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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday August 8th, 2022


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26 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I've never seen it.

I only watch

Judge Judy.

A place in the sun.

Below deck.



Mind we do go out a lot 😇😅

Shout out to Judge Judy. Since I have watched the show everyday for over 20 years, I have qualified to be Judge. Beware of Judge RedneckBob. 
As a side note, it is rumored that you can see Judge Judy shopping at Costco in Naples, Florida.

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Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for the daily fleet report.   Today's meal suggestion sounds good.  Another hot day here.  My watering efforts are showing signs of working.  

Isn't everyday cat appreciation day?

Jasper is this mornings supervisor. 



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Good morning everyone!  Thanks for the lists and fleet report.  No cats here, we have a dog.  My zucchini is not as prolific as it was last year.  We'll see what we get...did have to give away many last year.  The chicken stir fry looks good. Today we're taking our DGD's for lunch and shopping...one is celebrating her birthday!  We just booked our winter get-away, 10 days on the Eurodam!  

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Good morning from central Texas and the same weather report.  When I ran my errands earlier this morning, it was still pleasant and I did not need the a/c on in the car.


Even though neither we nor the DDs have cats now, we'll celebrate international cat day.  I am enjoying all the cat pictures.  I'll wait for the summer Olympics closing ceremonies in two years to celebrate.  We also donated a lot of zucchini to neighbors in Pennsylvania when we had a garden.  When we lived in North Carolina the original owners of the house planted a peach tree.  When the neighbors saw us coming with a paper grocery sack, they'd lock the doors and close the curtains to keep from receiving more peaches.  🤣


The quote to day is true, but there are times when the world handed out wishes..


The stir fry looks good, but I'll save it for another day.  We still have a lot of chicken left from yesterday's lunch, but I think it will be crab cakes tonight.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting.


We have not been to Semarang, Java.  Maybe some day.


@marshhawk  Ann, I'm sorry your DH's mouth pain is back.  I hope it goes away soon.


@MISTER 67  Glad you are enjoying your cruise.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, safe travels to Michigan today.


@ger_77  Gerry, Sochi's summer look would still be too much this summer in Texas.  She looks beautiful.


@durangoscots  Susan, I'm sorry the roof is leaking again at the shelter.  We have a metal roof on the house, and it's been leaking for several years.  We've had many different people work on it, and the last time, they replaced many of the screws.  We agreed to have all the screws replaced if it continued to leak, but we can't get our schedule to mesh with their schedule.  It seems to leak only when we have a hard rain from the north.


@Tbay  I'm sorry you have Covid now too.  I hope everyone is better soon.




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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Shout out to Judge Judy. Since I have watched the show everyday for over 20 years, I have qualified to be Judge. Beware of Judge RedneckBob. 
As a side note, it is rumored that you can see Judge Judy shopping at Costco in Naples, Florida.

We have watched it since our first visit to Orlando Florida in 1992.

Montel, Jerry Springer and Ricki lake were also shows we watched.

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Good morning!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thanks to all for sharing. 

We have been grilling a lot and I love grilling zucchini. In fact, it’s on today’s menu along with grilled eggplant, mini peppers, onions and yogurt marinated chicken.  I usually blitz up the leftover veggies and make a dip. 


We have dental appointments today so I need to get busy. See you all later. Have a great day!

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Good morning all!

I'm really dragging this morning.  Last night the smoke alarm in our bedroom (right over my head) went off for no reason.  Of course it took a long time to get back to sleep.  There was no reason, the battery is a 10-year battery (and it didn't "chirp", it really blasted.  And I'm going down towards Seattle this afternoon to be with the DGSs while DD is at in-office meetings.  DH is working today with the Mariners, so I'm on my own.  Sorry for the sleep deprived rant!  


It's no secret how much I love cats, so I will celebrate the day with our neighbor cat Jinx and our one remaining grand-kitty Nimbus who I will see today.  I'm laughing over all the zucchini stories!  Stir Fry is one of my absolute favorite meals, and sounds very good for today.  But I'll be driving through Seattle traffic at dinner time so it's take-out tonight.  Maybe tomorrow we'll have Stir Fry.  Will pass on the red wine and the drink, have never been to Indonesia.


