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Anyone on Atkins?


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Jean - thanks about my grandpa...he was doing a little better today, so I came home (I live 2 hours away) for a couple of days to work and catch up.


I saw what you said about the wedding cake tasting - are you getting married? Congrats!


I'm sure I'll be trying that new KFC thing...sounds good!

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Good Morning Everyone!

Tired of Egg Salad ...yet?! :p

I have some Steaks out for tonight - easy Grilling - and the weather should be cooperating!


Heather - Not me! But my daughter is ......Sept 4th! I know you shared your site with me a while back...and you do excellent work! :D


Taco meet, cheese & a touch of salsa for lunch...and unsweetened ice tea!

What are you having?

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Jean - well, congrats to your daughter then! Weddings are a lot of fun. I wasn't going to plug my business, but thanks for the kind words! :D If you guys need any help finding any vendors out there, let me know. I belong to a HUGE wedding photography forum with photographers from all over the place, and they will know everyone in the biz in your area. I'll be happy to ask for some recommendations for whatever you guys need.


So, for lunch I had two hot dogs with sharp cheese and sauerkraut. Dinner tonight will be grilled pork loin with stewed squash & onions. Yum! I'm having a hungry day today...I could eat my own arm. I found these yummy zesty pickles, so I think I may go grab one of those as a snack.

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A happy 'achoooo!' Thursday to everyone....keep going...Friday is just another day away! :D Temps around here are warming up...and I think our coldest temps (29 on Monday) are going to be behind us and things are going to start warming up for summer!

1 big sweet Strawberry - 3 slices of deviled eggs for breakfast...sound weird...but pretty filling! ha!

Taking left over steaks tonight...and making fajitas!!

Planning ahead...is a big key to staying low carb!

Heather! Thanks so much! I really will keep your offer in mind! My DD is doing an awesome job of taking a part of the wedding and really researching things and making great decisions! I think I'm just along for the ride....and signing the invoice! :p ha.... jking... She is very budget minded and yet...I always ask her if that/this is what she really likes and wants! We are actually under budget...hmmm imagine that! :eek:LOL!

If you were closer to the southwest area...we might have had to have a consultation! ;) What is your link again?...it's been awhile since I've taken a look at what you've been working on!! I'd love to come and visit!

Remember folks....it's your fork....and your choice what goes on it and into your mouth!:)

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Sounds like you guys are doing a good job of planning, Jean! Staying under budget is great...it gives you a little more flexibility if last minute things come up. Our website is http://www.khmasonphotography.com and the blog is http://www.khmasonphotography.net. I'm actually working on a whole new website right now, so the old one hasn't been updated in a while. I really need to update the blog - I've been so busy working on the website that I've gotten behind on it!

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Happy Friday Everyone....I hope you have worked hard at what you've eaten this week...but your getting your determination hat on - - so you get through the weekend!! Weekends are hard for me...so I'm trying to think about what we are doing and eating at the next meal..trying to Plan ahead!!

Heather....I love your sites! So fun to see what's been keeping you busy...and you are living my dream! :0) The kids actually want me to do their engagement pictures and we are going to a big conference center up in the mountains above Santa Fe and around that area!







Next Sunday!!.....I think there's still snow up there! ha! Tips? Advice?

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Not such a great day for eating...we just got home from shooting a wedding, and I was starving and totally blew it after the wedding was over on some Pho at a Vietnamese restaurant. I figure I probably burned enough working at the wedding to make up for it, so hopefully I won't see any affect on the scale!


Jean, that location looks gorgeous! My best advice is to do the pictures in the two hours prior to sunset, put their backs to the sun but slightly off to the side - that gives you nice warm rim lighting with even lighting on their skin!

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I love Genghis Grill!! It's on the other side of town...but yumm and you can make it so low carb and yummy!!


Did really good ....until Sunday afternoon....wow! those Grandbabies have a way of sliding in carbs when you least expect it!:eek:....but! Today...back on track and I'm starting to feel my clothes loosen up a little more each week! I need to walk today! :)


Heather:....Thanks for the tips...we're headed up in the afternoon...and plan to start shooting in early evening....I'll let you know how it goes!:)


How did everyone do this weekend?

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Here we are...it's already Tuesday! This means my week is moving along pretty fast!

