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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday November 25th, 2022


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17 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Two of my grandsons slept over yesterday and one woke up sick this am. Covid test is positive. I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. 


Carol, prayers going up you remain covid free. Hope your grandson feels better soon. 

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19 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Two of my grandsons slept over yesterday and one woke up sick this am. Covid test is positive. I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. 

Oh no!!! So sorry and hope you don't get it. The Covid numbers here are rising according to our health department. I feel so lucky I escaped it on my travels to see my Sister and back.  Hope your grandson feels better soon and it does not spread to others.



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14 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Two of my grandsons slept over yesterday and one woke up sick this am. Covid test is positive. I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. 

Carol I really hope you don’t catch the virus from your poor grandson. I’m sure he feels terrible exposing everyone unknowingly. It happens. 

As Dixie @summer slopesaid it’s been a hot day at Devil’s Island. Due to stiff currents last night our new arrival time in port of 7 am was pushed back even further to 9 am. We obtained our priority tender tickets after breakfast and were aboard the first tender surprisingly. We tried following the rough map handed out by the excursions department, since there were no tours there. We somehow managed to see pretty much everything we wanted to. We even saw a couple of monkeys in the trees.


This was a former French penal colony so we saw the ruins of their cells. What a miserably hot experience that would have been!  Tendering was a slow process today for most and eventually they added a second platform. We left the Island about an hour late and are hurrying to make a morning time period to enter the Barre Norte river at high tide. Many more hot days expected this next week!  

I should have searched my phone’s photo library for some pics of the Island beforehand but got ahead of myself. I will attempt to post now and add some photos shortly. 

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Once on shore looking back at the ship, Volendam. 



one of the monkeys skittering about the tree. You can see his tail looped down. They were fast!


The chapel


the interior of the chapel. There were bars to keep people out. Monkeys too I guess 



the hospital




one of the cells



heading down the dirt road towards the tenders



looking back to the Islands from the ship this afternoon. We visited the larger island straight ahead, actually called Island Royale according to our cruise director. Devil’s Island is the smaller one on the right and is closed. The third island not shown is called St. Joseph Island.  We could see what appeared to be the coastline of French Guiana from our lunch in the Lido. Can’t be too far away. 

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Last night we went to see Naki Ataman the pianist that Lenda @Quartzsite Cruisermentioned last week. I’m hoping I get the chance to run into him so I can give him best wishes from Lenda from Abilene!  His show last night showcased music from 19 countries around the world. The cruise director mentioned he had replaced Russian music to Ukrainian music which received large applause. Here are a couple of photos. 









He was an excellent pianist. The poor young woman who plays occasionally in Ocean Bar should take a few more lessons because she hits sour notes several times per tune!  We all ignore and applaud her playing anyway 😵💫

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I heard on the news that a pax went overboard from the Carnival Valor on Wednesday night in the Gulf of Mexico. Miracle of miracles he was found alive about 12 hours later. He left a bar to use the bathroom and never returned. Sister didn’t report him missing until Thursday morning . 

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Sorry I can’t look up whether Vigo, Spain has been a port of the day before because I’m using my iPhone today and not the laptop. DH is napping and I don’t want to mess around with his laptop. We have never been there before but I figured Jacqui @kazuhad because I’m sure I heard it mentioned. 

And finally something sweet for “dessert”. New photos of Elliott Rose which my niece Lisa provided me. 


Ellie smiling at her Daddy



Grandma Lisa in seventh heaven holding that bundle of joy. 

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Good afternoon from a very cloudy central Texas.  Naturally, the day I have to stay home to sign for the new wheel, it didn't rain in the morning.  However, it looks like it could rain again soon.


The cookies are out of the oven and the kitchen is basically clean.  It will get a better cleaning later, since I decided to make pizza for dinner.  (After all, as Gerry @ger_77  said, It's Friday and pizza night.)  The sauce is made, and I'll make the dough a little later.  That is why the kitchen is not completely clean since there will be more messy cooking later. 


I also just took a key lime pie out of the oven, and will take some to DH tomorrow.  The royal icing for the cookies calls for egg whites, and I hate to waste the yolks.  At least some of them are used in the pie, and it has become a tradition to have key lime pie when I decorate the cookies.


