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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday April 11th, 2024


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I appreciate the DAILY and FLEET REPORT even when I do not post.  I really appreciate Roy's posting of the maps showing where the ships are located. 

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@marshhawk, thank you for the incredible pictures. The Cape holds a big place in my heart too.

@RMLincoln, Maureen, I think you will really enjoy the Cape. We have stayed most recently in Orleans and found it great for beaches, restaurants and hiking trails. The traffic is , shall we say, interesting. 

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@Hogladyrider I have no idea how old you are, but when I went there as a child, and worked in Harwich Port the summer of 74, there were no sharks.  And there were no sharks because there was no food source for them.  And then we decided that killing seals was not nice, and the seal population bloomed, and the sharks had a food source.  Now maybe we look like seals to the sharks, but we aren't seals.  I guess they just add ketchup.  


And seals, really are not that precious.  They are breeding machines, that toss their babies aside after two weeks, and breed again.  I bought the best waterproof seal skin boots when I lived in Minnesota. I'm cold, I know, but humans are more precious than seals.


Shark attacks from the 80's to present day.



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@smitty34877The painting behind Tazi is one that I did of Christmas Cove Maine.  I went there after a windjammer cruise to visit with my mother's cousins.  Turns out they didn't like her either.  LOL. But with trepidation they let me in, and we had a wonderful time.  Said I was not a bit like my mom.  Thank God.

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11 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@Hogladyrider I have no idea how old you are, but when I went there as a child, and worked in Harwich Port the summer of 74, there were no sharks.  And there were no sharks because there was no food source for them.  And then we decided that killing seals was not nice, and the seal population bloomed, and the sharks had a food source.  Now maybe we look like seals to the sharks, but we aren't seals.  I guess they just add ketchup.  


And seals, really are not that precious.  They are breeding machines, that toss their babies aside after two weeks, and breed again.  I bought the best waterproof seal skin boots when I lived in Minnesota. I'm cold, I know, but humans are more precious than seals.


Shark attacks from the 80's to present day.



FYI I will be 72 this year.  My mom still lives in Massachusetts.  You are correct the seal population has exploded on the Cape.  Mostly the sharks have been seen off of P-town even great whites!

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Good afternoon from a beautiful but windy day in central Texas.  It is about 75F, and I finally was able to put shorts and sandal back on.  


Our visit with the dermatologist went well, but both of us still had a few places frozen.  If he sees something suspicious, he likes to freeze them early which stops any progression to cancer.  He said we were both in better shape this year, and I think it's because he's frozen or excised almost all problem areas.  This time we can wait until next year for another visit.  After the visit, we stopped at W-M and picked up all but one thing on my list, plus several other items.


When we got home I took two cars up to be inspected.  One passed, but the other one didn't.  We even though we checked the lights, we missed that the brake lights and back up lights didn't work.  We spent quiet a bit of time finding the fuse that was blown.  That fixed the back-up lights, but not the brake lights.  We had the brakes worked on last fall, and evidently they didn't hook a switch back up.  I'm just glad we weren't pulled over for no brake lights.  DH talked to the shop, and they will fix the problem.


We are in another two hour window for the guys to finish installing the fiber optic internet.  We're half way through the window, and they are not here.  Today, weather is not a problem, but they had to work us in since they didn't finish yesterday.  They called a few minutes ago and will be here to bury the cable.  The new internet is working and has great speeds.


8 hours ago, cunnorl said:

 Good Morning from a cloudy and warm day at the beach

    Heavy rain expected later.

   " Louie, Louie"is now stuck in my head. I will be singing it all day! 

    @Haljo1935 A very Happy Birthday to your DH.

    I am off to Boston tomorrow for my nieces bridal shower on Saturday. I will also get to meet the new babies, Maeve Grace and Ryan Charles. So I have a suitcase full of gifts. Then Sunday we are going to Cape Cod until Tuesday when I fly home. My sister just bought a new home and she wants me to see it. It will be a fun but busy few days.


Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, safe travels tomorrow for your niece's bridal shower.  I'm glad you will met Maeve Grace and Ryan Charles.  I bet your sister is excited to show you her new house.  Have a great weekend.


