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Anyone on Atkins?


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Yay!! It is my Thursday night at work. LOL Just need to work tomorrow and then a day off. It has been sooooooo busy here the last couple of nights. Has to be the warm weather and the sports practicing outside.

My hunger slowed down late at night, now that I added 2 snacks. Phew, cuz I was not wanting to eat when I get home at midnight.

I get to up my exercise starting tomorrow. I will increase the incline on the treadmill and go for a longer time. That ought to be fun.

Need to find some new crockpot recipes to try. I like to try the new things and see what DH thinks of them.

It is his birthday next Saturday, so I know I have to make his favorite cake. I will have a small piece with some sort of low carb dessert for me. LOL
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Well, the weekend is almost over...hope all had a great weekend!! I did better today - had a good protein breakfast, tuna salad for lunch & a few goodies for supper...I guess I have been a little melancholy about the 'kids' moving, it really hits me when I go to the house to do cleaning that there was no time for during the move...it is so lonely & quiet it makes me feel the empty nest syndrome. But I do know that sometimes change can be good. I will mull that over with my glass of wine as I whine...:p Anyone care to join me?!? It's okay to have a SFS shake or whatever!! Come on, let's drink to that or whatever ya wanna!!!:D:o

I sooo wish I could book a cruise to have something exciting to look forward to. We normally cruise out of Galveston because it is our home port, & this year Carnival Conquest is doing the Bahama route, once a month - new territory for us; been there, done that for Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cozumel....I guess a few more weeks of selling petunias will tell the story!!:eek::p;)

Well, let's all hang in there together guys & gals!! We must do this for our own health & happiness!! Less is more!! Your fork, your choice!! Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Heeey!! Just a drive-by post!! It's 9:30 my time - haven't even felt like breakfast yet, haven't been out the door to work yet, but boy, am I scrambling to get stuff done inside as fast as I can! :eek:;)

Ms Jean, & any who care to peruse - picasaweb.google.com/coffeycreations...:p;)

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Monday....sunny, bright and it's getting warmer by the day!

Well, here I am at work and have no motivation...hmm...but I'm sure it'll kick in here soon...I would really like to see the bottom of my desk by the end of the day! ha!

Cerabella - Hey Girl! You've been Busy!! I broke down and actually opened up a Picasa account...I've thought of trying one of their albums so I have something to compare with Shutterfly. Your pictures are GREAT! You have a super eye for shots and I really enjoyed looking through your pictures...and commented on some! Your site is really fun! Good Job!
Now about last Saturday :eek: ...he he ...JK ya!! We all have them! :p
Have you thought about an Alaska trip? They have some great deals...and airfare from ABQ was only 500.00 bucks! I'd love to go back and talked to DH about it...he said after our Boston trip...he just wants to get out and camp for awhile around here. Ok, I can live with that...but our 30th is in Aug and I'm trying to think of what we should do around then - I'd love to Cruise - so we'll see how things work out.

Tripster - Yea!! For a few days off! You work lots of long hours! Was it you with the Diet Orange drink recipe? Could I bother you to put it down again? I've been wanting to do something like that - and I can't find the page where you had listed that! Thanks!

Donna - Thanks for the taste check on that syrup! I was going to keep my eye out for it...but I won't anymore! HA! School, work & life...yeah that'll keep you busy! Just be sure you take some 'Donna' time here and there - it will help a lot! I know when I have just even a few hours of my time...what a difference it makes in my mental & physical health!!

Saturday I have a 3 mile hike with the ladies from church and then Sunday is the 5 mi Breast Cancer walk that I do every year! I even have a pink collar for Sadie...she walks it too!

deckguy...did you hit your goal?
pink...how's that southbeach working for you?
Lisa...kids, church and all...I know your busy!
Pine.. are you still around? How are you doing?
SportMom ... Little League is in full swing..I know your busy too!

And everyone else that pops on and off on this thread....How are ya doing?
Ok...working on my stuff on my desk...yeah..that's why they call it - WORK! Edited by NMCruzzin
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Hey everyone!

Well, I've been stalled the last two weeks...no loss, which is annoying. So, starting today I'm ramping up my exercise to see if I can get the scale on the downward move again.

I was getting a little bored with what I was eating (and finding myself eating things i shouldn't), so I'm trying to mix it up a little. I got some high quality beef jerky - it's made by a local place from good quality steak and has spicy seasoning. It's making for a nice snack. I also made my own pimento cheese to put on celery.

