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Anyone on Atkins?


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I hope everyone is having a good week.


Chinese is a weakness of mine. The girls at the local chinese take-out just do not understand why I get "no rice". She goes on and on about how she eats rice all the time and she is skinny. They don't speak english very well so they just can't seem to understand me.


I am having cravings this week and I almost gave in. I decided that I want something good for dinner tonight. As soon as I get off work, I am going to get several pounds of crab legs!!!:D That will help with the sugar cravings. ;) Don't we all hate those monthly cravings. :( The scales have not been moving too much lately. My goal is to be down to 210 by the time we leave for Carnival Destiny on October 15th. I would prefer to lose more but we will see.

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Jean - The crab was fantastic!!!! I really think we will stop going out to eat for crab legs and let Keith cook them from now on. I had never cooked crab legs before so I really did not know how to cook them. Keith really is an excellent cook and he put some old bay in the butter which made them even better!!!:D I did buy enough for two meals so tomorrow night we will have Ribeyes and Crablegs. DD was with her Grandmother last night since this is her 3 week fall break so she missed them. We better not tell her, she will kill us. ;) My 10 year old daughter could eat her weight in crab legs so we will keep the fact that we had crab legs without her our little secret!! :cool:


Last night Keith cooked some potatoes to go with his crab legs and tried to get me to eat some. He asked how long it had been since I had "splurged" since I have been doing so good lately. I know I will fall off the wagon when we go on our cruise next month so I am trying to be extra good. Only 19 more days!! :p

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Woo Hoo!!!! I sure am a happy girl today!! We had the best Crab Legs and steak for dinner Saturday night. :p I sure got blessed with a man that loves to cook. I am so excited about my weight loss. I am currently at 212.8 pounds. I have lost 30.8 pounds since I started at the end of April. :D I am so happy!! I have 16 days until our next cruise and I am sure I will reach my goal of 210. I tried my size 13 jeans on again this weekend and they are still too tight. Maybe for my daughters first cruise in December. :cool:

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Donna Girl - - Your doing so great! 30 lbs!!!! bells!, whistles! balloons! streamers!! :p I bet your looking so good - do you have before and after pics?

I don't know where everyone else is these days - but I'm here to cheer you on!! You'll get in those 13's!! Isn't it exciting to be looking forward to your Cruise - it's sooo close! I'm doing month end now (for Sept) and I keep telling myself that one more month end (Oct) and then we are outta here!

I've read so much about the shrimp in Mexico - looking forward to that! Crab is so yummy!

I'm just maintaining - I'm about 7 lbs up from where I really feel comfortable and I know it's just more exercise that I'm not doing. But I'm busy, feeling good, and ok with where I'm at right now.

We all are not always in the 'losing' phase of things. Where is everyone?????:confused:

Happy Monday!:D

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Still here.

Great job Donna! Seafood is such a great thing. I just love crab, shrimp all that stuff.

We went to Red Lobster this weekend and I resisted those lovely biscuits. So this morning I was down 1 lb! I am finally over this cough/cold so I am off the cold medicine. At 215lbs,we have 3 weeks til our next cruise. We have another cruise in May with friends. I would like to be at my goal of 150 by then.

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Hey Jamie - My goal is to get back down to 150 also. That would be my pre-pregnancy weight that I have not seen in 11 years! When I started Atkins I weighed 243.6 pounds and my size 18 jeans were so tight that it hurt to wear them. We are cruising with friends in April and I sure hope to be down to 150 by then. I am not stressing over it too much because every pound counts. I see we will both be cruising about the same time next month. Have a wonderful cruise!! I am getting real excited since it is down to 16 days! :D :D

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Don't know how many of you have the SFS Atkins shakes - but I usually add a scoop of protein (Designer protein - 1 scoop = 2 carb) and I had to get a new can this week - 15.99 at GNC!! :eek: I think I remembered paying like 8-9 dollars at Trader Joes! Do any of the rest of you use this? Is this about what you paid?

Donna, your going to be headed out soon - yay!

momahai - no biskets from Red Lobster - true will power!

