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Anyone on Atkins?


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Steirisch-welcome to the Atkins thread. Nice to know the stats at the doctor confirm what we always knew; that Atkins IS the healthy way to eat. Like I've said so many times; God put meat, veggies and fruit in the Garden of Eden, not Baskin Robbins (I wish!). You go girl!

Tom- what can I say. It seems the closest to us expect soooo much! But don't appreciate or respect what it takes to get there:confused: I wonder if we are the same way with those that are close to us? Funny, just tonight we were looking thru some old photos from 20+ yrs ago for a 50th anniversary party,(Not for us, my parents). Anyway, I look at how hard I tried to look and be the best and no matter what, I was never satisfied with myself. It seems we are always trying to please someone else and not being happy with who we are. Maybe I am off track? I think you are pretty special and not at all "spoiled" just knocking yourself OUT! It would be soooo much easier to just order the "darn wopper" with everything! You just do what makes you feel good. You are always an ispiration to the rest of us:p No preasure there?

P.S. Don't forget to post your pics!

Lisa!!!! Did you find some good bargains???? I can't wait to hear about your new stuff!!!!

Kreeb- Sometimes you go for a week or so with no big loss and then all of the sudden (BAM!) you get a BIG loss! It just happens that way:confused: You are loosing inches (and that's what matters) you keep hanging in there!

I hope everyone has a good week:D

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Hi all,


Okay, I'm getting really busy now! I had my manicure & another treatment today, I'm done shopping & the kids are all set up to be cared for. I still have to pack, but I've got my list together & everything I need. Just have to throw it all in the suitcases! We leave Friday around noon, so if you don't hear back from me, I hope y'all have a great week! I'm inspired by Tom & Karen, so I won't have the culinary bacchanal I was planning to have! I've decided to go ahead & follow the plan for the most part, with the occasional stray & dessert. I will be working out every day, though, and I have some active stuff planned for port, so if I gain a few pounds I'm not worried. As of today, I'm at the lowest since before my pregnancy...161...so I'll take it.


Jean ~ how are you, sweetie? Did you make it through your weekend?


donnerpumpkin & steirisch ~ welcome! I'm with Tom on the caffeine...it helps me lose better without it...but I don't have a problem with the occasional cup of coffee or diet soda. As Annie knows, I enjoy a glass of wine too...but more than one & I'm no good to anybody. So I usually have half a glass! Best wishes on meeting your goals!


Tom ~ oh yeah, I'm finally getting excited. I have so much to do!! But day after tomorrow I'll be alone with DH & loving it. Isn't Burger King's motto "have it your way"? That doesn't sound spoiled to me. I know we all have one or two people in our lives that just don't know how to encourage, but I hope you don't have to spend too much time with someone like that.:)


Pink & kira ~ my favorite cauliflower recipe (I'm sure you've heard of it already, but I'll share it anyway) is to cook it in the micro until soft...saute some leeks in butter & garlic, add to the cauliflower with some cream & puree it in the food processor...like mashed potatoes, only better!


Annie ~ I did find some good things! I only spent 50.00 on my "formal" & I love it. It's a short dress, size 10...the style reminds me of what Marilyn Monroe wore when she's standing over the air grate...but it's modest enough, like I like it. It will go well with Kevin's tux. And it's not trendy, so I'll be able to use it for a long time. I had a friend go with me & tried on 20 dresses...from 8's to 12's, and this is the one I liked the best. One dress I got was a 3/4!!!!!! But it's a little too revealing & DH didn't like the color, so it went back. I would have kept it just to say I had a size 3/4 in my wardrobe that fit!!!:p I also got some tops & shorts & a little skirt...all for about $120 including the formal dress! What a deal! Gotta love Marshalls!


Kreeb ~ inches lost are even better than pounds. You're obviously adding muscle & that will boost your metabolism even more! Your body will adjust & the pounds will resume their downward march. I love the Biggest Loser!! I'll have to see it when I get back, though! Love the DVR! My favorite thing to do with zucchini is saute in butter & garlic & freshly ground pepper, mix in some onion, then add fresh spinach & tomato chunks & cook til tender. I won't mention that zucchini bread is one of my favorite foods, because we don't eat that now!!:p


Gotta go...hi to everyone else...if I don't make it back on, I will toast to my Atkins buddies from the ship! Have a great week!

