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The Daily for Friday 02/04/2022


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Good afternoon everyone and Happy Friday!  I love mushrooms of all kinds and might search for a stuffed mushroom recipe. I’ve had them at restaurants but think I could make them better. I do buy them once in a while at Safeway from the prepared area. Yum. 

We both had our dental appointments today and both have issues which neither of us expected. Of course it would be the year we decided not to continue with dental insurance. 

Afterward we went to lunch and had cheeseburgers, and all the while Craig was adding up the calories from the menu. 

It has been cold and windy today but of course nothing like those in the snow. 

Have a great day everyone!

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@*Miss G*  I believe you were looking for snow pictures?


Well, it’s half snow and half ice crystals and snow at times (making it heavy) but it’s still coming down and will be all night 😔 

This is my sidewalk out front.  I shovelled it at noon - looks like I wasted my time and will have to tackle it again 😔 




Not sure if you can see the snow falling here.  What looks blurry or foggy is the snow.




Remember my lovely path for Marley that took a fair a bit of time to be dug out?  It’s gone.




Sure snow is pretty until you have to shovel and have no place left to put it.  The snow is going on my front porch now for lack of a better place.  One lamp has already been broken by the force of the wind and snows.

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29 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Since this is World Cancer Day I will give a brief update re Kakalena. She is no longer able to drive or get about herself, her cancer is progressing faster than expected.


That's very distressing news; she just moved into her new place so she could be closer to her son and grandchildren before the end comes.  It's sad to think it's going to be sooner rather than later for her.  The only thing I can do is offer my fervent prayers for a pain free transition into the next world.

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WOW @kazu!  I know exactly what you mean by the ice crystal snow just by looking at it.  Those are the kind that hurt when you get hit by a snowball.  😂


Thank you for the pictures!  I sure hope you stay warm and dry and that nothing else gets broken.  Looks like a perfect day to sit by the fire and drink spiked hot chocolate.  

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Thanks to all who are faithful posters.  I don’t post much but I am a daily reader.  

Prayers for many in our group - especially Kakalena.  So glad to read that Jacqui got to spend time with Jose.  

We have been very busy getting ready for our trip.  Roy — hope to see you on the 17th.  Katherine 

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34 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Yesterday the gremlins got to me and I unable to open the Boards for several tries. I finally was able to open the boards so I could read but never was able to sign in.

The last few days have been sunny but cold for Arizona and quite windy. Today is more of the same however the wind is not as bad which is a good thing as I am having my roof re coated and some general caulking and re painting done.

Bubble gum was fun when I was a youngster,  I am a firm believer that nature abhors a vacuum but I love mushrooms raw, cooked and stuffed with almost anything, crab being my favorite. I will take a miss of the food and the drink of the day. I would love the wine but it is to costly for me. Thank you to all who are posting the cat meme's. They brighten my day.

@mamaofamiI would be very tempted to write to the Hospital Administrator telling what happened and let him/her know that it could be considered Medical Malpractice to send someone home from the E.R. without a written copy of any medications administered. 

 @kazuI appreciate the meme's that you are posting for us and I hope that posting them is therapeutic for you.

@luvteaching I am adding your DH to my prayer list. This must be very frustrating for both of you.

Since this is World Cancer Day I will give a brief update re Kakalena. She is no longer able to drive or get about herself, her cancer is progressing faster than expected.



This is very distressing news about Kakalena.  I would have hoped she had longer to live and spend time with her children.  I hope they can arrange to see her as often as possible.  Prayers for her and the rest of her family.🙏

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43 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Since this is World Cancer Day I will give a brief update re Kakalena. She is no longer able to drive or get about herself, her cancer is progressing faster than expected.


Oh Jane I am just SO sorry to hear this 😢. She has worked so hard and moved to be closer - just so very sad.  My prayers are with her and that she is relieved of much pain 🙏🏻 

Please let her know that people care for her and are praying.  

