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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 7th, 2022


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Good morning all. Thanks Rich for the daily and to all who add so much.  I am on the way out the door to work in the yard while it is still sort of cool. 82 and not even 8. I know, welcome to the south. It's better then snow so I'll just get busy outside.

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jacqui @kazulovely photos of your flowers and garden!  You are really getting a lot done on the clothes donations.  It helps to have a plan to get those many chores finished, doesn't it?


I have to admit - I don’t have a plan.  I just do what I can when I can stomach doing it.  With the rain yesterday - It just seemed like I should buckle down and try to get somewhere.  Until I’m done, I can’t get the upstairs in order.


I have enough clothes hangers now to outfit an entire store!  Now to find someone who wants them.  Sheesh.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Oh Rich, you had me at chocolate!  There are a few people on the globe that I have trouble finding forgiveness for.  Like many of you, the only place I'll be able to enjoy a father-daughter walk is down memory lane.  I do have nice memories of walks we have taken together, so will enjoy those.   I disagree with today's quote, will give a hard pass on the drink, but would love to try the wine.


We've got bright sunshine and a light breeze rustling through the trees this morning, so it's looking like a great summer day here on the "frozen tundra".  Our temporary home stay arrived last evening and we spent a couple of hours giving her a tour of the house, cupboards, outdoor space and getting her settled into her room.  She seems nice, but we've forgotten how giggly a 19 year old can be - I'm pretty sure much of it was nerves.


@kazuas always, your flowers are absolutely beautiful.  I think you're doing an amazing job going through Jose's clothing as you are; I'm sure it's a gut wrenching task, but you're persevering through it.  My heart is with you.


Not a lot on the agenda today, I think I'll use some time to deadhead the plants in the yard and make sure they've all got enough water.  DH is going out for coffee with a friend - another musician - and I'm pretty sure they'll be talking music and guitars for the afternoon.  While I love salads, a Cobb salad has 2 things I either can't eat or dislike - blue cheese (penicillin allergy) and avocados.  I prefer the create your own salads from the Lido on a BHB.  I think tonight's menu is going to be an easy one, pork kabobs, dilled potatoes and Greek salad served on the deck tonight.   And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine who continue to display great bravery.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Hello and happy Thursday.  I missed yesterday because my hotspot "truck" went to town.  I stayed home in case we found a plumber to put in a new HWH.  John made a lot of calls and texts and one is due tomorrow. I was able to have a warmer bath by toting buckets of warm hose water and heated water into my tub. 


Today I am smoking pork shoulders at 5:30 for our pulled pork for tomorrow's delayed 4th celebration.   Plus waiting patiently in the truck for a chat to begin with Direct TV to get a new remote sent to our PO Box.  Nothing goes easy here but it is worth it.  I tried to email in photos for the botanical photo contest but my computer ran out of juice before the photo sent. 😿


@dfishthe salad recipes and pics look great. @kazu the photo of your Goatsbeard is lovely - they look like fireworks



Have a great day and thanks for the Daily Reports.  Prayers for all who need them. 🙏


Pork pre and post seasoning. A cool toad that sits patiently near an ants' nest.  Variegated Japanese Iris.





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Happy Thursday Dailyites!  Thank you for all the great information yesterday-I am going to copy and print and really make DH take a part in this trip.  I may take advantage of his being on meds, but he really shouldn't say yes to things if he doesn't mean it.  LOL.  He always says he lets me plan, and that he is just a passenger through life. I'm the driver. But when a trip involves more than 7 days, he needs to help be a co driver.  That was my rant for the day.  I'm done ranting.


I had my zoom meeting last night on the new campaign, and have an hour phone conversation with the boss about the computer screen at 10 this morning.  And then I guess I'm set to start. I do have some on line videos to watch regarding the programming, so maybe set to start, might mean tonight.


I love chocolate.  That is why I booked an excursion in Amber Cove in September to learn how to make chocolate.  That and it was a good excuse to be back in the mountains.  I hope it's not too hot.  The temperature outside, not the chocolate. Cruising along the coast of the Dominican Republic is beautiful, and we did get out of town and into the mountains on our last trip, hoping to see more of the country side this time.





@dfish those salads look wonderful.  I could eat the whole platter of it. With any of those dressings.

@grapau27thank you for the food porn, I agree with @StLouisCruisers, lunches having been looking fantastic, are you cruising again?


@kazuthe gardens are beautiful.  Everything that I planted two years ago in pots, are now dead.  BUT I had a beautiful begonia, that mysteriously reappeared in the pot.  It's growing back, and I hope it blooms this year.


Hugs to you all today!  I forgive the globe for going around in circles, it keeps us from falling off.  I have problems forgiving certain individuals that due to gravity, are still on it.

Edited by marshhawk
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Good Morning from a very warm and sunny day at the beach

     Chocolate Day- yes count me in.   I wish I could take a walk with my Dad again. As kids, he would take us every Sunday afternoon on a long hike. 

     Have not been to todays port- looking forward to pictures.

     Had our long awaited interview yesterday for Global Entry. They decided DD did not need to be fingerprinted. They said we would receive our approvals in a few days but they were in my email by the time we returned from Orlando. The cards will take a few weeks, I was told.