I thought I'd share a little food porn today.  I'll warn you, it is not your usual food porn, and I hope no one is offended.  😉





4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Just a quick check-in; I'll be back to read the Daily later.


BFF and I had an exhausting 7-1/2 hour drive back home yesterday. And we were hungry and everything but gas station stores were closed. We did have some snacks in the car. Fortunately his dear next door neighbor texted us on the road and sent over 2 plates brimming with turkey and sides when we got to his house.


His 93 year old Dad is not doing well, with multiple issues. I'm headed to the hospital with BFF, as he wants me there due to my medical background and just as moral support. Prayers appreciated! Thanks.


Vanessa, I'm glad your and BFF made it home safely.  How nice of your neighbors to bring Thanksgiving dinner to you.  Sending very positive thoughts for BFF's DF's recovery.


4 hours ago, dfish said:

FYI, I found a mound of sugar on the kitchen floor left over from my pie baking on Wednesday.  I thought I had vacuumed it all up, but I guess I missed some.  Sigh


@JazzyV I am glad you arrived safely and God Bless the neighbor who sent the food.   Hugs and warm thoughts for BFF's DF.  


Debbie, I'm sure there is still flour on the floor even though I have vacuumed it several times.  Once I finish the pizza dough, I'll vacuum and mop the floor.  My brown jeans made it through the cookie baking still brown.  They did not make it through the clean up.  When I scrapped some of the floor off the counter, it landed on my pants below the apron and on my socks and shoes.  At least, it came off with just a brushing.


3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

I have something to 🎉CELEBRATE!🎉

(But @rafinmd it doesn't need to go on the lists.)


I just walked out to the mailbox on the street only to see the repairman I've been expecting parked nearby along the road. His company's digital message system had misfired sending him only a truncated address and no contact phone number. And, with his home office closed for the holiday weekend, he had no way to get the needed information. He was ready to leave and come again Monday.  My wandering out was truly serendipitous!



Melisa, that was a lucky walk to the mailbox.



2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


We had a nice Thanksgiving Day even if it was spent at the Care Center. Our friends brought us a lovely dinner - turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots from the garden, fruit salad, apple pie and Earl Grey tea. I supplied the homemade rolls and the staff gladly accepted the last 4 and were eating away on their break. DH had a hard time sitting up and keeping his body in control so I had him put back in bed and he ate every†hing on his plate - but slowly. I was getting ready to leave and he not-so-gently reminded me to make sure to leave his apple pie! 

I was out on Black Friday shopping this morning. I'll also do some on-line. Today was Fred Meyer for socks, boxers, Fat Max measuring tapes for DS (He gets one at Christmas and I save the other one for his birthday at the end of July), and ice cream. I went in the store in dry weather and came out to a lot of rain. Heading back in shortly as I get my Covid booster at 11:00 and then in to see DH. 


Have a great Friday! 




I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving dinner, but sorry your DH couldn't join you at the table.  Glad you are getting your booster.


1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Two of my grandsons slept over yesterday and one woke up sick this am. Covid test is positive. I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. 


Carol, Oh No!  I hope you do not get sick, and that your grandson has a very mild case.


24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Last night we went to see Naki Ataman the pianist that Lenda @Quartzsite Cruisermentioned last week. I’m hoping I get the chance to run into him so I can give him best wishes from Lenda from Abilene!  His show last night showcased music from 19 countries around the world. The cruise director mentioned he had replaced Russian music to Ukrainian music which received large applause. Here are a couple of photos. 









He was an excellent pianist. The poor young woman who plays occasionally in Ocean Bar should take a few more lessons because she hits sour notes several times per tune!  We all ignore and applaud her playing anyway 😵💫


Sandi, thank you for the pictures of Naki's concert.  His second one is just as good.


23 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

I heard on the news that a pax went overboard from the Carnival Valor on Wednesday night in the Gulf of Mexico. Miracle of miracles he was found alive about 12 hours later. He left a bar to use the bathroom and never returned. Sister didn’t report him missing until Thursday morning . 


