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The Daily for Thursday 02/03/2022


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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Just a quick check in. Sam went by ambulance to the hospital early last night with chest pains. No heart attack and no stroke but he has an overload of fluid which he’s been treated for this past week so they are keeping him and treating that. I’m exhausted and will check in later. I don’t think this is serious at this time.


Oh Carol,

Prayers for Sam that he returns home soon and that you are doing okay.  You need a break and I hope you get one soon.

I posted an earlier response and for some reason it went into cyberspace.  Let’s hope this one makes it.

God bless and try to stay positive that all will be okay.


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Looks like I got Rotterdam and Nieuw Statendam mixed up this morning. Here is the corrected (I hope) fleet listing


Ships With Passengers

At Sea Caribbean

Nieuw Statendam   Destination Philipsburg SX eta 2/5
Rotterdam   Destination Port Everglades eta 2/5

At Sea Pacific

Zuiderdam   Destination Port Huanacaxtle M eta 2/4

Avalon CA US

Koningsdam   07:00 - 17:00

Puerto Limon, Costa Rica



Ships Without Passengers

At Sea Caribbean

Nieuw Amsterdam   Drifting off Freeport BS

Augusta IT


Corfu GR


Freeport BS


Limassol CY

Oosterdam   Anchorage

Long Beach CA US

Westerdam   Anchorage
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Good morning,

I tried to post earlier while I was waiting for my appointment at the Mayo Clinic.  However those posts just seemed to disappear into thin air.  Who knows what happened to them.

Take a Cruise Day—Love it.  Well we have a cruise planned in April from Barcelona to Rome on the Nautica.  Will it happen?  Who knows.  We will see.

The Day the Music Died.  I remember it well.  I was a freshman in High School at the time.  A sad day indeed.  

Golden Retrievers are beautiful.  However, was never fortunate to have one.

Stitches are out and all is well.

We will be on our way home in a while.

Will try to post later.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday.

God bless,


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Oh no...I just posted my bird comment and golden retriever photo in Wednesday's daily.  I don't see a way to totally delete my post (is there a way?) so I'm just going to leave it there.  Sorry for the confusion.  

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Good morning from sunny, cold (for us) and windy Quartzsite.  The winds are supposed to be in the mid 20mph range from mid morning until later this afternoon.


Not sure when our next cruise will be, but we enjoyed our time on Koningsdam at the end of last year.  Golden retrievers are pretty dogs, but right now we don't have any pets.  We feed the hummingbirds, but quit feeding our little birds as the  doves took over the feeders and made a big mess.  We have four feeders and since our hummingbirds are very territorial each one is used by a different bird.


I remember the day the music died and how shocked everyone was.  Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper were from Texas, which made it even more shocking.


Another interesting qoute.  We'll pass on the drink and the meal.  The wine sounds good.


We have not been to today's port.


@puppycanducruise  I liked the meme, but would need to substitute something else for the coffee.

@Mr. Boston  Hope your sister makes safely to Ft. Lauderdale.

@rafinmd  Roy, such a sad day for Baltimore FD.  Glad other departments are covering for them today.

@cat shepard  Hope the grease stains come up.  Love the memes.

@smitty34877 Terry, glad the family got to visit with Tana.  Hope the PT and OT help her quality of life.

@ottahand7 Great bird pictures.

@mamaofami Carol, sorry Sam is back in the hospital and hope he's home soon.  Glad it isn't too serious.

@Copper10-8  Thanks for the laugh.

@Cruzin Terri  Happy the stitches are out.  Safe travels home.






Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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4 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Oh no...I just posted my bird comment and golden retriever photo in Wednesday's daily.  I don't see a way to totally delete my post (is there a way?) so I'm just going to leave it there.  Sorry for the confusion.  

Not a problem.  We pretty much go with the flow here.  

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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

😎Weather here has been sunny (just a little windy) so we took a drive over to the coast and viewed the the Elephant Seals at the Piedras Blancas Rookery near San Simeon yesterday. Viviane had never seen them before! We also had lunch in Cambria. Viviane will soon be leaving and she's had a wonderful time with us. 😲I don't think she's ready for the cold and rain when she returns.

Sorry to hear about Sam needing to go to the hospital, Carol...prayers continuing for him and prayers for all others in need.🙏

Katie, Dennis and Aunt Viviane from Belgium




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Good morning all!


