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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 2nd, 2023


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Thank you all for caring and sharing. I forget a lot so I depend on my phone calendar. When the doc’s office asks if I want a card for my next appt, I tell them no thank you because if it’s not on my calendar it doesn’t happen. 😳😄


It’s going to be a hot one today (but not as hot as TX) so I’m glad I’m mostly inside. Volunteering at church, then taking DMiL to lunch. 🥡🥢


Thanks for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Prayers 🙏 for the Care List and Cheers 🥂🎉 for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

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Good Morning to All!  


Great list of days!  I did see a UFO once as a child.  We were camping around Goldstone, CA (which is near Barstow, CA) in the '60's with the Compact Camper Club.  We were all sitting around the campfire with the view of the dark mountains in the background.  All of a sudden, a dot of light zoomed across the sky, landed on a mountain top and then skipped along the mountain tops and then zoomed away.  We all saw it.  Too fast for anything known to us.  🙂 


Love risotto and make it frequently (I am a carbo-holic!!).  Never been to today's port.


Yesterday was busy as I had to catch up on a lot of things.  Got my new coffee maker and decided I would get a new phone.  I have 2 (and 2 numbers) - why?  T-mobile's plan for >55 years is cheap and I have had it ever since I came back to the States.  Had to transfer all my data to the new phone and reconnect some of my apps (like my Fitbit!!).  Heading off to Pinetop in a few to some cooler weather and to see my friend's jewelry!!  Might even by some.  So it is road trip for me.  (love road trips)


Thoughts for the long care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.


I think I will...........hmmmm..........I forgot what I was going to say.  Well, anyway, have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It seems I'm the memory bank in our house, so if I forget things, we're toast.  I've said this before, but when UFO's fly past planet Earth, they lock their doors.  I wish there were more accessible recreation areas for those with disabilities; you don't realize how few there are unless you have family or friends with a disability.


Well we hit our daily high of +36 yesterday, but even though it was hellishly hot, I was able to get all the windows on the deck cleaned.  After going through a full bottle of window cleaner and lots of paper towels, I decided to try a magical cloth I'd purchased at the dollar store a couple of years ago called "Miracle Glass Cloth".  I wet it in a basin of water, wrung it out and it indeed did perform miracles!  I won't be buying glass cleaner any time soon, as this silly little cloth did the job without streaking, and I can save the planet a little longer by not using paper towels.  


After the windows were done, it was time for a shower, then DH and I drove across town to an indigenous run gas station that was having Canada Day celebrations.  They have crafts (purses, jewelery, t-shirts, bunny-hugs, coffee mugs, etc.), and were providing a free barbecue for anyone who stopped by.  Although I was tempted by the gorgeous purses and wallets, I did resist them, but managed to add a couple of native designed t-shirts to add to my wardrobe.  We hadn't had lunch, so were invited to join them for some, so outdoors we went where there were misting stations, large umbrellas, and picnic tables so we could enjoy a tasty smokie while listening to fiddle and guitar music provided by some of the locals.  It was fun.


@rafinmdthe horrible shooting in Baltimore was on our CBC national radio news this morning - when will it end?


Today we're heading out to get a number of keys cut for our new front door - for our family, and to give some to trusty neighbours in the event we ever get locked out.  Then this afternoon we're going to a friend's 80th birthday celebration, where I'm sure there will be treats galore.  His children have rented a small hall where we'll gather and there is a barbecue to follow, so I'm relieved of making dinner again tonight.  Darn!  LOL



Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good morning from a gloomy central Texas.  We have an heavily overcast sky with even darker clouds to the west and north of us.   It is currently 75F and feels like 75F with a 4mph breeze.  Our high is predicted to be 91F, but I have a feeling that like yesterday we'll be warmer than predicted.  It was pleasant when I took my walk a few minutes ago, but I heard thunder and saw lightning across the lake.  While it looked like the worst was moving to the northwest, I didn't do a long walk and even felt a few small raindrops toward the end.  The forecast and the radar show the rain missing us as usual.  Lately, most storms go around the lake, so I'll leave the sprinkler system on until and unless we get a go rain.  Of course, for us to have best chance of rain, I should have waited until today to mow.  😁


I really don't want to celebrate I forgot day because forgetting is getting too common around here.  UFOs have always been interesting, and many have turned out to be test flights of new items, which are denied by the armed forces.  We have been by Area 51 and stopped in Rachel, NV, at the Area 51 Alien Center.  We've also spent the night in Roswell, NM.  We saw some strange earthlings in both places but no aliens or their spacecraft.  Special recreation for the disabled is very important and gives the participants a sense of belonging and accomplishment.


