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2-24-21 Thursday Weigh-In---Last Weigh-In of February---Next One Will Be In March


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Can you believe February is over so soon

Next weigh-in March 4th before noon


Did you end the month with a loss or stay the same

Sometimes our scale wants to play games


Sorry if you had a gain

You know you can get off without pain (ok a little pain)


Know the world at this time is giving us a test

All we can do is give it our best


Don't give up if you don't lose fast

Us slow loser's will lose too--fast or slow loss's--just make them last


Exercise and try to eat healthy as we can each day

WE will LOSE either fast or slow in our own way


So wake up with a smile:classic_smile:

And maybe walk a mile🏃‍♀️









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Belle - thanks for the poem. I was down from the start of the month. 


Ombud - from the last week's thread - no, I don't have to make new display cakes for each open house. I made the one in my photo last June and it's sitting in my guest room closet. Fondant and even buttercream displays will keep for years if they are stored in a dark, cool place. The icing dries out and gets hard. What I usually do is make a new cake when I'm invited to a styled shoot that goes with the photographer's vision, and then I add it to my collection for open houses. I had a few extra and let a couple venues keep them on display so brides could see what a cake looks like in their space - kind of like staging a house that's for sale. I didn't consider that the venues turn off the AC when they aren't giving tours or having an event, so the fondant started to age really fast in the heat and humidity - the white fondant started to turn yellowish and the colors on them were fading. I'm keeping all my fondant displays at home now, and replacing the venue display cakes with ones I've covered in joint compound which looks like buttercream. 


I'm down 2 pounds for the week. 

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HI all!


melmar02 ~ WTG with that loss!


Belle ~ thanks for starting the thread with that great message.


I'm down 0.8 so right on 170. Guess no chips or extra chocolate helps!


Have a good day & stay safe. I'm off to an appointment then searching for a new toaster oven.

Hope I can decide from all the choices available.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Congrats Mel & Jo on your loses.  I am not dieting at this time (which means I'm starting to shovel food in my mouth!!!!).


Somehow I am down 0.6# - but, it is the same weight going either up or down each week.  I am truly hoping that I will get some motivation to start really watching my intake.  I also need to find some sort of project around the house to start.  Much to much snow outside for any yard work.  I would love to re-do our upstairs bathroom .... but DH just looks at me like a deer caught in headlights!!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Jan

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Congrats everyone on the successful weighins!  My first week was a little disappointing for a first week but I am down 1.5.  Hey, I'll take it.  It just tells me I have to do better this week.  Our weather is beautiful this week and being outside always helps.  Went walking this morning.  The older I get the harder it is to loose so I have got to be more active.  Hope everyone has a nice week coming up......Susan

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Belle great start to the week.   Sorry I’m breaking the great loosing streak everyone recorded.  I’m up 0.6, better than the 4 lbs earlier this week.  I did reach my months goal of 5 lbs ( actually 5.2).   Hopefully will be in the 150’s club by the end of March.   

Back on my walking routine  2x day  total of 5 miles.  Have been working on the yard (I like to play in the dirt).  I wasn’t thinking when I was clearing out the flower beds and rested my right hand on a fire ant nest.  Have about 30 bites on hand and wrist ( used ammonia immediately which decreases the toxicity of the bites— still itches a lot) 


planning a trip to see a friend in Montana some time in July.  Probably check out Bozeman and Yellowstone.

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Jo - Congrats on the loss, and good luck with the toaster oven!


Jan - glad you're down this week. My motivation seems to come in cycles. I hope you find yours.  We're going to need new living room furniture soon. Our couch frame may be broken in one place, and the fabric is bare on one of the arms. We're not looking at anything though until the backyard is all put back together.


Diana - glad you lost the Valentines Day pound.


Susan - 1.5 is a great loss, even for a first week!


Izena - great job getting off so much of that gain! I'm hoping to be just a week or two behind you in the 150's club. So sorry about the fire ants. We don't have any mounds yet, but with the warmer weather and rain, I'm sure they'll start popping up next week.

