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MisterMatthew's cruise to AK, on Eurodam, 5/20-5/27


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12 minutes ago, MisterMatthew said:

LabMom -- How are you!


It is a good itinerary.  Plenty to fill the lens of a camera, and that magical place in your heart!  I will post more, soon.


Are you a Lab Technician, or you own a pet or two?  Just asking.  Or, maybe it is none of those.  🙂




We have a Labrador Retriever who is 11. (We had two but lost our older one last year.)

I'm looking forward to the details. I've read a couple of reports of HAL having serious supply chain issues on other cruises this year. I won't stress about the Alaska cruise as we don't have far to go, living just outside of Seattle. However, we are booked on a HAL Japan itinerary next April. If things don't go as well as I'd like for the August cruise, we may cancel Japan. Too far to go to have issues!

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Well, the first day of the cruise was pretty uneventful.  Just settling in and such. 


Just before 5pm.. my luggage arrived.  Yay!  I spent time unpacking.  Completely unpacking.  Setting up my "items" in the bathroom, etc, etc, blah, blah.  I love the 4 metal hooks that are on the side wall.  I could hang my duffle bag on one of them, and other things as needed. 


Oh, I did not get a beverage package of any sort this time.  Most of my liquid intake was the complimentary stuff in the Lido... but, did have quite a few soda pops.  And, I think 3 alcoholic beverages on the cruise. 


There is a knock on my stateroom door.  I figure it's the SAFE help that I requested.  Nope.  It's my stateroom steward.  Son, is a good guy.  (Oh, yes.. his name is "Son".)  We chatted for about 6 or seven minutes.  He asked me where I was from.  And, then inquired if there "was a time of day you would like your stateroom cleaned?".  I told him, "Yes, I would like it cleaned on October 8th".  He laughed so hard.  We had some banter back and forth.  I basically told him whenever you "get to it, is just fine".  In fact, "you can do mine first, last, anytime at all".  Son told me that he does the staterooms from 7am--2:30pm & again 5pm--9pm.  I asked him in a (somewhat) sarcastic tone "Umm, do  people actually choose a SPECIFIC time???".  "What if they want their room cleaned at 9:25am each day?".  He told me, "well, that is what I will do".  I mean, I am all for good service & even some pampering, but geez.  Just my opinion. 


Son was about to leave, then I remembered my SAFE.  He, right away, got onto his radio-thing.  Looks like a cell phone but is a, well you know.  So, I over heard the conversation.  "Yes, 6069, safe assistance".  And, overheard the response of "should be there in 10 to 20 minutes".  Son, was now on his way. 


A few times during the cruise, I tuned into ESPN for the hockey.  Not that all the games were going to be aired on ESPN, but .. I kept track as our L.V. Golden Knights were in the western final.  And, now in the Stanley Cup final. 


No one from "services", or engineering, or any department in the next 45 minutes.  So, I just left the room.  Figured, they can let themselves in.  Took the NO THANKS / YES PLEASE card out of the door opening, and stowed it.


Went to the Lido, and had supper.  The Short Rib lasagna was really really good.  Had two soda pops, and a couple of other things. 





I was satisfied.  :)


Some background with me.  I am the sort that from time to time will stay up late.  But, 90 percent of the time -- I am in bed fairly early.  To some of you it may be classified as ESPECIALLY "early", lol.  Usually, by 8pm, I'm asleep.  Also, it's kind of a routine with my line of work, as a Uber Driver.  Love to get out early, and finish my day by mid-afternoon.


I took two laps on Deck 3.  Alright, I'm exaggerating a bit.  I only took one lap.  But, the brisk air felt nice.  Back home, in LV, NV... it was going to be 99 F in the desert.


I am back in my stateroom, and looked over the day planner for the following day.  There may be another word for "it".  But, it's comprehensive & lists a lot of stuff to see, do, buy, eat, drink, and smell.  Like the fragrance sale that will go on from 1:20pm til 1:30pm.  Well, something like that!  He he he.


Oh, the SAFE, not yet fixed.  I have my family jewels, and a bevy of cash.  So, I'm slightly nervous.  What will be a good hiding place for these items?  Hmm.  Double hmm.  Alright, it's cheap stuff to be honest.  And, not quite a bevy.


End of day.



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Alright, it's now Sunday.  A sea day. 


I know I have said it before, but I get a kick out of how the ship's speed is adjusted juuuuust right to arrive at a port at a certain time.  Today, we cruise all day & into the night. 


