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Thursday November 16th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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33 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  I slept all day yesterday, woke up to eat lunch, and then back to bed.  Got up later, ate some crackers and a ginger ale, and then back to bed, I have been waking up at 3:30 every morning since i was so doped up on the ship, and that has not changed.  And then back to sleep, slept until 7 this morning, made coffee ate a frozen sausage biscuit, sat, walked the dog at 10, came back opened the windows it's sunny and I really like the fresh air, but it is only 63.


DH has an appointment with his heart doc tomorrow, I am going to sneak in, and see if he can see me also.  Blood pressure is low in morning and rises quickly, and with all that sleeping and not much eating, I am now down another 4 pounds.  The lung doc called and cancelled my appointment on 12/8, he is only in that office every 5 weeks, not sure I want to wait that long.  Feels like i am low on oxygen. 

And while I didnt quit smoking, I have cut way way down.  I know I need to quit. It is happening.


@grapau27so nice to see your posts.  and food porn.🙂  It does make me hungry.  


I ignore all rants on threads these days, this is the nicest place I know, and this is the only place I go.


@StLouisCruisers The recommendation is for RomeCabs.  We thoroughly loved the service. We took them to the port.  While in Rome we did make it to almost everything except the Coliseum, and when the driver picked us up, I asked if we went past the Colosseum, and he said he would make it happen, found the perfect spot for DH to take his picture!  What a wonderful service!



Thank you.

I hope you are feeling better soon and it is a good idea to speak to the cardiologist when your husband see's him.

Oximeters can be bought at pharmacies to measure your oxygen level quickly when clipped on your finger.

Best wishes.


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Good morning.  It is still cool, gray and misty, so I'm working on things in the house that need to be moved to the motorhome.  Maybe, I'll actually get outside later.


2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

It is another beautiful day. It would be perfect if it was a bit less windy. Today’s quote is long and I like bits of it. I would enjoy today’s meal. 

I am off to meet with the estate lawyer for DS. I hope to be finishing with it today. I still have a state tax refund pending, but I will pay off his dad’s portion and wait for the refund for me. It still gets me upset when I think of him getting any money since he was the quintessential dead beat dad but I can’t fight the law. 

I have given up the search for missing travel items. I will need to decide if I really need them or not and order new ones as needed. 

Prayers and well wishes and have a great day. 



Lorraine, I hope today is the day the estate is finalized.  BTW, the best way to find the travel items is to order new ones.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


Welcome to the daily @Niagarawine.  We hope to hear more from you.

@RMLincoln I hope you had a restful night last night and that today's travels go well.

@kazu I agree that you should post the link to Jose's bursary.  It is extremely well done and a wonderful tribute to Jose.  

@marshhawk Annie, I agree with @smitty34877 Terry and think you need to check in with your own doctor.  


My appointment at the Spine and Pain Clinic went as well as can be expected.  Since it has been two years since I had the last nerve ablation I have to start from scratch and do PT in order to get insurance to pay for anything.  The problem is that someday we'll get the results back on the CT scan I had done last Friday and we will schedule surgery that will interfere with the PT.  In the meantime, they did order x-rays of the back and neck.  


It seems like I am going to sleep every other night.  Last night was another night of turning and tossing.  I finally fell asleep around 2:00 am and slept until 8:00 am.  When I have those nights I always think of @JazzyV and @Cruising-along.  The pain clinic suggested I wear a lidocaine patch to bed to help with the hip pain that usually wakes me up at 4:00 am.  This morning it didn't wake me up until 8:00 am.  


