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Semi-live 48 day adventure: Prima, Getaway, Dawn, and beyond

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Just now, Travelicious said:

That photo was half of the steak and one tail.  Honestly, way too much.  We would never have made it to dessert if we had not split.  I’m amazed by the people who do not feel the FAS package allows enough!

Oh, I knew it was half. Haha! I'm one of those that will clean my Free at Sea package plate. BUT, I agree with you! It does absolutely provide enough food for the meal. Actually, if I'm being honest, if served with a potato, I'll probably leave that on the plate. I do sometimes not order dessert too, as many of NCL's desserts don't appeal to me. Y'all had two of my favorite desserts at Cagney's though!!


Now, if you're talking those a la carte prices....well I won't go there. My words would be too vitriolic for a live!


Really though, I'm loving seeing this trip through your and Pookie's eyes. Congratulations on making it just more than halfway! I do truly hope the second half gets better (knowing that you're still having a good time, but little things do gnaw at the mind). 

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What a beautiful day in Oslo!  It was fully sunny and supposedly 70 degrees, though it felt close to 80. 

I woke up at about 3:00 this morning and noticed light around the curtain.  I peeked out to find the sun already beginning to rise.





We started with breakfast in O’Sheehan’s.  Back to good food!  We were supposed to be in port at 7:00, but were a bit late arriving.  Then it was almost 9:00 before we were cleared, so they extended all aboard time to 4:00.  But we didn’t need that much time.


My brother had recommended that we visit Vigeland Park to see the sculptures, so that was really the only plans for the day.  When we arrived in port, I turned on cellular data and determined that it was a 48 minute walk.  We can do that, I say.


Turns out it was lots of uphill, and Google took us to a back entrance with even more hills.  When we finally arrived and had a rest on a nice shady bench, we took two sets of stairs to enter.  Did I say it was sunny and felt like 80s?  Le puff!  Le Pew!


What we found were lots of sculptures of what appeared to be people engaged in orgies.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  Those not engaged in orgies appeared to be engaged in violent activities.  A small section appeared to be older folks past all of that.  I’m sure a tour guide or a trip to the museum would have better explained it all, but we decided to think what we want.







We found a restroom and paid 20 kroner each to use it, then set out to find a different path back toward the ship.  We came across a coffee shop and stopped in for a pastry.  I did terrible with photos today, so there are none from this stop.  

A bit cooled down now, we continued back toward the port.  Pookie needed to try a local beer, so we finally found an Italian place open.  She had a beer and I had a lemoncello spritz.  



I was able to urinate here without paying 20 Kroner.  By the way, we were able to use credit card at all stops here, including restrooms, so did not have to get any Norwegian Kroner, which is a good thing since we have no other stops in this country and may never return.


We got back on the ship around 1:00 and rested in the room for a bit, then decided to try American Diner for lunch.  I’ve never seen more than a few people there, but everyone had the same idea today.  My chicken salad sandwich was pretty good.  Pookie’s pulled pork sliders had very little meat, so she scraped the meet off of two to make one good one.  I then gave her half of my sandwich.  The highlight was the fries - best we’ve had this whole trip.


We came to the room, put on lounging clothes and I fell into a coma for about an hour.  When I woke up, the paging of late arrivals had begun.  Soon, we began sail away.  It was really the first one we’ve been able to sit out and enjoy.  Lots of people were out enjoying the gorgeous day.




We went to dinner at Tropicana for only the second time.  Both times, the service has been excellent and the food very good.  Again, I forgot to take photos. ☹️


Tomorrow is Aarhus, and the weather is supposed to be spectacular like today.  No real plans, but I’m sure we’ll walk about and get a drink somewhere along the way.  We are scheduled to arrive at 10:00, so can sleep in for a bit.

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One thing better about the Getaway is the toilet paper.  It seems a bit thicker and less sandpapery than on the Prima.  😊


I slept like the dead last night, except with wild dreams.  By the time we were up and ready for breakfast, the MDRs were turning people away (9:15, with closing time of 9:30), and there was a long line at O’Sheehan.  We were headed to American Diner when Pookie abruptly changed plans to the buffet.  Easy enough to get a plate of food, not so easy to find a seat, which is why I hate going to the buffet for breakfast. 

