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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday, January 16th, 2024


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Swinging Sultan cocktail:


3 oz Pomegranate Juice.
6 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Raki
1 1/2 oz Triple Sec
1 1/2 oz Lime Juice
Ice cubes

Combine vodka, pomegranate juice, Triple Sec and lime juice in a large shaker with ice.
Shake vigorously for five to ten seconds.
Pour into two martini glasses.
Spray raki over surface of each drink, 1- 2 spritzes per glass.


Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 6.21.47 AM.png

Since this is a swinging sultan, do I get a Harem on the side?

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Port of the day, Papeete. Was not impressed. Is too commercialized. Give me Bora Bora and Moorea over Papeete anyday! 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'd really appreciate dragons today, am grateful for book publishers because I love reading, and yes, it's definitely a good day to eat something hot and spicy.


The cold has certainly got a grip on us and it isn't expected to release until at least the weekend.  Right now we're sitting at -35C(-31F), and the wind chill (how it really feels) is -50C (-58F).  Ugly cold and we're getting tired of it.  @bennybearbeing stranded on your tropical island isn't a bad thing right now - enjoy every degree of heat and sunshine you can absorb!


Even though it's mind numbing cold, life still goes on - today DH has a chiropractor appointment at 9:30 and at 10:30 has to have some blood tests done.  We'll see what the blood tests reveal, as he hasn't been feeling all that well lately.  I've got laundry to do, and then will make a grocery list to fill in the blanks in our cupboards.  


I'm glad @ottahand7 is out of quarantine; hopefully you can kick  RSV to the curb!


Today, even though it's as cold as a witch's kiss, the teachers of Saskatchewan have scheduled a 1 day strike to showcase the terrible state of our schools.  Classes of anywhere from 30 to 45 in every grade (including the littles), extra curricular activities, etc., and no teacher prep time.  I support each one of them, as I know the hard work they have, and we'll be bringing coffee to at least 3 schools where we know teachers.  The government needs to supply more teachers and teacher associates to deal with the problems.  Off my soap box now.


I'd definitely like to try the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd enjoy the wine, but will give the Swiss chard a pass - neither of us enjoy it.  Looking at the recipes right now has me thinking I'm going to be making a big pot of hot & sour soup that we can enjoy with some crusty bread at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who has needs, are in grief, are struggling with health issues, those who have difficulty just getting through the day, and the innocents who are in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good morning, everyone!


Another cold one today.  It is currently 9F with a high of 12F today.  I did make up a big batch of chili and cornbread yesterday and it was really good.  We have enough for tonight as well.  I think that will be our hot and spicy.  We're going mall walking today and then I am working on last minute details for our cruise.  Does anyone know what time late fixed dining is?  Sue and I have that and I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it or not.  


@ottahand7 I am glad you are feeling better!  I hope the recovery continues without a hitch! 

@Seasick Sailor Welcome home! 



Today's meal is a great side dish.  After I broke my hip I decided I needed to strengthen my bones and one of the recommendations was to eat more greens.  So, I did.  It isn't particularly spicy or hot unless you make it that way and you certainly can.  But, this is simple sauteed Swiss chard.  This first recipe is simple and sounds good with the addition of balsamic vinegar at the end.  https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/simple-sauteed-swiss-chard/




Swiss chard makes a good alternate to spinach and kale.  This one is nice and lemony and garlicky.  https://www.loveandlemons.com/swiss-chard/




The last recipe is just like the one above except it adds bacon to the mix.  Swiss chard is just screaming for some bacon to go along with it!  https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/147026/pan-fried-swiss-chard/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good Tuesday morning from Bluffton, SC.

It is 55 degrees here this morning and we expect rain today.


Thank you Jacqui for the Daily and Fleet Report.  I completely missed the incorrect date,  

The only dragon I can appreciate is Puff the Magic One.  i will sing the song today in his honor.

I appreciate Book Publishers.  As for Hot and Spicy Food, I will have to take a pass.  My tummy directs me to do so or I will suffer later.


Not sure about the quote.  

I will pass on the food and drink.  However, thanks are in order to the F&B department.  Thank you to Debbie @dfish  Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope.  


Thank you also to Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up with all our needs and our celebrations.

