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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday April 16th, 2024


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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says its 62 and cloudy.  Its so cloudy it's dark.  Our back yard has a lot of trees, so no sun?  It's like predawn. I have opened one of the windows in the den, the birds are in the feeder and Furnando is in the window watching the "Morning Show".. We are supposed to have temps in the mid 80s this week, until Canada sends us another cold front!  Thank you Canada.  I took down some of the plastic from the porch, and now I have to find more dollar tree shower curtains to put back up.  Dh wants mom cat to have the heater on, but I wont heat if there is no "walls" to hold it in.  I pay the electric bill. 


Still no news on the job, perhaps Mark spoke out before he should have.  Oh well, I got offered a kritter care job for a week.  They didnt mention payment and to tell you the truth it has me juggling far too many critter cares.  Still trying to figure it all out.


@Mr. BostonI hope that all of your reflections fill you with joy and peace. 


@grapau27Tell Pauline-thanks for the poem.  Made me cry.  


@0106I know your river cruise poem was about a bigger river, but it reminded me of the many times we canoed down the Delaware.  And how fast life goes by.


Chores for today- feed the outdoor cats, make sure Munchkin is comfortable and well today, get to the Pet store and get her Mom and Kitten food, paper litter, and toys for Tigger and the "boys". Tazi heard me open a bag of kitty crunchies yesterday and she ran from her hiding area  jumped on the stove and was eating out of the container.  Oh my!  Or was it the sound of the kittens crying that got her attention.





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18 minutes ago, Gsel said:

Thank you grapau27 for the beautiful poem. Today is one year since I lost DH. It will be a rough day, but your post makes it a bit easier.

I'm so sorry to hear about your DH on this his first memory.

I'm pleased the poem helps.


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Posted (edited)

Good morning from another cloudy, windy day in central Texas.  It is 69F with 97% humidity and a dew point of 68F.  While the chances of rain are not high, in Texas, who knows?  It would be nice to get some rain (after my errands) so we don't have to turn the sprinkler on yet.  There will be a quick run to the store this morning early plus a stop at our PCPs office to make appointments for our annual checkups.  DH tried calling yesterday, and there was a 10 minute wait.  Since I go right by the office, stopping in will probably save time and aggravation.  After that, depending on the humidity, I might work on sorting more of the things taken out of the old motorhome, and seeing what we really need and what can go, if anything.


Emancipation Day, Foursquare Day and Bean Counter Day are all good days to celebrate.  However, after the last minute rush to get taxes filed yesterday for many, the bean counters probably want to rest today, and celebrate tomorrow.


The Veronica Roth quote is very good.


The meal sounds interesting, but not today.  I might like the vodka collins and would try the wine.


We have been to Whitehorse many times, both from Skagway on cruises and by motorhome on seven trips to Alaska.  It is a great place to spend a night or two, pick up needed items, and see the many interesting places to visit in the area.


The day in history is another good day for baseball.


@aliaschief  Bruce, I hope you enjoy Agra and the Taj Mahal.  I also hope you can sleep on the plane since it's such a long day.  Safe flights tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations to Ren on the winning goal.  Please wish your DGS and your niece HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. 

@cat shepard  Ann, thanks for the good wishes.  It has been quite a journey, and we've learned that sometimes it takes a while for the right flow rate to be found.  Enjoy your visit with your niece and her daughters this weekend.  Good news your sister is much better.

@LambKnuckles  Lambie, central Texas does have it's share of allergens.  Glad you got a good report from the doctor, but sorry it will take more time to get over the bronchitis.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope you like the new instructor.  Thanks for the good wishes for Steve.  I hope your allergies improve.

@richwmn  Rich, thanks for the pictures of the Bridge of the Americas.  I have those same pictures.  😁

@Mr. Boston  Good luck with the packing and the move.  

@Gsel  Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily.  I hope today is not too difficult for you.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for sharing the poem with us.  It brought tears to my eyes.

@smitty34877  Terry, they used the ice machine for DH's second back surgery and sent it home with us.  We donated to a group that helps veterans who need medical devices.  Interestingly, when DH had his shoulder surgeries, the surgeon did not send him to rehab because he felt sometimes they had the patients do too much.  I'm glad things are better there, and it takes time to decompress after a crisis.  It's good Tana has goals for each day, and being "a vegetable" and watching something silly on TV is not bad.













