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The Daily for Sunday 04/24/2022


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@kazuI wonder if this is the sort of chair they are talking about for Jose. They are very expensive, although here in the states my Medicare insurance approved paying the biggest share. Mine has a black carbon graphic for the wheels, etc., I wasn’t in to pink or bright blue or red. It takes a bit of getting used to steering it. Mine also has a companion joystick in the back which allows someone else to push me. It reclines completely, the foot rests raise up. It allows for changes in position so I am not always sitting in the same spot. 

I laugh (ha ha☹️) because it cost as much as a car, but it does have headlights and a horn. 

Take care, you are both in my prayers

St Louis Sal



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3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


No, No, No @kazu please don't think you have to be feeling any certain way to come here. Come here to share you pain, cry your tears, and also shout your joys -- please know that here you can be whatever you are on any given day. So, come as you can. Your Daily-ites love you, care deeply about you, and we miss you when you're gone.

I agree. This site is very much a come when you can, come as you are kind of place. ❤️

St Louis Sal

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50 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  It is a beautiful day here, and my indoor plants will go outside for the day again.  My 3 foot ponytail palm is going to stay out tonight, also the tender fuchsia, but I will bring in the South African bleeding heart for a few more nights, I think, until it gets up to maybe 8 degrees for the low.


Jacqui, @kazu, I'm sorry about all the difficulties you are having,  please do all your venting here, we will always be supportive!  I was wondering if you might need to check with the nursing home you have Jose on the list for, as they may not allow that sort of specialized wheelchair, and it would be a shame to spend a small fortune on it without knowing.  I do hope the hospital allows you to go in whenever you need to.  


@Cruzin Terri, hope you both test negative tomorrow and the next day, and are let out of prison.


@ottahand7, if you get the chance to attend a "Boi Bumba" show in Parentins,  do take it!  It is loud, and very energetic.  Try to get seats in the front row....



IMG_9177.MOV 86.63 MB · 1 download  




IMG_9246.MOV 113.16 MB · 1 download  




Thank you for those videos.  We only have the morning in Parentins so it might be a great option.   I looked it up on shore excursions and it said HA exclusive.   We have so many stops on our cruise that suggestions are a help.  What a boisterous and colorful show!  

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Good morning, all!

I had planned for this to be my first time back in church in person, but I’m finding that if I have one busy day (I went to see “Hamilton” at the theatre and then out to dinner with friends yesterday), the next day needs to be slower. I overslept and there’s no way I can throw on my clothes and race out the door anymore. Maybe next week. So I did online church again.


We are celebrating being pet parents again. Fritz Ernst is quite a gentleman, seems to cope well with my power chairs and Frank’s canes and walker. He has started sleeping in his bed in our room at night. Learned quickly that when I (slowly) get out of bed in the morning, Fritz goes out BEFORE I get to go to the bathroom 😂

I am too old for NKOTB. But what I do like is the Wahlberg family pickles! 

The meal, drink and wine all sound delicious.

Prayers for all needing them today (especially the people of Ukraine) 🙏. And a toast to all the celebrations (last night I toasted with a delicious Manhattan). 

Take care, all

St Louis Sal




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3 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Thank you for those videos.  We only have the morning in Parentins so it might be a great option.   I looked it up on shore excursions and it said HA exclusive.   We have so many stops on our cruise that suggestions are a help.  What a boisterous and colorful show!  


Yes, it was put on just for the HAL passengers.  It is the winning group from the previous year's competition for Mardi Gras.  We joined a long line to get in and were in the second row, but there was one empty seat in front of us, and someone was sort of half sitting on it from his seat.  I asked him if I could join them in the front row and he moved over for me, so I was able to video a lot from there.  It wouldn't have been as easy from further back.  It was really a fun show, but you'll understand why the birds of Brazil are disappearing!



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WARNING: Long Post


Good morning, Friends.  Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Christo Anesti


I heard from our waiter, Anam, from our December cruise. He and Franco, his assistant, have been home for about a month.  Anam will be going to the Oosterdam and Franco to the Westerdam in a couple of weeks.


A shout out to all of the pet parents; we have been pet parents in the past, but decided like so many here to wait until we are done travelling to think about adopting again. We are the NKOB as of this weekend...explanation below.


This morning I am writing from our new home in Daytona Beach Shores that we closed on Friday afternoon... 

As you may remember, I mentioned some family issues going on in February/March.  Well, DH and I had started thinking in December, while on the Nieuw Amsterdam, about buying a beach condominium in Florida. (We originally talked about selling our home back in July because the community is not what we thought it would be. A lot of negativity, BOD and General Manager very giving to golf course to the point of letting other amenities fall into disrepair, coming up with new fees/fines...just a few examples.) Also, between March 2021 and March 2022 I was in FL 26 weeks and DH was there 20 of those.

