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We take a leisurely breakfast again in the buffet.  Still miffed by last evenings meal, I say to OH – I want to make an official complaint.  I feel angry, this should not have happened.  So off to Guest Relations we head.  Quite a queue again but as well as the desk clerks, others are on hand in the line to whittle down and assist with minor queries.  When approached, within a few words, I was swiftly directed over to the desk.  I requested a meeting with the Food and Beverage manager.  She asked me for a few details so she could brief him, she even called him whilst we were there, but he was in a safety meeting and couldn’t come right at that moment. She tapped everything into her computer and arranged to contact us later saying she would ensure a meeting was arranged for us but in the meantime would we like to accept a complimentary meal in the Speciality Restaurant Sabatinis.  I said that would be acceptable but please make sure I see the F&B manager.  She also told us to take any bottle of wine from the menu at no charge.  TBH I wouldn’t really have chosen to dine here but thought well its an opportunity we have to try it and the offer of the wine although a nice gesture was worthless down to the fact we had a drinks package and could order as much wine as we could drink.

I also made it clear to her that she should contact us the old fashioned way and not leaving a chat message on the app as I didn’t use it and it didn’t work 50% of the time anyway.  She said if needed she would track me down with the medallion tracker and come find us personally but one way or another would sort something out.


Again we are out on deck, mildly warm with overcast skies. Pretty much the routine of yesterday, blog writing, people watching.  I am still perplexed with the app thingy. This morning it decides to lose the browser page that was set up.  It also decides we are no longer on a cruise when I tried to look for the Sabatinis menu – it said please revisit this page closer to your journey date!  Despite its still showing me as sailing and everything else.  I get bothered about this sort of thing as I don’t know if I am being charged for browsing or my provider thinks I am on Maritime charges, so to reassure myself I head off to the Ocean medallions desk.  He said I wasn’t being charged for anything but even the guy was perplexed by what he was seeing on my screen, so the Navigators Manager got involved. Even she didn’t know.  I moan about how stressful this app has been to people of my generation and even more so for those older than me.  I reiterate, not everyone has nor wants a new phone.  People of our generation are happy with a phone that does the basics, we are not like the teenagers who want the latest gadgets and versions and replace their phones every two years.  Quite often we have the kids hand me downs, we don’t want to spend £400 on a phone when we can buy one that does the job for £70 to £100, we don’t dispose of them and we keep them for 4 or 5 years.  But this app doesn’t work on Androids, it doesn’t work well on my SE IPhone, we find it challenging.  People of our age and generation are their core cruisers.  I am not going out to buy a new phone costing a fortune just so I can go on a cruise.  I rant on and on.  She said all this will be fed back to Head Office and they recognise its had its issue.  I said if this becomes mandatory they are going to lose a lot of customers.  I also ask why is it, I can have my phone on for two hours, with google maps open on a journey and my phone is just fine, but literally within a minute of this app being on, my phone gets so very hot.  Apparently its takes 2gb to work efficiently and so puts a lot of strain on the phone.  She asked me how we were getting on with ordering drinks – I said we haven’t, especially after watching all the other passengers waiting and moaning as it wasn’t communicating with the bars properly.  We are doing it old school and although still having to wait we are incurring far less problems than those who are using it.

On the subject of the medallion, I didn’t mention that it acts also as your cabin door key- when you are within a metre it registers and unlocks your door.  (It does this too if you happen to just simply pass by your door) like if you have taken a wrong turn up the corridor and do a reverse turn.  I did check though that its does lock itself I think after so many seconds.  One other thing though that we noticed today is that unlike the first two days where it unlocked as we approached we both have to put it right up to the door screen to make it operational, if this is how the batteries are running two days in, then I don’t know about on a longer journey!  Also aside your cabin door you have a screen and you can touch it to let the cabin attendant know if you want to be left alone or if you want the room servicing.