As far as today's quote, character does develop in life, but it can also use guidance at times.


The mushroom risotto in the recipes Debbie @dfish provided look good.  While I haven't made risotto, I have made mushroom rice with other vegetables added.  We'll pass on the drink.  The wine description makes me want to try it, but the price doesn't.


We have not been to Olbia or any place else in Sardinia.  Maybe someday.  🤞


It is interesting that Europeans first visited Minnesota in 1679, and "named" a town after their leader.  😉


The news from Baltimore is horrific, but unfortunately it's becoming all too common.  Something needs to be done to curtail these mas shootings, but there is no agreement on how to do that, just good and bad ideas.  


@Cruzin Terri  Terry, I'm sorry the weather did not cooperate and you had to miss Skagen.  I know you were looking forward to visiting the museum again.  I guess it's time to book another cruise to the ports you missed.  I hope the weather improves and does not cause any more problems.

@ottahand7  Nancy, that is good news the toe is healing nicely and the toenail will regrow.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry about your aunt's fall and grim prognosis.  Hoarding is getting to be a huge problem.  I'm glad you are letting others handle the situation even though you want to help.  

@Nickelpenny  Penny, enjoy your day in the mountains and the cooler air.  Safe travels.


The weather forecast was wrong --- again.  It just started raining heavily.  We need all the rain we can get, and today is a good day for it since we're not going anywhere.  













It's still raining hard, so maybe I can turn off the sprinkler if I remember to do it.  🤣  So far we've gotten about 0.4 inches of rain.




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Give me a few minutes and I'll forget what day it is. Like RNB, I have been abducted, drugged, and probed, and I think there might be video. Recreation for the disabled should be encouraged.


I sometimes order mushroom risotto, but more often gnocchi if both are on the menu. I'd skip the punch. The wine, even aside from price, isn't for me, because it should be cellared and I don't have a wine cellar, or any cellar at all. The Finger Lakes substitute I found, Stoney Lonesome Sawmill Creek Cabernet, is also kind of expensive. I haven't been to Sardinia.


@rafinmd The unfortunate news from Baltimore was reported in the NYT this morning.


3 hours ago, richwmn said:

1679 Europeans first visit Minnesota and see headwaters of Mississippi in an expedition led by Daniel Greysolon de Du Luth

Did they also bring back a recipe for hot dish?



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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today's daily fleet report.  I'll pass on today's meal suggestion,  instead we will go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  This morning I trimmed the wisteria and cleaned up the front of the fence in between bouts of rain.  DH gave me a much needed haircut. My other chore was washing a litter box. I suspect that the ac is getting turned on very soon.  It's only 70 F but the humidity is high and will get worse tomorrow.  I hope everyone has a nice Sunday. 

Another Aldi find is blooming. 



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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Another storm came through last night and cooled things off again. Once it dries out a bit the kids should enjoy playing outside. 

I almost hate to bring this up as you all will think my life is one big disaster. My 93 yo aunt who lives with my 90 yo aunt fell getting out of a cab on Friday. She has not regained consciousness and is not going to make it. These aunts are beyond eccentric.  They have no children and there is one brother left alive. The 90 yo has been living with the 93 yo for the past 4 years in Omaha. She has a rent controlled apartment in NYC she has been paying for and has not been there in 4 years. They are both hoarders to the point there are only walking paths in their apartments.  I can only imagine what has taken over in NYC. We have a large family and one of my brothers and two cousins are taking lead. The biggest challenge will be cleaning out the apartments. I told my brother we need to hire it done but how to do it without the consent of the remaining aunt will be the challenge. Who knows what is hidden in all their “treasures”!  The powerful caretaking gene is screaming inside of me but I know I am not up to it. 

Prayers for all and have a good day. 


Lorraine, what a sad thing to happen to your aunt.  I'm sorry to hear she may not make it through this.  And the hoarding situation is a very difficult challenge for the family.  Be thankful you're not going to be involved in handling it all.




1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It seems I'm the memory bank in our house, so if I forget things, we're toast.  I've said this before, but when UFO's fly past planet Earth, they lock their doors.  I wish there were more accessible recreation areas for those with disabilities; you don't realize how few there are unless you have family or friends with a disability.


