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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 24th, 2023


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My Mom was an only child, so she treated her cousins like brothers and sisters.  My Dad had seven siblings.  So, I have a LOT of cousins.  I cannot keep first cousins, second cousins, third cousins and once/twice removed, straight so everyone is just a Cousin.  I am so very fortunate that periodically they will have a Family get-together of some sort whether it be birthday party, anniversary party, anniversary party or “let’s see each other” sort of event.  On my calendar at the moment are four cousin get-together! 

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Today I should be leaving home on the way to Vancouver for an Alaskan holiday but decided a couple of months ago I would not be ready.  Instead I have a second week of medical appointments with a lung CT scan last Saturday, echocardiogram today, Pulmonologist tomorrow, and Cardiologist Wednesday. 


@rafinmd I sense you are a person who puts yourself before others, but I respectfully think you are due some prayer as you continue this medical journey. 🙏May your appointments lead to answers, improved health, and returned strength.🙏



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Good Monday Morning  Dailyites! Except for work, this is the only day of the week, that doesnt have therapy or a doctors appointment. It almost feels like a day off.  Ha!


@mamaofamiPrayers for you and Sam.  I am so sorry that he got injured, and I hope things look better SOON! and that they brain bleeds can be stopped.


The fans are all on, but this morning I turned them up a notch.  Air is not moving outside, and it's too cool (not) for the air conditioner to come on.




I have not been to Tasmania, but I do have a cat named Taz. 


DH slept all afternoon yesterday. He is looking very pale, and is still sleeping this morning. Since he does not go to work until 4 I told him I would let him sleep, but when he does wake up I am going to get him to start doing some exercises his heart doc wants him to do.  He is looking far too pale.







Edited by marshhawk
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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My DH, Sam, is in the hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Saturday night. Several CAT scans later they are watching to see if he will need surgery. Please send prayers his way for a complete recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


Prayers for your DH Sam.  I hope that he doesn't need surgery.  🙏

Thanks for starting us off each day Rich.  

My cousins are in good health but the one that I had interaction with sadly passed away last year due to lupus and vasculitis, his kidneys finally gave out.  Amelia Earhart was a trailblazer and a pioneer.  Interesting that pioneer day is about the movement across the US of the people of the LDS church.  Pass on the quote and the Pasta but Cuba Libre is a favorite of mine but with Pussers dark rum.  The Laughing Magpie is a tasty wine, I wish it was in stores more around where we live.  

Thanks for keeping us updated on events, illnesses and Celebrations @JazzyV.  Prayers for baby Murphy I hope she can get off ECMO soon. Prayers for everyone on our Care list and the people of Ukraine.   I hope everyone at sea are having a wonderful time.  @StLouisCruisers thanks for the pictures of today's port in Tasmania in both gloom and sunlight, it looked like a nice walking city. 

The brisket turned out great, I will probably always cook it at 275 degrees.  It was on at 5:45 am and done at 3 so I could bring it in and wrap it in foil to let it settle before carving.  It was fun to watch Harman win the rainy Open yesterday while getting ready for company.   I think John will fish today and I will weed in hope of finally getting my mulch down.  Beautiful weather here for the next two days then two really hot then back to cool weather.  John swears the reason the fish aren't biting is because the lake is so cool with it being below 70 degrees for most of the summer.  Have a nice Monday.  Nancy 

Brisket at 205 degrees and some arrangements I made yesterday. 



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Good Morning to all!


Amelia was such a pioneer.  I wonder if she had cousins?  🙂  Thanks for the explanation of Pioneer Day; weird it is about the trek the Mormons did.  I have cousins - too numerous to count.  My Dad is the eldest of 13 and my mom is an only child.  Haven't seen any cousins in decades.    I prefer life over reading though I think reading enhances life.


The meal sounds absolutely wonderful.  I love pesto AND avocado so.......  I drink Cuba Libras but I just call it rum and diet pepsi!!  The Shiraz - oh, I would like to try.  I love Shiraz.  Never been to Taz.


