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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 14th, 2024


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Update on Chase. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. He will remain in the hospital overnight and I will get him tomorrow. Just need to wait for biopsy results. The vet said that he does have an enlarged heart and we will discuss our plan of action when I get him. He has had a hurt murmur for quite a while. He is an elderly guy but thinks he is much younger as he tends to race around the house. Thank you all for your thoughts and best wishes. 

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2 minutes ago, Denise T said:

Update on Chase. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. He will remain in the hospital overnight and I will get him tomorrow. Just need to wait for biopsy results. The vet said that he does have an enlarged heart and we will discuss our plan of action when I get him. He has had a hurt murmur for quite a while. He is an elderly guy but thinks he is much younger as he tends to race around the house. Thank you all for your thoughts and best wishes. 

Great to hear Chase made it through the surgery, prayers biopsy results are in his favor.

Good to hear Fiona is continuing to feel better.

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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:


Such a bittersweet end to your trip, Pennie.  Been thinking about you.  While DMIL was traveling, her sweet doggie died while at the sitter.  She didn't find out until she got home.  Modern communication is a mixed blessing, I guess.


Just wanted to wish you safe travels home and say how kind it is of you to think of the young man and bring him something back.  He must feel terrible, too. 

It certainly is. Thank you for your kind words ❤️

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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

@Nickelpenny hugs and warmest of thoughts as you prepare to head home. I am sure the young man who was sitting for you will be very touched you thought of him. I know it will be difficult seeing Martina's stone, that just means you loved her and she will always be with you. 💔

Safe travels.

Thank you so much for your sentiment ❤️

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Ann, Debbie, and Dixie for the Thursday reports.  Four great days to include including Pi day.


The Joan Rivers quote sounds pretty self evident, hardly sanitary.


I visited Lerwick on the Prinsendam in 2011.  Three good days in history although the last one should have happened way before 2017.


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Melon Gazpacho, Blackened Chicken Caesar Salad, and Dutch Apple Pie (appropriate for Pi Day) as served on MS Prinsendam March 14, 2019:





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Good Afternoon, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It has been a very busy work week.  I had one meeting this morning and somehow I finally could walk away from the laptop.  Only two more hours to go.  
There seem to be more challenges in getting ready to leave than usual.  Earlier this week I called the hotel to clarify where they would pick us up at the airport.  The guy said it’s very complicated and needs to be reviewed when we are at the airport.  It shouldn’t be that difficult and I’m at home and can clearly hear everything being told me versus the noise at the airport. Long story short and they want us to go away from the hotel pickup area and go to where they say and the driver wouldn’t pick us up there.

This morning I received the email to check in for our flight.  The website, using multiple browsers, and their app says they can’t find the flight.  It does appear in our account.  JetBlue says no reason why we can’t check in.  That just means time at the customer counter.

Now I’m reading that embarkation lunch as been discontinued fleet wide. Disappointing since I thought that a nice way to start the cruise.  At least we have Tamarind first night.

Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good.  I’m not sure what we are doing but I’m leaning towards takeout.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.


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Today's sunrise is from my 2017 Crystal World Cruise segment.  On March 14 I disembarked Crystal Serenity in Rio De Janeiro.





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@Quartzsite Cruiser & @JazzyV


Lenda & Vanessa, my Sister is in such a better place. Thank you for thinking of her.  Encompass had lunch waiting for her when she arrived yesterday. And she loved her supper.

She actually got to shower & wash her hair today for the first time since February 27th. She had three hours of  PT/OT evaluation and tomorrow they will do a balance assessment. If all goes well, she will be able to get up on her own.

And she got her first great night’s sleep last night. No constant interruptions or snoring roommate, or “neighbors” shouting. 

Now she has to do the work. She has let herself go physically, so she has a long way to go before being totally independent. 

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7 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I took a good look at my left upper arm this morning and it's all red and a little swollen.  Not just a tiny area, more like 5 inches up and down and 3 to 4 inches across side to side.  I wasn't expecting such a reaction but it says online this is common. 

Sandi please keep a close watch on this reaction.  I had a similar reaction years ago to a flu shot, it kept getting worse and worse, the Dr. had me come into his office every day so he could measure it and photo it. It got so bad that the entire upper arm was quite swollen and turned a very deep maroon color. I was told if I developed any shortness of breath or any difficulty swallowing to go to E.R. immediately. It turned out I was having a severe allergic reaction to thimerasol which is a preservative that is no longer used in flu shots.