We are now awaiting the announcement that we are cleared to leave the ship.  Should be too much longer, assuming Denmark isn’t as strict as Norway.

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@Travelicious  Since you are currently on the Getaway, I am wondering if you can stop by all the water slides and the ropes course and find out or take a pic of the age/height/weight guidelines for each of these.  I am thinking of taking my grandkids on the Getaway and I want to make sure that they meet any age/height/weight requirements to enjoy these activities.  I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Thank you in advance and thanks for doing the live thread. I always learn so much from them.

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On today’s episode of As the Ship Sails, total chaos ensued as Karens from far and wide demanded to speak with the manager “NOW!!!”  Poor crew members, who have no control over anything about which they are being screamed at.  

We were scheduled to begin de boarding at 10:00 this morning.  At about 10:30, the announcement was made.  Only the forward exit was operating.  When we got to deck 6 in the stairwell, everything came to a stop.  After a few minutes, we decided to let the crowd gar off while we relaxed and chatted with other cruisers.  Finally, it appeared the line was getting shorter and we decided to rejoin it.  An officer was directing everyone back toward the aft, and we assumed the aft exit was now opened.  Luckily, we saw that we were just being directed to line up by the conference rooms on 6 instead of blocking the elevators.  Some, however, went aft the came back to try to join on 5.  Total chaos.  Even when we got in the right line, it took about 15 minutes to move at all.  

The problem seemed to be that the mandatory shuttle buses did not arrive on time, and there were too few of them.  We finally exited the ship on boarded a shuttle, and arrived at the drop off point at 11:45.


The man goal was to find an ATM to get some Danish krona, as we will need it for Copenhagen.  We then walked, gawked, and, you guess it, got a beer.  It was my second favorite of the trip.


After that, we decided to head back ahead of all our angry co-passengers.  Getting back on was much easier.  We decided on O’Sheehan’s for lunch.  Remembering the awesome Reubens on the Prima, I opted for that.  Pookie got the chicken sandwich, which she said was good but not as good as the one in American Diner.  We also split the spinach artichoke dip, which was much better than I remembered.


The problem was my Reuben.  Y’all, it was disgusting.  It contained very little meat, which may have been a blessing, as the meat was not corned beef but a single slice of extremely fatty roast beef. When the waiter asked if all was okay, I complimented the dip and the excellent fries, then complained about the Reuben.  He said, “Yeah, we are out of corned beef so substituted roast beef.”  Would have been good to know when I ordered.


For comparison purposes, note the sandwich from the Prima first, even though fries obstruct the best view, then the same from the Getaway second.





The good news is that I should have an appetite for dinner tonight.

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7 hours ago, ecslady said:

@Travelicious  Since you are currently on the Getaway, I am wondering if you can stop by all the water slides and the ropes course and find out or take a pic of the age/height/weight guidelines for each of these.  I am thinking of taking my grandkids on the Getaway and I want to make sure that they meet any age/height/weight requirements to enjoy these activities.  I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Thank you in advance and thanks for doing the live thread. I always learn so much from them.

I’ll see what I can do.  I haven’t even been up that high.

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Wouldn’t you know it?  Just after I bragged about the service and food in Tropicana, it abruptly changed.  Well, not necessarily the service, but the food did not arrive as promptly.  And a dish Pookie loved on the Prima was barely edible here.  Prima seems to have the better chefs.


After dinner last night, I was exhausted and didn’t even want a night cap.  I laid down for a bit until the casino opened so I could cash out a voucher.  On the way, I saw a machine that I had not seen anyone play, and it spoke to me.  Warning:  they mostly lie!  In this case, though, I quickly won another $27, collected my voucher, and received the cash.  Back to the room without further shenanigans.


Today, we are in Warnemunde, and took a boat to Rostock.  The first boat runs at 10:30, so we slept in and ordered room service.  Still having about 45 minutes until the first boat, we wondered around Warnemunde just a bit.  It is super cute and we are looking forward to exploring here next time and getting a bratwurst.




Here is the boat information we took to Rostock.






I only got the times from the Rostock port.  To find it getting off the ship, walk toward town, and stay on the port side.  Keep going past the ferry, and you will see a sign similar to the first one above.  It was a nice, 45 minute ride each way.  We had a beer along the way.