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Susan and Izena, congrats on the losses and staying active. Getting enough activity is what I find so difficult this past year....


Mel, is your hubby done with quarantine and is he ok? Sorry if you talked about it and I missed it.


Speaking of exercise, today I'm weeding the front yard, trimming plants, etc. 


Take care, stay healthy, 



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Diana - Yes, he's fine. I even let him move back into our bedroom. 😄 We both got our first dose of the Phizer vaccine on Thursday. He had a little soreness in the arm on Friday, and I didn't have any side effects. I worked out out when we got home from our appointment, so I don't know if the increased blood flow helped with that or not. I hope your husband doesn't have any reactions to his today.


Belle - we've got rain through Tuesday, but nothing bad. Good nap weather!


We had a storm Thursday night and the wind damaged the roof of the wedding venue that is having the open house. They had just replaced it a couple months ago! It's supposed to rain the whole day of the open house, so they moved it out a couple weeks so the brides won't have to dodge drips from the ceiling. I'll take the free weekend!


I hope Rose, Ombud, and Holly are doing alright.

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HI all!


Izena ~ congrats! Nice to meet a milestone.


melmar02 ~ sounds like the right decision re the change of date for the open house.

We're having rain here today but don't know if it's the freezing kind or just the usual. Hope it's the latter & will melt the snow rather than coat it.


I've done something I never did before, booked 2 cruise for the same time, so will have to make a choice before final payment. Luckily the cruises aren't 'til Oct 2022.


Have a nice weekend & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Belle, hope you have a nice weekend.


Mel, thanks for the update. Glad your hubby is ok. Good the shot wasn't too bad. 


Izena, awesome on going to a smaller size.


Jo, nice to have a trip to look forward to.


I'll report on hubby's jab from later today. 


Take care, Diana

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I can't get motivated this week. It's one of our holidays and we locked down a week after it last year. Depressing


Mel, Jo, Diana, & Susan, great losses


Izena, congratulations on being out of size X (sidenote: how are you doing with rain? Heard there could be alot)


Jo, I've not booked 2 cruises at the same time but I've booked the same cruise 3 months apart hoping 1 will happen


Edited by Ombud
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Weight back up no change in diet.  I think I’m stuck on a plateau (161- 164), it is making me sad.  Going to stick with my current routine and try very hard not to get on the scales until last week of March.  

Ombud hope your feeling better.  Jo (2 cruises) not a bad idea.  Congratulations to all  Who are getting vaccine.


expecting thunderstorms tomorrow (yuck-  Jazzper hates storms he trembles, pants and wants to sit on my head -  found Richards pet calm helps but I triple the dose //Xanax doesn’t Work) 


working on road trips this year.  Fly to Montana in July for a week to see a Friend .   Billings, Bozeman and Yellowstone.    Possibly go see #1 son  in TN .  Then  drive through , Maryland, DE, RI, CT  (last 4 of continental US)



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Good Morning Everyone on the 1st day of March.


Hope everyone had a good weekend. Everyone must of been busy or just relaxing

only a few of you were talking. (I know I wasn't talking either)

This week coming is a sad week for me, just trying to think of the good memories.


My father's birthday was today and my half birthday, I got such a kick out that

when I was a child also that it made my birthday his half birthday.


March 5th is when my husband died six years ago. Trying to only think of the

good times and not when he was sick.  He was a wonderful and kind man.


My eating been so so, not good but not real bad. Had lunch with my daughter Friday.

Not weighing for a few days, know I've been snacking to much. 


How was your eating this weekend? Drinking enough water? Did you exercise?

I know I need to drink more water.  Exercising---didn't happen for me.


I'm wishing March will be good for everyone, that everyone on April 1st, will have a

loss from the month of March--31 days. (The 31st is Wed. and we weigh in the

next day--April 1st)  So we have 31 days to lose this month. Should have better

weather, maybe more exercise, maybe with being warmer ( we hope) we will

feel like drinking more water. We all know what we should eat or not eat, portion sizes---

We just have to do the right thing and it's hard at times but not impossible.