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Spent late morning and early afternoon doing taxes.   It really wasn't that much work as I file online.  But, to do so I needed ID, so I had to get up and go upstairs to get my driver's license.  Then, I needed routing information for my refund from the state.  So I had to go upstairs again and get my checkbook.  But, federal, state, and local taxes are all done for another season and I came out a little bit ahead.  


@luvteachingI'm sorry to hear of your DH's difficulties.  Let's hope they find the source of the problem quickly.

@VMax1700 Thank you for the reminder.  

@garlictown Happy Birthday to your DH!

@bennybear What a beautiful flower

@mamaofami The hospital certainly was negligent in their actions.  And, they don't get rid of files.  It might not have been in the ER, but they could have directed you where to call to find out.  Definitely follow up with a letter to the hospital CEO.

@lazey1 Thank you for the update on Kakalena.  I hope hospice can bring her comfort and peace in her final days.

@kazu Good grief on the snow!   I shoveled twice yesterday and the plow people finally showed up and did a far from stellar job.  I think I'm looking for a new plow company.

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1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

Yesterday the gremlins got to me and I unable to open the Boards for several tries. I finally was able to open the boards so I could read but never was able to sign in.

The last few days have been sunny but cold for Arizona and quite windy. Today is more of the same however the wind is not as bad which is a good thing as I am having my roof re coated and some general caulking and re painting done.

Bubble gum was fun when I was a youngster,  I am a firm believer that nature abhors a vacuum but I love mushrooms raw, cooked and stuffed with almost anything, crab being my favorite. I will take a miss of the food and the drink of the day. I would love the wine but it is to costly for me. Thank you to all who are posting the cat meme's. They brighten my day.

@mamaofamiI would be very tempted to write to the Hospital Administrator telling what happened and let him/her know that it could be considered Medical Malpractice to send someone home from the E.R. without a written copy of any medications administered. 

 @kazuI appreciate the meme's that you are posting for us and I hope that posting them is therapeutic for you.

@luvteaching I am adding your DH to my prayer list. This must be very frustrating for both of you.

Since this is World Cancer Day I will give a brief update re Kakalena. She is no longer able to drive or get about herself, her cancer is progressing faster than expected.


I'm so sorry to hear your sad news on Kakalena Jane.

My mam and Pauline's dad died of cancer so I pray she is not in any pain.


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Good afternoon.  After too much time with vacuums, mops, dust rags, and cleaning rags, the house is finally clean.  I wish I could say the same about the patios and yard after our winds and dust storm.  Once I rest for a few minutes, I'm going to sweep the debris odd the patios.  If I blew it off, the wind would just blow it back on them.  Over the next few days, I'll tackle the dust and all the limbs and leaves in the yard.  I'm waiting for the wind to die down a little more and it to get a little warmer.


🎂  HAPPY  BIRTHDAY  🎈 Mr. @garlictown


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I used to chew bubble gum. I'll pass on creating a vacuum. I like stuffed mushrooms, if someone else makes them.

Funny quote.

I'll pass on fish, as usual. Pass on the drink and wine too. 

I haven't been to Mozambique. Thanks for any pictures.


It's snowing hard here, after freezing rain and sleet last night. Most schools are closed. The road restrictions on commercial vehicles has been lifted partially, since once snow started the highways could be plowed and salted. I'm just glad my power stayed on (knock wood). I'll wait until the snow stops to go out and clear the walks and sidewalk. I finally got an email today, that my Covid-19 home tests from the gov't have shipped and will arrive on Monday.


@kazu Stay safe. Sorry you can't get in to visit Jose today. I hope Marley's test is ok.

@mamaofami Sorry it's such a fight with the hospital; they need to make sure the meds he got are listed so you don't double dose him. SMH.

@luvteaching So sorry to hear about DH's garbled speech. I hope they figure out what's going on so they can treat it.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone, from viruses and weather!


