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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday May 13th, 2023

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Good morning and Happy Saturday.

Interesting collection of days.  

it is important that we honor birth mothers, who for whatever reasons decided to give their child up for adoption and a better life.  It must be a heart wrenching decision.

I will skip the other two days.

Interesting quote, now that we have the explanation from @0106. Thank you.


i will skip the food.  Rather than Prosecco, we have a bottle of Santa Margarita sparkling Rose on Ice for tomorrow.  I think we will crack that open.  The drink sounds good.

Thank you for the photos of the port. I have not been there.


Today I will finally have a cleaner come in.  She is known to me.  She is one of the people from Service Master who worked on our house during the flood.  She does this work on the weekends.  She is someone I know and trust. She knows every corner of my house, probably better than I do.

This will really help me as I find doing housework really causes my polymyalgia rheumatica to flare up.  

Daisy (my Roomba) also helps quite a bit). 


All went well yesterday with the clerk at the Probate Court.  She said we should have the documents that we need in a few weeks.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


Lunch at the Fish Camp was nice.  Had Fish and Chips and took some home to warm up for tonight.


Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,




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Good morning, everyone!


Boy, are we feeling our age this morning.  After two days of work on that deck these two old ladies need a day of rest.  There is just a little more that needs to be finished up and I might attempt to tackle that.  We'll see.  


We are continuing with the pizza theme for dinner, but today's pizza is for the carnivores.  This first recipe seems really easy, especially since you start with a pre-baked crust.  One suggestion made was to use naan bread for the crust.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/garlic-herb-steak-pizza/




Here's one using flat bread for the crust.  https://www.hy-vee.com/recipes-ideas/recipes/steak-flatbread-pizza




This one is slightly different than the others as it uses a marinated steak.  The steak is marinated in Coca Cola.  You can try the experiment at home and see how long it takes to dissolve the steak.   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/steak-and-cola-pizza-7530713




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning. It is cloudy but going up to eighty or so later. Hummus is popular in this house but I definitely don’t see frogs in the neighborhood. I am glad Tina @0106 could explain the quote,thanks.

Both of my brothers adopted their children and so far both nieces have been in some contact with their birth mothers. Their brothers have not been moved to do the same thing,although it would be possible. We are all grateful to their birth mothers. I can’t even imagine such a difficult thing to do.

We have not been to the port but it sure looks like fun. 
Have a great day everyone!

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Today's sunrise is from a short QM2 cruise filling a gap on my way back home from Kiel, Germany in 2019.  May 13 was a sea day from Southhampton to Zeebrugge.





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Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

      Just a quick checking to thank everyone for their kind words prior to my surgery. It was a little rough for a few days but I think I have turned the corner  I am home ( YEAH) and even though I have a little bit still to go thru, all will be well. I believe that I can come off the Care List.

     How will I fill my time now that the World Cruise is over? I really enjoyed following along thru the blogs. Maybe someday???


Stay safe and enjoy today


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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! We are both enjoying our quiet time as it will be two full days of grand parenting. Planning to take them to a nearby play ground. Last night we played a Jumangi board game and had no clue what we were doing. I ended up winning and still have no clue what I did to accomplish that.

We have been pretty successful in helping three year be potty trained. She’s a bundle of joy but can wear us out. The seven year old has been testing our patience and yesterday Nana took away the daily 30 minutes of I Pad time. 
Sandi thanks for getting the Daily rolling off the press.

Have a great weekend everyone.




As far as the missing socks another real story. For months our clothes took forever to dry in the dryer so I decided to clean the vent hose and guess what I found. An empty 12 oz soda can covered in lint. Apparently when we replaced our roof one of the workers tossed the can down the vent.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I am grateful for my birth mother having given me up, as I had a life she could not possibly have provided for me.  Even though she refused to acknowledge me and my half siblings, we all appreciate that we were given better opportunities than what she could have given us.  Go frogs?!?  While not a fan of store bought hummus, I do appreciate the hummus a friend of ours makes - he loads it with garlic, and it's delicious!


A bright sunny day already and we're looking at a high of +26C (78F).  I'll get the fans going on the deck so it isn't super hot late in the afternoon, because that's when our young Ukrainian family will be coming over for a barbecue.  Until then there's all the prep work to be done so there's nothing to do but enjoy their visit when they get here.  I've got a couple of bottles of rose (no accent, couldn't get it to work) chilling and have some sparkling pear juice for the little girl.  


