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Anyone on Atkins?


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Jayesouthworth, I know getting that diabetes diagnosis is a shock - my DH was in denial for a while and didn't follow doctor's orders for diet or do the glucose tests. When he finally started doing blood counts regularly - and the numbers weren't good - I cut out the white foods and excess carbs so his meals conformed to my Atkins plan, anly with larger quantities. His glucose counts are nearly normal now. His doctor was really surprised, and told him to keep doing what he was doing because it obviously worked.

You have the right attitude from the start, so I know you'll do fine. And maybe your dietitian will come around too :)

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Thanks for the encouragement, I need all I can get. I'm going to meet with the dietician in about 3 weeks. I test my blood sugar twice a day and they have a computer that they read my readings with to see where I'm at and if my meds need adjusting. It's pretty hard sitting there listening to this dietician cuz she is closed minded to Atkins on ANYTHING! And, she's 5'4" and weighs an easy 350+ pounds! It's hard to hold my tongue when talking to her. My blood sugar is staying under 120 so Atkins does work and my DH is doing the diet with me. That really helps there. I will check in here from time-to-time on my progress. 70 more days............yeah!

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Thanks for the encouragement, I need all I can get. I'm going to meet with the dietician in about 3 weeks. I test my blood sugar twice a day and they have a computer that they read my readings with to see where I'm at and if my meds need adjusting. It's pretty hard sitting there listening to this dietician cuz she is closed minded to Atkins on ANYTHING! And, she's 5'4" and weighs an easy 350+ pounds! It's hard to hold my tongue when talking to her. My blood sugar is staying under 120 so Atkins does work and my DH is doing the diet with me. That really helps there. I will check in here from time-to-time on my progress. 70 more days............yeah!



Sounds like you are doing great - holding your tongue with the dietitian and letting your results speak for themselves is the way to go. After all, she can hardly force you to eat sugary foods, white bread, pasta and potatoes! Check in here, when you need encouragement. If you want reinforcements, I can refer you to an Atkins board for diabetics.

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Getting back on track since returning home has been so difficult. It was just awful. The bad news is that I'm up 4 lbs. It is my time of the month and I have been weak so many days since I got home when work got stressful and chocolate beckoned from the back room.


Fortunately, for the past 2 days I'm back on track and I plan to stay that way!


I got some low-carb dark choc to take to work every night (I don't eat it every night but it's there at 3 carbs/piece for the bad nights next time I have one so I don't fall prey to the baked goods). I know it's going to get tougher and tougher with halloween and the holidays coming up. Families just love to feed their nurses :)


Does anyone else have any tricks for avoiding the treats esp at work during stressful times?? Foods you eat that help curb the cravings at these times? I know,as my husband has so lovingly pointed out, that I'm eating from stress at these times and not out of hunger. I'm hoping this will work-- last night I avoided some orange and black m&ms... I felt so strong!


Here's to a return of my weight loss this week so I can get back on track and start climbing those rungs again... dairy is next and I'm so looking forward to it!

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Lisa- great pics!!! I love the dress!!! I can't wait to eat guac on the beach in Feb:D I will go check out your review in a little while.


I haven't been keeping up with ya'll cause I have been soooo busy the past two weeks helping my daughter get ready for my grandaughter's birthday blow-out. We have a BIG cook out with bon-fire and a hayride every year. It was last night and I am pooped! We did a High School Musical theme this year with a karaoke stage built on the pool deck. I lost track of how many people were here, but, we had 150 hotdogs, a bar-b-que sholder, big pot of chili, crockpot full of cheese dip and I don't know how many bags of chips and they are all gone! Someone counted 38 kids on the hayride with several staying back to play on the jumpy-thingy that we rented. So, figure 45 kids plus parents and family, maybe 100+ people.

My job today is to finish the cleanup and go low carb shopping for next week. I haven't weighed today, but, I am sure I didn't do good last week. I made some bad fast food choices. I have been working by myself and I just depend on someone to bring me whatever back for lunch. Now, I have all day to plan and prepare my lunches for next week.

I plan to get into my SFS cookbook for ideas.


Welcome to all the new posters! It's interesting to hear everyone's stories. I guess we all know what to do to get the weight off and keep it off;why can't we just stick to what we KNOW works? As someone posted," you wouldn't eat something you are allergic to, why eat what you know will make you feel bad" We have just got to keep encouraging each other.


Ya'll have a good week!



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It is great to read everyone's posts!!!

Gooselace, you are my hero !!! 120 pounds and keeping it off...I aspire to be like you!!!