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Thank you all for the encouragement......

Anyway after being so good about "white flour" for so long I had 3 rolls yesturday at Knotts Berry Farm (Chicken Dinner Place). I cannot believe it. So careful arround the gormet and whipe out at the "trailer park"... It was the ever fateful just one... So good with butter and jam... At least I did not have desert...

Then I come home to a pasta dish. Sort of pretended to eat some...


Today has not been the best day either. Today school started. Carlos was in a state and then I had to hassel with finding parking, then his home room etc. Traffic lights out.... I realize I am still prone to emotional eating. I thought I was beyond that. Guess again :mad:....

I have not really eaten anything that bad today just that I sort of cannot stop... yikes...

Tomorrow I am going back a phase or two and just am going to calm down.... I really do not think I am beyond even doing induction for a day or two. Might do me good.

I did drag my self to the gym....

I need to remember the next scheduled cruise is in about 120 days...


Thanks Lisa, Annie and Kreeb...

I will work on the pictures... I promise...

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Well eveyone here is a photo of me in Tux on QE2. I wish I had one with a unique background. (one that showed off the ship not a background I see on every cruise.)

All for now, Tom


I had camera problems but if my friends have any cool photos I will post them..


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Tom: You look fabulous! ;) l love a guy in a tux! My DS is going to rent one on board for my DBIL.

Lisa: Have a absolutely great cruise!!! Try to be good, but don't take the fun out of living just a little bit! Wer'e all here to help you pick up any pieces (though I sure they'll be few) when you come home.:)

Kreeb: If you are looking better, and your clothes are fitting you better...than the inches off are what we've been working for with all this!


Thanks for the advice on caffine...It will be hard...but if it would help I'm willing. *sigh* Figures, I just got 2 twelve packs of Coke Zero. :rolleyes:


Ok here is a newbie question...I'm waiting for my friend to give me her Atkins books so I can get all the info under my belt. But till I do...It's amazing how many opinions there are about me going on Atkins! Sheesh! Well anyway, I goofed on some salad dressing on my greens at the salad bar at work. It was non-fat, but obviously not non-carb (sugar). And someone (with an opinion) spoke right up and said I had ruined all my hard work, because the moment you slip on induction, you go right back to square one! YIKES! Is that true? I'm right back on the wagon, but is induction really, really that strict? If it is, it is...but I'd like to know anyway?

Thanks everyone,


PS..4 days on, 2 and ahalf lost!

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Chill Donna!!!!! Some sneaky salad dressing shouldn't do you in. The worst that could happen is it may slow your weight loss just a bit. If you are exersising; it shouldn't matter. It's not like you went out to eat and had spinch dip w/chips and eggrolls:eek: Oh wait, that was me:p Hey, girls just wanta have fun! I will compensate tomorrow by staying so close to induction and an extra mile in the AM.

You will do fine.


Tom- what can I say; being from TN I can tell you the "trailor park cusine" will get you EVERY time:p You will feel soooo much better when you go back a level or two. Taking a little walk on the other side sure does help you to appreciate what you have at home, so to speak:D

By the way....WOW I think you look marvelous before and after!


Lisa- awesome deals on the cruise clothes. Please post some pics when you get back.....have a GREAT cruise.


Jean-getting kinda worried about you my friend. I hope you are ok.


Congrats to all who had a loss this week, I was just happy to stay the same.


All for now.


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Lisa: Have a wonderful cruise on the Fantasy. We did a back to back on her last August/September so that we could reach Platinum status. Have a great time on your cruise and if you are going to have dessert and like chocolate you must try the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. Thanks for the zucchini recipe. I will definitely try it.


Donna: Just remember that low fat usually means added sugar. The best salad dressings for Atkins usually are caesar, blue cheese, ranch, or olive oil and vinegar. That's one of the good things about this WOE, you get to enjoy the wonderful full fat salad dressings.


Tom: Your before and after pictures are amazing. You look great! Don't feel too bad about falling off the wagon. We are all human and have moments of weakness, but we just can't let the moments turn into days, weeks, months. I found a recipe for something called Rev Rolls. Here is the link, http://forum.lowcarber.org/showthread.php?t=342185

I haven't tried them yet, but it sure does sound worth a try.