I feel I am having a catch up today trying to fill in a few gaps.  So the Emergency safety drill on embarkation day. Three stages;  Visit. Watch. Listen

Firstly go visit your muster station – it’s as simple as that anytime from when you board to the cut off time of 3.30.  You go to the muster station where a member of staff is on hand and they simply scan in your device and another member of staff says so this is where you come if there is an emergency, there is an entrance here or here.  Nothing else, just short simple as that.  Step 2 Is Watch.  Watch the emergency video in the comfort of your stateroom or on your app. For us it was the stateroom option and when you bring this up on the TV it knows exactly who is in the room because it picks up the tracker on your medallion and says you are here and gives you a green tick. So we took advantage and unpacked whilst watching.  Step3 – is listen to the brief announcement by the Captain who proceeds to sound the emergency signal so you know what to listen out for.

Now this is one step in a good direction.  So easy, but then I suppose I would say that as I have done this a hundred times over.  I do think for those less experienced a more in depth and comprehensive version should be administered.  As in physically make you put your life jacket on, get the strap adjusted to fit you – especially so if you have children.


Another lazy sea day, Buffet for lunch this time a nice curry and rice with poppadum’s and chutney, plenty of rest out on deck, more sunbathing (or is it cloud bathing lol)  Just happy to be able to be here.  Another swim and dip in the pool, more beer, more cocktails.  Although this afternoon the beverage service has diminished to near on non-existent, taking me over an hour trying to catch someone’s attention to the point I actually had to go and accost one of the waiters at the bar which was supposed to be out of bounds for passengers and then the order still took some 20 mins to finally arrive.

The cabin phone has been checked for messages and we have two voicemails, one saying we have a reservation at Sabatinis for 6.30 (me now realising she hadn’t asked us for a preferential time) and its far too early for us.  The second stating that the F&B Manager would meet us at 4.30 which for us was a good time as it around the time we usually depart the deck ready for a short siesta before dinner.


I glam up – I always think people react to you in different way according to how you dress, so no flimsy deck cover up, a proper smart pair of trousers and a blingy top, hair washed and styled I am ready for business.

He greets us at the said meeting point outside Sabatinis by reception and suggests we go up a deck to find somewhere quieter to sit and talk in the Club 6.  He apologies for not being able to shake hands etc and we sit down in the lounge with no one else around us. An English guy, very apologetic asks me to explain what happened.  I start by saying I have been cruising since the mid 1960’s – two or three cruises a year, so I will let you do the maths on that one (but its an awful lot of cruises) and can say in all honesty  This is by far the worst meal I have ever had on a cruise ship.  Wow, so would I like to go through things step by step and I reiterated over to him what I had experienced in the dining room the previous evening.  Unbelievable, yes unbelievable it is.  I don’t know what to say other than it will be investigated.  They have very stringent protocols, they work to a set standard, have checking procedures, even down to the presentation.  It shouldn’t have happened.  Well no it shouldn’t.  What was even more of concern to him was that this was over three completely separate stations.  He said he was embarrassed to hear this, I said I am embarrassed to be even having to tell you this.  Rest assured it would be dealt with. 

As he was the Food and Beverages manager, I also mentioned that I observe a lot and can see how undermanned they are, how they were obviously having issues with the app, particularly reading ordering drinks and how hard the staff were having to work.  He agreed, and said it was top of his priority list as many issues had been brought to his attention.  He had requested more staff and he finally got Head Office to agree to release some staff to him for a transfer over from sky Princess but still it wont be enough.  The problem has been the communication with the app devices as it wasn’t transmitting data through quickly enough and they also hadn’t factored in how the Brits have a different drinking pattern as in quantity and volume.  Ie We drink far more than the yanks, the Brits order in rounds rather than individually and the app wasn’t built to cope with this and is totally different pattern to the pretrials they did on one of the US Ships.  The devices they gave to the crew were not working properly either as he said you may have noticed they are having to use paper and pen.  I said yes I have noticed.

