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Thoughts about cruising now with so much virus around- why or why not?


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35 minutes ago, ECCruise said:

I knew about the YYYY-MM-DD which I thought was the default, but my post was confusing since it made it sound like you used our system, which you don't.  Watch out or I will say Canada uses our hodgepodge Imperial weights and measurement system.  🙄

LOL. Those of us of a certain age still think in Imperial at times, even after making the switch to metric many years ago. I'm quite happy about a litre being a litre while a gallon could be a "real" gallon or a US gallon! :classic_unsure:

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1 minute ago, Fouremco said:

LOL. Those of us of a certain age still think in Imperial at times, even after making the switch to metric many years ago. I'm quite happy about a litre being a litre while a gallon could be a "real" gallon or a US gallon! :classic_unsure:

Too funny!  From the time I was in the 4th grade, 1968(?) they started teaching us the metric system.  Said now children you must learn this, in just a few short years the US will be converting to the metric system to keep pace with most of the world.  Fast forward to 2021, I still pump my gas in gallons, I measure in feet and inches, but for the life of me I can't figure out why I buy Coke by the litre?

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14 minutes ago, LGW59 said:

Agree, folks who seem to focus on getting the vaccine so they can cruise or vacation in 2021...SMH.  While I won't get on a ship w/o the vaccine, it surely is not the reason I will take it when I am allowed.  I'm thinking more for riding the subway again to work, sitting in my office with co-workers, going to my kids house for dinner or to watch a game etc.  

I couldn't agree more. There are many reasons why I will be happy to finally get my vaccination many months from now, but cruising is far down the list. 

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3 hours ago, sanger727 said:

referring to posters like 4774papa who stated that he had to call every day but was able to get in for a vaccine for the 65+ age group and now are expecting to take his trips this year. 

ive seen this sentiment but other posters on other threads. 

in Ohio, police were originally supposed to be in group 1b, and get it after medical personnel and firefighters. Now our governor has pushed police back down the police in favor of bringing up teachers and 65+. And then people who are 65 turn around and excited to get it so they can take their planned summer vacation. 




Thanks for sharing your feelings with us here.  It is a complicated and frustrating time to say the least. Some of my own frustrations have come across in some of my recent posts about the slow vaccine rollouts.  Perhaps those receiving the vaccine or in line to receive it soon will understand that many more of us still have many months to go.  But I still welcome their enthusiasm even if it does not come across as such to some.   For me it makes it real that the vaccine is coming! I think it is overall not boasting but just happiness after the year of gloom and doom called 2020.  I am last in our state's priority ranking (healthy 18-64 age group) and have no occupational requirement to get a vaccine sooner.  So I will wait.  There are so many with my situation.  I want a vaccine to feel safe, see my kids and relatives, dine out, and a whole host of other reasons before travel and cruising.  But I am looking forward to that too.  I do not resent those ahead of me in line at all.  If it helps them move on to a more normal life (like vacations at some point) that is what it is all about.  

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The reason I am on these boards is that I love exploring new worlds. I love travelling and cruising like all of you, I have actually retired with the intent of travelling a bit. 


These days, in my province, I am experiencing because of Covid, something historic that never occurred before, not even during World War 1 or 2: A curfew!!!


Part of my desire to travel, is to meet new people, new cultures, to taste different cuisines and to enjoy good moments. 


Covid has thought me that I don’t enjoy wearing a mask.... yet, it may have saved my wife’s life who is an early childhood educator in a class which had Covid. Therefore, I am OK wearing a mask at home or while travelling. Restrictions preventing me to see my adult children and my first grandchild are much more difficult to handle than having to wear a mas! 


If I don’t like our restrictions, I understand them and fully support them. In our province, medical personnel is soooo challenged with dealing with Covid, it’s uncanny. A 35 years old female emergency doctor just committed suicide... Sooo sad! 


Covid is a.... new and bizarre thing for me to understand. If elder citizens seems to be more at risk to suffer fatal complications; when it comes to younger people, it almost feels like an infernal lottery. The majority seems to only have minor symptoms, while some young people suffer fatal or permanent adverse complications.