5 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:



Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  The "Louie Louie" Day made me smile, my pantry really doesn't get much in it (except for maybe my spices - need to look at those), and I will celebrate National Pet Day even though I no longer have a pet.  I love dogs but I like big ones and that wouldn't work where I live.  Cats are more my thing as they are so independent.  My shadow box is done:




Love the quote and the meal, no to the drink and wine and I have only been to Norfolk driving there.  What a fabulous day in history - Civil Rights!!




Sorry to read a lot of you have rainy/dreary/yucky weather!  Presently it is 66F and we may get to 90F today.  Sunny skies abound!!




Just heard OJ Simpson has died after a battle with prostate cancer.  He was 76.


Day started early today - 0400.  Already been to the gym and a wrap on a research project I was in.  Today I have to refill the bird and hummingbird feeders.  Other than those things, nothing planned except to enjoy the weather.


@Haljo1935 Happy Birthday to your DH!  After looking at the feast @aliaschief posted I am hungry!!  Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!!


Have a great day everyone!!




Pennie, the picture box for Martina is lovely, and a good way to honor her memory.  She was a beautiful cat.  I loved the dachshund meme.  They are such engaging dogs.  I also love the song "Walking in Sunshine".


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Now I'll be singing "Louie, Louie" all day! I don't have a pantry, but my kitchen cabinets are pretty organized. No pet here. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I've been to Norfolk and see a couple of the vintage naval ships (pre-digital age). The Civil Rights Act is supremely important.


It's warm (71F), but drizzly. We're supposed to get bad storms later tonight, with possible damaging winds and flood advisory. I'm sleepy. I have been up since 3:45. Picked BFF up at 6:45. Luckily it only took one pass with the Mohs surgery this time. Next Thursday he's having another small lesion done. It was tough walking in and out of the derm office; I should have used the rollator. I may get in the recliner and see if I can get a nap in, but my leg hurts in the recliner. Then maybe work some more on getting stuff put away again.


I just heard about OJ Simpson's death at 76, from cancer.


Happy Birthday to Haljo1935’s DH!  Cute dog pics.

@aliaschief That spread of food looks great!

@Heartgrove Wow, sorry to hear of all the difficulties DW Sue and DSIL are having on the Rotterdam, due to weather. Sam is gorgeous.

@kazu Ivan looks so content in "your" spot, lol.

@smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that Tana seems to be doing better. Prayers for all. And I'm glad the film crew is compensating you. Great photo.

@Mr. Boston I may have missed it, but are you buying/or already bought a new house?

 @Seasick Sailor Oliver has that "who me" look on his face in the 2nd photo.

@Cruzin Terri I hope Jim's appointment went well.

@cunnorl Enjoy your time away in Boston and Cape Cod!

@marshhawk I hope you're feeling better soon and that DH gets to talk to his doctor about his hip. 

@Overhead Fred Thanks for the Bermuda photos.

@Haljo1935 Nice photos of the dogs.

@puppycanducruise Thanks for introducing us to Bertie Woofster.

@RMLincoln I hope DH gets an easy game plan from the oncologist. 

@StLouisCruisers Nice photos of the grand and great grand dogs.

@kochleffel The criticism by the other students sounds somewhat inappropriate.

@Nickelpenny Lovely shadow box for Martina. Hugs.

@Cruising-along Cute grand dogs and grand kitties. Happy 50th Birthday to your son!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



Vanessa, I'm glad your BFF's MOHs surgery was one pass, and I hope the one next week goes as well.  I hope you were able to get a nap in this afternoon.


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update. 

All went well at the Neurologist.  He feels that DH is doing well and medication remains the same.  Follow-up in 6 months. Told us to have a great trip.  If there is any problem prior to leaving to give him a call.

I really like this doctor.  He listens and is very willing to answer any questions.  He pays attention to questions from both of us. 

Thank you all for your kind comments and prayers.  It really means a lot.

I feel good about the trip to Italy and feel that we can go ahead without a lot of anxiety, taking one day at a time.

We just got back and going to have some lunch.

Thanks again.



Terri, that is great news that your DH is doing well, and can wait six months to see the neurologist.  I know it's a relief that you will be able to go on your trip.


3 hours ago, summer slope said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser, still swollen knee and bruises for me.  George has a sore elbow. 


Dixie, I hope the swollen knee and bruises clear up quickly, and that George's sore elbow is better soon.  What's the news on the golf cart?  I forgot to ask earlier.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@Hogladyrider I just found the article about the missing man in Cozumel.  His type of dementia would probably not make anyone think there was something wrong. I hope they find him, and I hope someone found him and is taking care of him. 