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We have been to Whitehorse many times since we have driven to Alaska seven times beginning in 1992, and gone there from Skagway several times on a cruise.  I found just a few pictures as most of my pictures of Whitehouse are pre-digital.


The worlds largest weather vane is at the airport outside the transportation museum.  And yes, it does turn with the wind.



The visitors center



The Klondike, a Yukon River steamboat



The suspension bridge over the Yukon River just outside of Whitehorse



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Happy Tuesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Sunny and high of 70 today. Might sit out and to my work outside today. 

Just got a class of 25 students. My biggest yet. We will see how this goes. This weekend I hope to start getting some of my plants in. Regardless of the nasty neighbor, my intent is to make a peaceful sanctuary. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Funny & Happy Tuesday Morning Quotes With Funny Tuesday Memes

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Posted (edited)

Good collection of days to celebrate; I don't use the Foursquare app, but support local shopping.

I like the quote - we need to stand up for each other when appropriate. Pass on the meal (cauliflower), yes to the drink & wine, not been to the port.

Yay for numbers on jerseys; identifying fast moving players is difficult. 


Condolences @Mr. Boston prayers and hugs to you and Lauren's family.

@StLouisCruisers prayers 🙏 Linda's recovery is smooth.

Thank you @grapau27 @0106for the lovely poems.

Nice pictures @richwmn.

@smitty34877 hats off to Tana on her goal - I may use that myself 🤭

Nice picture @seagarsmoker.

Thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser for the pictures - looks like great weather.

@marshhawk very nice pictures. 

Hugs @Gselas you think of your DH today.

@StLouisCruisers Go Ren!!


Don't know if this headache is from the eye procedure or allergies, but it needs to go away - it's so bad I'm nauseous. Another heavy work day when I return from this morning's neurology appt. There's nothing for him to assess as insurance denied the Rx.


Currently 70° headed to a muggy rainy 88°.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


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Out of Skagway, we made it as far as Carcross (the abbreviated name for Caribou Crossing).  It was September 9th (our anniversary) and the very nice people at the visitors center stamped our Passports.  Since we didnt make it all the way to Whitehorse, I'll just show a few pictures, and not waste your time.  



















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Posted (edited)

Just checking in briefly.  Going to watch/listen to Sweet Magnolias on Netflix while I stitch this morning.  


Thank you Tina @0106 and Graham @grapau27 for the poems this morning.  I too teared up while reading Pauline's favorite.  


Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Canal photos.  I hope we see more today.


My sympathy to @Mr. Boston and @Gsel as you remember your brother and DH on the anniversary of their deaths.  I hope their memories are sweet ones and bring you peace.


Terry @smitty34877 I haven't checked in with my twin this morning yet since she's an hour behind us and may not have slept well last night.  Giving her some space.  She should know what to expect since she had this surgery done on the other shoulder in the past.  I wouldn't want to be going through it, that's for sure.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for your birthday wishes.  Much appreciated.  Also thanks for the Whitehorse photos.  I wondered what that airplane was doing on the link for the July 12 Daily.  A mystery to me.  Also thanks for your support of Ren and his team.


Elizabeth @Haljo1935 thanks for cheering Ren on and well wishes for Linda.  I'm sorry to hear about the headache and nausea.  Ugh!



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2 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Out of Skagway, we made it as far as Carcross (the abbreviated name for Caribou Crossing).  It was September 9th (our anniversary) and the very nice people at the visitors center stamped our Passports.  Since we didnt make it all the way to Whitehorse, I'll just show a few pictures, and not waste your time.  




















Beautiful photos Annie!

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Posted (edited)

Beautiful day in north Jersey!  Sunny and it’ll be mostly 60s. Spring colors abound!  Lovely! 


No word from brother or niece. We wait. Yesterday I spent most of the day assembling an informational email for my cousins and NC brother on routings to where services will be and lodging options. Most of us use a Navigator but it helps to have the big picture and understand options. Around here there are always accidents and slow-downs so Navigators give options that can be very confusing. We have found a route we prefer which is not the shortest but easier and less congested, so the Navigator is constantly trying to turn us around. The lodging options were more complex to pull together, none are ideal or very close. It’ll be difficult for people to make it to the services and, as the youngest, I feel a need to help my family with information. Most of them don’t drive that much anymore and not to this region 3-4 hours away, 8-9 for NC brother.  I guess it’s what I can do, can’t do much in this situation. I kept busy. 