In Summary, cruising or travelling has to be fun, interesting, and helping me to discover new realities.


We have a cruise booked in May 2021. Four out of six members of our group have already signified their cancelling intent. For my wife and I, our analysis is that there is quite a bit of risk regarding that cruise, including, presence of extreme formalities and requirements, increased level of health risk etc.  This makes it very difficult to justify spending thousands of dollars, for an experience, that would be likely anything but fun. So, sadly, we will cancel that cruise too.


My hopes are now pushed back to 2022. I understand that people not taking Covid seriously worldwide: not using masks, not social distancing or refusing vaccination could contribute to extend the lifetime of Covid and create dire travelling conditions even in 2022 or further. So, the case occurring, we may have to push future cruise travel further.


This said, I am still keeping my fingers crossed for 2022, my hopes up for travel opportunities and for the best, human kind can become! I believe that humans will finally agree to take common actions to beat Covid! 



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11 hours ago, iancal said:

Not for us.  Do not really care if others do since it in no way impacts me.


We do not think that cruises will resume any time soon.  The current covid numbers tell the story.


 We are not interested in Caribbean cruises or for that matter any travel to the US.  Do not think that Canadian ports will be open this summer.  Doubt very much whether Europe will be open either.  Aus/NZ definitely will not be open.

I’m wondering if cruises might start up in Australia/New Zealand this year for citizens of those countries only since they have the virus under control?

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20 hours ago, sanger727 said:

Getting slightly resentful reading this thread while people with people who are boasting about getting the vaccine in time to take their trip. I have a job where we had no work from home option and are exposed to tons of people, including those with covid, every day to keep society functioning.  Unlike a lot of people on this forum, we don't have the option of sitting at home and only venturing out a couple times a week to get groceries/pharmacies.  And because of the increased risk we have HAD to take, people have been catching covid left and right at work. Several seriously ill/hospitalized but luckily no deaths.... yet...  Glad to hear our vaccines have been put on the back burner so you can take your trips....


These are hard times and people need something that will give them hope and help them hang on to their dreams which they want to share with others. I would not call that boasting, just trying to stay sane.

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I think everyone's perspective of this is based on where they live and how the local area is handling everything.  I had to drive from DC to TX for an unplanned trip in mid-December.  It was shocking to me to see how carefree everyone in TX was being versus in DC.  Shopping malls and restaurants were full.  Lots of people not wearing masks everywhere I went.  Even the people I know who were being "careful" were not really being that careful.  People in the DC area are not perfect by any stretch, but there is a greater emphasis from our local officials about masking and distancing and not gathering in groups.  There is a high percentage of people who are able to telework, so if you do have to go to an office, there aren't many people there.  Of course you see people not abiding by the guidelines, but the "whatever" attitude was much more pervasive in TX. 


Unfortunately that lax attitude in TX is driving up the numbers there.  My uncle succumbed to COVID yesterday after a very short bout; most of us in the family had no idea he was sick last weekend and now he's gone. They cannot plan a funeral because my aunt is also in the middle of her recovery, though she looks to not have had as severe of a case as him.  Nobody outside of the immediate family will be attending whatever service they do have because all of the older relatives are at high risk, and it's better to be safe than sorry. 


That is what it boils down to me re: going cruising or doing any sort of leisure travel in the short-term.  I cannot trust others to keep my safety in mind.  While there are things I can do to mitigate that, what kind of vacation would that really be?  Cruise ships are called "petri dishes" during the best of times.  It will be a while longer before I would be comfortable putting myself in that environment until the threat of this virus is lessened further.  If I am vaccinated early in the year (chances of that are good), I will still take precautions for the sake of others.  The promise of vaccines doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet.

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1 hour ago, WonderMan3 said:

I’m wondering if cruises might start up in Australia/New Zealand this year for citizens of those countries only since they have the virus under control?