My day begins at the Fitness Center.  It is not yet open.  Okay, my day begins by hanging out at the Lido for a little bit before the stations are open.  Well, there were only two persons (customers) there.  Basically, you can get the self-serve milk, self-serve cereal, coffee, and such.  There is no staff to wait on you with beverage delivery, basically, until about 10 minutes before the stations open up. 



The coffee was alright, had better.  But, not a regular drinker of it.  So, no big deal.


I spent around 2.5 hours here at the Lido.  Pre-open, open, etc, etc.  I like to talk with the servers & learn about them, their lives, and where they are from.  Well, not ALL about their lives -- but, just share things about where each of us from.


My food selection, at breakfast, is mostly simple.  I like cranberry juice, and orange juice.  Or, even mix them as well.  Time to start out with a sammich.  Oh, sammich means sandwich for those of you not familiar with the slang, lol!  Contents:  Bagel, bacon, cream cheese, and bacon.








When I get the cream cheese, I will ask for anywhere from 3 to 5 containers.  They are tiny.  And, you can really go wrong if there is not cream cheese in the picture!


Alright, let's talk about the omelet station.  This is a GOOD station at the Lido, but not in the morning.  At least for me anyways.  MisterMatthew does do eggs.  It is a good station later in the day, where you get salads.  (Are you laughing right now?)  Hmm.


Well, I spent a good portion of the morning by the pool.  Relaxing, and watching islands go by. 


Not a whole lot of excitement today.  But, I did go to one of the presentations by the Cruise Director.  It's where they play a film of sorts, and the person periodically narrates, and pauses the film.  She spoke of the native american population in Alaska, and others that lived there throughout time.  Their struggles, and such.  Plus Tlinget, the native language for some.  Really interesting stuff.  The cruise director, and presenter was Jordyn (female), and she is quite articulate.  A pleasant voice.  And, I will honestly say, really attractive.  (Blush::::::)


Go back to the room, and relax.  Well, I have been relaxing since the cruise began!!!  Okay, I went to take a nap, lol. 


Ninety minutes go by and I wake, and freshen up.  Let me make a call to Guest Services.  See, if there is an update on the SAFE.  I call, and before I can get a person on the phone.. it's just that recording.  "Thank you for calling guest services, someone will assist you shortly".  The weird thing is that their recording has good hold music, but, they repeat that phrase EVERY 12 SECONDS!!!.  Oye. 


Well, I was on hold for like 3 minutes.  Gave up, slightly.  Tried again 10 minutes later, same deal.  Oh well.


I step outside into the corridor, and see Son.  I mention the status of my SAFE.  But, tell him to please continue with his duties, and we'll tackle it another time.  I go to the walking deck and did one lap (Deck 3), just like last time!  I saw someone taking multiple photos of an island and, a nearby barge.  I think that is the typical word you would use for a large vessel that has scrap metal on it.  Oh, and crushed cars.  Well, he changes lenses.  Serious photographic material.  After, removing the lens cap & placing it on the railing, his wife knocks it off and into the sea two seconds later.  Hey, at least it was not the Nikon lens.


Oh, by the way.. my cell service is a very very basic and economical "plan", with a phone that does not provide cell service at sea.  But, I did have service in Juneau, Ketchikan, Sitka, and one more port.  I know I'm leaving one out. 


Time to go to Dive-In.  Time for some fries, with melty cheese sauce.  That's my entire order.  I like the fries there, they are crispy and not soggy. 


I'm headed back to the center bank of elevators, on the Starboard side (yes, the glass ones), the one on the right, still not operating. 


Back to the room, and hey!  I have an idea, let me call about my SAFE.  I call down to guest services & the person that answers tells me he "is very sorry to hear that, we will take care of that for you!".  I do not inquire as to what the duration of wait time will be.  I just say "okay". 


Dinner tonight, will be in the Main Dining Room.  Not that it matters, I wore docker "type" long pants, a polo shirt, and semi-formal shoes.  For me, that's what I'm wearing!  The maitre'd asks me if I would like to sit with others, etc, etc...  I said, "Anything is fine with me".  And, I am escorted to a two-top table.  Service was lacking.  Getting a soda pop, included a delay.  It's not a big deal.  I am not sure if I took food photos this night.  Will have to take a look, sorry. 