Jaye, my dietician doesn't like my diet either, but my MD does, and I do, so I have quit arguing with her. Now I just say, my doctor says I need to stay low-carb for awhile longer since my bloodworth is improving....and I give her a sweet smile. :) Then the next time I see her, we go through the whole routine again....Oh well...Just stay focused and do what feels right for YOU !!!

This is going to be a hard week for me. My grandmother turns 90 next Sunday and we are having an "Open House" party in her honor next Saturday, so there is so much food planned and getting set up and I pressure eat anyway... Help!!!!!!

See you all later!!!


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there is so much food planned and getting set up and I pressure eat anyway


Just be sure you take some foods you can eat and also share, such as meat tray, deviled eggs, pimento cheese roll, meatballs (made with crushed pork rinds instead of bread crumbs; salsa instead of regular catsup), sugarfree cheesecake with crushed pecan crust; sugarfree Jello dessert mold, chocolate covered strawberries, spiced pecans or mixed nuts, etc.

When I know I'm going to pressure-snack, I make sure to have some almonds on hand, or better yet, pistachios in the shell.

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It's Sunday and it's weigh in time...I am so glad I stuck it out with all your help you guys!!! I started 3 weeks ago on induction, lost 5lbs the first week, second week on induction, NOTHING LOST! and I was good.:confused: But you guys gave me great ideas and I followed through with them (cut wat back on caffeine, no more diet sodas, more water, etc.) and I'm happy to say I am another 5 lbs down!! :D YAY!! That's 10 lbs in 3 weeks! It makes me feel soooo good! I'm going to stick with induction one more week and then move on to OWL. Ready for a few more veggies!


Gooselace: You are awesome! It's always good to hear it can be done!


Pink: I am such a stress/emotional eater too. Right now here at work (I work weekends) in my break room is a large bag of halloween choclate bars, box of rice crispie treats, and oreo cakettes!! AARRGGHH! I carry some egg/ham/chicken salad in a small rubbermaid container to snack on when it really starts getting to me. Also I steam slightly brocolli (sorry, raw brocolli...ugh)and carry it and ranch dressing to dip in. Make something you really like to bring to the open house birthday party, and stay as far away from the table of goodies, and make time to talk with people you usually don't get to instead. Involve a friend or relative to help you!


Lisa: your reviews were great! I have sailed on Carnival also and enjoyed it like yourself. Guacamole is soooo wonderful! Can't wait till February!


WooHoo! I am such a loser!:D


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Donna! Congrats on your 5 lbs! You really work in a dangerous place! ~ Open bags of Chocolate :eek: ~ that would be soo bad for me! But your will power AND going to work with your own stuff .... the pay off is seeing those scales drop!! :D YAY!! good for you!

Annie: Wow! What a lot of fun ... & Work for the party! Sounds like sooo much fun! It's been years since I've been on a hayride - but sounds like a Blast! Do you do this every year? Or was this a special year for her? First week of October is the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta here and I already have 3 different groups of family coming to stay with us! It's one big party for a whole week! We'll be on the go so I better be sure I'm prepared, or I'll be crying on weigh in for sure! ;)

Pink - I know there is a lot of opinions on chewing on gum - but I find that gum is a big help to me when there is a table loaded with goodies on it and I know that I really don't want to indulge at that time. I use gum to keep my mouth busy, a big glass of water/maybe plain iced tea to have something to hold - it helps me anyway. Sugar free gum - of course! ;)

Ok, catch up with ya's down the road!

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Well, I did a little too much on Saturday & I'm back to resting & recuping. I did behave at the conference I went to Saturday...the brunch had lots of carbs & sweets but I managed to pass on dessert (which was sitting on the table the ENTIRE TIME) & took one eensie bite of blueberry blintz...wow...it was good, but my tablemates helped me by passing me more sausage & eggs. It's good to have supportive friends around!


Jean ~ hey there! Thanks for the compliments...I get insecure showing pictures of myself...but I have no problem showing pics of DH!! I did have to go back a bit...lots of new people...which is GREAT!


Sheila ~ Thanks! We did have a blast. I'm considering these pictures my new before or "between" pictures for when I reach my goal. Believe it or not, that dress was really comfy!


It's pretty hard sitting there listening to this dietician cuz she is closed minded to Atkins on ANYTHING! And, she's 5'4" and weighs an easy 350+ pounds! It's hard to hold my tongue when talking to her.


Jayesouthworth ~ Wow, I admire your restraint. It would be very difficult to hold my tongue in that situation. I'm with the others...I think your results will speak very loudly...and be sure to talk to her about all the greens & veggies you get!! Perhaps she'll see the light & try it herself someday.