I think that is possible.  Ponant are putting a ship here and doing cruises exclusively in NZ waters.  Sadly, a little too expensive for me.  I do know that Ponant are having to quarantine their crew in order to bring the ship in.   Those cruises won't be going between NZ and Aus though.  That border is still restricted.  I have also heard that Carnival are looking at doing Aus only cruises although I don't know too much about that. I believe there may be issues travelling between states but I'm sure an Aussie cruiser will know more about that than I do.

There are other countries that have the virus under control too, like Taiwan.  


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4 hours ago, WonderMan3 said:

I’m wondering if cruises might start up in Australia/New Zealand this year for citizens of those countries only since they have the virus under control?


We hope so but it will still be months away. A fair chunk of people will not be vaccinated before about July/August and assuming a vaccination will be compulsory to cruise and fly, I can't see any cruises before then.

Our last cruise was to NZ and we have other cruise preferences in the future but if an Australia to NZ cruise was an option first, then we would be off like a shot.

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20 hours ago, ipeeinthepool said:

The Cayman Islands don't expect cruising to return this year.



I read that article and the comment section, then another linked article and comments.  It appears that many locals do not want the cruiseships to return, much like Key West.  There were suggestions that overnight guests bring more money, so an increase in condominiums and all inclusive resorts would be better.  Many were also concerned about the ecology of the waters, and especially disliked Carnival cruises.  The media seems to be perpetuating the petri dish idea about cruise ships.  Also, the cruise lines are saying the Caymans will be in the iteneraries, but Cayman authorities have not said when or if they will allow ships back.

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We will sail as soon as we are both vaccinated (with a high-efficacy vaccine). We are 64 and 59, which puts us in the 16 to 64 age group, which will be the last group to be vaccinated. We are scheduled on the Equinox for November 19, 2021, with final payment due in August. The way the rollout is going I am not confident we will be vaccinated by the time final payment is due. In that case, we'll cancel. We tried to "lift and shift" to the same ship and itinerary for April 2022, but we were told our only option was to cancel the November cruise and book the April 2022 cruise at current rates, which is 33 percent higher than our current rate. I told the CVP if I have to pay that much I'll just sail on Viking. But we ended up booking a cruise on the Millennium for April 2022 and are keeping our current Equinox booking for now. The April 2022 Millennium rate was much better than the Equinox in the same month, and we've never been on an M-class ship so we're excited about it. In 2023, we are so far only booked on a new Carnival ship (Celebration, currently under construction). it will be our first time on that cruise line in 12 years but it was a great deal. 

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13 minutes ago, MarkWiltonM said:

We will sail as soon as we are both vaccinated (with a high-efficacy vaccine). We are 64 and 59, which puts us in the 16 to 64 age group, which will be the last group to be vaccinated. We are scheduled on the Equinox for November 19, 2021, with final payment due in August. The way the rollout is going I am not confident we will be vaccinated by the time final payment is due. In that case, we'll cancel. We tried to "lift and shift" to the same ship and itinerary for April 2022, but we were told our only option was to cancel the November cruise and book the April 2022 cruise at current rates, which is 33 percent higher than our current rate. I told the CVP if I have to pay that much I'll just sail on Viking. But we ended up booking a cruise on the Millennium for April 2022 and are keeping our current Equinox booking for now. The April 2022 Millennium rate was much better than the Equinox in the same month, and we've never been on an M-class ship so we're excited about it. In 2023, we are so far only booked on a new Carnival ship (Celebration, currently under construction). it will be our first time on that cruise line in 12 years but it was a great deal. 

Let's take a moment to fantasize that the J&J vaccine and the AZ vaccine get EUA's approved in the US by March sometime.  And Pfizer and Moderna keep pumping out vaccine doses.  And then along comes Novavax too.  Maybe not all so far-fetched.  So our states and federal governments just need to focus on getting their acts together on distribution, training and giving the shots in mass events maybe.  Is this too much to fantasize?  So cruises toward the end of 2021 might be going out.  I hope to make my cruise on Aug 26th.  Fingers crossed.