Jocelyn, Lisa, Tom, other Donna, Karen, Pink.....where Are Yooouuuu?

Oct 1!!!!! Wow! Have a great Wednesday!

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After struggling last week and waking up Sunday proclaiming how much I hate eating this way(I even called it a diet when I know it isn't), Monday I had lost 1 lb and today I was down another 1.6 lbs. I'm not doing anything differently. Truthfully Sunday I was 'bad'. I had 2 diet sodas, 1 Atkins 'candy bar' and a bowl of carb smart ice cream. I guess I had to shake up my body a little.

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Donna, What are your plans for maintaining during your cruise? This is something I am really thinking hard about. I know there is no way I can resist the DOD or dinner desserts. I can pass by the bread and potatoes and probably forgo the pasta but desserts are a big weakness for me. I just plan to do the stairs as much as I can and hit the treadmill a few times.


Anyone else have any ideas?

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Jamie- I know that I am going to blow it on the cruise. :eek: The first thing I am going to do once I get onboard is get a Miami Vice. I will try my best to not really overdo it but I know that I am going to cheat. I have not cheated in quite a while and it is about time for me to splurge. I know that we are not supposed to do it this way but I will eat some things I want while on the cruise. When I get home I will start induction all over again and get back on track. I know a lot of people that can not do it this way but I for one am able to stick with it because I do treat myself every once in a while and then get strict again. I think that my little cheats, or treats or whatever you want to call them is what helps me continue to lose weight and stay focused on the long term goal. The funny thing is that a lot of the foods I used to love just don't taste good anymore. :cool:

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Sorry- I haven't been feeling well so haven't been too strict and haven't been online much either.


Re: cruising on atkins

I have some alcohol. I drink no soda. I drink lots of water.


I only liked the ice cream and 1 chocolate dessert on my NCL cruise. If it looks really good I'll taste it. If I don't like it, I leave it.


I refuse the bread basket and don't even let them leave it on the table.


I walk a lot. I get up at 0500 and exercise every a.m. in the gym for 30-60 minutes!


I always order a salad or vegetable soup as my appetizer. I also order an atkins-friendly entree. Then I get something extra that's not on plan if 1)I'm still hungry and 2) It's something I really love (like beef wellington or pasta alfredo). If high carb foods don't taste good I violate my own rules and stop eating. I don't try to finish them (I usually have a rule about finishing all that I order otherwise- I can't stand food going to waste).


I also try to find a fruit combo that I love as my dessert. DH usually orders something good and often a taste is enough to help me decide I don't need it.


At the gym, I never weigh myself on the cruise :) Just wait til you get home.



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Hello Atkins buddies...:D


Where has everyone went??? Yes I am a professional lurker, having read these boards for a couple of years... Always looking for advice and info...I have been on Atkins for several years now, prolly ten or so, and am on maintenance, so I feel for each & every one who have come and gone thru the years.... those who have been successful and those who seem to yo-yo...:o


I just went on the Carnival Conquest 9-7-08 (yes, we were in Ike, lost our truck in Galveston...:() but we, DH & I,. took the stairs EVERYWHERE & therefore allowed some xtra carbs in the form of BREAD, WARM CHOCOLATE MELTING CAKE...etc, etc well you get the idea;). The point is, don't cave in to the mentality that, well I blew it so now I'm off my WOE...just remember, the next meal is, well, the next meal & just go from there...


We are very active, so maybe we can allow ourselves the occasional "slip up" but always back on track the very next meal, therefore it has really become our 'way of life'.


Everyone here is very encouraging from NM on to SFS, Tom, etc... I soooo enjoy reading aabout everyone's success ( & even failures, as it gives us incentive to carry on...) Sooo, carry on my low-carb friends, CARRY ON !!!!:p:p

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Hello fellow Atkineers!!


Is it just me or the weather ~ read, ' time of year' ~ that makes me want to eat junk certainly not Atkins friendly?? You know the culprits, pumpkin bread & other cool day



What in the world do most of you guys do to over ride a craving or opportunity to 'indulge'??