Okay, dinner is done.  Oh, is it me... I mean, I like to think I am a semi-expert at HAL, now .... but, is the Main Dining Room RIGHT ABOVE the engine room?  I mean it HAS to be!?!?!?!??


---- Matthew

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19 minutes ago, MisterMatthew said:

(( I am not sure how to EDIT a post.  I looked all over for something to click on, but I have no idea how it is done. ))


Anyhow, my above post mentions the Lido .... I meant to say:    "does NOT do eggs".




Enjoying your posts, thx for sharing!


Once you hit "submit", your post is only editable for a few minutes (five perhaps?) and after that it can't be changed.


TO EDIT:  Tap on the three dots in upper right of the post. You can also fill in the "reason for edit" box.

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It is now Day 3.  Monday.  The ship is in Juneau.  Wow, did I sleep in alright... it's nearly 7am.  Well, I, was late going ashore... did not step off the ship until around 10am. 


My morning was spent falling back asleep, for an add'l hour, and getting a quick bite at the Lido.


Juneau, I believe had 4 ships at port.  Ours was very close to the dock.  Actually, the ship never had to use a tender for any of the ports on this cruise.  Sweet!




Yeah, that glass elevator is still out.  Maybe it will be in operation later?


Okay, let's go ashore.  I am now, technically, for the first time in Alaska!!









I liked Juneau ... it was a nice port.  It is where I purchased a couple of souvenirs & did some sightseeing.  Yeah, many stores were the typical "tourist trap places", you know.. with 77% of the merchandise was "made" elsewhere. 


I visited a knife store, Alaska KnifeWorks.  This was certainly "more than" a typical cheapo sort of place.  They had knives that were collectable, and unique.  Some were quite ornate.  And, the guys there explained what each one would be used for... like "You could skin a dear in NO TIME with this one!", and one of the patrons asked, "how many times have you skinned a dear?".  Guy said, without delay, "at least 50".  It's a little store that is near the ramp that goes down to the planes that take-off via the water.  Oh, and behind a fish n chip joint.  Sorry if that is confusing!




In this photo, above, I'm standing near the front door of the Knife place.


I will be blunt, there are a LOT of diamond and jewelry stores here.  Some with unique names.  Supposedly the inside "word" is that they work in conjunction with the cruise lines.  Is this true?  Or, make sense?  They're in cahoots? 


I talked to one clerk at a gemstone store, asking her "How long have you lived in Juneau?".  She said she did not live there, and was here just for the SEASON.  In fact, there were a couple of people that said the same thing.  Hmm.


 ----- Matthew



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36 minutes ago, MisterMatthew said:

(( I am not sure how to EDIT a post.  I looked all over for something to click on, but I have no idea how it is done. ))


Anyhow, my above post mentions the Lido .... I meant to say:    "does NOT do eggs".



It is not intuitive but it is possible for a few (I think about 20) minutes:




I took a screen shot of that post.  At the far right corner ( After "Author" and #29 you will see 3 dots.  If you click on the 3 dots you will get choices including Edit.  From there it should be relatively easy.



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6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

It is not intuitive but it is possible for a few (I think about 20 minutes:




I took a screen shot of that post.  At the far right corner ( After "Author" and #29 you will see 3 dots.  If you click on the 3 dots you will get choices including Edit.  From there it should be relatively easy.




Roy -- okay, partner.  I understand now.  Thank you.


P.S. 35,000 posts??  Yowza!

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2 hours ago, LabMom57 said:


We have a Labrador Retriever who is 11. (We had two but lost our older one last year.)

I'm looking forward to the details. I've read a couple of reports of HAL having serious supply chain issues on other cruises this year. I won't stress about the Alaska cruise as we don't have far to go, living just outside of Seattle. However, we are booked on a HAL Japan itinerary next April. If things don't go as well as I'd like for the August cruise, we may cancel Japan. Too far to go to have issues!


LabMom57 ---- Sorry to hear about your pet, I am sure they are sorely missed!  Well, yeah -- there are always some hiccups along the way.  Honestly, I cannot really imagine any cruise being "BAD". 


---- Matthew


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Mr M:  You are on your way to becoming a perfect HAL Mariner. Naps, sleeping in, going back to sleep: all the prerequisites :)

Nevertheless, you need to work on walking the deck much more: 6 laps at a time, please, three times a day will be required, watching for whales at all times.

