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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 14th, 2023


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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Friday Morning Dailyites!  I caught up reading yesterday, and then read today, but I promised to make up some work hours, so I will be heading to work soon.

The computer says it is 78 and sunny with a few clouds...looking out, it's all clouds.  Our weather person said it would rain this morning, i changed the channel and that weather person said no rain, but would have a heat index of 100.  I liked the first report better.


I got Chuck to the train station, and helped him figure out how to get his train card...He should be at the airport by now.  I told him to call me when he got to Arkansas.  Neither of us got more than 2 hours sleep, so it's early to bed for me.


So, this is what has been going on.  Chuck's dad passed away about a year after we started dating, so I never met him.  They built their house on a lake in Hot Springs Village.  It is a beautiful house.  We went to go see Momma Norma in the fall, and all she could talk about was this was the house that Bob built, and she never wanted to leave it.  Thing is now, she never leaves her bedroom which is off the kitchen, and her only other spot is the kitchen or the laundry room.  I noticed that she took every call that came in and gave everyone money.  Her great granddaughter who lives with her, and was raised by her, finally started answering all the calls, and put blocks on them.  But she is a conniving child, and realized that Momma wouldn't say no to her, and when she did, she would then take Mommas credit card without permission, and buy what she wanted.  Not a wise idea.  Momma is Chuck's step mom, his mother passed away when the kids were very young.  She had a son from her first marriage, and that is the one who lives near her, and he took over power of attorney last year. Shut down all the credit cards.


But momma is floundering both due to age, and health.  For the last year I noticed that Chuck and her have the same conversation every week.  She's been in the hospital three times in the last two months. She gets confused, she forgets things, and apparently hasn't paid taxes for a couple of years, and her work desk is piled high.  Now the son wants to declare her incompetent (which she really is at this point)  put her in a facility that can keep her healthier that she has been, clean out the house, and sell it.  Throw the great granddaughter out of the house (she had two scholarship offers for college and turned them both down, and then told momma she doesn't graduate until next year.)  She graduated this year, but momma believed her.  So in reality this family gathering is to clean everything up, both for Momma and the remaining children.  I know Chuck is stressing about it, I know the birth son has had enough!  And the other brother is almost as big a mooch as the brat great granddaughter. (courtesy of his wife, who wont , I repeat wont work)


Of course there is more to this story, but this visit, which should have been a visit with mom, has turned into a revolution of sons.


When I went to "finishing" school in Switzerland on Lake Geneva, we would watch the fireworks across the lake in France on Bastille day.   I was thrown out of finishing school, so for years, I have been living unfinished.  






Annie, I'm glad Chuck is on his way to see Momma Norma, even if the trip has turned into something different than you both envisioned.  I'm sorry Chuck is stressing so much about the situation, and hope he has time for a one-on-one visit with momma.  I also hope the situation can be resolved without too much more drama.  Take care of yourself and get some rest so you can be there for Chuck.


3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

The veterinarian came to the house this morning and just finished her exam of Sam's tumor on his spleen with her portable ultrasound. He was a well-behaved boy for the doctor and her assistant while being poked. The imaging showed that he does have a mass on the right side as well as a number of nodules. Being the first time to look at the mass we have nothing to gauge how fast it is growing. The plan is to see Dr. Brandy again in December, unless there is any change.


In the last two months he has begun to lick away at his front knees. Sometimes that is a sign of something bothering them and is soothing to him. He slept most of the day yesterday (usually sleeps most of the day but this was more than usual) and he has also begun to leave some kibble in his bowl. These may point that he is irritated by something.


- Jack


Jack, I hope the mass on Sam's right side is a very slow growing one.  I also hope you can determine what is bothering him about his front knees, and that it can be alleviated.


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I heard from the vet about Jasper.  He has pancreatitis.  He declined his pill in a pocket and wouldn’t let me put it in his mouth.  I crushed it and mixed it with Temptations purée and he sucked it down.  He takes a full pill for 5 days then a half a pill until gone.  Blood test again in mid August.  Hopefully this is temporary.


Jake, I'm sorry Jasper has pancreatitis, and I hope the pills will cure it.  


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Happy 80th Birthday to Allen @Seasick Sailor.Enjoy those great celebrations. 

Happy Birthday to Keith @rafinmd's nephew!

Thanks for the update about Murphy @cruising sister, Lorraine.Hopefully her neural plasticity will heal the stroke damage.


Happy Bastille Day to all who celebrate.Sharks will do whatever they wish so we better give them a day.


Our NH family left this morning  and I cried,as usual.I miss them and very much enjoyed being with the group including the grand dog.

I think our dogs were a little jealous of the bouncy golden doodle but let him take their toys.

DH went for his third doctor's  visit for the week in between thunderstorms and drenching showers.He improves a little every day.

@ger_77, Geri, I am sorry the smoke is back.

@kazu, Jacqui, glad to hear Ivan is  somewhat better. He sounds like such a very nice dog.