Today's meal is a good one to save so you can use up the leftover Thanksgiving turkey.  You can also make this with a rotisserie chicken if you want it other times of the year.  This first recipe has no soup added to it, so it is a from scratch recipe.  And, if you don't like spinach, leave it out.  You can also substitute kale.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/turkey-tetrazzini-with-spinach/




This next recipe uses wide egg noodles and white wine along with adding in mushrooms.  https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/turkey-tetrazzini-with-spinach-and-mushrooms-3568181




This one has a slightly different preparation for the sauce, but equally good, I'm sure.  I like the toasted breadcrumbs on the top.  https://fabulousfaresisters.com/2018/11/29/turkey-spinach-mushroom-tetrazzini/




I hope this finds you all well.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Debbie, I'm sorry you have to start from scratch with getting relief with your pain.  I'm glad the lidocaine patch helped you sleep.


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Wilmington Delaware, had a good breakfast, good beds, wonderful hot shower, poor sleep with incredibly noisy neighbors or people above us until 2am. DH called front desk, something we never do but it was obnoxious, sounded like they were bouncing a basketball.  But onward!  In fresh clothes!  Yay!  It’s a beautiful day!  Should be at NJ place in plenty of time for 2 pm signing party, enough time to review the contacts and the many approvals. 📚 Then unpack the car!  Can’t believe how much we got into it!  

Good luck Lenda!  Sometimes I really miss our 5th wheel trailer!  The good old days!  But these are more good old days happening now!  

Thank you all. I try to click the Thank You icons as I read through, and send blessings!  I tell you it was a miracle in my book that granddaughter was able to get DH’s phone restarted as we were struggling through the traffic in the dark last night!  Being carried by a whole lotta Love! 

Sending out Peace to the world and each of you. Healing and relief to those suffering, near and far.  Strength to those facing trials. Safe passage to all traveling. 🙏



Maureen, I'm sorry about the noisy neighbors last night.  Safe travels to NJ and your new home.  I hope the signing goes well and quickly.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Another overcast day and forecast calls for more rain today. We’ll take all we can get. Fort Lauderdale has had enough with over 100 inches this year! Some frustrations yesterday. My one week old I-Phone 15 charging port will not take a charge. Back to T-Mobile who agreed it doesn’t work. Swap out for new one? Nope it’s under warranty need to take to repair shop to look at it. If they can’t fix it then it will be replaced. First appointment available was at 3:20 today at Best Buy. I took some deep breaths and bit my tongue a couple of times but I’m still counting my Blessings!

Seeing my appointment is at 3:20 I’m taking Sue with me and we will have an early dinner out.

Drove through the neighborhood last night and several homes have Christmas decorations up. Not sure why they can’t wait til after Thanksgiving but to each his own. For first time we are not doing any decorations this year due to all our preparations for the World Cruise. There will be no Clark Griswald competition here this year.

Got a late start this morning so I have some chores I need to get done. Thanks for the report and featured post. Bruce





Bruce, it sounds like instead of Clark Griswald, you will be celebrating "Christmas with the Cranks".


56 minutes ago, arzz said:

Flew into Miami yesterday and it was quite the experience.  Sort of like being in a cocktail shaker or as DH quotes James Bond: “shaken and not stirred”.  It was fun to watch the cabin attendants pretending not to have white knuckles.  Oh, what we do for the reward of a cruise on the other end!


After a night disturbed several times by emergency phone alarms about flash flooding and warning of how dangerous it was to go outside we awoke to what is a clearing sky.  Almost partly sunny, rain no longer pelting the 34th floor windows of our hotel room and we discovered that we could see Biscayne Bay clearly from our room!  Did not expect that as yesterday all we could make out were a few buildings.  The morning news informed us that Miami received 7.53 inches of rain yesterday - a record of some sort.


Today we have a couple of errands for things we forgot.  It is actually amazing we got here at all considering that our upstairs neighbors in our condo who are doing major renovations in their apartment broke a fire sprinkler two weeks ago that rained in copious quantities upon our brand new kitchen.  We now have no ceilings in half of our home but the heat fans and dehumidifiers are finally gone - we are waiting for the new wood floors to warp so travel now might be a blessing.  Just not looking forward to returning home to the mess.


But, the good side is that tomorrow we embark Seabourn’s Sojourn.  Our celebration trip of finishing our home is now a recovery trip from the last two crazy weeks -but in the scheme of things we have suffered so much less than so many others these past few years - and we are well.  We are very thankful.  