For @*Miss G*




Vanessa, thanks for the pictures of the snow.  Hapy you didn't lose power.


3 hours ago, VMax1700 said:

Today is World Cancer Day.

With that in mind may I, as the partner of a survivor, send greetings to all survivors and their relatives, with a virtual hug.

To those who have lost someone to cancer we extend sympathy and to those still fighting the disease, endless support. 



Thanks for reminding us of World Cancer Day.  My grandmother survived cancer and lived for another 14 years before dying of matastized cancer.  My stepmother survived cancer.


1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

Yesterday the gremlins got to me and I unable to open the Boards for several tries. I finally was able to open the boards so I could read but never was able to sign in.

The last few days have been sunny but cold for Arizona and quite windy. Today is more of the same however the wind is not as bad which is a good thing as I am having my roof re coated and some general caulking and re painting done.

Bubble gum was fun when I was a youngster,  I am a firm believer that nature abhors a vacuum but I love mushrooms raw, cooked and stuffed with almost anything, crab being my favorite. I will take a miss of the food and the drink of the day. I would love the wine but it is to costly for me. Thank you to all who are posting the cat meme's. They brighten my day.

@mamaofamiI would be very tempted to write to the Hospital Administrator telling what happened and let him/her know that it could be considered Medical Malpractice to send someone home from the E.R. without a written copy of any medications administered. 

 @kazuI appreciate the meme's that you are posting for us and I hope that posting them is therapeutic for you.

@luvteaching I am adding your DH to my prayer list. This must be very frustrating for both of you.

Since this is World Cancer Day I will give a brief update re Kakalena. She is no longer able to drive or get about herself, her cancer is progressing faster than expected.



Jane, thank you for the update on Kakalina even though it definitely not what we wanted to read.  I join the others in wishing her a pain free and comfortable tome with as much time as possible with her family.


39 minutes ago, kazu said:

@*Miss G*  I believe you were looking for snow pictures?


Well, it’s half snow and half ice crystals and snow at times (making it heavy) but it’s still coming down and will be all night 😔 

This is my sidewalk out front.  I shovelled it at noon - looks like I wasted my time and will have to tackle it again 😔 




Not sure if you can see the snow falling here.  What looks blurry or foggy is the snow.




Remember my lovely path for Marley that took a fair a bit of time to be dug out?  It’s gone.




Sure snow is pretty until you have to shovel and have no place left to put it.  The snow is going on my front porch now for lack of a better place.  One lamp has already been broken by the force of the wind and snows.


Jacqui, thank you too for the snow pictures.  I think it is about time to say enough is enough!


8 minutes ago, dfish said:

Spent late morning and early afternoon doing taxes.   It really wasn't that much work as I file online.  But, to do so I needed ID, so I had to get up and go upstairs to get my driver's license.  Then, I needed routing information for my refund from the state.  So I had to go upstairs again and get my checkbook.  But, federal, state, and local taxes are all done for another season and I came out a little bit ahead.  


@luvteachingI'm sorry to hear of your DH's difficulties.  Let's hope they find the source of the problem quickly.

@VMax1700 Thank you for the reminder.  

@garlictown Happy Birthday to your DH!

@bennybear What a beautiful flower

@mamaofami The hospital certainly was negligent in their actions.  And, they don't get rid of files.  It might not have been in the ER, but they could have directed you where to call to find out.  Definitely follow up with a letter to the hospital CEO.

@lazey1 Thank you for the update on Kakalena.  I hope hospice can bring her comfort and peace in her final days.

@kazu Good grief on the snow!   I shoveled twice yesterday and the plow people finally showed up and did a far from stellar job.  I think I'm looking for a new plow company.


Debbie,  congratulations on getting your taxes finished.


Now, I better get moving again.




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6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all.It is getting colder here with a wintry mix Yesterday's  rain melted the dirty snowpiles but I think we will have an icy mess here.

