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Made it through a very hungry day yesterday. Managed to stay on track, but ate a lot of food. Weigh the same this morning so I am very happy.


Feeling great and so far not hungry today so will keep on working at it. I have 39 days till cruise and hope to lose 6 more lbs. I will only have 15 after that till my goal weight.


I have lost 55 lbs in 5 years. But 35 was in the first 2 and I was only cutting back on carbs not eliminating them. I just completed 2 weeks of Phase 1 SB and lost 3.5 lbs, I am now down a solid(mostly from tummy) 4lbs at week three.


This is really good as I have platued for the last year. It is great to kick start the losing again.


I am looking for new ideas for eating on SB...so be creative and post away.


It is good to be in this with all of you.

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Tami...my son is not overseas, yet. He just joined the Army and is at boot camp in Georgia. We are worried that he will have to go overseas when his training is over.


This is a very hard adjustment period for all of us. We are a very close family, used to seeing each other or speaking to each other every day. That is one of the reasons why we are all having such a hard time and missing him so much.

None of us wanted him to join the Army, he gave up a really good job to do this. He just felt that he was needed to do more important things and we all want to be supportive.


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Hello All!


I just started the SB diet last Friday and I am really excited about it. I quit smoking in Nov. '03 and I have put on about 17 lbs and I want to get the excess

weight off.


I do have a question about the Phase I do's and dont's. I did buy all 3 books (The SB diet book, The SB recipe book, The SB Good Carb/Bad Carb book), but I am still confused so here is my question:


In phase I for breakfast the book says you can have 6ozs of vegetable juice. I looked at the nutritional value on the back of a V8 can and it says 7 carbs and 7 sugar grams. Can I drink this and if not what vegetable drink can I have?


Please advise,





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Hi Debbie,


V8 is fine. I believe the benefits far outweigh any carbs that are there. We've been drinking it twice a day since we started (4 oz each serving) and have lost almost 40 lbs (20 + the first 3 weeks).

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Welcome Tuggers and Debbie - I am new to this too - day 9 for me - so far I love it.

I have been drinking v8 juice every day since I started so I'm glad Jenny posted that reply.

I think it's hard for anyone with family overseas right now - it's the unknown - I am very thanful to the people that serve our country to protect our freedom.


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I drink V8 also with breakfast cause I can't stomach veggies that early. I'm not a veggie eater, but do force myself to eat them. I grew up on meat, potatoes, and pasta. I didn't even have broccoli until I married my DH. I actually like it. So, it is challenging for me to eat some days as you can only eat broccoli, green beans, and salad so many times before you want to throw up. LOL


Rose, I hope your son doesn't have to go overseas when he finishes boot camp. Maybe they'll keep him here for more training. I would feel the same way if I was in your situation. My DS and I are VERY close.

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Shelia and Kathy...thank you for your concerns. It is very hard for the military families and as proud of our children as we are, we worry non-stop. Shelia...I am praying that my son will be stationed somewhere safer than Iraq or Afghanistan, but he is in a combat unit, so....


Debbie...about the V-8. My DH has been drinking that every morning since we started the diet and he has lost 30 lbs. He loves that juice and really enjoys it each morning.



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When I think about all the soldiers overseas and their families it makes me feel so anxious for them all. I just want the world to be a safe place for everyone. It is all very frightening. I will keep your son in my heart and wish him and all the others a safe return home.


It makes our dieting woes..seem small in comparison.


As each day passes we struggle with new ideas to make this whole eating experience more interesting. I have been putting light cream cheese on slices of turkey lunchmeat, celery with liverworst...yum. Many chickens are giving up their lives for my cause. Cabbage rolls without the rice or with brown rice are also good. You can buy them at the IGA store in Vancouver. Dill Pickles/Olives and other tasty things. I am very lucky that I live all food.


Also Vietnamese rolls(wrapped in Lettuce) or lettuce wrap at your local Chinese restaurant...just tell them no noodle...it is delicious in chicken and beef.


Snacks at work consist of cherry tomatoes and celery stuffed with every low fat thing I can find.. I have a huge pot of decaf green tea on my desk each day and drink it till its cold.


I hope you all have a great day today.



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Tami...my son is not overseas, yet. He just joined the Army and is at boot camp in Georgia. We are worried that he will have to go overseas when his training is over.


This is a very hard adjustment period for all of us. We are a very close family, used to seeing each other or speaking to each other every day. That is one of the reasons why we are all having such a hard time and missing him so much.

None of us wanted him to join the Army, he gave up a really good job to do this. He just felt that he was needed to do more important things and we all want to be supportive.