Though I don’t post often I am an avid follower of the “daily”.  I hope ship internet allows me to continue to follow this thread while on board.  Our hopes and best thoughts to those who are ill and dealing with so many issues.


I'm sorry your celebratory cruise will be a recovery from disaster cruise.  I hope the other couple or their contractor will be paying for the repairs to your condo.  You are welcome here anytime.


53 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Clarinets are ok. There should be tolerance throughout the world. I still have my DM's tin of buttons that she kept. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Saint Pierre and Miquelon. UNESCO is an important organization. I love the Sound of Music, and went on a tour in Salzburg to the film locations.


The last warmer and sunny day today. Yesterday was tough. I did laundry, which already had me in pain. Then I went with BFF to the airport to pick up DD Ruth's DM and a friend of their family. I went into baggage claim, and every step was torture. We chatted with them a bit in their hotel lobby, but it was getting late. I had to come home and eat a little something as I hadn't had dinner. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep. I'm so sleepy and will try to nap shortly, if I can stand being in the recliner. I took some ibuprofen this morning, but don't think it will do much. I'm just taking it easy today. I think I'll try calling the NS office, as I am barely functional these days.


@grapau27 Nice to see you posting again. I hope your phone keeps working correctly.

@StLouisCruisers It's nice that DS is spending time with DDIL and Ren; sad that he was alone on his birthday. Thanks for the nice port photos, despite not feeling well that day.

@Nickelpenny I hope you get some help/answers at the pain clinic today.

@kazu Good job on finishing the bursary for NP's in Jose's memory. I think posting the link would be fine.

@Haljo1935 Interesting dream.

@Denise T That's great that you liked your new doctor. I hope the new meds get your diabetes under better control. Sorry to hear of an expensive sounding plumbing job.

@smitty34877 Hopefully your street won't be disrupted for too long.

@cunnorl I hope there's not serious flooding where you are.

@cruising sister I do hope all with the DS's estate is finished today.

@dfish I hope things start to move along with your treatment. I know PT is wanted before. I can't do much when I go, due to pain. I was reading about recovery from surgery, and all the restrictions on lifting and bending. Hard when one lives alone. I've worn a lidocaine patch that didn't seem to do too much, but I'll give it another shot. I fall asleep ok, but once I awaken with pain, that seems to be it for the night. I can't lay back down in any position without pain.

@RMLincoln An exciting day, as you arrive for good to your new home! Sorry about the obnoxious people above you that kept you from sleeping. Yay for DGD's help.

@aliaschief Ugh on the new phone not working; I hope they can fix it right then, or else give you a new one.

@0106 Great quote.

@Niagarawine Your French onion soup sounds good.

@arzz I'm glad you got to FL safely! Have a great cruise!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.



Vanessa, I'm sorry your pain is getting to the point you are having trouble with day to day activities.  I'd definitely try calling the NS office.


37 minutes ago, kazu said:

Since some kind people have requested, here is the website for the bursaries in memory of Jose.  It is an enduring endowment.




Jacqui, thanks for posting the link. I was going to add my request that you do so.  It is a lovely tribute to Jose, and your love of Jose shows through.


24 minutes ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at today’s destination of the day, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, last year while on the Nieuw Statendam.  We took a ship’s excursion that primarily was a bus ride around the island.  Although the bus seemed pretty new, it had a serious roof leak that caused “rain” to fall on numerous seats when the bus went uphill.  We were able to relocate, but several people took the option to cancel and got off the bus.  During the tour, we saw several numerous colorful houses, a lot of coastline and large warehouses that were built during prohibition, one of which was full with barrels of whiskey.


















Robert, thanks for sharing your pictures of today's port.


