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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday August 20th, 2023


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Good morning and Happy Sunday. We have a wind advisory starting about now from the storm. I can hear it getting stronger. Supposed to last until 10pm. I don’t think we will get rain though. @cruising sister, be prepared for a bumpy landing at the airport. 

The meal suggestion today looks good. I love sun dried tomatoes. I made a pork shoulder overnight in the crockpot for carnitas today.  We will have carnitas burrito bowls for lunch and I’ll freeze most of the leftovers. It’s good for all kinds of meals. 

I haven’t been to Bonaire but have been to Aruba and Curaçao. Someday I’ll get the ABC islands checked off my list. 

Have a great day everyone. 

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6 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Tina, Dixie, Ann, and Graham for today's reports.  I love radio prefer to celebrate bees from a distance, and have no use for mosquitoes.  I've been to Bonaire twice, I think Maasdam in 2015 and Koningsdam in 2017.  I'm pleased that Russia eventually decided to sell off Alaska.  I tend to like the Adams quote but will pass on the meal.  My alternative is Citrus Delight with Amaretto and Grilled Lamb Chops with Oregano and Apple Chuney as served on MS Statendam August 20, 2014.


A crazy morning today.  I mentioned a while ago that I was thinking about a medical alert device.  I ordered it last week.  I got a call EARLY this morning but it was from a number I didn't recognize it and ignored it.  I googled the number and got several responses and thought it might be associated with the device and then almost immediately thereafter got a call from my pastor checking on my welfare and thinking I had fallen.  Apparently the device is in shipping and was dropped somewhere at a FEDEX facility.  I think I will get it tomorrow.



Roy, your description of what is happening with your medical alert device sounds very unusual.  First, the batteries should not have been installed before it was shipped.  Second, it should have not been turned on.  Third, how does the device have your personal info and even the info on your pastor before you have received it?  If it were sent to me, I would immediately return it and order one from another company.  Identity theft???


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6 hours ago, dobiemom said:

At least you know it works. 😉  


14 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Roy, your description of what is happening with your medical alert device sounds very unusual.  First, the batteries should not have been installed before it was shipped.  Second, it should have not been turned on.  Third, how does the device have your personal info and even the info on your pastor before you have received it?  If it were sent to me, I would immediately return it and order one from another company.  Identity theft???


Ray, that's essentially the way the system is supposed to work   Al the unit does is call the company and it is them who has the information.  I'm quite sure there's nothing on the unit itself except a serial number that they use to identify my account. 


I do wonder though if there was a quality control error somewhere.  The representative stressed that once I got the unit I needed to activate it so I was surprised to see that it was already active.



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Happy Sunday!  It's hot and sticky here, not my favorite weather!  This past winter, we went to Aruba and Curaçao,  but not the "B" island.  The meal today sounds good, but I think we're going out for dinner.  Bees are good for the garden, but DH is allergic to some kind of bee, not sure what stung him to cause a bad reaction!

@rafinmdhi, just wondering what company you went with.  We're looking for a family member, and there are way too many choices, with good and bad reviews.  

Thanks for the pictures and sharing, have a good rest of the weekend!  K

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26 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I do wonder though if there was a quality control error somewhere.  The representative stressed that once I got the unit I needed to activate it so I was surprised to see that it was already active.

Roy that was my first thought, why was it activated before you got it?  Something wrong there, but I think that's all it was, someone at the company activated it too soon.


I went out to water the garden and didn't stay out long.  The air is definitely smoky now.  My neighbor told me that now there's a fire in Everett, the next town over. 😞  

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Good afternoon from hot central Texas.  It is now 107F at 2:10 in the afternoon, so I expect it to get hotter.  To help keep the house cooler, all the blinds except one are closed all the way or almost all the way.  The one that's open is on the door to the port that does not get the afternoon sun.  I miss being able to see outside, but if it keeps the house cool, and the electric bill a smidgen lower, then I'll live with it.


It's been a frustrating afternoon since I've been comparing prescription prices between three pharmacies.  A few years ago we switched from W-M pharmacy, mainly because dealing with the one in Parker when we were in Quartzsite was beyond frustrating.  We decided to go with a regional chain in Blythe, and our local grocery store in Texas which is an east Texas family owned chain.  It was worth it even with spending a little more on some prescriptions.  Last month, our local grocery chain sold their pharmacy to a national chain, and the letter said there was a savings app for the new pharmacy.  Long story short, I checked their prices today, and they are not great, even with using coupons.  Most prescriptions are more than what we've been paying.  I also checked W-M prices, and it looks like we'll be switching back, at least in Texas.  I'll miss being able to pick our prescriptions up in town, and the friendly service.  At least, our nearest W-M is run a lot better than the one in Parker.  Thanks for letting me vent.  


