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Oh no clothing news


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I really didn't want this to be another of those topics. I was more interested in some "meeting in the middle" and some advice about the dress, but oh well. Here's more than you want to know.


I grew up poor. Very poor. During this time all of our clothes came from the discount and clearance racks of dollar stores and places like Pic'N Save. My youthful pride did not like that. Clothes equated "standing". I wanted to be classy. My mom tried to tell me that it was the not the clothes that made the person, but I knew better. As soon as I could get a part time job I started buying my own clothes. I turned my back on those dollar stores and shopped at the downtown men's shops. I had nice slacks. Nice shirts. Ties. Even some jackets. Sure, I was uncomfortable as all get out wearing a lot of the stuff, but atleast I was "classy".

College soon came. My money ran out. I started taking a full class load at night and working full time during the day. I worked for an older man and woman who always dressed impeccably. They carried themselves well. They always spoke properly. They were class. Then I got to know them. They would rather lie to you than tell the truth. They would cheat you. They would stab you in the back. They never put others first. They had absolutely no table manners. They chewed with their mouths open. Talked with their mouths full. Ate with their fingers. Never wiped their face as they ate. They would lean all the way across the table to get wha tthe wanted instead of asking to have it passed to them. I also came to learn that they were financially a mess. Any check that they gave you was more than likely to bounce.

During this same time period I was also doing some work for a "country hick". His dress clothes were faded blue jeans and a white tshirt. During the winter he would were a denim shirt occassionally. He had no idea of what 'speaking properly' meant. But you know what, if he told you something you could believe it. If he gave you a check it was going to be good. He paid all of his bills. If you need help, he'd give you the shirt off of his back. At dinner, his elbows were never on the table. He chewed with his mouth closed. He didn't talk with his mouth full. He used his utensils. He kept his face clean. If the salt was on the other side of the table he would say, "please, pass the salt".

With my job I dealt (and still deal) with the public on a regular basis and I began to notice more and more examples like the above. I came to realize that my mother was indeed correct: "the clothes does not make the person". I also remembered the words to an old Ricky Nelson song: "But it's alright now. I've learned my lesson well. You can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself." With that I began wearing what I was comfortable in: blue jeans and cotton button down shirts. I don't wear t-shirts for the same reason I don't wear nooses (I mean ties), objects around my neck irritate me.


In deference to my wife (and all of you) I have caved and on formal night will disregard my own comfort and wear a tux.I will also "bend" and wear Dockers on one of the other nights. I will even meet you half way and wear black jeans on a third night. Take my word for it, unless you are a clothing expert from as close as five foot away you can not tell they are jeans. However, for two nights I am going to be myself. If that makes me "classless", I'm sorry.


Now, just a quick bit of clarification. My cruise will only have one formal night. Also, I am very thicked skinned. I'll take a lot and keep right on smiling; however, never ever question my love, devotion, or loyalty to my wife.

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Ah, my little tight bunned levi's man.........my husband does not like to dress up, but he will. I never even thought to ask him to wear a tux, b/c really, the only time I ever thought a tux was necessary was at our wedding. If I were married to a differnt man (take for instance the slimy mentally-abusive lawyer I was dating....) maybe a tux would be fun for him. Not my husband. My husband wore dockers every night. On formal nights he wore a navy blazer and a tie. The other nights were dockers and a button down shirt. Now that I think about it....were those the same pair of dockers every night? Hmmm...must ask him. Also, curiously I now wonder how many button downs he brought. I truly didn't notice as I was too consumed with myself and my dress (and umbrella accessories in my hair). I do know that dh looked good...and smelled great (never underestimate the power of nice cologne). Even if you are dressed in the dingiest of jeans, torn shirt, etc......a nice scent makes up for it all (to me anyhow). The dresses I wore for the formals were appropriate, black and I loved them. Each cost me around $20 or less at Ross. One has been worn to my husband's class reunion, another will be worn to mine. I am too frugal to spend a lot of money on something that won't get too much use, however I like to look good too. We bought my 6-year-old (happy bday Alexander!) a $40 navy blazer at the mall If I'd have found one at consignment of thrift store, would have bought it. He loved wearing it and the pictures with all of us dressed up are priceless. We did not spend a lot, husband was not terribly uncomfortable, we looked good (in my eyes anyhow) and our pictures are wonderful memories of some great times! Do what you are comfortable with. It IS your cruise and your photos and your memories. I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!


