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Found ring in safe


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I feel so bad for you that so many ppl have nothing better to do than to judge you for what I think is a good deed. May they walk a mile in your shoes....

Contact Carnival I would think they have a list of names and cabin numbers and they will help you find the rightful owner. I hope you get a reward.

Lighten up ppl.

Yes I will check back sometime to see how I have been bashed too

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Im sorry.....but there are too many unhonest people in this world. My sister works in the "hotel" industry.....the loot is divided....not ALL people in this world are as honest as "you and I" someone mentioned "finders keepers" early on....I am thinking I wouldve taken this protective approach as well.....


Contact Carnival....let them know of the ring not necesarilly the details...room sailing time etc...and of course share contact info for you to determine if the details match....and BAMN maybe youll hook up on your next cruise and deliver the ring in person!.....instant friends forever in my book!


I cant say I wouldve done anything different hun....too many dishonest people in this big world!



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Wow! I can see both sides of this story. I am soon to be a first time cruiser. But my BF will be a 3 timer. So I can see both sides of the story.

Bird - I applaud your integrity. I feel you did the right thing by what you had to go on and the character of others aboard the ship. Your character and integrity are a stepping stone for me.:)

OTHERS - some, not all, of you have exhibited character and lack of integrity that to me would be a stumbling block. Bird did what she thought was best. Instead of encouraging her and gently directing her on what she needed to do, you exhibited to her WHY only 1-2% of cruisers come on to these boards.:mad:

My friend has told me before this post that we will need to check everything before disembarkation because if we leave something we probably will not get it back. I have taken this to mean that Carnival or their crew is not going to a great deal of effort to assure that I would. That happens everyday in the real world. Not only on ships, but at every hotel chain in the world, Fancy Restaurants, Taxis, Airplanes, you name it, it happens. :eek:

My Friend just found these boards while we were searching on the internet to find info for me about cruises. She said she wished she would have known about it sooner.;)

Bird, I hope the person who posted about it possibly being her future mother-in-laws ring gets in contact with you and it is the right person. May God Bless you as you intended to bless the owner of the ring.:)

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I posted this tip on the other thread about finding items in the safe. I take a gallon sized ziploc bag to put everything that goes into the safe in. Within it is a sandwich sized bag with jewelry, passports, birth certificates and anything else that we would like to put into it. When I need something out of the safe the bag comes out and then back in and as long as you are diligent about making sure everything goes into the bag you won't leave anything. When it is time to leave:( all I do is grab the bag and put it in my carry on. Hopefully this might help someone else.

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I took a trip to the Bahamas a few years ago. When I opened the hotel safe there was a jewelry bag full of jewelry, some looked expensive, some not.

Anyway, I took it to the front desk of the hotel and gave it to the clerk without so much as a thank you. I wonder to this day if they returned it to the rightful owner or just kept it themselves. I can see why the OP kept it to return it to the rightful owner. If they were trying to keep it then they wouldn't have posted it on this site.

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Well, I'm back. I feel a little bit better now. Thank you! I must explain that we were one of the groups who took 4 hours to disembark the Spirit in San Diego on Sunday so I was tired when I posted my message about the ring I found. I should have stated from the beginning that this was NOT a jeweled ring. In fact, it is extremely difficult to tell if this is a man's or a woman's ring. I have turned to these message boards for years for answers to all of my cruising questions so I felt that informing these boards would be a better chance than leaving the ring with the incompetent purser's desk of finding the owner. So be it....I will contact Carnival today. Again, this is not a jeweled ring and, without insulting someone unintentionally, does not appear to be extremely expensive. But it still belongs to someone and I would like to try and find its owner. Thanks again for making me feel a little bit better than the first posts did!

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....I will contact Carnival today.


My opinion only, this is good enough. Carnival can make a note of a found valuable as easily as they can keep a found valuable. If unclaimed, it's rightfully yours.


No reason for you to have been made to feel like you have less-than-honest motives!