Have a good day and stay safe


Terry, I can sympathize with you on crying when the kids leave.  I'm all right when they are here for just a few hours, but when they've been here two or more days, DH can tell you I'm a basket case.  I either have to keep busy for the day, or we have to go some where for a few hours. 


46 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for the morning news, as our paper has not arrived yet.  We did get a Globe and Mail, so I had one sudoku to do anyway, and I did start the cryptic crossword.  Happy birthdays to Allan and Keith, and many prayers for health for baby Murphy.  


Not much going on here.  Temps still in the 20's, but we are being warned daily about the drought, soon we will be showering with a bucket at our feet like we did in Australia.  We need a pipeline across the country for water, so we can send and receive!


Our Fall cruise is cancelled, I will post it on Jacqui's Bon Voyage list, sad about that, but the only new port for us would have been Sete, France, and that visit has evidently suddenly been cancelled...  Haha!  


Ann, I'm sorry you needed to cancel your fall cruise, but sometimes that is for the best.  Sete is an interesting town to wander around, and the gateway to other places in the area.  Still, it is not usually the highlight of a cruise.


It's 12:35 pm and we're inching toward 100F.  Right now, it's 97F, which is hot enough.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 

I'll salute Bastille Day. Sharks are great creatures, I just don't want to meet one up close. I hope for no pandemonium today. I like some mac and cheese. Good quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Kiriwina Island.


We had storms last evening, and my lights flickered but power thankfully stayed on. It would have been very hot inside without power, although I do have a rechargeable floor fan. This morning it started off very foggy. And it is so humid! The least little activity and you're sweating. Threats of thunderstorms later. I had an early start with a haircut at 9:30. I thought I had the time wrong as they don't open until 10, but I looked out a back window at the lot of the salon, and there was a car. My guy starts an hour before everyone else comes in. Then there was PT at 11, and a quick grocery store stop since it's in the same plaza.


@Seasick Sailor Happy Birthday to Allen! Congrats on Ollie coming home on Monday. Have a great party today to celebrate Allen.

@rafinmd Happy Birthday to your nephew Keith!

@kochleffel When I read the name of the dorm complex, the word meshuggenah came to mind.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos of Kiriwina Island. 

@kazu It's good to hear that Ivan is feeling better today. Nice flowers.

@Nickelpenny I hope your tooth can be saved!

@cruising sister So sorry to hear about baby Murphy's scan results, but I hope it turns out to be a finding that is not consequential. Continued prayers for her. I'm glad you booked the spa.

@marshhawk Safe travels to Chuck. Sorry about all the family drama. 

@Heartgrove Best wishes for Sam to not be in pain.

@ger_77 Sorry to hear about all the smoke where you are. You've made so many things; I'm sure the recipients will be very appreciative. 

@Crazy For Cats I hope the pill fixes Jasper's pancreatitis quickly.

@smitty34877 Good news that DH is gradually improving. I'm sure it was sad to see the NH family go back home.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good Afternoon!

Sending my best to all!  My thoughts to those going through difficult times.

For us Pandemonium day was yesterday.  Now we are used to snowstorms, ice storms and thunderstorms, but tornado warnings?  Nope. Hubby said come see!  Oh heck no,  I was sitting on the basement stairs with the dog, lol.


Power just turned on and everyone is safe, cleanup underway in Montreal.


Wishing everyone a great weekend!

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Hello everyone.

Happy to be able to post.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann.  Also thank you to Graham for educating us on Bastille Day and Pandemonium Day.

I am glad to hear of improvements in Baby Murphy and @smitty34877 DH Lou.

Happy Birthday to @Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen and @rafinmd’s cousin.

@kazu Glad Ivan is improving.

Condolences to @mamaofami, @JazzyV, and @luvteaching on your losses.


I like the Rose Kennedy quote.

Never been to the destination

i like Mac and Cheese and have my favorite recipe from Barbados, which is called Macaroni Pie.  i would post it except the recipe is at home and I am in the middle of the North Sea.

Wine sounds good, but I will pass on the drink.


And now for the solution to the mystery.

I have found out why I have been having trouble staying on the internet for more than a minute at a time.  Someone hacked into my shipboard internet account.  Go figure.  They somehow had to find out my name, Cabin number, date of birth and email address.  But they did it.

Out of frustration today I went back to the IT Guru on the ship and said you have to help me.  He went and looked at my account and said you have to log off of your Samsung Device.  I said, I don’t have a Samsung Device.  So then he said, Tell your husband to log off of his Samsung Device.  Only one device can be used at a time.  I said, My husband does not own a Samsung device,  We only have an IPad and 2 IPhones and my husband has not even turned his on. Then he wanted to know if I told anyone my info.  Of course I didn’t.


So at that point he removed the Samsung Device from my account.  It appears that someone was logging into my account to have access for two devices.  And to make me crazy.


