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Willdra's Massive Carnival Mardi Gras Apr 30- May 7 Review


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Second Sea Day


I woke up because my phone was buzzing from a text message. I forgot to turn my phone back on airplane mode the night before. I replied to the text, since I still had one sliver of service left. Right after it went through, AT&T was gone, and Cellular At Sea showed up as the carrier. I switched my phone back over to Airplane Mode/Carnival WiFi then. No need to mistakenly get a bill for replying "YES" to confirm an upcoming dental appointment. Especially since the dental appointment would be filled with gloom, despair, and agony. Going to the dentist is right up there with catching monkeypox for me.


I got up to check the weather. It was kinda hazy out, but warm. I like being able to walk out on the balcony to see what the conditions are before dressing, and leaving the cabin. Sometimes we’ve been unpleasantly surprised by cold and/or rain. Not today. It was warm and partly cloudy. We'll take it!




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Since we had not gone to Sea Day Brunch yet on this cruise, we chose to eat there. My mouth was ready for it. I like new food, but I also like to have familiar favorites. W checked us into the app around 10:19. It said there was less than 10 minutes wait. I was still doing stuff as usual. About 5 minutes later he said the table was ready. Weird. I didn’t get a notification. I opened the app on my phone and it stated that we were just “Checked In”. Maybe mine just hadn’t updated yet. I close the app, and open it again and still no. We get down there, and W was tapping his phone and looking bewildered. “Oh I guess the table wasn’t ready” he proclaims. Again. He had one job. My fault. I didn’t ask the right question, like "What's the table number?" Yet another lesson learned. So we stood to the side with all of the other gun jumpers. After another 5 minutes I walked down to the shops past Emerils. There’s a perfume, cosmetic, girly shop, along with a watch and jewelry shop down there. This is when I found the itty bitty toiletry shop. There’s not much there at all. Just a small little section with the barest of necessities. Don’t forget anything at home, cuz you won’t find it there.


A few minutes later, the table was actually ready. It was closer to a 20 minute wait than a 10 minute wait. We got coffee right away then placed our orders. I got the Skillet Cake, Ham and Cheddar Omelet, and Bacon on the side. W got Steak and Eggs, and he ordered a danish on the side. When they brought out the food, they brought him the Vanilla Cream Cheese Danish that’s on the brunch menu. That wasn’t what he wanted, he wanted the yellow looking Cream Cheese Danish that they have on the Lido. Next, he made the mistake of saying that he didn’t want that one. Uh oh. He realized what he did, then said "Never mind I’ll take it". Too late!! The server explained the difference in the danishes first, trying to get him to understand that he made the mistake, not him. W kept saying "Ok never mind, it's fine". Well he was acting irritated, so his attitude and words didn’t match. When the server went away, I said “You know they’re not going to leave you alone. As soon as you act like you don’t like or don’t want something, even when you try to take it and say ok, they’re not gonna let it go”. I’m not sure what it is about W, but whenever he expresses discontentment with something, the servers bring him an extra side of extraness.


W really doesn’t love that laser like focus on him, that's what makes it funny. They sometimes really make him feel like a baby the way they coddle him and apologize. Sure enough 5 minutes later they brought him a plate with not 1, but 5 of those other danishes from the Lido. I leaned over and said “Told ya”. He gave me the stank eye. Which made me laugh again. Since we clearly needed them, we took the opportunity to order our free brunch alcoholic beverages, when the server came back. W ordered a Blue Moon in the can, and I ordered a blue margarita. We finished our food, then left after we signed the checks. The VIFP drink credit is for $10.50, so if the drink costs more, you pay the difference. I ended up paying .59.


















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W always wants to walk through Serenity first to look for our lazy place, so we did that next. We got lucky as soon as we walked to the covered side. Two of the lounge beds were open under the overhang. We grabbed one fast! This is primo real estate on sea days. W got 2 more towels and we spread out.