Pinkbikini: Congrats on the weightloss and rewarding yourself with something other than food. Way to go!


I was at Waldenbooks today and bought a cookbook, Better Homes and Gardens 8 Grams or Less Low-Carb Recipes, on the bargain book rack for $3.99. The only other low-carb cookbook they had in stock was George Stella's Cookbook for $17.95, so I went with the cheap one. If I find any good recipes, I will post them.

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Has anyone had trouble adding "balsamic vinegar" in their diet? I know in "New Diet Rev, 2002 edition" Atkins says no because it has sugar and is generally high in carbs. Mine is 2 carbs/tbl and does have sugar. This week I read a cookbook by Atkins and wife veronica that said "balsamic vinegar, in small amts is ok" So I added a tsp here and tbl there to liven up that yucky jicama and add some punch to my feta, spinach, and bacon salads!


But today I had the worst, most awful cravings for SWEETS! I've been having them once/week, usually on Wed... but today instead of nibbling hubby's cake or getting an ice cream I took a shower and went to bed early to fight the craving. Woke up without the cravings fortunately! Visited Barnes and Nobles to try a new book I've been meaning to read for awhile.


All in all, an enjoyable, sugar-free DAY!


**Please tell me if anyone has had trouble with balsamic bringing cravings**

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Hi Guys/Gals!

Long time no post, but I'm back! The weekend was tougher then I thought it would be( in so many ways) and really this morning is the first day that I'm feeling closer back to 'normal'. You know what I mean.

This is going to be a long post....so grab your water, or come back later! LOL!

Tom - WoW.... You have worked so HARD - And it Shows!! Way to go!!!

You know what you need to do to keep yourself on track and remember that those who won't support you with the way you want/need your food done will just have to put their flexible hat on when you are all out together! - They weren't there during those long hours of working out, when you wanted to cheat just a little and DIDN'T, finding something else to focus on when all of those amusement park food smells floated your way - Losing weight and hitting your goal - You just keep on ordering what you know keeps you so fit and feeling good! Your son will appreciate it too! ;) I/we went to one of the hometown pizza places last weekend that I am so glad is over 300 miles from us - because it was so good going down - that Italian comfort food, that is not Atkins friendly, but that night I just had 1 & 1/2 pieces and 2 big waters and it was enough. See we all have those temptations!

Annie Girl: You are such the Atkins Cheerleader! YAY! That one week over on the low fat dark side really has you re-focused!! We could probably both go into a Chili's and come very close to the carb count on each of their items !! :D LOL!! I know your an early morning walker.... how do you do it.... getting up and out when the mornings are getting so dark outside? You go Girl!

Lisa: All that shopping....how fun! Have a most wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear how it was when you get back!

Pinkbikini - Sorry, I don't even have any balsamic vinegar in my house. I'm no help here. :( Did you see on the Big Fat Looser where they had to go into a market and find Jicama? I thought of this board when they had to do that! LOL!

donnerpumpkin: Glad to see you on the 10% boards too! You will hear so many people express their opinions on Atkins - and what I find is, when I say I'll have some chicken/fish and a salad or veggies - - some actually think that I'm on WW!

Some think it's the only way to loose weight or eat healthy. It's the weeks of induction that people think you'll only have a steak bone hanging on your lip for the rest of your life....which just isn't the case. When you are able to read the book and then really get the hang of it - your energy will be so high, cravings will drop off and the scales & tape measure will prove it to you!

Kreeb: I love a good cookbook! I have a 10 year collection of Southern Living Cookbooks that adds 10 carbs a day to my total when I just read them!:eek: LOL!

Looking forward to the new dishes you try and give approval of!

Schill38 & Steirisch - Welcome to the boards!! Looks like your doing well!


Karen and Kiraryker - Hello! Hope your having a good week!


Well I've saved my 'story' for the end and wondering if your still awake?!?! Anyway, a couple of weeks ago my DH brought home that evil digital scale - which weighed 3 lbs heavier then the old one. So I added those 3 - just to make it easier to keep track of. Then by last weekend I was up 2 more, on Sunday I was up 2 more - was starting to think that I was in BIG Trouble! But I knew that anytime I could, I always chose the Atkins WOE and only had 1 dessert in 4 days! Felt pretty low on Sun & Mon - then on Tuesday I'm not sure what happened...but something kicked in my system and this morning when I weighed myself - I'm down those added pounds and 2 more! :eek: So, once I take off 2 more - I'll be at the original old scale weight! So here's my goal - Monday's weigh in to be at the old scale weight - on the new scale. Lots of walking and discipline - we'll see how it goes! The jeans I'm wearing today are pretty loose...I sure hope it's not just faking me out! AAHHH!