Wishing you a good week. Take care, stay safe.



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Belle - Seems like a difficult week for you, I am sorry - it does sound as if you have wonderful memories.  My oldest daughter and my youngest son have birthdays that fall on each others half birthdays - They always think it is great fun!  Hugs to you!


I've had an interesting week  I walked out my back door on my deck with my dog on Thursday ... didn't realize it was all ice - fell, but nothing is broken, I did mess my palm of my right hand and my left side back keeps catching - have a bruise on my hip ---  didn't hit my head though - I'm sore, today is going to be the first day I've driven since then as I haven't been able to grip with my hand.   Sometimes it isn't any fun being a klutz 


Hope everyone is having a good week.  Jan

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Happy March 1st, Spring right around the corner.......


Belle, sorry you're sad. Your dad and husband sound like lovely people. I think loss is amplified with the virus and all the changes it has posed to our lives. 


I'm glad you are able to see your daughter and saw her Friday, very comforting I know.


Hopefully the scale is nice to you.😊


Ombud, I know how you feel. Still we are not quite to the point of reopening anything. Close though.


Izena, hope you don't get too much rain. I think road trips are a good way to go for now. 


70's for us. Nice. Rain this weekend.


Have a good day, Diana





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Thank you Jan and Diana. Yes think with the virus and staying home

makes everything just... many words could describe how we all feel.


Jan so sorry you fell. How are you now? Feel better or worse? I hope better. Your 

not a klutz. It's the ice fault! What fun about your "kids" birthday.


Diana glad your husband the vaccine and will have the 2nd in 4 weeks.

Finally my daughter is getting her 1st Wed.  It open for food workers where she

works.  Then 3 weeks her 2nd,  So happy because with people everyday. A few

at the store has gotten the virus but thank goodness was never in contact with them

and they weren't with the customers either. Which is good.


I have Oct. cruises b2b to Europe because a Casino deal you have to pay when you book.

I paid and today get a bill and they want almost a $1000 ($500) a piece more for the

2nd cruise. What? It's a free room! We upgraded but paid it! So again I say WHAT?

Now have to deal with that.  Plus something else they did on another cruise have to figure

that out too. All the trouble and don't know if we're cruising. I hate dealing with people

on the phone you never know if getting someone that knows what their doing or just

taking space in a chair and you know more then they do. Does that sound harsh?

But it's true.


Jan, Diana and everyone hope you have a good Tuesday.



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Jan, you and I must have been posting st the same time. I didn't see your post until now.


So sorry to hear you fell. Darn ice. Glad the injuries were not too bad. Hope you're all better soon.


Belle, wow, great your daugter can get the vaccine. Glad she has been able to stay healthy.


I'll have to wait for the vaccine (because of my age), hopefully not more than a couple of months.


Sounds like your cruises are a bit of a money pain. After all that I hope they sail!


Not much new here. Same old......


Stay well everyone, Diana

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Hello to All


How is everyone doing dieting wise?  I'm trying to eat less snacks

even if they are good healthy snacks (some times not). Was up a little

so hoping at least a stay the same Wed.


How are you all doing? Your not talking to much. Come in and tell

us what your doing to eat less or better or do you think your doing fine.


Do you exercise or not? Do you think drinking water everyday helps like

they say?


Plus remember you can come in here everyday and talk about anything.

You know I do. Helps to vent, tell your feelings better then eating your feelings.

Only thing you get that way is weight gain!


Hope to see more of you in here today and your doing alright.

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Had lunch with son & granddaug.    Much accomplished-  theybrought and parked extra car in my driveway.  My son got into biking last year - the took my fairly new cannondale  bike  for their rides.  

Jan hope your feeling better.   I have developed a fear of falling.   Convinced I will break.   Will stick with walking for exercise.  

Jazzper news 

1.  he saw a cat today and sniffed it but didn’t bark or chase.

2.  Likes to get into brush at park.  Tends to bring home a tick.  Best easy removal of a tick is saturate it with alcohol. It does and will fall off  next day.  

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