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Good evening everyone.  Just a quick check in, my chest cold has had me down for the count today.  It’s been a rotation of Nyquil, Dayquil, Mucinex, steam inhaler and hot bath.  I’m over it!  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Happy ______ to those celebrating happy events!

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Just now, Mr. Boston said:

Good evening everyone.  Just a quick check in, my chest cold has had me down for the count today.  It’s been a rotation of Nyquil, Dayquil, Mucinex, steam inhaler and hot bath.  I’m over it!  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Happy ______ to those celebrating happy events!

Get well soon.

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Good afternoon from a still chilly and windy Quartzsite.  After another five hours work, the  weeding is finished.  DH sharpened the hula ho a few times, which helped, but it's still impossible to get all the weeds up.  Once the wind stops blowing, I'll get out and spray the ground clear, and I plan to mix the concentrate extra strength.  I'll also rake to rocks to get them back into place.


We never reached our predicted high of 63F.  In fact, the temperature never got out of the 50s, which is very unusual for this time of year.  It is normally in the 70s and 80s in March.  I was lucky that the predicted rain did not materialize.


Just before I went out to start the weeding, I tried to post, but a weird thing happened.  The external keyboard I use with the laptop quit working.  I finally had to just shut the computer down.  When I turned it back on a little while ago, everything  was back to normal.  I suspect it might have had something to do with the update to the computer yesterday.  My Sony computer does not always play well with Microsoft after an update, but this was something new.


7 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

OMG - waiting to be called back for the EMG. Couple sits down beside me and woman asks man for car keys. He wants to know why she wants them. She says she left the papers in the car. He tells her since they're early she can just fill them out again. Jerk 😒 the jerk is my comment, not hers. She then went to the counter and asked for another set of papers to fill out.

My first thought is I hope she's not in a bad situation - captors & domestic violence offenders often keep car keys away from their "person" so they can't leave.

My next thought was what an inconsiderate jerk - that new patient packet is one of the largest I've seen (about 15 pages) and it likely took some time for her to complete it. If she has to physically check her meds to list them, she will struggle with that section.

And what inconvenience is it to him if she walks out to the car to get them? She didn't ask him to go. Jerk.

Then I thanked God for giving me strength to not have that kind of person in my life. I hope that woman is ok and I hope he chokes on his dinner tonight.🙄

Extra hugs and kisses to my sweet husband. 


Elizabeth, that is weird.  It sounds like a very controlling husband.  I wonder if the wife does not drive since she didn't have a car key.  We both have a key to all our cars and motorhome.


7 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

It’s finally a beautiful, sunny day in the Seattle area and we’re off to Hawaii tomorrow where the weather forecast is rain for several of the days we’ll be there. Guess we’re packing raincoats. I hope the condo has good Wi-Fi.  I had a tetanus and shingles shot last week and still a bit sore. My arm was quite red after the previous tetanus shot but not so bad this time. Enjoy the weekend!


Safe travels to Hawaii tomorrow.  I hope the predicted rain is just passing showers.


7 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Great pictures @Quartzsite Cruiser - thanks for sharing.

I love seeing pictures from the places I haven't been, but have booked - gets me excited for and even help plan the trip.

It's nice to see places I will never go to - helps keep my world from feeling small.

And seeing pictures of places I have been to usually brings back great memories. 


Thank you, Elizabeth.  I'm glad you like the pictures, and I hope they inspire you to travel to far away places.


7 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Pi Day! I will celebrate scientists and geniuses. I don't have any questions to ask today. Funny Joan Rivers quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and maybe for the wine. I haven't been to Lerwick. 3 good days in history.


It's 61 and sunny, going to 70, but thunderstorms are coming this afternoon. Last night going to sleep was tough, as I had a cough that wouldn't quit (and hurt my ribs) and sounded like I belonged in the TB ward. I had taken Mucinex-DM at bedtime. I finally fell asleep, but only got about 2.5 hours of sleep. I woke up with some leg pain. I am concerned it's coming back, but it's nowhere near what it was and doesn't last that long. I made an early grocery store run. They had pie on sale for Pi day, but only apple, so I passed. The lawn guys are here doing the first grass cutting of the year.


