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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 24th, 2023


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like the idea of fairies. I've never eaten from a food truck; none around the places I go, plus sanitary considerations give me pause. No dog here and now retired, so no work. Not sure I agree with the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine ($$$). I've seen Picasso paintings and ceramics in galleries. I haven't been to Kagoshima City.


It's cloudy and humid here. The house is warm, but I'm trying to use the ceiling fans and leave the AC off for now. I was going to mow the lawn this morning, but it's too wet. And showers are predicted for this afternoon and all the way until next weekend. It may be dry tomorrow morning for me to try it then. So, I'll do inside stuff, mainly more sorting through things to get rid of, either by donating or ebay.


@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DD!

@aliaschief Thanks for the photos, and enjoy your day onboard relaxing.

@rafinmd Good to hear that your dental pain is minimal.

@kochleffel Enjoy the retirement celebration today, if you can.

@St Pete Cruiser Nice photos.

@kazu I know you have many happy memories to comfort you on this difficult Anniversary date.

@ottahand7 Good to hear that your toe is feeling better.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for checking in and have a relaxing day. Nice photo of you two, and your tour.

@marshhawk Prayers that the meds help your pain. 

@Nickelpenny It sounds like you two are having a great time in the Denver area.

@Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

Be well everyone.

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Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



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Bright and sunny here in Durango. Was 39F when dogs and I went out but it is supposed to get up into the mid-80's today. At least it makes good sleeping at night.


We have a number of food trucks here and some are in a fairly permanent location. The 11th street station features about 6 of them sitting at the site of what used to be a gas station. Food is good and it is very popular. There are a couple other places with one or two set up. Since they are subject to city inspection I don't worry about sanitation. I

1 minute ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



Oh dear.... I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.



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6 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 




Prayers for your DH. Prayers for his medical team and both of you. Hoping maybe antibiotics will help, although they may have to adjust those for his kidney issue.

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11 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



Very sorry to hear this. Prayers for you and your DH

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@luvteaching Oh Karen, I’m so sorry this is the turn of events for you and your DH and family. We’ll be keeping you our hearts!  My mom was in kidney failure with the docs all very grim, but she rallied and had more years ahead. Holding the best vision for you all!  Thanks for sharing with us!  Hugs for you all! 

A break in the rains this morning. Got caught in a downpour yesterday but very glad for the much needed rain here in Maryland. 

@kochleffel Your retirement celebration is a rite of passage. Wishing you congratulations on your achievements and many blessings ahead. 

@kazu May your wonderful memories bring some smiles to you on this anniversary of your ❤️!  Thank you for sharing a picture of José with us.  Hoping Ivan has a good day and can cheer you up a bit!  

@Nickelpenny Lovin your grand tour trip!  Thanks for taking us along!  

@smitty34877 Hoping for all the best!  

@marshhawk So sorry for your high levels of pain which is exhausting. Hope the meds help. Ice packs can bring down the inflammation by increasing the blood flow to the area of the nerve pinch. Nerve pain is horrible, I call it alien pain because it’s so different. Gentle hugs to you!  

@dfish I’ll study those recipes!  Great tips to compare. Sweet and Sour Chicken is a favorite of DH’s. I’d like to try it tonight, I think I have all the ingredients but will have to use canned pineapple. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  🙏

Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 Life is Good!  
Smooth travels to all away!  Thanks for all the beauty, history and culture from around the world shared in the photos!  What a special treat you all are every day!  💖


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18 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



I am so sorry to hear this.  He was doing so well.   I am glad your DS is with you through this difficult time.  Warm thoughts and hugs for you and your family.   Thank you for letting us know and we all hope we can help lift the burden just a bit for you.


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41 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this, Karen.  Sending prayers and lots of hugs to you. 

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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Yesterday we were in Skagen, Denmark. (Pronounced Skane), which is on the very northern tip of the Jutland.  We took a ship tour (not my usual thing, but I have to say that this was quite good.  Our first stop was to Grenin where we boarded a “Sandworm,” which is a trolly pulled by a tractor.  It took us to the northern tip of Denmark where the Baltic and North Seas meet.  If one so wishes you may remove your shoes and socks and put one foot in each sea at the same time.  Many did this, however, we did not.  It was fun watching people enjoying this.  Very windy.  