     @StLouisCruisers I am so sorry to hear about Buddy. I will continue to keep him and your family in my prayers. 

      My nephew is turning 50 next week and we had decided to have a birthday party for him. He is a great " kid" and is very well liked. Well it has taken on a life of its own. Golf tournament on Friday afternoon and a party on Saturday.  Family coming in from Boston. So I have been busy, pulling this together. It will be great fun.


Stay safe and enjoy today

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So sorry for Buddy and his family.  Prayers for all.  Sunny and warm weather for us.   Cleaning person coming today (though after 42 years she is really just a friend who cleans) after a 3 week gap.  Hurray!

Seems as though this group is really getting back to cruising.  Nothing booked for us until November but I would like to squeeze a trip to Canada in before the end of October.  

We were planning on a trip to see DSIL in her rehab facility on Saturday.  But got the call last night that there is too much Covid and would appreciate few visitors. Facility not shut down but being cautious.  We will reschedule.  

Gave a great day.  Katherine 

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53 minutes ago, Cat in my lap said:

We went by subway to game and Rays won!  Stadium was full!  I like Tropicana field better.


Jacqui what is flower with whitish flowers?









Thanks to you for helping the Rays take 2 out 3 from the Red Sox!

Edited by MISTER 67
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Forgiveness often eludes us for the wrong reasons. We think others don't deserve forgiveness because their actions are too egregious; and we are correct. Yet, we desire forgiveness from God and others for our own egregious actions. As we realize that we have been forgiven much, we become more capable of forgiving others. 

Forgiveness is more for our own health and wellbeing than it is for the people we choose to forgive. It doesn't mean that they "get away with it". It doesn't require reconciliation. Forgiveness from us is just a way of releasing the hold that the behavior of others has on us; forgiveness frees us to move on from the pain. 

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2 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

Forgiveness is more for our own health and wellbeing than it is for the people we choose to forgive


I once asked a rabbi whether it was obligatory to forgive someone who didn't want to be forgiven. She said that it wasn't, but it might be good for my mental health.

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In half an hour I chair a meeting of community organizations that have agreed to coordinate their calendars (not having public events at the same time, for example). It will be virtual, as it has been for the past two years, which is a good thing because it prevents physical attacks in the meeting. Both staff and volunteer leaders of some of the organizations attend, and in the olden days there were conflicts not only dates that two groups wanted to reserve, but also when someone from one organization tried to tell another organization what to do.


Last year, however, the biggest problem was just confusion, because people would remember while we were discussing January that they omitted something in October, and want to go back. The result was often that their October event got entered for January, or any other month except October. I'll give instructions that, if a backtrack is necessary, to save it until the end and then we'll review each month again. This has never worked before.

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Good morning. Not much time as we are getting ready to go whale watching. Yesterday we visited Cape Lookout and Cape Meares Lighthouse. Several beaches with their beautiful rock formations. We also went to Tillamook Creamery where they produce 85,000 lbs. of cheese per day and they also make great ice cream. For dinner last night we cooked a bushel of raw oysters. They were great and the oysters were huge.


Thanks for the report. Prayers for Buddy and family and all in need.















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Good morning from breezy, sunny and hot central Texas.  It was 82F at 8:30.  Today will be an easy day, and it will be spent inside the cool house.


My day, Chocolate Day, led the list!  I try to forgive, but sometimes it is hard, and it doesn't mean you have to forget either.  I would love to take a walk with my father who I miss terribly.  It would be nice if the DDs and DH could take a walk, but the DDs are at work in Austin.


As far as today's quote, I don't really like it.


A Cobb salad would be nice, if someone else made it.  The wine sounds nice, but we'll pass on the drink.


We have not been to Corner Brook, yet.  Maybe someday.


@marshhawk  I agree with Jacqui, @kazu, Madeira is worth seeing as it's a beautiful island.  The last time we were there we rented a car and drove to the other side of the island.  The other coast is rugged and completely different and the views from the top of the mountain in the middle of the islad are great.  

@kazu  Jacqui, your flowers are beautiful as usual, and I get to enjoy them without all the work.   🤣 As far as the extra hangers, the thrift store might be able to use some to display the clothes.  Also, a women's shelter might be in need of hangers since most of the women they serve leave home with almost nothing.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, and @richwmn Rich, thank you for your pictures of Corner Brook.

@kochleffel  My thought when I read your post about the upcoming meeting was GOOD LUCK! 🍀

@cunnorl  Glad you got your Global Entry taken care of easily.  Your nephew's 50th birthday party sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

@ottahand7  The port shoulders look wonderful already.

@aliaschief  Thank you for the pictures of the Oregon coast.  It has been many years since we spent time on the coast.  We also toured the Tillamook Creamery. 



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Good morning all!

Not much on the agenda today other than I need to get my hair cut.  That and some gardening/housework will fill the day.


I'm all for chocolate any time any day! Forgiveness is so important, and I wish I could take a walk with my dear Dad. I don't agree with the quote and find it sad.  Will pass on the meal, drink and wine.