I don’t know who this person is, but if I find him or her, I will probably choke them.  Better I don’t know.


Today we were in Kiel, Germany and we took a private tour with another couple from the roll call to Hamburg, Germany.  It was sort of boring.  Not much to see.  The city center was closed off because of a Triathlon Race so we had no access.  The tour was on the expensive side and I was sorry I agreed to it.  


Tomorrow is Karlskrona, Sweden.  We are there from 7am to 2 pm.  And it is a tender port.  The weather calls for rain.  Not sure we are going to bother going ashore.  Tours go first.  By the time we are able to tender in, it will be time to come back.


So we will probably make it a nice relaxing Sea Day.


Hope everyone had a nice day and Happy Bastille Day to anyone celebrating.

God Bless,


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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31 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello everyone.

Happy to be able to post.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann.  Also thank you to Graham for educating us on Bastille Day and Pandemonium Day.

I am glad to hear of improvements in Baby Murphy and @smitty34877 DH Lou.

Happy Birthday to @Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen and @rafinmd’s cousin.

@kazu Glad Ivan is improving.

Condolences to @mamaofami, @JazzyV, and @luvteaching on your losses.


I like the Rose Kennedy quote.

Never been to the destination

i like Mac and Cheese and have my favorite recipe from Barbados, which is called Macaroni Pie.  i would post it except the recipe is at home and I am in the middle of the North Sea.

Wine sounds good, but I will pass on the drink.


And now for the solution to the mystery.

I have found out why I have been having trouble staying on the internet for more than a minute at a time.  Someone hacked into my shipboard internet account.  Go figure.  They somehow had to find out my name, Cabin number, date of birth and email address.  But they did it.

Out of frustration today I went back to the IT Guru on the ship and said you have to help me.  He went and looked at my account and said you have to log off of your Samsung Device.  I said, I don’t have a Samsung Device.  So then he said, Tell your husband to log off of his Samsung Device.  Only one device can be used at a time.  I said, My husband does not own a Samsung device,  We only have an IPad and 2 IPhones and my husband has not even turned his on. Then he wanted to know if I told anyone my info.  Of course I didn’t.


So at that point he removed the Samsung Device from my account.  It appears that someone was logging into my account to have access for two devices.  And to make me crazy.


I don’t know who this person is, but if I find him or her, I will probably choke them.  Better I don’t know.


Today we were in Kiel, Germany and we took a private tour with another couple from the roll call to Hamburg, Germany.  It was sort of boring.  Not much to see.  The city center was closed off because of a Triathlon Race so we had no access.  The tour was on the expensive side and I was sorry I agreed to it.  


Tomorrow is Karlskrona, Sweden.  We are there from 7am to 2 pm.  And it is a tender port.  The weather calls for rain.  Not sure we are going to bother going ashore.  Tours go first.  By the time we are able to tender in, it will be time to come back.


So we will probably make it a nice relaxing Sea Day.


Hope everyone had a nice day and Happy Bastille Day to anyone celebrating.

God Bless,


Did you go to the Miniature Train World?  We thought it was the highlight of the day and DH, who was a model train enthusiast, thought the layouts were the best he ever saw! The rest of the city was unexciting, though, I agree!

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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  It is about 103F with a heat index of 111F, and we're not venturing outside until nearer sunset when it will be in the 90s.  


I hope no one minds if I vent a bit.  When we saw the nurse practioner last Friday morning, he said we should hear back from UT Southwestern with the date and time of the lumbar puncture by today, and probably before that.  This morning DH called UTSW, and found out that nothing had been done about scheduling the appointment, and was told she would take care of it today.  It after 4:30 and so far nothing.  He messaged the nurse practioner this morning, and so far nothing.  I firmly believe that the medical staff cares for the patients and wants to get things moving as quickly as possible.  Where things fall by the wayside, is with the support staff and the bureaucracy.  We were sent to UTSW because their neurology department is considered the best of the best.  But that doesn't mean anything if you can't get an appointment once the course of action has been determined.  DH opted for the single lumbar puncture over the extended in hospital test because it could be set up much sooner.  While the NPH needs to be addressed before permanent damage is done, what about people who are even more critical?  A person could die of old age waiting for an appointment now days.


Minor, but the place where we got the convertible front end aligned was going to check to see if they could get the part to complete the job and call DH today.  Guess what?  No call.


Thank you for letting me vent.


51 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello everyone.

Happy to be able to post.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann.  Also thank you to Graham for educating us on Bastille Day and Pandemonium Day.

I am glad to hear of improvements in Baby Murphy and @smitty34877 DH Lou.

Happy Birthday to @Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen and @rafinmd’s cousin.

@kazu Glad Ivan is improving.

Condolences to @mamaofami, @JazzyV, and @luvteaching on your losses.


I like the Rose Kennedy quote.

Never been to the destination

i like Mac and Cheese and have my favorite recipe from Barbados, which is called Macaroni Pie.  i would post it except the recipe is at home and I am in the middle of the North Sea.