21 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  I slept all day yesterday, woke up to eat lunch, and then back to bed.  Got up later, ate some crackers and a ginger ale, and then back to bed, I have been waking up at 3:30 every morning since i was so doped up on the ship, and that has not changed.  And then back to sleep, slept until 7 this morning, made coffee ate a frozen sausage biscuit, sat, walked the dog at 10, came back opened the windows it's sunny and I really like the fresh air, but it is only 63.


DH has an appointment with his heart doc tomorrow, I am going to sneak in, and see if he can see me also.  Blood pressure is low in morning and rises quickly, and with all that sleeping and not much eating, I am now down another 4 pounds.  The lung doc called and cancelled my appointment on 12/8, he is only in that office every 5 weeks, not sure I want to wait that long.  Feels like i am low on oxygen. 

And while I didnt quit smoking, I have cut way way down.  I know I need to quit. It is happening.


@grapau27so nice to see your posts.  and food porn.🙂  It does make me hungry.  


I ignore all rants on threads these days, this is the nicest place I know, and this is the only place I go.


@StLouisCruisers The recommendation is for RomeCabs.  We thoroughly loved the service. We took them to the port.  While in Rome we did make it to almost everything except the Coliseum, and when the driver picked us up, I asked if we went past the Colosseum, and he said he would make it happen, found the perfect spot for DH to take his picture!  What a wonderful service!




Annie, along with all the others you need to see your doctor.  If not the lung specialist, your PCP who might be able to get you into the long doctor sooner.  Congratulations on cutting back on smoking; now just quit.  I was also going to suggest a pulse ox meter.  I generally stay away from the other threads because of the rants.  I did look at the two mentioned yesterday.  One, I'd seen earlier, and know the OP can be a problem.



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Question for everyone.  What is the name of the car service you all recommend for Rome transfers to the ship?  Was it RomeInLimo or RomeCabs?  We used a different company in 2019 for our group of 12 because RomeInLimo was fully booked.  They recommended an excellent company called ItalyPrivatExcursion.com and we booked them instead.  They did a tremendous job and were very reliable.  However I wanted to give my DGD options to check out for their honeymoon trip next September-October.  She let me know today they have booked an RCI cruise roundtrip Rome stopping in Greece, Italy, and Crete.  We are busy texting and emailing information today.  Thanks in advance for your replies.


They are also checking into an Airbnb for a few days and flights from Cincinnati.  



That sounds like a wonderful honeymoon cruise Sandi.

Nice port's and ships.

If she needs any information on Royal Caribbean I will be happy to help.

We have only cruised from Rome once and we had a RCL transfer from the airport to the cruise port.

Edited by grapau27
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Good morning all!

I like to listen to clarinet music, and my tolerance has been tested this week on CC (people please don't encourage "C"!), and my DM had a button box.  The drink, wine and meal all sound good, I would like both the first 2 recipes but minus the mushrooms please.  Have never been to this port, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the photos!


@Haljo1935 I loved your dream!!  Sounds just like some of my wacky dreams. 😂


Debbie @dfish I'm so sorry you aren't sleeping well.  And yes, I probably sleep well once a week if I'm lucky, but I'm not nearly in the same category as Vanessa @JazzyV.  If I got as little sleep as Vanessa does, I'd be stark raving mad by now -- she's amazing.


Bruce @aliaschief We've noticed too that lots of people put up their Christmas decorations super early this year.  Our DGSs actually saw someone putting theirs up on Halloween night as they were trick or treating!  This will be the first time that we won't be putting up anything (usually I have my Village put up by now at least) because we're leaving Jan. 1 on the GA.  So no tree, no Village, no decorations this year.  It does feel strange.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I highly recommend Stephano's RomeCabs.  We've used them several times.


Vanessa @JazzyV Every time you mention having to use the stairs to do the laundry I worry for you.  Please be careful!