Ok... back to work,


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Okay, I'm leaving in 2 hours & haven't finished packing yet:eek: but I wanted to post some good news & my "final" stats (to be continued when I get back of course!): the good news is, I weighed in at 160 today!!! Water weight must be giving me a break. So, the final results:


Total weight loss: 32 pounds

Weight loss since joining LBYC in May: 12 pounds

Total inches lost: 15+

Total body fat lost: 5%+

Dress sizes lost: between 2-3


I couldn't have done it without you guys!! When I get back, I'll work on the rest & I'll definitely need your support & encouragement.


Well eveyone here is a photo of me in Tux on QE2. I wish I had one with a unique background. (one that showed off the ship not a background I see on every cruise.)


Tom ~ you look FANTASTIC!!!!!! You should be so proud of your accomplishment. I hope you enjoyed your bread binge!;) You know what it takes to get back on track & I know you'll hop right back on to that wagon.


Jean ~ good to hear from you. Sounds like you gained some water weight, which can easily happen on a trip. You'll hit that old scale number in no time & you'll feel better knowing that the number you see from now on is REAL.


Everyone else, thanks for the well-wishes, I will toast to my Atkins buddies at sunset & hope you all have a wonderful week!!:D :D

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Happy Friday!! D day for me as my weekends are the hardest to stay on plan (beer & munchies)


NMCRUZZIN- don't worry new scales are always different - I weigh myself everyday then take an average for the week and usually it works in my favor.


Tom- you look fabulous!!


Rocknsoul- Post your wonderful time when you get back!!


Pinkbikini- I use just regular fat dressing -usually blue cheese so I can't help with the vinegar


donnerpumpkin- Good luck I'm a huge coke Zero fan and usually have about 3 a day - just can't kick that habbit


Annie3468 - I love egg rolls!!!!! At least you don't panic over things - I'm that way also - I figure once and awhile it won't kill me - but it will if I think I can never have some of my old favorites!


Kreeb- I'll have to look for that cook book - does it have ingredients that you just pick up at the local store?? I hate those that have all that hard to find ingredients.



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Hey Kiraryker! I made those jalapeno poppers last night - I like something with flavor....wow... these were really good! Thanks for the idea! My DH had a couple to, but got ahold of a hot one :eek: and that was enough for him! YUM! :D

Bye Lisa - She's already left and we are so glad she gets to go! She's going to look great!!

Lover of H20... have you been hiding...or on a cruise...?

Have a great weekend everyone!

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All of you are so motivated! Every time I am on here, I practically hear the theme from Rocky; I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the "can-do" mentality that is so prevalent here. Attitude is every bit as vital as reading the book (knowledge) and having the right foods in the house (availability/readiness).


Are there some of you here who go to parties and find yourselves making a bee line to the veggie platters because it's really the Ranch dip you like? That sounds like me. smile.gif So, what I like to do - especially if I'm traveling, concerned about getting in all my vegetables, and only a small refrigerator is available - is go to the supermarket and buy one of those $3.99 veggie platters to enjoy that day whenever I have a few minutes. I especially love the platters with the baby carrots.


The entire veggie platter, even with the dip included, usually adds up to 15-25 total grams of carbohydrates, so this is a nice way to get your non-salad veggies in and have something different from salads. I wouldn't go near these platters without that dip! Or you can buy a bag of stir-fry veggies (15-20 total carbs) and use your own brand of dip if you are particular. On that note, Ken's Steakhouse Buttermilk Ranch, at ½ total carb per tablespoon, is the lowest-carb Ranch I have come across so far.


By the way, if any of you are on Induction and experiencing stalls, please feel free to e-mail me directly. "Menu cleanups" is something I do all the time, and it brings me a lot of joy seeing Atkins followers' losses resuming in just a matter of days - it just requires a few tiny, doable tweaks here and there. I have made my own fair share of mistakes in the beginning, so please feel free to take advantage of what I've been through!