20 days to go until we leave on our cruise. I would love to drop 5 lbs between now and then...here's hoping the scale starts to move!

I hope everyone has a great Monday!

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Jean - Yep that chocolate syrup was awful!! I had my shake with my wonderful Walden Farms carb free chocolate sauce this morning. Boy was it good!! I guess one day of the other nasty syrup made the Walden Farms taste even better!!!!! ;) I will never stray again!! It is Walden Farms carb free chocolate sauce from now on!! :D

I am really pushing myself with school right now and trying to graduate next year before I turn 40. I really don't think it will happen but I think I will be able to graduate next December if I keep a full load.

Heather - We all know how you feel. It is very frustrating when you have a stall. Good luck. I am sure you will be able to get that last 5 pounds off.

Well, I better get back to work but I will check back in either this evening or in the morning. Have a great day!!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I have a 'horror' story!!:eek::eek::eek: Ate with family last nite - asked several times if I could bring something...no, no no, all is provided, just come eat...ok, know she's an excellent cook, soooo, get there, & this is the entire meal - spaghetti with sauce ( a little hb meat in it), very, very sweet tea ( you know this tea if you are from the South - it is more of a syrup!) & peach cobbler for dessert, & the worst part is she [I]set [/I]the table with each serving, so what are you going to do??? Funny thing is they know we eat low carb...I just did the best I could, we took our dessert portion home, no room after that fiasco...

Back to low~carb with a vengence today, plus I walked already to try to get back to '[I]normal'.

[/I]Thanks for your 'visit' & kind words, Jean...you know us 'artistic' types appreciate any & all feedback!!:p;)

CurlyHeather, I also visited your site this weekend, you & hubby have some amazing work!! Hope you are able to reach your goal for your cruise, it will be here before you know it!!

Donna, are you like me & never throw anything out? I am known in my family as the 'mixer' ...if something just doesn't taste right, I mix it with something that is good until it is 'good' does that make sense? Maybe you can mix your chocolates, or give it away to someone else!! hehehe!

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Hey There !
Cerabella - YUP! I know how you felt! My Mother's Day gift a couple of years ago was my son and DIL cooking dinner for me....Lasagna, Frech bread and cherry pie - ala mode!:eek: Wouldn't hurt those kids' feelings for anything - they might never cook for me again :p - ya just gotta get through it! Then Back on Track!

Heather - You've done soo good...I can't wait for you to bring back pictures from your cruise!...and we KNOW you know how to use that camera!! ;) Taking your work out - up a notch...it should help! Did it?

Donna - Kudos to you for working so hard at your goal! Are you keeping up with more water these days?

Ok..time to cook dinner! a low carb dinner that is... he he
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I don't know yet...I'll see Thursday! I went to a Zumba class tonight for the first time, and it totally kicked my butt :D I've had no alcohol in a week. I'm trying to get myself back off the caffeine. I'm hoping it helps.

I promise to bring back some cool pics! I tend to not take too many on vacation...it's too much like work :D, but I'll def take some! Edited by curlymason
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Happy Hump Day!! I cant believe how fast the weeks are flying by. I am at the final stages of booking a cruise for this years. Haven really wants to go on a cruise so I think it will be a 5 day on the Carnival Inspiration out of Tampa. We will get back on Christmas Eve so that will be a crazy travel day. I have been doing very well with my water. I have lost all the weight that I gained the other weekend plus some. :D I have not been able to walk for several days cuz it has been raining every day. :rolleyes: Hopefully it will not rain this evening and I can do some walking. We have a new park with a walking track that I am thinking about trying out. My mother took my daughter the other day for the grand opening. They have a paved walking track, dog park, playground, picnic tables, etc. Sounds like fun!! I better get back to work. I have to take an early lunch today to pick my daughter up for early release. I will check back in this evening.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I think I finally got over the carb-induced coma I was in - because I remembered that also included in the meal was garlic toast, oh yes, on white bread!!! :eek: I haven't even wanted to look at anything with a carb in it for the last couple of days! hehehe...sooo, after that shot me up a couple of lbs, I came right back down again, no permanent damage done, I hope!

