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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 24th, 2024


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38 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

I remember him. Around '82 or "83? 


I'm not sure which year. It was actually half or so of a season. Orioles & Cardinals swapped him & some other player for the remainder of that season. That was the year the Orioles won the world series, so DH missed out on the ring! After the world series the 2 teams swapped the 2 players back - go figure. I see he was listed as 3rd base on this card, but most of his career was catcher. With Baltimore, he started out on 3rd base but then they decided to stick with his roommate (Cal Ripken) for that spot and Floyd moved to catcher for the rest of his career.


While in St Louis, since it was temporary, he lived w/Ozzie Smith & his wife in their house. He remembers Ozzie's swimming pool was shaped like a baseball glove.



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As we suspected, Quiffy popped her stitches out sometime over the last 3 days.  Technician said all good, she has sealed and healed.  I however have stepped on the tiny thing 3 times in the last two days. 


DH started another project, procrastinating processing the fraud report for an item he never received.  In order to stop the bill collectors from calling and rudely harassing us, he needs to do this ASAP, instead, he decided to swap out the washing machine hose.....and this is my life.


So early tomorrow after I walk the dog, and before I go to work, I will drag his butt to the police station.  Very hot today, going up to 93, again.


Sorry post was interrupted because I heard my neighbor yelling at the postal delivery service person, about torn up mail going back in her box, and she was accusing the mail man of stealing the stamp.  I went over and told her the mail was in my yard, that there had been several mail thefts on our street, and she should not put outgoing mail in the box at night. And that I would have let her know that it was me that put it in the box, but didnt think she was a morning person.  And I was right, she goes out until 2 and then stays up.  Sleeps all day (she had one very long fake eyelash going north,and the other going south, so maybe not your best morning person.)

All good, she told me I was anti social, and i admitted it.🐱🙀


@ger_77The doctor said that the recovery time from this surgery was a month, and as the place had been half paid for, to take the vacation, and do the surgery afterwards. 


@Cruzin TerriIt is not going to be easier as we go through this, I think hisr doc doesnt want you to burn out before you are REALLY needed.  What I get from DH's doc, is a hug, and he tells me i am a saint. That's all. Saint of what, I have no idea.  Saint of denial.  Hugs to you girl friend!

Edited by marshhawk
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I am very late today. My DD DH was Brooklyn born and a Dodger fan even after they left NY. My son was very much into the Mets and we spent a lot of time at Shea when he was young. Good times with Dwight Gooden, Gary Carter etc. I am afraid I never really got into it.

@Seasick Sailor, very happy about Bonnie’s news! 
@rafinmd, Roy, I was also glad to read your niece and nephew are with you. I hope things can be arranged for your comfort.

@JazzyV, I hope the doctor visit went well and that the pain and edema can be decreased. 
Take care everyone 


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@Cruzin TerriIt is not going to be easier as we go through this, I think hisr doc doesnt want you to burn out before you are REALLY needed.  What I get from DH's doc, is a hug, and he tells me i am a saint. That's all. Saint of what, I have no idea.  Saint of denial.  Hugs to you girl friend!

Thanks Annie.  Hugs to you too.


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Good afternoon friends!  I had a dental appointment this morning. I have a Zoom meeting tonight— our group started a book while I was on my cruise but I haven’t read it yet. Tonight is Chapter 3, so I need to read 3 chapters by 5:00. Not sure I can do that but I’ll try. 

Well, I do have Pennie’s @Nickelpenny email and sent her a “missing you” email early yesterday morning.  Unfortunately I have not heard back from her. I have no other form of communication with her other than calling the local school district, and they wouldn’t release that information to me anyway. I will let you all know if I do hear from her, for sure. 

Have a great day!

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2 hours ago, wdw1972 said:


I'm not sure which year. It was actually half or so of a season. Orioles & Cardinals swapped him & some other player for the remainder of that season. That was the year the Orioles won the world series, so DH missed out on the ring! After the world series the 2 teams swapped the 2 players back - go figure. I see he was listed as 3rd base on this card, but most of his career was catcher. With Baltimore, he started out on 3rd base but then they decided to stick with his roommate (Cal Ripken) for that spot and Floyd moved to catcher for the rest of his career.


While in St Louis, since it was temporary, he lived w/Ozzie Smith & his wife in their house. He remembers Ozzie's swimming pool was shaped like a baseball glove.



It must have been 83 as the Cardinals won the world series in 82. 

He definitely roomed with a legend.  😀  We went to Cooperstown when he went in the HOF.  