4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report!  I will celebrate honey bees and radios but curse mosquitos!!  If they are a mile away, they will find me.  Up in AK when I had an assignment in Bethel, there were HUNDREDS flying around.  I had heard that taking B-complex vitamins for a month or so before going would help.  Something about you smell different and the mosquitos don't like it.  So I did just that and it seemed to work.  I didn't get as bit as I normally would.


I will ponder the quote, the meal sounds yummy and even though I love sangria - not peach.  Wine sounds good and never been to Bonaire.  What a sight AK must have been way back then.


Keeping an eye on the weather situation.  It may get decided for me if the roads close.  I have close to 18 hours before it is decision time.  I won't put myself in danger so let's see how the day progresses.  The reports of heavy rain seems to be around mid-day Sunday into night.  That is good news for me BUT we know how the weather goes.  Thanks for everyone's concern.  Don't worry; I won't be stupid!!


Enjoying the cooler weather here though humidity is still up.  Partly cloudy and wonderful!!


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!!


Penny, even if the rain stops early, there could still be flooding in low lying places from runoff from the mountains.  I know you will be careful and not take chances, but we all worry about our Daily family members.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

This photo was no longer available to copy and paste from our previous day’s links but with some little tricks I found a way to retrieve it from my Shutterfly app. This was taken on the 2006 cruise with DD. That’s Water Island in the background. 


Dixie @summer slope I will tell Ren to try the Gatorade for altitude sickness. Sorry about your Women’s soccer team Graham @grapau27  Much better luck next time. 


Sandi, I don't know if you saw my post from Friday.  I'm pretty sure with leaving the ship and flying home, you won't be able to post the port of the day.  My guess is your DH will have already packed his computer.  I'll will try to get it posted that morning, but we have to leave by 7 am since DH has an appointment at UTSW at 9 am.  Thanks to some help from Rich, @richwmn I have the information I need, and I've already checked out the previous times we've had the port, and where I can find the pictures.  In an abundance of caution, in case I run out of time, I'm going to post the links late Tuesday night on the Fleet Report and Daily.  That way they will be available even if people have to look a little for them.  When I was looking the pictures, I noticed that your pictures had the same problem as the ones last week from Gozo.  They could not be found on Shutterfly.  Let me know if you would like for me to handle the links on Thursday in case you want some time to settle back in at home.  Great pictures of you and your DD today.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good Sunday morning, 


We're having a cooler day today which is nice. However it's quite smokey at the moment. We also have a fairly decent breeze which is keeping things pleasant. I'm getting cookies made. Yesterday was chocolate snickerdoodles and today is a walnut cookie. 


I have family (cousins) up in Chase, BC, on evacuation alert since Friday evening due to wildfires. My 94 year old aunt has been safely evacuated to her daughter's house. My cousin's have their motorhome packed as well as their car, as do their adult children, and will head into Kamloops to a family member's home if they have to evacuate. They also have a cabin in the path of the fire but the latest news is that it is safe. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers please. 


2 weeks today I head out on the Westerdam. I have my lists going and am looking forward to a change. 

Enjoy your Sunday and stay safe!



Karen, I hope your family remains safe from the fires, and if they have to evacuate, their places will escape damage.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday. We have a wind advisory starting about now from the storm. I can hear it getting stronger. Supposed to last until 10pm. I don’t think we will get rain though. @cruising sister, be prepared for a bumpy landing at the airport. 

The meal suggestion today looks good. I love sun dried tomatoes. I made a pork shoulder overnight in the crockpot for carnitas today.  We will have carnitas burrito bowls for lunch and I’ll freeze most of the leftovers. It’s good for all kinds of meals. 

I haven’t been to Bonaire but have been to Aruba and Curaçao. Someday I’ll get the ABC islands checked off my list. 

Have a great day everyone. 


Sharon, I know you need the rain, and I hope you get some, but not too much.  It has been raining in Quartzsite for a while.  This morning it was a gentle rain, but no updates since then on rain, but there is a strong wind..  There have been quite a few tall saguaros that have fallen in peoples' yards recently.


33 minutes ago, rafinmd said:


Ray, that's essentially the way the system is supposed to work   Al the unit does is call the company and it is them who has the information.  I'm quite sure there's nothing on the unit itself except a serial number that they use to identify my account. 


I do wonder though if there was a quality control error somewhere.  The representative stressed that once I got the unit I needed to activate it so I was surprised to see that it was already active.




Roy, even if it's just quality control, I would still be concerned.


4 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Roy that was my first thought, why was it activated before you got it?  Something wrong there, but I think that's all it was, someone at the company activated it too soon.