We then had a chat about how I hoped the Covid measures would not be the demise of cruising and fine dining as we know it as I am sure the Accountants will be rubbing their hands in glee realising how minimalistic they can get away with.  Think of all the buffet food waste they are saving on with serving it out, no-one is piling their plates up anymore.  The grandness will be taken out of the evening dining (For those that read my blog on warners – ( I think things like for example;  the proper large fine glasses being replaced with pub standard wine glasses), cut backs cut backs.

I ask out of interest how many passengers they have on board.  Its at 35% capacity which is around 1360 pax.  I am surprised, it doesn’t appear that ‘empty’  (My what is it like with 4000 I am thinking).  The crew have only had their first covid injection so in a couple or so weeks time and after they have all had their second jab, it is hoped that some of the more stringent covid restrictions will be lifted, like mask wearing and seating arrangements.  That’s good to know I thought.  He said he hoped we will enjoy our meal in Sabatinis and that the restaurant manager there is very good and will take good care of us he is sure.  Also if he find the time he will pop by and say hello.  Which I thought was very nice of him.  I thanked him for his time as I am sure it was very precious to him.  He apologised again saying it’s a shame and he knows it must be a disappointment as its one night that cant be replaced and he cant turn the clock back.

On returning to our cabin we have a delightful plate of Canapes with a message expressing their apologies for the previous evenings dining experience.  Perfect timing, as we had just stopped by one of the champagne bars in the atrium and had downed a very nice Aperol Spritz so this was a nice foodie chaser.



Dolled up again for our final evening on board. TBH not really sure if the menu suited our taste but happy to go along with it, we arrive at our newly settled time of 7.30pm for our Italian meal.  We were seated after a bit of confusion; were we booked in or not was there a table ready?  We were seated at a table for four set for two, amidst a few other diners.  Would we like a predinner drink we were asked, so I thought as ‘we were in Italy’ so to speak that it might be nice to have an Aperol Spritz, OH joined me.  The bread rolls eventually arrived along with some virgin olive oil drizzle and balsamic vinegar and he took our orders for the meal after explaining the menu and said the pre antipasti house dish was a complimentary selection of zonzelle, red pepper and tomato passata and prosciutto.  This took half an hour to arrive.  It was nice and relaxed although we did think how long is this all going to take, I actually thought this is nice, nice ambiance, nice soft background italian music, it does feel like a fine dining experience. But then it started No, No tablea 33 over here please, Ahh No no it must be 36 ah please please, here go….the Manager ordering to the staff around us in a loud voice.  As they clear away the pre starter dishes we ask for a glass of Nero D’Avola each in readiness for our next courses,  A Nice Italian Red wine.  I absolutely love Italian wine and always say you cannot go wrong with it.  The choice of Whites of which there were only four however was very limited, none of my favourites such as Verdiccio, Orvietto, Peccorino, There is only one white Italian Wine I cannot abide and that is Pinot Grigio.  Hence despite the menu choices I have chosen a Red wine. (Not really what I want with Calamari, Pasta and Chicken but hey ho.)

So we await our starter Antipasti dish of Calamari,  Very nicely served in a light batter with lemon and a mayonnaise in a tall silver swirling cone, Our Drinks?  Ah yes on the way Madam.  So then a waiter arrives with two Martinis glasses full of a fluorescent blue drink and begins placing them down on the table.  What is this I ask, thinking is this some sort of complimentary version of a replacement to an Amuse bushe in some obscure way?  Your drinks madam…..we didn’t order these?  We ordered Wine – the Nero.  Ah yes of course it will be here soon and goes off with the drinks to the table in the far corner.  Back to the nice ambient music, the Italian frescos on the wall.  Then it starts again, (have I /we dipped into some bizarre version of Fawlty towers.  Behind me the restaurant manager again Take diss to table 32 ah No no table 36, wherea is de main course for this table Go, No this one, herea please go fetch the starter for dis table, and so he goes on, then back to ambient music with the waiter popping over in his soft voice is everything to your satisfaction madam, your next course will be arriving shortly.  I actually almost start giggling to myself, am I in a bad dream, this isn’t real.  This isn’t how it should be, but I am so bemused I can almost see the funny side with Fawlty Towers now firmly fixed in my head.

