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I tried that and it made the nuts taste rancid maybe I let them cool to long what gives did I do somthing wrong.............HELP:eek:


I just doublechecked the recipe and can't imagine - assuming the nuts tasted fresh before you used them. Could one of the spices have been old? Was the cookie sheet lined with foil?


Anyone have any other ideas?

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YeaYeaYea - Did you use fresh pecan? Hmmm mystery to me why pecans would taste like that. I'm picking up pecans tomorrow to give this a try - I will let you know how it goes! It's frustrating to give a new recipe a try and it not turn out very good - I've been there-done that too!:(

Thanks for posting!

Have a great low carb day!

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Here's the recipe - enjoy. I usually prepare several batches and tie up packets of them in a couple layers of colored plastic wrap for little gifts and to accompany tips. Our postal delivery woman, whose husband is diabetic, always gets a batch - not allowed to accept tips or most gifts. Lots of people give her candy or cookies so she really appreciates the pecans.


- Spiced Pecans --


1 egg white (or equivalent of "Just Whites")

2 Tbsp water

1/4 cup Splenda


Beat egg white with water until foamy, gradually adding 1/4 cup Splenda. Add 3 to 4 cups pecans. Drain.


Combine (or sift together)

1/2 cup Splenda (spoonable, obviously)

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1 tsp ground cloves

1 Tbsp ground cinnamon


Add nuts and stir until all are coated.


Spread nuts on cookie sheet (lined with foil, Release, if you have)

Bake at 250 degrees for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. It's okay to have a few stick together, rather than all separate.


sounds great i guess i could sub the pecans for other nuts like almonds or cashews

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Hi Gang,

still here and hanging in....I am up one lb this week but that is b/c I "discovered" a Sugar Free Chocaholics Survival Kit :D , I ordered it from Swiss Colony and it was delish (didn't eat it all in one day and still have some left over) It comes with SF Toffee, SF Choc covered Macadamia Nuts, SF Petite Fours & SF Brownies....Anyone see where I went wrong (LOL):rolleyes: Ohhh Those Brownies and Petite Fours were so good though....But I am back on track now:) I have a Dr's appt on Mon, routine check-up (christmas Eve, only day they had...) I think I will bring a blind fold with me so I won't peek at the scale:D


Gooselace, I am so happy to hear that you had a great time on your cruise and that you had no gain!!!! Great goin'...also thanks for the nut recipe I think I will bring that along to my sisters house also


BTW, for some reason my sister has changed her mind on what she was making and now has decided on Italian, which I am happy about b/c it involves a meat sauce w/ meatballs, sausage, brosciole (sp) mmmm so I guess I won'd have to pack a meal afterall:)


Hey Jean, isn't it funny how our tastes have changed...I know mine certainley has, b4 I couldn't stand mayo or egg yolks, now I think they are yummy:D BTW, let me know how that SF Eggnog turns out, I would love to try it...


YeaYeaYea, does sound like the nuts may have been rancid....nuts do turn I wonder if they came like that from the store....I try to store nuts in the fridge.

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Hi Guys & Gals!

gooselace - my first batch of these spiced nuts just came out - and are cool enough for me to try and I must say ......................YUMMMMO!! They are GOOD!

I could see making these once a month year round...for a treat when hiking - or a special picnic lunch! I did use fresh pecans - and a few of my spices were from last year. I guess using a whisk for the egg white & water really frothed it up, then adding the Splenda, whisking some more - then added 4 cups of nuts, there wasn't anything to drain. But I followed your directions and put them in a collander anyway - the nuts are worth washing an extra bowl! :D

YeaYeaYea....don't know what to say :confused: We think they are pretty good nuts!

Catch ya's later!

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I tried that and it made the nuts taste rancid maybe I let them cool to long what gives did I do somthing wrong.............HELP:eek:


Sounds like you had bad nuts to start with. Check your expiration dates and always store the ones you're not going to eat within the next few days in the freezer or at least the fridge.


Hey, I have a similiar "recipe" if you will because there is no recipe really for spiced nuts. It's the same basic concept only it's not sweet. You use a small amount of salt, a dash (to your taste) to 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper, 1 tsp of turmeric and up to 2 Tbls of curry powder or garam masala. Otherwise you follow the basic recipe.


We make them on the spicy side for 2 reasons. One is that we LIKE firey foods and they are good for you. The second is that we tend to eat less when they are hotter so less carbs.


Once you get this basic technique down though play around with the spices because you can do this same thing with lemon pepper, garlic powder, or whatever your favorite spice happens to be.