You are so patient about the safe! This is rather strange for a HAL ship to slip up to this extent. But great that you have a super cabin steward.

There are a few local shops with local merchandise in each port, the rest being shops selling imported "tourist" stuff and the abundant jewelry stores, as you mentioned.

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Again, thank you everyone for following along.  Mind you, I do understand that I'm composing at the keyboard -- several days "after" my cruise.  Thank you for putting up with me!


Today, it's time to cruise Glacier Bay.  This is where the shop opened up the bow of the ship for onlookers.


Day began with a walkabout.  And, attempting to find Tamarind.  I remember the directory saying it was on Deck 11.  I get to deck 11.  There is no Tamarind.  So, later on.. I figure it out, deck 11 is in multiple sections.  Eventually I find it.  I liked the decor.  I did not dine there during my trip, but glad I at least had a look!


Alright, let's get down to business.  I am in the Lido, and I get a sense of things, and procedures & practices.  So, the HAL ships.. or at least this one (I think) do not have cranberry juice on board.  They do not have orange juice on board.  What they do have is plastic cartridges, maybe the size of a flat shoe box -- with concentrate in them. 


Lido opens for breakfast, and there is no cranberry at the yogurt station.  You know--the little shelf unit that has glasses already poured out.  Apple, cranberry, pineapple, tomato, tomato, grapefruit.  But, no cranberry.  I ask my server Pravin if he can find me some.  Usually, at each "position" of the Lido (where the servers place dirty dishes / cups, there is a pitcher of orange juice, and coffee, and water.  He could not find any.  Then, he went to four other stations.  They do not have any.  Uggg.  But, I will survive. 


I get, somewhat, creative and go to the bar on the Lido Deck & ask the bartender (as I hold my empty Lido juice cup) "Is there anyway I can get some cranberry juice from you?  The buffet is completely out".  He raises an eyebrow for 4 seconds, and then responds.. "Sir, any drink from this bar, you will have to pay for".  I tilt my head to one side, but do not say anything.  I go to walk away.  Then, he says... "here, I will give you a glass this one time".  Hmm.  Hmm.


Okay, Glacier Bay was great.  I took a handful of pictures and a video or two.  The weather was really great.  From what I remember, persons on the MAY 13--MAY 20 cruise had even better weather.  So, it was a light breeze, and temperatures around low 50's.  I can deal with that!!!!  :)


So, the scenery was marvelous.  Words just cannot say how great this was.  I'd love to come back one day.












There were persons on the ship called "Park Rangers", which, I imagine were actual park rangers / locals.  They did some narration throughout the next few hours.  And, there were a handful of them out on deck.  Also, a few up on deck 11 by Explorations Cafe.


The strange thing.. hmm, slightly strange thing was the daily planner paperwork mentioned that they will be on the ship "until 3pm".  In addition, the audio announcement said (pretty close to 3pm) that "the Park Rangers are going to be leaving the ship at this time".  And, that Holland America really appreciated their insights.  It is true, they were quite knowledgeable on various aspects of the glaciers!  I'm sort of wondering, because we were not going to be in our next port, for another three hours, ummm... how did they LEAVE the ship, lol. 


Alright, moving on.  Hey, how about that SAFE?  I go to the Guest Services desk.  There is not a long wait.  Maybe, 6 persons ahead of me.  When it was my turn, I bellied up to the counter.  And...


Svc Rep:  "Good afternoon, how are you?"

Me:  "I am doing well, and you?"

Svc Rep:  "How can I help you?"

Me:  "I would like to know the status of my service request?"

Svc Rep:  (5 second pause) ... "How can I help you?"

Me:  (I augment the sound level in my voice)  AND  (Speak much slower)  "I would like to know the s--t--a--t--u--s of my service request" (including a tone of angst in my voice)

Svc Rep:  (not speaking at all)

Me:  "This is my 4th time asking for SERVICE"


So, at this time, the other customers adjacent to me... look over.  Then, I placed my hands just above counter with my palms facing the ceiling.  And, I nod my head in the direction of their computer screen.  The Svc Rep, clicks on a few keys, then speaks...


Svc Rep:  "Is this in regards to your in-room Safe?"

Me:  "Yes.  Perhaps you can see that I made several phone calls to your department.  And, my Room Steward did AS WELL, sir".

Svc Rep:  "Do you have valuables in your in-room S__"

Me:  I cut him off, and quietly told him that since Embarkation Day, my "safe has been LOCKED, I do not have any idea of something is in there, or if it is empty.  Therefor, I am unable to use the Safe."

