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Anyone on Atkins?


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Here it is Tuesday already!

Had a really nice 4th weekend - went by very fast! Got some yard work in on Friday, grabbed 2 movies, cooked & cleaned a bit - that's so I don't feel to bad when we want to just chill out in the afternoons when it's hot! And, I am really bummed that my cell phone crashed on me! I knew it was coming - the battery didn't want to hold much of a charge anymore - but when the guy behind the counter went to move my phone book from the old phone to the new one and he said " Wow! I haven't seen one of these in a LOONG Time - it's really old school! " That's when I told him " Hey! I've had it for 4 years and it's not That Old!" :D LOL! But now it'll take me 6 mo to get the hang of the new one! I am one of those that multi-task with my phone, I walk the dog and talk at the same time, some nights, especially if I'm needing to vent - I walk and talk faster when I'm all worked up! LOL!

The ribs were great on the 4th - but DH said he'd had enough cole slaw for a while and instead we had some watermelon! Yeah... I'm up a couple from the weekend - but I just stay consistant with low carb and I know they'll drop off.

Pink- I need to try that chicken some time soon - I know my DH will appreciate something new!

Blonde - Good reminder on the water - it's summer - we need more just because!

Tom - Woo Hoo on the quick pounds - but hang in there on the slow ones...they come off too - just not as fast!

Erica - As you learn more on Atkins - you will get so charged up about what has been the enemy - and what is friendly. My MIL - was diabetic also.

Lisa - blueberries....yummmmmm!

Howdy to everyone else! Back to work!

Catch ya's later!

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Hey Jean, sorry to hear about your phone. Did you get one with all the (confusing) goodies on it? I still haven't figured out everything on the one we have. :p


What movies did you end up seeing? Anyone see the new Will Smith movie "Hancock"?


Pink, I copied down that recipe and am planning to make it after I grocery next time. I'll give a review after if anyone is interested. ;)


All is well here. Drinking so much water I think my eyeballs are going to float away.

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Wow a low carb thread, I love it! I didn't think I would be able to find something as "taboo" as Atkins or Southbeach, but glad you're all here...was just posting about how low fat diets never worked at keeping the weight off. I lost 40+ on low carb, and am loving life!!!


IMHO staying on low carb is easier cruising, than low fat. The dining room meals are all about portion control, which is good for me. I love to eat! :cool: Additionally, there is always a sugar free, or "no sugar added" ice cream / desert on Celebrity cruises.

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Hello All:

Blonde: Saw Hancock. Sort of weird but I liked it. kind of gritty but really made you think about life and what matters. ( family, belonging).

Merman: Welcome guys...

Jean: I think they really ecpect you to want a new phone every year. Like cars I want my to run as long as possible so I can cruise more.:D

Sounds like you had a good 4th.

Hi Pink:


Well I am really trying to stay faithful to induction for one more week. I have done a couple small cheats. (friends 50 th B-day cake small piece) and a total of 4 drinks over the 14 days... I did loose 9-10 lbs.

So perhaps I would have lost more. I am really already thinking BIG about not blowing maintanance. So I really need to disable my denial mechanisms....

I have been really good about walking almost everyday 45 mins.

I started at 200lbs+ and my goal is 155 -160 lbs. ( I am 5' 8") last weigh in was 190-191. I know I can do it, I just have to face more than just my counting carbs, I need to face the issues swirling around food...


I have to say that Being on Atkins again has made me more clear headed. Which is a very good thing.

Hope you all have a good day..


Tom in Long Beach

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Tom, was reading through some of the older posts and can relate to falling off the wagon. I lost a great deal last year, right before my cruise. On the cruise, I actually did OK. There were small cheats (couldn't resist the waffle bar with fresh strawberries-lol) and we walked a LOT! But one month dipped into the next and I gained back a lot of what I lost.


Trying to get the last 15 pounds off before September 9...it's tougher this time, and I'm not as strict with myself but staying on course is half the battle for me.


Does anyone else belong to any low carb boards or support groups which they find useful? Just curious...it's good to have this support.


Good luck!