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Hey, I have a similiar "recipe" if you will because there is no recipe really for spiced nuts. It's the same basic concept only it's not sweet. You use a small amount of salt, a dash (to your taste) to 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper, 1 tsp of turmeric and up to 2 Tbls of curry powder or garam masala. Otherwise you follow the basic recipe.


adoptmom - Thanks for the firey ingredients recipe! When I tasted the ones from gooselace, I knew anyone who fights a sweet tooth will like them, but also thought of swapping up some spices for the not so sweet nuts that are also great! We have LOTS of nuts (ok, they are every where- LOL!!:D - just had to add that!!:p )- I mean the eating kind - here in the southwest that are made with red chili powder that can do the flamingo dance on your tongue!:eek: :eek: I've included pkgs of these in my DH & DS Christmas socks - they love'em!


Jocelyn - - Tell me how yours turn out ok!!

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You're lucky. I can't eat nuts very well at all. I have an ileostomy and they can cause a blockage if I'm not careful. Most of my nut consumption comes from nutbutters. We get one from Trader Joes that's macadamia-cashew that my daughter loves. It works out great for her since she's allergic to peanuts.


I'm having a major countdown. I've gotten away from low carbing and I have gained back 10 pounds and feel like crap. :mad: So the family has been warned. We have Yule tonight, my younger son's birthday on Sunday, Christmas eve, christmas and then my daughter's birthday on the 27th. On the 28th all the crap leaves the house and we get back to healthy eating. I've already started adjusting my eating by adding at least a vegetable or fruit serving at breakfast and lunch and 2-3 and supper.


Gotta get back on track.



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NMCruzzin- so glad you enjoyed the sweet spicy nuts. They make a nice substitute for popcorn and don't have the sugar alchols of the low carb candies.


Adoptmon - yes, I make the firey ones also, but a different recipe from yours, which I'm going to try, because we love curry.


And you're both right. Nuts need to be checked for freshness when purchased and kept in the freezer.


The only other way I can think of that they could taste "rancid" would be if the baking sheet was old and not thoroughly cleaned -sometimes tiny bits of oily flour bakes-on in the corners and can give foods an "off" flavor, which is why I line mine with foil.

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You could also use a silpat liner if you have them. I lust after them but haven't justified the expense yet since I don't bake that much anymore. They'd make cheese laces a breeze though.


Another thing on the rancid taste- I can't remember if that recipe used oil, but oil can also go rancid, especially cold pressed oils like EVOO or nut oils. Don't buy more than you can use in a short amount of time.



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Well it's been a while since I have posted. We went on the Carnival Freedom the week after Thanksgiving and had a wonderful cruise. I went with good intentions of following this WOE, but after day four, the carb creep started along with TOM and I ended up coming home 10 lbs. heavier. I always swell quite a bit on a cruise, but I was shocked when I stepped on the scale. I didn't think I went that far off plan. So I got right back on the bandwagon and have lost 12 lbs. since December 1st.


I had to take my DH to the Emergency Room Thursday morning because he had abdominal pain and a fever. It ended up being appendicitis and they operated on him a few hours later. Unfortunately they couldn't to the operation laproscopically and he had to be cut which means a longer hospital stay. We are hoping to have him home Christmas Eve.


We agreed not to exchange Christmas gifts this year because we just went on a cruise in November and are supposed to be on the Carnival Inspiration on New Year's Eve. Hopefully, my DH will be well enough to cruise. We're just taking it day by day and see how he progresses. Getting back to the gift thing....he confessed to me yesterday that he had a big suprise for me for Christmas Eve and now that he is hospitalized, he won't be able to pull it off. He bought me a female bichon frise puppy! I have to pick her up at noon on Monday. It's not exactly the most convenient time to get a puppy with DH recuperating, but I can't wait to snuggle her and smell her puppy breath.


To top off this holiday season, I bent over this morning to pick something up off the floor, and my back went out. So it's bedrest for me taking muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, pain meds, and ice packs. This couldn't happen at a worse time. I struggled to the hospital this morning but only stayed a short time because I was in too much pain. I talked to my DH earlier and told him there was no way I could make it up to see him tonight. Hopefully with bedrest and meds I'll have some relief by tomorrow.


I still have to get to the pet store and get puppy stuff. I have laundry to do, cookies to bake, and our daughter and her family are coming for Christmas Eve day so I have cooking to do too.


'Tis the season to be Jolly.....yeah right!

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Kreeb - Such an unfortunate combination of problems. Time to stop thinking about doing everything youself and call in some assistance. Isn't there a friend who can pick up the puppy and pet supplies? Surely your daughter's family will understand if the cookies aren't home made, and many meal items are from various carry-out or pick-ip food emporiums. Here several of the stores offer complete holiday meals that can be picked up, or even delivered.

The important thing is for you to take care of yourself, so that you can help with your DH's recovery and you can both enjoy the cruise. In my family, we all have fond memories of the year that Grandma forgot to thaw the turkey and we had canned ham, nicely decorated, with traditional side dishes for Thanksgiving dinner. :)

Best wishes to you all.