Our next course of the Antipasta arrives, again having both chosen the same, a Lamb tortellini in cheese sauce…..where is our wine?  Ok Madam I will make sure it comes shortly.  Another long wait, then he appears with two glasses of White Wine……. Your Pinot Grigio Madam.  I look at him in disgust, To which I retort in my most indignant Mrs Bouquet voice, Pinot Grigio! That certainly is not mine!  Ahh sorry madam the Nero … Yes the Nero!

We have now eaten through these two courses and our mains are on the way.  I opted for the lemon Chicken and OH a parchment wrapped seafood parcel in a white wine sauce.  The said glass of wine finally turns up just in time for the main course.  Then we are back again in an episode of Fawtly Towers,  the whole dining experience and ambiance just totally ruined with the melee and chaos of the waiters and the instructions from the restaurant manager in a very loud voice going on behind us.  I just sit there shaking my head, its no longer funny, its getting annoying.

For dessert there was the usual choice of Italian Desserts or the Chefs special a quadruple sample of all four desserts in mini version.  This I like and this we both order the same.  I started off with the Zabaglione, very delicate and nice, then next I choose to eat into the chocolate mousse ontop of which was an ice cream ball encased in chocolate with hazelnuts – (a bit like a mini version of the old fashioned Feast Lolly if you can remember them).  This was about the size of a mini ping pong ball; ice cream totally encased in chocolate sitting on a bed of chocolate mousse, I crack it open with my spoon and take a couple of small mouthfuls.  OMG …..  OH MY GOD I say out loud, OH wondering what on earth is the matter now.  Look, just look.  I actually cannot believe this myself.  No it’s a figment of my imagination, It cant be, it cant be.  No way.  OH just now sighing and sinking into his chair.  I put my glasses on still in disbelief for a closer inspection……..  I still cant quite believe what I am seeing.  There is a hair inside the ice cream that had been totally encased in the chocolate, looped around in a hairpin shape in the ice cream itself.  This hadn’t fallen or dropped onto the dessert, this was inside it.  I still cant believe it, maybe, just maybe it might be a fragment of chocolate in a thin slither that looks like a hair, so I pinch it between my fingers kind of hoping it would melt as I pressed it.  But no very firmly, very definitely this was thick dark hair!  The waiter appears….. is everything OK Madam, he looks on as I say in a very quiet but firm stern voice  GET - ME -THE - RESTAURANT - MANAGER – NOW!  I cant even begin to express how angry I was.  This was just too much to take.  Unacceptable, totally unacceptable I kept muttering to him.

I was in the zone totally oblivious now to anything else surrounding me, whether other diners were looking or not wondering what on earth was going on, I have no idea.  The Restaurant manager took his time to attend the table, which irritated me even more.  Totally Unacceptable I kept repeating.  Madam I am so sorry, please accept my full apologies, what can we do for you?  Nothing I said, there is nothing you can do.  This was a complimentary meal to make up for the fiasco in the dining room yesterday evening. You cant even offer me a no charge! This is unbelievable.  Would you like a bottle of wine?  No I don’t want a bottle of wine, the meal is ruined.  He goes off and returns this time with this chef in his full whites and tall hat bowing at the table and smiling please I am so sorry, so sorry,  (Well he can be blxxdy sorry, is al that I am thinking)…...  Is there anything we can get you?  No, no there isn’t, there is absolutely nothing you can do!  I just keep shrugging my shoulders at them and glaring in disbelief. Its done!  Then I said well yes actually there is something you can do you can get Peter the Head of Food and Beverage here right now!  He said he would drop by if he could but you can make sure he does!  Attempts were made but sadly he was on a conference call and could not present himself.

They brought me another set of dessert, I finish off the Limoncello Liqueur I had with my dessert, then took a cappuccino and a Frangelico and made a swift exit.


