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Disappointed with Legend of the Seas- how about Voyager of the seas?

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It's interesting to me that the one cause for "disappointment" is the food taste. Last year on the Legend, we had a head chef from Australia, and the food was excellent. Not 6 star, but better than 4 star. I guess everyone is different when it comes to taste.

My DW and I are headed back to Europe, England and the Baltics in a few weeks on the Jewel of the Seas. This will be our first experience on a Radiance class ship. Frankly, we love the Vision class.

Carol knows of our love for the Legend. If the itinerary were different, we would spend much more time on her. And Carol, keep defending her. You know what it's all about.




Hi Rick....As always, it is so nice to hear from you again. Glad you and Bobbie are well. I cannot believe it is almost time for your cruise over to the UK and the Baltic. The weather here in England, has been quite chilly....some unexpected frosts and sleet showers for this time of year. But lots of bright days now the clocks have gone forward. It is Getting dark at around 7:30pm ..instead of 4pm.. in winter. What a Big difference that makes to how you feel. I think in another week or so... this cold spell will have past. All the daffodils are out and all the birds are singing. So spring must definitely be here.


It's going to be a fantastic cruise for you.. meeting up with your friends from London again. I will be very eager to read your review of the Baltic..especially about St Petersberg..and what the weather is like. The Jewel looks like a gorgeous ship..and she has a lot of light and brightness from the photos. Much Like the Vision class ships..but with quite a few extras. I think you will have a fabulous time.


btw...on our cruise on the Legend..the main chef was from Scotland. The food was very good...presentation excellent..all meals enjoyable. But from what I have read on these posts..I think other LOS cruises, could possibly have had even better food. Lots of choices they mentioned, we didn't have. But one thing for sure... I certainly never found anything bland. So Long For Now Rick....regards from England, Carol

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wow carol, that sounds like a great way to have grown up! We were more of the "same vacation every summer" types, and although those are very fond memories, I do find that I'm trying to pack in all my adventure now that I'm a bit older, and before I'm so old I can't do it (that's a long way off, hopefully)! I do also kind of feel that I'm in this race to see all the interesting places that are left in the world before they're all overrun with KFC and the Gap. Of course, some would say that sailling at a leisurely 13 day pace across the Atlantic (our next cruise - less than 30 days away!) doesn't count as adventure, but those would be fighting words. :)


Hi IMNiles..thanks for your reply...traveling by freighter was a fantastic opportunity. I actually started traveling after I finished high school and was already working a few years. My parents didn't take family vacations. The nearest I came to one.. was visiting my grandfather for a few days in Pittsburgh.. twice in my life....and traveling there by train. I thought it was so exciting and still remember every detail. It was actually while my grandfather was visiting us in florida, that we came across our first cruise ship by accident at Port Everglades. I was 14 and will always remember how huge it seemed and how beautiful.


My dad ended up working at the port later on....doing repairs on the Queen Elizabeth amongst others.. and it became a favorite spot for watching all the ships coming and going and visiting onboard for drinks and dancing.. which was allowed then. The lounges would have live music before sailing. Passengers would have Bon voyage parties...and have all their friends onboard. It is sad that it is no longer possible. I knew all the cruislines by heart...and had many friends working at the port and onboard.


I cruised the first time... 17 days transatlantic to Italy..via San juan, Caracas, Madeira, Barcelona.Naples and Genoa.on the Federico C. that was in 1970..I was 20..and costa Line were very popular. It was so emotional when we sailed past the condos out of Ft. lauderdale for the First time. All the people waved and cheered from their balconies. It felt the same last year, as we sailed out of Southampton. after so many years had past. To add to it, the QE2..another old friend from Fl....left port with us..sailing right alongside. It was really special.


Don't know how far back your cruise history goes, but The cabins were very small on cruise ships in the 1970's...we were 3 in a room..and the porthole was so tiny and up high. the ports, however, and ship.. were wonderful. There were 3 classes back then as well...we were in the middle.. the officers used to ask the ladies to dance.That was very nice..they were so handsome. We stayed in Italy 3 weeks..while the ship did a turnaround..and then sailed home via a similiar route. This offered a big discount. We did this crossing a second time..but this time we rented a car and toured europe...visiting 9 countries. I never learned how to drive...my mom only drove automatic..so it was up to my dad. I was very proud of him doing this. As at 65 back then.... it was not so easy to navigate your way in a foreign country. We also spoke no languages and had to find our own rooms..and food... choosing rural areas as it was much cheaper. It was a wonderful journey.


