that is the new rule.  Think I heard NH and VT were following the same or similar guideline."


Surprisingly, New Hampshire and Vermont have applied reciprocity; however, I believe the concern of all three northern most New England states are worried about Massachusetts (Boston), New York (New York) and to a lesser extent Connecticut and New Jersey.


Being honest, we have not witness much adherence to the 14-day self quarantine requirement. 


Examples: most traffic into the state make their 1st stop at New Hampshire's massive on-highway state liquor stores; the 2nd stop is at a supermarket/grocery store and 3rd seating at the outdoor dining restaurants.  



Edited by Formula280SS
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1 hour ago, Formula280SS said:


Thank you for your health care nurse during these unprecedented (in modern) times.  My #3 sons' wife is a DPT in a large DC hospital and, now 6 months pregnant, has been working overtime.  As the C-19 first phase of the pandemic appears to be at hand for now, we are all now challenged with addressing another serious, and emotionally draining experience; piled right on after C-19 without a chance to catch one's breath.  Again, thank you.


Like others, we too are trapped, although recently retired and can't have our older grand kids (8 & 6) to take to Disney then to NH for the summer, can't visit son in Boston or son, pregnant wife, 27 MO, in Maryland as we don't know if we're contagious or they are and airline flight is out of the question for the foreseeable future.


Hopefully, like the following poster, you can find that 'escape place that you can get to.  You deserve it.


We will all cruise again some day.



We've been back in NH (Lake Winnipesaukee) since we "fled" Florida (Hutchinson Island South, Stuart FL) in late March primarily afraid that state lines would be closed for traffic and we wouldn't be able to get home.  Our state was not "broad brushed" shut down; almost 11 pages of essential businesses, but caution with our proximity to Boston.  We are opening up quite a bit, however, some southeast counties are behind a phase due to # of cases; yet, here too, primarily nursing homes and related elderly care facilities, and the very elderly or others with high levels of underlying risk conditions (and yes, there are others outside of that demographic, but it is very remote).


I don't know where you are headed, so generally from the Lakes Region up through the White Mountains are essentially (or soon to be) totally open, including golf, restaurants (outside or TO, inside soon) and hotels with guidance.  There are a lot of influx on the weekends (now expanded to late Thursday to early Monday for some) so if your are AirBNB or similar, bring groceries or plan to shop mid-week; the weekends find the grocery stores overwhelmed.  There is "curb side" by almost every business in most industries and it runs really well.


Also, your timing will be great re: allergies as the pine pollen is moving in now and will be the last spring heavy pollen and the waters and weather are warming up.  Hope that you have great weather.


Thanks for the info, we are headed to Jackson. Over the years we have spent a lot of time in the area. We were just there back in February for a week of skiing. Will be hiking, biking and eating Lol. And yes hopefully everything will be fully open when we arrive. Lake Winni is great, spent a lot of time in Meredith, my company uses Vutek Digital printers and they were headquartered in Meredith

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23 minutes ago, Formula280SS said:


Examples: most traffic into the state make their 1st stop at New Hampshire's massive on-highway state liquor stores; the 2nd stop is at a supermarket/grocery store and 3rd seating at the outdoor dining restaurants.  



LOL, our first stop in NH is the State Liquor store on 93 just north of Manchester. They have a great selection of wine. Not as good as Total Wine but pretty darn good



New Hampshire is actually a horrible place, don't bother going, its very expensive to stay and not much to see

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12 minutes ago, Laszlo said:


Thanks for the info, we are headed to Jackson. Over the years we have spent a lot of time in the area. We were just there back in February for a week of skiing. Will be hiking, biking and eating Lol. And yes hopefully everything will be fully open when we arrive. Lake Winni is great, spent a lot of time in Meredith, my company uses Vutek Digital printers and they were headquartered in Meredith


It's nice up there in Jackson, Conway area.  About 8 years ago our youngest son married at a destination wedding at the White Mountain Hotel (we had almost the entire resort booked for weekend), played golf, climbed road to ledges and jumped off bridge in to river with the youngsters.  Yes, the whole area is perfect for hiking, biking and EATING.


Meredith is our neighbor, we're on Center Harbor Bay just half mile from where Mount Washington winters, looking right across lake to Gunstock Ski and Summer Mountain (worth the stop if you have been there).  Also, remember Vutek really well; quite a success story.


10 minutes ago, Laszlo said:

LOL, our first stop in NH is the State Liquor store on 93 just north of Manchester. They have a great selection of wine. Not as good as Total Wine but pretty darn good


Yep and yep.  We found TOTAL WINE when we started to winter on Hutchinson Island South, Stuart, FL; it "is" quite a liquor and wine store" with incredible selection, knowledgeable staff in the aisles and decent pricing.

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It was sad for the area to loose Vutek to Manchester. I would fly up a few times a year, I almost took a job with them about 15 years ago. Still kick myself from time to time.  We will wave as we drive by you in Center Harbor after we pick up some wine and make a stop at The Wine'ing Butcher Market to pick up about 10lbs of Beef Tips Lol

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13 hours ago, stefmaia said:

... I am tired. I am a nurse and I work hard. Recently I have been working harder, so much so that I cry a lot ...  I need some joy, some sunshine, some me-time in my life ... 


Greetings from NYC and thank you for sharing, absolutely zero need to be excused.  Healthcare personnel, especially nursing staff around the world, earned the salute, respect and caring love in these exceptional time.  It is absolutely critical, vital to take care of yourself and to uphold your mind, spirit while doing all you can for the physical well-being, including full access to & use of the proper level of PPE at all times.  Do not overlook your own emotional well-beings and it is okay to cry, to be in touch with inner feelings and to grief for the losses, despite giving it all and then some.  


Take time off for yourself, off the grids, tune to a different news channel - a change of scenery can be nearby, treat yourself and those with you to a nice retreat, perhaps at the next county over for a weekend when cruising is out of the question now.  Book a nice hotel suite and use that as your oasis - here, many of the hotel groups are offered ultra-special discounts and recognition to healthcare personnel, ask - find - use it for a little pampering.  If nursing and time-off/vacation schedule are back to normal now, find the opening and make use of it.   Then, you can come up freshly & recharged, and ready to face the challenges ahead, as some of us know ... the new wave is en route, just a matter of time.

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Out of state and heading to Vermont, restrictions and quarantine measures are still in place for residents of states like NY, we cannot book online ahead and must call to reserve (although we can see pricing and available discounts).  Our staycation this Fall in the countryside had been booked on the NY side, across the lakes from/to Vermont - not sure if we are going to bother to change it across the stateline later on.  

The details for Vermont is below: 


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4 hours ago, Formula280SS said:


Being honest, we have not witness much adherence to the 14-day self quarantine requirement. 


Examples: most traffic into the state make their 1st stop at New Hampshire's massive on-highway state liquor stores; the 2nd stop is at a supermarket/grocery store and 3rd seating at the outdoor dining restaurants.  




Neither have we. 


I work for a retail building supply company.  A few weeks ago a couple from Mass. came into the store to pick up lumber, sheetrock, and misc stuff.  Told us they were going to quarantine after getting supplies for their camp remodel project.  This way they had something to do during those 14 days.  Also, I've had a few friends who have come up for day trips to the beach from southern New England.  It's really not an enforceable rule.

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