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18 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon friends!  I had a dental appointment this morning. I have a Zoom meeting tonight— our group started a book while I was on my cruise but I haven’t read it yet. Tonight is Chapter 3, so I need to read 3 chapters by 5:00. Not sure I can do that but I’ll try. 

Well, I do have Pennie’s @Nickelpenny email and sent her a “missing you” email early yesterday morning.  Unfortunately I have not heard back from her. I have no other form of communication with her other than calling the local school district, and they wouldn’t release that information to me anyway. I will let you all know if I do hear from her, for sure. 

Have a great day!

Thanks for checking in on her. I hope you hear something back. 

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Hi friends! Sorry that I've been among the missing for the past few weeks. I need to catch up with all the missed Dailies. I've been doing PT 3 times a week. I tell the therapists that I'm a highly motivated client, so I can go on my cruise next month!

This past weekend was our regional church women's convention. I'm one of the officers, so it was a busy, but inspirational, time. My sister came up from NC to attend - she likes our group better than hers - lol!!

Trying to get all my medical appointments done before I leave, so I have a dexascan & mammogram scheduled for tomorrow morning (followed by PT) and a pre-colonoscopy session with the gastroenterologist on Thursday. I see the hip surgeon next week. Dentist was last week -- at least the technician was happy with my progress!

Now I'm trying to focus on the cruise.  Updated the roll call for what I hope is the last time. We've got 158 people that say they're going to attend - I've never dealt with that large a group before, but it will be fun to meet everyone!

I apologize for not keeping track of what's been going on here - so I'll just say that I'm praying for everyone's issues and I'm glad to see that there is some good news, too!




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Good afternoon.  I have not heard from Roy since early this morning when he said I could tell you that his niece is there with him.  My guess is that it was a busy day for both of them.  Just to be clear, his nephew is not there at this time.  The plan is that when Roy's niece has to return home, his nephew will come to Baltimore.  If I hear anything, I'll let you know.


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Lovely photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon.

I am finally getting the opportunity to post as I sit in the Dentist’s waiting room while DH gets his teeth cleaned.  Before coming here, he saw the Podiatrist.  So it was Hoof and Mouth Day for us.

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Fleet Report and Daily. 

Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List.  It is really growing these days.  I hope your leg is feeling better and you will be pain free by the time you are ready to go on your cruise.

Thank you to Debbie @dfish for the Maple Apple Crisp recipe.

Thank you to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope  for the Wine and Drink.


The days are interesting.  I guess sometimes we have no idea how the meaning of a sentence can change when we either add or omit punctuation.  

I never heard of Schwenkfelders.  

And I am a die-hard Yankees Fan—having lived in NY most of my life.


I have never been to the destination.,


Prayers for all on the cares list….

especially Roy @rafinmd.  i am so glad your. Niece and Nephew are with you to help you through this difficult time and decision making.  

@kazu Jacqui, I hope you are getting settled and that you find the missing items.

Annie, @marshhawk I hope all goes well for your trip and that DH will be okay.  

Terry @smitty34877 prayers that you and Tana are doing okay.

Prayers for Carol @mamaofami and Sam as they go through this difficult time in their lives.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers I hope you get your biopsy results soon and they are negative, giving you much relief from anxiety,.  

@lindaler I hope your family troubles are resolved soon.  Sorry you had to miss your cruise.

@Nickelpenny I hope you are okay and that we hear from you soon.


If I missed anyone, I am sorry.


We are holding our own right now.  Jim’s memory is failing.  He keeps repeating the same questions, He is sleeping more and more,  I am very much alone every day.  I am really hoping that we are able to go on the cruise and he does well.  The Neurologist suggested that I go alone and put him in an Assisted Living for respite while I am gone.  I just cannot do that.  I would not rest easy and would be on pins and needles.



Just found out that Jim will need to have a tooth extracted.  O Happy Day! Another problem.


Cheers to all those cruising.  Those on the Majestic Japan look like they are having a wonderful time.  Enjoy!


We are expecting bad weather from the storm in the Gulf.  Probably Thursday and Friday.

Hope we don’t have any damage.


Take care everyone and

God Bless,




Terri, I'm sorry you are alone during this time, especially with Jim sleeping more and more.  When my stepmother's dementia was progressing, a nurse told me that sleeping more was part of the progression of the disease.  I can understand not wanting to be away for several days, but hopefully you could find some way to have someone stay with Jim for one day a week, or for several hours one day, while you can get away for some down time by yourself or with a friend.  I'm also sorry Jim had to have a tooth extracted today.  Just remember, that while we are not physically there, you are not alone.