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I didn't feel like carrying my crap to brunch, so I went back down to the cabin to get my backpack. The first thing that I noticed, was that our cabin was cleaned already. So it appears that our cabin gets cleaned when it’s convenient for the steward. If you’re gonna clean my cabin when you want and not me, just say that. Since this is like being upset about breakfast danish, I mentally moved on. Our cabin stays pretty neat for the most part anyway. We really just need the clean towels and an occasional bed making. I grabbed my items and went back up to join W. I was happy that I  remembered to pack my little fan, cuz there was an absence of a breeze up there.













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We existed up there in some form all day. I reserved a Cooking Class online before the cruise, and it was on that day at 2:30. I went down to the cabin, changed my shoes, and dropped off my cup. I  walked down to the Carnival Kitchen around 2:25. There were people already seated and waiting. I approached the door, and a hostess checked me in. I had to sign a Covid attestation to participate.   The class is done in pairs, so I would be paired with someone else. It was fine with me. So far my only regret with this, is that I didn’t bring my reading glasses. I can’t believe how much I’d gotten used to “seeing” with my new contact lenses until I had to go back to these old ones. They’re perfectly fine for distance but I’m blind as a bat up close. I hope nothing catastrophic happens.


Ok on with the class. This was the Tailgate Party Class. The menu was Empanadas Con Queso, Pretzel Bites, and Chicken Poppers. The class moves quickly so you have to pay attention. The chef is assisted by 2 or 3 servers. First we washed our hands. Good start. Then we went to our assigned stations. Everything was measured out already, which was good. The chef demonstrated each step from the front of the kitchen, and we followed along. On each station was everything that we needed, plus there was an iPad showing what the chef was doing. It also listed the ingredients and which recipe we were working on. This was especially helpful, since people were talking to each other at their stations, and the chef was a little challenging to understand sometimes. I had to listen really hard and watch the display. The class lasted maybe 90 minutes. At the end, we got to eat the food that we made. We were told that we couldn't take any with us. Everything that we made was good. Our chicken poppers were more like naked chicken nuggets tho, cuz our breadcrumbs separated from the chicken, when we fried them. But they were still good. The photographer came in and took our pictures during the presentation. At the end we got a Carnival Kitchen spatula and they emailed us the recipes. I can’t wait to try the empanadas at home. They made it so easy. While we were cooking, people kept coming by to look through the window into the class. I’m glad that I signed up for it, it was a fun diversion for the day.




















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After the class I went back up to find W still in Serenity. He’d packed up our stuff and looked like he was ready to go. He said he was hot. There wasn’t a breeze under the overhang, and it could get warm. We sat for maybe 15 minutes then went back to the cabin.  We were only in the cabin a little while, we had reservations to ride Bolt at 5:30. W is really like a kid when it comes to stuff like this. He kept asking me what time we needed to be there, and if there are lockers, and if he should take his hat, and other assorted questions, that he could’ve easily answered himself, by looking in the app. After about 12 eyerolls, it was time to go. I already had my gym shoes on from the cooking class, so I was ready. It only took us about 2 minutes to get there. There was no line or anything either. We were checked in fast, and we went up to wait on the next car. We went around the track 3 times. The whole ride was maybe 5 minutes.  It was a fun adrenaline rush! If it wasn’t $15/person I would totally do it again. After we left Bolt, we stopped by Pixels to pick up our VIFP Gifts. We got the can koozie, and pin. We just walked right up, handed over our cars to be scanned, and we were handed our gifts. There was no line at the time.  I really liked the gifts, and I would definitely use the koozie.








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We went back to the cabin and just hung out until it was time to start getting ready for dinner. We decided to do the MDR because they had Filet Mignon and the Grilled Shrimp that W likes. This was also elegant evening number 2. I decided to go with a partial face beat, so it would only take me about 20 minutes on makeup. It seems like it takes forever to get my mug looking decent.  Adulting is hard.


At around 8, I asked W to check us into the app. Wherever I was in my makeup process when the table was ready, was where I would stop. The MDR will get whatever face I give ‘em. I could go out looking alright, or I could look like I just crawled off the set of the Thriller video. Time would tell. About 20 minutes later the app called time. Brushes down. I got my bag, and we went down to eat. I was mostly done with my face. I forgot a few steps, but nothing too serious. W was so happy that I gave myself a time limit. He thought for sure we would be eating on the Lido. Maybe he should’ve held that thought.