I then discovered the freighters..which all offered big rooms with large windows.Long journeys at cheap prices...and exotic ports. OnThe Oriental and Greek ship,the cabins were actually like mini suites...Used by the company reps. or officials. The other cabins we had, were more basic.. but always very spacious.. clean and fresh. We had our own room...not crammed into one. You had to be flexible..as the schedules and itineries..were determined strictly by the cargo. this was pre container era..so it was all manual out of the hatches. Rain would hamper things..and delay the arrival of the ship.. and your departure. You had to be prepared for many changes..and to sail at very short notice. we had to get flights on one occasion to join in Galveston, TX....only to end up coming right back to Fl. for some repairs a day or so later..and 20 minutes from home. A 25 hr Bus ride.. to join in New Orleans...We also returned 2x from NY by rented car. I would work to earn the fare..then leave to make the trip. Some jobs I was able to return to...others I simply left for good.. and started another job on return. My sister hated me doing this. I had left a good job with Sears..after 3 years service. She felt I should stay home. She never vacationed outside Orlando and disney.....though she had a wonderful family and a very successful career. Sadly she died very young. Her husband is gone now as well. I am so glad I did see the world.


My dad also did odd jobs to supplement his retirement/travel income. Looking back to those days..My parents were born in 1906-1907..people didn't travel much. Yet at 65..mine started.. and toured not only Europe...(which was a very big thing then.)...but also very unusual places..including a war zone in Beirut. Something to be very proud of. In our journeys, we met all sorts of people...from lots of different countries. It taught me tolerance and understanding. I made friends that were loyal for years...and It has given me the chance to see how the rest of the world survives..and to appreciate how lucky I have been.Things I have never forgotten. Returning to cruise on the Legend last year ..was like returning to my past. Only it was a lot more luxurious....a proper Cruise in the real sense...and I felt very Special with all the excellent service from the crew...and certanly had the Greatest Time of My Life.


I think you will have a wonderful time on your 13 day transatlantic..don't underestimate those days at sea. There are adventures everywhere. Just enjoy that beautiful ship...and the blue skies and sea. Do and See all the things you Can...while you can. I have already gone through a number of years of serious health issues..and I am very thankful to be well and on my feet again. Ready to Cruise!! Regards from England, Carol

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Carol - you have a life...it's educating everyone about Legend:D I'm splitting my time now between the cruise boards and the Disney boards.


Tell your daughter congratulations on the engagement...so exciting. As well as congratulations on 25 years. Once the DH's are trained there no sense in looking for someone new...ha ha:p


The cabins have the jade green and ivory coloring. I'm going to try and attach a picture of us in 3032, so you will get a slight preview.


Tell your daughters not to worry about the age groups. Believe me, we left out of Tampa and saw more white hair (not trying to offend anyone here) than we saw all winter this year (it's been a mild one...not complaining). My dad was celebrating his 60th birthday and he felt young:D I'm sure you won't have the same situation for the Med because there aren't as many ships to choose from like with leaving out of Florida.


My DD15 had a blast. She is so mature for her age that we took her pretty much everywhere on the ship with us, even to the late night dancing. I always believe a trip is what you make of it and I bet your daughters will have a blast!


I agree about them seeing the ship the first time. Since we were on a larger ship last year to us, we noticed the difference in size, but DD and Dad thought the ship was huge:) They couldn't believe everything that the ship contained and how large it really was. I can't wait to take them on a larger one for them to compare. I want to try them all out, so I'm not particular;)


Anyway, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the boards. You'll have to let us know how your cruise goes.

See you - Phantom

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Thanks Carol for all your "tales" and info.


