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Queen Mary 2 Nightmare


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I found this at http://queen-mary-2-nightmare.blogspot.com/


Monday, August 14, 2006


Queen Mary 2 Nightmare

We are looking for other passengers who were stranded by Cunard lines in London England when the Queen Mary 2 sailed without them due to flight delays on August 10th and 11th. Please send e-mail to o11458@gmail.com if you were also a victim of this abandonment by Cunard Cruise Ship Lines!!


posted by B. Jackson at 6:05 PM 0 comments

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What do people expect?


That a couple of thousand other passengers are delayed (and then miss their flights)?


I live 40 minutes from the UK by air, and when I leave on a crossing I always travel AT LEAST a day early so that if there are problems they can be recovered from.


I guess Cunard did its best for the majority of its passengers - its a pity some missed out, but then to quote the US Secretary of Defense 'stuff happens'.



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Originally Posted by pnhmrk

Could you really sue a cruise line (and hope to win) because your flight to the cruise was delayed?


No doubt if those concerned shout and scream loud enough like the last bunch on the round the Horn:rolleyes: , they will be given a full refund,and upgrades galore onthe next trip,. We all know when the ship sails, and its upto us to get there before such times (remember the keeping up appearances episode!!;) )

I do wonder how many of us have actually read the passage contract

Personally l would never dream of cutting it so close to join a cruise that would be tempting fate, but then thats me l guess

We should of course be thankful and lm sure we all are that the people were cought sooner rather than not at all......

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We have always purchased travel insurance. You just never know what will happen to delay your cruise or vacation. In 2003, we were booked for an 11 night cruise and one week before leaving, I had a heart attack. The insurance company, after doing everything they could to get out of paying, finally gave us our $4800.00 back for the cruise.


Life is so unpreditable, you could be held up by a car accident on the way to the airport, close relatives in grave condition in the hospital and a host of other misfortuntes could stop you from traveling and making all the proper connections.


The cost is about 10% of your total trip cost. Medical evacuation from a cruise ship alone could cost anywhere between $25,000 and $50,000 dollars.


My believe is "better safe than sorry."

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I am not sure whether this is covered by insurance. Even if you were scheduled to come in two days before your flights might have been cancelled and the summer is a pretty full time. Sometimes those are just the breaks. I would like to know the whole story. Please note that the original post was NOT from someone who had been stranded. But BA does admit that thousands of luggage has been misplaced without the passengers...will take some time to clear out.

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It is the airlines responsibility to get you to the ship no matter with whom you've booked your air.


Me... I'd rather miss a ship than be blown to bits any day!



Amen!!! And how long was the ship supposed to have waited for them???Hours?? A day??? What about the 2500 other people who were at the other end of this trip expecting to get onboard? While I certainly feel sorry for anyone who missed the ship under these circumstances, to call it a QM2 nightmare is rather missing the point. QM2 and Cunard did NOT cause these problems. The problem was caused by people out there whose main mission in life is to spread fear and disruption of our daily lives thru terrorist activities. Penny

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You know, On our January 3 Caribbean (Panama) we left HOURS late in a freezing rain and ice storm (or the remains of one!) I stood out on the highest deck in the whipping wind and freezing rain (along with a a couple of other CCers) freezing my <ahem> brains off.. I think I shall sue the pants off Cunard for making me cold, I didn't want to miss the sail away past Manhattan (After all, that's why I took this 12 day trip- So I could sail down the Hudson past the Manhattan skyline, which cannot, after all be seen any other way!) I deliberately did not book a cabin in the steering wheel (aha! You thought I was going to say it, didn't you!) although I did wear my jeannes, since it was icy cold and freezing out.


A demand a full refund, plus another cruise, plus half off another one plus free drinks in the Commodore Club.


But I am not going to start my lawsuit until I have a perfectly miserab... I mean wonderful time on my 4 day Sept 2 Labor day cruise!



Oh, BTW, the reason we were much delayed was that many of the incoming flights were caught in the ice storm, hence were late coming. Some folks did not meet up with their luggae until St Thomas. (Three days later- Can you believe that fellow wearing the same T-shirt for three days? Washing it everynight? Hmmpph! Just because he didn't have his luggage! Why he could have bought one. Marc inadvertantly left his regular ties home, thinking they were with his bowties for formal nights. Well, the cheapest tie in the shoppes was about $112.00.)