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Hi Everyone I am new to LC Board!!!

I did low Carb/Atkins a few years ago did really

well. Stopped gain weight back plus some.

So:confused: I am ready to go again FULL FORCE... Started today

really motivated.. I dont know if I ate enough Please help..

Breakfast - 4 Turkey Sausage and 1 slice of cheese

Lunch - Greek salad with little feta and grilled chicken very little dressing

Dinner - Chicken breast Salsa and guacamole

How did I do ??

I need help with snacks ??

Thanks, Sheri

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Hi everyone!


Today is day 3 of Atkins for me. I've had a headache but other than that, I'm ok. I haven't been hungry like I usually am. Matter of fact, lunch tends to sneak up on me.


Tom, congrats on the weight loss!


Blonde, I went to see it this weekend. Through me for a loop but it was still good. I love Will Smith!


Let me tell you all something, I am going on my first cruise in December. I am so excited. I had been beginning to buy clothes, then it hit me, where are my receipts. LOL I got a lot of returns to do. I was expecting to lose weight with Atkins but my goodness, seems like I'll be dropping weight like it's hot. Currently I'm 258 so I will definitely be checking back to let you all know what I am then. I weigh in weekly with another group so I "have" to find out. Otherwise, I'd weight till the end of the month. I'll also be Turbo Jamming about 4 days a week.



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Hello Gary:

My excuse was that I got busy, But really I fell off the wagon. I really need to stay away from flour and sugar if I want to get/ stay in some sort of shape. Also people get all crazy about low carb BUT I know it is best for me. So I have a huge problem with letting other people influance how I eat when I know better. Sounds like it should not be a problem to lose 15 lbs by September. You are so right the battle really is about staying the course. I am re-reading my 2003 copy of Dr Atkins "new diet revolution" And that is really helping me. Also I really like www.sugarfreesheila.com I think that she has a really good take on Atkins. I am trying to think long term and whole foods. I next cruise is not until Jan. But I would like to loose enough to enjoy summer before it is gone.


Hello Sheri: May I recomend what is in "new diet revoultion" It says to eat until you feel full but not stuffed. I really recomend reading that book as it goes over snacking etc. But since I am in the strictest phase now my snacks are cheese and olives, sometimes 1/2 or 1/4 Avacados....


Hello Erica: thanks, for the congrats. The headaches will go away in about a week. I took extra coated low dose asprin and was fine. Hunger is not the issue w/ Atkins that it is on "low fat" diets. When I did slimfast I almost wanted to eat the furniture. :eek:

Wishing you all the determination and luck... :D


Hope you all have a great day



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Hey Everyone It's Wednesday!

I was over on site all morning, so just getting to the boards! I have to work in order to play...but some days it's work! LOL!


So, here's my little post today - JK!! Are they ever little! LOL!!:p

On the radio they were talking about food costing more these days....yadayada...

and this guy said "Ok, here's 2 things to help your grocery bill. Don't throw out food that could be left overs (I love leftovers! and use them all the time!) - American's throw out way to much food (Tom, you work in a resturant - can I get a big 'That's Right' from you! ;) ) So the tip here was to cook what your going to eat - and use left overs! Ahem...I had leftover ribs from the 4th on Mon & Tues!

Then the other tip - EAT LESS!! (Jocelyn, I saw your hand up - you knew this one now didn't you:p ... yep!) He said "Could you imagine how much healthier and wealthier American's would be if they ate 10% less then they do now!?!" But my Atkins thought for the day was....Low Carb usually is more filling - What a great time to be eating LOW CARB!! helllloooooo Hostess and the bun companies may have to do a re-organization - but cutting out white flour & sugar out of our diets...would you say that's 10%? Well, for my DH that's more like 25%...but that's another topic! OK...That's it - What do you guys think? oooo this thread might just get fired up and be busy all night! LOL!


Welcome Shouts to Gary & Sheri!

Hey Tom - I remember last year you did a Lot of Grilling...are back to cooking that way?


