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Beware of crooked police


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We just returned today from our Royal Caribbean Cruise. Everything was fantastic except for one snag - some crooked police in Cozumel.


After renting a jeep for the day, and having the Alamo representative tell us that we should make sure to see the local ruins, we set off on our adventure that took us to an area that looked less traveled by tourists, but not unsafe. Half way to the ruins, we were stopped by a policeman on a scooter. Not totally understanding him, we figured out that he was upset that we did not stop at a rope that crossed the rode with a sign the read "TOPES" with a speed bump image. We watched other motorists and saw that was a speed bump and slowed as they had.


Not good enough. The policaman called two other police over. They took the drivers license and saw the RCCL SeaPass and laughed. Then told us we could pay them $50 now or pick up our license tomorrow at the City Hall. They got us good and we ended up paying the $50. They had guns - we didn't.


We spoke to other locals after wards, and were told they were police bandits. After talking to other shipmates, we learned this was not uncommon. Wish I'd have read that in the brocure!


Drivers BEWARE! :mad:

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First, let me say that I'm sorry it happened to you, and I would have paid them, too. We were on that same road about a week ago and it is very secluded. :eek:


I hope I would have had the nerve to ask for their names and badge numbers.


I was really harrassed by timeshare guys in the airport who told me I had to show them my "papers." A local told me that I should have asked for his name. He said the guy would have backed off. :cool:



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How scary! After reading things like this, I think we will stick with ship excursions should we find ourselves in Cozumel again.


We have visited Cozumel many times. We have never had a problem before this trip. An announcement was made on the plane to ignore the timeshare people in the terminal. That is exactly what I did. He did not follow me out of the terminal.


Cozumel is a very safe place to visit. You see so much more when you rent a car and do things on your own. I must admit that it took several trip to Coz before we rented a car and started doing things on our own.



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I'm not sure I'm getting this correctly. When the poster says they may have been 'police bandits', then do they mean that this may not have been real police at all? So would complaining to the police station do any good if these weren't really police.

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I think this incident may be getting blown a little out of proportion. Truly, in Cozumel there is nothing to be afraid of. As Colonial said, the number of serious accidents is up on the island due to the increased number of tourists, especially those that are only there for a day. They haven't learned their way around town. They're in a rush to do as much as they can in a few short hours. And, quite frankly, some behave badly and get into trouble. I am, in no way, saying that's what happened to "ladybeachlover." The incident she described may very well have been one of those famed stories of corrupt officials that you hear so much of. Or, it could very well have been a miscommunication. I'm just saying that I have seen some tourists when I've been there that I've just wanted to run away from -- those that complain that the Mexican people (in their own country) don't speak good enough English or that are rude, swear at service workers, wear their impatience on their sleeve like a badge of honor, etc.


Cozumel is safe and very friendly. Do things like this happen where tourists get ripped off? You bet they do. Happened to us at the gas station the first time we rented a car. But, you learn from them and move on. Keep in mind, unless you speak fluent Spanish there will definitely be a langauge barrier of some degree. Your best defense is always friendliness and a smile.


We rented a car the second time we went to the island and started renting a villa (out of the hotel zone) the third time we were there. We've learned how to blend in with the locals and appreciate the culture. If you simply stick to the ships excursions and the ships recommendations for shopping and their version of the Mexican culture, you will miss so much. The Mexican/Mayan culture is very rich and very beautiful. My recommendation to cruise ship guests is always to go back for at least a week and get to know the real Cozumel.

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I know things happen everywhere, but I remember reading on CC about a terrible incident at a bar in Cozumel(well-known, but I can't remember which). The cruiser felt a hand on his chest, and realized the waiter had his hand in the cruisers pocket (where he had money). When the cruiser demanded the waiter return his money, a scuffle ensued...At some point, the police arrived, and promptly hit the cruiser in the face with the butt of of his weapon and was told to head back to his ship...minus his money. I guess these sort of things can happen anywhere, so it pays to be careful. Oh, this story was posted by one of the hosts on CC.


We visited Cozumel, and had a great time. However, I have read enough stories, that I will stick with ship sponsored activities in the future. I don't care if they were "real" or "fake" cops. The fact that someone stopped these people and posed as a cop (or was the real thing), is frightening to me. It certainly makes me appreciate what we have here at home.