Svc Rep:  "I understand, let me see what I can do"


So, the service rep tells me that this will be expedited.  And, a "technician will meet me at my stateroom in 3 minutes".  I thank him and make my way to Deck 6.  I use the center bank of elevator for obvious reasons.


I arrive at my room.  No one standing outside my door.  I go into my room.  No one is in there.  Hmm.. I go out into the hallway & keep an eye out (like Sammy Davis, Jr.).  Well, who comes down the hall.. it's my room steward Son.  I tell him that I am waiting for a technician to arrive.  He cries out "They have not fixed it yet??!!".  I tell Son that it is alright, and I am sure they will be here soon. 


---- Matthew




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2 hours ago, MisterMatthew said:

Continuing...A few times during the cruise, I tuned into ESPN for the hockey.  Not that all the games were going to be aired on ESPN, but .. I kept track as our L.V. Golden Knights were in the western final.  And, now in the Stanley Cup final. 

...End of day.

Nooooo - we were having such a good relationship and our future looked so 🌞. Now I'm afraid this may be the end. How can a Dallas Stars fan stay here?!

We were so bummed  - and it's too hot for Vegas to be a hockey town, does not compute. Lol

I'll say congrats, but it will be without enthusiasm 🤯🤕😓😭

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@MisterMatthew yes those are actual Park Rangers that come onboard for the day. Usually HAL also brings on photographers from Alaska Geographic (think National Geographic but focused on Alaska).

They are brought out to the ship/taken away by a Pilot Boat, or maybe it just looks like a Pilot Boat - they just transfer from one vessel to the other.

We really enjoy their talks and most are very receptive to passengers asking questions.

They'll have a National Park passport stamp somewhere (usually Explorations Central) for collectors to get the Glacier Bay National Park stamp.


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Son (that is the name of my Room Steward, in case you have not been following along) says he will stay with me until the techs arrive.  Good guy. 


Well, one minute later.. two gentleman arrive at my door.  Each of them with a working-man-like jumpsuit on.  And, each of them carrying equipment bags marked "Dewalt".  "Ya call about the Safe?"  I said, yes.. and they said they could not enter my room until another person arrives.  So, it's me, Son, and the two techs in my INSIDE cabin.  Then, the 5th person arrives.  He is dressed formally, with the orange tie & all that jazz.  The guy with the orange tie tells me that someone from his department must be present anytime a safe is "opened". 


Next, the orange-tie-guy queries me.  He is wanting to know what items I have placed in the safe.  Uggg.  I did not answer him, because Son spoke up instamatically, "My passenger has not been able to use the safe, it's been locked since he boarded!"  Way to go Son.


The first technician gets an electronic device that has a wire hanging out of it.  I was somewhat fascinated by the whole thing I suppose.  So, underneath the safe handle, is a tiny port.  The tech plugs in and starts reading the screen on his device.  And, punches some keys. 


Son asks me how my day has been, and if I have ate lunch yet.  Just some friendly small-talk as we all look on.  Well, three minutes have gone by. 


The technician with the device says (to the other tech), "We've got a problem here, it's not recognizing the unit".  So, now the orange-tie-guy seems a bit flustered.  Mind you, he has a front row seat for the whole debacle. 


Alrighty, this is going mighty fine.  The two technicians step out of the room for a moment & one of them (I can fairly easily hear the words being spoken) tells orange-tie-guy "We're going to have get a locksmith for this".


So now, I am wondering what Steps 32, 33, and 34 will be in all of this, lol.  I sit down on the sofa, and Son is smiling -- being a cheerful guy.  "Matthew, what did you have for lunch?  Was the weather nice today?"  God bless this guy, Son.  He had probably been in my stateroom doorway for almost 20 minutes.  I'm sure he has plenty of work to do on a full capacity ship. 


Anyhow, orange-tie-guy comes back in.  "I'm very sorry for this!"  He lets me know that this will be taken care of, today.  And, he gets on his radio.. requesting a locksmith.  And, it will not be a long wait, he promises.  Everyone leaves, even Son.  I give a chuckle & Son can tell that I'm taking this all in stride.


