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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 16th, 2022


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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

An early good morning from central Texas before I make a grocery run.


I have never been fond of roller coasters or anything with a sudden drop.  When we were in Hong Kong in 2018, we decided to ride the Star Wars ride at Disneyland.  Little did we know it was Space Mountain on steroids.  I kept my eyes closed the whole time, and leaned heavily on DH, but at least I did not scream.  We both had to find a bench and sit down until our legs quit shaking after we got off the ride.  I am not a good joke teller, but I'll celebrate rum day, especially if it's Captain Morgans.


An interesting quote.


I like the meal suggestion and the wine sounds good.  We'll pass on the drink.


@rafinmd  Roy, I also saw the new Covid protocols,  After reading some of the posts on the thread about them, I agree that it is probably too political for the Fleet/Daily.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, safe travels for your DS, DDIL and their sons.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I'm glad Lily and her mother are doing well .  I'm sorry Sam is having trouble with stairs.

@Crazy For Cats  Welcome, Raven.


We have been to Koper once, and the following is what I posted on June 19, 2021.


We were in Koper, Slovenia, in 2016 on the Prinsendam's revised itinerary after the Black Sea cruise was cancelled.  We were there on a Sunday, so the town was fairly quiet.  The Thompson Dream (the old Westerdam) was in port with us, but her passengers were not in town when we were.  The Dream was having a major drill including passengers at the request of the local fire and rescue authorizes.  It was interesting to watch part of it from the bluff overlooking the harbor.  Thankfully, there was an elevator to reach the top of the bluff.  We walked around town and looked in a few shops that were open. 


These were taken on the bluff before we entered the old walled part of the town.  They had a good view from here.




The central square in the old city and the church tower, which a friend climbed.





The interior of the church



Scenes from our walk around town.





From here you could go down to the lower part of town and the shopping district.  We decided to stay in the old town.



A inviting looking restaurant, but it was too soon after breakfast to give it a try.



Back on the pier with the bow of the Thompson Dream, after they finished the drill where all the passengers and crew had to evacuate the ship.  Your can see some of the locals and their vehicles in the picture.



We enjoyed our day in Koper.  At that time, I don't think may ships had called there and it wasn't a big touristy port.



Thank you for your nice photos Lenda.

It is nice to see the lay out of a port we have never been to.


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2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s been a busy morning so far. Ninja had a vet appointment for blood work and an ultrasound on his kidneys. All is good, just normal aging and thyroid for which he’s on medication. We go back to the vet on Thursday for Fluff for her surgery on the breast tumor 🤞. They believe it will take care of the problem. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.🙏❤️

Sending Ninja and fluff our prayers for successful Vet procedures.


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56 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!
I'm a little later than usual this morning.  DD brought their kitty Nimbus to stay with us while they're on a road trip to Crater Lake, OR.  So we'll have a cat with us for a week!  He knows us well and is settling in quickly and seems quite happy. 🙂  It's nice to have a cat in the house again.


Roller coasters and I do not get along.  I can't think of much that scares me more, and that's even the little ones!  I love hearing jokes but am not very good at telling them.  The meal and drink sound great, will pass on the red wine.


We were in Koper twice on a cruise exactly a year ago.  We went to Lake Bled one day (amazing day!) and a DIY to Piran the other day.  It's a beautiful place, and I'd love to get back there.





Town square





A doorway for Sandi @StLouisCruisers



If you ever get to Slovenia, you *must* have some of their Kremsnika.  It is to die for! I had it twice. 🙂 



And our day at Lake Bled


The wooden boats awaiting passengers to the island



Another boat, taken from ours.



On the boat to the island we saw this castle on top of a rocky hill.



Approaching the island



Getting closer



When we got to the island there were 99 steps to get to the top.  It was said that on their wedding day, men had to carry their brides to the top.



Looking down from the top.



We walked around the island and visited the gift shop.  Beautiful views!





We had some free time before returning to the ship, so we savored the views and....got some more Kremsnika!







Even the ride back to the ship had beautiful views.



I Loved your photos.

It certainly is a lovely place.


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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  @aliaschief loved Eidfjord!  Enjoy! 

we strayed  a little further afield when we visited Koper,  to beautiful Piran











Thanks for the great pictures!  I knew it would be beautiful there.




54 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!
I'm a little later than usual this morning.  DD brought their kitty Nimbus to stay with us while they're on a road trip to Crater Lake, OR.  So we'll have a cat with us for a week!  He knows us well and is settling in quickly and seems quite happy. 🙂  It's nice to have a cat in the house again.


Roller coasters and I do not get along.  I can't think of much that scares me more, and that's even the little ones!  I love hearing jokes but am not very good at telling them.  The meal and drink sound great, will pass on the red wine.