Blonde - Oh yeah.... this phone has the front touch screen stuff - Very Cool and yet scarry! ooo I better have my son come over and show me the cool stuff it can do...on second thought I may not be able to pry it out of his hands once he gets to playing with it! LOL DH & I saw Get Smart on the 4th...it was pretty funny...but we are 'old school' and used to laugh at the original Get Smart series. But I knew who the bad guy was early so it didn't catch me by surprise. I really like Anne Hathaway - she did good playing 99.


Erica - Turbo Jamming!!:eek: - woo hoo! I bet you really work up a sweat with that! Your going to have to take back a bunch of those clothes for smaller sizes for sure if you stay strong Atkins & TJ!! I will be watching for those great weight loss reports that are in your future!!;)


Jocelyn - Whereeee Arrre Youuuu?

Hey Pink, Lisa, Donna, Donna, Swansonia - Annie are you still peeking in on us? SFS, Kreeb, ummm I know I'm going to be missing someone..shooot! :o

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Gary - welcome! I've only been here a short time, but I find these people very supportive and friendly! Look forward to getting to know you!


Erica - glad to see things are working out for you w/Atkins. How much have you dropped so far?


Tom - great job on your loss during Induction. Totally understand what you mean - for me, it has always been the issues combined with wrong food choices. I'm a total emotional eater. LC does help with that though as, like many of you have said, I'm rarely hungry.


Pink - I have a question about the recipe before I make it. It says "Stir together broth and garlic in a separate bowl" but then it never says what to do with it after that. Do I stir-fry it with the chicken or what? TIA ;)


Thanks for the reviews on "Hancock". DH and I will probably go see it soon.


Things here are going well. Having a tough time getting the water in today for some reason. Snuck a peek at the scale - UGH was it ugly. I'm up 5 pounds, I'm guessing it is still the bloat from all the July 4th weekend salty food/cheese. :( Didn't make it any easier though, the knowing. My clothes are fitting ultra-tight and I'm so totally uncomfortable.


I'll still keep plugging away, though - it has to come back off eventually, no?



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I think the weather helps me with weight loss too, here in the Bay Area, it's reaching over 100--so that good old, carby "comfort food" isn't too comforting right now. Salads-salads-salads! I'm craving fruit though...and I'm not a big fruit eater.


Yes, Kudos Tom for the huge loss during induction. And good for you, for exercising...that's so hard for me to do! Are you feeling more energetic now? Do you drink a lot of water too? I'm not super familiar with Atkins, but have read of many successes on a low carb board I belong to...South Beach has been wonderful for me in lowering my weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. I'm glad Atkins works for you, and yes I too know that many others look down upon the low-carbers...oh well. Works for me, and that makes me happy! I am having a harder time losing the extra fat though in my pecs (sorry everyone they're not quite "pecs" yet!) it's going away in my waist, face and legs-but dang, I don't want it there! :rolleyes:


Sheri, it sounds like you're well on your way. Don't forget to drink lots of water throughout your day. Don't forget the fiber too...you will need it.


Thanks for the warm welcome Shelly, Jean and everyone. It's fun to know fellow cruisers who have the same goal. I appreciate the good thoughts and words.


Here's a quick and LC / low fat recipe we had last night. It was very tasty and works quite well in the Summer heat.


Asparagus and Swiss Stuffed Steak


Thinly sliced steak (not the frozen stuff, but fresh from the butcher)

Swiss Cheese

Asparagus, washed and trimmed (I nuked the stalk for about 1-min)

Sour Cream



Salt / Pepper

Crushed Garlic


I sprinkled just a little meat tenderizer on each side of the steak. Lay the steak out flat and place a thick slice of Swiss on each steak. Place a bundle of 4 or 5 Asparagus stalks on the Swiss cheese, and roll up the steak so that the little spear heads are poking out.


Place the steaks seam-side down in a baking dish, sprinkle the tops with a little crushed Garlic and bake for about 20 minutes at 375*.


Serve this with a mixture of sour cream and horseraddish, a little squirt of lemon and some pepper and salt. Practically zero carbs and very quick and good! The family loved it. Had it cold for lefovers at work today-yum!