Wine sounds good, but I will pass on the drink.


And now for the solution to the mystery.

I have found out why I have been having trouble staying on the internet for more than a minute at a time.  Someone hacked into my shipboard internet account.  Go figure.  They somehow had to find out my name, Cabin number, date of birth and email address.  But they did it.

Out of frustration today I went back to the IT Guru on the ship and said you have to help me.  He went and looked at my account and said you have to log off of your Samsung Device.  I said, I don’t have a Samsung Device.  So then he said, Tell your husband to log off of his Samsung Device.  Only one device can be used at a time.  I said, My husband does not own a Samsung device,  We only have an IPad and 2 IPhones and my husband has not even turned his on. Then he wanted to know if I told anyone my info.  Of course I didn’t.


So at that point he removed the Samsung Device from my account.  It appears that someone was logging into my account to have access for two devices.  And to make me crazy.


I don’t know who this person is, but if I find him or her, I will probably choke them.  Better I don’t know.


Today we were in Kiel, Germany and we took a private tour with another couple from the roll call to Hamburg, Germany.  It was sort of boring.  Not much to see.  The city center was closed off because of a Triathlon Race so we had no access.  The tour was on the expensive side and I was sorry I agreed to it.  


Tomorrow is Karlskrona, Sweden.  We are there from 7am to 2 pm.  And it is a tender port.  The weather calls for rain.  Not sure we are going to bother going ashore.  Tours go first.  By the time we are able to tender in, it will be time to come back.


So we will probably make it a nice relaxing Sea Day.


Hope everyone had a nice day and Happy Bastille Day to anyone celebrating.

God Bless,



Terri, I'm glad the internet problem was solved, but the IT guru should have checked on the devices sooner.  I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the tour of Hamburg.  We've been there twice and did the Ho-Ho both times.  The main thing in the center of town is the City Hall and the train station.  You can also see where the Beatles performed in the St. Pauli district, that is now a bit rundown.


17 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Did you go to the Miniature Train World?  We thought it was the highlight of the day and DH, who was a model train enthusiast, thought the layouts were the best he ever saw! The rest of the city was unexciting, though, I agree!


The first time we were in Hamburg, we got there in the afternoon and were there overnight.  That evening we went to the Miniature Train World and really enjoyed it.  I could not believe there were so many different displays and how detailed they all were.




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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

And now for the solution to the mystery.

I have found out why I have been having trouble staying on the internet for more than a minute at a time.  Someone hacked into my shipboard internet account.  Go figure.  They somehow had to find out my name, Cabin number, date of birth and email address.  But they did it.

Out of frustration today I went back to the IT Guru on the ship and said you have to help me.  He went and looked at my account and said you have to log off of your Samsung Device.  I said, I don’t have a Samsung Device.  So then he said, Tell your husband to log off of his Samsung Device.  Only one device can be used at a time.  I said, My husband does not own a Samsung device,  We only have an IPad and 2 IPhones and my husband has not even turned his on. Then he wanted to know if I told anyone my info.  Of course I didn’t.


So at that point he removed the Samsung Device from my account.  It appears that someone was logging into my account to have access for two devices.  And to make me crazy.


I don’t know who this person is, but if I find him or her, I will probably choke them.  Better I don’t know.

That’s scary that someone had your personal info. 😱😡 

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Terri @Cruzin Terri that's incredible someone would go to the trouble of hacking your account to use your internet.  What a louse!


Annie @marshhawk I'm glad to hear Chuck made it to Little Rock but geez, why does everything have to be so difficult?  I hope the luggage arrives pronto!



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55 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


I hope no one minds if I vent a bit.  When we saw the nurse practioner last Friday morning, he said we should hear back from UT Southwestern with the date and time of the lumbar puncture by today, and probably before that.  This morning DH called UTSW, and found out that nothing had been done about scheduling the appointment, and was told she would take care of it today.  It after 4:30 and so far nothing.  He messaged the nurse practioner this morning, and so far nothing.  I firmly believe that the medical staff cares for the patients and wants to get things moving as quickly as possible.  Where things fall by the wayside, is with the support staff and the bureaucracy.  We were sent to UTSW because their neurology department is considered the best of the best.  But that doesn't mean anything if you can't get an appointment once the course of action has been determined.  DH opted for the single lumbar puncture over the extended in hospital test because it could be set up much sooner.  While the NPH needs to be addressed before permanent damage is done, what about people who are even more critical?  A person could die of old age waiting for an appointment now days.


Minor, but the place where we got the convertible front end aligned was going to check to see if they could get the part to complete the job and call DH today.  Guess what?  No call.


Thank you for letting me vent.



Anytime, Lenda.  You have good cause to vent.


50 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

DH arrived safely in Little Rock.  However his luggage did not.


Well, darn?   Do they know where his luggage is?   At least the important item arrived safely.