I went out to water the garden and didn't stay out long.  The air is definitely smoky now.  My neighbor told me that now there's a fire in Everett, the next town over. 😞  


Oh no, about the fire in Everett, especially since that's a more populated area.  I hope it can be contained quickly.

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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Sharon, I know you need the rain, and I hope you get some, but not too much.  It has been raining in Quartzsite for a while.  This morning it was a gentle rain, but no updates since then on rain, but there is a strong wind..  There have been quite a few tall saguaros that have fallen in peoples' yards recently.

I actually had just checked the weather and we are forecasted for rain about 10 tonight and all night. It wasn’t like that earlier. Maybe it’s the tail end of the storm. 

So sad about the saguaros falling!  I hope your yard is okay. I’ve seen pictures of huge saguaros falling on houses and causing damage. We’ve been concerned about our fruitless Olive tree in our front yard. It has split near the base and one side was really loose. We had the yard guy trim it back and he thinks it’s stable but Craig doesn’t. He keeps talking about taking it out. I hate to start over with a new Olive tree. We also have one in the backyard but it’s fine and I don’t think it’s going anywhere. 

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5 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I actually had just checked the weather and we are forecasted for rain about 10 tonight and all night. It wasn’t like that earlier. Maybe it’s the tail end of the storm. 

So sad about the saguaros falling!  I hope your yard is okay. I’ve seen pictures of huge saguaros falling on houses and causing damage. We’ve been concerned about our fruitless Olive tree in our front yard. It has split near the base and one side was really loose. We had the yard guy trim it back and he thinks it’s stable but Craig doesn’t. He keeps talking about taking it out. I hate to start over with a new Olive tree. We also have one in the backyard but it’s fine and I don’t think it’s going anywhere. 


Sharon, I think we'll be all right.  We only have one saguaro in the yard, and it is still short.  I only found it a few years ago under a lot of debris under an ironwood tree.  It had grown a lot since then, but if it feel, it wouldn't do any damage.  If it keeps growing, it will grow up through the center of the tree.  The first picture was taken in 2016 or 2017, and the second picture was taken last year.





Last year, we had our overgrown mesquite tree cut way back, so it should also be okay, but I imagine it has grown quite a bit in the last 16 months.  A  before and after picture.







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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:


Ray, that's essentially the way the system is supposed to work   Al the unit does is call the company and it is them who has the information.  I'm quite sure there's nothing on the unit itself except a serial number that they use to identify my account. 


I do wonder though if there was a quality control error somewhere.  The representative stressed that once I got the unit I needed to activate it so I was surprised to see that it was already active.



Don't know what company you used.... I had to activate mine when I got it. When you get it, be sure to tell the person you talk to what happened. Sounds like someone slipped up. By the way, when Diane's went off after her death (someone tossed it in the trash) and they called me suggesting she had fallen,  I told them her house was being cleared and they then said its movement was consistent with it being in a trash can being dumped. Now hers had been activated months previously. Anyway... let them know what happened. You have no idea how much better I feel knowing I can summon help if I need it. It is well worth the hassles that may occur.



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3 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Don't know what company you used.... I had to activate mine when I got it. When you get it, be sure to tell the person you talk to what happened. Sounds like someone slipped up. By the way, when Diane's went off after her death (someone tossed it in the trash) and they called me suggesting she had fallen,  I told them her house was being cleared and they then said its movement was consistent with it being in a trash can being dumped. Now hers had been activated months previously. Anyway... let them know what happened. You have no idea how much better I feel knowing I can summon help if I need it. It is well worth the hassles that may occur.



I might add my neighbors feel better too.

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A benefit of living in a small town with very little crime is that the police, when dispatched to your house on a report of someone threatening someone else with a knife, don't burst through the door shooting.


However, it was providential that, although I was almost asleep, I had the presence of mind to put something on over the T-shirt that I was wearing.



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3 hours ago, luvteaching said:


I have family (cousins) up in Chase, BC, on evacuation alert since Friday evening due to wildfires. My 94 year old aunt has been safely evacuated to her daughter's house. My cousin's have their motorhome packed as well as their car, as do their adult children, and will head into Kamloops to a family member's home if they have to evacuate. They also have a cabin in the path of the fire but the latest news is that it is safe. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers please. 


They are definitely in my prayers 🙏. those fires are horrendous 😢 




18 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

You have no idea how much better I feel knowing I can summon help if I need it. It is well worth the hassles that may occur.


I am afraid I best look at getting one too. 😔. It’s helpful knowing you feel better with it 👍 

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Hello and thanks all!  Here’s to the fishies in the deep blue sea of Bonaire and the bees! 