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Hi Jean: People do throw out a lot. But many are staying in the hotel and and cannot reheat. When I go out to eat I usually bring stuff home for lunch the next day if things are left over. Jean you and I know the high carb merchants of death are going nowhere. Realistically they are just as bad as the oil companies.. :eek: I think the whole Atkins approach lost a lot of vaildity to the public back when they tried to become a food company. (after the DR. died of coarse). I think a lot of people tried Atkins thinking it was all shakes, bars and low carb ice cream. This of coarse did not work. Then somehow there was this big "whole grains" add blitz from the cereal companies. Realistically you cannot make a lot of money telling people to eat natural whole foods. I have not really grilled as much as last year. Family is very busy these days.


Gary: I read the South Beach book but somehow I need the "firm hand" of the Atkins approach. I am also jadded to Atkins because of a butter and cream fixation. LOL I really think the biggest thing is to give up the junk and eat real food while exercising and I do drink a lot of water.

I am always looking for the common thread when it comes to diets. South Beach does work for a lot of people. You mention family, Do you have kid(s) ? Sound like a good recipe. Funny how the fat comes off in different places for different people.


Hi Shelly: Thanks for the congrats. I know you will be back on track in no time.

All for now, Tom

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HE HE! Sorry, glad you asked about what the heck to do with the broth. I reread the recipe and forgot to add it in there. Let the chicken cook up for a few minutes (depending on how small your chunks are to get it going and how cooked you like it- my dh likes his chix cooked real well though we like our steaks rare so I brown it up for about 5 timed minutes) and then dump in the broth and stir it up. From there it's just a few minutes. Best to keep it separate right up til the end there so that marinade doesn't wash off. I like it soaked in quite a bit. The broth just juices it up a bit at the end so it's not too dry!





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Welcome to the thread Gary.


I believe it was you that asked about ongoing support. One of my best resources continues to be DANDR 2002. I know it sounds silly but I find something new EVERY TIME I reread it. IF I need a new recipe or I need to go back to induction again to drop a few lbs, bam! Rereading it reaffirms that for me.


And my DH and best friend are the only ones who really know I do atkins. Beyond that my friend and family know that I generally avoid sugar and desserts and that I tend to make a lot of stirfries and complain about the rising cost of meats and fresh veggies!! The word "Atkins" still has far too many negative connotations even in the healthcare community where I work. It amuses me that so many people won't advocate for "low carb" but almost everyone is a proponent. From the medical experts to gossip magazines that relay star diets all I read about now is how the person cut out white bread and sugary desserts and dropped x number lbs and x number cholesterol points. Keep your eyes open and you'll see how many people have figured out the secret. Many don't give Atkins his due!


My favorite is when coworkers watch me avoid sugar and go "You're so skinny. If I were your weight I wouldn't even think about eating one" and I think "If you would put that one back you too could watch the pounds melt off!" It's about choices. I make good choices and bad choices but they're always conscious choices now!


Good eating everyone.


(This week I'm enjoying a large chicken caesar daily with cardini's caesar dressing. It's supposed to be the original-- yum is it good with loads of fresh grated parm- I love it!!)

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Hello Pink:


Great post about co-workers ect. One of my biggest struggles is with the "just one won't hurt" and the "you are no fun" crowd. One of my tricks at work regarding the sugar/flour carb bombs is to say " I will have one later, I am really full at the moment" and then later they are all woofed down.

But some people I just tell them I am off sugar and flour.

One friend of mine was amazed that I was eating a salad with cooked chicken after I told him I was on Atkins... You are right people just do not know.

The scariest thing for me is all of the supposed "healthy" bars that are loaded with sugar or high fructose corn stuff. The diet equal of pay day loan places.

I think some "fat" people think that in shape people can eat whatever they want, or that thin people stay thin w/o effort and planning.

All for now, Tom

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Good Morning!

Pink- Funny thing about your topic of co-workers. Not with this job that I am currently at.... but the one before, I was on a floor of about 150 people - all shapes and sizes! One gal started eating 'Atkins' and had really great results - and before we knew it - 3 out of 4 people in each pod was eating 'low carb'!