Pookie always gets the large.  She says she is a professional, and I am an amateur.


Rostock is a nice little town that looks much like many European cities, at least architecturally.  Our main goal was to have a look around and find somewhere to eat either bratwurst or schnitzel.  Today was yet another holiday, so many businesses and restaurants were closed.  However, we happened upon a placed called Leon’s, which does not serve bratwurst.  So, schnitzel it was.






We also had bruschetta.  Both were OMG delicious.  Great choice for today.


By the time we are all of that and had already walked about, we were ready to catch the 1:45 boat back.  It started out hot, and we were roasting, but as soon as we started moving the sun went behind a cloud, and it got windy and quite chilly.  I ended up spending the last 15 minutes or so inside.


I had planned to start packing this afternoon, but we are going for drinks in an hour, then dinner at La Cucina. So, looks like I’m putting it off until tomorrow.


Tomorrow we will be in Kiel.  Again, no real plans, so probably walk around, have a drink, the get the packing done.




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So...you've decided it for me...I'm now planning a trip back to Europe. I haven't a clue where, how, or when. I already texted my husband and after our grand western road trip this fall, I'm forcing him to take me to Europe. It's all your fault! Your posts are amazing, enlightening, and full of the gloriousness the cities/countryside of Europe has to offer.


Right now, I'm thinking I want to explore some old Roman ruins (probably not exactly Norwegian, eh) then lay in a field of grass, surrounded by sheep and 1,000 year old stone walls. I'll leave the cathedrals to others. Thank you for continuing to post and inspire! 

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On 5/20/2024 at 9:12 AM, cruiseny4life said:

So...you've decided it for me...I'm now planning a trip back to Europe. I haven't a clue where, how, or when. I already texted my husband and after our grand western road trip this fall, I'm forcing him to take me to Europe. It's all your fault! Your posts are amazing, enlightening, and full of the gloriousness the cities/countryside of Europe has to offer.


Right now, I'm thinking I want to explore some old Roman ruins (probably not exactly Norwegian, eh) then lay in a field of grass, surrounded by sheep and 1,000 year old stone walls. I'll leave the cathedrals to others. Thank you for continuing to post and inspire! 

Happy to help!

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I skipped a day, but there was nothing really to share.  We had a rest day instead on venturing into Kiel.  We finally emerged for a final dinner at Cagney’s.  Pretty much a repeat, except they had run out of the huge lobster tails.  Pookie had run into one of the chefs the day before, and he took her name and room number, and made a call.  We weren’t sure what to expect, but apparently it was only to tell him when he arrived.  He came to the table to speak with us.  Nothing special.  We skipped dessert.








We returned to the room, finished the packing, and put the luggage out.  Got a good nights sleep and awoke before the alarm this morning.


We were in no hurry to leave the ship, so headed to Tropicana for a leisurely breakfast.  It appears everyone has caught on the to sit down embarkation day lunch and debarkation day breakfast.  There was a long line when we arrived, and one group of five was given a pager because, supposedly, no tables for 5 were available.  But I saw at least 10+ such tables.  I guess they just weren’t in the area they wanted to provide service.  Not surprising though, as service often changes on the last day as the message seems to be, “get the eff off.”


The Getaway is getting a renovation over the next 2 weeks.  The changes include replacing the slot machines for those that allow you to tap instead of inserting the card, and also adding an enclosed smoking area.  When we walked through after breakfast. The machines were already stripped.  Not wasting any time.


We arranged a luggage service to pick up our luggage at the cruise terminal and deliver it to the hotel.  We made our way o town and wondered around aimlessly for a bit.  Eventually, I put Tivoli in Google maps and we made our way there.  It wasn’t open yet, but there were tons of kids arriving, so we went around the corner, found an outside table in the shade, and had a cup of coffee.  We then made our way to the metro station and to the airport.


I had received an email from the hotel offer early check in for a bit more money.  I accepted, but never received a confirmation.  Naturally, we arrived early but they were not accepting early check in.  

Luckily, they do have the 1664 blonde beer that has been my favorite on this trip.  So currently sipping a beer and catching up here.  We have a little less 2 hours.  Going to find something for lunch shortly.