12 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

That’s scary that someone had your personal info. 😱😡 


No kidding!   I'd be a bit upset about that!


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@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so sorry you don’t have a date for the procedure and agree that the support staff can be rather lacking at times. I hope something can be scheduled on Monday.

I understand about going to  the larger medical center but sometimes the problems related to large numbers of patients make things difficult. Even parking! My son was still talking two days later about the Fed ex truck he drove around and the level of congestion he encountered when he was trying to collect us Tuesday.

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I sure hope this works - at the rate things have gone today, if I screw up, forgive me, please


11 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Update on baby Murphy is mixed. On the head scans they found she had a stroke at sometime during her crisis. The good news is she is moving all extremities and opening her eyes. I gently discussed with them if they did not do the scan they would not know and look how good she is doing. The medical team said the same but cautioned that things may show up later. Babies brains grow new pathways much easier than adults so things may not be as bleak as they see it now. It seems to them one step forward and one step back each day. 


Oh I am so sorry to hear this. 😔. But the doctors are right.  Children heal MUCH faster than adults and the repercussions may not be anywhere near what they would be with an adult - in fact - there may be none 🙏. I remember DH talking about this with a special case he had years ago - long before our “modern medicine” and the baby did just fine.

Bless you for gently telling them they did the right thing.  

My prayers remain with Baby Murphy that she will have a good life  with her wonderful family.  🙏 


One of my favourite songs - very short - was by Karen Carpenter (RIP) called and starting with “Bless the beast and the children”.  I echo the words in it.




11 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I pulled the trigger and booked a week at the wellness spa. One of my nieces is coming for 5 of the days. She has helped me out during this past year and is used to seeing me cry.  I know it will be hot but most of the things I will do will be indoors. 


Oh I am so glad you did that and so wonderful you have your niece who understands.  That is wonderful ♥️


I know it doesn’t make it better but support is so good if you can find it.




9 hours ago, marshhawk said:

So, this is what has been going on.  Chuck's dad passed away about a year after we started dating, so I never met him.  They built their house on a lake in Hot Springs Village.  It is a beautiful house.  We went to go see Momma Norma in the fall, and all she could talk about was this was the house that Bob built, and she never wanted to leave it.  Thing is now, she never leaves her bedroom which is off the kitchen, and her only other spot is the kitchen or the laundry room.  I noticed that she took every call that came in and gave everyone money.  Her great granddaughter who lives with her, and was raised by her, finally started answering all the calls, and put blocks on them.  But she is a conniving child, and realized that Momma wouldn't say no to her, and when she did, she would then take Mommas credit card without permission, and buy what she wanted.  Not a wise idea.  Momma is Chuck's step mom, his mother passed away when the kids were very young.  She had a son from her first marriage, and that is the one who lives near her, and he took over power of attorney last year. Shut down all the credit cards.


But momma is floundering both due to age, and health.  For the last year I noticed that Chuck and her have the same conversation every week.  She's been in the hospital three times in the last two months. She gets confused, she forgets things, and apparently hasn't paid taxes for a couple of years, and her work desk is piled high.  Now the son wants to declare her incompetent (which she really is at this point)  put her in a facility that can keep her healthier that she has been, clean out the house, and sell it.  Throw the great granddaughter out of the house (she had two scholarship offers for college and turned them both down, and then told momma she doesn't graduate until next year.)  She graduated this year, but momma believed her.  So in reality this family gathering is to clean everything up, both for Momma and the remaining children.  I know Chuck is stressing about it, I know the birth son has had enough!  And the other brother is almost as big a mooch as the brat great granddaughter. (courtesy of his wife, who wont , I repeat wont work)


Of course there is more to this story, but this visit, which should have been a visit with mom, has turned into a revolution of sons.


Oh my heavens!  What a mess.  Poor Chuck and you and his poor Mum.  I hope they can find a solution that is good for her 🙏 


Is there a POA?



9 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

The veterinarian came to the house this morning and just finished her exam of Sam's tumor on his spleen with her portable ultrasound. He was a well-behaved boy for the doctor and her assistant while being poked. The imaging showed that he does have a mass on the right side as well as a number of nodules. Being the first time to look at the mass we have nothing to gauge how fast it is growing. The plan is to see Dr. Brandy again in December, unless there is any change.


In the last two months he has begun to lick away at his front knees. Sometimes that is a sign of something bothering them and is soothing to him. He slept most of the day yesterday (usually sleeps most of the day but this was more than usual) and he has also begun to leave some kibble in his bowl. These may point that he is irritated by something.


Awww - you are a kind owner avoiding Sam stress to the clinic with a vet that comes to the house.  They are so wonderful.  In fact, the one I have now is better than my old one, IMO.  

I am so sorry to hear this and the licking is worrisome.  But, the licking may be do to anything else - like arthritis.


