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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 12th, 2023


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Good Morning, thanks for today's daily fleet report.  @richwmn thank you for the update on the Zaandam.  It was our first confirmation that we really were missing Bar Harbor today.  Since Boston isn't used to doing immigration I'm curious how things will go.  Our ride is scheduled to pick us up at 8:30.  We received official word from the captain around 9am. 

I hope everyone has a nice day today. 

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Good morning,

I am waiting on the touch up painters to arrive. It is part of the one year warranty on my house. It seems impossible that I have been in this house for a year. The problem with the paint is that it is flat paint and you can’t wash it. With two young grandchildren this is a problem. I will need to repaint with better paint later. For now I will touch up the spots and wait another year or so except for the bathrooms which I will repaint sooner. I just need to decide on a color. 

@smitty34877  I am glad you are getting the house ready. I am sure Lou is anxious to get home. It was much better for me having DH home for his last days. It made it easier for others to spend time with him. 

I dipped my toe in Morocco last May on the NS when we had a port change to Ceuta Spanish Morocco. I would like to make it to Casablanca some day. I am praying for earthquake victims. 

I hope all of our cruisers make their upcoming cruises with the storm coming. It will mess with flights and sailings. 

Prayers and well wishes to the care list and have a great day. 

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Good morning, everyone!


The rain has stopped for now here in mid-Michigan, but it is still overcast and dreary out.  Sue is taking DB Jeff down to Saginaw to buy a suit for our niece's wedding in October.  I'm staying home as I have a Zoom meeting.  


Today's meal sounds rather tasty to me.  I like anything with peanuts.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/chicken-satay-skewers-with-peanut-sauce/




This next one does not use the coconut milk, so it might be more to your liking, @Cruising-along, Carolyn.   https://www.wellplated.com/satay-chicken-peanut-dipping-sauce/




This last one seems to add a lot of sugar to it.  I don't understand why we need to add sugar to everything.  I would probably experiment and leave it out at first.  I really do prefer savory to sweet.  





That sure looks good, doesn't it?


Wishing you all a great day.  

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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

I'm pleased you liked the photo @RedneckBob.😃

We are lucky to have lots of nice beaches near us.

I was up early to drive Pauline to her office and then I got my breakfast from McDonald's drive thru which is under 2 miles from this beach car park.

It was a cheesy/bacon flatbread with a nice flat white coffee.😋

Sounds delicious. We can’t get that cheesy/bacon flatbread around these parts. Maybe I should ask the manager if he can substitute this for the grits they serve!

By the way, did the manufacture make a mistake by putting the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car? 😀

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Good sunny and cool morning. It’s supposed to get up to about 85 today and then rain tomorrow and cooler Thursday.

The manhunt continues and another sighting early this morning. @Denise T and @Lady Hudson he is getting too close to your area. We shop frequently at the PetSmart on rye 100, not today. News conference is scheduled for 9:30. this morning.

I love chicken satay with peanut sauce. 

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas where it is 72F and feels like 72. There is a 3 mph breeze with 83% humidity and a dew point of 66F.  The rain is predicted to start about 9 or 10 tonight and continue on and off through Saturday.  Our high will be 77 about 11 am and then begin to drop to about 70F.  After I run an errand, I hope to be able to get a walk in since it looks like there will be no walks for several days.


I love chocolate milk shakes but haven't had one in years.  No video games here, but I like national day of encouragement.  We all need a little encouragement at times.


Today's quote is good.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice.


We have been to Casablanca twice, and I'll post my pictures in a bit.


Another interesting day in history.


@puppycanducruise  Melanie, please wish your mother A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope they catch the escapee soon and that life can get back to normal.  No matter what happens to your itinerary, remember you will be on a ship.

@Crazy For CatsJake, I'm sorry you are missing Bar Harbor, and I hope immigration goes smoothly tomorrow.














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2 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Sounds delicious. We can’t get that cheesy/bacon flatbread around these parts. Maybe I should ask the manager if he can substitute this for the grits they serve!