Yes my dad had some whoppers to tell .... some not in mixed company :eek:


When I was very young (4 or 5) I never could really understand why my Dad was so different than all my friends Dads..... he would leave for months at a time and then when he was home be in port only a day or so.... but my Mom always told me "this is his job and how he makes the money" and that he loved it. Well that still didnt satisfy me.... how could he be away so much and love it ????


I remember our first day at sea on the Rhapsody (my first cruise), sailing across the Gulf and looking out into the nothingness and then I knew...... it was a really intense moment for me..... I lost my Dad 14 yrs ago last week to cancer. He lost count of the times he went around the world and pretty much went everywhere.... I mean everywhere. So I look at it like I have alot of catching up to do :D My Mom always wanted to go with him (this was allowed on some lines) to Hong Kong or Singapore - but she never got around to it. I was born when they were 41 so by the time they finished raising me - it was time to retire.... Mom did get to go on a couple of cruises after Dad died....but never with him.


P.S. This cruise I will be traveling with my grown daughter (she is 29) and it is her treat for her momma !!! We are in cabin 3036 by the way.

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well cruiser_carol, we've definitely hijacked this thread! Hope the OP got what they wanted out of it before we went off on this reminiscing tangent! I joke about being "old" but at 35 I'm only just getting started -- I only feel old when I'm around some of my younger friends who don't get any of my pop culture references! I truly wish I could have cruised at least once during the 'golden age' of ocean cruising. I got a tiny taste of it a year or so ago when I sailed Carnival Pride from long Beach, and stayed overnight the night before on the Queen Mary - even through the tacky 'modern' refurbishments you could see that she really was grand in her day. She must have seemed positively palatial by her contemporary standards. My only disappointment is that we got bumped from our requested "original decor" room into one of the "modern" (read : 70s and 80s tacky hotel) refurbished rooms.


It's funny you should mention Sears - I spent 5 years in management for Sears (it was my first job out of college) - that was definitely all the retail I need for a lifetime. Anyway, I just made the decision about 10 years ago that I wasn't going to wait for "someday" to see the world - I make a point of getting out of the country at least every other year, and I try to see as much of the 'real' destination as I can (favoring smaller towns, etc). I do think it gets harder every year to find 'genuine' places that aren't carbon copies of every other suburbia. That's really the only problem with the common cruise itineraries - you have to work pretty hard to get out of the 'tourist zone' that surrounds the pier.


I came to cruising accidentally. A vendor was taking clients who met certain sales goals on a cruise, and I got one of the berths. This wasn't even two years ago, and I've been on 3 other cruises since - so it's safe to say I was instantly hooked. This upcoming transatlantic will be my 5th and 6th C&A credits on RCCL, so I'll make platinum - too bad it won't take effect until my next cruise!


Counting down less than 30 days until I sail!

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We were on the Legend last week after four Celebrity cruises. The food quality was lower for sure. It was hit and miss flavor wise. There is a thread about the hits active now. The presentation and table service was very good though. Pretty much equal except for wine service with no wine steward who knows wines.


If the food is the big issue for you I recommend Celebrity. It is still in the RCI "family." It is less cost than the "luxury" lines but has excellent food and service. If you could find a Med cruise on a Millenium class ship this could be the sweet spot for you.


That said, I loved the friendly crew and design of the Legend. I wanted to try a Vision class ship and it met all my expectations of open views. My wife and I love the feeling of being on the ocean on a ship not in a hotel.

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Thanks Carol for all your "tales" and info.


Yes my dad had some whoppers to tell .... some not in mixed company :eek:


When I was very young (4 or 5) I never could really understand why my Dad was so different than all my friends Dads..... he would leave for months at a time and then when he was home be in port only a day or so.... but my Mom always told me "this is his job and how he makes the money" and that he loved it. Well that still didnt satisfy me.... how could he be away so much and love it ????


I remember our first day at sea on the Rhapsody (my first cruise), sailing across the Gulf and looking out into the nothingness and then I knew...... it was a really intense moment for me..... I lost my Dad 14 yrs ago last week to cancer. He lost count of the times he went around the world and pretty much went everywhere.... I mean everywhere. So I look at it like I have alot of catching up to do :D My Mom always wanted to go with him (this was allowed on some lines) to Hong Kong or Singapore - but she never got around to it. I was born when they were 41 so by the time they finished raising me - it was time to retire.... Mom did get to go on a couple of cruises after Dad died....but never with him.