It rain a tad last evening but didn't seem to cool things down.  We are under an excessive heat warning until Wednesday night.  Humidity is close to 60% but then that is AZ during July.  I did some cooking yesterday and then made tacos for dinner.  I seem to be eating earlier in the day; when I worked, as I usually cooked dinner after coming home, dinner would be anywhere between 6-8 pm.  Now I am having dinner around 3-5 pm.  I don't do breakfast (coffee only) and usually am not hungry for lunch.  I am a one meal a day person - except on cruises!!  Maybe that is why I gain weight!!


I am glad Murphy is progressing and I am sorry to hear about @mamaofami DH.  Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!!

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Good Morning from another warm and sunny day at the beach

       Cousins day! I have many many cousins. My Mom was one of 8 and my Dad was one of 9. So no shortage there. It was fun growing up with all of them.  I am one of the few that left the nest. Most of them still live in the Boston area.

    We were in Burnie in the fall of 2022. We walked around, my pictures are the same . Interesting thing the mayor jumped on the shuttle to welcome us. She was quite entertaining.

     The rocket did launch last nite after yet another storm delay. Big launch coming up on Wednesday.

        @mamaofami  So sorry to hear of Sam`s accident. Pryers for both of you. Hope he recovers quickly. 

        @cruising sister  Encouraging news for Baby Murphy. Will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

@rafinmd   Sorry to hear of your cancelled trips. Better to wait until your return to full health so you can really enjoy them.  I had to do the same and it is so frustrating.  


 Stay safe and enjoy today


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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My DH, Sam, is in the hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Saturday night. Several CAT scans later they are watching to see if he will need surgery. Please send prayers his way for a complete recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


Prayers on the way.



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Good morning Dailyites. 


Prayers lifted for our friends and family here on the Daily. @mamaofami I'm so sorry about Sam's fall. @marshhawk I pray your DH gets the help he needs to improve. Of course prayers for baby Murphy and Sandi's family and friend. 


Today we are headed to Killeen. Allen has 3 VA related appts. EKG, EEG, Xrays and finally a physician. Hoping this is the last of it.


I came home on Elvis yesterday after checking on my friend (surgery) and there was a huge swarm of bees settling into to our oak tree. I zipped the golf cart into the garage and shut it quickly. The tree has what is called a swarm. There's no nest or hive started. We are thinking they are out looking for a new queen. Hoping they move along.. no queen here!


A very odd quote today. Who would choose a book to read over life?


I could not tell you if I have any cousins left. My mother was estranged from her sister and I only saw my 2 cousins in grade school. Allen lost his 2 remaining cousins from heart attacks. 


I agree with @HAL Sailer we need to keep our Roy in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping every appointment is successful and positive @rafinmd


Wishing everyone a great week. 


Well, I didn't even sign off before I got a call that our physician visit has been canceled for the 3rd time!! Dam!!



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Good morning from a sunny and calm central Texas.  It was a very comfortable 73F when I walked, even without any wind.  It is now 77F and feels like 77.  The humidity is 63% with a dew point of 64F, so we're in the comfortable range.  The hourly forecast shows a high of 102F, and triple digits are forecast for the next two weeks.  Aw, summer in Texas.


I'll salute Amelia Earhart and Pioneer Day.  I appreciate Graham @grapau27 giving us the explanation of Pioneer Day.  However, I'll include all the pioneers who pushed this country westward, including many in both my family and DH's family.  Without them, we would not have made it to Texas.  Being an only child of two only children, I do not have many cousins, and most of the ones I have met are descended from one of my grandmother's siblings.  Unfortunately, we are not close.  There are a lot of cousins on my father's side since his great great grandparents had 12 children.  Many of their descendants gather at the old homestead outside of Comanche, TX, for a reunion on the second weekend in August.  We've not been, but I would be able to meet many distant cousins there.


I like to read, but I also like to live life.


We'll pass on the meal, and probably the wine since I'm not a fan of Shiraz wines.  I'll take the Cuba Libre however.  It is my understanding that the drink has to have lime in it to be called a Cuba Libre; otherwise, it's just plain rum and coke, which isn't bad.  I like mine made with Captain Morgan's Spiced rum, please.


It's good to see another day in Canadian history.  Those of us in the US need to learn more about our neighbor to the north.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures of Burnie, Tasmania.  Hopefully, we'll get to Tasmania someday.

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm so sorry about Sam's fall and brain bleeds. I hope the doctors can stop them without resorting to surgery.  