I hope and pray that it is benign and does not continue to grow. 🙏 


Bless you for taking on an older dog.  They are a challenge but give back so much ♥️ 



8 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I heard from the vet about Jasper.  He has pancreatitis.  He declined his pill in a pocket and wouldn’t let me put it in his mouth.  I crushed it and mixed it with Temptations purée and he sucked it down.  He takes a full pill for 5 days then a half a pill until gone.  Blood test again in mid August.  Hopefully this is temporary.


Oh jeepers Jake, I sure hope it is temporary and the pills do the trick.  Pill pockets are great when they work.  I know your struggle when they don’t.  Good for you for persisting - gotta get the healing down.  👍 



8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

DH went for his third doctor's  visit for the week in between thunderstorms and drenching showers.He improves a little every day.


That is really good to hear!



8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:


@kazu, Jacqui, glad to hear Ivan is  somewhat better. He sounds like such a very nice dog.


He is a really sweet boy.  So good.  He deserved a lot better than what he had, for sure.



7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


We need a pipeline across the country for water, so we can send and receive!


So true Ann - it makes more sense than a gas pipeline honestly.  Alberta is in a lot of drought - wildfires and we are inundated with rain.  Wouldn’t that be a wonderful idea?



7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Our Fall cruise is cancelled, I will post it on Jacqui's Bon Voyage list, sad about that, but the only new port for us would have been Sete, France, and that visit has evidently suddenly been cancelled...  Haha!  


Sorry to hear that but it’s probably the right thing to do 😢. Looks like you had good timing though if your only new port was cancelled.



7 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

He will take them one way or another.  My trip to Walmart had me getting a large supply of the purée since River stopped eating pill pockets.


Smart!  Hope it works.  Purée failed with Ivan.  A piece of cheese may work for a pill but two pieces of meat are the only thing that get a capsule and most things down him.  First dog I’ve had that doesn’t like pill pockets so I feel your pain.


You will succeed.  And hopefully your sweet kitty will recover quickly.



3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I have found out why I have been having trouble staying on the internet for more than a minute at a time.  Someone hacked into my shipboard internet account.  Go figure.  They somehow had to find out my name, Cabin number, date of birth and email address.  But they did it.

Out of frustration today I went back to the IT Guru on the ship and said you have to help me.  He went and looked at my account and said you have to log off of your Samsung Device.  I said, I don’t have a Samsung Device.  So then he said, Tell your husband to log off of his Samsung Device.  Only one device can be used at a time.  I said, My husband does not own a Samsung device,  We only have an IPad and 2 IPhones and my husband has not even turned his on. Then he wanted to know if I told anyone my info.  Of course I didn’t.


So at that point he removed the Samsung Device from my account.  It appears that someone was logging into my account to have access for two devices.  And to make me crazy.


I don’t know who this person is, but if I find him or her, I will probably choke them.  Better I don’t know.


OMG Terri, that it is scary.  How did this person get all that info?  

And for crying out loud - it’s Oceania - not a discount cruise line - why would someone not just pay for their internet?


I am so sorry this happened and glad you got to the bottom of it.



2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I hope no one minds if I vent a bit.  When we saw the nurse practioner last Friday morning, he said we should hear back from UT Southwestern with the date and time of the lumbar puncture by today, and probably before that.  This morning DH called UTSW, and found out that nothing had been done about scheduling the appointment, and was told she would take care of it today.  It after 4:30 and so far nothing.  He messaged the nurse practioner this morning, and so far nothing.  I firmly believe that the medical staff cares for the patients and wants to get things moving as quickly as possible.  Where things fall by the wayside, is with the support staff and the bureaucracy.  We were sent to UTSW because their neurology department is considered the best of the best.  But that doesn't mean anything if you can't get an appointment once the course of action has been determined.  DH opted for the single lumbar puncture over the extended in hospital test because it could be set up much sooner.  While the NPH needs to be addressed before permanent damage is done, what about people who are even more critical?  A person could die of old age waiting for an appointment now days.


Minor, but the place where we got the convertible front end aligned was going to check to see if they could get the part to complete the job and call DH today.  Guess what?  No call.


Thank you for letting me vent.



You vent away to all you need to.  I don’t blame you one bit.

The road to return to good health seems paved with frustration.  I hope you get the call you need on Monday. 🤞 


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH arrived safely in Little Rock.  However his luggage did not.


I’m glad he is there safely but….Oh my!  For some reason I thought that was a direct flight but I guess not?  


Lost luggage is getting to be too common place (speaking from experience)


I hope it gets to him FAST.



11 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

I was in Belize on an island for about a week (lovely place with no electricity) and I decided to go snorkeling off the dock.  Just swimming around minding my own business and I just had a "feeling" suddenly occur.  I looked behind me and there was a shark following me.  I could feel my heart start to race!!  Told myself I had to relax, slow my heart rate as the shark would "know" I was scared and come and bite me.  As I slowly inched my way back to shore (I wasn't far), I just kept saying "calm down, calm down".  Obviously, I made it back.  Said something to the lady who was the caretaker on the little island and she said, "Oh, that was just a nurse shark!  They don't go after people!!"  Well, there always had to be a first time, I thought.  I think I got 7 more gray hairs that day!!