And a shout out to Gatorman! Hi! I'm cyt's SIL... I hear you are cruising with her in a few months! I am so envious!!!! I can't wait to see pix of you decked out in your tux!!!! Enjoy!


love, juliah


Glory Eastern 5/29/04

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So Chuck, you seem like a pretty smart guy, well spoken, yada yada yada, what's so hard or wrong with taking the best you've learned from the wealthy well dressed couple and the manners and poise of the blue jean guy?


You can wear whatever you want anytime you want, you can wear nothing if you choose, no one else here will be sharing the portraits or the cabin with you.


You're not the only person who grew up poor and had a rough life...some of us adjusted well to success and are mature enough in our adult ages to not feel we still have to rebel as we did when we were teenagers.


Oh, BTW, I don't think anyone's questioning your love for anyone, just wondering how someone who loves someone so deeply wouldn't mind bringing that person down a notch or two just for comfort's sake? You're the one who raised the subject, remember? icon_smile.gif

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Chuck, you are a wonderful writer! I enjoy reading your posts and am glad that you are willing to compromise. sounds like you are an open minded person as I know many people have agreed with you and many have flamed you. Either way it sounds like your wife has many options. If you can afford $200 for a dress and are willing to spend it then go for it (although I personally like to try things on so would never buy clothes online especially in that price range) otherwise all summer long you will find dresses marked down. I have 2 formal gowns bought at my local dept store for under $32 each. If I bought them at full price they would have been about $150 or so (see, no need to buy online without trying on unless you live in a remote area).


Whatever you end up doing, Enjoy your cruise!!!


Mardi Gras 4/1988

NCL Norway 8/1990

Sensation 8/1996

Sensation 4/9/2000

Paradise 2/1/2002

Triumph 1/31/2004



9/5 Paradise- Panama Canal

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Try www.overstock.com, they have alot of clothes.. and you can perform searches to narrow down just want you want. Consignment stores are an excellent idea. My sister-in-law bought 2 sequin dresses for her cruise. Paid less than 120.00 for both. They are in perfect condition. Good luck..




Days Until Our 1st Cruise -- Paradise !!


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by robbyxoxo:

icon_cool.gif....some of these men sound as if they were just shipped over here from a third world country....cmon now....leave the jeans at home and develop shopping skills and go buy yourself some proper cruising clothes....lack of money is sooooo not ever a valid excuse...you can find dockers at your local thrift store for 5 bucks a pair....im thinking even a homeless Joe could afford that....and whats with the attachment to jeans anyways?....not like they are the most comfy things......men can be seriously lame creatures when it comes to fashion..............same thing goes for the girlies....put forth some effort and make a trip to a Dillards or Kohls and try not to let the clearance signs bite you in the arse when you enter.....you can find happening dresses clearanced down from $200 plus to less than $30..... there are no excuses for dressing like a bag lady on a cruise.....turn on ur tv at home and watch a few make over shows for tips on dressing........lets try and keep cruising one notch above going to ur local Dennys to dine icon_cool.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


And this will probably be the only thing we ever agree on. I do however think you should work on your grammer skills *shakes head*


Chuckles - Get over it. Find out which dress she likes and buy it for her and buy yourself a nice tux. cheaptux.com - you can find one there for less than $200. Or, take her out shopping and insist that she pick out a dress.


Jeans are not appropriate in the dining room -EVER - PERIOD.