@puppycanducruise  Melanie, thank you for the picture of the Great Blue Heron.  We used to see them all the time when we lived in Corpus Christi in the early 1970s.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you are getting help cleaning the house.  Our two dachshunds did not like the vacuum, but one loved to help mop until I changed to a sponge mop.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, thank you for the good news about Murphy's progress.  I'm sending very positive thoughts that she will continue improving and will overcome this setback.  I hope Molly is all right, but if not, that the vets can help her.  It's sad to see our fur babies in pain.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you got the much needed sleep and feel better today.  I'm also happy that the weather cooperated and you got to take your canal boat tour.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the cardiac exercises help your DH.  I love the Amelia Earhart quote.

@ottahand7  Nancy, that brisket looks really good.  Pretty flower arrangements.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, enjoy the Ho-Ho today.  It's a good way to get an overview of a city.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you have good results from your doctor visits this week.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, "DAMN" is right.  I can't believe they can't find another doctor for Allen since this one keeps cancelling.  I hope the swarm moves on too.


This is for all the Arizona Dailyites, and those further north, too.



For the rest of us.













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Good morning all!

I woke up before 5 this morning, mainly because I couldn't get comfortable due to some upper back pain I've had for almost a week.  No idea how I did it, but must have pulled a muscle or something.  This too shall pass, but it's annoying and painful.   The Icy Hot and heating pad aren't helping much.


Amelia Earhart was an amazing woman and rightfully admired by many.  I have 14 first cousins, and (so far) have lost only 2 to death. Surprising since I'm nearly the youngest of the 14.  Interesting that Pioneer Day is about the Mormons.  Yesterday I got a notice from one of the ancestry sites I use (the Mormon site) letting me know I had 4 female pioneer ancestors on my maternal grandmother's side -- it's all making sense now, maybe they were Mormon (?) .


I'll pass on the meal (only because of the avocado), the drink sounds good, and will pass on the red wine.  We will be in Tasmania on the Grand Australia, but not Burnie (unless our itinerary changes some more!) 😉  I think the quote is a little strange.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers  my DH also calls himself my pack mule. 🤣  Thank you for the photos of Burnie.

Carol @mamaofami I'm so sorry to hear that your DH is in the hospital.  I hope he won't need surgery and can come home soon.

Lorraine @cruising sister thank you for the encouraging news about baby Murphy!  I'm sorry to hear about Molly's torn ligament.

Roy @rafinmd I hope all your medical appointments this week have good news.  Take care of yourself.






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I am up early this morning, as I have to be at the pulmonologist by 9:30.  These earlier appointments will be easier when I get moved.  And the "packing, sorting, purging saga" continues, with all the emotions still attached.


I just have to comment on Pioneer Day.  I lived in Utah from age 5-14, so I really grew up with Pioneer Day as part of our annual events.  My parents would buy fireworks for us before July 4th, but we had to save 1/2 of the fireworks for the 24th.  One of my grandmother's birthdays was July 24, so it has always been a day etched in my memory.  I am not a member of the LDS Church, but have always had such respect for them, as their people were always so kind to us, especially after my DF died when I was 13.  


If time permits, will post again later.  Hope everyone has a great day.  Prayers for those on the Cares List!

Mary Kay

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Happy to say I slept better last night. Glad to hear that Terri @Cruzin Terri did too, and that they enjoyed the canal boat tour. 

Carol @mamaofami sending blessing to you, Sam and his Care Team.  Take care of yourself Carol!  

Lorraine @cruising sister thanks for sharing the updates. Continued blessings for little Murphy, family and Care Team. 

Roy @rafinmd May all your tests show what needs to be known so your Care Team can guide you along the path to full health and living life. 

I’m skipping book group tonight, staying away from groups until after DH’s eye surgery🤞


Cousins are important in my life. I am the youngest of many but we are losing more and more. Three have died since last October. There’s a cousins Remembrance gathering Aug 13 for one who lived in Houston and died at 98 with no children, both she and her husband were only children so all she had was cousins. I’m happy to be living closer to all of them, all eastern states, most in the Hudson Valley. 

Brigham Young certainly picked a gorgeous place. We’d drive that way from NM to Idaho and Seattle often, through the SW corner of CO over Soldier Summit into Salt Lake area that spreads for hours along the western side of the Wasatch Mountains. 