Yesterday DS brought over the apricots he had picked from the tree at their new property (renovations still going on, move-in now is hoped for October).  I had promised to make jam when the apricots were ready (what was I thinking??)  not knowing how busy this month would be.  But I was relieved to see that there aren't a lot, maybe one or two batches of jam.  I've made Apricot Riesling Jam in the past, so trying to find that recipe again.  It was so good!  So that's the plan for tomorrow, making that jam.  Wednesday I hope to do absolutely nothing, because Thursday we'll be having the boys overnight again.  This Nana is tired lol!


Here's Jinx, our neighbor cat.  He's getting older now, we're guessing around 15.  He's the sweetest, friendliest cat I've ever known, and I've known a lot of cats.


And Nimbus with our DGS


I hope everyone has a great day!



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During the almost 55 years we've been married, we have been owned by many cats.  We learned early on humans don't own cats.  We are there to provide for them, but we still enjoyed all our cats.   All the pictures of our cats are pre-digital.


These two pictures of Tiburon, older DD's cat, who was mostly or wholly Maine coon, during a hot Texas summer.  I'm not sure how it started, but DH and DD decided Tiburon was too hot with all that fur and gave him a trim with DH's hair trimmer.  By the time they were finished, DSIL was also enlisted to help hold the cat down.  I'm surprised no one got scratched.  I was smart enough to stand back and photograph the proceedings.  Afterwards, he did seem cooler.


The beginning.  I'm not sure I want to know what he was thinking.


Almost finished


By the time they had Tiburon trimmed, there were clumps of cat hair all over the yard.  That is Nikki in the bottom of the picture.  I'm not sure she was offering sympathy or gloating that she had naturally short fur.


I couldn't get a good after picture because as soon as they let him loose, he was out of there.  🤣




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Cats are loved on the Daily; I've never had one (or a dog). I like to watch Olympic Opening and Closing ceremonies. In years gone by when I had abundant zucchini, I would sneak some onto neighbors' porches.

True quote. The meal sounds good, although I rarely make stir fry. Yes to the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Semarang. Looking forward to any pictures.


Another hot and humid day here. With the recent rains, the grass is growing quickly. I'm trying to wait until the cooler end of the week to mow, plus we're still having scattered thunderstorms. I may do some edging and trimming sooner if it's not too hot. Ugh, what it going on here?; several shootings over the weekend.


@kazu Thinking of you.

@Tbay I hope all in your household are recovering nicely.

@marshhawk Good to hear you had some relaxing time yesterday. Sorry to hear DH's mouth pain is back. 

@MISTER 67 Have a great time on the cruise.

@smitty34877 Good news that appetites are back at your house.

@StLouisCruisers Safe travels to Ann Arbor. 

@durangoscots Oh no on the roof leak at the shelter! Nice that Monty is getting the routine down.

@ktbraun Happy Birthday to DGD. And congrats on booking the cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


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Visited Saint Magnus church in Kirkwall before taking ferry to mainland. Made a quick stop at the Northern most part of United Kingdom and Scotland. Spending the night in Wick, Scotland at a old but quaint Hotel Mackay.located on shortest street in the world; they claim?

Saw some old castle ruins and experienced some sheep roadblocks along the way.


Had a tasting at Old Pultney Distillery.

Good times.  


Edited by aliaschief
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Wow 2 days in a row posting pictures !!! Must have nothing better to do ......... it's raining today . I noticed there were no pictures of tours from Semarang so will do a replay from last year for those new to the "Fleet Report and Daily " 
We had the pleasure while on the Volendam cruising from Sydney, Australia to Singapore to land in Semarang , Indonesia on Dec. 5th 2015 and have an incredible tour with Holland America to the Borobudur  a day we will not forget .
The day started off beautifully with a huge reception of about 3 large drum bands performing a great musical show and than give honours and flowers for our captain Jeroen Baijens and the first officers .
With the help of the Tourist Police who with howling sirens and 4 policemen waving their
arms to the sides to move over the very busy traffic to the sides of the roads sometimes almost into the ditch so our bus could drive fast through the middle of the road .
A very exciting ride just to get to the Borobudur ! 
This was not just a short run it took if I remember well over an hour , I can still hear the sirens ........
A friendly wave when we arrived at the Borobudur  , job well done guys ! 
We had to put on our sarongs while I wore my newly purchased Bali shirt to go onto the temple grounds . ( Temp 33 C or 92 F ) 
DW thought these young ladies wanted her to take their picture but she was pulled in to the group to have a picture taken with them ! 
Climbing higher and higher up the temple .
Will follow up in a separate post with pictures of our return to the port including the train ride  .
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and Part 2 of this wonderful day we had in Semarang ! 