Happy Birthday to @bennybear Brenda, @Mr. Boston's DM and @StLouisCruisers' DB.

@MISTER 67 Enjoy your day at the beach.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photos from Lerwick. I hope your arm hurts less soon. I had an egg sized red and raised area at the site of my first shingles shot. When I read the brochure they gave me I saw that that can happen. I think I put ice on it and maybe took some ibuprofen and it gradually went away (but took a few days). With the 2nd shot I didn't have much of anything.

@Denise T Good news that Fiona is feeling better. Good thoughts for Chase today with his surgery.

@smitty34877 Interesting goings on on your street; I just hope they don't keep people up who would normally go to bed early.

@dfish I wonder if we have something like that senior services here. The first 4 steps to my basement, that go to the landing, don't have a railing and it really needs one. All 3 recipes look good. 

@daisybertie Nice photos!

@aliaschief If they can work in a safari that would be a bucket list item. You look nice!

@marshhawk I'm sorry DH's meds are affecting him (and you) adversely. Can they be adjusted by his doctor? 

@Haljo1935 Good luck with the EMG.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Lerwick.

@cat shepard I hope DSis is settling in nicely at Encompass.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry about your cough and the lack of sleep last night.  I hope the leg pain isn't coming back, and I'm glad what you are experiencing now isn't as bad as before and goes away quickly.  Thank you for your nice comments on my pictures.


7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice informative photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.  I try to say something about the pictures since I always like to know what I'm seeing.


6 hours ago, Denise T said:

Update on Chase. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. He will remain in the hospital overnight and I will get him tomorrow. Just need to wait for biopsy results. The vet said that he does have an enlarged heart and we will discuss our plan of action when I get him. He has had a hurt murmur for quite a while. He is an elderly guy but thinks he is much younger as he tends to race around the house. Thank you all for your thoughts and best wishes. 


Denise, I'm glad Chase did well with the surgery and hope his recovery goes smoothly.  I hope heart murmur and the enlarged heart do not cause him any problems.  I also hope the biopsy shows the mass was benign.  


4 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It has been a very busy work week.  I had one meeting this morning and somehow I finally could walk away from the laptop.  Only two more hours to go.  
There seem to be more challenges in getting ready to leave than usual.  Earlier this week I called the hotel to clarify where they would pick us up at the airport.  The guy said it’s very complicated and needs to be reviewed when we are at the airport.  It shouldn’t be that difficult and I’m at home and can clearly hear everything being told me versus the noise at the airport. Long story short and they want us to go away from the hotel pickup area and go to where they say and the driver wouldn’t pick us up there.

This morning I received the email to check in for our flight.  The website, using multiple browsers, and their app says they can’t find the flight.  It does appear in our account.  JetBlue says no reason why we can’t check in.  That just means time at the customer counter.

Now I’m reading that embarkation lunch as been discontinued fleet wide. Disappointing since I thought that a nice way to start the cruise.  At least we have Tamarind first night.

Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good.  I’m not sure what we are doing but I’m leaning towards takeout.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.



Jake, I'm sorry things aren't going smoothly as you prepare for your cruise.  I hope things go better when you begin your travels.


2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser & @JazzyV


Lenda & Vanessa, my Sister is in such a better place. Thank you for thinking of her.  Encompass had lunch waiting for her when she arrived yesterday. And she loved her supper.

She actually got to shower & wash her hair today for the first time since February 27th. She had three hours of  PT/OT evaluation and tomorrow they will do a balance assessment. If all goes well, she will be able to get up on her own.

And she got her first great night’s sleep last night. No constant interruptions or snoring roommate, or “neighbors” shouting. 

Now she has to do the work. She has let herself go physically, so she has a long way to go before being totally independent. 


Ann, I'm so glad your DS is settled and liking Encompass.   They had lunch waiting when DH was admitted too.  I'm glad she could shower and wash her hair and is getting a good night's sleep.  Knowing how much better Encompass was than anything else available, especially what was available in our little town, kept the hour plus drive each way from being a problem.


