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Eeeek! I'm so nervous! (Hair Waxing)


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I rad through all the previous posts on this board about waxing and finally decided to do it. My cruise isn't until next December but I want to do it a few times and make sure I'm used to it and know how my body is going to react.


I'm getting my full legs, underarms, and bikini :eek:


The spa I'm going to couldn't make an appointment until Jan 6, so that's the day! I can't wait though, because all this hair is driving me batty. I want to shave so bad! At the same time, I'm so nervous. I took down the tips about advil beforehand. And maybe a shot of whiskey!! I'm such a baby with pain.

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You're going to make it worse.


I have done this for years and it is well worth the agony of letting the hair grow out. You should exfoliate all areas before you get it done. Also, there are good products that they will use to prep the area.


The bikini...I advise "doing a little at a time"..not a full blown thing all at once. You also have to be prepared that you may have ingrown hairs, whichis another good reason to do it gradually.


It's not as painful as you think it is, and the good news if after you do it a few times you barely need to get waxing done in the future.




I rad through all the previous posts on this board about waxing and finally decided to do it. My cruise isn't until next December but I want to do it a few times and make sure I'm used to it and know how my body is going to react.


I'm getting my full legs, underarms, and bikini :eek:


The spa I'm going to couldn't make an appointment until Jan 6, so that's the day! I can't wait though, because all this hair is driving me batty. I want to shave so bad! At the same time, I'm so nervous. I took down the tips about advil beforehand. And maybe a shot of whiskey!! I'm such a baby with pain.

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One thing that was surprising to me, is that the underarm waxing hurt worse than the bikini line, for me at least. I had suspected it would be just the opposite. That was my first, last, and only time for the underarms.


Luckily, I don't suffer any ill affects from shaving, and don't mind shaving my underpits frequently.


Have never done my legs. Again, just shaving is no big deal for me.


Good luck!!



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Do take ibuprofen an hour or so before to ease inflammation.


A cocktail or 2 before to relax is a good idea, too...and a driver is preferable if you have 2 plus the ibuprofen!


I tried a bikini wax at home...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!


Have also contemplated a prof wax at least for the bikini...DO let us know how it goes!

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One thing that was surprising to me, is that the underarm waxing hurt worse than the bikini line, for me at least. I had suspected it would be just the opposite. That was my first, last, and only time for the underarms.


Luckily, I don't suffer any ill affects from shaving, and don't mind shaving my underpits frequently.


Have never done my legs. Again, just shaving is no big deal for me.


Good luck!!




I waxed my underarms for years and then bought an Epilator, which I've now been using for 10 years. Love it! My underarms are as smooth as if a hair never grew there. No ugly underarm shadows, which drives me up the wall when I see it. BIG ugh!


Also, use the epilator for my bikini line. Works great!


I can use it when I want to. No waiting for appointments. It cost me $30. and it's as good as the day I bought it. I figure I've saved thousands in 10 years of not waxing.


I don't find any of it painful, but I'm not a hairy person, so I'm sure that makes things easier too.

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Hey -


I will definitely post how it went afterwards. I had to reschedule for the FOLLOWING week though because I forgot about my monthly visitor :) So now it's Jan. 13!


Also, Jane, can you tell me more about your Epilator? :confused: What exactly is that? A shaver? I've never heard of it. Can you tell me what brand you have? May be something to look into...

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I just went in to get some waxing done (eyebrows and upper lip - standard - and French bikini - in the middle between a regular bikini wax and a Brazillian).


Seriously, the French hurt less than my upper lip did. I took two Advil beforehand and no alcohol, and it was absolutely fine! :D And, woo boy, was I scared!


But don't be! It will be just fine.

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Hey -


I will definitely post how it went afterwards. I had to reschedule for the FOLLOWING week though because I forgot about my monthly visitor :) So now it's Jan. 13!


Also, Jane, can you tell me more about your Epilator? :confused: What exactly is that? A shaver? I've never heard of it. Can you tell me what brand you have? May be something to look into...