Jacqui @kazu Thank you for posting the link, it's absolutely lovely and very well done. 🙂  


Today we're working more on figuring out what bags we will be sending ahead with Luggage Forward.  They will be sending out the tags and labels on Dec. 5 so we need to get on that.  It looks like we'll be sending at least 1 box too.  With this cruise we get unlimited luggage forwarding, so taking advantage of that (but keeping in mind we need to find places for all of it in the cabin). 😉  They still need to let us know about the Theme Nights, so there's that too...I have a feeling by the time they tell us, we won't be taking a lot for that lol.

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Well, I went out and mowed the lawn this morning.  I mowed until the mower ran out of gas.  That meant some parts got done twice.  I now remember why I was so willing to pay someone else to do it.  Sue was going to do it Sunday before she left to go north for deer hunting, but she had a bad migraine.  I think I am done with the lawn for the season.  I am paralyzed and can barely move.


@Denise T I hope the new regimen of meds helps you.  Rybelsus has a horrible aftertaste to it and I found it annoying that I had to wait 30 minutes after taking it to have my morning coffee.  I switched over to the injections, but may end up back on Rybelsus since the Kardashians need my medication to lose weight.  They are having trouble filling it.  It does work well for the diabetes.  


@JazzyV I, too, worry about you on stairs.  With the pain you have stairs are dangerous.  I sure hope you get some relief soon.  



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33 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I like to listen to clarinet music, and my tolerance has been tested this week on CC (people please don't encourage "C"!), and my DM had a button box.  The drink, wine and meal all sound good, I would like both the first 2 recipes but minus the mushrooms please.  Have never been to this port, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the photos!


@Haljo1935 I loved your dream!!  Sounds just like some of my wacky dreams. 😂


Debbie @dfish I'm so sorry you aren't sleeping well.  And yes, I probably sleep well once a week if I'm lucky, but I'm not nearly in the same category as Vanessa @JazzyV.  If I got as little sleep as Vanessa does, I'd be stark raving mad by now -- she's amazing.


Bruce @aliaschief We've noticed too that lots of people put up their Christmas decorations super early this year.  Our DGSs actually saw someone putting theirs up on Halloween night as they were trick or treating!  This will be the first time that we won't be putting up anything (usually I have my Village put up by now at least) because we're leaving Jan. 1 on the GA.  So no tree, no Village, no decorations this year.  It does feel strange.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I highly recommend Stephano's RomeCabs.  We've used them several times.


Vanessa @JazzyV Every time you mention having to use the stairs to do the laundry I worry for you.  Please be careful!


Jacqui @kazu Thank you for posting the link, it's absolutely lovely and very well done. 🙂  


Today we're working more on figuring out what bags we will be sending ahead with Luggage Forward.  They will be sending out the tags and labels on Dec. 5 so we need to get on that.  It looks like we'll be sending at least 1 box too.  With this cruise we get unlimited luggage forwarding, so taking advantage of that (but keeping in mind we need to find places for all of it in the cabin). 😉  They still need to let us know about the Theme Nights, so there's that too...I have a feeling by the time they tell us, we won't be taking a lot for that lol.

I know what you mean about strange not decorating this year and being the “Crank”!

Just too much going on. Have a great cruise. All I want for Christmas is a phone that charges.

Have a grand cruise. Maybe the Volendam and Azamara Onward will cross wakes at sea. Bruce

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Hope I can get this done while Pat showers and then he'll be calling me for his "treatment" and I'll have to run.  We had a good cruise, Pat mainly slept and I read, and we could easily have done that at home, so why go?  Maybe cancel for the future.  The medical centre was very good and helpful on the ship.  Pat has come back with a cough but I think it's the remnants of the cold we both had before we went on the cruise, so I can't blame anyone but ourselves..   if it doesn't go away in a few days, I'll insist on a visit to the doctor.  