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1 hour ago, TeeRick said:

Let's take a moment to fantasize that the J&J vaccine and the AZ vaccine get EUA's approved in the US by March sometime.  And Pfizer and Moderna keep pumping out vaccine doses.  And then along comes Novavax too.  Maybe not all so far-fetched.  So our states and federal governments just need to focus on getting their acts together on distribution, training and giving the shots in mass events maybe.  Is this too much to fantasize?  So cruises toward the end of 2021 might be going out.  I hope to make my cruise on Aug 26th.  Fingers crossed.


Also with summer weather coming along.  Even without the other vaccine candidates, we have lots of allocation for the pfizer/moderna in the coming months.  I am moderately hopeful.

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1 hour ago, TeeRick said:

Let's take a moment to fantasize that the J&J vaccine and the AZ vaccine get EUA's approved in the US by March sometime.  And Pfizer and Moderna keep pumping out vaccine doses.  And then along comes Novavax too.  Maybe not all so far-fetched.  So our states and federal governments just need to focus on getting their acts together on distribution, training and giving the shots in mass events maybe.  Is this too much to fantasize?  So cruises toward the end of 2021 might be going out.  I hope to make my cruise on Aug 26th.  Fingers crossed.

Maybe the states should also start thinking about asking/authorizing the applicable pharmacy chains to get involved in giving the shots, especially if they are allowed to tack on an administration fee. 

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17 hours ago, Ken the cruiser said:

Maybe the states should also start thinking about asking/authorizing the applicable pharmacy chains to get involved in giving the shots, especially if they are allowed to tack on an administration fee. 

This will happen.  In addition to CVS and Walgreens who have contracts to go to Nursing homes.  But I have already received emails from them as well as from pharmacies in grocery stores saying that they will start vaccinating as soon as they are allowed.  The highly frustrating thing in my state (PA) as of today is that only 1/3 of the vaccines doses received have been used.  


CDC Vaccine tracker by state and by county:


https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_2067-DM46142&ACSTrackingLabel=What to Expect After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine | COVID-19&deliveryName=USCDC_2067-DM46142#vaccinations

Edited by TeeRick
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4 minutes ago, Ken the cruiser said:

This should be interesting if CDC recommends today that everyone over 65 can get a vaccine now.


Covid-19 Live Updates: Trump Administration Will Recommend Vaccinating All Americans Over 65 - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Unfortunately the entire thing still rests with the individual states no matter what the CDC recommends.

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On 1/8/2021 at 1:48 PM, PTC DAWG said:

Either the vaccine works or not, what's the point if you still have to mask up like a bank robber everywhere you go if you've taken the vaccine...

Absolutely! Besides, I don't get how no one even mentioning a lack of oxygen we get with this on-going masquerade (eventually, it will be sick global society because of that, definitely much more sick than introduced and have been pushing it for last 12 months by a group of bended controllers and promoted and forced upon by local tsars!!!).  To controll and punish those who refuse to be controlled is the worst social element in our life (I know that by first hand for the first 31 years of my life).

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On 1/11/2021 at 2:46 AM, onlyslightlymad said:

from I think that is possible.  Ponant are putting a ship here and doing cruises exclusively in NZ waters.  Sadly, a little too expensive for me.  I do know that Ponant are having to quarantine their crew in order to bring the ship in.   Those cruises won't be going between NZ and Aus though.  That border is still restricted.  I have also heard that Carnival are looking at doing Aus only cruises although I don't know too much about that. I believe there may be issues travelling between states but I'm sure an Aussie cruiser will know more about that than I do.

There are other countries that have the virus under control too, like Taiwan.  


We stuck on the Ponant Le Soleal March 8-24, 2020 Easter Island - Tahiti cruise.  It was the best experience for us (from 30+ cruises) regardless of not being able to stop at any port of call.  It was our first cruise with the Ponant, and world craziness didn't stop us from enjoying it to full extend! The ship captain, doctor and the rest of crew were amazing.

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