@Cruzin TerriGlad to read the trip is still on, and that the medications are doing their thing.  And that you like the doc.


My friend Charles who's wife has dementia finally realized that she can not be left alone at all. She will try to cook, and either never turns on the stove, or turns it on and forgets about it.  He works from home 4 out of 5 days, but on the day he is gone, one of his step daughters has to come in and stay with Mom.  He told me last week that she is now not remembering to get to the bathroom when she has to go.  I asked him if he had spoken to the doc about this, and he said no, should I be worried?  I said yes. Sometimes being with someone all the time, you don't notice the major changes that they are going through. DH and I notice because we don't see them as often as we used to.  Her personality has changed from a gracious person to someone who has temper tantrums because a restaurant does not offer what she wants to eat.  And what she will eat is cheeseburgers or lobster.  When we last cruised with them last May, he told her he couldn't afford for her to order lobster every evening.  So she stopped eating.  DH and Charles went one night for sushi, and Dan and I picked her up for dinner, and she refused to order dinner.  I said, Ann, you like steak, why not order one, and I can tell your hubby you are doing fine, and she did and she ate it.


Charles very much wanted to go on the next cruise, but because of her behavior, he is not even sure that they will get to the Florida Rental  trip this October let alone doing any planning for next year. 


@ottahand7Just for you- Tigger watching the Cornell Bird Feeder yesterday-



Bobagingee in a contemplating moment-







Furnando wondering if he should eat the very VERY ripe bananas that our neighbors brought back from Vietnam-



Tazi-before her nervous breakdown.




And since I am the crazy cat lady-there is a very pregnant stray now living on the porch. I promised DH that when they are born, I will give them all away.  right.........


Very windy afternoon, but we did get the walk in the woods in, and we helped someone jump their battery, In that part of the park, there is no phone service, and you are basically screwed unless someone can help.  And while there were three cars parked there, as far as people?  just DH and I and the guy with the dead battery.  (In a mercedes no less)  him, not us.


Annie, I'm sorry your friend Charles is having difficulty accepting the progression of Ann's dementia.  It is such a difficult condition for the family to deal with, and to watch a love one change over time.   Glad you were able to help the man with the dead battery.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@RMLincoln I was very excited to read that your were taking a trip to Cape Cod for your birthday-so I thought I would share some photos to inspire you-


the beach at sunset in Chatham-



someone bringing in dinner-




Cape cod cottages-





Skaket Beach, where the tide goes out forever, and you can walk out at low tide, and walk back in with the tide. This is my most favorite place in the world for family memories.




tide coming back in



a day in the fog



Seal watch out of Harwich Port




Getting to the beaches in Provincetown







the marshlands







Years ago in the place where I took the picture of the swan, the area was known as Salt Kettle Pond  and my dad would take us out fishing for flounder.  Now it's part of the parks wildlife area, no fishing or boats.


A blustery day at one of the beaches north of Chatham- I cant believe we would get in the water here when we were little.



Catmando and I for his first time to the Cape





On our first night on the Cape, September 9th, 2019-our anniversary, we ate on the boat, the Lobster Roll.






We did not try this-




Because of these-





Great pictures of Cape Cod and of the two of you.


I have enjoyed the pictures of all the pets today.  I won't name names since I'm sure to forget someone.



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6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Now I'll be singing "Louie, Louie" all day! I don't have a pantry, but my kitchen cabinets are pretty organized. No pet here. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I've been to Norfolk and see a couple of the vintage naval ships (pre-digital age). The Civil Rights Act is supremely important.


It's warm (71F), but drizzly. We're supposed to get bad storms later tonight, with possible damaging winds and flood advisory. I'm sleepy. I have been up since 3:45. Picked BFF up at 6:45. Luckily it only took one pass with the Mohs surgery this time. Next Thursday he's having another small lesion done. It was tough walking in and out of the derm office; I should have used the rollator. I may get in the recliner and see if I can get a nap in, but my leg hurts in the recliner. Then maybe work some more on getting stuff put away again.


I just heard about OJ Simpson's death at 76, from cancer.


Happy Birthday to Haljo1935’s DH!  Cute dog pics.

@aliaschief That spread of food looks great!