Return to the Port of Semarang from the Borobudur .
Because of the very busy traffic between the Port and the Temple we still had the Police with us to direct everybody over and make way for us . 
We made a nice stop along the road for some refreshments , a Wayang puppet show  and than went to the train museum to catch our ride through the countryside towards Semarang 
Time for a delicious cup of Soto Ayam  ( Indonesian Chicken Noodle Soup )  served up around the Lido Pool 
What a wonderful day had in Semarang , Indonesia 
Tony 😄
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Afternoon all!  We had a safe drive today and are sitting with the family watching the final game of the Championships on the huge screen TV.  Ren had never watched the video.  Tonight DS is preparing chicken parmagiana for our dinner which I will enjoy and I believe they have some white wine so I'm all set!  Graham @grapau27your dinner out with Sarah and Pauline looks delicious.  I'm sure you enjoyed their company and they yours.


Thanks for all the photos today in Semerang.  The people there seem very friendly and welcoming.  And also I'm enjoying seeing everyone's cats.  


Last night we had a delicious barbecue dinner as well as great conversation with the two oldest grandchildren who joined us.  One brought her longtime boyfriend.  All the young people were happy to play with Sadie and got her all worked up.  After one playtime in the yard she came in the house and did "zoomies" all over the place.  It was crazy!  I'm hoping this puppy calms down during her first year!  


Back to the game!  ((at least I know it ends happily)).

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I know its been awhile and I wanted to stop in and say hello, I had been thinking about the group for the last couple of weeks.  I  hope you are all having a great summer and enjoying your cruises.  


Dear Dad is almost 100% bedridden now.  There's been a couple of hospital stays the last few months, mainly because of BP spikes caused by his kidney disease; but the heat of summer is not helping either, these little air conditioners can only do so much.  There's a terrible nursing shortage going on and that's made receiving the at home care he needs to be a lengthy process, I'm trying to be patient.  It's possible assisted living or a nursing facility is in his future, I have mixed feelings about it, so I don't know yet; in a lot of ways I'm providing him with assisted living already and the longer I can do it the more money we'll save.  However, having a residence with so many stairs is a major issue, each time I have to call 911 it takes 4 to 6 medics to safely get him in/out of the house and into the aid car.  I feel like there could be a real problem in an emergency requiring us to vacate the premises.  


I really wish I had better things to share, but so many things are on hold, caregiving takes time, and I always seem to be out of it by the end of each day.  If I could buy time, I would!  





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6 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Afternoon all!  We had a safe drive today and are sitting with the family watching the final game of the Championships on the huge screen TV.  Ren had never watched the video.  Tonight DS is preparing chicken parmagiana for our dinner which I will enjoy and I believe they have some white wine so I'm all set!  Graham @grapau27your dinner out with Sarah and Pauline looks delicious.  I'm sure you enjoyed their company and they yours.


Thanks for all the photos today in Semerang.  The people there seem very friendly and welcoming.  And also I'm enjoying seeing everyone's cats.  


Last night we had a delicious barbecue dinner as well as great conversation with the two oldest grandchildren who joined us.  One brought her longtime boyfriend.  All the young people were happy to play with Sadie and got her all worked up.  After one playtime in the yard she came in the house and did "zoomies" all over the place.  It was crazy!  I'm hoping this puppy calms down during her first year!  


Back to the game!  ((at least I know it ends happily)).

Thank you Sandi.

We had a wonderful night.

Sarah was extra pleased as we had a trunk full of food and goodies for her.

I always like watching games especially when I know my team has won.

Pleased you are having a wonderful time with your family.

Sadie is a sweetheart.


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