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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 12th, 2022


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We have been to Whitehorse many times since we have driven to Alaska seven times beginning in 1992, and gone there from Skagway several times on a cruise.  I found just a few pictures as most of my pictures of Whitehouse are pre-digital.


The worlds largest weather vane is at the airport outside the transportation museum.  And yes, it does turn with the wind.



The visitors center



The Klondike, a Yukon River steamboat



The suspension bridge over the Yukon River just outside of Whitehorse



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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from an already warm 81F at 7:30am central Texas.  I'm heading out shortly for a grocery run before it gets too hot.  Our high for today is predicted to be 106F. so we'll stay inside keeping cool most of the day.


I appreciate cows for what they give us, but have learned from watching Dr. Pol, that they can be mean.  I discovered the DD's Etch-a-Sketch last year when I was sorting through boxes in the attic.  It's either still there or was donated to the thrift store so another child could enjoy it.  Paper bags have a lot of uses, but you rarely see them anymore.


I cannot agree with the part of the quote about hurting those you love.


The meal looks good, and the wine sounds nice. We'll pass on the drink.


We have driven to Alaska seven times going through Whitehorse, and driving back through there on the return except the one time we took the Alaska Marine Highway back to Prince Rupert.  I'll look for the pictures I posted in a few minutes.


I'm glad to see that several Canadian Dailyites are getting much needed rain.  I wish it was possible to send some our way.


@aliaschief  Safe travels and on time flights today.  I can relate to leaving in the middle of the night to get to the airport.  

@dfish  I'm glad that Donna's flights are all in order.  Now, you can relax, pack and enjoy a great cruise.

@cat shepard  Ann, the girls picked another great meme today.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm happy that yesterday you got to enjoy good conversation, cheese and wine with a neighbor.

@Vict0riann  Ann, with the heat, you probably made the right decision to skip today's outing into London.  Thanks for the pictures.

@HAL Sailer  I hope your DB is feeling better today.  It's too bad that he won't be able to do his last race.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, while you do not have a blood clot, I'm sorry the leg issues are still ongoing and a solution has not been found.

@ottahand7  Glad your new water heater has been installed.

@marshhawk  Sorry you have been exposed to Covid through someone who was exposed. Fingers crossed that no one gets it.














Thanks. Onboard, on time and bags are also on board.

Just a long day!

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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Whitehorse many times since we have driven to Alaska seven times beginning in 1992, and gone there from Skagway several times on a cruise.  I found just a few pictures as most of my pictures of Whitehouse are pre-digital.


The worlds largest weather vane is at the airport outside the transportation museum.  And yes, it does turn with the wind.



The visitors center



The Klondike, a Yukon River steamboat



The suspension bridge over the Yukon River just outside of Whitehorse




I love the weather vane!  Who would of thought you could do that?

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From all of our travels, the only stamp i have in my passport if from the Yukon.  It was our anniversary and we were in Carcross at the visitor center.  They asked us about ourselves, and we told them we were celebrating our anniversary in a place I had always wanted to come to.  They asked if we wanted our passport stamped, and we said yes.


My cats love brown paper bags.  They are almost as good as an empty box.   I do cut the handles off.


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3 minutes ago, Dr.Dobro said:

This is the Airbnb we stayed at in Picton, New Zealand. The owner definitely appreciates cows!




Welcome to the Fleet Report and Daily.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I appreciate cows for all they provide for us; DH grew up on a farm and had to take care of cows - he doesn't like them.  I never had an Etch A Sketch, but we bought one for our DS and even had a mini one for him to take on road trips.  Great fun, except when you hit some bumps.  We don't have many paper bags any more, as we always use cloth bags for groceries.  I think the local stores are charging anywhere from 10 to 25 cents for one now.


It's that time of the year when the "frozen tundra" isn't frozen any more - we're under a heat warning for the next number of days.  It got pretty hot on the deck yesterday, so hot that with all the fans going, it blew the breaker and we had to wait a couple of hours until it would recycle again.  Thankfully we had the A/C on in the house and didn't need to go out there until later in the evening.  Today we're supposed to hit 33 (90) and tomorrow we could hit 35 or higher; the city has announced the opening of cooling centres for those who need them.  Hydrate, sunscreen, repeat.


@kazuI'm glad to hear you had some relaxation time with your neighbour.

