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Looking for DAWN May,3rd 2003 Repo Mates


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Hi, all. We are thinking of booking the DAWN for Jan or Feb of 2005 and are wondering if any of our Cruise Critic friends from our May 3rd Repositioning cruise are going on either the 10 or 11 day cruise. Is Snorklin Barb out there, or Cop N 1 ? Looking for mates.


Joanne & Fred from NJ

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Hi Joanne & Fred,

How have you been? Just thinking today about that wonderful cruise cause, remember, we were the first ones into NY Harbor for the Dawn's big NY experiment. Turned out to be quite a success, don't you think?


Just got an email today from Norma & Harold. They cruise a lot, as you may know. We keep in touch with quite a few from the cruise or spot their names posting here, back from an NCL cruise or another line.


Actually, Bob & I are going on the Dawn 11/28/04. We, too, liked the longer itinerary and are taking my 84 y/o father with us! Actually, once we get home, we won't be here for long. Bob's 50th b'day present is a cruise on Celebrity Xpeditions to the Galapagos! We leave mid-Jan. for a few nights in Quito, Ecuador, 7 nights cruising & another 2 nights post-cruise! Who says getting older can't be fun???!!!!


It would be great fun to see some of our cruising buddies on the Dawn again. Someone already started a roll call for 11/28, but it's still so early.


Hope you guys and the ragdoll are doing great!

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Hi Joanne & Fred,

This is Pallie and PeteS. That was a great cruise. We went on the Dawn's Florida sailing last Halloween. Won the costume contest, it was a blast. Rough seas and many pax and crew sick the whole time.

Our youngest daughter just got married in May, so Pete doesn't have but a few days vacation time left so our next cruise is on the Sun, 12/04/04 to the W. Caribbean. Time to do all the last minute Christmas shopping. We really wish it could be a longer cruise, but things just didn't work out for that at this time.

By the way, hi there Barb. I did get called for jury duty, so will send you an e-mail later with the specifics.

Can't wait to see how many of the group respond to this. It should be interesting.

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great to hear from you. Congrats on the wedding. It should be interesting to see who replies to this post. We are looking into the Jan 10 & 11 day cruises on the DAWN, but we are concerned on how rough the water will be leaving NY. Remember our day in Martha's Vineyard? I'll never forget how rough the seas got while we were on the tour. That tender trip is still fresh in our minds!



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Hi Everyone' Hope you are enjoying this wonderful holiday weekend. I keep in touch with Snorklin Barb and Cop n One. Just now Cop n One hasn't been on the boards for the last few weeks as they are moving from the mid-west to Florida. She has promised to return to the boards asap. Dale and Verna should either be getting ready to go or just home from their latest cruising in the Norway area . It has been a while since I talked to him. Just found one of the big group pictures we had taken. It is fun to go on the internet and see us all. Larry and I did the April repo of the Crown from Miami to Phila and have met more cc members we are in contact with. We are planning a few land trips for this summer/fall. I am interested in the new iten for the Dawn for Oct/ Nov 2005 that was just announced on cc this week. It is not in the NCL computers as yet to book, but as soon as it is ,my agent is to call me.

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Hi cruzholic,


what are you refering to for the Dawn for Oct/Nov 2005? We are trying to get info but have not been successful. We will be in Sanibel Florida for 2-3 weeks in October but may be interested if the dates work for us.



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Last week on the CC News area, they posted an item about adding a second ship the NCL Spirit to NYC year around which would free up the Dawn to "try out different routing. The western oriented trips will also stop at the Bahamas, as well as Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Honduras, Belize and Cozumel. A handful of these sailings are offered in October and November, beginning in 2005- but the majority are on tap for the deepest of the winter months." I printed it out on the 6/30. Wouldn't it be neat to get a group from May together again. Check out the CC News area. Any questions use cckruise@aol.com

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I saw that article. We have not had much response to this post. I wonder how many people have noticed it. Not to jump ship... but we cruised on RCCL's new ship the Mariner of the Seas in May 2004 and loved it so much we are going again in Sept. We have also booked two other cruises for 2005 on RCCL. We were hoping to see a bigger response here.