By the way, did the manufacture make a mistake by putting the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car? 😀

It is a Renault Captur made in France (who drive on the right) for the UK market where we drive on the left.

BTW we have been to the US  33 times since 1992 and I quite like driving on the right hand side of the road.

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Like shakes, pass on video games, we all need to give and get encouragement. The quote causes reflection.

Passing on the food and drink; not been to Casablanca. 

Yay for the dog leading the boys to such a discovery!

72 headed to 84 - what a difference a week and a tiny bit of rain makes. Thrilled to see rain in the forecast - not looking forward to finding another crack in a wall, so hopefully we get enough for it to be beneficial. 💦

Work is so busy I don't know how I will be ready to leave on Fri. But I am ready to go - Canada is calling!!🚢

Prayers and positive thoughts to all.

Baby Murphy 🙏



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On April 28, 2002, on Noordam III, we made our first visit to Casablanca.  That day we took the ship's transfer to Marrakesh and explored the town.


We were dropped off in the main market square near a restaurant where our bus would pick us up later that afternoon.



The entrance to the Souk, which was interesting to walk through.



Some of the items for sale





To see more of the area, we took a horse drawn carriage ride.  That horse was so dirty, we both had an allergic reaction that fortunately cleared up after we got out of the carriage.



The Royal Palace in Marrakesh.  There are royal palaces in many of the larger towns.



A street outside the market area



More markets.  The restaurant where we were dropped off and where we waited for our bus is upstairs in the second picture.








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Good morning Dailyites. 

A beautiful morning to celebrate Sept. 12th.

After watching all the Sept. 11th tributes and heartbreak,  I couldn't sleep last night and I'm kinda cranky..







Prayers to all in need this morning,  especially Lou, Murphy, and Roy. Continued prayers to all on our prayer list. 


It is great to see more celebrations and Bon Voyage to fellow cruisers.


Happy Birthday to @puppycanducruise Dear Mom.


Today will be busy. My cleaning helper will be here in an hour and will get the floors accomplished while I gas the car, car wash and market. Our son is driving down from Alabama tomorrow. 13 hours, so will be here around 7 pm. Our DIL will fly in on Saturday. They have 2 concerts downtown Austin on Monday and Tuesday and will start driving home after the Tuesday concert.


I know I would like today's meal. I have not played video games for years and years. 


I had a chocolate shake on Rotterdam in December and on Koningsdam in February. I like to dip the Dive In french fries in my shake. 


I believe this thread certainly encourages everyone in need of cares. Best thread on CC.


Wishing everyone a great day. Be kind. 

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We returned to Casablanca on September 24, 2009, on Tahitian Princess.  That day our tour was of Casablanca and Rabat.  I'll post the Casablanca pictures here, and the Rabat pictures in another post.


Many of the buildings in Morocco are very ornate like this one.



A market





A minaret 



Notre Dame de Lourdes



Hassan II Mosque









The view from the mosque



More shopping



A busy street



And more shopping









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Good morning everyone.   I will try to stay caught up later today.  Thanks for the lovely photos of Marrakesh today.  I have to unload all the plants out of the truck, then get cleaned up after that and then dentist, Post Office, pharmacy, Tractor Supply and Walmart for some curly parsley for the crab cakes I am making for dinner.  A big surprise was two cans of Costco pasteurized crab meat when I opened the garage refrigerator.   A perfect change of pace for dinner.  Have a lovely day!  Nancy 

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After a traditional Moroccan lunch, we headed to Rabat, the capital of Morocco.  Our first stop was the Royal Palace.



Near the Palace was the Mausoleum of Mohamad V







Another guard, but at least they had dirt for the horse to stand on.



Hassan Tower, an old unfinished minaret



A garden outside an old fortress



Pictures from our walk back to the bus.









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I wouldn't mind a chocolate milkshake, but it would have to be made to order with lactose-free ingredients. I think it is possible that video games do more harm than good. I'm generally in favor of encouragement, but it depends on what is being encouraged.