I once found a beautiful ring on a sink in museum restroom while on vacation (Harold Warp Pioneer Museum, Minden, Nebraska). I gave a general description of the ring, my name, phone number and address to personnel at the museum desk immediately. I kept the ring in my posession. I absolutely would have returned it had I ever been contacted by the owner. I know she must have been devastated! However, I was never contacted, and I still have it. I found it, I did not steal it, BUT, as it's unclaimed, it's now mine as opposed to belonging to a museum clerk.


I would do the exact same with any items found on a ship. Great value, or little value. As the finder, I would KNOW for certain the item was returned to the original owner after contact. If unclaimed after a year or two, I'd consider the item mine to enjoy.

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No reason for you to have been made to feel like you have less-than-honest motives!


I once found a beautiful ring on a sink in museum restroom while on vacation (Harold Warp Pioneer Museum, Minden, Nebraska).


Great reply. I believe this is what most people who travel a lot and have experience would do. No matter what you did, someone would have a "far better" plan. Don't let that bother you.


The mention of the Pioneer Museum brought back memories. When our children were small we got stranded in Minden in a snow storm. We took our kids (five) to the museum and spend a couple of days exploring. It helped to make the trip one to remember. :)

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Great reply. I believe this is what most people who travel a lot and have experience would do.


Nah, not necessarily... I travel quite often, and if I ever found something, I would certainly turn it into the hotel or whatever venue I was at... there is a higher probability that the person that lost the item would contact the place they lost it, rather than me :p I know PERSONALLY I have had Carnival return lost items to me... for anyone to sit here and act like they are just going to sit on things is ridiculous. They have gone through great lengths to find my missing items, one being my passport. Had someone else taken my items, I may not have them. I'm sure the OP wasn't doing this to be dishonest, sometimes we just don't think about things logically while on vacation. I'm not slamming anyone here... but the right thing to do is to turn it in to lost and found, then you've done all you are obligated to do. They have FAR more means than ANY of us to get the items back to the rightful owner.

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I would not send the ring but a letter stating you found something in the safe, include room number and date of sailing. They can notify you if someone is looking for it or they could call shomever had the room prior and ask if they lost something. I have done this when I find something then I know the owner gets it not the purser or store clerk. I think people need to stop bashing the OP and understand she wants to get it back to the rightful owner.

I agree also.

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Originally Posted by drjpreston

Great reply. I believe this is what most people who travel a lot and have experience would do.



Nah, not necessarily... I travel quite often, and if I ever found something, I would certainly turn it into the hotel or whatever venue I was at... there is a higher probability that the person that lost the item would contact the place they lost it, rather than me :p I know PERSONALLY I have had Carnival return lost items to me... for anyone to sit here and act like they are just going to sit on things is ridiculous. They have gone through great lengths to find my missing items, one being my passport. Had someone else taken my items, I may not have them. I'm sure the OP wasn't doing this to be dishonest, sometimes we just don't think about things logically while on vacation. I'm not slamming anyone here... but the right thing to do is to turn it in to lost and found, then you've done all you are obligated to do. They have FAR more means than ANY of us to get the items back to the rightful owner.


I'm with goin cruisin....... I don't think most people would take the item. The OP may have had the best of intentions and in all honestly just doesn't trust the pursers desk and really wanted to try to get it back to the original owner... But if you take something that doesn't belong to you, with a "needle-in-a-haystack" possibility of finding that owner, it's not the right thing to do.... But now realizing that it's probably very rare that the owner will see her post, she should do the right thing and return to Carnival with all the info. of cabin number, sail date and such to see if they can find the original owner.

Personally, if I were the owner, I wouldn't be looking on a website or forum for the item, I'd be contacting Carnival.... And as someone who did find something left in the room, I did turn it in to the pursers desk... To me, that was the right thing to do and left it their hands. And I was free/clear of any connection or accusation....