Oh, and at least one couple had to meet us in St Thomas.


And no one threatened to bomb us, but we had lots of SWAT guys and NYPD on board in their cool boots and uniforms and flack jackets and their semi automatic weapons. I thought they looked kind of sexy and many passengers were posing with them. They were very nice. And we enjoyed the THREE helicopters circling over us (Marc used to be a helicopter instructor! In fact, one of his friends worked for Long Island Helicopters!)



Do you think my lawsuit has a chance??


PEOPLE! Get a grip!

Some folks missed a lot more than a crossing. (HEy! Some people had to discard their toopthpaste and deoderant and hair spray! How would you like to take a long flight home with THEM!



who is just kidding. I am sorry for their loss, but after all, there was some "unique" activity going on! Get it? Huh?

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Marc inadvertantly left his regular ties home, thinking they were with his bowties for formal nights. Well, the cheapest tie in the shoppes was about $112.00.)




who is just kidding. I am sorry for their loss, but after all, there was some "unique" activity going on! Get it? Huh?


Is there not a $10 store on the QM2, like there is on the QE2, or are you kidding us? :D


Thanks for amusing me with your post this morning Karie!

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If you made your own air plans don't expect Cunard to wait for you. If Cunard made the air then they know where you are and can plan to wair if it is a short time. As has veen said same day into London is riisky at best. We are going on the QE2 in January out of NY and plan to fly in the day before.



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...And the Cruise Line is responsible for political mayhem how exactly?


Reminds me of taking an Air France flight a few years ago. They held up the plane for several hours due to 20 or 30 people. Naturally, that meant the other 200 or so people missed all their connecting flights and could not make it home as planned. Where does one draw the line? Not quite the same really, but you get the idea.


Karie, I SO hate checking my luggage! Without my "magic" lotions and potions on my person...ugh! Told hubby we're only doing Atlantic crossings from here on out. (He reminded me we're in a land locked state and still have to fly to the coast. DARN!) Although, I must say...I do make an effort to arrive at least one day ahead of schedule to be on the safe side.


When we took the motorcoach from Southampton to London I felt so sorry for the drivers. A few "tourist", (can't really describe them as "travellers"), started complaining they would not make their flights on time. Mind you, the very first stop was Heathrow. They started giving the driver grief and he asked them when their flights were scheduled to take off, the driver, trying to do his best. When the driver realized they had given themselves all of a 20 minute time span, he, (much to his credit), declared, "You should have booked a later flight!", and just shook his head. Good God, I don't count on the airlines for anything anymore even on a good day! Hence why we did two days in London just to get from Southampton to Dublin. I couldn't even make it from ABQ airport to Charleston, South Carolina in less than 16 hours, (what s/b about a 5 hour flight.) You think I'd risk a cruise on that kind of service? And that was just under "normal" conditions.


The situation is a nightmare, alright. But how this is deemed exclusively as Cunard's fault is beyond me. :eek:


Wearing the same denim ballroom gown three nights in a row.. (*shudder*) At least I board in the proper attire. ;)

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I'm sorry to hear some passengers missed the departure, but I don't see how you could expect the cruise line to wait. Sounds like a solicitation thread to me which, if I'm not mistaken, is illegal.


We always fly to the departure city at least one day ahead. As far as security delays...as someone who lost a dear friend on Sept. 11, I don't have any problem with the extra efforts.

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I'm sorry to hear some passengers missed the departure, but I don't see how you could expect the cruise line to wait. Sounds like a solicitation thread to me which, if I'm not mistaken, is illegal.


We always fly to the departure city at least one day ahead. As far as security delays...as someone who lost a dear friend on Sept. 11, I don't have any problem with the extra efforts.