@Heartgrove Wow, sorry to hear of all the difficulties DW Sue and DSIL are having on the Rotterdam, due to weather. Sam is gorgeous.

@kazu Ivan looks so content in "your" spot, lol.

@smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that Tana seems to be doing better. Prayers for all. And I'm glad the film crew is compensating you. Great photo.

@Mr. Boston I may have missed it, but are you buying/or already bought a new house?

 @Seasick Sailor Oliver has that "who me" look on his face in the 2nd photo.

@Cruzin Terri I hope Jim's appointment went well.

@cunnorl Enjoy your time away in Boston and Cape Cod!

@marshhawk I hope you're feeling better soon and that DH gets to talk to his doctor about his hip. 

@Overhead Fred Thanks for the Bermuda photos.

@Haljo1935 Nice photos of the dogs.

@puppycanducruise Thanks for introducing us to Bertie Woofster.

@RMLincoln I hope DH gets an easy game plan from the oncologist. 

@StLouisCruisers Nice photos of the grand and great grand dogs.

@kochleffel The criticism by the other students sounds somewhat inappropriate.

@Nickelpenny Lovely shadow box for Martina. Hugs.

@Cruising-along Cute grand dogs and grand kitties. Happy 50th Birthday to your son!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Thank-you for asking.  We are going to relocate to the southern coast of Maine.  Since we retired last year we no longer need to live in the city.  We have family up there so it will be nice to be closer and to be closer to nature. Some people think we’re crazy but I grew up near the 45th parallel in Northern Michigan so why not?  We thought we’d sell first and then buy, maybe renting in between.  

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Luggage Forward delivered the 4 bags and 1 box this afternoon, it looks like the luggage came through just fine.  Now to unpack it all!


About an hour later the wine we bought in NZ arrived -- each bottle is in a sleeve of 100% NZ sheep's wool!  What a great idea.  Between the wool and the egg crate packing, all 15 bottles came though just fine too. 







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@Haljo1935 a very happy birthday to your DH






9 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

In honour of Pets Day, Bertie Woofster says "Hello, do you want to play?"





Bertie Wooster is sweet (like all the dog pics) and reminds me so much of my little Fox.  She was a rescue and looked like a black Fox.  I think she was bigger than Berties, though.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:

Thank-you for asking.  We are going to relocate to the southern coast of Maine.  Since we retired last year we no longer need to live in the city.  We have family up there so it will be nice to be closer and to be closer to nature. Some people think we’re crazy but I grew up near the 45th parallel in Northern Michigan so why not?  We thought we’d sell first and then buy, maybe renting in between.  


Thanks for the information. Although I went to school in Boston, I've never been to Maine. I imagine the scenery is great. Since you grew up in Northern Michigan, it sounds like you'll be able to handle the weather in Maine. A new adventure! Best of luck with the sale of your house.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Luggage Forward delivered the 4 bags and 1 box this afternoon, it looks like the luggage came through just fine.  Now to unpack it all!


About an hour later the wine we bought in NZ arrived -- each bottle is in a sleeve of 100% NZ sheep's wool!  What a great idea.  Between the wool and the egg crate packing, all 15 bottles came though just fine too. 








Very clever packaging for the wine! And it worked, as all bottles arrived intact.

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I survived giving the presentation. To be clear, I'm not at all afraid of giving presentations, but I had predicted objections to the principal conclusion: that it is morally permissible to allow a certain amount of environmental degradation in order to prevent a much larger amount. However, the questions were about cryptocurrency (why I think it's an environmental hazard) and whether forests are ever cut to build solar farms (no, it would be too expensive).

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@Cruising-along I'm thinking what can I do with all that wool.  Dye it, make a short wrap?  To keep warm?  Untie it, and make a large thick scarf?  What a great packing idea.


@Mr. Boston I suggest one of the best ways to see Maine if you love the sea, is to get out on the sea.  Check out Maine Windjammers and find a primitive cruise that goes to small towns.


If you love the hills, just move 10 miles inland. We love Rockland.

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Posted (edited)

Today was tough for brother and niece. SIL was moved to hospice care and they are making her comfortable. DH and I will head there tomorrow morning. 

DH got a 👍 from oncologist today, bloodwork again in 6 months. 

Hoping the eye surgery schedule can be maintained for April 23rd. Don’t know what will be needed for SIL and family. Or when. 