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Good morning from NY and afternoon to you 2 over there, and the next journey shall begin soon with the Dawn, our 2nd NCL "big" ship in 2003 when she was brand new then, homeport in the Big Apple. Still remember her early days with the Blue Lagoon.  Best wishes on continuing the amazing adventure. 


Henry & Susan

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Our 6:20 morning flight from Copenhagen to Paris required a wake up time of 4:00.  We quickly got ready and walked the corridor from the connecting hotel to the terminal.  We had scoped it all out yesterday so we wouldn’t have problems while barely awake this morning.


One great thing about this airport is that you can print your own luggage tag and self check it.  It was so easy, and we were on our way.  

We got coffee and water from a self serve kiosk - just swipe and go.  Then we still had about 30 minutes before boarding.  The flight with Air France was smooth and on time.  The coffee provided on the plane was, surprisingly, some of the best we’ve had on this trip.


After arriving at CDG and collecting our bags, we started looking for a taxi.  There was a desk for taxi assistance just past the baggage carousels, and we determined that our trip to the hotel would be a flat rate of $56 Euros.  Good thing for the flat rate, as it took about 1.75 hours to get here.  The traffic was horrible.  I do think the driver was pleased, but we tipped a bit.


Miracle of all miracles:  our room was ready when we arrived just before 11:00!  We dropped bags and decided to check out the train station to make sure we know what to do when we get there tomorrow.  It took quite a while to figure out which entrance to use so that we could use an elevator without having to drag luggage up stairs or an escalator.  I’m already a bit freaked out by escalators, but I am generally kind of okay with just my small rolling back.  But I am scared to death of taking my big bag on an escalator.  I just know it will surely push or pull me to my death.  

Anyway, we got that figured out and the area our train will leave  from.  By now, Pookie is getting cranky, as we had only eaten a couple of cookies on the plane.  We found a place and went in, but they don’t serve food until noon, about 30 minutes later.  We decided to have a beer while waiting.  Pookie was developing a headache, which we hoped food would cure.  She was also developing nasal drainage, which I’m hoping is related to the flight.


We finally ate, and she felt better, but still not great.  She decided to stay in the room and rest while I wondered about.  We had considered catching one of the 45 minute Seine River cruises, and I began the 45 minute walk there.  I arrived tired and hot with minutes to

spare, only to learn that the next sailing was sold out.  I didn’t feel like waiting around, so took the metro back to the area the hotel is in.


Here are a few photos I took along the way.














I went back to the room to check on Pookie and to cool down.  She still wasn’t feeling well, and didn’t really want to go out for dinner, so went to find something to bring back.  What we really wanted is a potato dish call truffade.  We had it in Paris when we were here 9 years ago, and it was so good that we’ve craved it ever since.  I had looked at the menus of all of the restaurants I passed today and could find no mention of it.  I tried Googling with no real luck.  I inquired at the front desk, and they looked it up and provided the name and address of a place that should have it.


I took off walk again, and found the restaurant after a 25 minute walk.  Unfortunately, they did not have truffade, nor did they allow take out.  Disappointed, I caught a cab back to the hotel, then found a restaurant about 2 blocks away.  I got an order of arancini (not very good) and fish and chips and returned to the room.  A disappointing dinner in Paris, but the fish was pretty good.  

Sorry, no food pics today.  Our train is scheduled to arrive in LeHavre a bit before 1:00 tomorrow.  Unfortunately, we were unable to watch the safety video to get fully checked in while on the Prima, and by the time we were able to do so our check in time had changed to 4:30 -5:00.  Supposedly the times will be strictly enforced due to not really having a terminal there and check-in being on the ship.  I just hope we are able to drop our bags off.  If Pookie is still feeling poorly, it may be a miserable day for her.  I gave her Zyrtec D, so that should help.

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1 hour ago, Travelicious said:

What we really wanted is a potato dish call truffade

Next time you are in Paris try Le Plomb du Cantal in Montparnasse for truffade and aligot potatoes. Been going there for years. 

Hope Pookie is feeling better. 

Have another great cruise!




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21 minutes ago, cruiseny4life said:

Feel better Pookie!!!!