Living so close here in Connecticut, of course, we were very much affected by 9-11. I worked well into the night that night. Luckily, my friends who might have been affected (and some I had no idea were there, like a friend of my sister's from Georgia who was in the subway train under the buildings when it happened.) anyway, I did not lose any close friends directly. I still refuse to go by the site, despite haivng been in Manhattan shortly after (Happened to ride the train down- to a previously panned event- with volunteers from a church group who had been there working very hard since the beginning. Pretty incredible, and very touching) Still, I really don't believe these new restrictions will keep us safe. What I DO believe is it will be the death knell for one or more airlines which are in or near bankruptcy. And I DO have friends who are pilots and such for some of those airlines. And I will avoid flying if there is any alternative. (and no, I am not afraid. In fact, I am a pilot and own a plane. And there is a strong possibility that two people who may have been involved in the original 9-11 plot sought training at my airport. After two lessons, the instructors refused to fly with them and gave them back their cash payment-They didn't want to learn theory or take-offs and landings. Only steering the plane in the air) Anyway. I already carry some things in my carry-on because the airline tells you not to check it- (jewelry, medications, computers) now they say you HAVE to check it- And by the way 2 bags only, less than fifty pounds each (used to be sometimes three, at 75 pounds each. How do you pack for a two week cruise like that?


No, I am one of those who think "they" are sitting back laughing at us, and at the freedoms we have given up. We are like ants scrambling around when someone disturbs our rock. We have given up our freedoms and our rights, and impacted our lives, our pleasure, our travel so much. And do we really feel any safer than we did before? I certanly don't! I really don't think gving up my toothpaste and breath spray is going to keep me safe from harm. And giving up my (Aerosol) asthma inhaler (in airplanes where the airlines have crammed more seats closer together and cut back on the percentage of fresh air in the cabin) might make me feel a whole lot less safe and secure. And not being able to take a bottle of water, when I dehydrate quickly (which can cause a coughing fit and asthma attack) doesn't make me feel safer. Yes, there are beverages onboard the plane. But the flight attendents were never meant to be 30,000 foot waiters and waitresses. They are supposed to be there for safety, no matter how airlines have marketed them over the years.

Nope. Don't feel safer, and I DO know that all of these restrictions and rules have and ARE impacting our economy. (Ask any travel agent how profitable they were after 9-11. My Agency swallowed up several others that were going out of business due to the drop in travel) So basically, they have done what they originally set out to do. They have hurt the American economy. Maybe they didn't WIN, but they have certainly caused some casualties. And beyond the lives lost, too.





P.S. Every insurance policy I have ever read has exclusions for acts of war and acts of terrorism, including the one insuring my clarinet in the 7th grade. No. I am sorry for these people, but I do not think Cunard owes them. Who indemnifies Cunard againt THEIR losses! And like others said, those who missed out while waiting for the others?

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I don't see how Cunard can lose by giving these unfortunate passengers a full refund.


Karie: When I was in seventh grade I had to worry about the occaisonal bully, but never a terrorist. Glad I didn't go to school in your neighohood.

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I don't see how Cunard can lose by giving these unfortunate passengers a full refund.


Karie: When I was in seventh grade I had to worry about the occaisonal bully, but never a terrorist. Glad I didn't go to school in your neighohood.



My neighborhood was Daytona Beach Florida, and my High School band marched in the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. in my Sophomore year (We took a train from Deland) and the Festival of Roses Parade in my senior year-(That one we flew!)

But it was just a clause in the school band instrument insurance plan. Being a curious 7th grader, I had to read every word! Back then they were written in readable language!



Who REALLY didn't live in a bad neighborhood! I actually lived on the Peninsula in Ormond Beach - unlike a couple of Cunard Cruise Critics on this list who lived on the rough and tumble MAINLAND side of the Halifax River, part of the INtraCoastal Waterway. <G>


BTW, The MAINLAND school was the Pirates or Buccaneers (Jr Hi/Sr Hi)

The more GENTEEL Peninsulans were know as the SEABREEZE SANDCRABS!


Kinda sounds like the moods here. Some days, it's the Sea Breeze. Some days we hear from the SAND CRABS! <LOL>

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I don't see how Cunard can lose by giving these unfortunate passengers a full refund.


Loss of revenue? Loss of goodwill? Setting a precedent? I don't see why Cunard should be held responsible for actions well beyond its control.

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Loss of revenue? Loss of goodwill? Setting a precedent? I don't see why Cunard should be held responsible for actions well beyond its control.


Hear! Hear! Totally agree. Responsibility starts at home and why wouldn't these people take responsibility for their own actions? Sure its easy to say that Cunard should have waited or the airlines should have kept to its schedule but stuff happens. Anyone who books anything is taking a risk - no matter how small or large - that they might not get to the other side on time. The closer you are to the scheduled departure time the larger that risk is. The courts just have to stop catering to whiners who feel the world revolves around them.

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