Some it worked for really well - some just played around with it until their pants felt better. Some didn't need it at all - but were encouraging to those of us that were! That's where I found that low carb worked for me! Now I'm in an office of me and one other guy that's only here part of the day - and it is easy to bring my breakfast...and lunch....but when I get home, that's where I have to really be paying attention - or else! And the Cesar Salad sounds great!

Tom - There was low-carb ice cream!?!?!! :eek: jk!!:p One thing that I just didn't get to this year...that I hope to next year...is a few extra plants in my garden for fresh veggies. I regret that I didn't stick a couple of tomato plants in this spring - with all of the scare on tomato's - I like making my own salsa to top bunless burgers, and fajita fixin's.

We're headed to the mountains above Santa Fe for the weekend. Getting some more camping in before the summer gets totally away from us!

Catch ya's later...

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Pink - thanks for the clarification on the recipe ;)


Totally understand about the negative connotation the word "Atkins" seems to have. My doctor actually recommended it for me (truly - don't faint) because of the problems associated with PCOS. When DH's family found out, they all told me I would die of a heart attack, "just like Dr. Atkins did." :rolleyes: No matter how much I explained that he died from a fall/head trauma, they kept on me and on me about it. And family get togethers were the worst. My <evil> SIL would make nothing I could eat, and of course she always declined when I offered to bring something. I just got to where I would eat FIRST and sit there and watch everyone else pig on carbs. A few months down the road, however, once they saw the weight falling off, they were all coming to me for advice and recipes. Ahhhh ... sweet justice! :cool:


Jean - I finally got around to putting in a tomato plant about two weeks ago. I had gone to our regular grocery where we're on friendly terms with the produce manager. He saw me looking at tomatoes and goes, "Well, they have those back out again ... but I wouldn't give 'em to my kids. Steer clear." That was enough for me to try to force a plant, let me tell ya!



Things are going well here. Still guzzling the water. Made bunless cheese coneys for dinner last night - YUM!

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Hi everyone!


Thank you all for the nice comments. It's day 4 and I'm down about 4 pounds. I haven't been able to work out yet because I'm headachy. Right now I'm sleepy as the dickens. Wondering when that extra burst of energy is going to come in. I feel woosy trying to read all the replies so I had to skim through. Tom, I'm hoping this week goes ahead and flys by. Looking at this screen isn't helping much. lol I don't know why I'm so sleepy. I'm having serious sugar and carb withdrawal. I was on the Atkins board and I told them I feel like a crackless crackhead. I tell you what, even though mentally I want sweets, I know I'm not going to even be tempted because I remember just a week ago how I would eat and eat and never feel satisfied and now I have to set a schedule just about to remind myself to eat. Low fat foods are just nasty anyway. Low carb is the way for me and hopefully I'll never eat other than that again. I hate misery and that's how I use to feel, all the time.


Everyone have a good one and happy low carbing!

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LOL, Pinkbikini, that's great. Loved your thoughts about coworkers. It's the same here. I am an HR Director for a hospitality firm in SF and tons of food comes in...from hotels, etc. Seems employees are always bringing treats in. One ee in particular who makes the best soul food (yum!) and I get the same replies from them.


I like what Tom says, "I'm full" or "Later..." that works for me as well. One that I have been saying for the last couple of months is, "I just ate lunch". One way I have eliminated having to bring treats in to give to ee's is to pass out gift cards (Starbucks and Jamba Juice). It works-and I avoid the temptation. :D


Tom: I do have a good-sized family. My son will be 19 next month and my partner's daughter will be 18, looking back I guess I started too young but am glad for that now...LOL! She graduated last month and my son is in community college and working for the police department. We have both kids at home with us...I THOUGHT we were going to be "empty nesters" but no such luck yet. LOL-I love our kids. My DP's daughter is going away to college in Oregon next month so it will just be "the guys".

How old are your kids?


Happy Thursday everyone...Friday is just around the corner, can hardly wait!


Oh and the Chicken Ceasar Salad sounds great, Pink! I love Cardinis too.