@mamaofami,Carol I am alarmed by what the hospital did when you called.It is so dangerous with medication and trying to control CHF.I would let the doctor know about  it.I hope things are calmer today. for you and Sam.

@kazu,Jacqui,the winter is really packing a punch for your area.I hope your shoveling assistance  can get to you promptly. I was happy to see  that you booked a cruise.It is so important  to have something to  look forward to in difficult  times.


I love mushrooms in any form and planned a spinach and mushroom quiche for the group dinner.I would love the fish recipe but doubt anyone else would join me.


My DB collected baseball cards and would share the bubble gum with the rest of us.I wonder what happened to  all those cards.

We have not been to the port.

Today is a good day to stay in and I hope all can stay safe in this widespread storm.



I agree what the hospital did was awful and we will let the doctor know, but so far he seems non the worse for wear and we were careful to give him the right amount of the most important meds figuring he had none of the bedtime ones. But still....

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4 hours ago, kazu said:


Oh dear, Karen 😢 So sorry to hear this.  You are wise to encourage checking for infections and anything else that might help.  I pray the doctors can help him and he can recover 🙏🏻 

Wow, that doesn't sound good. I hope they can find out what's wrong and fix it quickly.

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4 hours ago, VMax1700 said:

Today is World Cancer Day.

With that in mind may I, as the partner of a survivor, send greetings to all survivors and their relatives, with a virtual hug.

To those who have lost someone to cancer we extend sympathy and to those still fighting the disease, endless support. 


Thanks. I am a six year breast cancer survivor. My 39 year old daughter in law died from cancer leaving my 9 year old grandson in 2015. My dad had colon cancer. It's a lousy disease.

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

That's very distressing news; she just moved into her new place so she could be closer to her son and grandchildren before the end comes.  It's sad to think it's going to be sooner rather than later for her.  The only thing I can do is offer my fervent prayers for a pain free transition into the next world.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Please tell her Im praying for her.

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11 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

I agree what the hospital did was awful and we will let the doctor know, but so far he seems non the worse for wear and we were careful to give him the right amount of the most important meds figuring he had none of the bedtime ones. But still....

If it were me, I would not only write a letter describing the situation to the CEO or hospital administrator, but add copy to and list the largest legal firm in the city.  I wouldn't actually send a copy to the legal firm, but sometimes you have to do something to get the attention and interest of those who can change things for the better.

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14 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

The iceman cometh.....






Oh dear, hope you don’t lose power.  I’m hoping that doesn’t happen here but we have been warned.  The storm changes constantly so who knows what’s next.

It’s been snowing / icing / ice crystals since last night and will continue until at least tomorrow morning or longer 😞. So tired of this crap already.

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We're back home from Total Wine and the wine racks are replenished for awhile. 😄 

The morning was spent rebooking a Celebrity cruise, so now we're finally all set for future cruises, from October of this year to April of '24.

Lots of news while I was out.


@luvteaching I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's health difficulties and hope they figure out the source of the problem quickly.

@dfishcongrats on finishing your taxes!  We just got the last piece we need to do ours.  DH thinks we may actually get a little back this time (emphasis on "little") I'm sure 😉  

@VMax1700thank you for the reminder about World Cancer Day.  We lost my oldest sister to Lymphoma, she was only 68 and battled hard for 9 years. 

@garlictownHappy Birthday to your DH!

@lazey1I'm so very sorry to hear that Kakalena is declining rapidly.  Please let her know we're all praying for her.


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5 hours ago, garlictown said:

👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmn and also to Roy @rafinmdfor keeping the Care and Celebration Lists!

😊Today is a special day for me--it's my husband's special day--🎂his birthday. Later we will celebrate with the 'kids/grandkids" on one side and in a few weeks with the others.😊

🙏Prayers for all in need and Happy Friday.😎





Happy birthday!  You make a couple of snazzy Vikings.

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