P.S. This cruise I will be traveling with my grown daughter (she is 29) and it is her treat for her momma !!! We are in cabin 3036 by the way.


Hello Texan Cruiser......Thankyou so much for sharing such touching memories. It must have been very hard for you growing up without your dad at home. That is the awful part of being a sailor. I am so sorry that you and your mother never had the chance to sail with him before he died. That would have made a big difference in your life. . I know lots of companies do allow the family onboard...but perhaps it depends on the type of ship and cargo...due to safety issues. It is truly a shame, that time didn't allow for them to travel together..and share the experiences.


My parents were also in their 40's when I was born...but they were very lucky to live to a very old age of 89 and 92... so their dreams came true. Although, I am not sure that they realized it...or appreciated it. I am glad..that your mother at least got the chance to be on a ship....and see some of the world. But it must have been very hard for her emotionally.


My husband was in the Navy for 24 years in submarines... So he was away a lot as well. I was alone though all of my children's baby days...However, my parents,at 80 years old, came from Fl to stay with me. In fact, they spent half my married life with us. Not all Happy days...I might add....but they are sadly missed. I married late.. at the end of my husbands' navy career. So My son was just 5...and my twin daughters 2... when he came out of service. Not anything like the length of time apart you experienced. For the past 20 years, he has been a high school maths teacher.


There is a peace and calm to being at sea. No distractions... Miles of nothing but ocean.. and the sky above....it seems to go on forever. Very Healing. I am so pleased you have had the chance to see what your dad saw... And to understand... Why... he loved it so much. I think you have a wonderful daughter..and she has a wonderful mother.... I hope you both will find a lot of happiness on your cruise...and will enjoy Legend of the Seas...as much as we did. (Sounds like a royal Caribbean advert)..lol


I just checked your cruise date at the bottom of your post..and see you are sailing in Nov. We are sailing august 5th... If we had the same date...we would be neighbors onboard. My husband and I have cabin 3038...you are in 3036....and my daughters have 3034 and 3032..How much of a coincidence is that?? It would be really lovely to have met you. Here's Wishing You a Fantastic cruise.and a wonderful life!...regards, carol.... in very cold wet England..Bring on the Sun!!!!

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Carol, my brother in law and two of his kids (ages 11 & 16) will be leaving this Friday for England.... they will be staying 8 days and plan to attend Easter services at Westminster Abbey. I think that is what he said. His wife passed away (at 49) last year (she was two weeks older than me) after battling cancer for 3 long years.... so he tries to go somewhere on holidays.... not sure of his exact itinerary but I know he has been to England before and has wanted to go back.... His oldest son died at age 2 from cancer and his elder son is now 21 and at the Naval Academy.


What is the one thing - just one - he shouldnt miss ?

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Carol - you have a life...it's educating everyone about Legend:D I'm splitting my time now between the cruise boards and the Disney boards.


Tell your daughter congratulations on the engagement...so exciting. As well as congratulations on 25 years. Once the DH's are trained there no sense in looking for someone new...ha ha:p


The cabins have the jade green and ivory coloring. I'm going to try and attach a picture of us in 3032, so you will get a slight preview.


Tell your daughters not to worry about the age groups. Believe me, we left out of Tampa and saw more white hair (not trying to offend anyone here) than we saw all winter this year (it's been a mild one...not complaining). My dad was celebrating his 60th birthday and he felt young:D I'm sure you won't have the same situation for the Med because there aren't as many ships to choose from like with leaving out of Florida.


My DD15 had a blast. She is so mature for her age that we took her pretty much everywhere on the ship with us, even to the late night dancing. I always believe a trip is what you make of it and I bet your daughters will have a blast!


I agree about them seeing the ship the first time. Since we were on a larger ship last year to us, we noticed the difference in size, but DD and Dad thought the ship was huge:) They couldn't believe everything that the ship contained and how large it really was. I can't wait to take them on a larger one for them to compare. I want to try them all out, so I'm not particular;)


Anyway, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around the boards. You'll have to let us know how your cruise goes.