Amelia Earhart was a bold risk taker. She opened the way and the eyes for women for generations. 

Cuba Libre was a favorite drink of my mom’s. I remember as a child accompanying my parents on their rare Sunday afternoon outings to the new JFK airport and the stunning Hotel International for drinks. Mom would order a Cuba Libre and they brought the rum in a tiny glass decanter for her to mix with the Coke. Very fancy!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Rest for the weary. Direction for those seeking a new path. 🙏

🥂Cheers to all celebrating return of good health, milestones in life. Life is Good!  

Smooth, healthy travels to all away!  May all our air conditioning systems keep working! Gonna be a hot week!  


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Monday, Monday. Not as bad as when I worked for every dollar. Hope your day is good!

The ships are full again and the cruise business is strong. Unfortunately,  the fares are higher as well.  I keep scanning for an upcoming itinerary with a good price, but my cruise calendar is bare.


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Good morning! Running late this morning but who’s counting! @mamaofamiCarol sorry to hear about your Sam do pray for quick and healing recovery. Great news on baby Murphy.🙏

I got the laundry started and as soon as it gets to dryer it will be pool time for grand daughter. Keeping her entertained is pretty much a full time job or should I say we are collecting overtime?

Roy do hope all these medical evaluations find nothing wrong and give a green light for you to go on a cruise. 

Thanks for the report and feature post. Have a great week. Bruce



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1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

rafinmd I sense you are a person who puts yourself before others, but I respectfully think you are due some prayer as you continue this medical journey. 🙏May your appointments lead to answers, improved health, and returned strength.🙏




Oops! Oops! Correction:

I meant that @rafinmd does not put himself before others OR puts others ahead of himself


I hope the Daily-ites recognized my mistake as mistaken long before I re-read my comment and found my awful but unintentional error.


My apologies to @rafinmd,


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3 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


Oops! Oops! Correction:

I meant that @rafinmd does not put himself before others OR puts others ahead of himself


I hope the Daily-ites recognized my mistake as mistaken long before I re-read my comment and found my awful but unintentional error.


My apologies to @rafinmd,



Melisa, we knew what you meant.  We all have that Oops moment, and sometimes pretty often!  I too, hope Roy @rafinmd has great outcomes after his appointments this week.  Time to get some cruising in!


I've started pulling clothing and toiletries together.  It's a start!  I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning unless my hairdresser isn't recovered from her medical procedure last Tuesday.  She was taking a week off and tomorrow is her first day back.  Fingers crossed all goes as planned.

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1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:


@rafinmd I sense you are a person who puts yourself before others, but I respectfully think you are due some prayer as you continue this medical journey. 🙏May your appointments lead to answers, improved health, and returned strength.🙏



Thank you.  Actually, the cancelled trip and the flurry of appointments are kind of a set.  The trip was supposed to be something like this (and I did understand what you meant):


Today:  Train to Seattle

July 30: Cruise tour D2C starting with Nieuw Amsterdam and continuing to Denali and Anchorage

Aug 13: Back to Vancouver and Seattle on Noordam

Aug 21-25: Train back home


With this long a trip I had arranged most of my regular medical visits to avoid the coming month.  Many of them relate to long standing issues and I feel very blessed to be as healthy as I am after a COPD diagnosis 61 years ago and prostate cancer 26 years ago.  I feel very fortunate.


I do have some other concerns.  Last week we had a death of a distinguished career firefighter almost 10 years younger than me and the son (certainly no more than early teens) of our past Cubmaster and a member of my church's leadership is dealing with an abusive couple in the bottom floor of her home.


So sad to hear about Sam but buoyed by the latest news on Baby Murphy.




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18 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


Oops! Oops! Correction:

I meant that @rafinmd does not put himself before others OR puts others ahead of himself


I hope the Daily-ites recognized my mistake as mistaken long before I re-read my comment and found my awful but unintentional error.


My apologies to @rafinmd,


Melisa I read it the way you meant it, and didn't even "see" it this way until now LOL. 

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4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My DH, Sam, is in the hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Saturday night. Several CAT scans later they are watching to see if he will need surgery. Please send prayers his way for a complete recovery.

Stay safe everyone,


So sorry to hear this, Carol.  Prayers that all will be well and no surgery needed.  Katherine 

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