We were in Koper twice on a cruise exactly a year ago.  We went to Lake Bled one day (amazing day!) and a DIY to Piran the other day.  It's a beautiful place, and I'd love to get back there.





Town square





A doorway for Sandi @StLouisCruisers



If you ever get to Slovenia, you *must* have some of their Kremsnika.  It is to die for! I had it twice. 🙂 



And our day at Lake Bled


The wooden boats awaiting passengers to the island



Another boat, taken from ours.



On the boat to the island we saw this castle on top of a rocky hill.



Approaching the island



Getting closer



When we got to the island there were 99 steps to get to the top.  It was said that on their wedding day, men had to carry their brides to the top.



Looking down from the top.



We walked around the island and visited the gift shop.  Beautiful views!





We had some free time before returning to the ship, so we savored the views and....got some more Kremsnika!







Even the ride back to the ship had beautiful views.



Thanks for your awesome photos!  And I appreciate that you posted that doorway just for me.




27 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

On our first visit to Koper, Tony organized a tour for us to Piran, the caves at Postojna and Predjama Castle, built into a mountain.  We were on the Prinsendam in 2016 and our DD was with us.  Just a few pictures, I'll do more later.








The cavesP1020249.thumb.JPG.df8c1a04f31e729b18da9d340eb83f1f.JPG



Martha and me





Predjama Castle






Gorgeous scenery Ann!

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37 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

On our first visit to Koper, Tony organized a tour for us to Piran, the caves at Postojna and Predjama Castle, built into a mountain.  We were on the Prinsendam in 2016 and our DD was with us.  Just a few pictures, I'll do more later.








The cavesP1020249.thumb.JPG.df8c1a04f31e729b18da9d340eb83f1f.JPG



Martha and me





Predjama Castle






Nice photos Ann of yourself and Martha and also of Piran.


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52 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

Thanks Lenda, getting ready for the drive right now.  I'll be mostly unplugged for the next two weeks, so am praying that I hear good news for Steve when I return.


Susan, thank you.  We hope to hear some good news, too.  He had the MRI of his brain Thursday, and will see the PA next Tuesday afternoon.  Hopefully, we'll know more then, and maybe get an appointment with a doctor soon after. 


Enjoy being mostly unplugged and beautiful Alaska.  Fingers crossed 🤞 you have great weather.


51 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you for the photos Ann 🙂  We enjoyed the Postojna Caves and Predjama Castle too, but from a different port that cruise.  So many things to see in that area it was hard to fit it all in!

You're welcome Lenda.  And trust me, I stuck to the edge -- where I could at least touch the half-wall.  I have a terrible fear of heights too so I understand!  At one point (going down) there were a couple young girls who parked themselves on the side (sitting) -- right where I needed to hang on -- and it took all my courage to walk around them and back to the wall!  


Carolyn, I know what you mean about getting up your courage to walk down stairs away from the wall.  That happened to me on the Great Wall, and it did not help that the side wall kept getting lower and lower.  I finally told DH to go on up to the top, and I'd wait for him.  Then I had to find a comfortable place to wait and to try not to hog the sidewall while doing so.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, all! My rollercoaster story: Growing up, I absolutely loved roller coasters. I usually sat with my Dad and was safely wedged in. I was safe from all possible harm, and the higher and faster the better. When I was 19, I went on the roller coaster at the PNE with a friend. She was very nervous. As we climbed the long grade to the steep drop, I explained that the safety bar in front was locked in and couldn’t possibly lift and let you fall. To demonstrate, I pushed up on the bar which lifted smoothly and quickly without hesitation. We both yanked it down from shoulder height just as we reached the top. For the rest of the ride we both stared straight ahead, pulling down on the safety bar for all we were worth. To this day, I haven’t been on another roller coaster.

Enjoying a lazy, warm day on Salt Spring. Our place in Chilliwack is under an official heat warning today, so this is the right place to be this week.

My thoughts are with those of our group going through illness and troubles this week. 
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Remember to trade up your rollercoaster tickets for time on a BHB!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like roller coasters and still ride them at amusement parks (Kennywood has roller coasters that are rated by the roller coaster society). I'm not good at telling jokes.

I like the quote. The meal and wine sounds good. Pass on the drink.