We got to the dining room, were led back to our table, and it was a 2 top in the back. It was next to another 2 top. After maybe 15 minutes, W and I decided that no one was going to get assigned that table, so we pushed the two together to make a 4 top. We like to sit side by side so we can people watch together. It's easier to talk about stuff when we are both looking in the same direction. Dinner was as slow as cold molasses. It seemed like service had been hit or miss on Mardi Gras. Nothing to be upset about, or to complain about, it was just noticeable. When our food finally came, I got Crab Cake, Shrimp Cocktail, Filet Mignon, and Grand Marnier Soufflé. Everything was yummy, and I ate a lot more than usual.






















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After we finished chewing, we went back to the cabin so that I could wash my face. There was a Mega Deck Party at 10:45 that we wanted to hit. I got my brushes clean, cleaned my face, then we ran out to the party. It was a lot of fun. After that there was a comedy showcase at 11:30 in the Mardi Gras Theater. The Wobble was the last song of the deck party. We danced a little to it, cuz it's W's favorite, then left.








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The Comedy Showcase comedians were Happy Cole and Valarie Storm. Happy Cole was hilarious. I laughed a few times at Valarie's jokes, but nowhere near as much as I laughed at Happy. The show was a good hour so we got out around 12:30. When we left the theater, we went to check out the pizza line. It was short and fast, so I got in line. We it was my turn, I asked for margarita pizza. The server said "Do you want the whole one?". I didn’t know that was an option, so I said "Of course". He opened the oven, took out a fresh one, then gave me the whole pizza. I thanked him, and skipped out of there like I’d just won the pizza lottery. Booyow!  We walked back to Pig and Anchor after that to get drinks. I really like that space in the aft. It’s well used, and it’s in a good spot.





Armed with pizza and lemonade, we returned to the cabin. The pizza was on point, and the cheese was cheesing!  We hung out in the cabin eating, watching TV, and reading until night night time.


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for baby wipes. These little boogers are so versatile, and they’re often more economical than the adult version. We buy them all of the time even tho we don’t have a baby (I know what you’re thinking. W doesn’t count). Amen. 


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18 hours ago, willdra said:

I was happy that I  remembered to pack my little fan, cuz there was an absence of a breeze up there.

What little fan?  Is this battery operated? Hand held?  

This sounds like something I need. 🙂


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1 hour ago, audcc77 said:
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13 minutes ago, willdra said:
1 hour ago, audcc77 said:

Wow. Thanks.  I’m definitely getting that.  It looks to be perfect to use at the serenity area.  

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On 5/29/2022 at 2:01 PM, willdra said:

We made it to Port Canaveral after 4.  On the way to the hotel, we saw a report of Roadkill on WAZE. Roadkill?  Who’s mans reported the Roadkill? Was there absolutely nothing else to report? 


Just starting your review.  I report roadkill on Waze.  If there is a big dead deer on the road I want to know, but I also live in an area where that might be more of a common occurance so it doesn't seem strange to me.  

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On 6/1/2022 at 7:28 PM, willdra said:

Now back to our day. Arni came around, and I ordered a Paradise Punch. It was delicious! W got one as well with some nachos, ceviche, and guacamole. Unfortunately the only shade in the cabana at the time was on my side. So W came and sat next to me, crunching on nachos. He stopped with a nacho midair when he felt my hot stare. “What?!?” He asked. “So you’re just gonna crunch those in my face?”. He apologized and said the sun forced him to. Cousins, I have whatever that disorder is, that makes me choose violence when I hear any type of eating sounds. Smacking, crunching, swallowing, and chewing will send me over the edge. I’m sorry, I’ve tried to ignore it, but I can’t help it. I get homicidal. In my head mostly. In lieu of throwing the plate of nachos across the pool deck, I took that time to go and take pictures.  I was just at Paradise Beach in Nov, and not much changed since then. I took a lot of pictures anyway.