3 hours ago, wdw1972 said:


I'm not sure which year. It was actually half or so of a season. Orioles & Cardinals swapped him & some other player for the remainder of that season. That was the year the Orioles won the world series, so DH missed out on the ring! After the world series the 2 teams swapped the 2 players back - go figure. I see he was listed as 3rd base on this card, but most of his career was catcher. With Baltimore, he started out on 3rd base but then they decided to stick with his roommate (Cal Ripken) for that spot and Floyd moved to catcher for the rest of his career.


While in St Louis, since it was temporary, he lived w/Ozzie Smith & his wife in their house. He remembers Ozzie's swimming pool was shaped like a baseball glove.




Wow, Sue, your DH had an interesting career, and a great roommate.  I'm sorry he missed out of the World Series ring.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon friends!  I had a dental appointment this morning. I have a Zoom meeting tonight— our group started a book while I was on my cruise but I haven’t read it yet. Tonight is Chapter 3, so I need to read 3 chapters by 5:00. Not sure I can do that but I’ll try. 

Well, I do have Pennie’s @Nickelpenny email and sent her a “missing you” email early yesterday morning.  Unfortunately I have not heard back from her. I have no other form of communication with her other than calling the local school district, and they wouldn’t release that information to me anyway. I will let you all know if I do hear from her, for sure. 

Have a great day!


Sharon, thank you for emailing Pennie @Nickelpenny.  I hope you hear from her soon, and she is all right, just busy.



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I just received an email update from Roy's niece.  The news is better than we've had in a few days.


Today’s update is a little more cautiously optimistic.  The mitral valve from a few years ago is failing and the normal treatment they would do in this situation is not appropriate here, which was the reason for the comment about palliative care.  However, the plan is to move Roy back to rehab when a bed opens up, hopefully tomorrow, with an ultimate goal of discharging him home (with home care, if appropriate) or to a facility closer to home (if home care is not appropriate).  They have also switched out one of his meds from an IV to a pill form so he might be able to get some more sleep (or at least won’t be woken repeatedly for blood draws as a result).  


I’ve spent a large part of the day at the hospital and I cannot imagine anyone getting much sleep here, so I hope the bed opens up quickly.  He did spend a lot of the day in his chair by the window.  






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Better news about Roy. Now I hope we hear from @Nickelpenny, too. 

Everyone should think about tagging someone on here with email so we can keep an eye on each other. @dfish @Quartzsite Cruiser and @kazu have my email and I have theirs for various reasons. If one of them were to use my email to contact me it would also show on my dh’s email feed and I’d like to think he would respond with information. We are so scattered all over the  continent and beyond that physical contact is only possible in a few cases so it needs to be electronic. And my email is in my signature for anyone to use, too.


grey and rainy today and most likely the rest of the week. I have a sewing project, fancy aprons, so the weather works for me! 


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We had a good visit with DB.  My DS arrived right before me.  My brother did his PT and then we visited for about an hour and a half.  Time flew because we were talking about old neighborhoods and Kalamazoo history.   My DS or I will have to go visit tomorrow because DSIL decided to spend another day with her sisters.  If she had owned up ahead of time my sister and I could have split up the days.  


After that I drove to Battle Creek and got into my rheumatologist immediately.  The injection was basically painless.   No first shot of lidocaine they are combined in one injection.  


Thanks for the photos of Killybegs Lenda.  Annie I hope you both could work through the fraud problem.  


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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I just received an email update from Roy's niece.  The news is better than we've had in a few days.


Today’s update is a little more cautiously optimistic.  The mitral valve from a few years ago is failing and the normal treatment they would do in this situation is not appropriate here, which was the reason for the comment about palliative care.  However, the plan is to move Roy back to rehab when a bed opens up, hopefully tomorrow, with an ultimate goal of discharging him home (with home care, if appropriate) or to a facility closer to home (if home care is not appropriate).  They have also switched out one of his meds from an IV to a pill form so he might be able to get some more sleep (or at least won’t be woken repeatedly for blood draws as a result).  


I’ve spent a large part of the day at the hospital and I cannot imagine anyone getting much sleep here, so I hope the bed opens up quickly.  He did spend a lot of the day in his chair by the window.  





I feel much better hearing this news tonight about Roy.  I'm sure the niece and nephew will help to set up whatever Roy needs to get through this. 🤞 Thanks for the update!



I finished all the backstitching today, removed the cloth from the scroll frame, and marked the seam allowances in pencil so I can cut the whole thing out now.  Then cut out the lining material, and felt backing to match.  After that the sewing machine work starts.  DH says it's absolutely beautiful even at this stage.  Chris will be very happy this Christmas!