In February DMIL told us she had been thinking about buying a condo in Orlando because she no longer wants the stress of owning a house. Why in Orlando? It would be less expensive than the beach. So, we talked about buying one and living together and started looking. We had a contract on a 2/2 with a den that could be used for guest and two days later DH was talking with his older brother who told him he still has issues from having Covid in late February/early March 2020 and has been recently diagnosed with Parkinsons. They talked about him retiring and that was not a possibility for DBIL so they talked about him living with us. So, DBIL will retire September 13th and move in with DMIL and us. Of course, a 2/2 would not work so we started the hunt again. In total, we looked at 25 condos between Ormond and Vero. 

Right now, it is only DH and me here painting.  Fortunately, it came with a murphy bed and we brought a small table and fold up chairs with us. We ordered DMIL’s and DBIL’s living room chairs before we left GA Tuesday and they got here Friday so we have those as well.

The plan is that DMIL will move in after May 9th, when her first ever brand-new bed will be delivered. DH will return to GA, mid to late May, to get the house ready to sell hopefully sometime in late summer early fall. Our furniture is scheduled to be delivered in July. (We want it to stay in GA for now so the house can be staged when being shown.) Once the house is sold DH will move here permanently. As I mentioned earlier DBIL will move mid-September. 

It goes without saying, this is a huge change for all of us.  There have already been frustrations and DH and I are questioning some of DMIL’s thoughts/decisions. Such as not selling her house.  She has agreed to let our daughter’s family rent to own her house and that will be put in writing, but she is questioning some of the verbiage such as why her furniture and piles upon piles of stuff can’t stay there, and it definitely cannot all come here. DH and DBIL both say she is a hoarder like their grandparents. From when this first came up, she and DH discussed at length that she has to minimalize and she agreed it is long overdue, but hasn't started. (Both my daughter and I have offered to help several times since my DFIL passed away 8 years ago.) So, we shall see. 

So, this is my news and what has been occupying A LOT of mine and DH's time, thoughts, and life in general the last few months. This is a bittersweet decision for DH and me as we love our home in GA and you all know how much work we, especially DH, has put into it.  But we feel this is the right thing to do long term for us and our family. As always, prayers and positive thoughts are most appreciated as we move and adjust to our new lives over the next several months.


I apologize for the length of this post. I tried to give you enough of an idea of what has been/is going on without going on forever and without airing too much dirty laundry. Thank you for bearing with me.


Prayers for each of you and your families, especially Jaqui @kazu, Terry @smitty34877, Terri @Cruzin Terri and all of Ukraine.





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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. Blessings to those celebrating Orthodox Easter.

I've not been a parent to any pet other than fish, as a kid. 

Funny quote.

I'll pass on the meal and drink. The wine sounds good.

I haven't been to today's destination.


Another warm sunny day. It's already 80F. I'd thought about doing some yard work, but it's too warm right now and also my hand is hurting more today. It will only get up to 45 on Wednesday, and BFF is opening his pool on Tuesday! Focaccia bread is just out of the oven and tastes great.


@grapau27 Thank you for Father David's sermon today.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for negative tests tomorrow. 

@kazu Sorry to hear of the added stress of them moving Jose and more limited DSP hours. And the expensive wheelchair. Prayers for Jose and for you for strength and some tranquility.

@puppycanducruise Lovely daffodils.

@StLouisCruisers Oh no on your cough being worse; fingers crossed that the nasal spray works. 

@mamaofami I'm trying to get rid of stuff and donate. When you have a big house there's too much room to keep stuff that you should let go.

@St. Louis Sal I'm glad Fritz Ernst is fitting in nicely.


Prayers for the Care List. Extra prayers for Ukraine and the atrocities they are enduring. Seeing Putin in Church on TV this morning just did not compute. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


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Good morning and thank all! Happy orthodox Easter!  I think of the daily like our church, all are welcome here!  In joy and in sorrow we share with each other.  Hugs to Jacqui as she navigates this difficult journey.   
My DD was a huge NKOTB fan and saw them a few times, even in the last few years, lol!  I will just watch Donny on Blue  Bloods.




4 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


No, No, No @kazu please don't think you have to be feeling any certain way to come here. Come here to share you pain, cry your tears, and also shout your joys -- please know that here you can be whatever you are on any given day. So, come as you can. Your Daily-ites love you, care deeply about you, and we miss you when you're gone.

so well said, 

3 hours ago, kochleffel said:

The weather forecast is for 80° F. today, and then snow on Wednesday. I still have lawn to mow but I don't like to do it on Sunday -- I grew up in a neighborhood full of churches and of neighbors who belonged to them and objected to noisy outdoor work on Sunday. My present neighbors aren't churchgoers but it's so ingrained that only desperation on my part will overcome it.