Another quick tip for those who have Ralph's supermarket available in your area: try the amazing buffalo chicken wings, located in the deli near all the meats and cheeses. The ingredients pass and this really is an amazing snack with some bleu cheese dressing and celery.


I am on Cloud 9 right now because ... though it has not yet set in stone ... I think I will be going on the cruise of my dreams several months from now - and what better place to mention this? :) The prospect is so exciting!!


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!

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Hello All:

I hope Lisa has a great Cruise!

Shelia thanks for visiting and the great comments... If you get to do your dream cruise please tell us all about it :). Mine would be a world cruise on Cunard ( when I win the lottery)...

Jean thanks for the kind comments....

kiraryker... wanting to loose more helps me not be so anxious for the cruise... Something other than the cruise to obsess over .... but it looks like you have a few months. Just keep on the program for the long term as well as to look better in your cruise photos... Cause we all know cruises come and go real fast :eek:.

I am doing real good now going back to sort of an ongoing weight lose phase. I really want to loose that final 10lbs for me. I have also decided that I really want to get much more toned up... So a new sort of goal to keep me motovated.

All for now, Tom

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Is it already Sunday afternoon!?!? Wow, where is this weekend going?

Sheila - I did pick up some Ken's - ranch. It's really good! Thanks for the tip!

And....what is this dream cruise your dreaming about?! My daughter sails today on the Liberty for a week - I'm so glad she gets to go! Thanks for dropping in on us - your a big encouragment!

Tom - SEE !! I knew you'd be back on track in just a few days - your were just having a bit of re-adjustment time!

Annnniieee..... Wheeere arrre yoouu?

Monday weigh in.....we'll see what happens!

Catch ya's tomorrow

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Sheila- thanks for checking in. I always feel more motivated after one of your visits. I will have to try the Ken's ranch dressing. I usualy make the Hidden Valley ranch from the packet,not sure how many carbs but it is real good.


Tom- sounds like you are having a better day, good for you. By the way; you looked soooo good in both pics! I think losing 10 more pounds would be too much...JMHO:o :o I keep telling my DH that 180lbs and 6'2" is just right, but he wants to lose 5 more.


I haven't been very good this past week and I didn't have a loss to report:( But, I didn't have a gain either:p I am planning a full induction week to kind of detox and get back on track. I know I will feel better anyway.


Lisa- please let us know how you liked your cruise! I am sure you looked soooo good in your size10! I don't blame you for wanting to get the 3/4 just to say you could. I used to be a size 3/4, but I wouldn't want to be that small again.


Jean, how you doin' girl? Are you back on track yet?


Kreeb, Pinkbikini, Donnerpumpkin....ya'll still out there?


kiraryker- you put down that beer and muncies!


Let's all have a good low carb week!



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Hello Everyone!

Thank you soooo much for your great advice, I do need to chill, but I'm doing the kick my self in rear and get your act together girl phase of finally pulling this together and dieting! So thanks for helping me to not panic.


Well I got on the scale today...one week on induction....I started at 222.8 and I wiegh 217.6!!!!! 5lbs of my goodness! I know, I know...water weight. But it helps with all the getting induction down pat.


I surprised my 3 year old twin grandsons the other day when we were outside playing and I had their bag of seedless grapes in my lap for them. I mindlessly put one in my mouth and after the initial bite down on it...PHATOOEY! I sent that baby flying across the yard! Both my grandsons were kind of shocked that Grammie and spit so well!:p It's surprising how easy it is to just "pop" something in your mouth without thinking.


I made the sausage & egg "cupcakes" the other day...yummy! Perfect for those hectic mornings, wow! Can't wait to try the cauliflower recipe now.