Stupid me, I actually encouraged my littlest brother to go into the military. He needed the structure. Of course that was before 9/11. In fact he was in bootcamp and out on maneuvers when it happened. They kept hearing all the radio traffic but none of them knew it was real for 3 days. He didn't end up going to Afghanistan but spent quality time in Kosivo. He wasn't scheduled to go to Iraq for a while but his wife was scheduled to go last April so he got his orders changed so that they could go together. They had their R&R last month and came back to visit her kids.


My older little brother who just left Iraq signed in January after 9/11. He left his last semester of college, pregnant wife and son to go because he felt called to do it. I think that he feels like it was the right thing to do but he's counting the days until Jan 2006 and hoping they let him out then.


Hopefully your son gets sent somewhere well away from all the action. My little brother who is in Iraq now keeps complaining that he's bored because they're guarding a radio tower out in the boonies. I keep telling him I hope he's bored out of his skull the entire year. :rolleyes:




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Thanks for all the great answers on my "V8" question! I started the SB diet last Friday and I am down 6 lbs already!! I love this program it is soooo easy! Except I do enjoy a glass of Red wine a night :rolleyes:

20 lbs to go!!


Thanks again and I will pop in now and again!



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Good morning! I thought you all would like a copy of today's Daily Dish.


Changing 'Cheating' to 'Treating'


It's all too common for dieters to obsess over their momentary lapses—their cheats. But worrying about cheating only encourages feelings of guilt and failure, two powerful negatives that can compromise weight loss efforts. Instead of thinking about these lapses as "cheating," consider them "treating." Enjoying a rare treat can make dieting less daunting.


The South Beach Diet™ is one of the few diets that allows for occasional treats. The unique three-phase structure lets you move easily from one stage to another. This means that if you overindulge one day, you can return to an earlier stage to get your cravings back under control. Try not to abuse this privilege—if you treat yourself too much, you'll have a harder time adapting to your new way of eating. The fact is there will always be unavoidable temptations. Whether it's a summer barbecue, a birthday party, or a holiday celebration, you will have moments when you make a conscious choice to indulge. Go ahead and make that choice. As long as you don't overdo it, you'll still be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.



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Hi to all:


Just viewed this post from the start, 8 pages back; this made me realize that all of us are working on our looks and that there is some hope with the SBD.


It is actually a doable. Just hope I can hang in there with all of you.


Today is day 7 of phase 1 and I've taken off 9 pounds. Weirdeyes, you seem to be well in charge of this plan; adoptmom, you are one of the great chefs, chemists and I look forward to your words of encouragement.


I have copied your recipes to a word doc so I can start fixing these at the end of the induction program.


later, j.

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Whew, I'm gonna need it. Tomorrow starts our homeschool group's day camp for 30 kids. :eek: Most of them I like alot but there are a few who make me want to bring duct tape. (For their mothers too. :D ) I'm actually more concerned about staying on diet because I've been really bad this week, with the down and up and end up back wehre I started. :mad:


I have my meals all planned out but may have trouble staying away from all the snacks. At least tomorrow's will be fine because it's ants on a log. (For those who are worried, that translates into celery with peanut butter or cream cheese and raisins.) Exercise could be dicey.


Tomorrow's plan:



2- meals:

Eggs for breakfast

Summer rolls (veggies, seafood and rice paper) for lunch

Celery and cream cheese-no ants please- for snack

Tomato bean pot soup for dinner

Sugarless chocolate for surviving day 1. :rolleyes:

3- At least 15,000 steps on the pedometer or a 1 mile walk


I'll check back in tomorrow and let you know if I left anyone ducttaped to a tree! ;)



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Debbie - Congrats on your 6lbs! doesn't it feel good?


Fighterone - Welcome and congrats on 9lbs on week1! Tami has a lot of good recipes - I also copied them to a word doc for future reference. these boards are a wealth of information.

Tami - GOOD LUCK!!! :) sounds like you are going to need it - you are a very brave lady and must have a lot of patience. It's sad but true that sometimes the moms are worse than the kids - Atleast you will be busy and maybe won't have time to think about eating anything bad - sounds like you have a good game plan for tomorrow - take it 1 day at a time as you well know!

Today is day 14 for me and the end of phase 1 - official weigh in tomorrow am -

I plan to start adding a few things this week but very limited - I am nervous about this part as I don't want to slow down the weight loss too much - my worst time is breakfast because I don't like eggs very much - my plan is to add the following or something similar for the next 2 weeks:

light fat free yogurt 3 x week

high fiber, low sugar cereal 2-3 x week

strawberriesl, blueberries, granny smith apple 3-5 x week

whole wheat carb friendly bread 1-2 x week

any other ideas or info for easing into phase 2? I had about 70lbs to lose overall so I know the weight loss will slow down - I would just like to keep losing about 2lbs a week atleast for a little while longer as we cruise in Nov.