I have this as well. It's called misophonia. 🙂 


I love your review. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it all together. We don't go until next March, so I have a while to wait. Purple is my favorite color, so I love your hair and your elegant night dress!

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6 hours ago, Cruisesfun65 said:

You are my absolute FAVORITE reviewer! Such a hilarious writing style. I don't want the cruise to end!!

Thank you so much for this!!! 😘😘😘 I will be using this as my motivation to review the next cruise! 

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On 6/1/2022 at 7:46 PM, willdra said:


In case you're wondering if I fell asleep after that, I am thrilled to announce that I absolutely did. Sleep is my oldest friend, and it never lets me down.  We officially got up at 9. I made the bed while W was getting ready. When W was done, I took my turn in the restroom-ette.  I put my right contact lens in, and I guess the solution that I use hadn’t finished working yet. I use a peroxide solution that cleans the lenses very well. The only downside is that it has to sit for 6-7 hours to neutralize. As soon as I dropped the lens on my eye, it started burning like somebody poured hot lava in my eyeball. I also still had mouthwash in my mouth, cuz multitasking. I started coughing, heaving, and choking as I tried to dig the radioactive lens out of my eye. I finally got the lens out, dropped it in the sink, and immediately spit mouthwash on it. I had zero control of my body right then. I wheezed and gasped for air for a full 2-3 minutes after that! W came in, and was like “What the?!?!!” When I tell y'all, I almost died. I swear I saw my granny reaching for me in the mirror! That would’ve been embarrassing too. Death by contact lens. No gracias. Sorry granny, I won't be joining you today. Side note: Why do we dance around waving our hands, while simultaneously jumping up and down, when unexpected sharp pain strikes?? Looking like a low budget, out of control, no rhythm having, tribal dance? Just me? Got it.


I picked up the lens to inspect it after the "incident", and sure enough there was now a tiny hole in the middle where I ripped it out of my eye. These lenses were a trial pair. I just switched to bifocal lenses and my doctor gave me 2 pair to try before I buy the box. The other pair were already rubbish, so this was my last pair of the bifocal lens. Y’all know me though, I still had unused boxes of my other lens. I keep a box of 6 lens in my travel bag. Be prepared. The bad thing, was I would have to put on my old lady readers to see up close. Unattractive, but effective.


I finished whatever that was, and we went to eat. I asked W while we were in the cabin, if he wanted to go to the Palm Restaurant instead of the Lido, and he said yes. So when he led us up to Lido I was confused. I said “I thought we were not going here, when I asked, you didn’t want to”. He said "oh I didn’t hear the question". So you just go around saying yes to questions you don’t fully understand? Where they do that at? Sir, I’m going to need you to hear and understand questions before you answer them. Especially if they involve money, food, and/or um me. 



Wow!  Needed a warning to not eat dinner while reading your reviews.  Just about spit burrito bowl at my husband across the table.🤣😂🤣

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Third Sea Day


Since it was my last opportunity on this cruise, I wanted breakfast at Emeril’s, so we planned to be there no later than 10. I was really feeling like Emeril’s needed another go. The first time we had it, my mouth hadn’t really warmed up yet. We were still deep in the throes of "new cruise" euphoria. I needed to try it again now that the newness had worn off, and I wasn’t all doe-eyed anymore. We walked out of the cabin at 9:59. #Better





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There was only like 1 or 2 people in line when we got there. This line moves quickly. You order, pay, then get your number to put on your table. You choose where you sit. We sat on the front row side by side, because you can openly watch people walk by, like in so many Paris café's.


Our food came expeditiously! Within 5 minutes of sitting down, I had the Beignets, Shrimp and Grits, my Latte (I grabbed it before W could), and W’s Americano. The only thing that took a while was W's breakfast Po Boy.