An Epilator is a gizmo with fast rotating wheels that simply pull the hair out by the root. Waxing does that too).

I had the very first one EpiLady about 15 years ago and then bought the Satinelle about 10 years ago because it had a better design and was easier to hold.


I have the Satinelle from Norelco. Mine is 10 years old, so the new models have some added features like mini-shavers on the side, which I have no use for.


I don't use it on my legs because honestly, I don't have enough hair to merit the time it would take to go over the area. I just shave my legs from the knees down (don't have any hair on thighs). I use the Satinelle on my underarm area and bikini line and it's wonderful.




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One thing that was surprising to me, is that the underarm waxing hurt worse than the bikini line, for me at least. I had suspected it would be just the opposite. That was my first, last, and only time for the underarms.




I had my underarms waxed before our cruise in 2004, you are correct, it does hurt more than the French bikini wax :eek: In fact, I've been having problems with my underarm glands since....a lot of doctors visits, prescriptions, etc.!! I don't recommend this for ANYONE!! Just got my eyebrows and lip waxed today and my French bikini wax is scheduled for next week.


I also highly recommend the Intuition Shaver, especially for sensitive skin.



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Oh boy do I ever agree with Trevoli, who wrote: "One thing that was surprising to me, is that the underarm waxing hurt worse than the bikini line, for me at least. I had suspected it would be just the opposite. That was my first, last, and only time for the underarms."


I've done my own lower legs a few times (ouch, but tolerable)... Had my eyebrows done two weeks ago (never done that before); went well, not terribly painful and the swelling went down after several hours. (And it looks great!)


Went back for my legs... agreed to bikini too. The bikini, except for one wrenching, yanking tearing out of the hair by the root ;) , was okay; painful but tolerable. The bikini actually hurt (a little) less than my knees and upper shins...


Since they were doing such a nice job {wince}, I said, "hey! How 'bout my underarms?" OHMIGAWD what a mistake!! Excruciating -- and here it is two full days later and I still can't use deodorant! (It stings SO bad!) I even used Ambesol when I got home; didn't have any Solarcaine -- was looking to try ANYthing! The Ambesol actually worked at reducing (but not eliminating) the pain -- but I couldn't wear a shirt the rest of that day either... But pain pain pain for the rest of the day! (And painful the next day too...)


And sadly, it's NOT that different looking from just shaving! (Well except for the few little scabs where the hair roots bled... {eye roll} That never happens when I shave -- and I CAN use deodorant the next day!)


Anyway... word of warning from someone else who found underarm waxing to be a terrible mistake!!

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I'm getting my full legs, underarms, and bikini :eek:


OMG - Getting it all done at once?! Yikes. I know I'm not that brave.


Seriously. For a cruise? Gearing up a year in advance? Do you ever go on vacation to a beach or a lake? Ever been to Cancun or some other place like that? What do you do in those situations?


I'll admit the bikini wax is something I do for the summertime & for the cruises. But why put yourself thru that body torture for a vacation if its not something you already do on a regular basis? You admit to needing a lot of help for the pain. What about Nair or a good razor?

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I had my underarms done and they swelled up for the next day or two. Red and swollen. Depilatory cream works well for me there. But I agree with Jane, I have the Braun (I think it's epilsilk or sim) and it is such a great machine - no mess, quick, easy and relatively painless when skin is rubbed and held taught before.

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I did my underarms at home before and I didn't think it was too bad. It stung a little, but I just LOVED how long they stayed hair free. I could just throw on a tank top and not even worry about it. Hopefully it will be about the same when I have the professional do it.


And to answer Sunshine's question: Yes, I am doing this for my vacation, but it's actually something I've wanted to try for a long time, just never really had a reason to push me. I've never been to the beach before. Well, once when I was 3 :D No, really, I haven't even had ANY kind of vacation for about 5 years, and not had a reason to wear a bathing suit for about as long. I get so fed up with shaving. I hate it. I figure this will be something I can splurge on for the cruise, and if I like it, keep it up :)

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I have done waxing for the past 10 years or so. I did my underarms one time and that was the last time. Have had eye brows, and upper lip done since I was in High school over 25 years ago.