See you - Phantom



Hi Phantom.... Thanks so much for posting the photo of cabin 3032....how great to see you guys..and to put a face to the words.That is the cabin booked for my daughter Michelle and her boyfriend.I showed it to them. the decoration is exactly the same as our room no 3024 last year. This time we are in 3038..nearer midship. It was recommended to us by the C & A.Ambassador. Although I was fine with the other cabin...it probably is a better location.


Well, what can I say, I hope this cruise works out in the end...I just wanted the kids to have a great vacation...and experience cruising and a bit of Europe. I didn't anticipate any problems. Just hope the next 4 months improve. Time is flying by.I cannot believe that we are now in April. We never expected to be cuising again this year... Now we are taking 6. It Will almost certainly be our last as a result. Also, Next year navigator will be in the UK instead of LOS. I think we will probably be priced right out of the market. The bigger ships have all been much more expensive. However, non have sailed from the UK before..so I do live in the Hope, that there might still be a deal or 2.


In any case, I am so glad that your daughter and dad enjoyed the Legend. My husband was 60 when we sailed last year....his very first cruise..and relaxing vacation. He loved it. I am 56. I am very lucky, I have a great husband and he is also a wonderful father. A little bit older than some...but Being a teacher..and around kids all the time..keeps him young at heart. Once he retires...there is little chance of sailing again. The cost of living is very high in the UK...we will be on a tight budget. Property is also very, very expensive. So it is Not easy to downsize..because of the extreme costs of even a starter home. So we must really make the most of this years cruise.


My husbands birthday is a week after our return...I was wondering if I could order a cake from the dining room..possibly for the last night onboard. He was so impressed every time they brought one to a table by us. There were about 8 people at that table..and at least 4 cakes were served during the 14 days. It became quite a joke. I'll look into it. Well, so long for now...thanks again for the photo. Your disney cruise sounds great...be sure to tell us all the details.


btw..that's our little puppy Eddie in the photo....don't know if you remember me talking about our other dog "Bonnie"...she was quite ill when we used to chat? She died sadly in Oct.age 15. the girls went out and got this pup at Christmas. He is very small.(Bonnie was a large dog) but a a real handful...quite a terror. He is, however, quite cute!!...... regards, Carol

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well cruiser_carol, we've definitely hijacked this thread! Hope the OP got what they wanted out of it before we went off on this reminiscing tangent! I joke about being "old" but at 35 I'm only just getting started -- I only feel old when I'm around some of my younger friends who don't get any of my pop culture references! I truly wish I could have cruised at least once during the 'golden age' of ocean cruising. I got a tiny taste of it a year or so ago when I sailed Carnival Pride from long Beach, and stayed overnight the night before on the Queen Mary - even through the tacky 'modern' refurbishments you could see that she really was grand in her day. She must have seemed positively palatial by her contemporary standards. My only disappointment is that we got bumped from our requested "original decor" room into one of the "modern" (read : 70s and 80s tacky hotel) refurbished rooms.


It's funny you should mention Sears - I spent 5 years in management for Sears (it was my first job out of college) - that was definitely all the retail I need for a lifetime. Anyway, I just made the decision about 10 years ago that I wasn't going to wait for "someday" to see the world - I make a point of getting out of the country at least every other year, and I try to see as much of the 'real' destination as I can (favoring smaller towns, etc). I do think it gets harder every year to find 'genuine' places that aren't carbon copies of every other suburbia. That's really the only problem with the common cruise itineraries - you have to work pretty hard to get out of the 'tourist zone' that surrounds the pier.


I came to cruising accidentally. A vendor was taking clients who met certain sales goals on a cruise, and I got one of the berths. This wasn't even two years ago, and I've been on 3 other cruises since - so it's safe to say I was instantly hooked. This upcoming transatlantic will be my 5th and 6th C&A credits on RCCL, so I'll make platinum - too bad it won't take effect until my next cruise!




Counting down less than 30 days until I sail!