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Hi Gang, I just wanted to write a quick note as I am cooking dinner:)


I just wanted to thank all of you (esp Gooselace) for the wonderful nut recipes. I couldn't decide if I wanted to make sweet or spicy so I did Gooselaces' sweet recipe and then took a cue from Tami and Jean and added cayenne pepper all I can say is that I didn't even wait for them to cool, they are soooo DELISH!!! Thank you again, I will write more tomorrow.:D

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Just wanted to take a few minutes and wish you all a wonderful, blessed Holiday and to thank you all for you support throughout the year. Thanks, in part, to you all, I am holidaying 63 pounds lighter than last year!!! Kreeb, I hope things get better for you!!!

Merry Christmas !!!



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Merry Christmas Everyone!

Just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and say thanks so much for all of the fun - recipes - tips - encouragement and a place to make new cyber weight loss friends through out the year!!! I think I'm up a few :( - but have had such fun doing it - but as Kreeb has posted...boy once it's all over...We are getting back on track! LOL! :D

So I'll be heading off to our first Christmas Eve service and then to DS's home with a creamcheese, smokey salmon (from Alaska this year) butter & cheddar cheese ball for a snack later tonight - yea there's crackers - BUT I'll just pile it high with the salmon ball!! :p

Good choices....I'm trying!

Be Blessed! Merry Christmas!!

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Merry Christmas to my wonderful lowcarb bud's w/o who I wouldn't be feeling or looking as great as I do :D Thank you for always being there:)


Jean, I am still playing around with that 1 pound....but I decided not to stress afterall like you said, it's the holidays:D


Kreeb, I hope your hubby is feeling better and will be home soon....

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Kreeb- Your situation reminds me of the year I had to have an emergency gall bladder removal 2 days after Christmas (the old fashioned kind) and then on Jan 8 my DH was fixing the garage door and got his finger caught and nearly amputated. We had 3 kids including one who was 11 months old. He could pick her up but not DO anything with her (like change her) and I couldn't pick her up. We muddled through like the 3 stooges and it was a LONG 12 weeks.


Hang in there. My favorite chanting mantra is "this too shall pass." I now have 4 kids so believe me, I use it ALL the time. :D Have fun with that pup too. We had a Bichon when DH and I were first married. She was a doll.



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Hi Atkineers!!

Well, I made it through the many gatherings of Christmas which of course included lots of foods and goodies. I really tried to keep as low carb as I could - but there were just times that it wasn't available - so taking the pup for a walk every chance I could has had to help but my jeans are a bit snug today. :(

Kreeb - How's things around your place? Hope DH is better - gotta love having the puppy!!

Remember when I had all of the company in October for the Balloon Fiesta ? They are all & plus some more - coming BACK this weekend! :eek: :eek: It starts with a sister and her 2 teenage boys flying in tonight and then the Colorado cars start heading down this way in the morning. It will be one big party weekend starting with going to a Hockey game tomorrow night. - I'm taking a baggie of nuts for my snack! I guess New Year's day will be when I can really start fresh and be able to commit.

Lisa, Annie, Tom, SFS - Haven't heard from you guys in awhile - POST!

Jocelyn - I have bowls of pistachios, pecans & cashew's all around the house for this weekend - better then plates of cookies everywere! I have cookies - but I'm keeping them out in the Garage so it's quite the effort to bring them in before the gang gets here tomorrow! LOL!

Karen - What a great example you are for us!

gooselace - so glad you found our thread and are such a great resource for us trying to keeping low carb in our homes!

tami - good to have you posting!

I know I'm missing a bunch of others - and if I don't get a chance to get another post off to you all - have a Very Happy New Year and be Safe!

Here's to 2008 where I am determined to reach my personal goal!!!

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Hi everyone!


We just returned from a great trip to Colorado, where we spent time with family (some of whom I hadn't seen in many years) and got to ski for the first time in 18 years! It was really awesome...but not even remotely low-carb. I didn't go nuts, just ate whatever was available. I am barely hanging on to the 160's & I'm getting ready to start training for the triathlon, so hopefully that will plant me firmly into the 150's. I probably will go ahead & do induction for the next couple of weeks to get all the glycogen out.


I'm so encouraged by everyone's determination on this board! You all are so inspiring!! What a great way to start the New Year, having achieved so many goals already, rather than having to start over.


Happy Happy New Year, everyone!

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It's new year's eve and I'm here at work, it snowed today 8 more inches! More due tomorrow into Wednesday. Alright already, enough!


During the holidays I had such a hard time, I ate everything in sight! But surprisingly I'm doing OK now. Got myself back on induction and lost what I gained and then a little more, so I'm 24 lbs down since September! My cruise is in 45 days! Total countdown time!!! Tried on a bathing suit the other day and looked in a full length mirror. OK, do I really have to swim?:eek: If I can wear things that cover me I'm looking pretty good! LOL!


I am thankful for all of you, my no carb buddies!! So happy to be able to talk, vent, cheer, and recipe swap with all of you!! Be safe everyone! Rembember that we have all our new year's resolutions to share!!


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