Donna ~ Thanks! Congratulations on the loss! That's fantastic! Keep how you feel now close at hand as armor during your next plateau...because unfortunately, there very well could be another one down the road. Remembering the joy of getting through one will keep you on track when it gets discouraging.


Gooselace ~ I didn't get a chance to say hi before...what a phenomenal accomplishment! And major kudos to you for keeping it off!!


Pinkbikini ~ Thank you! You will have such a great time! Work is the hardest place to avoid no-no's...but I've found that staying satiated, drinking water & chewing gum (or a quick rinse with mouthwash) all keep the yuckies at bay. And the other thing that helps me is the mindset that if I eat them, I am putting all those chemicals into my body. Yuck!:eek:;)


Karen ~ I hope the party is great! How wonderful to have your grandma still with you! You know the drill...keep healthy food around & stay full & hydrated & you won't have a problem.


mountaingurl ~ keep going! You can do it!


Annie ~ hey lady!! That sounds like quite a shindig...holy moly! So that was all the noise I heard...:p Maybe you want to skip the scale 'til you're back on track a few days...although with all the activity, maybe it canceled the slip-ups out, eh?


Tami ~ I saw you sneak in here!!!:p Are you thinking about doing Atkins again?


Tom ~ how are you? Is your DS adjusting to school? Have you recovered from the biscuits? I'm sure you have!!


Kreeb ~ sorry I didn't get to say goodbye...hope you're having a blast!

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Hey there ya'll- Today was tough (Monday) but I did OK. I had two beef hotdogs and slaw with mayo and mustard for lunch. I had a terrible headache about 3ish this afternoon, but DH grilled chicken and DD made the fixins tonight (she made french stlye green beans for me) so I just had a little dinner and we are watching the Titans play the Saints and I feel better already. I didn't get to walk today, but, I hope to feel better tomorrow.


Everyone is doing so well, you all inspire me!


Jean- we do a big blow out every year. She is only 8yrs old, but my son-in-law's family always do a big party for everyone- so we just got in the habit when she turned 1 and it seems to grow every year. I think it is just an excuse for everyone to get together. We do enjoy it.


Lisa- sorry if we disturbed you. Are you sure it was us, or the Air Show in town this week-end? I have seen the Blue Angels so many times and I am still in awe when they perform. We didn't go out to the base for the show this year (DH had to work this week-end) but, I can see everything from my backyard. If you haven't been out for an airshow, try to make it next year, the kids will love it. DH is like a kid at Christmas watching all the planes and the monster trucks.


Ya'll have a good week.



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Hi Everyone,

Just started Atkins today and from what I have read so far I am hoping for great results:) I am in the process of reading this thread from the start in the hopes of getting the most info I can to lose weight and keep it off once and for all!!! I will check in and let you know how my progress is going.


Thank you all for being here for support...from what I have read you all seem to be a very nice supportive group. :)

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Hi Jbrambach! Good to have you! Post often if you have questions....after reading the book. If your going to read past pages, you'll see that we have some great success stories! And some really crummy weeks - but there is a lot of good information and some silly stories....Get a big glass of water before you start!LOL

Tom..........Hey are you on your next cruise already????? If not...where are you hiding these days?

Annie Hey I got to meet some of the Blue Angels back in 1977 - when they did an air show at MiraMar Naval Station in San Diego! Wow...were they good looking and have great taste in air planes!!LOL!! It seems so long ago I should have started this with 'Once upon a time..." HA!! :D :D

Oh Lisa Girl.... I can't believe you over did it right after your surgery!! Ok, yeah I can... Hope you get to feeling better!....

Time to cook dinner......

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Hi all. We are leaving on a ten day Nov 6,and I hope to be down 10-12 lbs by then. I hope I can do this, my body seems not to want to lose. I have had great success w/ Atkins in the past, so am going back to that. I am concerned in that I have eaten somewhat low carb for the last 2 and a half years, and have read that` Atkins does't have the same effect after the initial weight loss. I am serious now, and have 6 weeks as of yesterday. Does anyone have experience with redoing induction? I have a sedentary job in accounting and thge lbs have crept up this last year. I do exercise (cardio and weights every other day). I hope with strict carb counting and maybe adding an after dinner walk I can lose again. I have read most of this board and am impressed with your dedication, will power and good cheer.