I have to confess...I have'nt given up the caffine totally either. But I'm surprising myself by how much I have cut it back and I'm doing OK with it. Thinking of doing the second week of induction caffine free, what can I lose but pounds and another addiction!:D


I'm so glad you are all doing well, and I can't wait to be where you all are. But that takes time and not a magic wand (dang)! It's a 153 days till my cruise. Glad to obsess over my diet instead of wishing all my days away for my cruise. Got to live in the moment, time is too precious to waste. (boy do I sound sappy or what?;) )


Take care, Donna

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Hello, everyone! I just found this board. I am on atkins too, and have lost 7 lbs this week. I know that is too much so I am adding in more veggies. This is a trial and error kind of thing for me. Atkins is pretty hard for me because I am not very fond of meat and used to be a vegetarian. However, it very exciting to find my clothes so much looser. I want to lose another 5-10 pounds before the cruise and hope it will be possible. I have about 12 days, so I am trying to be pretty strict. thanks for everyone's advice on here. I'm hoping I can find some recipes. Hubby has been on steroids and has gained 30 pounds. He is almost weaned off them and is trying to loose. He is a potato and bread person and is REALLY struggling with it. He is mean as a bear (I found out he snuck a bigmac the other day and I went off on him). This was his idea, and I am trying so hard; it just makes it difficult when he is not. I've lost about 17 pounds in the last few months, and he has not said a word. Oh well, I know the atkins is working. I'm not hardly ever hungry, and that is what I like best. The hunger pains is what makes me fall of the wagon on every other diet.

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Welcome mountaingirl! It's nice of you to join us. It sounds like you're doing great on Atkins. At least your husband is trying to follow this WOE with you. It makes grocery shopping and cooking so much easier.


I went shopping today while my husband sat on his a$$ all day watching football. I bought him a nice tropical shirt and a top for me also. I refuse to buy pants until I loose more weight, and since our cruise isn't until the end of November I have time to get more of this extra baggage of my booty!


My husband requested "football food" for dinner tonight so I stopped at a restaurant and got hot wings, celery, blue cheese and for him...french fries. While I was waiting for the takeout order, I had a cobb salad and unsweet tea. There are leftover wings for tomorrow...YUM!!!


Well, I had a cheat-free week and exercised daily so we will have to see what the scale says tomorrow morning.

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Hello again!! Quick dining out idea: at Bennigan's today, I had the Grilled Salmon and substituted the rice pilaf for a double helping of broccoli. I asked for a side of butter for the latter, as well as a side of regular Ranch dressing - I'm big into dipping!



Donnerpumpkin: your sausage muffins sound really good. Annie: making your own Ranch dressing at home is such a wise idea. I do this from time to time and use heavy cream in lieu of milk; it is sweet and so thick that if I turn the dish upside down, it stays. Not bad!


The cruise that might happen is not set in stone at this point; but really, I was too excited at just the prospect of it to stay 100% quiet, so I just had to mention it. :) Cruises are such an amazingly fun experience for me, and I just get wistful when a new one might be on the horizon soon! My dream is to guest-speak on cruises - holding Q&A sessions, seminars, and making myself available to anyone anytime in the duration (not just during these sessions). What I do is such a passion for me that I would even do it for free. This is something I am looking into!

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Good Morning!

Monday - a new weigh day to help me re-focus back on induction for awhile. It is so easy to stray! I'm reporting no loss - my weight was just so up and down last week that I really need to take a deep breath in and out, and get back on track!!

SFS - I really hope that one day your ship will come in, and you get to go out with it as a speaker! I've attended a few workshops on board that had 3 out of 4 of us asleep - and I know yours would not be like that at all!! I would come to your workshop! ;) Keep us posted!

Mountaingurl- My DH is also doing Atkins with me, and he not only loves breads, but has such a big sweet tooth! I find that being just about 1/2 a step ahead of him has really helped - such as asking him if he was hungry and had hot wings, deviled eggs, tuna salad - already made up so he could snack. The first few weeks are hard on the guys, I think that they get extra hungry when their WOE changes so much, and then when they see the scales move faster for them then women (usually) they get a good boost of will power and stay on the Atkins train. Your going to be looking so good for your Cruise!

Kreeb - Good choice on the Hot wings....I love'em and this weekend I made a bunch too - the are great for a snack when it's so tempting to cheat with something else!

Donna - Phatooey - That was so funny!! Yup! Sticking something tasty in your mouth and not even realizing it - one of my bad habits! You are doing so well!

Hang in there!

So let's low carb it today!

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I think we all struggle from time to time!!!

I really enjoy Sugar Free Sheila when she drops in too! Been meaning to spend some time on her website, too. I surfed there one day and I think I can pick up some tips as well as some inspiration...Thank you for that Sheila ! I would love to be one a cruise with you. If it works out let us know here FIRST!!! :D

Have a great week everyone....


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