IMNiles...We certainly have highjacked this space. Mainly my fault..I can never give a short answer to anything. I think it has something to do with me being desperate to be heard...stemming from the fact I live with half a dozen young adults...and a husband...that ignor my every word.


Cannot believe you are only 35...and worrying about fitting everything in. Want to trade places?....Puts a bit of extra panic in our steps....as I am 56...and my husband is 61...( 62 in August actually, a week after our cruise ends.) I have no complaints...as I have been lucky enough to see a lot of the world..but despite my husband spending 24 years in the Navy, he saw very little.. as he was in submarines. Money is our main worry...the Serious Lack of it!!


The pop music thing is very interesting.. You knowing bands as a still young 30 something...that the 20 somethings even younger.. have never heard of. I was part of the swinging 60's..and loved all the British bands..followed them all. The Beatles, of course,were my favorites. I keep wanting to visit Liverpool...but husband keeps saying no..as it is not the safest city..but nowhere is these days. Well My age 20 something kids, call the Beatles old fashioned... and the Rolling Stones...(the wild guys of our time) "a load of old grandads!"....what a shock for Mick Jagger. There was an article about him in the paper recently...and how he is dealing with aging. He Isn't!!...Uses everything under the sun to try to stop it. According to the report, he is touring South america..where he has a Brazilian Love child...to a very pretty young woman. He has ordered security to remove all middle aged..flabby...bald..fans from the front rows. He wants only the young and beautiful people in his view from the stage. He then moves all the young fans forward...mostly women...to boost his ego. Don't know where the poor, Fat, Bald, Old ones.. end up. But 3 out of 4 of those categories..fit me.


How wonderful to stay on the Queen Mary. I saw her in Long beach when we visited there enroute to the Orient..back in the mid 1970's. I am so glad to hear she is still going strong as a hotel. Sad that they have altered the decoration and style though. I would have thought it would be the biggest selling point. The Grand Ballroom..luxurious decor.. A touch of the past. She was an absolutely beautiful ship..a very Elegant Lady!


The very first ship I ever saw at age 14..was the Hamburg Atlantic Lines's. Hanseatic. she was a lovely ship..black hull white decks... red funnel..with a white logo on it. She had a style like that of the Queens..but on a much smaller scale. I spent alot of time onboard..as a visitor..( we had friends that worked on her). she was all polished wood..and brass..beautiful wood paneled walls in the writing rooms..as they were called then. Little desks with writing paper..you sat and wrote your messages and postcards.and then posted them.. at the pursers desk.There was A lovely winter garden room..glass enclosed..with lots of greenery..and padded deckchairs..to sit and enjoy the sea over in chilly european climates. Gorgeous Chandeliers in the dining room. she'd sail the winter from Ft. Lauderdale to the Carib. and summer throughout Europe and Scandinavia.


Sadly She ended her days catching fire in NY.harbor.. around a year later..in 1965. totally destroyed..it was a shame. I sailed once on her replacment....New Hanseatic....6 years later..but it was a horrible ship. No style... cold and drab..awful staff and crew. Totally "anti".. all nationalities...except German. Disgusting food..sauerkraut mostly. I lived on breadrolls. A nightmare cruise..instead of the dream we'd hoped for.


What a surprise to find you also worked for Sears...I worked there after high school. I finished school at 17....having gone through the work experience program. I attended classes in the mornings..and worked in the afternoon for a photographer....and all day Saturdays. At 18 I was able to join Sears in the Credit Dept. Interviewing customers for credit...approving purchases on to their accounts..Easy payment plan....and The early credit cards....called Revolving charge.


Wow, you have made a lot of progress with the 5th cruise coming up.. in just 2 years. Lets hope the opportunities keep coming... and that you see all the places you hope to. You have done well to try to find the real atmosphere of a place.....lots of people head straight for those golden arches.. Mind you...I did eat at KFC in Prague once. Thought it would be cheaper... turns out a very stylish restaurant nearby was less. Live and learn.. Wishing you a fantastic time on your next cruise. Be sure to give us a report back...want to hear all the details..So long for now, Carol

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We were on the Legend last week after four Celebrity cruises. The food quality was lower for sure. It was hit and miss flavor wise. There is a thread about the hits active now. The presentation and table service was very good though. Pretty much equal except for wine service with no wine steward who knows wines.