Yikes!  I would have had more than 7 grey hairs that day.  What an experience!



11 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:


Trying to save a tooth at the dentist yesterday.  It was just a cleaning but this one tooth is right on the edge of destruction!!  One month of not using my waterpik has taken its toll.  The hygienist was talking about taking her first cruise so that set me on the search for one for next summer.  I have a gap of time that I need to fill.  Hmmmmm.


Hope you can save the tooth.  I bought my waterpik at Costco and it included a portable on to travel with.  It worked great until I got to Barcelona and either there was a problem with the outlet or my USB adaptor failed.  It blew up.  Now I have one from Spain and it cost as much as my entire set LOL.  

I don’t travel without the waterpik.  The portable one doesn’t take up a lot of space but I do put it in a carry on so nothing untoward happens to it.  If you do that be prepared for questions like “do you have a CPAP machine”.



@ger_77 so sorry about all your smoke.  😔. I know it is never ending and inundating.  😢 

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Good day and thanks all!  Nasty smoke for day three! Sigh! 
DH had a reef shark hit him in the head while diving, not sure how many points, lol! 

@Seasick Sailor happy birthday to Allen! 
@rafinmdhappy birthday to Keith! 
@cruising sister what wise advice, hoping baby Murphy continues to improve! 

@kazu glad Ivan seems a little better! 
@smitty34877 glad you’ve had a little break! 
@Vict0riannsorry you had to cancel this cruise, never fun! 
@Quartzsite Cruiser I hate it that so few follow thru! Vent away! 




Edited by bennybear
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@kazuChuck did take a direct flight.  And all day yesterday he fretted about taking it as a carry on, but didn't want to have to drag it through the airport in Atlanta.  I do hope that he got his brother to take him to Walmart to get some shorts for the time he is there, ,maybe some tacky T shirts too.  Just in case the suitcase is sitting in Atlanta  Lonely without correct tags on it.


And yes, his brother that lives near mom has power of attorney.  He handles all mail, all bills, and verifies every purchase made on any card.


With the laundry that had to be done late last night, and both of us stressing, and a car barfing, I only got two hours sleep, so dear friends, may you have sweet dreams, and a night of peaceful slumbers.



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28 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@kazuChuck did take a direct flight.  And all day yesterday he fretted about taking it as a carry on, but didn't want to have to drag it through the airport in Atlanta.  I do hope that he got his brother to take him to Walmart to get some shorts for the time he is there, ,maybe some tacky T shirts too.  Just in case the suitcase is sitting in Atlanta  Lonely without correct tags on it.


And yes, his brother that lives near mom has power of attorney.  He handles all mail, all bills, and verifies every purchase made on any card.


With the laundry that had to be done late last night, and both of us stressing, and a car barfing, I only got two hours sleep, so dear friends, may you have sweet dreams, and a night of peaceful slumbers.




way too much stress,  so sorry 😞 

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Good evening.  Ut was still 98F when we took our nighky golf cart ride.  It wasn't too uncomfortable when we stopped to visit with another couple who were out for their ride.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH arrived safely in Little Rock.  However his luggage did not.


Yikes!  I hope Chuck's luggage caught up with him, or that he could pick up some things to tide him over.


3 hours ago, dfish said:


Anytime, Lenda.  You have good cause to vent.



Thank you, Debbie.  I hesitate to complaun too much because unfortunately so many others have bigger problems.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so sorry you don’t have a date for the procedure and agree that the support staff can be rather lacking at times. I hope something can be scheduled on Monday.

I understand about going to  the larger medical center but sometimes the problems related to large numbers of patients make things difficult. Even parking! My son was still talking two days later about the Fed ex truck he drove around and the level of congestion he encountered when he was trying to collect us Tuesday.


Terry, thank you.  UTSW's campus is a big sprawling campus with many different buildings.  We've only been to two buildings so far.  Each had a parking garage attached, plus valet parking at the entrance.  For patients it's only $5, and is a big convenience.  Non patients pay a lot more for valet parking.  I'm not sure about parking at the hospital when they (hopefully) finally get around to placing the shunt.  I have seen a shuttle bus if necessary.


1 hour ago, kazu said:

You vent away to all you need to.  I don’t blame you one bit.

The road to return to good health seems paved with frustration.  I hope you get the call you need on Monday. 🤞 



Thank you, Jacqui.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good day and thanks all!  Nasty smoke for day three! Sigh! 
DH had a reef shark hit him in the head while diving, not sure how many points, lol! 

@Seasick Sailor happy birthday to Allen! 
@rafinmdhappy birthday to Keith! 
@cruising sister what wise advice, hoping baby Murphy continues to improve! 