The reception desk is immediately opposite the restaurant and it so happens that Veronika the lady who took down my complaint earlier was on duty again.  I head straight for her, ignoring the other two desk clerks who were calling me over.  No I want to speak to this lady please.  She got it full barrels from me, I cant even begin to express how angry I was.  Fawlty Towers, the fiasco with the drinks, the wine, the waiting and to top it all I said a Blxxdy hair in my dessert.  I said you just make sure that the Head of F& B gets to hear about this.  I want him to know what has happened and stormed off as she was looking at me in total dismay and disbelief.  I said I am embarrassed to be even having to tell you all this.


We dipped into the Theatre, tonights show almost at a close.  The act Andy Abraham an X Factor runner up Soul Singer.  Its nearing the end we stop and listen at the back for a few minutes. But I said I need a drink to calm down.  So its off to the Piano Bar, this time we find a double sofa in the middle of the room in front of the Piano.  I have a cosmo then fancy a B52.  Not listed but when I asked the waiter said of course for sure we can do you one.  Perplexed because he then proceeded to ask me if I wanted it on the rocks or straight up – well straight up of course!  On the rocks doesn’t work.  Its an art form pouring this one out.  It has to be done so carefully else you don’t get the layers.  The barman obviously knows his stuff it appears in a lovely square shot glass perfectly layered.  I watch a lady across the room eyeing it up as it glided past her on the tray, I could read her mind and she mouthed across me above the piano playing  -she just had to ask.  What is that?.  I mouthed back to her across the music a B52 –You want one don’t you!.  Whats in it came back the reply, the music too loud to have a conversation her friend was beckoned over.  So I explained Bottom layer Kahula, Middle layer Baileys, Top Layer Grand Marnier.  The waiter beckoned over to their table and shes going I want what shes having lol x.  A bit of further banter then ensued with the couple sitting behind them then egging the two ladies to down it in one!

The App and ordering is a bit of a double edged sword isn’t it -  I did notice a bit later on one of the couple had obviously ordered food via their app as a waiter turned up with a couple of plates of food – chips and nachos which in a Piano lounge I found a bit distasteful.  Oh well a sign of the times!  What happened to Canapes and delectable small sandwiches.

At 11pm we head of back to the Cabin.  We decide on a ‘getting up’ time, taking the disembarkation into account and the fact we haven’t packed a single thing.  I’ve become a bit of an expert and to be honest find packing on the last morning so much easier than doing it the night before.  What am I wearing tomorrow? what toiletries do I need to leave out? what shoes am I wearing – all of which decisions I don’t need to make as I get washed and dressed in the morning then pack everything up.  Because we are not faffing about what needs leaving out and how do we make room for the stuff we are wearing that evening it’s a much swifter affair and usually takes no more than half an hour.


We wake and get up at 7.30, wash, dress and pack and just gone 8.15 we tootle off up for breakfast.  It was great this morning in Southampton the sun was shining and we took breakfast outside to our favourite spot on the open deck aft. The clock now approaching 5 to 9 I said we need to vacate the cabin by 9.  We got down just as the Captain made the announcement that everyone regardless of time slot and colour code could now disembark at their leisure.  Although we had been given a 9.40 tag we had intentions of disregarding it anyway as we wanted to do the express self debark.  An easy walk off and across the road to our Car.


My intention is not to put anyone off, but to give a realistic insight into cruising under Covid Restrictions.  You can make your own mind up.  Am I glad we did this, well Yes.  I needed my Cruising fix.  Was I disappointed, well No; but am I annoyed about the dining fiasco – Hell Yes.  Two out of Three Nights Dining experiences ruined and lets face it the dining is a big part of the experience.

As for the restrictions -   We are so used to wearing face masks and it’s so much become second nature that part of it was not an issue at all.  Could they improve on things – yes.  Is it really necessary to wear the masks on the open decks in fresh air?  Could the seating be better arranged in the lounges, most certainly.  Why cant we dance if we are sensible and keep our distance, even if it is in a sneaky corner of the room?

Hopefully the next layer of restrictions will alleviate some of these things and we can start to enjoy it even more.

I would do one of these Seacations again.  But still not so sure about a full on cruise with destinations being so uncertain.