As Rich said, he and we were in Corner Brook in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.  I loved that town!  Before the cruise I had read that one nice thing to do there is take the walk around the lake on Corner Brook Stream Trail.  So that's what we did.  Thankfully I didn't see any of the black flies that have been mentioned, and it was a 5+ mile walk.  It was a very warm and extremely humid day, and usually that would keep me inside, but this walk was absolutely lovely and I'm so glad we did it.  It did start raining before we were done, but luckily most of it was when we were in a wooded part with some cover.  You can make the walk shorter by not going completely around the lake, so you can make it as long or short as you want.


The lovely Rotterdam docked in Corner Brook



On our way to the start of the trail we passed this cute couple.



The Corner Brook Stream Trail circles this pond.



It was beautiful.







There were 2 swans and many ducks and seagulls.



One part of the trail had memorial trees and plaques --



This one is in memory of 2 soldiers



When it started to rain we were glad to be in this wooded area, so we didn't get *too* wet 😉  



If I ever get back to Corner Brook, I would do exactly this again!



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Good morning, all! Thank you, Rich, for the Fleet Report. What a nice collection of days! Given some good chocolate, I simply radiate global forgiveness. It’s no longer possible to go for a walk with my father, but I can imagine it and fill in his side of the conversation. The quote seems to fit the adolescent crush stage we all go through. Maybe some people never get beyond that. Cobb salads are a favorite of mine.

We are getting heavy rain today and not just the steady cold sogginess that has been the hallmark of 2022 so far. Unfortunately, the wet year has hatched several years worth of mosquitos that were dormant in the last few drought years. Ugh!

Prayers for all who need them, and happiness to all who deserve it, meaning each and every one of my Daily family! I appreciate all of you, even if it’s sometimes evening before I get to read the morning greetings.

Happy Thursday, everyone. If I was aboard a BHB, there could still be this much rain, but we wouldn’t have these  mosquitos!

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Good morning, friends.  It’s a bit overcast this morning here in San Diego.   Nice collection of days…especially the chocolate.  I hope the quote is wrong!

Cobb salads are a favorite.  My first one was at the Hollywood Brown Derby Restaurant, where the salad was “invented.”  My mother grew up in Hollywood and so we visited there often.


I hope everyone has a lovely day today.  Maybe I’ll go shop for ingredients for a Cobb salad.



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Good morning. Cool here right now but it will heat up later today. No rain in the forecast for today and I am hoping the lawn mowing crew shows up. If not I may have to ask for a goat. Yesterday we got rain, hail, wind and lightning!!! A short storm but powerful. We can skip the rain for the next few days.


I love a Cobb salad if someone else does the work. But one salad will last me a couple of meals. Was in Corner Brook on a VOV... I will have to look back at pictures to see what I did there. That VOV, which I did on the Maasdam, is still is one of my favorite cruises. The Captain was Russell-Dumford... another one of my favorites. 


Dogs and I are going to make a real push to finish clearing out the living room of boxes today. The shelter will be taking donations so I am going to head out there early afternoon with a couple more boxes. It is going to be a rather dull day, I hope.



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Just a quick post from me.  Haven't been able to post for over a week between being gone for DGD's wedding, visiting a friend, and some long Red Cross days.  I have read daily, almost, but getting to the laptop was not happening.


@StLouisCruisers, I was so sorry to hear of your family health problems.  Just to give some encouragement  for Buddy's wife.  Doing hospice care at home for my DH for almost 4 years was the hardest work of my life, but in reflecting back, it was also the most rewarding experience I ever had.  I cherish the time we had together and it makes the loss easier in so many ways.  (I know that 4 years is unusual, but lung diseases don't follow many timelines, according to his hospice nurse!). If his wife has the support of hospice nurses, etc., they will guide her lovingly through the whole process.


More later, if I get back in time from an out-of-town Red Cross meeting.

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2 hours ago, Cat in my lap said:

We went by subway to game and Rays won!  Stadium was full!  I like Tropicana field better.


Jacqui what is flower with whitish flowers?









Thank you for cheering the Rays on to a 7-1 win.  Yes, the sports authorities hate the Trop, but when it is 90F with strong chance of rain, we like it!  Our newspaper says June was record heat here.  Just hope it won't be record hurricanes, too.


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'm always for chocolate day. We need more forgiveness in the world. I never had a Father Daughter walk, but it sounds nice.

I disagree with the quote; sometimes it's true, but not always.

I like cobb salads. Pass on the drink. I'll take the wine.

I haven't been to Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers @richwmn @Cruising-along 


Another steamy day here. We got about an inch of much needed rain yesterday. No big plans for me. I did wake up with some itching and a hive at my medication injection site. It's calmed down with Benadryl; I think I need to take a second dose in the afternoon on the day I give the shot.


@grapau27 How is your knee feeling?

@StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Buddy, Amy and the family. 

@rafinmd Congrats on the Queen Anne booking in February.

@kazu Enjoy your visit with your friend. Lovely flowers.

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear it's taking so long to get someone to replace the HWH. 

@aliaschief Thanks for the pictures.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone; Covid numbers are on the rise, as are hospitalizations.

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