Welcome delaford!! Before you start...I always recommend that you get the Atkins book to become education on how it works! Maybe you have a friend that can lend you a copy? Then there are a lot of great websites....if you read some of the pages on here there are lots of helps & tips! Along with changing your way of eating....find some kind of exercise that you enjoy and get that going too! Post often...that also helps!

We had chicken on the grill and asparagus with a little butter and garlic salt steamed in foil....yum...and easy clean up! :0)

Hope everyone is staying on track....if not...it's never to late to jump back on!:D

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Hello --Cannot believe I stumbled on this thread today .. I am a Weight Watcher Gold 3 times over ......:o

But at 58 and having weight creeping on and on, over the past 2 years ........ Kidding my self --at my age I am not too over weight (5-1") and 10 and half stone (not sure what that is in lbs :confused:)


I ordered a high protien Wieght loss book from Amazon -- read it thoroughly Friday night -- the concept seems soo opposite to what i have allways eaten.

Speaking to a friend at the weekend and she said *oh, its the Atkins diet --I said No its , Dr Charles Clarke * <<< anyone know if there is a difference ??

Having now looked the Atkins diet up -it seems to be the same thing .


sooooooooooooooo today is my FIRST DAY


Found a boiled egg for breakfast very difficult as I am use to eating one main meal of an evening and the odd nibble through out day.


My basic prob is tbh I dont think I have EVER been hungry in my life - thats prob why I have a weight prob -- because when i do eat I have as a bigger portion as my partner and allways clear my plate. :-(

I dont do my grocery shop untill thrusday when I shall buy in the things I dont have in store cupboard to do the High Protein.


4 slices of bacon for lunch -cooked in microwave and quite crispy so was a nice snack type thing and i may do again and see if it stores in a container.


I found that I removed all the fat from the bacon though ?? (habit !)


Whilst my partner has eaten a dinner of Steak and kidney suet roll with veg and potatoes (dribbles) I sat with a heaped plate of cabbage and green beans (with vinegar --which I love anyway) and a load of Med roast veg in Olive oil ....


Anyway .. I am waffling .........

but will check in time to time


I do hope it works -- I am thinking I will need one of those operations to remove yards of loose surplus skin (my partner finds that funny and says I wont stick to the diet)


so I am determined too now


Gilly xxx

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Good Morning!...wow....Pollen is off the charts today 'Achoo!'...

Love when the snug pants are starting to have a little extra room at the button these days! yea!!

Hi Gilly..Welcome to this thread! I'm not really sure who Dr Charles Clark is...but I have relied on Atkins for about 7 years now!....For my biggest weight loss - and to help me keep, well most of it off... My energy is so much more and I just feel better!

Sugar Free Sheia's website is excellent if you want to take a look!

Be prepared for what you plan to eat for your next meal...that is so important..and what exercise do you enjoy doing?

Well...it's lunch time now... chicken taco meat, 1/2 c salsa....cheese! Yum!

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Done a bit more research on Charles Clarke (having never done the Atkins diet -when it was *vogue*) apparently Charles Clarkes diet is simialr to Akitns, and a tad easier to follow and is more geared for the UK market --so no *cup* measurement etc and Uk ingredients for the odd things that we cannot get in the Atkins diet ... anyway I am very pleased soo far............ :D

Not that keen on kippers for breakfast --House smells all day and they 'repeat' on me too .. :o so maybe boiled eggs and bacon instead

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Hi everyone,


I am new to this site and so happy to find this thread. I have been Following the Atkins diet since July 09, I have lost 79 lbs and have 35lb to go. I will be in pre-maintenance when I take my first Disney cruise for my 20th wedding anniversary in September. I am a bit worried about being tempted to go off plan on my cruise. Have any of you cruised while following Atkins and was it difficult to find the sugar free food you needed to stay on plan. Is there anything you wished you had brought on board to eat?

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Happy Monday Everyone!

So how'd ya do over the weekend? Planning ahead can be such a big help! I realized that my freezer and fridge needed a good clean out...and restocking. So, Friday night I cleaned out..Saturday was a trip to the store! We do use the Sam's Club close by, so I also spent a little while dividing up the meats that I picked up. I love that the veggies are starting to look a lot fresher these days...or is it just me and that the weather is warming up and I'm looking forward to the summer and all of the gardens that are grown around here!? ha!

