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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 5th, 2023


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55 minutes ago, summer slope said:

We are taking our beloved Bailey to the vet this morning to walk over the rainbow bridge.  I'm a mess but it is best for her.  Thank you all for your support.


Dixie, I'm very sorry to hear about Bailey walking over the rainbow bridge.  You've done all you can and are still doing your best for her today.




43 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good  morning.It is quite humid early this morning. The fireworks  went on until 2 am here.We are hoping to bring DH home today and I am glad no thunderstorms  are predicted  this morning.

Vegan chili is nade here a lot but I will have to find something milder for DH to eat ,at least for a few weeks.We have not been to the port but would like an apple turnover if someone  else made it.

I better get going.

Take care everyone


I also hope Lou comes home today.  Good luck!

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Good morning. Currently 80 degrees and starting to climb. Well, it’s summer in Florida it is what it is. I also have a dental visit and cleaning today. I had a butcher of a dentist growing up so I never look forward to these visits but they are necessary.

We were in Vigo last month and it’s a beautiful city with many hills to climb. They have a great seafood industry there and we elected to go to Oyster Ally for some delicious oysters, scallops and razor clams.

For some reason it feels like Monday but it’s Hump Day. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Thanks to Rich and his great staff of daily contributors for making the Daily my first read of the day. Some pics of Vigo. Meme’s to follow.





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Good morning,

it was a noisy night between fireworks and thunderstorm. Luckily Molly does well with both. I have had dogs who did not. 

@summer slope my heart goes out to you. “doing the right thing” feels really bad. 

They have started to uncover a few treasures at my aunts house (grandmas wedding ring) but mostly junk. My cousin found out there is at least one storage locker. My other aunt wants to go back to NYC to her apartment. She says she has a friend who will go look at it to make sure her walker will fit between her treasures. What a mess. 

Baby Murphy will have a last round of tests before tomorrow’s surgery. They will need to intubate her for the tests and keep the tube in prep for surgery. That will be tough on the parents. They had a great last few days with her. She will be in for 3 to 5 weeks after surgery. 

Yesterday was hard for me. Holidays are the worst. My son goes to my DIL’s  family on the actual holiday which leaves me alone. It is really the only time she sees her family even though they live close. I never say anything since I have them so often and don’t want to put pressure on them. I tried going to a friends but seeing all her family made it worse. I remind myself it will get better and take one day at a time. 

Prayers for all in need and have a great day. 


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Good morning, everyone!  


It is going to be another hot one here in mid-Michigan.  After today it is supposed to cool off a bit and we can go back to open windows and fresh air.  It actually wasn't too bad yesterday as the humidity was pretty low.  


@summer slope I am so sorry to hear Bailey will cross the rainbow bridge this morning.  Hugs to you.


@smitty34877 I sure hope Lou can come home today.  You recover best at home.  


It is way too hot for chili right now.  That will have to wait until late September or October to make it on the meal rotation.  And, when it does, it will have ground beef in it.  However, not everyone has my tastes and desires, so if someone has a hankering for vegan chili, here it is.  https://frommybowl.com/easy-vegan-chili/




This one has some interesting ideas on how to boost flavor.  You can use those ideas with regular meaty chili as well.   https://rainbowplantlife.com/vegan-chili/




This one adds a little cocoa powder.  That sounds pretty interesting to me!  https://www.noracooks.com/ultimate-vegan-chili/




I hope everyone finds one to file away for next fall.  


We are getting into cruise anticipation mode here.  Only 16 days till we fly out to Boston to pick up the Zaandam.  Time to get the suitcases out.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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@summer slope Dixie I'm sorry to hear dear Bailey is crossing the Rainbow Bridge today. 


@cruising sister I understand the loneliness you feel. Live robustly on the good times.


@smitty34877 I'll bet the house is abuzz with Lou coming home.


Prayers lifted for all of our friends going through rough times. 