I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, but will have to tuck it away for another day.  Tonight's menu includes grilled hamburgers, Asian coleslaw, dilled potatoes, cucumbers in vinegar, and assorted crudites,  and we'll end with cherry delight for dessert.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Thank you all for the fleet report and Daily, photos, recipes, and memes. 

@ger_77, thank you for sharing your experience, on the positive adoption experience.  

@dfish, you continue to provide wonderful recipes I want to try, even after I think, that’s not for me.  I especially liked the one using naan bread.

@summer slope, @cat shepard, @StLouisCruisers, @richwmn, @rafinmd and all who provide the basics, thank you!


🙏🏻 For all in need , 🥂 for those with good news, celebrations, and travels. 

Have a wonderful Saturday, or all of you Daily peeps.


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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Have been to todays port, last November with @StLouisCruisersSandi and Dennis.  It was a great port stop  Will post photo's later.


Candy Apple Margarita cocktail:


6 parts Sauza® Blue Silver 100% Agave Tequila
1 can Limeade
3 parts DeKuyper® Hot Damn!® Cinnamon Schnapps Liqueur
8 parts Candy Apple Soda

Serves 9. Combine all ingredients in a pitcher filled with ice.


Screenshot 2023-05-13 at 5.51.12 AM.png

I would never try this drink cause I can never take a chance breaking my tooth on the candy apple! 😀

Edited by RedneckBob
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Good morning all!

I know I’m missing a lot and will try to catch up when we return home. Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all on the celebration list. 

We continue to have a wonderful time. The crowds are thin and weather good. My favorite time to come!


Sadly there are signs of the aftermath of the flood last year. We were here with family just days before it happened! We found out yesterday that the Mammoth Hotel and restaurant are closed due to sewage problems due to the flood. 

Yesterday we saw dozens of baby bison, Old Faithful and Lake Yellowstone (still frozen over). We also saw wolf tracks there at the beach. Today we’re on the hunt for bears. Some years we see none, other years up to 8. Fingers crossed!


Photos from yesterday. 



IMG_0538.thumb.jpeg.5d2a7213dafb90b6b2c14a805e2dd795.jpegRoaring Mountain


IMG_0540.thumb.jpeg.d885dc6c0f4e7232ac7825b21b8fe674.jpegIce on Lake Yellowstone 


IMG_0550.thumb.jpeg.2f237676c77f6d169bc64dae9274b411.jpegOld Faithful 




IMG_0554.thumb.jpeg.2cc4657d69290f1bf3a2ea1b60921f9e.jpegA couple 2-year olds going by


IMG_0565.thumb.jpeg.0f083f25c9317d81f557b7ce0bef34f6.jpegTraffic jam at Mammoth 




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Good morning all,

It’s hard to believe we’ve been back over a week. Yesterday the house got cleaned and today the suitcases go back into the garage. It was a great trip, and thank you again for all the help. 

@dfish Dinner looks delicious. I’ll copy a couple of those recipes. 

@ger_77 If it’s helpful, (assuming you are using an iOS device- I don’t remember you saying previously) if you keep your finger on a chosen letter, a bubble with other options (accents, other markings) comes up and you can slide your finger to select).



We’re planning to try pickle ball at a local park later today. We were introduced to it on Volendam.


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 
I will celebrate birth mothers, as I am adopted. I’ve never met her. I also like hummus. I like the meal. I’ve not been to today’s port. 

I went out for a walk yesterday and am paying for it today with more knee pain. BFF is off touring a nearby old town with friends. 

@richwmn Welcome back and safe travels home. 

Prayers to all in need and I’m glad to hear of good news for many, especially on the health front.

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Good Morning to All!


Again, sunshine in Arizona!!  😆  Should be a wonderful day.


Love hummus and make it frequently from scratch.  Began to love Prosecco when I backpacked Europe for 17 days in 2021.  Actually have some in my cabinet.  Steak on pizza - I think I will pass.  Quote is interesting.  Never been to that port but it might be on my cruise next Nov (I will have to go and look).


So off to the gym and I think I will make some hummus and drink an Aperol Spritz!


Have a wonderful day everyone!!