How to get a little bit of extra exercise in?....Get caught in a rain shower about 2 miles from the truck and run !! We did that yesterday....run the whole way? No...but it was a good jog...and it actually felt really good doing it! :eek::p

Hi Gilly! Glad you found out who Dr Clark is....and we were in Scotland 3 yr ago and I tried the Kippers at a B&B that we stayed at! I thought they were good!...but I can so understand that a UK low carb diet would be kinda hard with the different meals ....but glad that Dr Clark can help you with keeping it friendly and Low Carb!

Hi crazy4buffet! Welcome...and Congrats on your weight loss! You can reach your goal!! I think that Cruising is Very Low Carb friendly!!! You have to just be prepared to pass on the breads...and choose wisely for your meals! It seemed to me that the Sugar Free option was around a Lot!! Are you exercising? What are you doing?

Ok welll..time to get back to work.!!



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Thank you for the warm welcome NMCRUZZIN.

I have been exercising. 3 or 4 times per week. I do a bit of interval walking on the treadmill and spend about 30 mins working on resistance machines and free weights.

It is Good to know that a cruise will have what I need to stay on plan.

I have no trouble avoiding bread so that should not be a problem. I tried to add some lo carb bread back to my diet and in the process, discovered that I have a wheat alergy that I never knew about. According to my physicain, I was having symptoms pre -atkins but did not know it because it was a regular part of my diet. When I reintroduced it, my body could not handle it and reacted severly. If I eat wheat, I have such a stomach ache, I am bent over with the pain. This provides alot of motivation to stay away from it.

I would like to be able to have an occasional suger free treat while cruising. I am glad it will be available in case I am feeling tempted by the desserts.

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Good Morning!


How is everyone today?


Genie...I know of others that are finding allergies to wheat and gluten...I'm glad you were able to figure out your allergy and because of your systems reaction you know not to have it! I think that the Cruise lines are very good at providing sugar free options! One of the many reasons I like Cruising! :D They are also great about having fruit available too! My daughter was so happy about that...since she isn't really big into green salads. Your WOEX sounds like a great balance!


It's going to be a beautiful day here in the Southwest....hope it is where you are too! Have a Great Low Carb Day! :D

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Hi all!


We've been quiet lately. How's everyone doing?


I keep gaining & losing the same 1/2 pound. I really need to ramp up my exercise. I am encouraged that I have found my maintenance level, because I've maintained since January!! Now It's time to crank it up a notch & see if I can get to my GOAL.


I feel pretty good & look okay, but summer is coming & I want to look my best. The question is, do I want it more than I want those carbs??:D


Hi Jean!!


Welcome crazy4buffett! Congratulations on your success so far! That's amazing!

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Hi all!


We've been quiet lately. How's everyone doing?


I keep gaining & losing the same 1/2 pound. I really need to ramp up my exercise. I am encouraged that I have found my maintenance level, because I've maintained since January!! Now It's time to crank it up a notch & see if I can get to my GOAL.


I feel pretty good & look okay, but summer is coming & I want to look my best. The question is, do I want it more than I want those carbs??:D


Hi Jean!!


Welcome crazy4buffett! Congratulations on your success so far! That's amazing!


of course u wanted more than the CARBS...LOL....i know i do...i gotta get back on track....so many outside activities going on...bdays,housewarming parties, baby showers....and u know they have some good food...I couldn't resist :cool:

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Happy Monday!

Yep....kinda got knocked off track over the weekend...but walked 5 brisk miles for an American Cancer Society event for Breast Cancer - does that count! !? ha!:p

Back on track this morning....How's everyone doing?

Just stopping in to say Hi!!

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I also spent today getting back on track after a bad last week. The kids were on school vacation last week so we took them on a bunch of day trips. Including the factory where they make Ben & Jerrys ice cream. (YIKES) .It was difficult to find the best low carb choices and I ended up eating way too many nuts to fill the food void. I do not even want to think about how many bunless burgers I ended up eating. I did not get any time in the gym either. The good news is that I stayed the same weight despite those darn nuts.:D

I'm Back on track and looking to loose some weight this week:o

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