Now everyone "smoke'm if you got'm" icon_biggrin.gif


Liv...Winds are 15 knots and holding....the whole world is a drop zone!








NCL Sky 2/02

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Chuck, I think it is a great thing you are doing for your wife. And I'm sure you will never know how much it means to her. I agree w/ alot of these women on the dress issue. For our last cruise, on the Miracle, I bought a beaded evening gown off the clearance rack at TJMax. I paid $20 for it. As for the other nights we saw men in jeans and shorts. Now, I'm not saying this was the proper attire, but we didn't notice any staff members approaching them either. Have a great time!

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I'm not so sure that I brought up the area of the subject your dealing with but so it goes.


Several points...

I believe I have handled myself with poise and used relatively decent manners in each of my discussions on this board.


I never said I had a rough life. Just a poor life. I've known people who have had rough lives. The two are not synonymous.


I'm curious as to how you relate my wanting to enjoy and be comfortable on my cruise with rebellion. I have no plans to storm and take over the dining room for the blue jeans brigade. I have no plans to force anyone to look under the table at my pants. I have already admitted to caving and following the attire SUGGESTIONS to the letter for two nights of a five night cruise. On the third night I will be following those suggestions in appearance if not in fact. So for three nights of a five day cruise I will be participating in the escapist fantasies of others with a disregard for my own comfort on a cruise that I have paid for. On only two nights will I be concerning myself with my own comfort and even then I will be dressed both nicely and modestly. I have a tough time equating that with rebellion.


Also, the very real possibilty exists that I am now able look beyond the clothing (good or bad) of others because I am a bit more mature and well adjusted than you may believe.


Who said that what I wore would be bringing her down a notch or two? I think saying that, while it could possibly be accurate for some people, would actually be a disservice to my wife. She is secure enough with herself that the clothing of others does not affect her. She realizes that it is the substance OF the person not the substance ON the person that matters. Sure, if she was a petty, self-centered clothes junky with delusions of grandeur, my wearing something as "low class" and "trashy" as a nice, clean pair of blue jeans might bring her down abit, but she's not.


As a matter of fact, when she asked if I minded dressing up what she really meant is HER dressing up and me wearing a dress shirt and Dockers. I know this to be a fact because when she asked the question we were in a mall and she actually specified the shirt and pair of Dockers about which she was speaking. During that discussion I actually brought up the fact that many people expect a person to "dress up" every night on the cruise. She laughed and her response was, "why in the world would you do that? You hate to dress up. You just worry about being comfortable." You see, I could have gotten by just suffering through one night of dress shirt and Dockers. I'm the one that came up with the idea of the tux to make up for the wedding pics that she didn't get all those years ago. It was all poor immature, maladjusted, rebellious me. icon_wink.gif

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I've read through most of this post, and I'd much rather sat at a table with Chuck and his jeans/dockers than a lot of the other posters on here. What the he@@, difference does it make to others if Chuck is in jeans? (For heavens sakes, if you don't like what he is wearing...DON'T LOOK) Will they not be able to swallow their food as well?? Give me a man/woman in jeans that is having a good time over a pruned up "I am better than you" because I'm dressed (I MY OPINION) better than someone else any day of the week.

Chuck, join us on the Miracle or Mariner cruise, and I'll GLADLY sit with you.







Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa



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Out of curiosity I looked at the Welcome aboard booklet from my last 3 cruises which span about 4 years. I also looked at the Carnival brochures I have from as far back as 2002. I also looked at the capers from my cruise Jan 31 on the Triumph. NONE of these mention anything about jeans!!! I had always thought that jeans were not allowed in the dining room so maybe at some point they were not. The Capers all mention no shorts or t shirts allowed in the dining room. Formal night states the dress code is formal attire. (experienced cruisers all know that as long as you are dressed in slacks and shirt for a man they do not refuse to seat you although I do not know about jeans. My experience is that 99% of adult men in the dining room do put on at least a jacket and noose (oops I mean tie!).