45 minutes ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good evening everyone.  Just a quick check in, my chest cold has had me down for the count today.  It’s been a rotation of Nyquil, Dayquil, Mucinex, steam inhaler and hot bath.  I’m over it!  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Happy ______ to those celebrating happy events!


I'm glad hope you are feeling better.  From your post, it sounds like the meds, etc., are working.


Now, it's time to go shower and then get supper started.  At least, supper is easy tonight.  We're having air fryer fried chicken, and deviled eggs which are made.  I think I'll also add some air fryer fried okra too.






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7 hours ago, bennybear said:


From myself and my DB, thank you for your birthday wishes for him.  




3 hours ago, cat shepard said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser & @JazzyV


Lenda & Vanessa, my Sister is in such a better place. Thank you for thinking of her.  Encompass had lunch waiting for her when she arrived yesterday. And she loved her supper.

She actually got to shower & wash her hair today for the first time since February 27th. She had three hours of  PT/OT evaluation and tomorrow they will do a balance assessment. If all goes well, she will be able to get up on her own.

And she got her first great night’s sleep last night. No constant interruptions or snoring roommate, or “neighbors” shouting. 

Now she has to do the work. She has let herself go physically, so she has a long way to go before being totally independent. 


Your sister must feel so much better now!  About 6 or 7 years ago I spent 2 nights in a hospital and the neighbors shouting the second night was the last straw!  The nurses coming into my room at 3 am to poke a needle in my arm for blood work was the first straw!  I hope your DSis gets back on track soon!




2 hours ago, lazey1 said:


Sorry the quote doesn't show, but I appreciate your advice about watching my reaction to the shingles shot.  Not everyone has a perfect experience so the remainder must be vigilant.  How have you been feeling lately Jane?  I've been keeping you in my prayers.🙏




1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good evening everyone.  Just a quick check in, my chest cold has had me down for the count today.  It’s been a rotation of Nyquil, Dayquil, Mucinex, steam inhaler and hot bath.  I’m over it!  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Happy ______ to those celebrating happy events!


I'm so sorry to hear how bad this cold has been for you.  Feel better ASAP!



This afternoon I gave in to the Benadryl and took a nap.  I hope I can sleep well tonight.😴



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Posted (edited)

Finally catching up. Sorry to year of those who are sick, hoping meds are helping, and procedures are getting done as scheduled. Glad Fiona is better. And hoping Chase can come home tomorrow and the biopsy is negative!  

Tomorrow morning I visit the GI clinic for preliminary eval prior to scheduling a colonoscopy. I now appts for a mammo Monday, dermatology screening in May, and a gyn in June…. I opted for the times on-campus when possible even if further out. DH did some more on taxes, so we’re both making progress. 

Here’s the lemon meringue pie! For Pi day!  Totally unhealthy but fun!   I gave it an A!  Not the absolute best ever but pretty darned good!  Granddaughter and her husband are coming Saturday, we’ll see if there’s any left for them 😁

Blessings to all in need! And for improvements where needed!  
Happy for those celebrating!  Every day is worth celebrating 🌈

Smooth travels to all away, ✈️🛳️ and 🚘

Thanks all for being here!


Edited by RMLincoln
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9 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

OMG - waiting to be called back for the EMG. Couple sits down beside me and woman asks man for car keys. He wants to know why she wants them. She says she left the papers in the car. He tells her since they're early she can just fill them out again. Jerk 😒 the jerk is my comment, not hers. She then went to the counter and asked for another set of papers to fill out.

My first thought is I hope she's not in a bad situation - captors & domestic violence offenders often keep car keys away from their "person" so they can't leave.

My next thought was what an inconsiderate jerk - that new patient packet is one of the largest I've seen (about 15 pages) and it likely took some time for her to complete it. If she has to physically check her meds to list them, she will struggle with that section.

And what inconvenience is it to him if she walks out to the car to get them? She didn't ask him to go. Jerk.

Then I thanked God for giving me strength to not have that kind of person in my life. I hope that woman is ok and I hope he chokes on his dinner tonight.🙄

Extra hugs and kisses to my sweet husband. 


