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Come sail with me on a virtual cruise on Majestic Princess to Fiji!


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Here is my reply on methyphobia. It is a phobia/fear/dislike of alcohol. The methyl +phobia make this  obvious.

Glad I do not have methylphobia as I like a glass of wine now and then.

Ellie-one of our cats is diabetic and we have spent considerable time talking to our vet on what/what not to feed him.

Obviously, sweets are out!

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Formal Night


After our 3.00 pm Trivia, we make our way down to the Concerto Dining Room for afternoon tea. This is served from 3.30 - 4.30.


We finish in time to join our trivia mates for the 4.30 Music Trivia session, which is about music of the eighties. We don’t do very well, but our team is younger and much more knowledgeable, so we don’t feel too bad about our lack of musical expertise.


Tonight is Formal Night, and so we need to get ready, so it’s back down to the cabin we go. It’s the Champagne waterfall in the piazza, at 7.00 but we’ve seen it many times so we give it a miss. It’s an iconic feature of Princess and people seem to like it. 


Tonight’s entertainment in the theatre is Catherine Alcorn, and there is an Encore Comedy Showtime with Simon McKinney in the Vista Gaming Lounge. Catherine Alcorn is an Australian singer, who is a Bette Middler tribute act. She is pretty full on, and has a powerful voice but I have to admit we were not very keen on the act.


The Princess Theatre


Entrance to lower level of Princess Theatre, via deck 6









And if you aren’t exhausted by all that there is the Battle of the Sexes Gameshow in Princess Live at 10.30.


But I’m sure you can guess what we do now? Yes, it’s our nightly cup of tea in the buffet before a bath and bed. We have a busy day tomorrow as it’s our first port, Lifou.‘


Hope you’ve enjoyed your sea day, and we wish you a very restful goodnight!


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3 minutes ago, ellie1145 said:

We finish in time to join our trivia mates for the 4.30 Music Trivia session, which is about music of the eighties. We don’t do very well, but our team is younger and much more knowledgeable, so we don’t feel too bad about our lack of musical expertise.!



Ahh, now 80s music is our favourite topic for trivia and we often win with that - that as well as Movie Posters and Logos! General knowledge - not so good - we always say our ideal team would include Americans, Canadians and Brits/Aussies but it's so hard to find the right people.


Loving the cruise so far and the entertainment details. A specific question for you Ellie - did you see anything in the patters about booking the Karaoke Rooms or have they ceased operation while down under?  I'm usually like a rabbit in headlights singing in public but we had great fun in a room with some friends in the last days of our Med inaugural  cruise - but I know some of these had been re-purposed



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19 minutes ago, Loucat said:

I will take a shot at the oldest recipe as hops must be involved. What about beer? Is that one of the older recipes?


Wow! Well done Loucat! You are absolutely correct. It is beer, although there are other possible answers such as bread. Pity we didn’t have you on our team!


You also have the correct answer to methylphobia, which is indeed a fear of alcohol, something quite unknown on a cruise ship....


All those who took part will receive their prize of a super powered, Mini, collapsible, Votex vacuum cleaner, small enough to fit in your handbag or pocket which is winging its way to you via Amazon [the river, of course).


The answers are as follows:


1. Cats cannot detect sweet.

2.  Methylphobia is a fear of alcohol.

3.  Harry Potter lives at 4 Privet Drive

4.  The oldest recorded recipe is beer.


Progressive Trivia

1.  Chelonia Midas is the scientific name of the green sea turtle.

2.   Z is in the middle of Venezuela.


Well done, everyone!

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2 minutes ago, dides said:


Ahh, now 80s music is our favourite topic for trivia and we often win with that - that as well as Movie Posters and Logos! General knowledge - not so good - we always say our ideal team would include Americans, Canadians and Brits/Aussies but it's so hard to find the right people.


Loving the cruise so far and the entertainment details. A specific question for you Ellie - did you see anything in the patters about booking the Karaoke Rooms or have they ceased operation while down under?  I'm usually like a rabbit in headlights singing in public but we had great fun in a room with some friends in the last days of our Med inaugural  cruise - but I know some of these had been re-purposed




I’m always very impressed when people know different genres of music, Sandra,  particularly the disco music, which I’m afraid often sounds the same to me, Burn Baby Burn!


I did not see anything about the karaoke rooms in the Patter, but I will scan them again and let your know. I believe all but one of the karaoke rooms was got rid of once it reverted to cruising out of Australia. 