Well we hit our daily high of +36 yesterday, but even though it was hellishly hot, I was able to get all the windows on the deck cleaned.  After going through a full bottle of window cleaner and lots of paper towels, I decided to try a magical cloth I'd purchased at the dollar store a couple of years ago called "Miracle Glass Cloth".  I wet it in a basin of water, wrung it out and it indeed did perform miracles!  I won't be buying glass cleaner any time soon, as this silly little cloth did the job without streaking, and I can save the planet a little longer by not using paper towels.  


After the windows were done, it was time for a shower, then DH and I drove across town to an indigenous run gas station that was having Canada Day celebrations.  They have crafts (purses, jewelery, t-shirts, bunny-hugs, coffee mugs, etc.), and were providing a free barbecue for anyone who stopped by.  Although I was tempted by the gorgeous purses and wallets, I did resist them, but managed to add a couple of native designed t-shirts to add to my wardrobe.  We hadn't had lunch, so were invited to join them for some, so outdoors we went where there were misting stations, large umbrellas, and picnic tables so we could enjoy a tasty smokie while listening to fiddle and guitar music provided by some of the locals.  It was fun.


@rafinmdthe horrible shooting in Baltimore was on our CBC national radio news this morning - when will it end?


Today we're heading out to get a number of keys cut for our new front door - for our family, and to give some to trusty neighbours in the event we ever get locked out.  Then this afternoon we're going to a friend's 80th birthday celebration, where I'm sure there will be treats galore.  His children have rented a small hall where we'll gather and there is a barbecue to follow, so I'm relieved of making dinner again tonight.  Darn!  LOL



Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, your miracle glass cleaning cloth sounds pretty amazing!  I'd better start looking for one.  Saving on paper towels, plus the streak free and lint free sounds pretty good to me.



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Good morning. Sunny and dry. Temp was about 45F when I walked the dogs around 7... high today into the 80's - not too bad. At least the cool nights make for good sleeping. We are worried about fires as it is getting very dry and the earlier wet weather spurred on the weeds. The city is having a drone show rather than fireworks and so far it has been very quiet since the town is a bit on edge. I am sure their will be some idiots. The fire south of us seems contained but to the east near Pagosa Springs the containment on those fires is limited. As to our search and rescue activity ... the official search for the missing hiker has been called off although friends and family continue to search in an expanded area. Evidently he was subject to seizures during which he became disoriented and the feeling is probably wandered out of the prime search area. He is an experienced hiker but was not prepared for overnights.  Sad, very sad. As to the body in the river, no word and no new sightings. Many years ago one of the faculty members at the college had a son disappear on the river at night while fooling around with friends. It was about 15 years before his partial remains were found caught in a snag. It was particularly hard on her since he had some problems with the law and many people thought he had just skipped town. 


Sad about the Baltimore shootings. I grew up in the Baltimore area and actually lived in the city near Johns Hopkins University at one time. It has all changed so much but it is hard to feel safe anywhere these days.


Off to load up my car with stuff to be taken away tomorrow .... thrift store and P.O. to mail some items for auction for rescue. I am waiting to hear from nieces and nephews if they want a few items but I have given them a deadline.... and I said I will pay for shipping. Just want it out of the house.











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Good morning and thanks all. @dfish I’m ok.  I think you meant Redbird. 

we had a crazy storm.  Many people lost homes in a tornado. We have hail damage to our truck and tv.  But at least the weather allowed for fireworks.  

I will  post some photos of Cagliari for Sandi 











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Good morning everyone, 


It's a warm day here in the PNW. My plan is to stay home and get a few things done here. I want to clean up the porches a bit and start working on the inside like kitchen counters, etc. I did pack up DH's meds yesterday so they are ready for a drug take-back day or when I go by the hospital where they have a drop-off. DH had memory issues. We'd go for a drive and I'd mention that we'd even down a road before but maybe in the opposite direction and he'd tell me "You could take me down this road every day and I wouldn't remember." He was right! 


I'm hoping to have the obituary and some pictures sent off today to the funeral home. I'll post a link when it's published. No plans made for a Celebration of Life yet. DS Jeff was here yesterday and made some plans to redo our pump house as it's 40 years old and needs revamping. I also want him to redo the railings on the back porch - both jobs I'll pay him to do. He also made some stoppers for the windows so I can have them open even at night and feel more secure. We're in a rural area and it's very safe but you can never be too safe! 