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I cannot get a description of another photo after posting a photo.  So these are photos of Grenin where the Baltic and North Seas meet at the tip of the Jutland.  It was very windy but lots of fun.





If I did that I would end up on my butt all wet! 😄

Edited by dobiemom
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46 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



I am so sorry to hear this.  My prayers are with you.  Thankfully you have your son with you through this difficult time.

God bless,


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 @luvteaching You and DH will be in my thoughts and prayers.

   @kochleffel   Try to enjoy your party. Think of it as a meeting with the only action item for you is to enjoy the rest of your life.

    @Sharon in AZ A very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more

     @kazu  thinking of you today. May your memories bring you comfort.

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So sorry to hear your news, @luvteaching, Karen.  We are also having problems urinary here.  Kidney infections, etc., Pat is home, but one doctor at the hospital said he would have admitted him if it had been him assessing Pat.  Lots of antibiotics, and Pat has/had a very stiff neck, which I figured had to be meningitis, but the antibiotics seem to be helping, or maybe it was just a stiff neck/arthritis...   Now we're not sure if he will need more surgery.  Cruise cancellations on the way!


We're thinking of you on your anniversary, Jacqui.  One of my favourite quotes from St. Thomas More - "Pray for me, as I will for thee, that we may all merrily meet in heaven."  Love the "merrily", I can see them all up there having cocktail parties!

Edited by Vict0riann
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55 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 



Prayers 🙏 urgently on their way.

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Good morning all!

It's a cloudy, cooler morning here north of Seattle.  Waiting for the sunshine the weathermen are predicting!


When DD was little she had a collection of fairy dolls (cannot remember what they were called), that's as close to a fairy that I've been as far as I know. 😉  The only food truck I've ever been to is owned by the previous owner of an excellent Italian restaurant (he's from Milan and had the restaurant more than 20 years).  He "retired" from that and is doing his dream, a food truck.  And it's excellent of course!  He's in 2 locations, Bellingham and Mt. Vernon.



Funny, we had take your cat to work day and now take your dog.  Our family covers both -- DD works from home and has cats, DS works from home and has dogs.


The quote strikes me funny, not sure I agree...we love sweet and sour chicken or pork.  I have a great recipe for it, but it's a lot of work so I've taken the easy way and just use a tiny bit of bottled stir fry sauce from the Asian section in our commissary.  It doesn't take much and is yummy.  Oh and I do the stir fry, not the coated chicken.  If I'm feeling ambitious, I would choose the 3rd recipe -- yum.


The drink sounds good but will pass on the red wine and we haven't been to Japan.


This weekend DD and family are camping again, DH and I are going down to their house to "check on" (play with) their kittens.  I'll also leave some cookies for their return tomorrow.  I like to surprise the boys that way.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Happy 51st birthday to your DD!

Happy birthday Sharon @Sharon in AZ!

Welcome @P&PNH!

Paul @kochleffel Congratulations on your retirement.

Jacqui @kazu may your happy memories comfort you today on your and Jose's 29th anniversary.  (((hugs)))

Nancy @ottahand7 Good news that your toe is feeling better!

Joy @Seasick Sailor I'm sorry to hear about your DH's medical issues.  Prayers sent your way.

Again, Karen @luvteaching praying for your DH, you and your family.




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Good morning and thanks all!  
@luvteaching praying all goes well.  
@Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday!  
@StLouisCruisersalso happy birthday wishes Sandi to your DD

@kazu happy heavenly anniversary to your DD DH   and hugs!   So glad I wasn’t confused.  
@kochleffel best wishes on your retirement. 
I would love to celebrate take a dog to work day if I was working! 

I also as a nana have to celebrate fairies!  
and I had to love this sign 


We were supposed to visit Kagoshima, but a late portchange had us visit Sakaiminato instead.  Although we were initially disappointed we throughly enjoyed seeing a black castle and one of the top gardens and museums in Japan.  We so enjoyed our boat trip on the canal complete with singing, laying down to go under bridges and the most giggling in a long time.  













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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. 


Thank you Dailyeites! 




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