I hope that someday soon you get some relief from your leg pain.  

Prayers for @ottahand7 that you get past that nasty respiratory infection.   Glad your DH is feeling better. I understand the insomnia from the Prednisone.  I deal with this on a daily basis.  


Yesterday I thought I would try to clean the house.  Then I thought better of it.  However, since I have not yet heard from my cleaning lady, I will tackle as much as I can today.

I would like the house cleaned before we leave for our cruise on Jan. 28.  We are planning to stay in Miami two nights prior to embarking on the Vista on Jan. 31.  I will be happy for the rest.  When I ill be concentrating on the taxes.


I am trying to be upbeat.  Being in a blue funk doesn’t help anyone, including me.


I hope everyone has a good day.

Stay warm and dry.

God Bless,



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  • Host Kat changed the title to The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

Good morning. The weather people are very excited because the snow materialized and the plows are out. I don’t think it will be more than a few inches here. The dogs were very excited as well and did a snow dance together. I remain grateful to be retired and I will not take the car out today.

My DSIL works in publishing and as family members we benefit . He is able to get most of the ebooks we want if the company publishes them. It is a magical thing.  I am fond of dragons. Hot and Spicy food no longer likes me but I do make some things for the group in that category. I also have the Spanish copy of the Cervantes book. I like Swiss chard but it is not a favorite here.

Today I am making a few quiches for dinner later. The snow is beautiful when one does not have to drive.

Have a great day everyone 

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3 minutes ago, superoma said:

Me too! The mind sees what it expects to see!

Kat had already changed it by the time that I got here, so I was wondering what you all were talking about.

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Still cold here this morning -12c 9f but I need to go out to the big box store to pick up prescriptions. Thankfully it is not far. Yesterday we drove across town, picked up one friend and met two others for coffee at Tim Hortons. We had a great time but doggone it was cold even though we were bundled up. looks like Monday before we get into our normal range, right around 32f.

My Wednesday ladies group tomorrow is meeting at my house again this week because sandy is still torn up from the painting that just finished. Even though she lives right next door I am so happy I don’t need to go out!

Weather like this makes you appreciate the warm roof over your head, the ability to travel if you choose and good health to enjoy whichever choice you make.


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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  It is currently 32 and supposed to drop most of the day.  Our weather people are getting be a bit vague when it comes to telling us the weather.  They could be talking about north GA, or they could be talking about Atlanta, not sure.  I hear wind chill down to maybe 0, and I worry about the stray cats.


The longer Bubbles has been on the porch, the more injuries he shows. DH and I think that it is time to take him to the vets, and have him put down.  But again, he eats, he uses the litter box (sometimes) and he is sleeping most of the time now.  


Last night when we were about to go to sleep, DH checked the back door and there were 3 raccoons on the car port.  One was big enough to make a coat out of!  Huge, and there was a baby that the huge one would not let near the food.  But when i tapped on the window, the big one ran off, and the 2 others looked up, and i think they said, thanks.


Other than the wildlife, there is not much going on here.  DH has surgery tomorrow, we have to be there at 7 am.  Which means for me, that I get up at 5.  I am taking tomorrow off from work, and probably will take Thursday off too.  Just to keep an eye on him.  I know when he gets home, he will sleep the rest of the day, but on Thursday he will try to do what he wants to do, and I know (with paper work in hand) what he is not supposed to do.


We have a training meeting on doing the new time clock on Thursday.  We had to watch a video before the training.  In the video we are told that no one is working in an office anymore, that all the reps are now working from home.  I guess management knew this several weeks before we did, as my CA boss moved to Mexico over Christmas.  If you know you have to work from home, I guess you should put your home where you really want to be!


I appreciate and will celebrate dragons!  If they never existed, then why are they in so many cultures?  And it is so cold across the country, it would be nice to have a little warmth from a dragon.

I like the name of the drink, you could listen to Mark Knofflers Sultans of Swing when you have one.

I like hot and spicy food, but with DH's mouth problems, he no longer enjoys them.  Everything he eats burns his mouth, so I dont add spicy. 









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Well, I probably shouldn't have but did it anyway.  I went outside, shoveled a path to the street and cleaned the snow off my car.  Not sure if I would have done it normally (I shouldn't be working outdoors below 37F but do need to get to  my radiation this afternoon so I'm ready for that.