Have a great Sunday!



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I try not to forget significant days. I haven't seen any UFO's. Special recreation for the disabled is very important and I hope to see more accessibility. True quote. I like the meal, but it's too carb heavy to eat more than on occasion. Maybe on the drink and the wine is out of my budget. I haven't been to Olbia.


Rain has continued here since yesterday afternoon, at times hard, prompting flooding warnings in some areas. Then I was awakened around 2:30AM by feeling like it was hard to breathe, and at first I thought from stuffiness, until I realized the power (and CPAP) was off. And it was warm without the ceiling fan and I couldn't fall back asleep. And some inconsiderate person was setting off firecrackers at 4AM! Power finally came back on around 5:15. I managed to fall back asleep until about 10. Sigh. The electrical infrastructure in this area is so old and this goes on all the time, even without storms or thunder/lightning. I need a vat of coffee!!


@Cruzin Terri Sorry you missed Skagen due to the weather conditions. 

@grapau27 Thank you for the link to Fr. David's sermon. 

@aliaschief Great memes.

@StLouisCruisers I like seeing deer, but around here there are so many car accidents due to them. 

@ottahand7 Sorry yesterday's fishing wasn't good. I'm glad your toe is healing.

@cruising sister So sorry to hear about your aunt; prayers for her and the family.

@rafinmd News of the mass shooting in Baltimore is national. Prayers for those killed and injured.

@Denise T Enjoy the new TV!

@dobiemom I still ask for appointment cards until I'm sure the appointment is in my phone. One time I added an eye doctor's appointment to my phone but didn't hit save, had no card, and had to call and ask when my appointment was once I realized it wasn't on the phone.

@Nickelpenny Enjoy the road trip and seeing your friend's jewelry! 

@ger_77 That sounds like a fun gas station. Enjoy the friend's birthday celebration.

@durangoscots So sad that the hiker hasn't been found. 

@bennybear Oh no on the tornado and storm damage. Thanks for the photos from Cagliari.

@horseymike Welcome to the Daily!

@luvteaching Continued prayers for you and Jeff for peace at this difficult time.

@smitty34877 I hope DH is doing better. Also prayers for Tana and her caregivers.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for those Celebrating.

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Happy belated Canada Day to all my fellow Canucks, and a Happy upcoming 4th to our Southern friends.  Usually spend these holidays at our RV south of the line but too much to do around the house.  Actually it was sort of nice not being in holiday traffic, may pour a drink tomorrow and watch the show again.


Been off line for a bit doing my chores.  Got my gazebo built, maybe 95% completion, still wiring in the hot tub, but hoping for final conversion to 240V by mid week.  Still learning the fine art of spa chemicals but think I've got it.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend, thanks for everyone's contributions

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Good morning all!

I'm late this morning, I got side-tracked doing cruise research and you know how that goes!

Our beautiful weather continues and slowly heating up to the mid 80's by Wednesday.  


I seem to be forgetting way too much lately.  Funny, just last night I read that WA state has the second most UFO sightings in the US.  No, I haven't ever seen a UFO but would like to.  @Nickelpenny thanks for sharing your experience, that must have been something to see!  Disabled Recreation Day is a worthy and important cause.


I'll pass on the meal (mushrooms and risotto), drink (coconut) and the red wine.  We haven't been to the port of the day.  


Yesterday I spent hours potting and re-potting and got all the annuals planted that I bought the day before.  Today we're going down to see DS and DDIL and see their progress -- they got new doors for the "barn" (storage building etc.) and he's starting a fence around the area DDIL has her vegetable garden.  It has been demolished by marauding rabbits and deer.  😞  


Debbie @dfish Sorry to hear about your sinus issues, hope you feel better soon!

Lorraine @cruising sister How sad about your aunt and sad about the hoarding too.  It makes it so hard for family trying to help.


Here are some photos of what's the latest to bloom in my yard.  I'm loving the Lilies and Astilbe especially.  Lots more Lilies coming too.






The Sweet Peas are just starting to bloom now. You can see  white flowers at the top right. 






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2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all. @dfish I’m ok.  I think you meant Redbird. 

we had a crazy storm.  Many people lost homes in a tornado. We have hail damage to our truck and tv.  But at least the weather allowed for fireworks.  