We’re working up a list of things to discuss with a CPA soon. We’ve never used one’s services but it’s time to get established with one.  Eventually we’ll need a CPA to help with the trust taxes when that begins but we need to get started with a CPA before that. It’s part of the shift that will come when we or one of us will eventually need our kids/grandkids help. 

My condolences to @Mr. Boston on his BFF Lauren’s passing 💔.  And best wishes for the move!  Do you have a place to go to in Maine or is everything going into storage for the transition?  What a stressful time!  Oh, just read it’s the anniversary of your brothers passing last year… I remember when you dropped everything and went. So very sad. You need extra TLC today, we’re sending it. 

And hugs to @Gsel too. We’re here to lean on. Hope you can smoke at some good memories through the tears!  

I’m happy to hear @Cruzin Terri Terri that you had a good meeting yesterday - was it at your home?  I’m wondering if they do home visits because caretakers usually can’t leave their loved ones alone. Knowledge is power and hopefully takes some of the fear down a notch. There are multiple types of  support groups on our campus, a benefit to living here.  I hope Jim does ok on his own while you’re at Anita’s funeral. 


Last week DH had a consult by phone with his oncologist who said his numbers are still good. Yay!  Did I post this?  We’ll do it again in 6 months. If numbers get much higher he’ll request a scan to check. I guess we’re all living on borrowed time in one way or another so we need to really appreciate every day!  

@aliaschief Smooth travels to Taj Mahal!  Thanks for your efforts sharing with us!  It’s a great lift! 

Thanks to all who contribute to make this thread happen.  Jacqui, Roy, Ann, Dixie, Debbie, Vanessa, Graham, Sandi, and Tina for the poem today!  For all the photos and memories of beautiful and meaningful places on our earth, it all makes such a rich venue for the loving care expressed Daily!  

🥅 Go Ren!  Breaking the tie in the last minute!  He is one exciting player!  Someday we’ll all be thinking, I “knew” that Star when he was just a kid!  Thanks Sandi!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, peace or direction. For your country and mine. And all the too-many lives caught up in wars and disasters beyond their control. 

Waiting on Amazing news from all the procedures! Glad @LambKnuckles that your prognosis is good. I’ve people refer to that cough as the 100 day cough!  

Cheers to those celebrating Life is Good🌈. And to Annie on her new kittens!  


Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers!  
❤️ you all for being here! 🤗 Enjoy something meaningful today. Maureen 

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Jacqui and for the maps Roy.  Thanks to @grapau27 for explaining the meaning behind them.  I remember reading about Foursquare when it first launched but haven't heard anything else since, either it is a fail or is used by another generation.   A great quote by Roth.   I will pass on the cauliflower meal.  Today's cocktail looks like another winner.  The Rioja sounds like another good value wine.  I haven't been to Whitehorse so thank you for the photos of the place. Thanks for the photos @marshhawk and @Quartzsite Cruiser

Vanessa thank you for the cares and celebrations reports.   @Mr. Boston Sympathy in the passing of your friend Lauren and good luck with the move.   Prayers for Tana and hope she enjoys her day of vegging out and enjoying her favorite shows.   Prayers for everyone in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.   @StLouisCruisers congratulations on Ren's winning goal and thanks for keeping us updated on his progress.   @0106 thanks for the lovely poem about cruising.  @grapau27 thank you for the poem on grief.  I had to stop reading as the tears were beginning to flow and I have a Zoom coming up, can't have my mascara running.   April is a very hard month for me.   @aliaschief enjoy your wonderful trip to Agra and the Taj Mahal.  What a wonderful journey you are on.   @MISTER 67 I enjoyed your comments on Scottie Scheffler winning the Masters, I loved that he recognized his caddie on his walk too.  

I was supposed to go to the Michigan Biological Station Conference Center for a meeting about our garden club hosting an Environmental School there.  I got an email that they want it switched to Zoom so that gives me almost two hours back into my day.    I got a lot done outside but my body was telling me it was too long of a break from that kind of work.   I finally felt better about 2 hours after dinner.   Have a lovely Tuesday!  Nancy 

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Thanks @RMLincoln for your kind words.  The movers are coming as part of phase 1, the decluttering process, and will store our belongings until our final move.  Next week a photographer will take pictures of our unit for the broker’s listing and I believe an open house will be next weekend.  We’ll be in Ogunquit then working with a broker there so no house yet.  So much going on!