Now, back on track, time to get the ole booty in motion & get backwith the program!! No more excuses!! (I have to admit, CurlyHeather, I do soo love my coffee, & the occasional moderate drink!!)

Ms Jean, I saw some [I]lighthouses[/I], yes I did, they were sooo well done, as were your other shots across the country!! Great job, especially loved the [I]clocks [/I]also, what a novel idea!! I would have posted comments, but I didn't sign up yet, soon to come...that place is really pretty neat, unlike my [I]bland [/I]one...:p;)

Back to the field to work, work, work...it's feast or famine around here...gotta make 'hay' while the sun is shining!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone![/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - Good Job! And that water really makes a difference...in everything! Oh..and I know what your going through with wanting to book something - I keep seeing some really - REALLY Tempting Cruises and want to get one so bad - but DH says not now...so :(:( The Park sounds GREAT!! Go - and go often![/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Curly - I have no idea what a Zumba class is....but if it's a good work out - then it is probably something that is worth taking! [/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ever have those mornings when you are getting ready to step on the scale and your feeling a bit 'puffy' and think ...ugh..this is going to be a painful experience?? :( That happend to me this morning - - and I'm down HELLO!! 3 LBS!!!:eek::D I'm really paying attention to what is going past my lips...cuz I hate it on my hips!! :p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hiked with Sadie last night...the afternoons are close to 80's and it's just to hot...so now we go about 6:00...and it's really nice! I hiked on the oppisite side of where we normally go and it really threw her off...she was up and down the hills...as to say..."Ummm, MOM were on the wrong side!" ha ha [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok...I'm rambling...catch ya's later![/FONT]
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Hello!! I just got back from my evening walk!! :D We didn't go to the park today but I told Haven we will probably go tomorrow. I am hoping that the park will be a little more flat than the trips down to the pond. ;) If it wasn't completely uphill on the way back from the pond I would probably be able to walk longer!!! I need to keep working on Haven's Grandmother about getting her treadmill. I know she never uses it and I would surely love to be able to walk every night while I am watching General Hospital. I am loving the DVR. We got one for the living room and one for the den. The one in the den is supposed to be for me but Haven has it full of her shows! As long as I get to watch my General Hospital I am happy!!

Jean - Congrats on the three pounds!!!!!:D I know you are just tickled about that!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening. "See" you tomorrow!!
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Hi gang!

Still here, and I do read the posts in my email. Just need to get better at posting.

I'm doing well, and I think my body finally realizes that I'm taking my weight loss seriously...it's starting to ramp up now.

Not exercising as much as I should, but I'm doing really well in my WOE. I'm really limiting tortillas & drinking a lot more water, and trying to get eggs in at least every other day. Those things seem to help.

Jean ~ well done on the 3 pounds!! When I first read it, I thought you were up 3. Donna's response made me read it again. I thought I would be up today, too, since I'm bloated, but no! I was down 1.8, which brings me to an even 10. Twenty more to go for a good weight & easy size 8, 30 more for my rockin' bod.:p

Heather ~ I've done Zumba once...and it is a great workout! It was a little tough on my knees, and at my gym it's way too crowded. When they move it to a different room, I'll go back...since I'm lighter now, the knees shouldn't be a problem!

Donna ~ without my DVR, I would watch no TV...which probably wouldn't be such a bad thing. But I love it! Kevin came thisclose to booking us a cruise for December, but no go. He's got the bug, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens sometime soon. I want to GO!

cerabella ~ why do people do that? My Mom, bless her sweet soul, isn't really affected by carbs, so she's constantly telling me "just that one won't hurt"! I think she's finally gotten the picture...every Sunday morning they bring donuts for the kids, & I haven't had one in 3 months. She was bringing my favorites, and when I told her to stop numerous times, she finally gave up. The really big frustration for me is that my Dad would do awesome on Atkins. I got my body from his Mom. But she has him convinced!

Hello to everyone else!!! Have a great day!
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Hey Everyone...Are you looking forward to the weekend as much as I am? It's been a long week for me and...it's only Thursday!

Cerabella...we were posting just about the same time yesterday! I'm so glad you stopped by! And thank You for your kind comments!! ... I didn't see a place to 'talk' to you on your site...is there one? As you can tell from Shutterfly...there is a community...and they are really fun! Come out to play! ;)

Lisa - The dreaded doughnut!! DH was so thrilled to see a Dunkin Doughnut shop about ever 500 yards in Boston...arrgh! We just drove in for ...ya know...some coffee...fine, I don't even drink coffee..What's that your munching on?...and no boxes of doughnuts in this car!! Ah! Vacation can be a trying time! Be sure to let us know what Cruise your going on when you guys get it booked! And You go Girl with your goal of your size 8's! :D You can do it!