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Good morning from a cloudy, but not raining, central Texas.  It is 67F and will reach 77F this afternoon.  Our forecasted rain kept getting pushed back yesterday, and we only got a small amount overnight.  It is just beginning to rain again, and from looking at the radar, we should be getting a good rain until about 2 pm.  Then later this afternoon, the rain is supposed to return and last through tomorrow afternoon.  I think today and tomorrow will be good days to catch up on things on the computer.


I will honor all birth mothers who made the very difficult decision to give their children up for adoption so they could have a better life.  We don't have frogs here, and I haven't even seen any toads for several years.  DD served hummus at a picnic, and I didn't hate it, just don't want to buy it.


I like the meaning of today's quote, just think it could have been stated differently.  However, with @0106 Tina's explanation, I understand the context in which it was said.


The pizza looks good, but I would only make it if we had leftover steak, which is very seldom.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice.


We did not stop at Parintins on our Amazon River cruise.


Another interesting day in history.


@richwmn  Rich, safe travels home today.  Welcome, home.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad you're having good results with the three year old's potty training.  Sorry that your DW had to take away iPad time from the seven year old. 

@summer slope Dixie and @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures.  I think we would pass on the show, but the park looks inviting.

@Denise T  I'm glad you are feeling better today.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the incision heals quickly.  I also hope Ivan gets more comfortable with the grass.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, good to know the clerk was helpful yesterday.  It's good you already know the new cleaner and are comfortable with her.

@dfish  Debbie, I know you'll be happy when the deck is completely finished.

@cunnorl  Charlene, thanks for checking in today.  I'm glad you are feeling better after a rough few days, and hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly and quickly.

@RedneckBob  When we replaced our washer this spring, I pulled the dryer out after the old washer was removed to clean under the dryer too.  Our clothes had also been taking too long to dry, so I vacuumed out the vent hose.  All I found was a huge ball of lint.  However, I think there is still an empty coke bottle stuck in the rafters from when our house was built.  It was there before the ceiling was installed, and I doubt anyone removed it.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Yellowstone, and thank you for your pictures.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry the walk caused more knee pain.












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In 1787 England began shipping their non-desirables to Australia because the new United Stars of America refused to continue taking them in as indentured servants.  Seeing the prisons in Port Arthur and elsewhere is interesting in itself and also in world history. 

Thank you @0106 for context of the quote. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comport or hope!  Prayers for Alberta and Ukraine. Grateful for the good news being posted!  

Cheers to all the moms. My mom was adopted, or I wouldn’t be here. I raised 2 stepsons in my first marriage, their birth mom died 20 years ago.  My DH of 30+ years has 2 children from his first marriage and 3 grandchildren from them, all blessings in abundance to me!  The granddaughters tell me, “Grandma, you’ve been our grandma since we were born!  You were here for us and we’re here for you!”  DH and I are looking at moving to a closer proximity to them!  It’s a very special relationship. 

Today’s toast is with Prosecco 🥂 to all celebrating!  Life is good. 

Smooth travels to all away from home!  

@StLouisCruisersExciting that Ren scored 2 goals!  We we’re within a “stone’s throw” of the soccer fields yesterday when we went to the Gaithersburg Costco for DHs new eyeglasses. That was noonish and not so warm yet, although Costco Friday was a zoo!  

Jacqui @kazu I don’t understand a dog being afraid of grass…. ? I hope he trusts you enough to learn he’s safe even on grass. Have you considered Steri-strips to provide support while your incision continues to heal?  She’s butter, coconut oil or even Vaseline might help keep it from cracking. But follow your doctor’s advice, just thinking out loud here.  Wishing you good results soon!  


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5 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

In 1787 England began shipping their non-desirables to Australia because the new United Stars of America refused to continue taking them in as indentured servants.  Seeing the prisons in Port Arthur and elsewhere is interesting in itself and also in world history. 

And the alternative in England was to hang many of them.  Capital punishment, for what we'd consider trivial crimes against property, (let alone a "person of quality"), was common and frequent.

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Good morning, Dailyites, big day here, Pat is coming home.  He will have the staples (25) out this morning, and I can go in and pick him up around 11.  Yesterday he had a scan and the stents out, so nothing more will need to be done, except the community nurse will be coming in to help him with the "bag" until he is comfortable with it.  Then he needs to make an appointment for June 3 to hear the results of the pathology.