Well, here I sit watching the blowing snow; it’s only 17 degrees, brrr. Hard to tell how much we have and it’s not supposed to stop until later this afternoon. My poor car is in the driveway, encased in ice, covered in a blanket of snow 😢.


Good days. We feed the birds (nothing more beautiful than a male cardinal against the snow). The day the music died is a sad remembrance of loss; I was only 10, but I remember people talking. I’ll hum a little “Chantilly Lace” in remembrance. I’ve never had a golden retriever, but they are so beautiful. My next door neighbor raised and trained them. Our. previous dachshund (also named Fritz) fell in love with Amber. He would sit at the fence and watch her with the goofiest, love-struck expression. One day he got in her yard, ran to her and she stepped all over him. The romance was over. 

The food, drink and wine sound good, although I’m curious as to when these flavored martinis became a thing. Haven’t been to the destination.


Lots of people needing prayers today 🙏 and I will raise a glass in celebration later today 🍷.


Take care all,

St Louis Sal



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Thanks for the Thursday Daily, Rich.


what a great collection of days!  DH loved feeding & watching the birds.  I try to remember to take care of the feeder in his absence.  It was a sad day when the Music Died - loved the tribute to the day in “American Pie”. Nice to see any dog breed celebrated - golden retrievers are gorgeous.


I can’t take a cruise right now but I sort of celebrated the day.  My friend (who was also on my Norway cruise this year) told me about one next year and I booked the 8 day European Splendour & MIdnight Sun for May next year on the N Statendam.  Booked it solo and if a miracle happens, I can easily add Jose to it 🤞 


Nice quote today and if there were green tomatoes available, I’d happily make today’s meal suggestion and take it into Jose.  

I was worried about the roads today but they were ok and I got to the hospital with more Spanish cheese for Jose and YAY - I found him his Thai chilies.  He was a very happy camper 🙂.  I didn’t stay as long as I would have liked with the incoming weather.  It’s raining but will freeze  (I didn’t want to get caught on icy roads) and then another high impact storm hits later today/tonight.  <sigh>  So, no visits probably tomorrow & Saturday until it stops and the roads are cleaned up.  I’m sticking to this mantra:




4 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

my sister is heading to Miami today for her back to back.  Fingers crossed that she makes it from Traverse City MI after their storm yesterday.



I hope she can get there safely 🤞 


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:


We spoke to our Tana  via the magic of the computer when we had family dinner last night. She tolerated a PT session in the morning  and  an OT session in the afternoon.She remains on  oxygen  and requires rest periods after each task.However,this is such a big improvement and we are all so grateful.


So glad Tana has had a big improvement.  Great news - hope improvement continues 🙏🏻 


2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Just a quick check in. Sam went by ambulance to the hospital early last night with chest pains. No heart attack and no stroke but he has an overload of fluid which he’s been treated for this past week so they are keeping him and treating that. I’m exhausted and will check in later. I don’t think this is serious at this time.


Oh dear, Carol 😔 I’m thankful you don’t think it is serious.  I’m sure you are more than exhausted.  I hope you can get some rest and recover.  


22 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Oh no...I just posted my bird comment and golden retriever photo in Wednesday's daily.  I don't see a way to totally delete my post (is there a way?) so I'm just going to leave it there.  Sorry for the confusion.  


You can have around 20 minutes to delete or edit your post once it is submitted. It will still show your name but you can delete the comments and just post “deleted”.


Wish I had seen this one sooner to post on yesterday’s Daily.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Thursday everyone. !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Thank you all for your kind wishes. Just correcting my previous remark. I don’t think Sam is in serious danger today, but if he continues filling up with fluid, called congestive heart failure, I’m not sure what will happen and it’s very scary.

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Good Thursday, all,

Well, my attempt yesterday to calm things down certainly blew up in my face.  Henceforth, perhaps I’ll stick to the weather!

We did not get the Snowmageddon that was forecast.  We have about 5”, with a little more to come.  Thankfully, we did not get ice.  It’s just a nice pretty snow, as long as you don’t have to be out in it.

Yesterday I worked on 4 trips coming this year and next; it is so good to have the Travel Department back in business!

@kazu, so glad you had a long visit with Jose and found him to be improving.  Hoping you have many more.

Thank you everyone, be safe.


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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

@Copper10-8 - Nice to see you posting again!