Let's turn the page.  Let's fast forward (laughing as I type this).. and go on to the next chapter of this debacle.  Around 30 minutes later, a different orange-tie-guy is at my door.  So, he mentions that a locksmith is on the way "RIGHT NOW".  I ask him if I can leave the stateroom while they "do" whatever they need to do.  He says, in a kind manner, "Unfortunately no, you must be present anytime we open a safe.". 


Well, now it's clear.  A lot of people have to be present.  We got a whole pile of PRESENT PEOPLE BREWING NOW, baby! 


Alright, well, this person arrives.  I guess I really don't know what his job title is, nor his capabilities.  He has a similar equipment bag, and such.  So, he takes out... basically the same device as the first tech had last hour.  He fiddles with it & does basically the same thing.  At this time, I now have a repeat visitor.  Wait, no.  No, I now have TWO repeat visitors.  It's Son, and the original technician.  The original technician leans his head in, saying "I tried that already, I tried that already!"  Orange-tie-guy #2 most likely is losing his mind.  Son, looks on. 


Well, after a few minutes.. I decide to speak up and talk with orange-tie-guy #2.  I ask him, if he can get "the Ship's Security Officer to my stateroom right away?".  Orange-tie-guy #2 has a puzzled look and says "Why do you ask that sir?"   (Now, mind you, Son and myself have had plenty of banter, and good chats over the past couple days, with plenty of laughs.)


So, I tell orange-tie-guy #2 "I'd like to inform him that I am having a large amount of dynamite brought onto the Eurodam shortly".  I say this with a calm, and clear voice.  Orange-tie-guy #2 is stunned with what I said.  But, only for a few moments.  MEANWHILE, Son has fell onto my sofa & laughing hysterically!  I show a bit of a smirk, then... and, everyone else catches up to my sarcasm. 


Let's get back to the efforts being made.  The "locksmith" says to the original tech, "Did you clear-out the display on your unit before connecting?".  Nope.  So, beep, beep.  We all hear the safe (( drum roll )) open.  Orange-tie-guy #2 takes a look.  It turns out to be empty.  And, the safe is now SAFE!


--- MisterMatthew

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56 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Nooooo - we were having such a good....

I hear you buddy.  For a couple of days here, LV had a fair amount of worry for the series.  Our puck-passing was kind of bad.  But, that's how it goes.  It was pretty strange, your arena got turned into a library basically.  Your team is REALLY good. 


--- MisterMatthew

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34 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

@MisterMatthew yes those are actual Park Rangers that come onboard for the day. Usually HAL also brings on photographers from Alaska Geographic (think National Geographic but focused on Alaska).

They are brought out to the ship/taken away by a Pilot Boat, or maybe it just looks like a Pilot Boat - they just transfer from one vessel to the other.

We really enjoy their talks and most are very receptive to passengers asking questions.

They'll have a National Park passport stamp somewhere (usually Explorations Central) for collectors to get the Glacier Bay National Park stamp.



Haljo, interesting!  Yes, I remember seeing the stamp and stamp pad upstairs in the Cafe.  Cool stuff.




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Okay, there was a (I think today, or maybe it was yesterday) informative presentation on the Excursions that were coming up.  Which were numerous.  I did not partake in one, but wow... tons of information, photos, video, etc... on the World Stage.  They talked about the duration of each one.  As well as if they were EASY, MOD, or STRENUOUS.  Interesting to watch and listen.


I had dinner in the Lido.  It turned out to be a salad, and a few other things. 









Oh... the area (it is still there) where they do the classical type of music.  I think it "is", or "was" called Lincoln Ctr Stage... they had a couple performances that I saw.  Nice!  Now, they may have done more than two, but that is what I saw myself.  It's refreshing to hear that type of music.  Relaxing. 


--- MisterMatthew



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9 minutes ago, SilvertoGold said:

The safe, my God!  What a time.  What writing. You deserve a Pulitzer Prize.



Well, I gotta tell you, it was a doozy!  Thanks so much for the kind words.  They mean a lot to me.

---- Matthew

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I have to make mention of Pravin, he is a good server and beverage guy at the Lido.  If you see him, let him know that Matthew says hello!


This guy is a semi-pro at cricket in his native home (India), in New Delhi.  I remember several times he took care of like nearly 20 tables, even over-lapping into another worker's "area" that was new to HAL.  In fact, there were several persons that were sailing for the first time ever on HAL this week.  Including Sri.  (pronounced Zree)


Good people!

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It is day 4, and the ship is in Sitka.  My day was actually pretty simple.  I started off by skipping breakfast.  And, got to the gym right when it opened.  It's a not a huge place but there equipment is good stuff.