Yep, I was right about Emeril's the first time. This food slaps for real! While I’m at Emeril’s, and since I’ve made so very few PSA’s this trip (I think), let me share one right quick. Cousins, please look at the app and make your food venue choices ahead of time. The app lets you look at past, present, and future open times and menus. W was actually looking at future food choices in the Funtimes as I wrote this! Food is one thing he ain’t missing. For nobody. I don’t know how many people (in my generation and above), came up to the counter and looked bewildered at the “CLOSED” sign, while we were sitting at Emeril's. They would just stand there staring at it like a server was gonna pop up from the counter, yell “Just Kidding! April Fools!”, and take their order. Somebody even asked “Will they be open tomorrow?” while holding her phone. In.her.hand. Please improve. Dassit.


Ok, back to the cruise. Speaking of phones, as we were eating W proclaimed that he couldn’t find his phone. I was wondering why he brought the Funtimes, but y'all know I didn’t ask. Cuz protect your peace. He went back to the cabin to look, but it still didn’t surface. When he got back, I asked where he remembered seeing it last. He said on the balcony last night. That’s good, that means it’s in the cabin somewhere. After I was done eating, we went back up so I could help him look. One thing about W, he says he looked, but he really doesn’t look look. I am always the finder of his misplaced things. The first thing we noticed, was that the cabin had been cleaned. That may not be good. We went in, and I started looking with him. Every time he said “I looked there, it’s not in there”, I exhaled and kept looking there anyway. Sir, you did your looking but not MY looking. I asked if he had it when he was fussing about the AC before he went to bed, the night before. He couldn’t remember. Let me tell y'all about that, cuz I know y’all wanna know. When W came in from the balcony the previous night, he immediately went to the thermostat, and started fussing at it, saying it was too cold in the cabin. I was comfortable, so I had no idea what he was squawking about. I turn the AC as high as it'll go before bed. My hot flashes kick in, in the middle of the night, so I’m usually throwing covers off and sweating. Since he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to the thermostat, I minded my own business. As long as he didn’t turn up the temp, I would let him live.


Back to the search. So when I looked everywhere and didn’t find it, I sat on the couch and processed the scene. I asked myself "If I was W's phone, where would I be?" I then looked in the most unlikely place. My backpack. And there it was! Just sitting there chilling looking like it wanted to say “What took y'all so long?” W must’ve thrown it into my backpack thinking it was his that night. Both of our backpacks are dark, and both of them were on the couch, so it would’ve been hard to tell the difference if you just glanced at it in the low light that we had on. Or maybe it was time for W to have another eye exam. I didn't bring that part up tho. Too soon.

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Phone mystery solved, we went to find a spot in Serenity. We found two loungers in the shade on the first pass through again that day. We were blessed by the relaxation gods again.





Since we are chilling together outchea on the water, I have a question maybe y’all can answer. Please know that I ask this out of pure curiosity. Absolutely no shade is intended. Here's the question: Are Crocs comfortable after you get out of water and they’re wet? I heard lots of people throughout the cruise walking by with wet Crocs on. I could hear them before I saw them, cuz they were making this scrunchie scrunchie scrunchie sound with each step. It sounded like some really sick ducks passing by. The sound lingered on the palate. Now I’m all for Crocs if they’re that comfortable. If not, then I’ll pass on the squeaky noise maker shoes. Let me know. 


Laying out in Serenity, I realized that our iMessages also worked in Airplane mode. I’d been getting texts all week from my contacts with iPhones. I didn’t realize that I could respond. We didn't have an internet plan on the ship, so we keep the phones in Airplane Mode and Carnival WiFi.  I sent W a text just then to test my theory, and it worked. We didn’t really need it this time, but it’s good to know for next time. Our whole family has iPhones, so it would be nice to have some contact with the outside world if we need it. Thank goodness we hardly ever "needed" it.