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Happy Tuesday to all!!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report. Cheers to bean counters and for Emancipation Day.  Foursquare seems like an app I would not use.  Very important quote.  All the food and libations sounds wonderful; never been to Whitehorse.  Even though I am not a Yankee fan (Go Dodgers!!) I will celebrate their achievement.




Cooler this morning - 47F - but another beautiful day.  High predicted to be in the low 80s under - you guessed it - sunny skies!!  Doors and windows open and the sounds of spring abound!!  




I have taken a break from subbing for the last 1.5 weeks but will do so tomorrow as I was asked by a friend to do so.  Then not again until next week.  After doing my taxes yesterday, I need to readjust my withholding!  What a shocker that was.  Spoke with the ladies I work out with this morning and they all had to pay - for 2 of them, the first time ever.  I try to make my tax owed to be $0 or pay just a tad but not yesterday.  🥴




Today is a lazy day - I think.  I may even go out to lunch/dinner.  I enjoy staying home and it seems that even when I plan on going out, it never happens.  I enjoy my own company!!




@atexsix @puppycanducruise @Mr. Boston My sincere condolences for your losses.  @StLouisCruisers I did have the ice machine for my shoulder and it made a huge difference.  I couldn't sleep in my bed for almost 2 months!!  And, yes, stay ahead of the pain is a fantastic plan.


Thoughts for those on the care list.  Cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!

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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Vodka Collins cocktail:


The vodka collins is a simple, refreshing, and popular mixed drink. Made with vodka, lemon juice, simple syrup, and club soda, it's really just a sweet and sour vodka soda (and just as easy to mix up). The quick but charming cocktail is a perfect happy hour choice for vodka drinkers, and its clean, crisp taste makes it ideal for dinner.


1 1/2 oz. vodka
1 oz. lemon juice
1/2 lunch simple syrup
3-5 oz. club soda to taste
Orange slice to garnish
Maraschino cherry for garnish


In a collins glass filled with ice cubes, pour the vodka, lemon juice, and simple syrup.  Stir thoroughly.  Top with club soda.  Garnish.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 6.15.04 AM.png

This used to be my drink of choice - have to try it again.

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Good morning. As I predicted, our snow did not stick and was gone by this morning even though the temperature when the dogs and I went out was around 28. Warming should start today and it may reach 60. Monty Chihuahua was not pleased even through I put his little jacket on him (and a struggle that was).


Loved this pictures of the Volendam going through the canal. Hope all remaining on board from the Grand Australia and enjoying themselves. As for me, I am still trying to get myself sorted out. I don't know why I am feeling so tired and just not like doing much. I will just keep plugging along but i need to get this place organized.


Take care all.



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21 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sandi @StLouisCruisers.

Happy birthday today to your Niece and DGS.



That's so nice of you to send birthday wishes, and actually double!  Niece is a nurse at a university medical center in Missouri.  I sent a text to DGS and it's still early out on the West coast.  Hoping he has a great 19th birthday.  🎂

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Leaving Centennial Bridge




Going forward toward Culebra Cut






Change in schedule, Gatun Locks at 1:30pm, about 20 minutes later than previously stated


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Good morning, 

Our day is supposed to be on the cool side but the sun is out so that's a good thing. I thought it would be a stay-at-home day but now have to run into Costco to price sandwich trays, etc. for my DSIL's funeral reception on Friday. My other SIL did some looking in her area but we want to see if we can have it delivered and what the local place will have. I can handle that after tea with a neighbor and some other work around the house. 

Yesterday was the pool and two water aerobics classes, a couple of errands (finally got the nose pads on my glasses fixed) and then puttering around the house. It's Tulip Festival time in our valley so the weekends are super busy and that will be the case this coming weekend with a street fair, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ and highs near 70. 


Have a good day! I'm counting down the days until my first of four Alaska cruises this summer. The first is on Majestic Princess June 2nd (47 days) then the Westerdam in early July, Discovery Princess early August and Eurodam early September. 


Have a good day! 



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