Much luck to all, and thanks for letting me share. I just want to fit back into all of my cute clothes, look okay in a bathing suit, and um, you know, feel frisky. This is our 23rd anniversary cruise :)

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Thanks for the great ideas everyone. I stopped bringing macadamia nuts to work a few weeks ago after induction...trying to wait "till the nuts rung"to intro them again. But now, after all these little temptations, I've decided to bring them again. 1 oz macadamias tastes sweet and salty and keeps me full till I get home to atkins-safe food again :)


I'm introducing dairy this week and hoping for a good weight loss anyway!

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Hello All:

First, Lisa: good to hear you had a good time. I read the review also.

YOU look GREAT in your photos :D. It is so nice to feel good about how you look in vacation pics... I enjoy Carnival, I have two booked for this year. Even though I like QM2 and QE2 (Cunard) I have no plans to try the new ship ( Unless they discount:rolleyes: ) Because I feel Carnival gives me so much more for the same money... Also in reality my family is stay at the Best Western and shop at Target.... I work in a semi snooty place and that really is all that is snooty about me.:D

Hello Jean,

Donna Way to go! plateaus are no fun. And sometimes we do need to look at what we are really eating etc. I am totally guilty of that myself. I can really relate to the sweets at work. People at work are always bringing in sweets. But now they are used to me not eating them... Once you get to OWL a small bag of Macadamias really are a great secret weapon.... Also I make sure to have 100% atkins friendly treats occasionally at home so I do not feel totaly deprived. Also I recently told someone I would rather eat the way I do and be 4 inches less around the middle... When he told me that Splenda was yucky...

Gooselace: I think we all here are recovering stress/presure eaters.... I am constantly asking myself " why do I want to eat right now"... Wow that is great that you have lost 120 and kept most of it off. Also that you have the good blood tests to prove that this diet really works. Thanks so much for sharing...

Hi Sheila: You are everyone's Atkins superhero... :D

Karen: I always have people fatter than me chowing down on sugar and flour telling me how bad my diet must be for me... I even sometimes find it hard to believe that I can eat satifying foods and still loose /maintain a good weight...

Hello to all the new people Jocelyn, Comfortcove, welcome welcome.

All for now, Tom

about 100 days tell the next cruise :D

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Hi Comfortcove! Welcome!

If you were successful with your last change to Atkins way of eating, I'm sure you'll do it again! I think that there are some on this board - including me - that was successful with Atkins (4 yr ago I lost 30 lbs, stayed with in 5 lbs of that, and this year working on another 20 to hit a new goal for me!) in the past and because it worked - are doing it again! And I can say for myself that I have learned that if I want to keep my weight off, I'll never go back to the high carbs foods for very long ever again. There's always that meal that - it's pasta or nothing :eek: - but the next meal - back to protein and veggies! :D And you have a closet of cute clothes to keep you focused! Let us know how your doing!

Pinkbikini: Your doing really well! Good for you!! Yeah, Tom got me into the habit of having some mac nuts in my purse & work to help when I get those cravings - they really do help and I don't feel like I've lost ground when I have a few! Let us know how the dairy thing goes for you - I had the SFS breakfast shake this morning with the heavy cream - it's ok for me.

Have a great day everyone!

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Thank you for all of the warm welcomes!


Well, I got through day one and was surprised that I was full and satisfied on a diet for a change!!!:) The only time I was hungry was after dinner, when I usually have something sweet, but instead I just had some cheese and olives and I felt so much better. I also drank so much water yesterday that my eyeballs were floating:eek: :D . I should mention that I have a hard time remembering to drink water esp at work and I am making an effort to try to remember. Maybe a post-it on my laptop..hhmmmm.


Anyway, I weighed myself the day b4 yesterday, then again today and I think I have to buy a new scale b/c it is already registering a loss of 2 lbs??? Could this be possible? Just worried that the new scale will be more accurate and say I weigh more, I have had this one for 10 years. Although, maybe I don't need to know exactly how much I weigh, just that I am losing. That being said, this scale hasn't registered a loss in about a year. Maybe I'll just keep it:D


I will keep in touch, and I am going online right now to order the book.

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. I should mention that I have a hard time remembering to drink water esp at work and I am making an effort to try to remember. Maybe a post-it on my laptop..hhmmmm.


Hey Jocelyn, I got a great reminder from a friend, that if you sit at a computer, you can put a reminder on it to alert you every hour. Then go get a drink then, or set your watch to go off every hour and then drink. You won't have to do it forever, but it will help get you in the habit!