Sorry I haven't been around more.  The internet was spotty on the ship, as Captain van Eerten said he was taking a more circuitous route to avoid the storm.  One day it was a millpond, hard to imagine what was going on further north!  But it was pouring in FLL yesterday, we both got wet running for a taxi, at least I had a change in my carry-on, Pat just put on his cardigan.   The flights yesterday, and airports, were awful.   I don't want to do them again.  Actually Newark was the best, the wheelchair assistance worked out the best, but the flight to Vancouver left an hour late, premium economy was very uncomfortable, and I thought we were going to miss our connection to Victoria, fortunately that was delayed too, as the transportation in the airport was dreadful;  someone helped us to Customs, then we were on our own so quite a hike to domestic, and the absolutely furthest gate in the whole airport. We got home just before midnight, and I think I was in bed, sound asleep by 12:15!   Then awake at 2:30.... 


Today is laundry day, confirming appointments now that we're back, and just recovering from yesterday.  I certainly sympathize with Vanessa!  Pat is so fed up with me not being able to walk with him (the speed walker!)  I just have to try to get something done about my hip, or whatever it is.  


Thinking of you all - happy to see those back from their travels,  Annie, I'm sorry you had such a bad time of it, and I hope you recover quickly.   Jacqui, that's a lovely site for Jose's bursary.  He'd be proud of you.  

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2 hours ago, arzz said:

Flew into Miami yesterday and it was quite the experience.  Sort of like being in a cocktail shaker or as DH quotes James Bond: “shaken and not stirred”.  It was fun to watch the cabin attendants pretending not to have white knuckles.  Oh, what we do for the reward of a cruise on the other end!


After a night disturbed several times by emergency phone alarms about flash flooding and warning of how dangerous it was to go outside we awoke to what is a clearing sky.  Almost partly sunny, rain no longer pelting the 34th floor windows of our hotel room and we discovered that we could see Biscayne Bay clearly from our room!  Did not expect that as yesterday all we could make out were a few buildings.  The morning news informed us that Miami received 7.53 inches of rain yesterday - a record of some sort.


Today we have a couple of errands for things we forgot.  It is actually amazing we got here at all considering that our upstairs neighbors in our condo who are doing major renovations in their apartment broke a fire sprinkler two weeks ago that rained in copious quantities upon our brand new kitchen.  We now have no ceilings in half of our home but the heat fans and dehumidifiers are finally gone - we are waiting for the new wood floors to warp so travel now might be a blessing.  Just not looking forward to returning home to the mess.


But, the good side is that tomorrow we embark Seabourn’s Sojourn.  Our celebration trip of finishing our home is now a recovery trip from the last two crazy weeks -but in the scheme of things we have suffered so much less than so many others these past few years - and we are well.  We are very thankful.  


Though I don’t post often I am an avid follower of the “daily”.  I hope ship internet allows me to continue to follow this thread while on board.  Our hopes and best thoughts to those who are ill and dealing with so many issues.

Safe travels  - enjoy your cruise!!

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@JazzyV & @dfish   Since you 2 & I are suffering from pain & nothing's helping,(PT, pain patches, etc.) I've discovered 2 Extra Strength Tylenol every 8 hours is keeping my pain under control...better than Mobic & Tramadol.---- give it a try.   And I managed to get an appointment next Wednesday with the Neurosurgeon that did my hubby's cervical neck fusion.....YAY!!!

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Question for everyone.  What is the name of the car service you all recommend for Rome transfers to the ship?  Was it RomeInLimo or RomeCabs?  We used a different company in 2019 for our group of 12 because RomeInLimo was fully booked.  They recommended an excellent company called ItalyPrivatExcursion.com and we booked them instead.  They did a tremendous job and were very reliable.  However I wanted to give my DGD options to check out for their honeymoon trip next September-October.  She let me know today they have booked an RCI cruise roundtrip Rome stopping in Greece, Italy, and Crete.  We are busy texting and emailing information today.  Thanks in advance for your replies...

We used CabRoma (all one word) and SharedShuttle.it in Rome last week and the week prior. We were very pleased w/both. Am using SharedShuttle again next week.

SharedShuttle you reserve w/payment due at time of service - they do give a confirmation # and a reminder of the service a couple days prior.

CabRoma you pay at time of booking - they also provide confirmation and a reminder plus text day of when they arrive.