Last night was Rumpelnacht, "Rumble Night," the night when Passover ends. The term refers to the noise of hurriedly packing up and storing the Passover dishes and cookware; if there is too much haste some dishes may get broken, and as a charm against this some families used to save any chipped or cracked dishes to break deliberately. Goes to show: Moroccan Jews have an elaborate celebration on the last night of Passover, while my people pack dishes.


The meal of the day isn't in my plans. I might have cauliflower pizza, if I go to a store to buy it.


I’m the same way, like to keep Sunday for rest, relaxation and family.  Enjoyed the story about Passover. 

3 hours ago, cat shepard said:



Jacqui, I checked the Dailyite bylaws and there is NOTHING that says you have to be cheerful in your posts. 

Of course I want you to have something to be cheerful about & pray that day comes soon. ❤️

Ditto! . 


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Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!  Cheers to Pet Parents Day!  One of my favorite pictures of Blue:



NKOTB were very popular and I guess still are. 

I usually add cream to jarred marinara sauce, I think it adds something special. 

Have a great day everyone!

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DH has thrown himself into massive shower and bath cleaning.  I'm up to my eyeballs in laundry, and after working on the grocery list, decided i didn't really want to go to the grocery store anyway.


i also have no idea why gremlins have taken over the way the print is.  I expect it to change fonts at any moment.


@JAM37 I am sorry i am losing my mountain neighbors.  I have to admit that when i moved south in 79 i was ready to move anywhere for a good two to three years.  My ex husband would be invited to parties in he neighborhood, but he was told not to bring his yankee wife.  And he would go without me.  Another reason, once I got some sense, he became my ex.  I worked for a company where I had to work on Confederates day, but was the only one at work on that day, because I was a yankee.  The office was empty except for me.  There was so much hate in this state, I couldnt understand.  And sadly i think is still here.  Mismanagement of the mountain properties that are budding up north just doesn't make any sense.  But beware a MIL who hoards.  By making her get rid of things, she is having to face change, and it wont be easy.  Best of luck to you.


@kazu  Vent away.  I was thinking of that word, and where it came from, Vent is wind in french, so blowing off steam, or letting the wind out, is venting.  Feel free!  You let me do it when I need to, and no one says, "bad Ann, stop making wind"...  giggle...


@St. Louis SalHave you ever gotten a ticket while speeding in that chair, horn?  headlights?   WOW, I guess the manufacturers are expecting you to get to a lot of night parties.


@grapau27  Thank you for giving us Father David on Sundays, and please thank Father David for letting us into church every Sunday.


Have a wonderful day!

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40 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

WARNING: Long Post


Good morning, Friends.  Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Christo Anesti


I heard from our waiter, Anam, from our December cruise. He and Franco, his assistant, have been home for about a month.  Anam will be going to the Oosterdam and Franco to the Westerdam in a couple of weeks.


A shout out to all of the pet parents; we have been pet parents in the past, but decided like so many here to wait until we are done travelling to think about adopting again. We are the NKOB as of this weekend...explanation below.


This morning I am writing from our new home in Daytona Beach Shores that we closed on Friday afternoon... 

As you may remember, I mentioned some family issues going on in February/March.  Well, DH and I had started thinking in December, while on the Nieuw Amsterdam, about buying a beach condominium in Florida. (We originally talked about selling our home back in July because the community is not what we thought it would be. A lot of negativity, BOD and General Manager very giving to golf course to the point of letting other amenities fall into disrepair, coming up with new fees/fines...just a few examples.) Also, between March 2021 and March 2022 I was in FL 26 weeks and DH was there 20 of those.

In February DMIL told us she had been thinking about buying a condo in Orlando because she no longer wants the stress of owning a house. Why in Orlando? It would be less expensive than the beach. So, we talked about buying one and living together and started looking. We had a contract on a 2/2 with a den that could be used for guest and two days later DH was talking with his older brother who told him he still has issues from having Covid in late February/early March 2020 and has been recently diagnosed with Parkinsons. They talked about him retiring and that was not a possibility for DBIL so they talked about him living with us. So, DBIL will retire September 13th and move in with DMIL and us. Of course, a 2/2 would not work so we started the hunt again. In total, we looked at 25 condos between Ormond and Vero. 