OK on the meal, but not on the cocktail. For the wine, I'd consider Silver Thread Good Earth 2021, a blend of Lemberger, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Regent.


I haven't been to Casablanca. We had a man in the Jewish community here whose mother was from Casablanca, and when his daughter's class was studying Jewish immigration to America he brought pictures and talked with the class.


IT IS NOT RAINING! Later I will go to a nature preserve to do some of the assigned reading for this week.



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

After a traditional Moroccan lunch, we headed to Rabat, the capital of Morocco.  Our first stop was the Royal Palace.



Near the Palace was the Mausoleum of Mohamad V







Another guard, but at least they had dirt for the horse to stand on.



Hassan Tower, an old unfinished minaret



A garden outside an old fortress



Pictures from our walk back to the bus.









Thank you Lenda for all of your very interesting photos and descriptions of what and where you were.



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Good morning to all. Cloudy this morning and looking like rain. We can but hope. The high today is forecast to be 62F. I think it will be a day of indoor work. The dogs have moved from their usual summer spot near the patio door to the sofa where they are burrowed down into the doggie blankets. I think they know something. And a up in the very high country... Trail Ridge Road is closed due to snow. So it begins.


Have always wanted to go to Morocco but have never made it. Love the pictures. I  think I would like the meal today but I will be eating up some salads and probably coupling them with scrambled eggs for supper tonight in an effort to clear the frig. Just don't feel very creative.


My best thoughts to all on the cares list. And I hope the weather does not disrupt those who are scheduled to cruise. Mother Nature does like to do her thing.  Looks like some disruptions already.


Off to load up the dish washer, do a load of laundry and then back to sorting file drawers. Takes a long time since I inspect all pieces of paper carefully before it goes into recycling or the shredder- or back into the files.


Take care.



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Good morning all!

Today will only get up to about 70 F and rain showers tonight.  I thought I had my clothes all planned and packed for the cruise, but now the weather shows over 80 here and in Seattle on Friday.  So I'll need warm weather clothes just for that day (we'll be walking from a restaurant to the ship).  Not far, but I don't want to be too warm.


I love chocolate milkshakes but don't have them often.  I've never played video games, but DS is IT manager for a large international gaming company and DDIL is an artist for another company.  Encouragement is needed and appreciated by all.  The quote is good, and I would love the meal.  Thanks Debbie @dfish!  I printed off the 2nd recipe and we'll have it tonight.  I will put in less soy sauce though, hope that doesn't ruin it.  But even low sodium soy sauce isn't that low.  Will pass on the red wine and drink.  We'll be in Casablanca next year for the first time, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Robert @Mtn2Sea and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for your great photos!


We have been to the Lascaux cave paintings!  On our anniversary land/cruise trip in 2019.  It was very interesting.


Happy birthday to Melanie @puppycanducruise's DM today!



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Good morning. A cool 56 degrees this morning but we have blue skies and will be warming as the day goes. Today I will spend around the beach house. Some are talking about a hike that is a little to challenging for this old body.

To tonight us men will tend to cooking burgers and dogs on the grill.

Saw some beautiful scenery yesterday at Perpetual National Park. I posted some late yesterday on Monday’s Daily.

We were treated to another beautiful sunset. Thanks for the report and contributions.






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I just got a photo from my DGS who is in Lisbon with DS at his engineering conference.  He asked if we had ever been on Nieuw Statendam.  No we haven't been on any of the larger HAL ships spending many days on the Prinsendam and the remaining smaller ships since then.  Thought I'd share the photo with everyone here.  The NS is on a 9 day Dover to Rome cruise at the moment.



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Just received a text with pics from neighbor at home. Remember the bear that has been getting into our trash cans? Well yesterday at 4:00 PM the bear was seen climbing over a neighbors fence and a long shot of the bear crossing neighbors lawn. May have to enlarge to appreciate how large a bear it is. 
Worrisome with kids out playing or coming home from school.



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