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Good snowy morning. There is a lull in the snow here but it’s supposed to start again around 11:00. It’s still warmer in Juneau than here.

No to spicy food.  I’m not sure what is for dinner tonight, maybe roast beef.

@Crazy For Cats, Chsrmer was the cereal bowl sharer along with Fluff,

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists .




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20 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@dfish  Debbie I don't recall what ship you'll be on, but Rotterdam has a fixed 7:30 late dining on deck 3. There were "any time" diners that came up from deck 2 if there were no tables available downstairs. 

Thanks, Joy!  7:30 we can do.  I didn't want it any later.  

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 I Good Morning from a very cloudy day at the beach

        Warm right now but rain and cold coming in tonite.  No fog like Ann @cat shepard is experiencing.

        I also didnt notice the date earlier. Was just looking for Tuesday.

        No dragons for me but hats off to publishers. I have a Kindle but still prefer a book in hand. No to hot and spicy. Some spice is ok.

     We have been to Tahiti twice , 2019 and 2022. First time we did a private tour with    Unique Tahiti" with Tracey. Great tour. 2nd time it was raining and we just walked around the downtown. Went to the Market which was fun. Totally not accessible so didnt get too far.

    I need to find a pair of comfortable walking shoes for the VOV. I am a flip flop girl and hardly ever wear shoes. But I think I will need something that is waterproof and comfortable. Any suggestions? 

      Sending warm thoughts to all of you going thru cold, ice and snow. Be careful.

Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning Dailyites. 


A sunny, windy, 17 degrees this morning. Oliver was out and in in record breaking time. I ordered him a sweater, since he wants to curl up in his blanket. 


We rescheduled DH labs til today due to yesterday's iinclement weather,

so will brave the elements and go at 2. I need marketing stuff as well, so may as well get to it.


Prayers lifted. Our world is needing more prayers than all our prayer books put together.


Wishing you a great, blessed, day. Much to do!



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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I love dragons and books so I will celebrate those.  But most of all, I love spicy/hot food!!  I have to tone down most of my culinary creations if I want other people to eat them.  Still pondering the quote and I would like the Swiss Chard as a side dish. The drink sounds very interesting - I had to go look up what Raki was.  I do like Pinot Noir and never been to the port.  Interesting days in history.


I woke up late today and missed the gym.  I turned off the 0400 alarm and then closed my eyes.  Opened them again and it was 0545! The other ladies I work out with had texted me asking if I was ok. 


And this brings to the forefront something that I have been struggling with for a while now.  When I was working, I always told my colleagues that if I didn't show up 5-10 minutes before the start of work or let them know I was going to be late, someone needed to check on me because something was probably wrong.  Since retiring, I really am never expected anywhere (except the gym 3x/week) and even if I didn't show up for a sub gig, they wouldn't worry.  I have thought about getting something like a Life Alert but deep down inside it just makes me depressed - I am now "old" because those are for "old" people.  I had looked into the new Apple watch because it has a fall alert on it but I am not sure if it was one of the ones that could no longer be sold in the States.  I am such a homebody and really don't like socializing; asking anyone to check on me occasionally would just eat me alive.  Decisions, decisions.


Speaking of spicy food - I made a delicious spicy salsa yesterday.  And made some corn muffins.  Today will be some chicken with sautéed mushrooms and steamed broccoli.  Ok, I am hungry already.


Thoughts for those on the care list.  I shiver every time I read the temps in Canada.  I guess I can't complain about my low of 39F.  Cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!



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I’m on my phone because Hargray is at it again.  No internet or TV service.  

I wouldn’t have cell phone either except I get that from Verizon.

Just to let you guys know that I also have a Spanish Version of Don Quixote and read every last word of it in Spanish.   

Will check back later if we ever get the internet back.


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8 minutes ago, dfish said:

Thanks, Joy!  7:30 we can do.  I didn't want it any later.  


Fixed dining gives you a 15 minute window to show up. If you are late, they start bringing people up from deck 2. We had 5:00 seating right up front and people were perplexed as to why someone was seated at "their" table. Lol

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