The legs hurt in certain areas, behind the knees, and from knee up in the back. Tolerable, just some stinging.

Wear loose pants and panties afterwards for that day! I keep aloha lotion on the areas for a couple of days and that helps alot!

I have gone through menopause so I don't get armpit hair anymore! That is nice! But everywhere else it's still there.:cool: You will be fine and be careful mixing pain relievers with alcohol! :p You could come out a very happy person if you are not careful!

I have found that since I Have been doing it for so long all I get back is like peach fuzz! Oh yes, the bikini area will be a little sensitive, make sure you keep all areas very clean and put antibiotic ointment on areas that may bleed to keep infection out!

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I do my waxing myself. I do underarm (first time is the worst but it's still quite painful for me since I have lots of strong hair... but I had to shave so often that my skin couldn't tolerate it anymore, waxing is better for me but I hate when I have to let the hair grow).

Lower leg (I don't do upper leg too often and when I do, I use Nair).

Upper lip once in a while.

Arm (elbow to hands) maybe twice a year (since I have dark hair).

Bikini - CAUTION:

I do the bikini line and it's fine (painful in certain areas though) but trying to wax it all a couple of months ago, I got a big problem. Please be aware that waxing shouldn't be done on the extra sensitive skin (I don't want to give too much details because a prior post was removed for this reason). Anyway, the skin can ''split''. It didn't hurt but it's quite scary and I had to take extra precautions for several days (like applying antibiotic ointment twice a day). Now, I decided that I will never wax it ''all'' anymore.

When I wax, I do ALL that has to be done. Sometimes, it means underams and lower legs only, sometimes it means all the above in the same afternoon (I can be in the bathroom easily for 3 hours!!!! I usually try to find a day when Bruno isn't home). I always rinse and apply a cream loaded with vitamin E as soon as I'm done with an area. It takes me 3-4 hours to get rid of all redness (maybe more for the bikini area) and I never put deodorant before the next day.

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I don't do the underarms anymore either - I was hoping to get rid of the bumps, and it didn't really do it, plus it grew back very quickly so I would have to have it done weekly.


The most painful part for me? My big toes! I went through face, underarms, bikini line, lower legs, all with just a bit of ooch. I hit the ceiling when she did my big toes - all of 3 hairs on each! I guess because there's no padding at all there. So I shave those off now.:o


I think I'm going to look into one of those Epilators...

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My problem seems to be that I get a really, really, REALLY good clean shave (underarms and bikini) if I let the hair grow out some. I mean, it's just great. Ok, so that's not a problem. The problem is if I try to shave those areas on a daily basis, when the hair is real short and just growing back in, it hurts, bleeds, causes red bumps, etc. And the bumps don't go away. I've tried lots of different things. I actually found something that works pretty well for my bikini. It's called Bikini Zone I think. But, I'm hoping the wax will give me a nice clean look for longer than one day :p

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I've cruised twice, and have my lower legs, underarms and bikini line waxed about a week before (going January 20th, and have an appointment Jan.13 to get it all done again!) I love it because I don' have to worry about shaving, red spots, etc.


I honestly haven't had a problem with bikini line or underarms, but my lower legs REALLY hurt!! I thnik it may be because it's a larger area that takes many swipes of the old waxing paper! I've never had a problem the next day with any of the areas. Oh yes.....I always schedule a pedicure at the same time so that I get a little bit of pampering after the pain!! (and my feet are ready for sandles!)


My daughter gave me an 1 1/2 hour facial at my spa for christmas as well, so I'm going to call tomorrow and schedule that in at the same time!!



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I don't do the underarms anymore either - I was hoping to get rid of the bumps, and it didn't really do it, plus it grew back very quickly so I would have to have it done weekly.