I second that, and pickup some extra Vitamins C along the way while in town ... call it the cruise bugs or whatever.  When I was ambulatory care admin during the SARS and Avian flu days, the nursing team take it as part of their health daily routine.  

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It’s been a good, bad, good, and potentially bad day.  I’ll go in order.


Pookie seemed to feel better today after getting up and showered.  We had plenty of time to catch our 10:40 train to Le Havre after getting a little hotel breakfast.  As we were repacking, I discovered that my passport was not in its case.


We looked everywhere, and it was no where to be found.  The last time I saw it was going through customs after debarking in Copenhagen.  It was not required to fly to Paris.


I called the US Embassy in Paris, and received an automated message to send an email with a specific subject line and specific information.  The message said it may take 1 - 2 business days to receive an appointment by email.  Being a Friday, I wasn’t sure what to expect.


I sent the email, begged for immediate help, and asked included my phone number.  A few minutes later, I received the call to come on over, with instructions on what to do when I arrived.


I had already made the decision to put Pookie on the 10:40 train, and I would catch up when I could, even if a few days away.  I walked her to the train station, and then entered the metro.  On the call I had received, I was told which metro stop was close.  However, the train did not stop at that station.  I got out and went to the other side.  Again, it did not stop.  So I got out of the station and began walking.  Probably should have done that to begin with.


The line was super long - way down the street.  I later learned that was for Visas.  Wow!  I walked ahead, luckily, and was trying to pull up my email instructions.  A security person asked my name, said that I had already been called, and to come with him.  He took me past all of those people and into the security line, where I had to relinquish all electronics before proceeding inside.  


I took and number and was called up quickly.  I had not had time to fill out the paperwork yet, but was allowed to do so while the nice lady started working it up.  She directed me to the Photo Booth, then to pay for the temporary passport, then back to her to complete the paperwork.  She said temporary passports are usually available at 2:00, but she would ask the officer to go ahead and issue it in light of the fact that iv supposed to be onboard by 6:00.   She even printed out the train schedule for the rest of the day.  


I received my temporary passport before noon and headed to the hotel to check out.  I had alerted them of what was going on.  I was about an hour late checking out, but they were very kind and did not charge any extra.


By the way, this was a very small hotel right down the street from the train station.  It is Hotel 12.  What the hotel lacked in size was made up for by the extreme enthusiasm of the staff.  Such nice people!


I was able to book the 1:40 train which is supposed to arrive close to 4:00.  So, good news that I got temporary passport and will arrive in plenty of time.  However, the potentially bad news is that France and Belgium, where we will call again tomorrow, does not accept the temporary passport.  I fear that may prevent me from boarding today.  If so, I’ll see about catching up in Tillbury the following day, or Amsterdam on the 27th.


Update:  I got onboard without any problems.  Further updates tomorrow.

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Sorry for all of the typos.  It has been an extremely frustrating day, and I have been quite flustered.  

I can’t say enough about the kind and efficient assistance I received from the US Embassy in France.  I think a letter of appreciation to Ambassador Denise Campbell Bauer is in order.  I will be sure to let her know how wonderful her consular staff is.  I never thought I would be onboard tonight when the scenario unfolded this morning.

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Posted (edited)

I was heartsick when I read what you were going through. I can’t imagine how Pookie felt heading off by herself.So happywith the outcome! Cheers!!!!

5 minutes ago, Travelicious said:

Sorry for all of the typos.  It has been an extremely frustrating day, and I have been quite flustered.  

I can’t say enough about the kind and efficient assistance I received from the US Embassy in France.  I think a letter of appreciation to Ambassador Denise Campbell Bauer is in order.  I will be sure to let her know how wonderful her consular staff is.  I never thought I would be onboard tonight when the scenario unfolded this morning.

Edited by Mommapadraig
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7 hours ago, Mommapadraig said:

I was heartsick when I read what you were going through. I can’t imagine how Pookie felt heading off by herself.So happywith the outcome! Cheers!!!!

Believe me, I was heartsick too.  Never would have imagined this would happen to me. 

Pookie was like, “OMG.  What are we going to do?  What will you do if you can’t get it for days?”  Etc.  I figured what can you do except go with the flow.  Thankful for credit cards, which allow for a lot of flexibility!