@kazu glad Ivan seems a little better! 
@smitty34877 glad you’ve had a little break! 
@Vict0riannsorry you had to cancel this cruise, never fun! 
@Quartzsite Cruiser I hate it that so few follow thru! Vent away! 





Thank you, too, Brenda.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@kazuChuck did take a direct flight.  And all day yesterday he fretted about taking it as a carry on, but didn't want to have to drag it through the airport in Atlanta.  I do hope that he got his brother to take him to Walmart to get some shorts for the time he is there, ,maybe some tacky T shirts too.  Just in case the suitcase is sitting in Atlanta  Lonely without correct tags on it.


And yes, his brother that lives near mom has power of attorney.  He handles all mail, all bills, and verifies every purchase made on any card.


With the laundry that had to be done late last night, and both of us stressing, and a car barfing, I only got two hours sleep, so dear friends, may you have sweet dreams, and a night of peaceful slumbers.




Annie, I hope you sleep better tonight.


I really appreciate the support this wonderful community gives anyone who's had a rough day or is having a lot of stress.  That's part of what makes the Daily such a great place.



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Good evening all!  Craig and I just watched a large family of javelina that included teenagers, little ones and two tiny babies. They like to go through the easement behind our backyard and root around. We watched them for 20 minutes. 


15 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Friday and Happy Bastille Day, and also Happy Birthday to Allen and to my Nephew Keith.  I love the Rose Kennedy quote.  I try to stay away from Pandemonium and since I will not be anywhere near water will not be too aware of sharks.  I understand it is also National Fry Day, formerly July 13th but moved to the nearest FRIday to the 13th.  I see a lot of comfort food today, fries for lunch and Mac & Cheese for dinner.  I have not been to Kiriwana Island.  I'll pass on the fish.  My alternative is Fresh Fruit with Peach Schnapps, and Roasted Duck with Sour Cherry Chutney as served on MS Rotterdam VI July 14, 2011.


Off to walk inside the mall then Target and Wegmans.



Happy Birthday to your nephew!


14 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!


Thanks for the information.  Happy Bastille Day to all those who have a tad of French in them (or not 🙂 ).  My life before 50 was truly pandemonium, love Mac and Cheese, and I have a deep respect for sharks.  I was in Belize on an island for about a week (lovely place with no electricity) and I decided to go snorkeling off the dock.  Just swimming around minding my own business and I just had a "feeling" suddenly occur.  I looked behind me and there was a shark following me.  I could feel my heart start to race!!  Told myself I had to relax, slow my heart rate as the shark would "know" I was scared and come and bite me.  As I slowly inched my way back to shore (I wasn't far), I just kept saying "calm down, calm down".  Obviously, I made it back.  Said something to the lady who was the caretaker on the little island and she said, "Oh, that was just a nurse shark!  They don't go after people!!"  Well, there always had to be a first time, I thought.  I think I got 7 more gray hairs that day!!


I chuckled at the quote, food and drink sound delicious and never been to the port. 


Another scorcher today.  I guess there has been some sightings of monsoon action but not at my house.  Trying to save a tooth at the dentist yesterday.  It was just a cleaning but this one tooth is right on the edge of destruction!!  One month of not using my waterpik has taken its toll.  The hygienist was talking about taking her first cruise so that set me on the search for one for next summer.  I have a gap of time that I need to fill.  Hmmmmm.


Thoughts for the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great Friday everyone!




We had thunder two nights but only sprinkles, just enough to get the car dirty.  I noticed that the humidity is down so I don’t think we’ll have monsoon this weekend even though the clouds to the east look like it should. 

14 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


A peaceful and quiet morning before pandemonium strikes. 

We took my sis and son to meet Oliver yesterday and they got a tour of the sanctuary while Allen and I loved on Ollie. Today is Ollie's surgery, shots, and chip. Poor little guy sure needs some TLC. He was in a cage with his 3 siblings for his first 10 months! We have ordered all doggie needs and toys, and Ollie will be in his fur ever home on Monday!


Prayers lifted for those on our prayer list, and OH LOOK! We have some celebrations to toast to! Thank you for Allen's Birthday wishes.


This morning is a run to the market to collect all the veggies to chop, pick up the cupcakes, tamales and meat to make the taco's. A bit of pandemonium before the party but looking forward to seeing our friends gather.




Have a great weekend. Sending you love and blessings. 



So exciting about Oliver coming home on Monday!  Poor thing needs some room after his cramped beginning. I hope you post a picture!

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10 hours ago, NextOne said:

Did you go to the Miniature Train World?  We thought it was the highlight of the day and DH, who was a model train enthusiast, thought the layouts were the best he ever saw! The rest of the city was unexciting, though, I agree!

No we did not.  My DH would have been thrilled.  Didn’t even know about it.


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Well the hacker continued to try to access my account well into the evening last night.

I finally gave up. 

This morning I went back to the Internet Guru and he changed my login so that Mr/Ms Hacker cannot continue to do this. 

He is unable to track down the offender,

So that is where we are right now.


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