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May need to keep the post going for awhile as I have noticed that the boards have not been very active. Most of the time when I am on, no one else is on the boards at all. Except our great moderator.

Maybe a lot of people are on cruises or different vacations right now. Hopefully more will join in later. The fall, when people are online more might be a better time to look for everyone.

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Hi Everyone,


Well I was hating these new boards until one of my cruisemates on our next cruise showed me how to use the format. I input the word Snorkelin Barb just now(I know she loves to cruise, so I was hoping to see where she was going next) and up pops Joanne's thread. Yeah!


Barb - What a life. I want to do that Celebrity Galpagos trip as well. I am a HUGE animal lover & to see them in their natural habitat would be jaw dropping.


Paul and I were on a cruise in May as well. We did the Western Carib on the HAL Zuiderdam. We were elated at the dock when we found out the upgrade fairy had struck us with a major upgrade from a cheapo balcony to a FULL SUITE "gratis!!!!" You should have seen this room 526 sq ft of luxury, including 2 showers, a whirlpool tub, HUGE deck, free laundry and dry cleaning, priority tender boarding, private brunch and cocktails with the captain. I was in heaven! All the praise goes to my dynamite TA who pushed like the devil to get us into a fabulous room.


Next up we are sailing on the brand new Sapphire Princess out of San Francisco on 10/2. Doing an 11 day, 10 night down the CA coast, and then the Mexican Riviera. Have been to all the places before, and loved them. We have quite a nice CC group, but nothing will ever beat the wonderful folks we met on the Dawn.


Would love to do a Caribbean cruise in May. If anyone is interested please speak up, as my TA will get us a teriffic rate.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone!


Getting ready for the big trip to AL (1st time for both of us) on the Sun, then down the Coast ending in LA. How to pack all that polartec??!!


Looking forward to Halloween on the Dawn 10/30/05 along with cruzholic. Please come and join us!:D


Paljoeysmom, I want to go on any cruise you're going on...that upgrade fairy sure found the right address! Sounds fabulous. Happy cruising!:)


Just heard from NJR that they survived the hurricane with very few problems. Maybe she'll stop by and say hello!

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That was a really sweet upgrade fairy your TA found Paljoeysmom. Hope one of those visits us for our Dec. '04 trip on the SUN. :)


Hope to be on that Halloween cruise, but things are pretty up in the air at present. Running back and forth between 3 states with family health issues. Pete is just taking everything in stride and hoping we get to go on the cruise with you guys next year and that our one for this year doesn't go bust.


Barb, sorry I haven't got back to you recently, but things have been hectic. They did keep us at court for a week. And I ended up sick again for sitting over an air conditioning vent in the jury box. Oh!!! I have plenty of those vaccum bags to crush everything down for the polartec. :D

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Hi Joanne and Fred, Just ran across your post a couple of days ago and also Barb told us about it. I think what you are talking about sounds great, it would be good to cruise with our group again. I am sure we would never be able to get everyone together but those that could or wanted to would be nice to see and have a good time again. I was wondering like you if during the winter on the Dawn might be a little rough going out of NY at that time. We loved the Dawn and yes we would like to go on her again. We have 4 up coming cruises booked at this time, all on NCL. In case any of you can make them that would also be nice. They are Oct. 5, 2004 on the Crown, Jan. 16, 2005 on the Star, March 4, 2005 on the Spirit and Aug. 22, 2005 on the Dream. I am sure there will be more and maybe one with this group if it all works out, let us know what you might come up with. We got a post card from Cop and one and they are still looking for a home down here in Fl. I hope the hurricane don't scare them away. If it had not changed directions it would have come inland close to where they are living now. We and our 2 sons all came through the hurricane good, our oldest son who lives in Winter Haven had a little damage and lost his power for 4 days and the youngest one (Rick the one who was on our cruise on the Dawn) in Orlando lost a small tree and his power for 18 hours, and with us just a little wind and no damage or power loss, so all in all we are counting our blessings. Hope all is going good with you and all our other cruise mates from the Dawn. Barb and Bob get ready for that wonderful Alaska, I will be thinking about you. Bye for now.