Donna - So is Luke still on? I watched when it was the Luke & Laura show..back in the day!! He's a Great Grandpa now ...isn't he?! LOL!!
I took a couple of hills on Tuesday with my hike....they were a challenge...I'm really a bigger fan of gradual inclines...but, well ya know - these old knees of mine really yell at those hills! And tell us your Cruise details when it's all settled too!

This Saturday the Ladies from church are planning a hike in the Sandia's...it should be a really good challenge for me! Then Sunday is the 5 mile Breast Cancer walk...which this will be my 5th year...and in memory of my sister from last year. Can I take Monday off? ;):p

Have a wonderful day!
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[quote name='NMCruzzin']
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Curly - I have no idea what a Zumba class is....but if it's a good work out - then it is probably something that is worth taking! [/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ever have those mornings when you are getting ready to step on the scale and your feeling a bit 'puffy' and think ...ugh..this is going to be a painful experience?? :( That happend to me this morning - - and I'm down HELLO!! 3 LBS!!!:eek: [/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT][/quote]

Zumba is a blast...it's Latin Dance mixed with aerobics. My abs and legs were SO sore!

I lost 3 lbs, too! I got on the scale this morning, and I guess my changes this week have paid off!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Friday Everyone!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Just a quick drive by to hope you all are doing well! I have a hike tomorrow and our Breast Cancer 5k on Sunday...I'll be tired by Monday! Ha![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Curly - Zumba sounds like a fun way to work off a few stubborn lbs...and really strengthen your legs! Good Job![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella, Lisa, SportsMom, Tripster, Pine, Donna and anyone else that is lurking...[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]H A V E A G R E A T W E E K E N D!![/B][/FONT]
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Well, I am here. MIA for a little while, but still plugging away.

I am so excited for the weekend. My second weekend off since February and one more I get till June. Thank goodness the weather is going to be nice. I have ALL our yardwork to do. DH and I are getting up early and working in the landscape, mulching, grass cutting, weed eating, fixing the roof, fixing a window shutter, cleaning the cement, washing off the siding, putting down grass seed, triming the bushes,etc... anything and everything you can think of outside.

DH bday is Saturday too, so I will be working him to the bone. LOL But, I will fix him a yummy dinner. He wants the flat iron steak I posted the recipe for earlier in the thread. Plus, I will fix some corn on the cob, boursin cheese potatoes, another vege, hawaiian rolls and cake.

Sunday, we are finishing up whatever we didn't get done on Saturday. Plus, cleaning the garage, cleaning the cars inside and out, washing both dogs.

Probably ordering in for dinner by then. LOL
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Lisa - I am just waiting for a call back from my TA!! I am booking the Carnival Fantasy out of Mobile, Alabama for December 19th. I was going to book the Inspiration out of Tampa but got some advice from a trusted Carnival source that he prefers the Fantasy. This will be my second cruise on the Fantasy and I am really excited about it. This will be my first cruise out of Mobile. I like the Tampa port, Miami is okay but I really am not crazy about going out of Jacksonville. I really wish we could go a little earlier cuz we will be getting back on Christmas Eve and I am not looking forward to driving 11 hours home. I just can not justify taking Haven out of school for a cruise.

Jean - Yes, Luke is still on General Hospital. He is still a big fixture in the show and always has some drama going on!! :p

We went to the park last night and it was really nice!! I loved the walking trails and how they went in loops and over bridges, etc. I only walked for about 45 minutes but it was hot!! I am not ready for this hot weather. It is expected to be 90 for the weekend. North Carolina and its crazy weather!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!:D
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone! Quick Drive by! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]My WOEX... Saturday - A 5 mi hike in the mountains....stepping up on some of those rocks:eek:...lets say...nothing like an outdoor gym! ha Want to see some pictures?[/FONT]
Today a 5 mile Breast Cancer Walk. Awesome! Pefect weather and we had a great time! Tonight..planted some tomatoes and desert plants in the yard....
WHEW ya all....I'm tired and Sore!!:p:o
Talk to you in the morning...