SharedShuttle was much less expensive than CabRoma; both were excellent. 

Edited by Haljo1935
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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Since some kind people have requested, here is the website for the bursaries in memory of Jose.  It is an enduring endowment.



Beautifully done!  This is such a lovely tribute to your dear Jose.  

Scholarships and bursaries are so important.  My DS has been fortunate to receive some to help with his Master’s degree,  so proud he received the Chancellor’s scholarship this year.  

@StLouisCruisersWe have been very pleased with Stefano’s Rome cabs over the years.  They do book up early though! 




Edited by bennybear
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50 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

@JazzyV & @dfish   Since you 2 & I are suffering from pain & nothing's helping,(PT, pain patches, etc.) I've discovered 2 Extra Strength Tylenol every 8 hours is keeping my pain under control...better than Mobic & Tramadol.---- give it a try.   And I managed to get an appointment next Wednesday with the Neurosurgeon that did my hubby's cervical neck fusion.....YAY!!!

Unfortunately, tylenol only upsets my liver enzymes.  I'm taking naproxen twice a day.  I don't think it is doing anything until I quit taking it.  Then I realize how much it was helping.  I'm not expecting miracles - I would just like to be able to walk around the block without excruciating pain.

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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Since some kind people have requested, here is the website for the bursaries in memory of Jose.  It is an enduring endowment.



Jacqui, what a wonderful tribute to José, the Doctor & the Man. Those pictures tell us everything important about him. Animals loved him and he could make people really smile. 

Thank you for sharing him with us. 


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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

@JazzyV & @dfish   Since you 2 & I are suffering from pain & nothing's helping,(PT, pain patches, etc.) I've discovered 2 Extra Strength Tylenol every 8 hours is keeping my pain under control...better than Mobic & Tramadol.---- give it a try.   And I managed to get an appointment next Wednesday with the Neurosurgeon that did my hubby's cervical neck fusion.....YAY!!!

When my late DH had both knees replaced at once he had to rely on Extra Strength Tylenol since he couldn't tolerate narcotics.   He said he could feel that they helped.   Maybe his massive pain tolerance was why he didn't seek treatment for his terrible meningitis headaches.  

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6 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Sorry I haven't been around more.  The internet was spotty on the ship, as Captain van Eerten said he was taking a more circuitous route to avoid the storm.  One day it was a millpond, hard to imagine what was going on further north!  But it was pouring in FLL yesterday, we both got wet running for a taxi, at least I had a change in my carry-on, Pat just put on his cardigan.   The flights yesterday, and airports, were awful.   I don't want to do them again.


I got home around 8:15 p.m. yesterday. I had a rain jacket in an outside pocket of my luggage and put it on before leaving the cruise terminal, but the effect was like a steam bath. I was glad to be leaving at noon, because it looked as if the FLL airport might flood before the evening (this has happened), but from the news today I guess that it didn't. I'm on record as disliking the Delta-Air Canada-Westjet terminal at FLL, but it has been improved since the last time I was there. The flight to ATL had a lot of turbulence and there was no cabin service except one quick pass with water. ATL was, well, ATL, but the flight to ROC had an empty seat next to me and no turbulence to speak of. Frederick Douglass International (ROC), in contrast, is one of the nicest airports in the country, provided that you want to fly to an airline hub.







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The comment on Jose's bursary got me thinking of my scholarship project for the Michigan Garden Clubs.   I had not heard from my two contacts and the applications are due December 4th so I sent a reminder on Monday.   These are $1500 scholarships, not piddly.  One contact got back to me she had sent an email and had heard nothing.   I said perhaps the students that need the money work so maybe they don't have time to study, why don't you ask department heads or colleagues if they know a needy student.   The other I heard nothing from so I called her yesterday and she said she isn't doing it anymore.  Another email sent and a follow up call going out tomorrow.   I hope that we can get these $4000 worth of scholarships awarded.   