We were invited to a 4th party last night,  but passed and took Elvis on a beautiful evenings ride. So many deer and the bucks in velvet. My foot has turned a lovely shade of blue, my big toe still looks like a Vienna sausage. I hope I can get through our pedicures today. 


No to meatless chili, I like Mai Tai's on occasion but more of a pinot grigio fan.


Wishing you all a happy, healthy and blessed day.





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Good Morning, thank you for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s supposed to get up to 90F today and it’s humid, thankfully the ac is working.  I could go for today’s meal suggestion and @dfish I agree the addition of cocoa is interesting.  Last night I saw a hummingbird on our deck visiting some of flowers, that’s a rare sight here.

@summer slope I’m sorry to hear your news.  It’s never an easy decision even when it’s the right thing to do.

Today is a work day and it’s full of meetings.  DH pointed out that July 4 is on a Thursday next year, I just submitted a request to have the Friday off.

I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH loves apple turnovers - I don't particularly care for them.  I've never had a bikini body, and unless I have a complete body transplant, will never have one.  I think I was born a size 6x and grew from there.  Thanks, genetics!  I was never a workaholic - once I closed my office door, I was lucky enough to forget about work until the following day.


Everyone is struggling with weather, it's a crazy time of year.  We covered all the plants last night (we did lay the papyrus down so they wouldn't break), but the temperature only went down to +6, so we were saved from frost.  Frost covers and winter jackets are never truly put away up here.


A busy day today - as soon as I finish this post, I'm going to make some Saskatoon berry muffins for friends who will be coming over for coffee this morning.  After they leave, I've got to get my wits about me to get things ready for our Summerfest barbecue on Saturday.  Time to locate all the table covers, napkins, plates, cutlery, cups, etc., in addition, make sure there are enough glow bracelets and bubble wands for everyone coming.  This year our theme is Hawaiian Nights, so everyone will receive a lei with name tags made specially by DH.  Tomorrow will likely be grocery day.


@summer slopeso sorry to hear your sweet Bailey is going over the Rainbow Bridge today, but know she'll be waiting for you there with her furry friends.  {{Hugs}}

@smitty34877yay for DH heading home today - that's the best place to recuperate!


I'd love to have a mai tai today - I don't recall the last time I had one, but I'm sure it was on a BHB.  And hurray for a red wine that doesn't cost a mortgage payment!  I'd make today's menu suggestion, but as mentioned before, we're carnivores, so would make it with ground beef.  Because we're going to be busy, I'm not going to fuss with dinner - it's time for a chicken Caesar salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good Morning to All!!


Thanks for the info.  Never liked apple turnovers, I occasionally still wear a more "adult" bikini, and I am no longer a work-a-holic!  Love the quote, I like meat in my chili (and very spicy!!), hmmmmm on the Mai Tai, maybe on the wine and have never been to Spain (but soon!!).


Lots of cooking done yesterday.  Yogurt almost completed drained and coulis made (strawberry and black berries).  Made a nice dinner (steak, corn-on-the-cob, carrot puree, twice fried french fries with homemade ranch dressing, and pasta salad) and listened to some very close fireworks.  I don't like fireworks!!!


Had to complain about my new neighbors last week because they constantly were turning on music loud with their back door open and the bass booming.  A week ago Monday, it just got too much - music started at 0614!!  In addition to barking dogs and them parking 2 cars in a way that it is difficult to get to my place, this was the last straw.  Well, I guess the management company had gotten another complaint and since then it has been relatively quiet and I can get in and out easily.  So I want to fix up my porch and address my misting system so that it is working better.  We will see if that gets done today!!


Thoughts to those on the care list (especially little Murphy) and cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


Have a great hump day everyone!!

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Happy Hump Day.  It sounds like everyone had a safe July 4.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  I'll pass on the Bikini, was never a work-a=holic and will look for a turnover today, likely apple but if not cherry.  I like the Wilde quote and thankful for all of Newton's contributions to science. 


Special hugs today for @summer slope.


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Guiso, Wattleseed Roast Duck with Apricots and NSA Vanilla Ice Cream which might  have been my choices on MS Zaandam July 5, 2002.