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Hi NJR, Just wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed the visor you made. I have used it for parades and taken it on multiple vacations. Glad to hear you came through Charlie ok. Barb keeps me updated on hearing from you. Maybe you can join us on Oct 30, 2005. Dawn????? I received the same card from Cop and One. Did you know Rosie from cc and NCL cruises? They just took ownership of a place Aug 1, 2004. When I checked the address it was a Punta Gorde address. Sure hope it is ok. Haven't heard anything from her.

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I am not sure I remember Rosie but I might if I saw her face, there were so many at our May cruise that I really can't remember a whole lot of them by name, guess that is old age for me. But from what I am seeing on TV I feel she did not fare too good and lets just hope and pray they were not hurt any.Glad you enjoyed the visor and if we all do get together again I will sure bring some more as I am sure they must be wore out by now. Is Oct. 30, 2005 on the Dawn when you all are planning on the next cruise together? If so how many days and where is the ship going to then. Now that I think of it you don't need to let us know where it is going I will just call NCL and ask them. Do you know if Dale and Verna might try and go also? I have put this page on my favorite places so I will try and keep up with it and not loose it.

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I too have this post on my favorite list so I can find it easily. I have talked to Dale and Verna on the phone to check on them after Charlie, and emailed them info about the cruise. I moved the posting up so he could find it easier. All he said to me last weekend is they were thinking about it and I haven't seen any response on the posting. Do you have his email address? Snorklin Barb can give you my email address if you want it.

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Hi gang,

It looks like our “800-pound gorilla” is trying to breathe a new life. Pete, I must tell you that Magilla, the original “800-pound gorilla”, talks all the time about his and Zoey’s trip to visit you and Pallie. He really enjoyed you taking him to the “World Series”. Zoey thinks Pallie is the greatest shopper in the world.

Verna and I have been busy, cruising of course. We just got back from a week in London, Scotland and then a 12-night cruise to the Norwegian Fjords on board Royal Caribbean’s new Jewel of the Seas. While we were in London I organized a pre cruise dinner for 32 of the folks that were going to be on the cruise. Next up is a trip to California for the Rose Bowl Parade and then a week on board the Vision of the Seas.



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Good to see Dale back on the boards, have not heard from you in ages but glad you two are still cruising. Looks like you sent the hurricane our way this time, guess you know what these poor people just south of us are going through, when we moved from Miami to Lakeland I thought we would not have to worry about hurricanes anymore but that was not the case this time. Our 2 sons and us came through it all OK. Sure hope we can all get together again for another cruise.

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  • 8 months later...

Just for the fun of it, thought I would see if there were any of our group still out there reading these threads. We will be on the Dawn again Oct 30,2005 and the picture of our cc group from the repo 2003 group was scanned in . The new group wanted to see what 125 people looked like.

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Bob & I will be on the 10/30/05 Dawn Halloween cruise along with cruzholic and her husband! We've got a wonderful roll call going and just about everyone so far is a Dawn vet!:D


So if anyone out there from May of '03 is looking for some Halloween fun (one of the group is already looking into some buttons or something for the group), come and join us! It's the W. Caribbean route - Belize, Roatan, Cozumel, Private Island....there must be something else in there....looks like fun!:)

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  • 4 years later...

Hello to all our "old" friends!!!! Just messing around, and found this thread. We were formally known as "cop and one". But, after retiring and moving to Fl, we decided to change our name. I know this is an old thread, but maybe someone will happen to read it and keep it going. Hoping to catch up with everyone we can. Will remember Martha's Vineyard forever!!!! We had such fun and a great group of people.

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Wow, what a blast from the past. I wouldn't even know how to resurrect an old thread like this.;)


That's Cathy isn't it - and Ron?


We've continued to cruise. Had a wonderful trip through the Norwegian fjords on the Jade in June and we'll be on the Dawn again this Oct. (I've lost count).


Unfortunately, NJR from FL lost her battle to cancer. She and Harold did a lot of cruising on NCL and lived life to its fullest. We stayed in touch and I still remember the day I got the email from Harold with the news.:(


We did do that Celebrity Xpeditions Galapagos cruise a few years ago. It was a once in a lifetime experience.


Hope any Dawn cruisers from May 2003 reading this will come by and say hello. I've done a lot of Meet & Greets over the years but that one by far was the biggest!:D


Happy cruising!

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