This  question is off  topic  but  I  wonder if  you could  tell  me  if  HAL  rents  wheelchairs 

on board ships. Thank you  for  any  help.




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42 minutes ago, garlictown said:

👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

😎Weather here has been sunny (just a little windy) so we took a drive over to the coast and viewed the the Elephant Seals at the Piedras Blancas Rookery near San Simeon yesterday. Viviane had never seen them before! We also had lunch in Cambria. Viviane will soon be leaving and she's had a wonderful time with us. 😲I don't think she's ready for the cold and rain when she returns.

Sorry to hear about Sam needing to go to the hospital, Carol...prayers continuing for him and prayers for all others in need.🙏

Katie, Dennis and Aunt Viviane from Belgium




Lovely  photos thanks


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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

We love to watch the birds and have several feeders.  Unfortunately, we should probably call them squirrel feeders.



After a lot of trial and error, we found the perfect feeder.  A new squirrel will attempt it once or twice but they always give up and don’t come back.  It’s a Canadian product called the Squirrel Buster Plus.  In the US it’s sold by Wild Birds Unlimited as the Eliminator.  If they break, WBU will fix them or replace them for free.  Mine are 10+ years old and still going strong.



1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:


Our golden just came parading through with his football in his mouth and his head high the way goldens carry a prized object. DH said it’s because HE KNOWS it’s his day. He’s smart, lovable, cute, not always kind🥴, (he’s unpredictable with some dogs), likes to sit in my lap (he weighs 10 lbs less than I do), still gets bitey when playing rough, and loves to be the center of attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive attention, or negative. 😜And we love him dearly. My favorite nickname for him is Squiggles.



Huh.  Sounds like my son.  🙃


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

What kills my little birds and Doves is a Cooper's Hawk.  He flies the birds into the window and then swoops in and picks up the stunned bird.  😢

coopers hawk 121017.jpg


🙁 I am mindful of the black crows, too, because they will attack the little ones just for sport.  Here’s the hawk that’s sure to scatter my birds.  One time they scattered and I couldn’t see a hawk but I did see a beautiful Snowy Owl.




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Good morning and thanks all!  Love Labrador retrievers,  a close cousin to goldens.  Love the book A fault in the stars and the quote,  read it on a beach in Greece as a retirement gift,  and a teen reading it came up to discuss.  
I think we’ve had this port before but it is beautiful, it’s the port for Hirosaki castle also reached by Aomori .  A few extra garden shots for Sandi.

I was up late as we had an aurora watch so will catch up on the thread later.  Of course the real action happened even later, but I’m useless in the wee hours.  










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1 minute ago, mamaofami said:

I spoke too soon. Sam was seen by his cardiologist and is being sent home. Not that much fluid. Thankful 


Oh thank heavens, Carol.  I had hoped you would have chance to get some sleep before he came home, though.

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Thanks Jacqui @kazufor your informative post, and your memes too.  So good to hear about your visit to Jose and the goodies you bring him.  I hope the ice/snow melts fast so you can get back there!


Thanks for those beautiful flowering trees (cherry I would guess 😉) in your Japan photos @bennybear  I think that's the first photos all day of this Japanese port (or near it).


I actually did book a cruise today!  Actually the process began yesterday but the final amount due was just paid a little while ago.  First we decided one of our Grand voyages had to go.  Since they've been postponing them for a couple of years now, we've ended up with the Grand Africa Oct. 10-Dec. 20, 2022, then 14 days later the Grand South America & Antarctica, Jan. 3-March 18, 2023. It's just not enough time to decompress and prepare to be gone so long.  DH preferred being home this fall for several reasons so we decided to cancel the 2022 Grand Africa and take the 2023 version in Oct. next year.  But HAL was giving us trouble concerning the FCCs and original deposit on the cancelled cruise.  They didn't want to extend and apply them to the Jan. Grand voyage.  Our TA finally got the deposit FCC applied to the January Grand voyage and they applied the bonus FCC to a Dec. 27, 2022 7 day Caribbean cruise on the Volendam.  This means we are showing up 7 days early for the Grand SA&A!  So I cancelled one cruise, added another one to the Caribbean and also added the Grand Africa in 2023.  After doing no cruising, planning or booking in 2 years this is a major change.  Fingers crossed DH doesn't change his mind!

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