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33 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I just received an email update from Roy's niece.  The news is better than we've had in a few days.


Today’s update is a little more cautiously optimistic.  The mitral valve from a few years ago is failing and the normal treatment they would do in this situation is not appropriate here, which was the reason for the comment about palliative care.  However, the plan is to move Roy back to rehab when a bed opens up, hopefully tomorrow, with an ultimate goal of discharging him home (with home care, if appropriate) or to a facility closer to home (if home care is not appropriate).  They have also switched out one of his meds from an IV to a pill form so he might be able to get some more sleep (or at least won’t be woken repeatedly for blood draws as a result).  


I’ve spent a large part of the day at the hospital and I cannot imagine anyone getting much sleep here, so I hope the bed opens up quickly.  He did spend a lot of the day in his chair by the window.  






Thanks for the update, Lenda, and it is far more encouraging than what we were getting.  I know that Roy must be really down about this.  He isn't one to languish and I think he'd rather be out doing his walks.  God bless Roy's niece for being there with him.  Let her know how much we appreciate her.


@Sharon in AZ  Thank you for trying to contact Pennie @Nickelpenny.  I'm hoping she is in some study where technology is prohibited for a month and that's why we haven't heard from her.  


I have emails for @superoma Eva, @kazu Jacqui, @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, @Sharon in AZ Sharon, @summer slope Dixie, @0106 Tina, @marshhawk Annie, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @Cruzin Terri Terri.  I may have others, but can't put my finger on them right this minute.  



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17 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I feel much better hearing this news tonight about Roy.  I'm sure the niece and nephew will help to set up whatever Roy needs to get through this. 🤞 Thanks for the update!



I finished all the backstitching today, removed the cloth from the scroll frame, and marked the seam allowances in pencil so I can cut the whole thing out now.  Then cut out the lining material, and felt backing to match.  After that the sewing machine work starts.  DH says it's absolutely beautiful even at this stage.  Chris will be very happy this Christmas!


Sandi, I can't wait to see the finished stocking and I hope Christopher will really appreciate the hours, days, months you put into it!

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I'm also sorry Jim had to have a tooth extracted today.  Just remember, that while we are not physically there, you are not alone.

Hi Lenda

Thank you for your kind words.  Jim did not have an extraction today.  The regular dentist is on vacation.  The substitute told me that he thinks an extraction is necessary but that he wants Jim’s regular dentist to make that decision.  That will happen next Monday afternoon.

Sorry for not being clear about that.


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27 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sandi, I can't wait to see the finished stocking and I hope Christopher will really appreciate the hours, days, months you put into it!


Joy, I take pictures along the way; for instance today when I removed it from the scroll frame, then after I marked the seam allowances.  Tomorrow I will cut it out and do the other cutting of lining and felt backing and take photos.  But I think maybe I'll wait until finished completely before I show you all here.  The steps don't mean much to most people.  By the way I've always said it takes 9 months to make one and Oct. 1 will be 9 months.  Right on schedule I guess!  Christopher is such a wonderful young man (why else would my precious Ashley choose him?) and he is already grateful for the work I've done.  He's a great addition to the family.  Ashley's stocking made while she was an infant is of 3 angels (Hark the Herald Angels Sing) so their two stockings will look lovely together.  😇

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Good evening everyone. I’m so glad we are hearing positive news about Roy. 
Now, we need to hear from Ann @Vict0riannabout Pat. 
Justice was served today here in Berks county when a so called mother was convicted in the murder of her 2 children. You can search Lisa Snyder trial for more information. The murders took place 5 years ago yesterday. RIP sweet angels.

  I have to leave early tomorrow morning for a 9 am appointment at Hershey with the new neurologist. I’m not happy about the time but they said nothing else was available. 
Have a peaceful night.

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48 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Joy, I take pictures along the way; for instance today when I removed it from the scroll frame, then after I marked the seam allowances.  Tomorrow I will cut it out and do the other cutting of lining and felt backing and take photos.  But I think maybe I'll wait until finished completely before I show you all here.  The steps don't mean much to most people.  By the way I've always said it takes 9 months to make one and Oct. 1 will be 9 months.  Right on schedule I guess!  Christopher is such a wonderful young man (why else would my precious Ashley choose him?) and he is already grateful for the work I've done.  He's a great addition to the family.  Ashley's stocking made while she was an infant is of 3 angels (Hark the Herald Angels Sing) so their two stockings will look lovely together.  😇

I hope all involved know what a treasure you are and appreciate the love, time and care you put into the stockings.❤️

I am so excited to see your finished creation.

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