I think the point of this is that jeans are allowed in the dining room. However, it is a "nice" restaurant where the waiters are wearing a uniform, there are table cloths on the table and the waiters come and pick up your cloth napkin and place it on your lap. Most people would not go in jeans to a restaurant like that at home. In fact they may not seat you.


Chuck, as much as I like the formal atmosphere, I think your compromise is fine. My personal experience is I have rarely seen someone in jeans in the dining room however as long as you are neat and clean I would not worry about this one little bit! I am sure you wife will enjoy all the pictures taken on formal night with that noose (I mean tie!) around your neck!


Mardi Gras 4/1988

NCL Norway 8/1990

Sensation 8/1996

Sensation 4/9/2000

Paradise 2/1/2002

Triumph 1/31/2004



9/5 Paradise- Panama Canal

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When I got on your case, it was only in regard to jeans on formal nights. [or night in your case] The other nights I couldn't care less what you're wearing. I really only notice what the ladies are wearing, or barely wearing. If I noticed a guy dressed like a bum or a biker, I'd probably have the fleeting thought of, Rude A$$, and think no more about it.



As far as required work dress is concerned, what does that have to do with anything? What I had to wear for work never had any effect on my real life. And work dress for me was 3 piece with "noose". By the way, if it feels like a noose, you've tied it too tight or your shirt is too small. Shirts with ties should be as comfortable as any other shirt. With a 21 inch neck, I had no choice but to find shirts that fit. For more than 30 years a rare "casual day" was sport jacket, long sleeved shirt and tie. Otherwise it was the 3 piece. Home was gym shorts, mechanics work shirt, bare feet. Out to dinner? Whatever was appropriate for the place we were going, slacks 'n' polo or suit 'n' tie, it didn't matter because my real life had nothing to do with work.

As far as suggested or required cruise dress is concerned. This from CCl's website:


Is there a dress code for the dining room?


Depending on the length of the cruise, either formal dress or casual resort wear is required in the Dining Room. The dress requirement for children is the same. For those not wanting to dress up, the Lido restaurants are open nightly (with the exception of the last evening of the cruise), and have a casual dress code. Formal Wear: tuxedo (optional); suit and tie; sport coat, tie and slacks; evening gown; cocktail dress; pantsuit Casual Resort Wear: sport shirts and slacks; dresses; skirts; pantsuit NOTE: Shorts, t-shirts and bathing attire are not permitted in the Dining Room during dinner.


All I'll say is REQUIRED not suggested.


That was for many others, not so much for ChuckLL. I'd sit with him.




Till 9/5 Paradise Panama Canal

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Nooseguy, I mean tie guy, icon_biggrin.gif

Your thread was very entertaining. On the serious side, what size evening dress are you looking for to fit your dw? What color does she want? Maybe some of us gals on cc might have something cheap that she might want. EBay is no stranger to many of us.


I wouldn't recommend wearing a tux unless she were wearing an evening dress otherwise you will feel way out of place.



Are you causing trouble again? icon_biggrin.gif




Miracle Cruise



Mandy's Graduation Celebration Glory Cruise 2006

Miracle 2004

Pride 2003

Regent Rainbow

Sensation 2000

Fantasy 1996, 2001

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dan40:

That was for many others, not so much for ChuckLL. I'd sit with him.




LOL. Thanks Dan. I'd have no problem sitting at your table. For the record, I really didn't consider your comments on that other thread as getting on my case. I could actually imagine myself making the very same comments/arguments that you made on that other thread if our "sides" on this issue were reversed.


As for the noose, it's not that I have it too tight. Believe me on that. In order for it to be loose enough not to bother me it has to be so loose that it looks tacky. It really isn't that I woke up one morning and decided I didn't like ties. They have always bothered me. As have necklaces and Tshirts. About four years ago I went to the ER with neck problems. When the doc got through he stuck one of those soft neck braces on my neck and send me home. It bothered me so bad that I had to take it off before I made it to the car, even though it was helping with the pain. Sure, it is probably a psychological issue, but of all the "issues" that I could have it's not THAT bad. It's not like I'm hearing voices in my head...atleast not regularly. LOL.


IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: For those of you who have problems taking a lot of what I say with levity, at NO time have I actually heard voices in my head. It was a joke.

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THANK YOU bjkeen for moving this topic back toward my original intent.

I agree with you about the tux/evening gown. As you may have been able to deduce I'm not much of a "photo guy". Besides, the best photographer around here moved his studio several years ago. I kept reading about the photos on formal night and figured that if I've got to strangle myself why not go all out and give her something to remember. The photos would also make a nice additional anniversary present. Our anniversary is actually a week and half after our cruise.

Thankfully I just recieved some helpful info. She asked if I had already ordered the evening gown that she had vetoed. It seems she knows me well. When I told her that I had not she asked that I hold off for a bit. It seems that she remembers some store in town that once had a good selection of evening gowns at good prices. I guess we'll wait and see.
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Well Chuck, you seem to have gotten all sensitive about responses to YOUR original post on a public board describing your personal life, your wife's first marriage, your own obsessions with nooses, er ties, etc. etc. Did you REALLY think you could do this and then be surprised that people would actually respond with their OWN opinions about it?

If you didn't want or expect others' opinions..why even start out with the dissertation about it all in the first place? I mean, hey, it was entertaining and all, but did you REALLY think EVERYONE would just give you a pat on the back and say, "Whatever...."?

Maybe you should go back and read your very first post in this thread and see what you invited.

Have a good cruise, enjoy yourself and wear what you want...I think that's what you really wanted to hear anyway. Why didn't you just say so in the beginning???
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Oh, one more thing Chuck...you said you're not much of a photo guy, but yet you said: "The way I see it is that if I have to wear a noose (darn, I mean a tie) I may as well go all out. I can blow less then $100 on ebay and find a nice tux, wear it to formal night, and get some nice photos. No, they wouldn't be photos of our wedding, but I figure it would be the next best thing"

Which was what I was thinking about when I said not dressing at least on the same level as she would bring her down a notch or two.
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I really fail to see how I have "gotten all sensitive" about responses to my original post. I've actually welcomed the differring opinions about attire and the suggestions concerning the evening gown If you would have read my original post carefully you would have noticed that the evening gown subject was the main topic of the post. Even us ignorant lowly blue jean wearers realize if we ask for an opinion that we'll probably get one.

If I didn't want or expect other's opinion when even start it in the first place? That's a good question. Common sense would dictate that it was because, oh I don't know, maybe wanted and expect the opinion of others. But you never really gave an opinion on the primary topic did you? Or even on the secondary except in an around the bout way when you suggested that the type of material Iwore determined my feeling for my wife. If I took your comments for more than they were I apologize. If not, disregard the apology.

"I think that's what you really wanted to hear anyway. Why didn't you just say so in the beginning???" The problem here is that you don't know me. If you did indeed know me you would know that I'm not here to be told what I want to hear. I am here to learn a bit AND to discuss things were there are differring opinions. I like those type of discussions as they help me get my mind off of work a bit. I also like to ocassionally interject a bit of entertainment (as you referred to it) or levity because life is too short not to enjoy it. The problem with discussions on the internet is that you can not see a person's facial expressions or hear the tone of their voice. This leads to misunderstandings. One of the reasons that I try to post so much "personal" information about myself is so that people can get to know me (atleast as well as you CAN get to know someone over the internet) in an attempt to alleviate SOME of the misunderstandings that can arise.
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GAndie:
Oh, one more thing Chuck...you said you're not much of a photo guy, but yet you said: "The way I see it is that if I have to wear a noose (darn, I mean a tie) I may as well go all out. I can blow less then $100 on ebay and find a nice tux, wear it to formal night, and get some nice photos. No, they wouldn't be photos of our wedding, but I figure it would be the next best thing"

Which was what I was thinking about when I said not dressing at least on the same level as she would bring her down a notch or two.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I started my above reply not long after your previous post. I took a break before hitting th "post" button. To my surprise when the page refreshed I saw your last post. Uhh, do me a favor, on my post just above this one, kind of just skim through things until you get to this part "If I took your comments for more than they were I apologize." Okay? And ummm, for good measure maybe completely disregard this part "If not, disregard the apology." Okay?