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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It seems like we are getting quiet again. Are we lurking?? I am trying not to get discouraged but I feel like I am just not losing fast enough and it is very frustrating. :confused: Too many stalls and not enough loss!

I am finishing up my final project for the semester and then I will have two weeks off before summer session starts. I am planning on walking every day during those two weeks. I will be very busy this summer and fall with school but I need to work in some exercising or I am never going to get rid of this weight. I still have 74 pounds to lose to get to my real goal. :rolleyes: Okay I would be happy with 50 - 60 but I would sure look good if I lost 74 more!! It is going to be a very long road to get there.

Happy Hump Day!! Will Friday ever get here?? Keith is going with his fishing buddies to the Outer Banks, Haven is going to spend the weekend with her paternal grandparents and I am going to visit some friends in Hickory, NC. I have been planning this weekend for about 6 months now but everytime something comes up either on my end or theirs. I am really looking forward to a weekend with some great friends. I am planning on leaving work at 2:00 Friday so I should be there by 6:00 pm. :cool:
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I think we have slowed down because the weather is getting nice. I know I have been slammed with all kinds of things to do.

I am bummed about the flu outbreak. They are rerouting stops to Cozumel. That is where we are suppose to swim with the dolphins. Of course, I have a backup plan, but I really wanted to use the services in Cozumel. If they diverte us, we may have a sea day or a stop in Costa Rica. I wouldn't mind CR and then still be able to do my dolphins at a later stop.

We are getting hit hard with people "freaking out" about the flu at the hospital. We haven't even had time for lunch this week. We all decided to bring in snacky foods so we can stop and grab something quickly while walking to the next patient room. I think I will make my salami, cream cheese, pickle roll ups. Constant walking and moving, so I am beat when I get home. Good thing I guess... I get some of my exercise in. LOL
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Yeah....these warmer & longer days have me outside just like a kid, and then when I come in because it's getting dark...I see that I have 20 min left before bedtime!:eek: I'm doing pretty good...I'm hoping for a good loss this week...we'll see!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tripster....wow...I thought of you and Pink when all of this cut loose! I'm sure your swamped! I just keep washing my hands - a LOT! I'm in a pretty good environment....it's when I go to the stores and things like that I touch only what I have to ...and then wash again. I don't panic...but taking precautions is what it's about! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna!- Girl...you enjoy that 'summer break' as much as you can...and a fun trip to go see your friends! How nice that Haven goes to visit with her Grand-parents!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I got to play Gramma with Hannah on Tuesday to help out the kids....since there isn't a lot of people on these days to bore to much with pictures...I'm going to post one from Sunday....see how much she's grown![/FONT]


Wow...this is a big Picture! ha ha O well!
Have a great day everyone! Edited by NMCruzzin
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Jean - Haven has a very good relationship with her Grandparents. I am so happy that she is close with them. Her father has still had no contact with her. It has been over two years now. He still doesnt have anything to do with his parents either. I think it would kill them if they didn't see Haven. I refuse to punish Haven or his parents just because he is sorry. The main cause for all the problems was that his parents still have something to do with me. :confused: Crazy!! :rolleyes: I keep hoping that he will wake up before it is too late. She still has bad days crying and wanting to know why her father doesnt love her anymore. Those days are awful and I hate what he is doing to her. How a father can just turn his back on his own child is one thing that I will never understand.

WOO HOO!! It is Friday eve!! :D Tonight I need to finish my final project, clean house, do laundry and get packed!! I am so ready for 2:00 tomorrow to get here. Have a wonderful evening !!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Come out, come out...where ever you are! :)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Friday Everyone!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well...I'm holding steady on the scale these days...not to much to report as a loss..but I'm not bouncing up and down...so that's good! Tonight and tomorrow is a big yard day for me...so maybe...just maybe...Monday I'll see that the scale has tipped a little downward for me! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella....whatcha been up to girl?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna...have a safe and wonderful trip!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Curly...your trip is not to far away..are you getting so excited?!?! Of course you are! :0)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Where is Shari? Sportsmom? Deckguy? Pineview? Annie? Jocelyn? Karen? ....[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Are you still on track? Taking a Break? Hit your goal and now playing? ...[/FONT]

Have a great weekend everyone!!
It's your fork and your choice!
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