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"This was bad about my cruise" -flame shame


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every now and then, i get to thinking i'm in a fantasy football war room where people get bashed all the time because their team is no good, well, ok, cause my team is no good.


so i went back and deleted the message, but fortunately for me, SJBDTZ saved it for all to see, Yaay!!



your humble servant,


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Most of the poor reviews here are really interesting and probably helpful to a lot of people. (The thread about the horrific service from Princess' wedding vendor is a good example.)


But, occasionally, there are reviews here that reflect more bad attitude than bad trip. I don't expect people to be happy about a genuinely bad situation on vacation, but a good attitude can prevent a few hiccups from overtaking the whole trip. It's just hard for me view to those I'm-Mad-Animaniacs-car-trip type of reviews credibly.

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I think I echo most of ccrain's comments. For me, I choose to ignore both extremes (good and bad). People who think every cruise is perfect simply because they are on vacation are just as bad as those who feel every cruise is horrible--neither one typically provides much useful information for the average person.


I don't think I've ever flamed anybody for posting a review....but posting a rant disguised as a review is another matter. A review will post information, both good and bad, and will let the reader make a decision about the topic. A rant usually gives away the ending with the first sentence, skews all statements to the extreme, and ultimately tells you more about the author than about the topic.


As for bashing first-time posters with extreme views, people need to understand that as official as CC may look, it is--ultimately--nothing more than a social club. None of us are paid to post here (unless they are company shills). And, more importantly, no credentials are required to post here. So any lunatic with a keyboard can come on and act like an authority. Like any other internet forum, clout is purchased by longevity, participation, and consistency. Look at it this way: what if CC were a group that met in your local community center? How would you react to somebody who walked in one night, a complete stranger to all, and started with, "I HATE CRUISES! THEY ARE ALL HORRIBLE! THEY HIRE THUGS AND THIEVES! THEY.....(etc, etc)."? At best you'd ignore them, and at worst you'd toss them out. I am always leery of new people with an agenda....


Now, some will take the entirely unconstructive attitude of "let everybody do what they want and live in peace". But what happens when a lurking newbie reads that one ridiculous rant disguised as a review and thinks the author is in the majority? They may get a very distorted view of reality, all because no-one bothered to question the details. Since we don't have fact-checkers, we are required to police ourselves in terms of accuracy. We should certainly do it politely, but do it nevertheless.





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Let me more concise: I will never go on another NCL cruise. I don't like the treatment of "Freestyle!: It's way to "free feeling" for our likes! We're older than 45; we love good food and entertainment; as well as the vistas and flora and fawna of a foreign land.

I think Princess cruise lines does a superb job for the package.

Celebrity has an excellent package as well.

RCCL: Is okay but just okay!

Carnival: Is definitely not the package for us.......

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OP,this was very well stated. I can't tell you how much I learn on these boards. There is not another cruise board that is as active as CC or that you can find good info and get quick answers to questions on.


I learned a lot about the Crown before I ever went on it - and it was from reading reviews here.


No vacation is ever perfect, which is why reading reviews here I find are important. If you read three or four different reviews with the same comments - you can pretty much assume it is really happening.


Princess, your thread should be tacked to the top of the board to remind everyone tha everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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What you guys are saying is so so true... you don't know how much time I waste cleaning up arguments and plowing thru emails complaining basically bec. someone doesn't agree with them! Rude, harassing, disruptive behavior won't be tolerated and we're pretty good at sniffin' out trojans etc. but there is NO right or wrong opinion on 90% of the travel stuff. We have a couple forums where a few posters who do know something about a particular ship, destination hold forth and actually get pretty vehement in their disagreement of those who don't agree with them.. it's your vacation dollar and your cruise = it might not be "for me" but I still want to hear what was good, bad or indifferent.

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This is actually a pretty nice and balanced board. Of course, it just takes one or two people to get the thread off in a negative direction,

The fact is that on a cruise with 3000 pax some people willbe having the cruise of their life and in the next stateroom there will be unhappy with something or other.

There are two categories - those that are relatively subjective and those that are systemic. The smell issue seems to be a legitimate issue.

Some people like the menu and others don't. Some people find MUTS loud and intrusive- other love it.

The best posts offer tips and suggestions.

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What you guys are saying is so so true... you don't know how much time I waste cleaning up arguments and plowing thru emails complaining basically bec. someone doesn't agree with them! Rude, harassing, disruptive behavior won't be tolerated and we're pretty good at sniffin' out trojans etc. but there is NO right or wrong opinion on 90% of the travel stuff. We have a couple forums where a few posters who do know something about a particular ship, destination hold forth and actually get pretty vehement in their disagreement of those who don't agree with them.. it's your vacation dollar and your cruise = it might not be "for me" but I still want to hear what was good, bad or indifferent.