Now, when I say good stuff... I must preface it by indicating I am not a complete fitness guru.  And, here in Las Vegas, we have a place called Planet Fitness.  The Eurodam's stuff blows it out of the water.  Example.. the treadmills at P.F. have a simple incline.  These have incline AND decline functions.


My hour and a half in there, I only saw two other people.  One of them, lol, he was just texting on his cell-phone.


I showered up, in my stateroom.  Rested.  And, went to NY Pizza.  I cannot remember the name of the pie.  It was "okay".  Believe it or not.. I was pretty hopeful that this would be a standout place for some good pizza.  AND, i was fully aware that not every HAL ship has this cafe.  Here are a few pictures.  The flavor was alright, but kind of seemed on the dry side.  The crust was sort of okay.






I ate about 2/3 of it.  Then, threw in the towel.  Oh well.


So, my afternoon consisted of very little to be honest.  I can best put it into words, or picutres:






Yep, mai tai!  Had two of them.  First one was delicious, and it took 2 min to consume.  The second was just the same, but I slowly sipped it.  So, 4 minutes for that sucker.  As a side-note, I had in my pocket a couple of Advil (motrin) tablets to take.  Sore muscles really "got me" today!  Well, I had no idea (UNTIL LATER) that the tablets I took were the "PM" Advil.  Lol. 


And, so I umm... umm, guess I was asleep in the Ocean Bar for about 4 1/2 hours.  Yep.  Got back to my stateroom & saw the "incorrect" bottle.


---- MisterMatthew



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10 minutes ago, Florida_gal_50 said:

Now you are getting an idea why the front desk is so useless.  That pizza does look dry.  Usually it’s better than that.

Hey there FloridaGal...

What pizza did you order last time, if you remember? 

When I ordered mine, it did not take long.  They gave you (well, you probably know this) the buzzer.  I waited like 12 minutes.  It was rainy that afternoon -- so, hardly anyone was going there is my guess.



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5 minutes ago, MisterMatthew said:

Hey there FloridaGal...

What pizza did you order last time, if you remember? 

When I ordered mine, it did not take long.  They gave you (well, you probably know this) the buzzer.  I waited like 12 minutes.  It was rainy that afternoon -- so, hardly anyone was going there is my guess.



I had Bronx and Wall Street.  I pretty much stick to those usually having Bronx.  I quite enjoy them generally.  I ordered mine on the app.  The second time it looked odd on the app so I walked over after about 10 minutes and he told me the app wasn’t working.  I hope they didn’t give you a leftover.  It just doesn’t look right to me.

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Several random things...


While I was onboard, I purchased this piece of jewelry in one of the shops...




What do you think of it?  Well, here is a quick hint.  It is not jewelry at all, and I did not purchase it.  It's a part of the ship.  Can you guess what it is?


Okay, I ate at (or got takeaway from) the Dive-In four times.  My 3rd visit, was a bit interesting.  The person at the podium taking the orders was someone i had not seen before.  I decided to order a custom burger and told her what I wanted.  My words basically mentioned "All I would like on the burger is gouda cheese and mushrooms".  I guess she misunderstood, when I got to my table in the Lido and unwrapped it, lol, there was no burger patty.  Just "gouda cheese and mushrooms".  I was not angry, had a double order of fries.


One thing to mention, the floor that is in front of the Dive-In is a shiny white surface, and if it gets wet --- it is REALLY slippery.  Keep an eye out for it.


That one elevator (mid-ship, glass elevator, on the Starboard side, did not work -- the ENTIRE cruise).  I'd be interested to know if future sailings have it fixed.  :)


The best meal I had in the Main Dining Room was supper.  (Supper = Dinner).  One of the nights they had Prime Rib.  Very tasty, and tender!  Score!  Even the little potato thing had a lot of flavor. 




Now, the coconut shrimp were a letdown:




Let's see here... Oh, sort of a strange interaction.  On day number 3, I was walking down the corridor (Deck 6) from my stateroom to the mid-ship elevators.  I got towards the end of the hall... and, a passenger asked me a question.  "You're on 6 also, right?"  I said that I was.  And, she goes on to ask me "Does your cabin have the smell of raw sewage that is so putrid you feel like vomiting?"  (Wow.)  I told her no.  This was near 6087.  Hmm.  Hmm.




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