I saw the story on CNN.  He was very lucky to be rescued by the Coast Guard.


12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Sorry I can’t look up whether Vigo, Spain has been a port of the day before because I’m using my iPhone today and not the laptop. DH is napping and I don’t want to mess around with his laptop. We have never been there before but I figured Jacqui @kazuhad because I’m sure I heard it mentioned. 

And finally something sweet for “dessert”. New photos of Elliott Rose which my niece Lisa provided me. 


Ellie smiling at her Daddy



Grandma Lisa in seventh heaven holding that bundle of joy. 


Sandi, thank you for the pictures of Elliott Rose.  We have another sweet baby to love.  I couldn't find Vigo as having been a port before, but I didn't have time for a thorough search.  



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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Has anyone watched the Medicare commercial with crabby Martha? 

That isn't really Medicare.  It's something that IMHO is mostly a scam called Medicare Advantage but it is private insurance usurping Medicare's name.  They charge Medicare more than what it would likely cost if you were under real medicare, and make much of their money by restricting the physicians you can use and often requiring pre-certifcation that often results in denials of needed care.



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5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Has anyone watched the Medicare commercial with crabby Martha? 

I agree with @rafinmd in post # 62 that one needs to be very careful when selecting any option to Medicare, but I think @Seasick Sailor was referring to the similarity between that TV ad's crabby Martha and the CC poster who is complaining nonstop about the water problem on Koningsdam. Neither can be satisfied...



4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. 

🙏Prayers sent your way that you avoid COVID and your grandson has a very mild case.🙏



Edited by HAL Sailer
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8 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Just a quick check-in; I'll be back to read the Daily later.


BFF and I had an exhausting 7-1/2 hour drive back home yesterday. And we were hungry and everything but gas station stores were closed. We did have some snacks in the car. Fortunately his dear next door neighbor texted us on the road and sent over 2 plates brimming with turkey and sides when we got to his house.


Ahh how nice - that really is the spirit of Thanksgiving ♥️ 


8 hours ago, JazzyV said:


His 93 year old Dad is not doing well, with multiple issues. I'm headed to the hospital with BFF, as he wants me there due to my medical background and just as moral support. Prayers appreciated! Thanks.


Oh my - my prayers are with you all 🙏🏻 


7 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

I have something to 🎉CELEBRATE!🎉

(But @rafinmd it doesn't need to go on the lists.)


I just walked out to the mailbox on the street only to see the repairman I've been expecting parked nearby along the road. His company's digital message system had misfired sending him only a truncated address and no contact phone number. And, with his home office closed for the holiday weekend, he had no way to get the needed information. He was ready to leave and come again Monday.  My wandering out was truly serendipitous!



Yay!  that was truly serendipitous 👍  


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Two of my grandsons slept over yesterday and one woke up sick this am. Covid test is positive. I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. 


Oh NO, Carol.  I am praying you don’t get it 🙏🏻 


Hope our grandson recovers quickly and easily and keep him away.


3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

I heard on the news that a pax went overboard from the Carnival Valor on Wednesday night in the Gulf of Mexico. Miracle of miracles he was found alive about 12 hours later. He left a bar to use the bathroom and never returned. Sister didn’t report him missing until Thursday morning . 


OMG. He wasn’t reported missing?  Unbelievable and amazing he survived, thankfully.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Sorry I can’t look up whether Vigo, Spain has been a port of the day before because I’m using my iPhone today and not the laptop. DH is napping and I don’t want to mess around with his laptop. We have never been there before but I figured Jacqui @kazuhad because I’m sure I heard it mentioned. 

And finally something sweet for “dessert”. New photos of Elliott Rose which my niece Lisa provided me. 


Ellie smiling at her Daddy



Grandma Lisa in seventh heaven holding that bundle of joy. 



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Slap me if you are offended, but can you really just fall off a cruise ship going down the Mississippi with out using the phrase "was doing something stupid when"  they fell off the cruise ship?  (this includes alcohol impairment, he did leave the bar at 11 p.m.)    If the ship is listing more than 45 degrees, then you fall off a cruise ship.

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