Thanks everyone for your hurrahs! Going to start OWL on Monday. But, so far so good. My sister and I are going on this cruise in February, and she needs to drop a few pounds, and I think I convinced her to try it, because her biggest complaint on diets is she felt like all she did was starve! Not on Atkins!


mmmm...All those snack suggestions have me planning and thinking!:p


Hope Everyone has a healthy and happy week.....Donna

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Hello Jean, Jocelyn , Donna and all:

One thing I love about Atkins is that I do not feel hungry. Also oddly I never ( or rarely) feel stuffed... I think that we are giving our bodies what is best for them so things just work better...


Also it is possible to loose 2 lbs a day during the first two weeks on induction... Especially during the first week..


All for now, Tom

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Thanks for the welcomes and encouragement. It is great to read your struggles and triumphs, I have had to watch my weight most of my life, and Atkins really has worked for me in the past. You all have lost an amazing amount of weight, and are a real source of inspiration. Is anybody cruising soon? I am highly motivated as we cruise on November 6.


One tip to help with H20 at work is to take a large, preferably insulated, mug with you, full of ice and water. If needed, keep refill quarts at your desk. I don't have any problem consuming water or most any other liquid, but having to eliminate that amount of water while at work is sometimes inconvenient!


Today is my first hard core induction day, although I have been eating low carb for 2 weeks. I feel pretty good, but know I'll feel really good in a week.

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Happy Thursday everyone!


Okay, my days are starting to run together...I'm putting on a Women's event Oct. 20th & everything is having to come together all at once so I'm getting a little :eek:....but one great thing about being in charge is I got to make sure the menu has plenty of Atkins-friendly food!!!!


Good news, I am now 1 pound away from my pre-cruise weight. I can't wait to start exercising again. Hopefully by the end of next week.


Tom ~ hi there! Thank you!:) DH absolutely loved this cruise, even more than our first two. We're pretty easy to please...but if there were more negatives I certainly would have mentioned them...I just couldn't find them! And how can you beat prices like that? BTW, we're heading out to your neck of the woods next Friday for a conference in Anaheim. Hope the weather treats us well! But AAACCCKKKK....I'll be near In 'n' Out!!!!! Heeeeellllpppp!!!!!


Jean ~ I'm feeling much better now. A thought occurred to me this morning as I was reading through the posts...I think you are sort of the anchor for this board. You always have such encouraging things to say! You also brought back memories for me with Miramar...I used to live just a few miles from there!


Annie ~ have you recovered from your party yet? I really hope to make it to the air show next year...we saw the Blue Angels a number of years ago in Pensacola & the kids LOVED it even though they were still pretty little. Hey, you're welcome to come to Women's Day! Let me know if you want more details.


Jocelyn ~ good to see you here! Isn't it great to feel satisfied & not hungry? 2 pounds is a fantastic start!! Jean will tell you...if you need a new scale, you might bite the bullet now. It would be much more discouraging to get a new one halfway through & feel like you weren't making the progress you thought you were. But like Tom said, 2 pounds is very realistic...remember you'll probably lose a bunch of water right at first...but that doesn't make the victory less sweet!


Comfortcove ~ I think you'll have great success. I was one who did it before & maintained through my last pregnancy. I think what I've found this time is that it just goes more slowly than the first time. Probably people don't see the fast results they're used to so think it's not working & give up, which would be easy to do. I think I just had to get myself into the mindset that this will be my lifestyle, not just a quick fix. Hey, it worked for 5 years until I went carb crazy during my pregnancy! But during those 5 years I never felt deprived. And thankfully, I don't feel deprived now. You must be getting excited about your cruise!!


Hello to pinkbikini, kreeb, Sheila, Donna & everyone else! The weekend's almost here! Have a great day!

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I have gone back and started reading through all the posts and found some great tips and inspiration Thank you!!!:)


Donna, That is a good tip about an alarm to remind me to drink water, thanks.


I have my water bottles all set-up and ready to go. I also brought my lunch today...Herb salad with Olive Oil & Red Wine Vinegar I put some dried dill and pepper in the oil & vin plus alittle shaved parm on top and grilled shrimp. I had this last night for dinner and it was soooo yummy.


I have been dieting most of my life, since about age 11 and always went up and down but nothing ever really worked b/c I always felt deprived. I have adopted to eating well ie staying away from fast food, no soda, only whole grains, in the last six months but I always tried to keep it lowfat (no mayo, very little butter etc. I have to tell you that I feel like I am cheating on Atkins b/c I am not hungry and I get to eat all of the foods I like. I still try to stay away from the mayo but I will have a little, now that I know that I can on chicken salad or egg salad.


BTW, I weighed myself this morning again and I am still down 2 lbs so I guess it's working. I ordered the book yesterday and hope they send it quickly:)


ALso, Lisa I am going to bite the bullet and get a new scale. Scary prospect.

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