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I just wrote a long reply... and lost it. It was important, so despite my frustration, here I go again:


I have been posting on this board for two and a half years and do not recall a post such as the one twinkletoes refers to. Could that have been a different port? [Note: I recently re-registered with a new name, as I am no longer with the minigolf]


Before everyone jumps in with their horror stories, please know that Cozumel is the favorite port of just about any crew member who has been here. Crew members are a very adventurous, well traveled, international crowd. Why is Cozumel so popular with them? For one thing, it is safe. You can walk anywhere you want, by yourself, without fear. It is one of the few ports you can explore on your own, get completely lost (how lost can you get on an island?) and be completely fine. Once you get on board, ask your crew and if I'm wrong, I'll eat my keyboard.:D


With regard to ladybeachlover's experience, let me say that it is virtually unknown for a police officer to draw up a citation for no reason other than money. Were you all wearing seatbelts? Were there too many people in your vehicle? Were you waved aside for a spot inspection? Any one of these reasons would result in a fine, or having your license held at the municipal police station until the situation was resolved.


Unfortunately, many Mexicans do not speak English and many Americans do not speak Spanish. No judgement there, it's just a fact of life. Had there been clear communication, I'm sure this situation would have been different.


Before you all decide ditch your rental car plans and stick with the ship's excursion, know that in Cozumel you have an opportunity to experience another culture on your own with all the freedom that entails, and be perfectly safe. Don't miss out!

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My husband and I have driven from Texas to as far as Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende, and other places inbetween. We have also rented cars in Coz several times to explore on our own. In fact, I have done these things without my husband as well. We love seeing the real thing and try to avoid spending much time at tourist places. We have never had a problem. But we both speak Spanish, are well traveled, and love the language, the people, and the culture. In fact, we may one day buy a second home in Mexico for retirement. We will be renting a car again in Sept and Nov when we return on our next cruises. I can't imagine just doing cruise excursions and tourist traps. Perhaps if you have friends to go with who speak the language you would feel more confident and more adventurous. Check the Roll Call for your cruise and see if any other posters speak Spanish and would like to share a car.

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I just wrote a long reply... and lost it. It was important, so despite my frustration, here I go again:


I have been posting on this board for two and a half years and do not recall a post such as the one twinkletoes refers to. Could that have been a different port? [Note: I recently re-registered with a new name, as I am no longer with the minigolf]


Nope, it was Cozumel. I remember posting a response to the thread. Also, it was a host who posted it. The only reason I didn't post the name of the bar is because I am not sure which one it was (I think I know, but didn't want to post the wrong one). We went on our first cruise a little over 2 years ago, and it was posted around that time. It was a frightening story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi folks - I see my post did stir up some conversation and I'd like to clarify a couple things.


1. I assume these men were real police - they had uniforms and badges.


2. I was traveling with my husband and another couple - we are 39, 50, 49 and 48 - not kids out joy riding.


3. We were not wearing seatbelts but were not speeding and there was no reason for the stop - they did not mention our seatbelts until we were driving away.


4. They did indeed take plasure in taking our money and there was some comic discussion when they learned were were cruisers.


5. I was mad as Heck when this happenned, but I will not let it deter from future travels. I love Mexico and it is one of my favorite places to vacation. I wrote the post to educate tourists of facts that can happen. We were not the only ones this happenned to - so I know it wasn't just us. I suppose the same thing could happen in the gold ol' USA too.


By the way colonial - the post was accurate. But thanks for checking.

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My husband and myself spend a good deal of time on vacation in Mexico and have had the same thing happen and on one trip it actually happened twice in a week!! We have learned that the best way to avoid trouble with the police is to ALWAYS carry 40$USD in cash and then you will have no trouble at all. It seems like $40.00 will solve just about any issue with the police there. And in every case that we had run ins with the police there, we were doing nothing wrong. Some DO prey on tourists and from what we found out the first time that it happened to us the locals do NOT really care when you report it. The "keeping" your ID ruse is the same one that they used on us every time. I still do think that the counry is safe...it is just different than what most Americans are used to and as long as you know that going in then it is not a problem.