If there is anything I have missed or you have any questions fire them my way and I will try to answer them.

Thanks for putting up with my rants and trials and tribulations!

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Thanks for posting your review. I read all three sections. You had me laughing at the Fawlty Towers reference. It's always funnier when it's happening to someone else, though. I'm going to Alaska in two weeks on the Majestic Princess. I hope I don't have any of the problems you had. It will be the fifth cruise on the ship since starting back, so the crew will have had time to work out some of the kinks. 

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Thank you for your extensive report. I enjoy your style of writing.

I completely understand how frustrating ALL of those mis-steps would be. I've experienced a few unfortunate events myself over the years. 

That said, kudos to you for taking the time to give the ship the feedback they need. It's time consuming but oh, so important that the staff knows where improvements need to be made - right away.

Enough said from here. Thank you for taking the time to share with the landlubbers.

Especially appreciate how you detailed the limitations a generation of loyal cruisers are having with the latest and greatest Medallion Apps. Period.

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18 minutes ago, lovetoholiday said:

Ha ha, having already done a seacation with Celebrity which was wonderful, I'm now prepared for the worst with Princess on Tuesday.

Maybe things will have improved by then. Thanks for all the information.


We were on the same cruise as the OP and had absolutely no issues with the food or restaurant service.  The drinks service was problematic in some bars - not enough wait staff,  those who were around were overworked and flustered and the new tech certainly wasn't bedded in.  Recommend you find a good waiter/waitress and stick with them - that's what we ended up doing!


Edited by dides
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26 minutes ago, dides said:

We were on the same cruise as the OP and had absolutely no issues with the food or restaurant service.  The drinks service was problematic in some bars - not enough wait staff,  those who were around were overworked and flustered and the new tech certainly wasn't bedded in.  Recommend you find a good waiter/waitress and stick with them - that's what we ended up doing!


Phew, thank goodness you had a better experience. We are sailing in just over a week, and will go with an open mind. Can't wait 😄

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Guest Snaxmuppet

THANK YOU! (In caps because it is a big Thank You!) 🙂 


We did a 4N on P&O Britannia and reading your report it sounded like the protocols on Regal were tighter than Britannia but not implemented as well. There were no masks on deck at all but masks inside were compulsory in much the same way. P&O had blanked off every 3rd seat in the theatre... it wasn't at all haphazard and it worked quite well. Every 2nd table was blanked off on deck too and in the bars. I get that it was much more disorganised on Regal.


I am on a 4N on Sky Princess at the start of September. It will be interesting to see how much has changed.


Sorry to hear about your dreadful dining experiences. Not sure how much of that was a result of covid protocols. Sounds more like plain old incompetence to me!

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18 hours ago, voljeep said:

who are / were the servers/ bartenders / staff in Crooners 🍸 🥃 or Vines ? - In Vines could you still get tapas with a wine purchase ? 🍷


We were in Vines last night asked the very helpful waiter for some potato crisps, we were told no food in Vines. So I ordered potato crisps on the App. We got a plate of French fries about 30 minutes later "we have run out of crisps". 


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14 hours ago, lovetoholiday said:

Ha ha, having already done a seacation with Celebrity which was wonderful, I'm now prepared for the worst with Princess on Tuesday.

Maybe things will have improved by then. Thanks for all the information.



We were on the first Celebrity Seacation, and service was in a different league to the shambles that was Regal Princess. On the plus side all the crew and officers we spoke to know it's a shambles, so hopefully it will improve. 