I haven't been to Koper, Slovenia. Thanks for the photos @Quartzsite Cruiser@bennybear@Cruising-along@Vict0riann


It's cloudy here and mid-70's with maybe rain later. Well, busy morning. I left home just before the last beam was to arrive for the fallen bridge, so I avoided the traffic issues from that. I went to order my new glasses; the old ones from last September had been expensive and gave me headaches. I'm using the same frames, so these weren't too bad price-wise. And I will continue to complain if the new ones are a problem. I'll get them in about 2 weeks. Then I stopped to mattress/bed shop. I want an adjustable bed. I laid on numerous mattresses and narrowed it down to 2. I'll think on it and maybe do another testing of them before I commit to buying.


@kazu Prayers for you and Shadow.

@StLouisCruisers Safe travels on that long journey for DS, DDIL and DGC. 

@Heartgrove So nice that you got to meet and hold Lily yesterday. I hope the meds continue to help Sam.

@Crazy For Cats Nice picture of Raven.

@ottahand7 Ouch on the hook in your finger! Hopefully no infection occurs.

@smitty34877 Good to hear that you all seem to be getting closer to being back to normal.

@Seasick Sailor Indeed scary to have a fire that close! Fortunately it was small.

@1ANGELCAT Keeping good thoughts for Fluff on Thursday.

@AV8rix Safe travels and Bon Voyage!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Our next visit to Koper, in 2019, we had the same guide, and he took us to Bled Castle, Lake Bled and Ljubljana.  Such a beautiful city!  It was a lot of driving, but I think we had a long day in port, and it was well worth the effort.


Beautiful countryside




Bled Castle








Lake Bled and snacks




















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On our third visit to Koper in 2021, the same guide took us to his mother-in-law's house (with wonderful views over Piran), where he could park his van, and then we walked down narrow streets into the town for coffee and souvenir shopping.  After a stroll around the town, he brought the van to where we could board and we drove through other towns, Isola and Portorose,  to a farm for a lunch of local goodies.  We had time after that, so we made a quick visit to Trieste.  A memorable day, a bit more easy-going than our previous visits!


Koper from the shipIMG_6310.thumb.JPG.54fc0f7dfddd247446157ab3ef693480.JPG


View of Piran from Marko's DMIL's house




On the way down 








At the market








In Trieste







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Good evening all,

I just found out that one of my neighbors is on hospice.  She only became ill one month ago and is now in stage 4 cancer.  She had uterine cancer although she had a hysterectomy the cancer had already metastasized.  She is on hospice.  Would appreciate your prayers for her. it appears that she does not have very long.  She recently lost her husband and son.


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9 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening all,

I just found out that one of my neighbors is on hospice.  She only became ill one month ago and is now in stage 4 cancer.  She had uterine cancer although she had a hysterectomy the cancer had already metastasized.  She is on hospice.  Would appreciate your prayers for her. it appears that she does not have very long.  She recently lost her husband and son.


So sorry to hear that.



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Thanks for all the photos of Koper, we have not been to Slovenia.

@Cruzin Terri so sorry to read about your neighbour, you would have got a shock to hear the news.  Is she  receiving Hospice care at home?

It's a cloudy day with occasional sunshine, temperature 15 C.

This year am a little late,  but have now started to  prune our roses.

Stay safe, take care everyone.

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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening all,

I just found out that one of my neighbors is on hospice.  She only became ill one month ago and is now in stage 4 cancer.  She had uterine cancer although she had a hysterectomy the cancer had already metastasized.  She is on hospice.  Would appreciate your prayers for her. it appears that she does not have very long.  She recently lost her husband and son.


How very sad.  Hospice will see to it that she is comfortable in her final days.  That is their mission.  

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1 hour ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for all the photos of Koper, we have not been to Slovenia.

@Cruzin Terri so sorry to read about your neighbour, you would have got a shock to hear the news.  Is she  receiving Hospice care at home?

It's a cloudy day with occasional sunshine, temperature 15 C.

This year am a little late,  but have now started to  prune our roses.

Stay safe, take care everyone.

Thank you,  Yes, Hospice is caring for her at home.


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening all,

I just found out that one of my neighbors is on hospice.  She only became ill one month ago and is now in stage 4 cancer.  She had uterine cancer although she had a hysterectomy the cancer had already metastasized.  She is on hospice.  Would appreciate your prayers for her. it appears that she does not have very long.  She recently lost her husband and son.



Terri,  I'm sorry your neighnbor has such a terrible diagnosis.  I'm sending positive thoughts that she can find comfort and peace during her final days.




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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terri,  I'm sorry your neighnbor has such a terrible diagnosis.  I'm sending positive thoughts that she can find comfort and peace during her final days.




Thank you Lenda, Much appreciated.


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1 hour ago, cruzn single said:

Hospice is such a blessing in the final days both to the family and to the patient. Sending prayers.  My neighbor just passed today with Hospice attending. 

Thank you for the prayers and condolences on the passing of your neighbor.


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