The most painful part for me? My big toes! I went through face, underarms, bikini line, lower legs, all with just a bit of ooch. I hit the ceiling when she did my big toes - all of 3 hairs on each! I guess because there's no padding at all there. So I shave those off now.:o


I think I'm going to look into one of those Epilators...


Have you thought of laser removal? I did my underarms 3 times, very dark haired, and just now about 18 months later need to go back for a touch up. Haven't done toes but did have two individual facial hairs that were in weird places. Very stiff and 2 years later still gone after one application. Seems the more pinpointed the laser can be the better the results. You have the area covered with cold gel and a freezing cold air hose aimed at the spot as you are lasered. I suggest a spa connected to a cosmetic surgeon. I tried a RN who works for my doctors group and she, well, she hated it and it hurt. It was also more expensive. I'm back to my spa and getting ready to do my legs..all the way up. Not Brazilian though.

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I just went in to get some waxing done (eyebrows and upper lip - standard - and French bikini - in the middle between a regular bikini wax and a Brazillian).


Seriously, the French hurt less than my upper lip did. I took two Advil beforehand and no alcohol, and it was absolutely fine! :D And, woo boy, was I scared!


But don't be! It will be just fine.

I get waxed all the time "below the Equator" and for me, the biggest difference is getting someone who can get you going on a conversation as she works. There have been times when she's almost finished and I've only winced a couple of times because we've been chatting away the whole time.



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Question: After using the Epilator gizmo does the hair grow back in smoother/softer, like it does after a waxing? Or does it grow back with stubble, like shaving?


Just like waxing, the hair and follicle are removed with an epilator gizmo. So just like waxing, it grows back softer and much more slowly. Also over time, some of the hairs just say "I give up" and just don't come back at all.


Shaving feels stubbly because the hair is cut off with a blade at the skinline.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all -


I said I would post about my waxing experience so here goes...


I went in on Sat. morning for my first ever waxing of anything except eyebrows. Turns out it's good I had at least tried that, because the women at the spa seemed to really want to know that I didn't have any bad side effects from that before they did the procedure.


On a semi side note, the spa I went to was wonderful! They had me change into a tube top, disposable underwear, and comfy robe. Then gave me a big bowl of warm water to relax my feet in while I was waiting for her to prepare.


Anyways, once I got in there, the woman started cleaning my legs and basically massaging them while she wiped them down with oils and stuff. She said she was preparing my skin for the treatment. The actual "ripping" of the strips (once she got the wax on) did, of course, hurt, but not as bad as I thought it would. As soon as she pulled the strip away, she would immediately grab the area and rub down on it really hard and it seemed to minimize the "after effects". It wasn't too bad at all. The only time I was uncomfortable while doing the legs was on the back of the leg, she had to go over the same area 2 or 3 times.


Next was bikini. This hurt worse than the legs. Understandably. It was only for a few seconds though and then it was gone. I had the "red bumps" appear on my legs and bikini line shortly after the waxing and she said they would go away over night. Well, the bumps on my legs went away pretty fast, but it's Tuesday, and I still have the ones on my bikini area. It doesn't hurt, just the little red bumps. I guess from having sensitive skin. I probably won't do that area again, just because I don't like teh way it looks.


Underarms hurt a SLIGHT bit, but it was over so fast. She ripped once and said "See?" and I looked, expecting to see one strip of my underarm hair gone, but it was compeltely bare. She took it all off at once. That was good. I can DEFINITELY see myself getting my underarms done on a regular basis. I love it!!


A few notes: She said my hair was a little longer than usual, so that added a bit of pain to it. 1/2 inch is best. Mine was about 1 inch. She said with 1/2 inch hair it comes off easier and hurts less.


She used all of the oils, cleaners, and lotions for sensitive skin, so that may be different for someone else.


Anyways, that's pretty much it. Overall, a nice experience and one I think I will do again!

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