Seriously though, just to clarify, I will be "dressing" for dinner on formal night. If she wears her standard fare I will pick up a dark suit. If I get her the evening gown (which will most likely happen) I will pick up a tux. Regardless she will still be outshining me.
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Just kidding. It does seem that for a thread that Chuck started with a little humor, it got a little serious there.

I guess the "Jeans" issue will always bring Controversy.
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by voyagerfl:

Just kidding. It does seem that for a thread that Chuck started with a little humor, it got a little serious there.

I guess the "Jeans" issue will always bring Controversy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Even seriousness and controversy can be fun sometimes. We just have to all learn to step around the piles of ugly that we leave. LOL.

Maybe I need to change my screen name to Jeans Guy. I could even add it to my business card: "have jeans will travel".
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What a nice guy wanting to buy your wife a new gown! I'm sure she'd look great next to you in a tux. Here's a website that someone gave me. Not to worry, it has more than just "prom" dresses. [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


Okay, now this is a seven day cruise, right? One formal night in a tux, the other formal night ????? you'll be eating in the buffet??? and the other 5 nights in Dockers?? I do have to admit that when we sailed the Legend in April I saw men in jeans the first and last night. We didn't think too much about it, just figured they didn't have their luggage yet on the first night and had packed their luggage on the last night. You see Chuck we really are trying to reform you! [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

One last thing, when ordering your wife a dress, I hope you're very sure of her size and tastes. Both of those change for me on a regular basis and it keeps my DH guessing! [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

(and for once robbyxoxo said something that I can agree with!) ROFL


Navigator OTS 10/04
Legend 04/04
Grand Princess 09/03
Dawn Princess 01/03
Enchantment OTS 10/02
Destiny 01/02
Sensation 08/99
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Awww Chuck, You'll always be known from this day forward as "The Jeans Guy".

Have fun, hang loose, wear your tie, or wear your noose!

Living in Florida, jeans and shorts are the standard attire. Blue jeans for day wear, white jeans for dress, and black jeans for formal occasions.

You'll be fine, you'll look great and I apologize if I sounded too critical. As you said, life's too short....but...for criminee's sake...don't buy a tux off Ebay, rent one on the ship, take your wife to get her a nice dress if she wants one so she can try it on....or better yet, you and she can BOTH rent the formal attire after you get onboard and you won't have to haul it around before and after the cruise. [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GAndie:
Awww Chuck, You'll always be known from this day forward as "The Jeans Guy".

Have fun, hang loose, wear your tie, or wear your noose!

Living in Florida, jeans and shorts are the standard attire. Blue jeans for day wear, white jeans for dress, and black jeans for formal occasions.

You'll be fine, you'll look great and I apologize if I sounded too critical. As you said, life's too short....but...for criminee's sake...don't buy a tux off Ebay, rent one on the ship, take your wife to get her a nice dress if she wants one so she can try it on....or better yet, you and she can BOTH rent the formal attire after you get onboard and you won't have to haul it around before and after the cruise. [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I still haven't ruled out renting from the ship. My main concern with renting from the ship is sizing booboos. I realize that rentals have some good adjustablity, but I still would rather get one before hand that I could test run. Right now I'm more concerned about a dress for her. Cross you fingers and let's hope that this store she remembers pans out. Living out in the boondocks can be difficult in times like these.
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