@HAL Sailersorry your DB has been diagnosed with covid and had his racing career end this way - praying for a quick recovery.


I like today's drink, wine and menu selections, but the thought of a hot pasta dish today just doesn't appeal to me.  I've got some frozen, seasoned ground beef thawing right now that will be turned into taco salads for us for dinner tonight on the deck. Or if it's too hot on the deck, we'll set up the tables and enjoy dinner in the pergola.   And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all they're going through.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s supposed to be stormy this afternoon but sunny right now.

For anyone planning to travel thru  Heathrow this summer, there is an article on BBC news that the airlines are being forced to limit the number of passengers until 11 September. Not good news . 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.🙏❤️

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Good Morning, Dailyites!


Thanks to all who contribute here, cheers to those celebrating and hugs to those on the care list.  @rafinmd, Roy, condolences on the passing of your cousin; 

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, glad it wasn't a blood clot but bummer they don't know what is causing the pain.


We rented a car in Skagway on 5/7/2008 and drove up to Whitehorse.  Sorry we missed the weathervane @Quartzsite CruiserLenda showed -- that's impressive!


Here are some photos from our drive.


The suspension bridge outside Skagway



The road toward Fraser



Border crossing



Welcome to the Yukon!  @rafinmd I remember a picture of you and your late brother in front of this sign!



@marshhawk, we also stopped at Carcross (had to see the desert)







Finally, Whitehorse.



Lenda covered most everything else we saw, so will post local beer and lunch





Back into Canada






And, finally back in the USA 



Have a lovely day everyone!





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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s supposed to be stormy this afternoon but sunny right now.

For anyone planning to travel thru  Heathrow this summer, there is an article on BBC news that the airlines are being forced to limit the number of passengers until 11 September. Not good news . 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.🙏❤️

Limit is 100,000 a day.

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Good morning all!

Will try to squeeze in a post, while most of the rest of the household is still sleeping.  Just the oldest DGS and I are awake.  


Cow appreciation day struck me funny, as yesterday I played "Invasion of the Cow Snatchers" with one of the DGSs while DH played Battleship with the other.  It was a fun game and takes clever planning! I remember Etch a Sketch, DD had one and now her sons do too.  


Today will be a playdate with our neighbor's granddaughter, then we'll take the boys home again.


Yesterday we got the first estimate to replace that shattered skylight and I'm feeling sad and angry at the same time.  $600 just for labor, not counting the cost of the skylight, so around $1000.  Our deductible is that much....the roofer said it looked like something hit it "very, very hard".  I think Ray may have been right about it could have been someone shooting up with a gun.....which makes me very mad. Nothing else makes sense.  😞  



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1 hour ago, kb4683 said:

Good Morning, Dailyites!


Thanks to all who contribute here, cheers to those celebrating and hugs to those on the care list.  @rafinmd, Roy, condolences on the passing of your cousin; 

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, glad it wasn't a blood clot but bummer they don't know what is causing the pain.


We rented a car in Skagway on 5/7/2008 and drove up to Whitehorse.  Sorry we missed the weathervane @Quartzsite CruiserLenda showed -- that's impressive!


Here are some photos from our drive.


The suspension bridge outside Skagway



The road toward Fraser



Border crossing



Welcome to the Yukon!  @rafinmd I remember a picture of you and your late brother in front of this sign!



@marshhawk, we also stopped at Carcross (had to see the desert)







Finally, Whitehorse.



Lenda covered most everything else we saw, so will post local beer and lunch





Back into Canada






And, finally back in the USA 



Have a lovely day everyone!





Have  never  been  to  Whitehorse. Thanks for  posting the Photos.

Love  the  ones  with  the  beer  and  food.


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Supposed to be cooler today.... rain showers possible. 