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I cannot wait to use my super powered, Mini, collapsible, Votex vacuum cleaner, small enough to fit in my handbag or pocket.

I can start using it by vacuuming out my handbag. 

Will have to fly to the Amazon to collect it though. I wonder if they let Americans in the region, even if I wear a mask 😻

I could wear a cat mask! That should work.

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7 hours ago, Loucat said:

I cannot wait to use my super powered, Mini, collapsible, Votex vacuum cleaner, small enough to fit in my handbag or pocket.

I can start using it by vacuuming out my handbag. 

Will have to fly to the Amazon to collect it though. I wonder if they let Americans in the region, even if I wear a mask 😻

I could wear a cat mask! That should work.


Goof thinking, Loucat! A cat mask sounds perfect. 


i am sure that you will find your Vortex vacuum cleaner an absolute boon. Particularly for hoovering out your handbag. I use mine all the time for that...🙀

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6 hours ago, JF - retired RRT said:


A factoid about chocolate, it's poisonous to dogs. Don't let them have it no matter how much they beg.


Good heavens, I had no idea. Good job I don’t have a dog (or a cat) as I might have killed it with kindness by mistake. 🙀 Thank you for that information. 👍

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Dinner - Sunday 20th October



I forgot to post photos of our dinner so here they are. Unfortunately, I also forgot to photograph the main menu.


I choose a fruit plate as a starter, DH declines a starter. 




DH chooses fish, as usual.


The beef was good, as was the baked potato. Extra steamed vegetables came separately.



The crowning glory and one of my favourite desserts, the Chocolate Hazelnut Bar with Citrus Cream. It is so pretty to look at, and quite delicious.







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Our First Pacific Island - Lifou





During the night Majestic Princess sailed round Ile des Pines, and headed towards Lifou, dropping anchor at 08.42. Apparently, she paid out 6 shackles of anchor cable, not to be confused with a sheckle, and as a shackle is 27.5 metres it means that the cable must be 165ft long - quite a depth!


It’s sunny with light clouds, and the temperature is 26 degrees C (79 degrees F) with a south easterly wind force 5.




Today we must tender in to our first port. Tender operations start at 09.00 hours and the last shuttle leaves Lifou at 17.00, so make sure you get back in time. We don’t want to leave any of you Cruising Adventurers behind, now do we?




Tendering is very well organised and guests assemble in the Symphony Dining room once their whole party is ready, and here they are issued with a water shuttle ticket. The staff then direct groups to the tenders. Suite and Elite guests assemble in the Harmony Restaurant.

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Lifou is the largest and most populous island of the Loyalty Islands, and tourism is important to the islanders.




The ship will call in at Easo, where there is a new tender jetty, as all cruise ships must anchor offshore. Lifou is a French speaking island, as it is an overseas territory of France. Whilst it produces such things as yams, copra and bananas, it also produces wonderful vanilla and there is a tour available to visit the vanilla farm nearby.


You can  climb up to this church on the top of the cliff.










It’s a beautiful morning as we arrive at Lifou. We get breakfast, and then collect our beach bits from the cabin before popping up to take part in the early Trivia.


We make our way to the Harmony restaurant opposite the customer service desk, where we ‘Elites’ assemble to be taken down to the boats. One of the perks is that we get priority boarding, which is quite nice, but not as good as it sounds.


In actual fact we don’t go down to the tender station wearing an ‘I’M ELITE’

t-shirt and shout ‘I’m Elite! I demand to go first! Out of the way!’


What happens, in reality, is that we just miss out having to get tender tickets and go straight to the tenders, joining everyone else In the queue. I think most of us just try to fade into the background in case anyone objects.


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Bring Your Water Shoes, and remember not to sit under a coconut tree...





The tenders are busy but it’s a beautiful journey over to the island in the sunshine. Since we were last here they have built a very long new jetty (plus a second new jetty) where the tender pulls in before expelling its passengers.





The water looks as if it is full of seaweed, but it was just in this corner and was not a problem at all.








The beach is right in front of us, and there is a path leading up to some stalls, and a car park where excursion coaches wait.


Last time we were here we took a ship’s tour, because we hadn’t been there before and we weren’t sure what to do. We were taken by coach to Luengoni beach, but it wasn’t very successful as the weather was not good and we had rain on the way. The beach was disappointing as the sea was quite rough that day, and there was a lot of plastic detritus on the sand, but perhaps we were just unlucky that day. Had the sea been calmer and the weather sunnier I may well have loved it. 