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Easy sailing-

Stick with it- I had the flu when I first started last summer. Perhaps DH brought home a bug from the Emergency department. Perhaps it was "induction flu after years of really bad eating!" DH thought I was friggin nuts. I was outside (exercising by walking the track across the street- how's that for convenience?) in August in, get this, a hat, scarf and jacket. No, it wasn't that cold. I was so sick I was not well enough to keep my own body warm. I sweated through it because I knew myself well enough to know that if I "waited until I felt ok to exercise"... well, I think we all know that time would not have come. So I got through it and did really well for several month of exercise until the snow came and then it all fell apart in winter.


The good thing is that it doesn't take much to keep the weight off if you control what's going in once you get a move on. Walking or light exercise 3 or 4 days/week (or nursing shifts if those float your boat!) will be sufficient. I love that! Of course I would like to start weight lifting but... anyway, my point is, exercise when you can but know that eating right will rid your body of toxins and gunk and will make it so much easier to lose weight than hours of exercise daily.


Hang in there and feel better!


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Yes, I know far too many people who think staying in shape is effortless and that their weight problems are some sort of genetic mishap or, age-related. They all tell me to watch out for menopause- that's when I'll pack on a hundred pounds that won't budge. Some people run for an hour every morning but eat junk (I consider that extreme and unhealthy!) and others eat high carb laden foods and don't exercise at all (which I also consider extreme and unhealthy!).


Then there are people like my mum. She doesn't really exercise but she always seems to be going a million miles an hour. Her diet is extremely unhealthy. I learned from her- we always had chips, cereal, soda, toast and junk around the house. I never learned to cook properly. She doesn't ever gain weight. She's taller and not much heavier than me. It's just crazy.


But I don't envy her like I used to and now I don't eat like her either. It's not just about what you weigh. There's something to be said for making good choices about what goes in to your body. You feel better when you eat things that are good for you. And the physical benefits of exercise (at least in moderation) can't be obtained by just keeping weight low. The balance is important- physically and emotionally. I feel stronger and healthier when I eat healthy foods. And atkins allows me to do that.


Eat well everyone!

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Ok, final post tonight (gosh, aren't you guys glad I didn't get called in to work??).




Found this article on 20 healthful foods for under $1 (portion size works out to that actually) and thought I'd share it since you'll often hear me complaining. Many good atkins friendly (at least at higher levels) recommendations on that list.


My own well-priced induction favorite foods are eggs (from costco at less than $1.50/dozen when bought in bulk), albacore tuna, bags of spinach ($1-$2 at regular store if theyre about to go bad) or romaine at costco (2 weeks worth for $3) and boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a bag (3 lbs for $7 at grocery stores or 10 pounds for $20 at costco).


Now that I'm maintaining at goal I'd like to venture out more. All the baked treats require almond flour and xantham and these weird ingredients I've never purchased but that cost A LOT OF MONEY at my local stores. Yikes. So, with the budget in mind, two things I'd like to incorporate into our budget later this year are brown rice (it's different than the wild rice listed here right? Isn't wild rice still full of sugar??) and oatmeal. We'll probably get a big thing of oatmeal at costco later this fall and start eating that as breakfast a few times/week. DH will need sweetener like syrup or honey though I'll try to get him to enjoy it with frozen berries like me at first... He eats lots of white pasta and rice which is cheap but not very healthful for him. I'd like him to be healthy too especially if we could buy in bulk and still keep the cost down!


Does anyone here use a brown rice or oatmeal that they can recommend that is healthful, not carb laden, and cheap (even if getting it cheap means buying in bulk somewhere- we're costco members)???




(and no, I haven't actually tried these foods out for myself to see if I stall yet or whether I can use them to maintain but the brown rice, even in small amounts, would be a huge coup for me... it's the last barrier between me and satisfying chinese stir fry meals! DH makes me jealous with his large side of rice on the side...)

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Good Morning Everyone:

Hello Jean: Yes there was low carb ice cream. I used to pig out on it late at night. Can you say stalled weight loss LOL. I am jealous you can go camping near S.F. Next to a cruise, NM is my favorite place to vacation.