W’s alarm went off right before 2, and he mumbled something about going to eat. I said "ok", but he was gone before the "k". He'd told me earlier that there were a couple of places that he had to hit before the cruise ended. I wasn't hungry then, so I stayed with the fort. As I was minding the business that pays me, some guy stopped by and asked if my neighbors were coming back. Umm. I have no idea. I didn’t see 'em come or go. Ion know. Plus I ain’t helping you snitch. If I’m snitching on chair hogs, it will absolutely be to my benefit. Snitching might come with stitching so it’s gotta be worth it for me. And I don’t think I wanted him as my neighbor anyway. I can already see that he was bothersome. Thankfully, he wandered off to stalk someone else when I couldn't assist him. Oh and the neighbors did return. They were just getting a salad from the Serenity Salad Bar. The Salads looked good, but I was still too lazy to even walk over there. 


Sometime later, W came back from his food run, and he sat out with me until it was time for the Diamond/Platinum Party, which started at 3:30. I didn't really want to go since it was scaled down so much on Mardi Gras. W went just in case something changed. He didn't stay gone long at all. He was back maybe 15 minutes later proclaiming that I missed nothing. Guests were given 1 glass of wine at the party, and we got 1 free drink credit added to our SNS account to use that day. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for anything that I'm given, and I would absolutely use that drink credit. I just didn’t want to give up our Serenity Seats for a glass of wine. #choices


After W gave me the 411, he sat for a spell, then he got antsy. The hot tub was almost empty, so that’s where he went. I fell asleep for about an hour. I woke up wondering if I died, and went to you know where, cuz suddenly it was hot as fish grease out there! The further in I moved, the less of a breeze happened. I had my fan on, but it was blowing hot air. Apparently, the ship turned while I was asleep (the nerve), and the sun was angry about it.  I looked around, and W was still in the hot tub, so I turned in the yellow towels and told him I was going back to the cabin. No need to fight that losing battle. The sun always wins (it cheats). 











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When I got back to the cabin I thought that I should at least start packing. That thought went right out of the window, when I sat down on that comfy couch. It was nice and cool in there so I was out like a light in a few minutes flat. I slept until around 6. I woke up when I heard rumbling that sounded like thunder, or a lawnmower. I looked around and quickly realized the rumbling was coming from me! I must’ve been snoring. Don’t tell W. He and I don’t agree on whether or not I snore. 


W came in around that time, but I was up packing so he waited until I was done. It’s crazy how fast we pack to go home. I guess it's cuz all of our mess is in one place. Using the packing cubes helps too. Once we were satisfied with our progress, we got ready for dinner. We wanted to do Cucina del Capitano. W didn’t know it was free on Mardi Gras. He kept going “Wow I can’t believe they don’t charge for it on this ship”. Mardi Gras definitely made a fan with that one. We waited in the cabin maybe 20 minutes until we got the "table ready" notification. I double checked behind W, since he tricked me the other day.



When I was sure that we had a table, we left to go eat. The Cucina Del Capitano on this ship is huge! We were shown right to our table when we arrived. Since we also knew what we wanted, we ordered right then as well. It took maybe 15-20 minutes for the food to start rolling out, and we got everything back to back. We ate and talked about the cruise thus far. It was a winner, and we would be back on Fat Tuesday, as soon as we could.






















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The entertainment was scarce that night. There was only 1 comedy show but we didn’t think we would make it. W still wanted to put what he was wearing in his suitcase before sitting it out. He’s also wanted to make sure he had what he needed. We sat and ate and filled up fast. Everything was good but the portions were smaller which was fine with us. I was done overeating for this cruise. Possibly.


When we were 2 stuffed turkeys, we went back up to the cabin. W remembered that we didn’t get our free drinks from the Diamond and Platinum Party, so he went to Alchemy and got them for us. He took my card, and they let him get both drinks. I’m glad I could stay in the cabin. I was too pooped to pop!


Later we generally just got more organized and ready to get chased off of the ship. This had been an awesome cruise overall. Carnival Mardi Gras didn’t owe me anything. She’s square with the house.



Before I fell asleep, I said a prayer thanking God that the Village People sang YMCA. I really like that song and it makes me happy every time I hear it! It's also fun, cuz it provides you with something cool to do with your hands, while you are dancing to it. It's universal. Wins everywhere.


Random Pictures that I found on the camera:










































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