Have a great week everyone!


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I just modified phase 1 slightly. When I am feeling hungry I add some of the foods like carrots or a piece of fruit or whole wheat cracker with lite cream cheese and a little mango hot jelly...this satisfys some of the cravings.


I've had a very hungry day again today and find myself searching for something to eat...mostly stick with the plan and try and distract myself. I am down a solid 5 lbs now as they have been off for a few days. I have 15 lbs to be slim, but I still need to work on my abs, back and upper arms. I have been doing some hand weights and am starting to see results. I also use the ab roller every day and this all seems to help.

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I saw your post about the Mango Hot Jelly. Where do you get such a thing?

I am in s georgia and a favorite thing to put out to go with drinks in the summer is crackers, hot pepper jelly and cream cheese. I love mango and would very much like to try this. Is it available only in certain parts of the country?


I did not weigh all weekend. On Thursday which was my 2 week point I was down 13 pounds. I elected to stay on this phase another week as I have Galaxy coming up 9/17. I have lost over 80 pounds since 5/03 and need to lose about 50 more. This phase 1 has helped me break about a 2 - 3 month plateau for which I am very thankful. Glad to be back losing!

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Welcome fighterone! You will do well on South Beach. I think it's the best diet ever! :D


Tami, good luck dealing with the camp. I'm sure you'll do fine. You can come here a vent every night. We'll listen. ;)


Kathy, the best advice I can give you when switching from Phase 1 to Phase 2 is take it slow. I think you already know this though by your post. I only added back one carb at a time. For breakfast, instead of eating eggs, I'd eat a very high fiber cereal that is SBD approved. That would be my only Phase 2 meal of the day. As you've probably read in my previous posts, I call this Phase 1.5. I seem to lose the most weight on Phase 1.5. (Even more than Phase 1.) I don't think my body does well without the good carbs.


I hope everyone has a great Monday! I will because I'm on a vacation day today. DH and I just needed a break from work and decided to "chill."

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Hi All,


And welcome to those of you newly on the plan. Well, today marks the first day of my 14th week on the plan, and I weighed in this morning with a (total) 41.2 loss! I've been poking around at approaching the 40 lb mark for a few weeks, so this is wonderful! Please don't get discouraged at a slower than desired weight loss. I'd love to be averaging 2 lbs a week (since going to phase 2), but it's more like .6 to 1 lb a week. The way I look at it - at least I'm going down!


Just want to encourage you all to hang in there!

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Hey Tuggers et al.


I will check on the Mango jelly for you. It is made in Canada in Langley, B.C. by Freybe..it is under the title Gourmet Chef. It has suger in it, but it only takes a little on the cream cheese to spice things up. I find that by doing this on occasion I have less cravings. It is very similar to the Red Pepper jelly you are talking about.

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Wow, Happy to see that you got on the board this Monday! It has been a long weekend with no wine and no bread and fruit. Can't wait til the end of phase 1, another 6 days and I will be in the clear.


Keep the words of encouragement coming, I had promised myself that if I made it through phase 1, I would join on line but now, I'm not so sure. How is anyone doing this liking it?


Time to fo fix dinner and enjoy a nice diet coke caffeine free with a twist. Oh geez this is the hard part, coming home from work and seen that nice bottle of Shiraz waiting for me.


I will live it up next week.


Later, j.

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[quote name=


]Tami - GOOD LUCK!!! :) sounds like you are going to need it - you are a very brave lady and must have a lot of patience. It's sad but true that sometimes the moms are worse than the kids - Atleast you will be busy and maybe won't have time to think about eating anything bad - sounds like you have a good game plan for tomorrow - take it 1 day at a time as you well know!



Kathy, That's the problem. I'm not the most patient person in the world. :D No children were duct taped to trees although it was close. I really get annoyed when kids are misbehaving and their mom just stand their ringing her hands saying "wait til your father finds out!" AHHHH!!! We also had one mom who felt the need to criticize every little activity her little darlings were refusing to do. Sure, it was a bit chaotic being the first day and all but next year I'm putting her in charge of day 1! She left early and I am really hoping she doesn't bother to bring them back. my oldest DD still has a scar from the last time the lady's DS kicked her.


I did really well with eating. I ended up needing to make a supplies run this morning so I grabbed a low carb bar instead of the eggs but otherwise I'm on plan. I think I'll pass on the eggs tomorrow too as it's supposed to be really hot outside.



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