I've been lethargic today but did get in a 20-minute walk so far.



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Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas.  It's 81F and feels like 88F with 83% humidity and a 75F dew point.  I got my walk in early when it was still comfortable and the humidity not really noticeable.  Our predicted high is 97F and if correct, we will be in the upper 90s through Saturday.  Sunday will see the return of triple digit temperatures for the foreseeable future.  That's summer in Texas.


Apple turnovers are good, but I don't make them.  Besides we still have a lot of cake left from yesterday.  I won't scare the neighbors by wearing a bikini today.  I've had two piece swimsuits but never a bikini.  I won't celebrate work-a-holics day.


We have another good quote from Oscar Wilde.


I'll take my vegan chili with meat, thank you.  Mai Tais are good, especially at the Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel watching the sun set behind Diamondhead.  At least they were until I looked up the price today.  The are now $20, so I'll wait until we are on a BHB.  The wine sounds nice, and the price is much better than recent red wines.


We have not been to Vigo.


Dixie @summer slope I'm so very sorry you will be saying goodbye to Bailey as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge today.  Bless you for doing the right thing for Bailey even when it is so hard on her humans. 



@smitty34877  Terri, I'm glad Lou has improved enough that he may be coming home today.

@kazu Jacqui, I hope all goes well at the dentist today, and that Ivan likes the pill pockets.  I hope he is better soon.

@Overhead Fred  Fred, what a lovely, relaxing place to spend warm summer days.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I also hope your dental visit goes well.  I had a great dentist as my first dentist, but still look on visit to my wonderful dentist now as a necessary evil.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry the holidays are so difficult for you, but I admire you for not putting pressure on your DS and DDIL.  Remember, that while it's not the same, you have your Daily family on all days including holidays.  It must be bad in the aunt's apartment in NYC if someone has to see if there is room for her walker between the rows of treasures.  Sending positive thoughts for Murphy as she undergoes tests today and surgery tomorrow, and for strength for her parents until Murphy is out of a successful surgery tomorrow.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad that even with your preparations, you did not get any frost.  The Summerfest sounds like a lot of work, but a lot of fun.
















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@summer slope Hugs to you on this difficult day. You gave her your best love!  And she gave it back to you too. 💔

@kazu your vets sound amazing. Hoping Ivan and you will be on the upswing soon and the issues can be identified and mitigated. 

@smitty34877 you’ll be very busy today! Hope Lou is improving and that you have all the help you need. 

@luvteaching Karen, you have a lot on your plate. So glad you have the support of your children, and in their grief too I’m sure that are glad you’re there !  

@bennybear Thank you Brenda.  I read a historians message late yesterday that lifted me, reminding me there is always a new generation to carry on the work in progress. 

@cruising sister I am sorry the holiday was difficult, even more so at your friends house but I know I have tried that at times and found it too difficult also.  Please remember that we all have difficult days, no matter what our circumstances. In my tough days I now ask myself “What’s good right now?”  Just starting that list grounds me and “changes the channel”.  It doesn’t change the circumstances but it can make a tough day more bearable an hour at a time. Give yourself a loving hug!  Thanks for posting and staying connected. 

@Cruzin Terri So glad you managed to get test kits and you’re negative!  Hoping the cold meds help you both. We’ve had our share of cruise crud and its missed ports and canceled excursions… 


Today I go for a bone scan. Drs have told be I have bones of “iron” off-scale strong!  That was then, apparently not any more. Our bodies change. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Hugs to all here!  Thank you sharing. 
Cheers for all celebrating 🥂 Life is Good 🎉

Smooth travels to all away, and Bon Voyage to @loveandpeas  

Everyone stay safe!  

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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

We are taking our beloved Bailey to the vet this morning to walk over the rainbow bridge.  I'm a mess but it is best for her.  Thank you all for your support.

I am so sorry. I know how it hurts but it is the last act of love we can give them when they reach that point. Hugs.



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