We had excitement (or sorts) here last night. Unfortunately I was the cause of it. Went to give dogs their last outing at 9:00 and found the sprinklers were on the lawn so I walked down the driveway to the front of the building. Unfortunately when we started back I missed seeing a step up from the dirt to the asphalt and down I went - straight on to my face. Managed to roll over and sit up (still holding leashes) and did a quick bone inventory.... did not seem to have any extras BUT there was nothing to hold to pull myself up and I had a lot of blood on my shirt from my nose and face. Was thinking about scooting across the parking lot on my rear when one of neighbors came home.... got others to help and they got me up and the dogs taken back to the condo. Because of the blood they insisted I go to the ER although I felt like a good wipe down would do it. At the ER got my face cleaned and the damage is not as bad as everyone thought. Nose probably not broken and they can not really do anything if it is,  but I have a cut on it from my glasses.  And the nose bleed had stopped by the time I got there. My glasses were broken. Will need to get those replaced but I do have a spare older pair that is pretty close to the same prescription.   I am going to have a lovely black right eye just above the scar from the melanoma surgery so I don't plan to enter any beauty contests for the next month or so.  Knee had some scraping but no real damage. The clear message from all of this is that I do need to get a life alert bracelet ..... I could have been sitting there for much longer if Bob had not come home. Also... walk dogs earlier and Pick Up My Feet!!! I got home about midnight - Bob very kindly waited for me. Good neighbors all.


So today my black eye and I need to go out the shelter to work on budgets.  Please everyone, be really careful. None of us is getting younger and  I could so easily have broken something as that was a really hard fall. 


By the way, little Monty and Bandit stayed as close to me as possible through the whole thing and then went with my neighbor to the condo with no issues. They were very happy when I got home.




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Good Morning All?

We have a cloudy morning that is supposed to break through to heat.🥴


@Cruising-along  You might check if there are other vendors that offer “energy savings” options, If so, the price might be higher, but you just MIGHT make up for it in tax credits and better performance.


We opted for a solar motorized opening skylight to replace what that crow did, and ended up with a better functioning skylight and a very nice tax credit. It replaced 35+ year old fixed plastic with opening dual pane glass. Our deductible on insurance far exceeded the cost of the item. And DH got a new gadget.😁


Have a great day everyone!

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4 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Supposed to be cooler today.... rain showers possible. 


We had excitement (or sorts) here last night. Unfortunately I was the cause of it. Went to give dogs their last outing at 9:00 and found the sprinklers were on the lawn so I walked down the driveway to the front of the building. Unfortunately when we started back I missed seeing a step up from the dirt to the asphalt and down I went - straight on to my face. Managed to roll over and sit up (still holding leashes) and did a quick bone inventory.... did not seem to have any extras BUT there was nothing to hold to pull myself up and I had a lot of blood on my shirt from my nose and face. Was thinking about scooting across the parking lot on my rear when one of neighbors came home.... got others to help and they got me up and the dogs taken back to the condo. Because of the blood they insisted I go to the ER although I felt like a good wipe down would do it. At the ER got my face cleaned and the damage is not as bad as everyone thought. Nose probably not broken and they can not really do anything if it is,  but I have a cut on it from my glasses.  And the nose bleed had stopped by the time I got there. My glasses were broken. Will need to get those replaced but I do have a spare older pair that is pretty close to the same prescription.   I am going to have a lovely black right eye just above the scar from the melanoma surgery so I don't plan to enter any beauty contests for the next month or so.  Knee had some scraping but no real damage. The clear message from all of this is that I do need to get a life alert bracelet ..... I could have been sitting there for much longer if Bob had not come home. Also... walk dogs earlier and Pick Up My Feet!!! I got home about midnight - Bob very kindly waited for me. Good neighbors all.


So today my black eye and I need to go out the shelter to work on budgets.  Please everyone, be really careful. None of us is getting younger and  I could so easily have broken something as that was a really hard fall. 


By the way, little Monty and Bandit stayed as close to me as possible through the whole thing and then went with my neighbor to the condo with no issues. They were very happy when I got home.





That sounds like a very bad fall!  I'm so happy someone came by soon after to help you.  Sorry about the cut, black eye and need to replace the glasses.  It's a good lesson for us all to watch where we're walking very closely.  Get better fast!

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9 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Supposed to be cooler today.... rain showers possible. 