I will  post some photos of Cagliari for Sandi 













2 hours ago, bennybear said:

And the bakery in Cagliari 




Unless I FORGOT on I Forgot Day, I can't remember seeing any photos of Olbia, Sardinia yet.  So yes, Brenda @bennybear let's look at Cagliari instead.  You've made a great start!


Upon checking my records I see we were there two times, 10 years apart.  In 2008 we took our first transatlantic with our Myrtle Beach friends who only do ship excursions.  This was on the lovely Emerald Princess.  The tour first took us out to the salt flats and to see the flamingos.  I believe this photo was taken through a bus window.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKyr0v26x6pZupArZQaMgmw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1333203266




We then were dropped off in the heart of the city where we walked to the Cathedral of Santa Maria but there was a service going on inside.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLYj_XSPyzUJOr0E4NuX9XM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1333203508




doors to the Cathedral00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIh2pQ83okbvhBTLLH_i0Ro?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1333203495


We were standing way too close to take a proper photo, but I would come back 10 years later and take a better one.  You'll see.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK0Up9k0TXh_fnf6eorJyMM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1333201573


Then we headed to a lookout for a view of the city and port.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL4E5B13eXtwdVw6b8BYm8V?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1333203509




Emerald Princess was behind us.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ8_gyJAsXh6Q5eL2wi42-y?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1333201586


I will start a new post for 2018 photos.

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Good morning and Happy Sunday from Tucson where it is 95F with 11% humidity and expected to be 107F. Our AQI has been so low compared to what others are having — today it’s 40. 

I haven’t been to today’s port. I missed posting on Friday when the port was Charlottetown and I hope no one minds if I post some pictures from our last visit there this past October on the Nieuw Statendam. We went on a lighthouse and winery excursion and fellow Dailyites Debbie @dfish and Carolyn and Henry @Cruising-along were on the tour also (and I think Edi @NextOne might have been also). Lots of fun but I remember not really liking the wine so I didn’t buy any but I did buy a glass. 

Point Prim Lighthouse:



Wood Islands Lighthouse:


Rossingol Winery:






That evening the Dailyites met for dinner in the Pinnacle Grill. Lots of fun!





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I love the new electronic digital door lock DH installed a year or 2 ago (can’t remember exactly when 😛), especially since DGD could never remember her key. It’s nice that a temporary code can be used for a visitor or delivery.



4 hours ago, ger_77 said:


Today we're heading out to get a number of keys cut for our new front door - for our family, and to give some to trusty neighbours in the event we ever get locked out.  



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In 2018, we arrived in Cagliari on the beautiful Prinsendam doing the Grand Mediterranean and Africa cruise.  Another beautiful sunny April day just like before.  On this trip we did our own walking tour of the city and enjoyed it very much.  There are some hills here so if you can't walk up a gentle incline, I don't recommend you try this.


Heading out we saw a beautiful statue.  We love statues, churches and cannons!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIPSNT4S1NGC4BwH1m12_eL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084639


Using our HAL provided map we headed up this hill on a lovely sidewalk as the Europeans do best.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLKs8_Abmg7lC04YRHhdZiT?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134197


To our right we saw ruins of the ancient ampitheater.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJKsa5ifJyGBmJpr9mq2QLm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134172


Still heading up the hill.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJLpQDBwWbxp2ZvF5U3WstZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134264


How about this cobblestone street?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJH1csnwby5bhpRn7TtLcMc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134291


The 2018 version of the Cathedral of Santa Maria.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJJ1Cx4rU-aP_FNxvZHPsje?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084657


No service going on but so busy inside!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIzwLQSorX2Wxiu-cpC7BbW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084675




The ceiling





Here's the overlook we stood at last time we were here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIZMWitpfSaGXes1anHb0Rt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134609


The view of the Prinsendam and the other ships in port.  Looks like MSC and Carnival.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKa5daMqZmvZbewFypYkzdB?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134430


Walking downhill going back to the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJtGuyMrDiLFmQtBooPykxs?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084703


A view again of the city from the Prinsendam.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIJZV9EfOUU1I9ekWZHL2-0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134661




It takes a while to start a new port of the day photo travelogue but it's fun to see some places we haven't looked at before on the Daily.  Now I think I'll go back to my chore today of weeding out old emails from my inbox.  I'm up to 2017 now!

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