I am a fan of hummus, but Pat is not, so I've been eating it in his absence.  We've also had pizza and MacDonald's while he was in the hospital;  now we have to go back to regular stuff...  I think we will be holding off a bit on the prosecco, but all in all, I don't think he will have any dietary restrictions.  I have been trying to get the house organized for guests next weekend, so Pat doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, but I think I will have to get a house cleaner in, in fact maybe for a few months.  That would be a great help.  I do wish this headache would go away!  Yesterday the internet went down, and Pat told me how to fix it, but I did it wrong, and DD had to work on it later in the day.  I'm finding it hard to focus.  


My best wishes to everyone on a beautiful weekend in Victoria - we are supposed to break records and go up to 28 Celsius - about 86 Fahrenheit - unheard of here!

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I think many here have enjoyed the postings of @Scrapnana.  For those who haven't seen it she posted to yesterday's sailaway thread:


46 minutes ago, Scrapnana said:

Thanks, Roy.  The last four months have not been what I had planned.  I am still undergoing chemo and I’m in a nursing home.  I have one more round to go.   Hopefully, I will be able to walk without being hunched over and for longer distances.  My goal is to be on the  2024 GWV.


Hope all is well with you, Roy.


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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!


Again, sunshine in Arizona!!  😆  Should be a wonderful day.


Love hummus and make it frequently from scratch.  Began to love Prosecco when I backpacked Europe for 17 days in 2021.  Actually have some in my cabinet.  Steak on pizza - I think I will pass.  Quote is interesting.  Never been to that port but it might be on my cruise next Nov (I will have to go and look).


So off to the gym and I think I will make some hummus and drink an Aperol Spritz!


Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Well hello Nickelpenny. Any relation to Moneypenny? 😀

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45 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a cloudy, but not raining, central Texas.  It is 67F and will reach 77F this afternoon.  Our forecasted rain kept getting pushed back yesterday, and we only got a small amount overnight.  It is just beginning to rain again, and from looking at the radar, we should be getting a good rain until about 2 pm.  Then later this afternoon, the rain is supposed to return and last through tomorrow afternoon.  I think today and tomorrow will be good days to catch up on things on the computer.


I will honor all birth mothers who made the very difficult decision to give their children up for adoption so they could have a better life.  We don't have frogs here, and I haven't even seen any toads for several years.  DD served hummus at a picnic, and I didn't hate it, just don't want to buy it.


I like the meaning of today's quote, just think it could have been stated differently.  However, with @0106 Tina's explanation, I understand the context in which it was said.


The pizza looks good, but I would only make it if we had leftover steak, which is very seldom.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice.


We did not stop at Parintins on our Amazon River cruise.


Another interesting day in history.


@richwmn  Rich, safe travels home today.  Welcome, home.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad you're having good results with the three year old's potty training.  Sorry that your DW had to take away iPad time from the seven year old. 

@summer slope Dixie and @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures.  I think we would pass on the show, but the park looks inviting.

@Denise T  I'm glad you are feeling better today.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the incision heals quickly.  I also hope Ivan gets more comfortable with the grass.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, good to know the clerk was helpful yesterday.  It's good you already know the new cleaner and are comfortable with her.

@dfish  Debbie, I know you'll be happy when the deck is completely finished.

@cunnorl  Charlene, thanks for checking in today.  I'm glad you are feeling better after a rough few days, and hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly and quickly.

@RedneckBob  When we replaced our washer this spring, I pulled the dryer out after the old washer was removed to clean under the dryer too.  Our clothes had also been taking too long to dry, so I vacuumed out the vent hose.  All I found was a huge ball of lint.  However, I think there is still an empty coke bottle stuck in the rafters from when our house was built.  It was there before the ceiling was installed, and I doubt anyone removed it.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Yellowstone, and thank you for your pictures.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry the walk caused more knee pain.












Wow, an old coke bottle. Maybe be worth a nickel if you get it and return it to store.

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2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

 Just a quick checking to thank everyone for their kind words prior to my surgery. It was a little rough for a few days but I think I have turned the corner  I am home ( YEAH) and even though I have a little bit still to go thru, all will be well. I believe that I can come off the Care List.


That is really good news.  Take it easy with your recovery.  Don’t rush things too much.



3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Today I will finally have a cleaner come in.  She is known to me.  She is one of the people from Service Master who worked on our house during the flood.  She does this work on the weekends.  She is someone I know and trust. She knows every corner of my house, probably better than I do.