Right now, it is only DH and me here painting.  Fortunately, it came with a murphy bed and we brought a small table and fold up chairs with us. We ordered DMIL’s and DBIL’s living room chairs before we left GA Tuesday and they got here Friday so we have those as well.

The plan is that DMIL will move in after May 9th, when her first ever brand-new bed will be delivered. DH will return to GA, mid to late May, to get the house ready to sell hopefully sometime in late summer early fall. Our furniture is scheduled to be delivered in July. (We want it to stay in GA for now so the house can be staged when being shown.) Once the house is sold DH will move here permanently. As I mentioned earlier DBIL will move mid-September. 

It goes without saying, this is a huge change for all of us.  There have already been frustrations and DH and I are questioning some of DMIL’s thoughts/decisions. Such as not selling her house.  She has agreed to let our daughter’s family rent to own her house and that will be put in writing, but she is questioning some of the verbiage such as why her furniture and piles upon piles of stuff can’t stay there, and it definitely cannot all come here. DH and DBIL both say she is a hoarder like their grandparents. From when this first came up, she and DH discussed at length that she has to minimalize and she agreed it is long overdue, but hasn't started. (Both my daughter and I have offered to help several times since my DFIL passed away 8 years ago.) So, we shall see. 

So, this is my news and what has been occupying A LOT of mine and DH's time, thoughts, and life in general the last few months. This is a bittersweet decision for DH and me as we love our home in GA and you all know how much work we, especially DH, has put into it.  But we feel this is the right thing to do long term for us and our family. As always, prayers and positive thoughts are most appreciated as we move and adjust to our new lives over the next several months.


I apologize for the length of this post. I tried to give you enough of an idea of what has been/is going on without going on forever and without airing too much dirty laundry. Thank you for bearing with me.


Prayers for each of you and your families, especially Jaqui @kazu, Terry @smitty34877, Terri @Cruzin Terri and all of Ukraine.





Exciting times ahead for you Julia.

Very best wishes for your new life.

I hope you find the perfect condo for you all.



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3 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!  Cheers to Pet Parents Day!  One of my favorite pictures of Blue:



NKOTB were very popular and I guess still are. 

I usually add cream to jarred marinara sauce, I think it adds something special. 

Have a great day everyone!

Blue looks adorable Sharon.


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45 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. Blessings to those celebrating Orthodox Easter.

I've not been a parent to any pet other than fish, as a kid. 

Funny quote.

I'll pass on the meal and drink. The wine sounds good.

I haven't been to today's destination.


Another warm sunny day. It's already 80F. I'd thought about doing some yard work, but it's too warm right now and also my hand is hurting more today. It will only get up to 45 on Wednesday, and BFF is opening his pool on Tuesday! Focaccia bread is just out of the oven and tastes great.


@grapau27 Thank you for Father David's sermon today.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for negative tests tomorrow. 

@kazu Sorry to hear of the added stress of them moving Jose and more limited DSP hours. And the expensive wheelchair. Prayers for Jose and for you for strength and some tranquility.

@puppycanducruise Lovely daffodils.

@StLouisCruisers Oh no on your cough being worse; fingers crossed that the nasal spray works. 

@mamaofami I'm trying to get rid of stuff and donate. When you have a big house there's too much room to keep stuff that you should let go.

@St. Louis Sal I'm glad Fritz Ernst is fitting in nicely.


Prayers for the Care List. Extra prayers for Ukraine and the atrocities they are enduring. Seeing Putin in Church on TV this morning just did not compute. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.



4 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

DH has thrown himself into massive shower and bath cleaning.  I'm up to my eyeballs in laundry, and after working on the grocery list, decided i didn't really want to go to the grocery store anyway.


i also have no idea why gremlins have taken over the way the print is.  I expect it to change fonts at any moment.


@JAM37 I am sorry i am losing my mountain neighbors.  I have to admit that when i moved south in 79 i was ready to move anywhere for a good two to three years.  My ex husband would be invited to parties in he neighborhood, but he was told not to bring his yankee wife.  And he would go without me.  Another reason, once I got some sense, he became my ex.  I worked for a company where I had to work on Confederates day, but was the only one at work on that day, because I was a yankee.  The office was empty except for me.  There was so much hate in this state, I couldnt understand.  And sadly i think is still here.  Mismanagement of the mountain properties that are budding up north just doesn't make any sense.  But beware a MIL who hoards.  By making her get rid of things, she is having to face change, and it wont be easy.  Best of luck to you.


@kazu  Vent away.  I was thinking of that word, and where it came from, Vent is wind in french, so blowing off steam, or letting the wind out, is venting.  Feel free!  You let me do it when I need to, and no one says, "bad Ann, stop making wind"...  giggle...