Happy for Terri and Jim!  
Vanessa’s BFF, 1 pass!  Rest. 

Annie, great encouragement on our Cape Cod ideas, thanks too to Terry and @Hogladyrider  Annie, love the cats watching the Cornell cam!  @Nickelpenny beautiful shadow box for Martina!  


🎂 @Haljo1935s DH!  


Hugs to you all! m—

Edited by RMLincoln
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The fiber optic internet is up and running.  However, the cable is still lying on the ground.  A contractor will show up sometime to bury the cable.  Since it's outside work by an outside contractor, we won't be given any notification.  The fiber optic speed is very fast.


3 hours ago, summer slope said:

@Quartzsite CruiserLenda the cart is deemed totaled. We are “discussing “a suitable amount for it. 


Dixie, I'm sorry the golf cart did not survive.  I bet the insurance company's suitable amount is lower than your suitable amount.  I hope you can agree on a reasonable amount.


3 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Thank-you for asking.  We are going to relocate to the southern coast of Maine.  Since we retired last year we no longer need to live in the city.  We have family up there so it will be nice to be closer and to be closer to nature. Some people think we’re crazy but I grew up near the 45th parallel in Northern Michigan so why not?  We thought we’d sell first and then buy, maybe renting in between.  


I hope the condo sells quickly and for a good price.  Maine sounds like a good place for you with family there, and plenty of nature.  


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Luggage Forward delivered the 4 bags and 1 box this afternoon, it looks like the luggage came through just fine.  Now to unpack it all!


About an hour later the wine we bought in NZ arrived -- each bottle is in a sleeve of 100% NZ sheep's wool!  What a great idea.  Between the wool and the egg crate packing, all 15 bottles came though just fine too. 








Carolyn, I'm glad the luggage arrived safely, and more importantly, that the wine arrived without any damage.


15 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Today was tough for brother and niece. SIL was moved to hospice care and they are making her comfortable. DH and I will head there tomorrow morning. 

DH got a 👍 from oncologist today, bloodwork again in 6 months. 

Hoping the eye surgery schedule can be maintained for April 23rd. Don’t know what will be needed for SIL and family. Or when. 

Happy for Terri and Jim!  
Vanessa’s BFF, 1 pass!  Rest. 

Annie, great encouragement on our Cape Cod ideas, thanks too to Terry and @Hogladyrider  Annie, love the cats watching the Cornell cam!  @Nickelpenny beautiful shadow box for Martina!  


🎂 @Haljo1935s DH!  


Hugs to you all! m—


Maureen, I'm sorry your DB and niece had to make such a tough decision.  I hope your DSIL can be kept comfortable in her final days, amd that her family can find peace and comfort.  That is good news that your DH got a good report from his oncologist.  With his eye surgery less than two weeks away, I hope there are no glitches to delay it.  The anniversary trip to Cape Codmsounds nice.



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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@Cruising-along I'm thinking what can I do with all that wool.  Dye it, make a short wrap?  To keep warm?  Untie it, and make a large thick scarf?  What a great packing idea.

I've been wondering too.  They included a few ideas such as "upcycling them into wine gift bags, 

repurpose as planters or weed mats, use to store your bottles at home".  There's a lot of it, so I need ideas 😉  

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@Cruising-along  pleased that your luggage has arrived and the Wine......... the wool is great for insulation.

We had messages to do in town today, then had lunch before returning home.  We were nearly finished our meal when a young couple walked in, he was wearing what I thought was a back pack.   When we went to leave, discovered that the "back pack' was actually a cat carrier, the cat looked very similar to ours.  They said they take the cat for "walks" in it everyday. 

Yesterday were out for lunch, again DH had a dozen fresh oysters......making the most of Oyster season.

@RMLincoln good news from the Oncologist.   Sorry about your SIL, hope she can be kept comfortable. 

@Haljo1935  Wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday.


Clean up your pantry day, our pantry is compact compared to the big  " Butlers" Pantry we had in our previous home that we had built for us, with a second dishwasher etc .



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@RMLincoln I'm glad the report from the oncologist was a good one!   Warm thoughts to you, your DB and family with the developments of your SIL.  I wish her and the family peace and comfort.


@Cruzin Terri Great news on Jim and I'm glad it is forward progress on the trip to Italy.  

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