We had excitement (or sorts) here last night. Unfortunately I was the cause of it. Went to give dogs their last outing at 9:00 and found the sprinklers were on the lawn so I walked down the driveway to the front of the building. Unfortunately when we started back I missed seeing a step up from the dirt to the asphalt and down I went - straight on to my face. Managed to roll over and sit up (still holding leashes) and did a quick bone inventory.... did not seem to have any extras BUT there was nothing to hold to pull myself up and I had a lot of blood on my shirt from my nose and face. Was thinking about scooting across the parking lot on my rear when one of neighbors came home.... got others to help and they got me up and the dogs taken back to the condo. Because of the blood they insisted I go to the ER although I felt like a good wipe down would do it. At the ER got my face cleaned and the damage is not as bad as everyone thought. Nose probably not broken and they can not really do anything if it is,  but I have a cut on it from my glasses.  And the nose bleed had stopped by the time I got there. My glasses were broken. Will need to get those replaced but I do have a spare older pair that is pretty close to the same prescription.   I am going to have a lovely black right eye just above the scar from the melanoma surgery so I don't plan to enter any beauty contests for the next month or so.  Knee had some scraping but no real damage. The clear message from all of this is that I do need to get a life alert bracelet ..... I could have been sitting there for much longer if Bob had not come home. Also... walk dogs earlier and Pick Up My Feet!!! I got home about midnight - Bob very kindly waited for me. Good neighbors all.


So today my black eye and I need to go out the shelter to work on budgets.  Please everyone, be really careful. None of us is getting younger and  I could so easily have broken something as that was a really hard fall. 


By the way, little Monty and Bandit stayed as close to me as possible through the whole thing and then went with my neighbor to the condo with no issues. They were very happy when I got home.




I'm really sorry to hear about your fall Susan.

Thankfully nothing broken except your glasses.

It is so easy to have an accident when you miss a step.

Sending you our best wishes.

Our Sarah rang last night to say she has Covid.


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11 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm really sorry to hear about your fall Susan.

Thankfully nothing broken except your glasses.

It is so easy to have an accident when you miss a step.

Sending you our best wishes.

Our Sarah rang last night to say she has Covid.



Didn't want to like your post Graham, with the news your Sarah has Covid.  Seems like everyone knows someone ( or many someones) who are positive with Covid.  What a crazy world we're in these days!  I hope she is having a mild case of it and negative very soon.

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36 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Supposed to be cooler today.... rain showers possible. 


We had excitement (or sorts) here last night. Unfortunately I was the cause of it. Went to give dogs their last outing at 9:00 and found the sprinklers were on the lawn so I walked down the driveway to the front of the building. Unfortunately when we started back I missed seeing a step up from the dirt to the asphalt and down I went - straight on to my face. Managed to roll over and sit up (still holding leashes) and did a quick bone inventory.... did not seem to have any extras BUT there was nothing to hold to pull myself up and I had a lot of blood on my shirt from my nose and face. Was thinking about scooting across the parking lot on my rear when one of neighbors came home.... got others to help and they got me up and the dogs taken back to the condo. Because of the blood they insisted I go to the ER although I felt like a good wipe down would do it. At the ER got my face cleaned and the damage is not as bad as everyone thought. Nose probably not broken and they can not really do anything if it is,  but I have a cut on it from my glasses.  And the nose bleed had stopped by the time I got there. My glasses were broken. Will need to get those replaced but I do have a spare older pair that is pretty close to the same prescription.   I am going to have a lovely black right eye just above the scar from the melanoma surgery so I don't plan to enter any beauty contests for the next month or so.  Knee had some scraping but no real damage. The clear message from all of this is that I do need to get a life alert bracelet ..... I could have been sitting there for much longer if Bob had not come home. Also... walk dogs earlier and Pick Up My Feet!!! I got home about midnight - Bob very kindly waited for me. Good neighbors all.


So today my black eye and I need to go out the shelter to work on budgets.  Please everyone, be really careful. None of us is getting younger and  I could so easily have broken something as that was a really hard fall. 


By the way, little Monty and Bandit stayed as close to me as possible through the whole thing and then went with my neighbor to the condo with no issues. They were very happy when I got home.




Good morning everyone and thank you for the Fleet Report and Daily. Prayers for those in need and shout outs to those celebrating.


 @durangoscotsSorry about your fall and glad you are ok. 

 If it is an option, the iphone watch has a feature that if you fall it will call your emergency contact.




Edited by Love the beach
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38 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Didn't want to like your post Graham, with the news your Sarah has Covid.  Seems like everyone knows someone ( or many someones) who are positive with Covid.  What a crazy world we're in these days!  I hope she is having a mild case of it and negative very soon.

Thank you Sandi.

We will ring her later to see if she needs anything.

She normally sleeps a lot with her Epilepsy and she hasn't been on WhatsApp for 4 hours.

Pauline just got out of work so we both got a McDonald's wrap and called at the beach to eat them.



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