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Thank you for your review. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. We have disembarked Regal Princess today after the second seacation and we feel that some of the “kinks” you experienced have been ironed out. We have never done anytime dining before always preferring traditional dining, but it was a revelation. The wait staff from the head waiter down were so attentive and nothing was too much trouble. I do have dietary issues and when I had explained these the staff went out of their way to ensure we had excellent meals. Many staff addressed us by name as we arrived at a venue as the medallion had connected to their device and told them who we were. This was a nice touch. 
We did however have problems getting drinks in several venues due to the app. Either it wasn’t working or the bar staff were so busy fulfilling those orders, anyone wanting to order in person was ignored. Also many drinks we like are not available on the app. The QR codes that you are supposed to scan with your phone to read the bar menu often didn’t work either. We did take this up with F&B manager. We saw several people leave a venue when their order “took too long to arrive” leaving bar staff wandering around trying to find them.
It certainly hasn’t put us off cruising. We were so thrilled to be back on board even with the current protocols. We are planning on taking another cruise this autumn so will be able to see if there is any improvement by then. Hopefully things will be better embedded.

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Guest Snaxmuppet

THANK YOU! (In caps because it is a big Thank You!) 🙂 


We did a 4N on P&O Britannia and reading your report it sounded like the protocols on Regal were tighter than Britannia but not implemented as well. There were no masks on deck at all but masks inside were compulsory in much the same way. P&O had blanked off every 3rd seat in the theatre... it wasn't at all haphazard and it worked quite well. Every 2nd table was blanked off on deck too and in the bars. I get that it was much more disorganised on Regal.


I am on a 4N on Sky Princess at the start of September. It will be interesting to see how much has changed.


Sorry to hear about your dreadful dining experiences. Not sure how much of that was a result of covid protocols. Sounds more like plain old incompetence to me!


Regarding the shortage of waiters to order drinks... with things as they currently are this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. People order on the app... this takes waiters away from the venues to fulfil those orders... so no waiting staff to take your order in person so people order on the app instead... rinse and repeat.


OK, may be it isn't quite that simple but my point is that the app will always reduce in-person waiter staff until they have dedicated waiting staff just for app orders or they limit the number of available waiting staff so there is always adequate staff to service in-person orders. Not sure this is happening at the moment.

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22 minutes ago, lancylass said:

We did however have problems getting drinks in several venues due to the app. Either it wasn’t working or the bar staff were so busy fulfilling those orders, anyone wanting to order in person was ignored. Also many drinks we like are not available on the app. The QR codes that you are supposed to scan with your phone to read the bar menu often didn’t work either. We did take this up with F&B manager. We saw several people leave a venue when their order “took too long to arrive” leaving bar staff wandering around trying to find them.
It certainly hasn’t put us off cruising. We were so thrilled to be back on board even with the current protocols. We are planning on taking another cruise this autumn so will be able to see if there is any improvement by then. Hopefully things will be better embedded.


Yes, one of the big UK cruise vloggers just got off the same cruise as you and reported that the service on Regal Princess was really good and second only to his cruise on Viking this summer - I then realised he doesn't drink alcohol so maybe wasn't the typical Brit 😉

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3 hours ago, davemorton said:

I also was on this cruise, and the staff were all excellent.  Good in the main dining room was good, only issue I had all trip was what everyone seems to mention, the drinks service.  All in all an excellent 4 nights. 

I was on the 3 nights 31 July?

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23 hours ago, Snaxmuppet said:

Regarding the shortage of waiters to order drinks... with things as they currently are this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. People order on the app... this takes waiters away from the venues to fulfil those orders... so no waiting staff to take your order in person so people order on the app instead... rinse and repeat.



Demand may be up because of the great number of passengers who have booked the Plus fare which includes the beverage package.


Having already pre-paid for the drinks, naturally there will be a big demand to request the drinks.


My expectation for using the app to order a drink is that it should take about the same amount of time to receive the drink as when you had a waiter take your order.


If it takes longer than that, it is another example of using technology to reduce the quality of service received.

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Wow! Thanks for such a detailed account of your trip - sorry to hear you had so much unnecessary drama! My husband and I are due to sail on Sky Princess next month, so fingers crossed things will have improved a bit by then...! 

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Just now, KazLR said:

Wow! Thanks for such a detailed account of your trip - sorry to hear you had so much unnecessary drama! My husband and I are due to sail on Sky Princess next month, so fingers crossed things will have improved a bit by then...! 

If you look on other social media, things have improved considerably.

The OP caused much merriment with her rants (sorry, posts!)

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