To the OP, if I hurt your feelings for feeling the way I do, I am sorry for hurting your feelings and making you feel bad... But I stand by my feelings and what I've said.... I just wouldn't want to make you feel awful for trying to do what you thought was the right thing.. Good luck on your endeavor.....

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There's quite a difference between 'taking' something that doesn't belong to you and 'finding' something left behind by someone, especially if the finder is honestly trying to locate the owner. I think by contacting Carnival, this finder is. Although immediately leaving information would've been best.


If I find you've left your valuable(s) in my cabin, the purser will get a general description of the item(s) and detailed contact information from me in a timely manner. I will then see that you get your item(s) personally. There are just too many opportunities for other 'fingers to be in the pie' onboard, especially with items of considerable value. I would hope other's would care enough to do the same for me. The same for hotels, museums, shopping malls... anywhere, really.


Cross referencing a lost/found log is all that would be necessary to connect the loser with the finder of the item.


If the finder isn't honest, they're not going to turn in the item or their contact information in the first place.


Enough of my reasoning, as we all have our opinion on what's best!:)



To drjpreston ~ I don't know many who even know where the Pioneer Museum is! It really is a fabulous museum to visit and a nice treasure in the middle-of-nowhere on the prairie. We traveled back and forth between Oklahoma and South Dakota often about 20 years ago, and it was a great stop-over. I somehow think it'd look quite different in a blizzard! BTW... you didn't happen to lose a ring there, did you?;)

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I know PERSONALLY I have had Carnival return lost items to me... for anyone to sit here and act like they are just going to sit on things is ridiculous. .


No one said to set around and do nothing. The OP did not do that. They admitted they had the ring and asked for help on doing what is right. There is no rule book here that says only one way is the right way. I have not read anywhere where the OP said they believed the ring was theirs. They would not have written here if they thought they had no responsibility or desire to find the owner.


You have had items returned to you. Others have not had Carnival return items. I lost a camera that I believed was returned to pursers desk but I never got it back. Could things have been done differently, sure but often these things are judgment calls that we make before we have a chance to think things through. Hind sight is always 20 /20.

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No one said to set around and do nothing. The OP did not do that. They admitted they had the ring and asked for help on doing what is right. There is no rule book here that says only one way is the right way. I have not read anywhere where the OP said they believed the ring was theirs. They would not have written here if they thought they had no responsibility or desire to find the owner.


You have had items returned to you. Others have not had Carnival return items. I lost a camera that I believed was returned to pursers desk but I never got it back. Could things have been done differently, sure but often these things are judgment calls that we make before we have a chance to think things through. Hind sight is always 20 /20.


What makes you think your camera was returned to the pursers desk and not taken home by someone with good intentions of trying to find you??? :confused:


BTW, I never once even implied that the OP said they thought the ring was theirs, or that they sat around and did nothing. Nor did I say they dind't have the desire to find the owner. I did say that the Carnival had a MUCH better chance of finding the owner, and I don't think anyone could dispute that considering the small fraction of people that even know about Cruise Critic.

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I think you did right by posting the item on here. Goodness knows if you had turned it in to the Purser's desk, it would have gone on the first finger it fit. I have been on several Carnival Cruises, and I am sure that it would never have made it back to its owner, whether they filed a claim or not. You could have just kept the plain ring, and never have posted it here. Good for you, and shame on all those who are sitting in judgement!

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for anyone to sit here and act like they are just going to sit on things is ridiculous. .


That’s your quote above. I quoted you right. Sorry if I implied you said other things. Forgive me.


I lost a camera. I later met a passenger who said they turned in a camera. Purser's desk repeatedly said none had been turned in. Other party even went with me and they could not remember it being turned in.


May have been mine ... may not have been. Other passenger may have been lying, pursers desk may have been. I will never know. Enough information that I would not take for granted that it would be returned, if turned in. I have known people in restaurant and motel business who often talked of finders keepers when things were found. Glad not all people are that way but it is not wrong to be cautious.