Thank you Caroline,


Public forums can be a nasty business especially when a few posters get a feeling they are masters of the forum and try to dictate their views amongst all posters. Fact is, all posters, whether new or veterans have the same rights to express their views and opinions of a cruise. There is no right or wrong when it comes to a cruise vacation. :cool:

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We all carry "baggage" and base our opinions on personal experience. Often, and particularly in the case of new posters, right or wrong, it takes time and experience to express your point of view in a clear way. Communicating on a message board is actually harder than communicating via e-mail and sometimes, what the OP intends to express doesn't come off as what they meant to say. Many times, the OP's negative experience seems very valid to them but could have been avoided with basic research or the help of a TA. Responses to this asking for more information or what OP did to resolve the issue right away appear like flames to others who aren't as experienced and they all take offense and everything starts to go down a slippery slope.


Just because someone has posted a negative review or complained about something doesn't mean that it was in actuality something that went wrong. Maybe the OPs expectations were unrealistic. Who knows?


Over the years, one thing I've learned is that a lot of the time, negative reviews or complaints were about things that could have been corrected while still on the ship yet the OP chose to or didn't know how to address the situation. That doesn't mean we should take all negative reviews as invalid. Instead, each should be read and evaluated on their own merit. The bottom line is that two people on the exact same cruise can, and do, have completely opposite experiences. It doesn't mean one is right and one is wrong. Just that their different. What offends one doesn't bother another. That's what makes us all different. It's what you do and how you handle a negative experience, IMHO, that matters.

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Thank you, Caroline.


Lord knows I've said things I've later regretted in the heat of the moment. And people have said things about me in the heat of the moment, too. Please remember that disagreeing is not flaming.


Can we drop the "cheerleader" epithets? People who use that term are doing little else but engaging in ad hominem attacks. Sometimes it's the Self-Appointed Post Cops who cause more damage than the posters they complain about.


I appreciate those who can argue intelligently. By engaging in discussion, I am permitting others an opportunity to provide an argument or perspective that might change my mind, and in return all I ask is the opportunity to do the same. Even if we choose to disagree today, tomorrow we might have a chance to help each other out. IJAFMB!*


Something I hope everyone will remember, too, is that we have different backgrounds and experience. If I say, "Give them a few days to sort it out," I'm not cheerleading, I'm just explaining how it works. If you don't like that, ask why I might say that, and I'll try to explain my rationale.


Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, or Monday, Dec. 25 whichever's your bag! :)


*It's Just A Friggin' Message Board!

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As for bashing first-time posters with extreme views, people need to understand that as official as CC may look, it is--ultimately--nothing more than a social club.






What's really interesting is to meet people from the boards on a cruise. And the variety is even wider once you meet them and sometimes just the opposite. Some people who sound the nicest on the boards can be real pills in person, and I mean over the top - although, thankfully, these are a very small minority. Some people who are real hell raisers on the boards can be the nicest person, in person, although the drink of the day certainly helps.


But, you are correct, it is just a social club and just like conversation in a social club, you must simply absorb, filter, collate and correlate all the information gathered.


How many times during the Captain's Welcome party have you stood there half listening to whining, bitching and complaining, drink in hand, hoping your partner shows up and rescues you from this absurd conversation - maybe by hurling on the offending party!?!


The boards are the same and in fact a little easier, and less messy, to disengage from an unwanted conversation.

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What you guys are saying is so so true... you don't know how much time I waste cleaning up arguments and plowing thru emails complaining basically bec. someone doesn't agree with them! Rude, harassing, disruptive behavior won't be tolerated and we're pretty good at sniffin' out trojans etc. but there is NO right or wrong opinion on 90% of the travel stuff. We have a couple forums where a few posters who do know something about a particular ship, destination hold forth and actually get pretty vehement in their disagreement of those who don't agree with them.. it's your vacation dollar and your cruise = it might not be "for me" but I still want to hear what was good, bad or indifferent.


I do sympathize with your position, but sometimes I think you do pull the trigger a bit too fast...

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As a lurker on this board I must say this was one of the more interesting threads in a while.It is funny to see everyone try to pat each other on the back here.

If it was made clear to all newbies that when and if they encounter a problem with something on board to just go and remove all tips from the crew and then call back to the US from the ship and have a lawyer waiting to sue the cruiseline when they arrived back they might have a better time knowing that they will probably be offered a free cruise because their lobster tail was like rubber.


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Dude, put some smilies on your sarcasm


I was serious!!:eek:

I am still waiting for my free cruise because during a golf putting contest,the ship moved and my ball just missed the cup and I was eliminated.:mad:

The website clearly stated that the ship was equipped with modern stabilizers,so my putt should have gone straight!


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Hi Folks,


First I would say that the whole idea of having these boards is a good one.


They can provide alot of good information.


However a lot of people seem to what to post for the fun of it, eg lets get everyone so up set that my post gets more reads and posts back than any other.


These things can put a very bad slant on the problem if there is infact is one.