Blonde: Families can be the worst, So "worried" about you while they are scarfing down the junk food. My worst nightmare is when I go to a dinner party and all they have is pasta. Eating at least a snack first is always a good way to stay on program.

Erica: Sounds like you are in serious withdrawl which is a good thing. I would not exercise this week but definately at least start walking small amounts next week. The sleepyness is good. Sleep extra your body needs it. I sleep way better with this W.O.E. Trust me the energy will come back on in a few days.:D

Gary: I wish I would have started earlier... My partner and I adopted

(through county of Los Angeles) in 2000. We got Carlos when he was 4. next week he will be 13 O.M.G. We were going to adopt another but Carlos truned out to really be a handful. But we really love him.... I am 45, any older and I just do not think I could do it. Both my partner Ray and Carlos are Hispanic. We have a lot of fun together. Wish I could get Ray to low carb, But he just won't have it (for now). And all my kid wants to eat is junk carbs. (not that I let him). Hard to fight carbs when they are precieved as part of culture.

Pink: So true about the exercise stuff. Everyone has a different metabolism, But there are universal principals out there too. Almost everyone in good shape over 30 has to work at it. Maybe your mom just does small portions ? My mom always ate like bird when I was growing up. I was doing Quaker Natural Oats (old fashioned) before I started this current stint. I plan to use again in moderation once I am at or near goal. I think whole foods rock. Most likey I will just use it plain with cinamon (perhaps apples) ,splenda, butter and cream. It was pretty cheap at the supermarket. Cooks in 5 mins so I do not understand the need for "quick oats". You should be able to do small amounts of natural or brown rice on mainatance. I personally have a huge hard time with any mainatainance. But I am hoping that the wisdom of being older will help me this time. Maybe if I think of certain things as treats and not staples that may help.


Tom in Long Beach

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A friend on my LC board has a great home-made recipe for ice cream bars (thanks, guys now I'm craving ice cream!) :) They are pretty darn quick to make. She has some very good recipes, and even has one of mine (Ranch Pizza) on there. The carbs in her ice cream are lower than the ice cream I used to eat...like Tom, I would load up on it at night. I think I used to buy "Carb Control" ice cream. But this is good too. I guess she inspires me as does Sugar-Free Sheila, and Jimmy Lavida Low Carb (sp?).




Congrats on your adoption, what a wonderful experience you guys must have had. We're in the same age-range as you, and also feel that we're done too, or would look at adopting. Our kids came from our former marriages, and we're blessed to have brought something beautiful out of marriages that were not, let's say, "right"? I guess parents are never "really" done-God I'm still digging in my wallet! :rolleyes: Hopefully...but not until waaaay down the road, we can enjoy grandchildren. Yikes! Now that just scares me, I'm too young!!!! Lastly, Tom are there more complex carbs that Ray and Carlos will try? Or are they totally not interested?


Jean, I love Sante Fe and Taos! We have friends who have a home up in Madrid, are you familiar with that quaint community? Very lovely, spiritual place.


Pink, sounds like you have my shopping list in your hand-LOL. We're actually making a Costco run this weekend. Rowell and I are having a Luau at our home to celebrate his mother and daughter's birthday, in a couple of weeks and need to stock up! There will be low carb options (love Imu!!!) as well as non-low carb, but a feast none the less!


Congrats on the loss, EasySailing. It will be worth it. Keep drinking your water and take walks when you can. Good thoughts!

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Gary I will have to check out those boards. I do make home made icecream I just sub splenda for the sugar. I use the recipe that came with the machine.

The store bought brands had molitol ( I think) that sugar alcohol stuff that kind of caused gastro issues with me. Splenda is just fine w me even though it does not taste as good. I try to limit it to once a week when it is hot.

Neither Ray or I were ever married to women. So no natural kids for us. Other options seemed silly and too expensive when there are kids that need homes....

I do feed them whole wheat pasta and bread and I do not think they notice. But try and serve brown rice and it is a no go. I really hope to have grand kids one day but obvioulsy not for a looong time...


Have a good weekend everyone.


Tom in Long Beach

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