@St. Louis SalHave you ever gotten a ticket while speeding in that chair, horn?  headlights?   WOW, I guess the manufacturers are expecting you to get to a lot of night parties.


@grapau27  Thank you for giving us Father David on Sundays, and please thank Father David for letting us into church every Sunday.


Have a wonderful day!

You are both very welcome.

I often tell father David about my Dailyite friends who enjoy his sermons every week that he kindly sends to us before church each week.


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Good afternoon. What a perfect day for those celebrating Easter in our neck of the woods!

Thank you to all for the Daily lists and such. And for all who share their lives with us. It is the perfect place to share joys, sorrows, and life changing happenings!

Prayers for all who need them, and cheers to those celebrating, even if it is simply the glory of life in general.

Blessings to all.

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@JAM37You have had a LOT going on.  it certainly sounds like you have put a lot of planning into your move and new lifestyle.  Wishing you success and hoping you things work well for you all with the change 🤞 


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Jacqui, @kazu, I'm sorry about all the difficulties you are having,  please do all your venting here, we will always be supportive!  I was wondering if you might need to check with the nursing home you have Jose on the list for, as they may not allow that sort of specialized wheelchair, and it would be a shame to spend a small fortune on it without knowing.  I do hope the hospital allows you to go in whenever you need to.  


Thanks Ann.  The nursing home is very new with the hoist and all the other goodies so I’m pretty sure they will accommodate it.  I’ll wait until I get the quote with the full description (unless she gives me a description sooner and check with the nursing home to be safe.  It’s on my “to do” list.


3 hours ago, St. Louis Sal said:

@kazuI wonder if this is the sort of chair they are talking about for Jose. They are very expensive, although here in the states my Medicare insurance approved paying the biggest share. Mine has a black carbon graphic for the wheels, etc., I wasn’t in to pink or bright blue or red. It takes a bit of getting used to steering it. Mine also has a companion joystick in the back which allows someone else to push me. It reclines completely, the foot rests raise up. It allows for changes in position so I am not always sitting in the same spot. 


I am really not sure yet but it sounds similar to  what she was describing to me.  I’ll have to wait to see.once I get more details.  Jose has to be measured and assessed first from what I understand.  Thanks.


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@durangoscots In Thursday's Daily, you said,  "For those posting from cruises, please keep it up.... it is the thing that keeps many of us going."


@durangoscots  I didn't get a chance to concur with you then, but thanks for saying that as I'm also one of those that is kept going by those posts.


And, for those posting from cruises or other travels, please, please, please keep sharing your adventures.



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Good afternoon from a cloudy and very windy central Texas.  They are predicting thunderstorms beginning about 11 pm tonight until about 3 am.  Then, we're supposed to have rain followed by showers most of the day tomorrow.  Our lake is down and the ground is really dry, so I hope I did not jinx the rain by washing the cars yesterday and mowing the yard this morning.  😄  Sometimes, it is necessary to do the yard work on Sunday, since I needed to put down grass seed before the rain.  Now, fingers are crossed 🤞 that the seeds don't wash away.  The lady at our local nursery said they should sprout in five to seven days.


The NKOTB were popular when the DDs were in high school, but I think they preferred other bands. I much prefer The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Neil Diamond and other 60s music, plus some 70s and 80s groups.


We were pet parents for most of our married life beginning with cats and then, adding dogs.  When our last dog, Nikki, died in 2007, we also decided to wait until we weren't traveling to get another dog.  We were tempted to get one the last two years, but we knew we would be traveling again if possible.  I really miss out two dachshunds and cherish their memories.


The quote is very interesting.  We try to have an open mind, but sometimes our comfortable ideas get in the way.


The meal and the wine sound nice, but we'll skip the drink.  I might change to meat to chicken or Italian sausage though.


We have not been to Parintins -- yet.  


@Cruzin Terri  Sending positive thoughts that you both are negative tomorrow and Tuesday, so you can celebrate your freedom on Wednesday.

@kazu  Jacqui, I totally agree with what @HAL Sailer said, and what @cat shepard said.  You are welcome anytime, no matter your mood or what you are going through.  We all want to support you anyway we can, even if that is just being a sounding board.  Thank you for taking the time to explain how the Canadian system works.  Sending you ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

@mamaofami  Carol, in the last two years, I've been on weeding out and donating campaign too.

@JAM37 Julia, thank you for sharing what must have been a difficult but well thought out decision.  After all your hard work on your house, to find the community was not living up to your expectations and the added family issues, it sounds like you are getting things under control.  Best wishes that the move goes smoothly and everything works out for the best for all involved.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry your hand is hurting more today.  I hope tomorrow is better.



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