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Just an idea.........go to the DMV, tell them you lost your license and pay 10-12 to get a second one, or get a state ID, they are usually cheaper. that way if you get caught by a crooked cop, tell them to keep your ID and you will go to city hall or where ever tommorrow to get it. ( i read in another post that is what they were told). If they threatn to arrest you or somthing that is a differnt story, but if all they want is your ID.....let them keep it. All the while you have a second ID waiting for you in your cabin and you can still get back on the ship with your sign & sail card. Just an idea to maybe deter these "cops". That way, they dont make any moeny off of the tourists, cause as long as they do make the money, they will continue to rip people off.


I dont know if these stories are true or not, but is is always a good idea to have extras of something or at least a notorized copy of important documents. ~Lady K

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I had this same thing happen to me in cancun. There is no need to be afraid. You just need to learn two words...municipal and juez. That will scare them and they will let you go. When they pulled me over and said I could just pay them money, I said no and said lets go talk to the juez at the municipal and see what he has to say about what they are doing. They quickly let me go with nothing.

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I just heard a simular story yesterday from a friend about her ordeal in Cozumel. It cost them $80 and 5 hours at the jail while the police walked around laughing at them. They also rented from the Alamo and were given directions on where to go. Funny how these police are always in the right spot just sitting there waiting for you. This just happened several weeks ago. They said there were several other cruise ship passengers in the jail house for (trumped up) violations also.

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Well, I guess we were lucky.


This thread wasn't meant to pursuade travelers from avoiding Cozumel, but rather to encourage them to travel smartly. I have traveled through many countries and this was the first time something liek this happenned to me, although I am aware these things can happen anywhere.


I started this thread for 2 reasons.


#1 I was upset

#2 I wanted to educate other travelers to possible dangers when traveling in foreign countries.


Happy and Safe Traveling

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Well, I guess we were lucky.


This thread wasn't meant to pursuade travelers from avoiding Cozumel, but rather to encourage them to travel smartly. I have traveled through many countries and this was the first time something liek this happenned to me, although I am aware these things can happen anywhere.


I started this thread for 2 reasons.


#1 I was upset

#2 I wanted to educate other travelers to possible dangers when traveling in foreign countries.


Happy and Safe Traveling


I appreciate threads like this. We need to know about things like this.


I don't blame you for being upset...I'd be upset also. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I want to know about things like this so I can be prepared should I be in a similar circumstance.

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I love vacationing in Mexico but I m also aware that Mexico is not as safe as most of us would like to believe. Below is a link that shows just how scarey Mexico could really be under the crime section. I know of more than 1 instance of women being raped by citizens of Mexico including resort personell and beach staff while visiting beaches in the Costa Maya area. Security personel make it very hard to report such cases and shipboard staff don't even want to hear about these instances.

Not that I would ever not reccommend Mexico as a destination but tourists need to stay alert and not be niave.


Mexico Consular tip sheet link



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  • 5 months later...

I know that not everyone agrees with my post, but I feel that the police were going to stop us for any reason. I was there, I know what happenned and I know ther was NO misunderstanding. We were not speeding, we did slow down at the speed bumps (topes) and we were driving with caution. I feel that we were shaken down by the local police for no reason expect to take our money. I can't advise you on what to do, but I can say, if you rent a vehicle and travel outside of downtown, I'd stash a couple $20's or $50 in a seperate pocket just in case. I was so worried that my husband would pull out all of his money and they would take it all. I told him to grab a bill and no matter what is was - give it to them. Luckily it was only $50.

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I too share these same concerns. We will be in Cozumel on March 1 and had planned to rent a car, but I am on the fence now. On the one hand, the rational side of my brain tells me to have a great time and that nothing is likely to happen...on the other hand, I am afraid I will worry about this so much that I will somehow manifest something bad to happen...silly I know.


Can anyone tell me about a road that goes "around" the island used for dune buggies? That was another option for transportation. Friends that recently returned from a cruise to Coz told me that is what they did, and that this road supposedly takes you to the other side of the island as well, which is something we want to do. Can anyone offer any insight to this? :) Thank you!

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