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1 minute ago, ottahand7 said:

The comment on Jose's bursary got me thinking of my scholarship project for the Michigan Garden Clubs.   I had not heard from my two contacts and the applications are due December 4th so I sent a reminder on Monday.   These are $1500 scholarships, not piddly.  One contact got back to me she had sent an email and had heard nothing.   I said perhaps the students that need the money work so maybe they don't have time to study, why don't you ask department heads or colleagues if they know a needy student.   The other I heard nothing from so I called her yesterday and she said she isn't doing it anymore.  Another email sent and a follow up call going out tomorrow.   I hope that we can get these $4000 worth of scholarships awarded.   


Wow!  That’s sad.  I hope you don’t have to do too much chasing to award those scholarships 🤞 They are needed by so many students.  



1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

And I managed to get an appointment next Wednesday with the Neurosurgeon that did my hubby's cervical neck fusion.....YAY!!!


That’s great news!  I sure hope that the neurosurgeon can help you.

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I used to play the clarinet, both B-flat and E-flat, and the alto recorder, which is also in B-flat. I have been finding lately that too many people who promote tolerance aren't actually very tolerant. Buttons are OK but so is Velcro.


I suppose I could kosherize the from-scratch tetrazzini recipe. I don't see why a mint julep needs to be made with rum; that is probably a criminal offense in Kentucky. For a Sauvignon Blanc, maybe Ravines Wine Cellars 2022. I haven't been to Saint Pierre or Miquelon.




Edited by kochleffel
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5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Clarinets are ok. There should be tolerance throughout the world. I still have my DM's tin of buttons that she kept. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Saint Pierre and Miquelon. UNESCO is an important organization. I love the Sound of Music, and went on a tour in Salzburg to the film locations.


The last warmer and sunny day today. Yesterday was tough. I did laundry, which already had me in pain. Then I went with BFF to the airport to pick up DD Ruth's DM and a friend of their family. I went into baggage claim, and every step was torture. We chatted with them a bit in their hotel lobby, but it was getting late. I had to come home and eat a little something as I hadn't had dinner. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep. I'm so sleepy and will try to nap shortly, if I can stand being in the recliner. I took some ibuprofen this morning, but don't think it will do much. I'm just taking it easy today. I think I'll try calling the NS office, as I am barely functional these days.


@grapau27 Nice to see you posting again. I hope your phone keeps working correctly.

@StLouisCruisers It's nice that DS is spending time with DDIL and Ren; sad that he was alone on his birthday. Thanks for the nice port photos, despite not feeling well that day.

@Nickelpenny I hope you get some help/answers at the pain clinic today.

@kazu Good job on finishing the bursary for NP's in Jose's memory. I think posting the link would be fine.

@Haljo1935 Interesting dream.

@Denise T That's great that you liked your new doctor. I hope the new meds get your diabetes under better control. Sorry to hear of an expensive sounding plumbing job.

@smitty34877 Hopefully your street won't be disrupted for too long.

@cunnorl I hope there's not serious flooding where you are.

@cruising sister I do hope all with the DS's estate is finished today.

@dfish I hope things start to move along with your treatment. I know PT is wanted before. I can't do much when I go, due to pain. I was reading about recovery from surgery, and all the restrictions on lifting and bending. Hard when one lives alone. I've worn a lidocaine patch that didn't seem to do too much, but I'll give it another shot. I fall asleep ok, but once I awaken with pain, that seems to be it for the night. I can't lay back down in any position without pain.

@RMLincoln An exciting day, as you arrive for good to your new home! Sorry about the obnoxious people above you that kept you from sleeping. Yay for DGD's help.

@aliaschief Ugh on the new phone not working; I hope they can fix it right then, or else give you a new one.

@0106 Great quote.

@Niagarawine Your French onion soup sounds good.

@arzz I'm glad you got to FL safely! Have a great cruise!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


Thank you Vanessa.

I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain.

I hope you can get some proper pain relief medication soon.

You do a magnificent job keeping our lists updated daily.


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