If the food is the big issue for you I recommend Celebrity. It is still in the RCI "family." It is less cost than the "luxury" lines but has excellent food and service. If you could find a Med cruise on a Millenium class ship this could be the sweet spot for you.


That said, I loved the friendly crew and design of the Legend. I wanted to try a Vision class ship and it met all my expectations of open views. My wife and I love the feeling of being on the ocean on a ship not in a hotel.


Hey Jmps,


The Stingray excurtion was awesome wasn't it. I am glad to be able to see you on line again. Your wife did say you were addicted, so am I. I thought the Legend was wonderful. I am glad I picked her for my first cruise. Everyone in my party loved her. We thought the food was great. It was much better than home. I opened the fridge when I got home and I had to make my own dinner lol. The service was great. I have never been soo pampered. My sister had been on a carnival cruise back in 85' and she did not have the best of times. I had to talk her into it. She looked at the ship when were in line at the excurtion desk a said to me this is exactly what she expected on her first cruise and did not get. She then thanked me for talking her into it. That was a big one from her. Maybe next time a bigger ship but it seemed very personal on the legend.



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Hi Kim...glad that you had a great time on Legend.We sailed on her last summer and are booked again for this August, taking my daughters this time for their first cruise. Like your sister...I hadn't cruised for a very long time..the last being 1977 in my case. It certainly was nothing like the Legend. It was my husbands very first cruise.. and he was absolutely overwhelmed. We had such a wonderful time. We also felt that we were treated like VIP's with all the service. Looking after a family of 6.. as chief cook and bottlewasher..it definitely was a tremendous let down coming home...and back to reality. Hope you enjoy your next cruise just as much.. regards, carol

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Carol, my brother in law and two of his kids (ages 11 & 16) will be leaving this Friday for England.... they will be staying 8 days and plan to attend Easter services at Westminster Abbey. I think that is what he said. His wife passed away (at 49) last year (she was two weeks older than me) after battling cancer for 3 long years.... so he tries to go somewhere on holidays.... not sure of his exact itinerary but I know he has been to England before and has wanted to go back.... His oldest son died at age 2 from cancer and his elder son is now 21 and at the Naval Academy.


What is the one thing - just one - he shouldnt miss ?


Hi Texancruzer....Great to hear that your brother in law, and children... are coming to England for a vacation. Attending an Easter Service at Westminster Abbey..is pretty special. I hope everything goes well for them.


It is very sad to hear that he has lost his wife recently...and the early loss of his eldest child. It is terrible all the grief he has had to bear.I have lost 2 sisters to cancer..one was only 46...her husband was also killed... in a horrific car crash in June. Both of their children...have recently welcomed new babies into their lives...with no parents to love and support them. My sister has missed all of these wonderful moments. There is so much cancer around. My husbands' sister is battling breast cancer at the moment...his brother died from lung cancer 2 years ago.


Regarding what to see in London..firstly I am in the center of the country, 200 miles north of London.I have spent no real time in the capital..just a couple brief visits. But, I would suggest a trip on the London Eye.. (the giant ferris wheel)..the views from up there must be amazing.


Some other places of interest.... A traditional visit outside of Buckingham palace..to see the changing of the guards. This takes place daily at 11am. No. 10 Downing Street... Travalgar square.. A boat trip along the Thames. These are but a few...Heres' wishing them a great holiday!! All the Best, Carol

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[quote name='PaulWN']BearySweet2Cruise - If you check back here, when are you going on the legend in November. We're booked for the 25th.[/quote]
We are booked on November 11th, we are just trying to decide if to keep plans as is or change over to Mariner. I think Mariner is a beutiful ship, but we chose legend because of belize and costa maya... but for far still booked on legend.
Thanks for asking
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BS2C - Thanks for the response. We've found 2 other couples so far along with our friends from Ohio that don't post here.
If you know where Weeki Wachee is, we live about 3 miles north on 19. Been here almost 10 years.
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