I hate to say it, Elizabeth - but I think you are right on him being domineering and a jerk, at the least.  I fear the former though and especially if she was wiling to do all that paperwork over again.  Sad




8 hours ago, Denise T said:

Update on Chase. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. He will remain in the hospital overnight and I will get him tomorrow. Just need to wait for biopsy results. The vet said that he does have an enlarged heart and we will discuss our plan of action when I get him. He has had a hurt murmur for quite a while. He is an elderly guy but thinks he is much younger as he tends to race around the house. Thank you all for your thoughts and best wishes. 


Good news Denise. 👍. I hope Chase continues to recover well and the rest of the reports are encouraging 🙏 




4 hours ago, cat shepard said:

@Quartzsite CruiserGooG & @JazzyV


Lenda & Vanessa, my Sister is in such a better place. Thank you for thinking of her.  Encompass had lunch waiting for her when she arrived yesterday. And she loved her supper.

She actually got to shower & wash her hair today for the first time since February 27th. She had three hours of  PT/OT evaluation and tomorrow they will do a balance assessment. If all goes well, she will be able to get up on her own.

And she got her first great night’s sleep last night. No constant interruptions or snoring roommate, or “neighbors” shouting. 

Now she has to do the work. She has let herself go physically, so she has a long way to go before being totally independent. 



That sounds like such a much better situation for her, Ann. 👍. I’m happy to hear it.  Speaking from my experience with DD DH in the hospital - if the help isn’t offered to keep them in good physical shape (I had to some advocate work there - or is it complaining 😉) it’s pretty hard to stay in good physical shape.  I hope she can improve and I’m sure a good night’s sleep and feeling clean will help her a lot.


My prayers continue for her and hope her new locations makes the difference for her 🙏 



2 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good evening everyone.  Just a quick check in, my chest cold has had me down for the count today.  It’s been a rotation of Nyquil, Dayquil, Mucinex, steam inhaler and hot bath.  I’m over it!  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Happy ______ to those celebrating happy events!


I am so glad you are bouncing back from your chest cold.  I hope you are feeling much better SOON.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The nurses coming into my room at 3 am to poke a needle in my arm for blood work was the first straw! 


I asked a nursing assistant why she drew blood at 4:00 a.m. She said she didn't wake anyone then, but patients on pain medication often wake up around then and so a nurse checked to see if they needed more. She followed the nurse, and if a patient was awake, she drew the blood while the nurse brought the medication. The reason was that blood draws needed to go to the lab by 7:00, and so if she was able to get the blood while the patient was awake at 4:00 or so, she wouldn't have to wake the patient at 6:00.

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Posted (edited)

Ok I promised pictures.  I went outside yesterday and noticed for the first time since I moved in 20 years ago that my Holly tree was in bloom, and the bees were having a field day!  I got pictures of the bloom, but not the bees.






And yesterday I bought two more gnomes and brought them home.  I told DH I was going to take them to the bedroom to meet the other gnomes, (he does think I'm wacky) and I set up a circle of gnomes.


The girl gnomes





The boy gnomes




My bigger gnomes and the lighted gnome



DH's bigger gnomes-




I collected guitars for a long time, but you just cant cuddle one, and my wrist and voice dont play any more.  But, gnomes?  and cats?  They are taking over the house.......to gnome me is to love me.  LOL

Edited by marshhawk
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@marshhawk my GM troll collection probably rivals your gnome collection, but the gnomes are cuddlier 😊

I don't have all her trolls, but I have a good assortment and I can't help but smile when I look at them.

Your gnomes are adorable  - thanks for sharing them w/us.

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Just got a notice - boss has scheduled a call at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Told DH if boss pulls the "mumble stumble" crap again, I'm likely to tell him to shove it.

I'm having random, sporadic tingling at some of the sites where the needles were put in during the EMG today. They don't last long, but are noticeable - is that normal?

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@Haljo1935I have my trolls from my childhood, they are in the kitchen, protecting any one who eats my cooking!


If your boss get all wacky again, just address what you think is going on.  They are putting you through stress, with their on and off and inability to get something said.  


I got a text today from my boss.  Campaign really ends this Saturday, and in 5 weeks, I have had no sales.  He asked me if I wanted to go back to CTG for two more weeks, and then I am off for a  month.  And then go back to selling next season of CTG.  I like the product, I like the patrons, so I have no problem with coming back to a good campaign. I do have a problem with no job for a month.


Sweet dreams friends.

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