Hoping people in Washington state can update about the Everett fire.  I couldn’t find out online. That’s where my very elderly aunt lives and my DD may be visiting as our main highway home the trans Canada is closed due to the wild fires.  My friend evacuated yesterday and other friends are on alert.  


Edited by bennybear
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Our skies are smoky, but we have the windows closed, and I don't smell a smoky smell.  Please send us some rain from the East!


I may have posted it before, but we had a swarm of bees land in our garden a few years ago.  It was about the size and shape of a pair of trousers.  The beekeeper who came to get them was very pleased with it.  We told him he could cut the branch down that it was suspended from , so he managed to get it all into a couple of big  buckets.  Another year a smaller swarm landed and the beekeeper just vacuumed them into a special bucket.  I haven't seen many bees this year - just a few bumble bees.  




I think it has been too dry for mosquitoes this year, although DD, who usually gardens later in the day, has complained of some bites.  Our younger DD is our usual mosquito magnet, we always used to tell her we would set her up in a far corner of the garden while we had a lovely, mosquito-free dinner on the patio!  Of course, we never followed through on that...



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55 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Don't know what company you used.... I had to activate mine when I got it. When you get it, be sure to tell the person you talk to what happened. Sounds like someone slipped up. By the way, when Diane's went off after her death (someone tossed it in the trash) and they called me suggesting she had fallen,  I told them her house was being cleared and they then said its movement was consistent with it being in a trash can being dumped. Now hers had been activated months previously. Anyway... let them know what happened. You have no idea how much better I feel knowing I can summon help if I need it. It is well worth the hassles that may occur.



It's the same company as yours.  Don't know about the model but I should have it tomorrow.



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Oh no, about the fire in Everett, especially since that's a more populated area.  I hope it can be contained quickly.

Lenda (and Brenda @bennybear) I apologize for the wrong information.  Since talking to my neighbor, I've been searching online and I don't see anything about a wildfire in Everett.  There was a fire in a building yesterday but not a wildfire.  I found that the nearest fire to me is 55 miles away.  

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

I went out to water the garden and didn't stay out long.  The air is definitely smoky now.  My neighbor told me that now there's a fire in Everett, the next town over. 😞  

Carolyn, what fire?  I can't find any info about it. No sirens or anything. The Anchor Pub fire yesterday is just 1 mile from my house.  Maybe your neighbor has old news?

Edited by AV8rix
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Good afternoon. I am finally done working outside. I started too late (10:30) and about an hour after I began, the sun started creeping into the area where I was working. I did as much as I could stand, then started coming in for breaks to drink and cool down. I just got finished after a long afternoon break. And apropos of mosquito day, I have a big red bite area right by where I wear my watch. I probably got that during yesterday's yardwork, even though I had put repellant on (I didn't take my watch off to spray and didn't want to get stuff on it, so that was likely an unprotected spot). The local county health department had a post today on social media saying that mosquitos kill more people than any other animal on the planet. Lovely. The day is to suggest people wear repellant and get rid of any standing water outside.


@sailingdutchy Thanks for the photos from Bonaire.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photo of you 3.

@luvteaching Prayers for safety for your family in BC.

@rafinmd That is strange that the device seems to have already been activated; you'd think only you would be the one to do approve that. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser It's frustrating deciding on price vs convenience for medications. Vent away!

Edited by JazzyV
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Regular programming will now resume.


I used to play Winnie the Pooh in puppet theater, so I'm very aware of "hunny." I have also worked in radio. I'm not sure why there should be a mosquito day.


No shrimp for me. Peach sangria?? My alternative for the wine is 2019 Maximilien from Ravines Wine Cellars. I haven't been to Kralendijk; I have a booking next year that calls at A and C but not at B, iirc.




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50 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Lenda (and Brenda @bennybear) I apologize for the wrong information.  Since talking to my neighbor, I've been searching online and I don't see anything about a wildfire in Everett.  There was a fire in a building yesterday but not a wildfire.  I found that the nearest fire to me is 55 miles away.  


No problem.  Glad it's not a wildfire.



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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

My friend evacuated yesterday and other friends are on alert.  


I am so sorry to hear this, Brenda.  I hope they can stay safe 🙏 




1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

 Please send us some rain from the East!


I so wish we could.  We don’t need it at all 😔 



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World Awareness Mosquito Day just  mentioned on news. 
These pesky little pest caused over 400,000 + deaths per year.

Now LA area gets a 5.1 earthquake with aftershocks.

Twenty six million folks are in harms way from Hilary.

Washington State forest fires are also a hazard and concern.

Stay safe.


Edited by aliaschief
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