There are a few tours available such as the vanilla plantation, and Jokin Cliffs, where snorkelling is apparently very good. However, be aware that if you want to snorkel at the Cliffs you will need to book a ticket onboard ship, as they limit the number of people in the water at one time. As far as we are aware, it’s not possible to do your own tour of the island. Anyway, we didn't try.




Instead, we decide to simply plonk ourselves on the beach by the jetty. Its a sandy beach, with plenty of shade, so we walk along and find a shady spot to put our towels on.







I can’t wait to get in the sea, and as I have my swimming costume on already, I am soon luxuriating in the wonderful warm and crystal clear water.


I love swimming, although DH can’t swim, so he generally becomes the ‘bag man.’ The sand is soft and warm and I swim for an hour or so. The water shoes are useful as the beach has some sharp coral. I bought mine from Walmart in Florida and they were ridiculously cheap and really very good. I found them invaluable, especially in Vanuatu. 



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Majestic Princess at anchor offshore



Majestic Princess is a beautiful sight in the sunshine


There are two new boat docks here now, for the tenders to use. 




The second jetty appears to be a popular place for the locals to have fun in the water.




Kids are the same all over the world, if they can push their friends in the water they will!




There is a path leading up from the beach, past a few stalls, to where the coaches are parked, ready for ship's tours. 



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For all you dog lovers....




There are some dogs on the beach, wandering about or sleeping in the sunshine. They look in pretty good condition, and don't bother anyone.


The ship looks magnificent as she gently stirs at anchor. The little tenders are backwards and forwards the whole time. It's a well oiled machine, and highly efficient.













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🎵  'Don't sit under the coconut tree with anyone else but me..'  🎵

                      (with apologies to Glen Miller and the Andrews Sisters)




After my swim I enjoy a walk down the beach, stopping to pick up a few shells on the way. It’s not too crowded so it's paradise. 




















Majestic Princess gently moves at anchor, and the tenders chug backwards and forwards. I love watching them.











Then DH manages to have a paddle, while I sit in the shade and read my kindle. This is the life!



Sorry about these repeats, can't seem to delete them! ☹️

















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Wow I love swimming too! Did you see me in the water? I love snorkelling so I would have had my full face mask on that I got for the Caribbean last year, no need to breathe through a mouthpiece it’s just like a transparent face mask I got lots of swimmers asking me about it. Come to think of it , might look it out for the shopping! 

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8 minutes ago, winifred said:

Wow I love swimming too! Did you see me in the water? I love snorkelling so I would have had my full face mask on that I got for the Caribbean last year, no need to breathe through a mouthpiece it’s just like a transparent face mask I got lots of swimmers asking me about it. Come to think of it , might look it out for the shopping! 


I certainly did, Winifred! Your doggy paddle has to be seen to be believed! 🤣


It’s a great place for snorkelling so they say. That mask sounds good, may I ask where you got it from? I’m always put off snorkelling by the mouthpiece, so that sounds brilliant. 


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2 hours ago, ellie1145 said:

🎵  'Don't sit under the coconut tree with anyone else but me..'  🎵

                      (with apologies to Glen Miller and the Andrews Sisters)


After my swim I enjoy a walk down the beach, stopping to pick up a few shells on the way. It’s not too crowded so it's paradise. 





Sorry about these repeats, can't seem to delete them! ☹️

Ellie: right click on a picture you want to delete, it will turn blue. Then backspace, it will go away.

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ellie I just got it from Amazon. Its so good!  Sorry that couldn't have been me you saw I'm more dolphin like than doggy,  I am so fast I  would have been a blur! I could give those tenders a race for their money 🤣

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1 hour ago, winifred said:

ellie I just got it from Amazon. Its so good!  Sorry that couldn't have been me you saw I'm more dolphin like than doggy,  I am so fast I  would have been a blur! I could give those tenders a race for their money 🤣

Wow Winifred, that’s amazing. 

Glad the Vortex arrived. you will wonder how you ever did without it. (Dude, looks like a lady...) 🤣




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All too soon it's time to make our way back to the ship for afternoon tea. We walk back along the path to the jetty, where there are cold face cloths and iced water to cool us down.




There’s quite a queue, but it doesn’t take long until our tender arrives and we climb aboard for our journey back to the ship. 




It takes a while to fill the tender, but I am amused when I notice a little group of local children enjoying jumping off the unused jetty into the water. They are having such fun, teasing each other, and spurring each other on to jump in the water.


I look back at the waves lapping gently onto the beach and wave goodbye to Lifou. Maybe one day we will be lucky enough to return.

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