So glad to hear you are getting the help you need and especially from someone you trust 👍 



3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

All went well yesterday with the clerk at the Probate Court.  She said we should have the documents that we need in a few weeks.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


So glad to hear this.  Mine are crossed for you, too 🤞 



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

I went out for a walk yesterday and am paying for it today with more knee pain. BFF is off touring a nearby old town with friends. 


Dam on the knee pain 😔. I was hoping it would improve 😔 I hope it gets more bearable fast 🙏🏻 



37 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Jacqui @kazu I don’t understand a dog being afraid of grass…. ? I hope he trusts you enough to learn he’s safe even on grass. Have you considered Steri-strips to provide support while your incision continues to heal?  She’s butter, coconut oil or even Vaseline might help keep it from cracking. But follow your doctor’s advice, just thinking out loud here.  Wishing you good results soon!  


He wasn’t nervous before, Maureen.  Somehow he associated the white flags for the training with the grass.  He only got a vibration and apparently it was too much for him. (White flags are down, collar is off).  He’s getting training treats on the grass out back and is getting to be more himself.  the front yard and walks are the next challenge.


Thanks on the elbow.  My neighbour - a retired nurse took a peak at where it split.  I had steri strips on it but she said it wouldn’t hold it together because of location and split.  So a different bandage covering on it after it was sterilized again. It’s going to take time and bears watching, she said and she warned me not to try to use the elbow much until it is healed.  That’s why I told @cunnorlnot to push it.  I’m sure I overdid unwittingly causing it.


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Well, the cleaner didn’t show.  She had an emergency.  So I am ending up with all the work.  I can’t have her during the week.  Jim is having surgery on Monday, Dryer coming on Wednesday (hopefully this time it is not damaged) and I am sure we will have to go back to the doc a few times.

So I don’t know when I will see her.

I am really bummed out.


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42 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, big day here, Pat is coming home.  He will have the staples (25) out this morning, and I can go in and pick him up around 11.  Yesterday he had a scan and the stents out, so nothing more will need to be done, except the community nurse will be coming in to help him with the "bag" until he is comfortable with it.  Then he needs to make an appointment for June 3 to hear the results of the pathology.


I am a fan of hummus, but Pat is not, so I've been eating it in his absence.  We've also had pizza and MacDonald's while he was in the hospital;  now we have to go back to regular stuff...  I think we will be holding off a bit on the prosecco, but all in all, I don't think he will have any dietary restrictions.  I have been trying to get the house organized for guests next weekend, so Pat doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, but I think I will have to get a house cleaner in, in fact maybe for a few months.  That would be a great help.  I do wish this headache would go away!  Yesterday the internet went down, and Pat told me how to fix it, but I did it wrong, and DD had to work on it later in the day.  I'm finding it hard to focus.  


My best wishes to everyone on a beautiful weekend in Victoria - we are supposed to break records and go up to 28 Celsius - about 86 Fahrenheit - unheard of here!


Ann, I'm glad Pat will be home later today, and that the nurse will be coming in to help for a while.  I hope your headache clears up soon.


30 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Wow, an old coke bottle. Maybe be worth a nickel if you get it and return it to store.


I wish.  The house was built in 1999, so it's a plastic bottle.  At least, it wasn't added to the plasitic blob in the ocean.


32 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I think many here have enjoyed the postings of @Scrapnana.  For those who haven't seen it she posted to yesterday's sailaway thread:




Roy, thanks for the information about @Scrapnana.  I know we have all been concerned about her.


5 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, the cleaner didn’t show.  She had an emergency.  So I am ending up with all the work.  I can’t have her during the week.  Jim is having surgery on Monday, Dryer coming on Wednesday (hopefully this time it is not damaged) and I am sure we will have to go back to the doc a few times.

So I don’t know when I will see her.

I am really bummed out.



Terri, I'm sorry the cleaner had an emergency and couldn't make it today.  Hopefully, she can come next weekend, but that doesn't help today.



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@ger_77 Gerry I really admire you and your husband embracing the Ukraine family. Thank you.

@JazzyV Vanessa I’m sad that you are experiencing all the aches and pains during what should be a wonderful overseas vacation.


It’s nap time for 3 year old so it’s let say it’s tranquil. Seven year old got the message and is back too being an angel❤️

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