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OMG you had me at the edge of my cruise critic seat. Thank goodness it all worked out with such calmness.  I’ve been following your adventures as I am thinking of doing a similar Dawn itinerary next year. When your final leg was not posted I wondered if something had happened line illness but never would have imagined losing one’s passport.  Be sure to relax and rejuvenate during your last segment

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The last thing I told Pookie before putting her on the train yesterday was to turn on her cellular data so I could text her about progress at the embassy.  It would only cost an additional $5 for the day.  


I did text updates, that I got the passport, what train I would be on, etc., but never received a response.  I actually started getting worried about her.


When I arrived at the ship yesterday afternoon, I came to the room, found Pookie had been here, but was apparently out and about.   Her phone was in the room, cellular off.  ☹️ I brought all of my luggage with me because I wasn’t sure I would be allowed boarding with the temporary passport and Belgium as a port of call.  So I got unpacked, went to the muster station, and then to Los Lobos for what I thought was a 6:00 reservation, but turned out to be 6:30.  


Still had not seen or heard from Pookie, but she eventually showed up for dinner.  I had the enchiladas de mole and Pookie had the chili relleno.  





Neither were very good, and we have canceled our second dinner there for this cruise.  I did have the Mexican coffee for dessert, and it was excellent.




I was absolutely exhausted after dinner and got to bed pretty quickly.  The bed is nice, but the pillows are too high and hard for my liking.  Still slept pretty good.


We went to the Venetian for breakfast.  Remember when I was on the Prima and said the breakfast potatoes were so much better than the pre-formed hash browns?  Now I know why some protest against that assertion.  They were awesome on the Prima, less so on the Getaway, and really pretty awful on the Dawn.  But the bacon was actually nice and crisp, and the eggs fine.


We got our first bag of laundry for this cruise ready.  The last few days have been warm and with the walking I have been sweating.  I hate sweating.  I never imagined it would be so hot in this area in May, so I brought mostly colder weather clothing.


The room steward stopped by to introduce himself.  I requested robes and a coffee maker, both of which were in the room by the time we returned this afternoon.


On the Prima, a $20 per person round trip shuttle to Blankenberge was offered from the cruise port.  Because of the $50 shore excursion credit, we actually were not charged.  This shuttle was not offered by the Getaway or the Dawn.  I don’t get why there is not more consistency across different ships of the same company, especially on this type of thing. 


I ordered an Uber to get us to the train station in Blankenberge, and almost as soon as it was confirmed the driver asked me to cancel because he picked up someone else.  We took a taxi from the line at the cruise terminal and were charged 27 euros.  On the way back, I ordered an Uber, as there were no taxis waiting at the train station.  I chose one for 22 euros with a 15 minute wait.  As soon as it was confirmed, the driver told me I could cancel because he just entered the car wash.  What is going on with the Uber drivers around here?  About that time, a taxi pulled up and we got back for a bit over 20.


The train ride from Blankenberge is only about 11 minutes.  Many people complain about the walk into town from the train or where the buses drop off, but it is not long.  Rain was threatening this morning, but did not materialize.  Once again, however, I failed to take my sunglasses and ended up needing them.


The main goal was to get waffles and hot chocolate.  We did so, saw the sights, and had a drink before catching the train back.  
















Dinner was at Bamboo.  I only got photos of the appetizers.  




After dinner, I got in a line of about 50 people for the Shore Excursion desk.  You see, they are only open 2 hours today.  I rarely book excursions with NCL, but had booked us on the London on your own out of Tillbury for tomorrow.  Those tickets were in our room, along with others for a London on your own on water, which a letter explained was to take the place of another excursion that was canceled and that we never booked.  But our account was debited for the replacement of the tour we did not book.  So I had to stand in line for about 45 minutes to get that straightened out.  Supposedly, it is worked out but the bookkeeping has to be done “shoreside.”  Will keep an eye on that, plus the debit was to my refundable OBC.  That is reserved for paying DSC on this cruise.  

Oh, and this is what is being passed off as chocolate covered strawberries for Platinum Latitudes and above.




Meanwhile, the hydrangeas are in full bloom at home.





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