Now some of you will know that I have complanined to Princess and others when things have gone wrong, I even cancelled a cruise I had booked with Princess, however that does not mean I will never cruise with them again or I will tell the whole world how bad they are, it means I had a problem which they fixed so I am happy to cruise with them again because I know if there is a real problem then they will fix it.


What I have no time for is those who say something was so bad it ment my cruise was a disaster, but did not tell anyone or ask for the problem to be fixed just waited until they got back to tell everyone how would listen.


I often wonder if these people had a new car which had a load of problems would they just drive around in it for years telling everyone how bad it was or would they take it straight back to the dealer to get it fixed.


yours Shogun

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I agree with the OP. Some people seem to take things PERSONALLY and then respond with personal attacks. At the end of the day, we are talking about a big ole boat and if you don't have any money in the stock of or own that big ole boat, then why would you care if someone doesn't like it or didn't have a good time? I mean does their "disaster cruise" negate your "wonderful cruise"?


I just don't get it.

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I agree with the OP. Some people seem to take things PERSONALLY and then respond with personal attacks. At the end of the day, we are talking about a big ole boat and if you don't have any money in the stock of or own that big ole boat, then why would you care if someone doesn't like it or didn't have a good time? I mean does their "disaster cruise" negate your "wonderful cruise"?


I just don't get it.


Good point.


On the Carnival board, there is a poster who often posts the same post in response to any negative review. His response usually goes like this:


"There is no way this happened to you. You are lying. You must be an unhappy person to come to this board and spread your lies."


It happens so often, I just kind of find it amusing. You can't take any of this too seriously.

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Some posters know exactly what these terms mean. The cheerleaders that act like a cruiseline would never lie, cheat, or steal are naive. Anytime there is a profit motive, these terms will come into play. Just because someone hasn't posted a thousand times doesn't mean they were born yesterday.


Do they come into play often? No, for the most part the cruiselines strive to do what's right but when the dollar amount starts to climb and and potential lawsuits are threatened, all of a sudden people start to 'forget', stories change, verbal directions are given to employees on what to say and what not to say. It's sad but true.

Likewise, the naysayers that act like a cruiseline would always lie, cheat, or steal are equally naive. There always is a profit motive, whidh is why they are in business.

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Likewise, the naysayers that act like a cruiseline would always lie, cheat, or steal are equally naive. There always is a profit motive, whidh is why they are in business.


I agree fully with the OP.


As for the above comment, you say that people act like cruise lines always lie, cheat and steal, then go on to say "there is a profit motive which is why they are in business."

You contradict yourself in two sentences. You imply that they never lie, cheat or steal but go on to imply that they act malicious because they are in business. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but that's what I got from it. Please make this more clear.


I don't believe cruise lines lie, cheat or steal. I do, however, think the reason for the awful coffee is so you spend your money on specialty drinks instead.:p

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I agree fully with the OP.

My comment were not in response to the OP's. They were in response to bunduo.

As for the above comment, you say that people act like cruise lines always lie, cheat and steal, then go on to say "there is a profit motive which is why they are in business." You contradict yourself in two sentences. You imply that they never lie, cheat or steal but go on to imply that they act malicious because they are in business. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but that's what I got from it. Please make this more clear.

The two sentences were not meant to be related. The first was a counterpoint in response to the statement "cheerleaders that act like a cruiseline would never lie, cheat, or steal are naive" My point was some folks are just as quick to imply cruiselines constantly lie, cheat or steal. I personnally know people who never "trust" any corporation.


My second statement was in response to "Anytime there is a profit motive". Corporations are in business to make a profit.... so their motive is more than "Anytime" it is "All the time". I see nothing wrong with that... it's captialism.

I don't believe cruise lines lie, cheat or steal. I do, however, think the reason for the awful coffee is so you spend your money on specialty drinks instead.:p

I don't either. I think the coffee thing is a cost tradeoff business decision made because providing that amount of freshly brewed coffee would be more significantly more expensive than the syrup stuff. I too wish they would have made a different decision. :( Princess used to provide brewed coffee at their bars for the asking.


But I also remember HAL having self serve cappuccino / caffè latte machines in their buffet and free Java lounges. ;)

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My comment were not in response to the OP's. They were in response to bunduo.


The two sentences were not meant to be related. The first was a counterpoint in response to the statement "cheerleaders that act like a cruiseline would never lie, cheat, or steal are naive" My point was some folks are just as quick to imply cruiselines constantly lie, cheat or steal. I personnally know people who never "trust" any corporation.


My second statement was in response to "Anytime there is a profit motive". Corporations are in business to make a profit.... so their motive is more than "Anytime" it is "All the time". I see nothing wrong with that... it's captialism.

I don't either. I think the coffee thing is a cost tradeoff business decision made because providing that amount of freshly brewed coffee would be more significantly more expensive than the syrup stuff. I too wish they would have made a different decision. :( Princess used to provide brewed coffee at their bars for the asking.


But I also remember HAL having self serve cappuccino / caffè latte machines in their buffet and free Java lounges. ;)


Thanks for the clarification.

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