I would have done more than OP. I would have reported I found it. Don’t get me wrong it is NEVER right to take that which is not rightfully yours. If OP motives were wrong shame on them but I am not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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That’s your quote above. I quoted you right. Sorry if I implied you said other things. Forgive me.



Please go back and read my post again... I was referring to the people who said the PURSERS DESK would sit on it and do nothing :rolleyes: NOT the OP. Not sure why everyone thinks that all employees are thieves. Especially the Pursers staff. I had dinner with the head purser on the Conquest last week... lovely lady, and I can assure you that she would never have kept something for herself... nor could I imagine any of the pursers staff doing that. It doesn't really matter at this point... the ring is not in a position where it will get back to it's rightful owner. It's a moot point. But I just don't understand why there are people that think the pursers staff are a bunch of thieves :rolleyes:

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Please go back and read my post again... I was referring to the people who said the PURSERS DESK would sit on it and do nothing :rolleyes: NOT the OP. Not sure why everyone thinks that all employees are thieves. Especially the Pursers staff. I had dinner with the head purser on the Conquest last week... lovely lady, and I can assure you that she would never have kept something for herself... nor could I imagine any of the pursers staff doing that. It doesn't really matter at this point... the ring is not in a position where it will get back to it's rightful owner. It's a moot point. But I just don't understand why there are people that think the pursers staff are a bunch of thieves :rolleyes:


Again I am sorry, if I miss understood your post. It is easy to read things into posts when we are not talking face to face where we can get a feel of a persons spirit. You seemed to me, to be critical of OP. I may have been wrong. You seem to me, to be critical of anyone who writes an opposing view. I may very be wrong. I miss read your post. I am sorry. You apparently did the same. I NEVER suggested that all who work behind the purser’s desk were crooks. I am sure few if any are. I also have close friends on Carnival ships. Last year I went to the Philippines to visit the family of a cabin steward I met on Carnival. I am trying to help them move to the states. I even suggested the fellow passenger may have been lying to me about my camera. BUT as someone who travels every week, I don't think it would be wrong to report what you found and keep it until a rightful owner has asked for it. I’ll not defend my post after this. You win. Let's get together on a cruise some time and have a laugh together.

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Again I am sorry, if I miss understood your post. It is easy to read things into posts when we are not talking face to face where we can get a feel of a persons spirit. You seemed to me, to be critical of OP. I may have been wrong. You seem to me, to be critical of anyone who writes an opposing view. I may very be wrong. I miss read your post. I am sorry. You apparently did the same. I NEVER suggested that all who work behind the purser’s desk were crooks. I am sure few if any are. I also have close friends on Carnival ships. Last year I went to the Philippines to visit the family of a cabin steward I met on Carnival. I am trying to help them move to the states. I even suggested the fellow passenger may have been lying to me about my camera. BUT as someone who travels every week, I don't think it would be wrong to report what you found and keep it until a rightful owner has asked for it. I’ll not defend my post after this. You win. Let's get together on a cruise some time and have a laugh together.


Why am I being critical simply because I don't agree with you, or how the OP handled things? Simply because I disagree?? I see...

If you read my posts, I disagreed, but never once was critical... I stated my opinion and what I would have done. I gave my opposing viewpoint... if that makes me critical, so be it. I also never suggested that YOU made any suggestions about the crew... however, if you read OTHERS posts, you will see they did... perhaps, just maybe, my post was directed at them?? ;) I also travel very frequently, which is another reason I would never keep someone else's belongings, knowing full well the chances of them reaching me might be slim. Simply because I made the point that if one loses something the first place they would look would be the last place they saw it (in this case, the cruise line), that makes me critical... of course, it certainly wouldn't make me logical now would it :p


There is no winner here... someone lost a ring, and the chance they will get it back is slim. The OP will question whether or not he/she did the right thing. Obviously, there are no winners... However, I stand by MY opinion, regardless of whether you think that makes me critical... thank the Lord I am entitled to at least have that :D

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