I'm usually pretty good by just not even having it around to tempt, but sometimes I find myself thinking about something for seemingly DAYS...:eek:

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This has been quite a week. Wednesday I traded in my 2008 Chevy Silverado Z71 and purchased a 2008 Chevy Trailblazer SS. I must be crazy to trade in a truck that gets 15 and 20 mpg for an SUV that gets 12 and 16 mpg. :eek: Oh well, you only live once. I think my boyfriend loves my new SUV more than I do! He has washed it twice since I got it Wednesday. Now, we are getting ready for the 13 hour drive for our October cruise!! I have been packing today and I am almost done with packing!! I just hope these last three days don't drag by!!


I wish I knew how much I weigh right now but my scales are fried. I was keeping my digital scale behind the toilet in our bathroom and it got wet. :( I guess I will have to buy a new one when we get back from our date with Destiny!! I know that I am still losing and I am actually wearing my size 13 jeans now!! :D

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Is it just me or the weather ~ read, ' time of year' ~ that makes me want to eat junk certainly not Atkins friendly?? You know the culprits, pumpkin bread & other cool day



What in the world do most of you guys do to over ride a craving or opportunity to 'indulge'??

I know what you mean about food this time of year. I was saying this just the other day. But then I thought "I think I say this every season." I know I said it about 'fair food'. You know elephant ears, funnel cakes, cotton candy....

How do I get cravings to pass. I guess just ride them out. For some reason this afternoon I was thinking about Peanut Butter Fudge. I have no idea why I just was.


. Now, we are getting ready for the 13 hour drive for our October cruise!! I have been packing today and I am almost done with packing!! I just hope these last three days don't drag by!!

I know that I am still losing and I am actually wearing my size 13 jeans now!! :D

Have fun on your cruise! And enjoy your new 'ride'. Congrats on the size 13s. That has to be so exciting.


Hello Atkins buddies...:D


Where has everyone went??? Yes I am a professional lurker, having read these boards for a couple of years... Always looking for advice and info...I have been on Atkins for several years now, prolly ten or so, and am on maintenance, so I feel for each & every one who have come and gone thru the years.... those who have been successful and those who seem to yo-yo...:o


I just went on the Carnival Conquest 9-7-08 (yes, we were in Ike, lost our truck in Galveston...:() but we, DH & I,. took the stairs EVERYWHERE & therefore allowed some xtra carbs in the form of BREAD, WARM CHOCOLATE MELTING CAKE...etc, etc well you get the idea;). The point is, don't cave in to the mentality that, well I blew it so now I'm off my WOE...just remember, the next meal is, well, the next meal & just go from there...


We are very active, so maybe we can allow ourselves the occasional "slip up" but always back on track the very next meal, therefore it has really become our 'way of life'.

Thanks for the cruise advise. My plan is to take the stairs exclusively. I know I can't avoid all the great food and drinks so I have decided not to beat myself up over it and work around it.


I did really well this week with my weight loss. Saturday was Fritter Fest at my favorite apple orchard. Dh, dFIL and I went there yesterday to get apples so I can make pies for the freezer. I knew I would have an apple fritter. Then yesterday I had 2 wonderful Honey Crisp apples(that is a type of apple). Today I was still down another pound. I think all that fiber in the apple helped.

Every Fall I make lots of apple pies for the freezer. It is so convienient to pull out a pie and throw it in the oven for Sunday dinner, or to take someplace. I made one for dinner today. But for dh and I(we are both lo-carbing) I made fried apples w/ Splenda and cinnamon that we put over carb smart ice cream. An acceptable substitute for apple pie with ice cream. So I think I will freeze some apple slices for us.

Hubby is at the grocery store now getting stuff to make crustless calzones for dinner. An aceptable substitute for take out pizza, something we both miss.

I am really glad I have .4 lbs to go until my goal for this cruise of being down 27 lbs. I think I should be able to do it.

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Pink - I hope you get back to 100% real soon.


We are leaving at 6:00 am tomorrow for our cruise!! I am so excited. It has been a year and a half since our last cruise and I sure am in need of a vacation!! :D


I hope everyone has a good week and weekend. I will touch base when I get back next Tuesday!! ;)

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