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Anyone on Atkins?


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Welcome Emily! I did sugarbusters a long time ago, I still have a sugarbusters recipe book. I do not know about the "muffins" but can't wait to see what response you get. Kudos on the exercise! That is my biggest problem area. I am off to downtown Chicago tomorrow for a few days so I guess I will get plenty of walking in! Have a great weekend everyone!


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Welp, I'm cruisin' tomorrow!


I haven't gotten down as much as I wanted, but I'm an okay size. I've been exercising a lot, so I hope this is a very active cruise.


I've been sick, too, Jean...on & off since September. My brother the Dr. has me eating & drinking all kinds of antioxidant stuff--some with a little sugar in it, so I may be sacrificing weight loss for a bit longer.


See y'all in a week!



Lisa, I so missed that you were cruising...been off the boards for a little while cuz I was visiting my DS/DIL in San Antonio, Tx...(yep, that means the WOE ... durr ... not so good, but not horrible, either) Hope it was all you hoped for - I remember you, like myself, have had the 'not as expected', but still great cruises!!:p


Ms Jean...so hope you are much better...being sick is certainly no fun at all...,but you really have to take extra care because it seems the 'older' we get, the longer it takes us to recoup...well, just my own personal observances...grrrr.... as for pic, well let me see what I can scratch up...Here is a funny' for you... I packed Sat morn to go see my kids...got 10 miles on my trip (think 6 hrs total) & guess, what...ummm, where is my CAMERA?...sitting right there beside the front door, so, back I went...then when I left San Antonio today, got a couple of miles down the road, DIL calls & says, 'Momma, ya left your camera!!' Ok, is this a sign of 'old' age, or what...my camera is one of my most valuable possessions....:o:eek::rolleyes:


I appreciate all the input & advice everyone is offering! ( About the WCMC...no, not really a very wise choice, but I am a full blown, certified chocolate lover, so yes, definitely a splurge for me, but, I am so very active, I try to convince myself it is canceled out by everything I do...) & BTW Hei1980...80 yrs old...you must be doing something right!!:D

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Well, I leave for our cruise in 9 days. Truthfully, I'm scared. I've worked so hard to lose my weight, that I don't want to gain. Somehow, I've got to find the balance between living my life, and staying on plan. I can't worry too much about a pound or two... but at this point I am.


I don't see myself eating WCMC :(.... probably lots of cheese plates in my future. I'm trying to lose a couple of more lbs before the cruise, so that if I gain, when I get home, I'll still be at my goal.


I made it through Thanksgiving, and most of December without gaining. The cruise will be the ultimate test!

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Txmom!! You have worked so hard to be ready for your cruise!! Have a terrific time...keep active and make good choices...You'll do great!! Come back with some pictures to show us! :)

Hi Emily!

Hei!! I'm a February Birthday too!!...WOW!! 80!! That's terrific!


Cerabella... Ha! On the camera! and the reason I can laugh!? I do that too! For my daughter's bridal shower that we were going to in Colorado this summer...yep...I forgot my camera about 20 min down the road...well, I was driving and we came back for it! LOL!:D


Lisa...Are you back yet?? How was your Cruise?


Yep...I am finally better again and wow...it was a bug that hit our family hard!! So now I have to get rid of the lazy bones and get walking again! We have a few inches of snow and so warm computer, movie time is what I want to do..not work out! LOL!! :p


Ok...it's getting late! Gotta go!

hang in there everyone...team up here and we'll see each other through the holidays and very little movement on our scales! :D

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Hello everyone!


I've been doing low carb since Febuary and am pretty much at my goal weight...other than a few stupid pounds. I'm super excited about my upcoming cruise and I DO plan to stay on track. How hard can it be with all the steak, lobster, and cheese I can eat?! The tracks do include a bite or two from my boyfriend's chocolate molten cake though!;)


Does anyone who has traveled on Carnival know some of the good low carb dishes, and what to be weary of? I may email carnival to get the carb counts on a few items (asparagus bisque, diet NY cheesecake). Has anyone else done this?

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I just received my davinci syrups I ordered. Does anyone know if you have to refridgerate them after you open them?


The bottle doesn't say to so I never have and I've not had any issues with the syrups going bad. Actually, I may worry a bit more about the ones with sugar since there's food for things to grow, but at places like coffee shops they're always out.

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Have you tried the Muffin in a Minute? From the Atkins Website:




1/4 cup flax meal (8.09 total carbs, 7.6 fiber)

1/2 teaspoon baking powder (0.64 net carbs)

1 packet splenda packet (0.9 net carbs)

1 teaspoon cinnamon (1.84 total carbs, 1.2 fiber)

1 large egg (0.6 net carbs)

1 teaspoon butter

(can add tablespoon of sour cream to make more moist)





Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug.




Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.


Microwave 1 minute (or more). Take out. slice, butter, eat.


Cream cheese would go nicely, too.


The shape of this can be changed by making it in a bowl.


It can be "toasted" once it's cooked.


The cinnamon can be replaced. I would imagine that any sugar free syrup could be added.


Some people count the flax as a carb/fiber wash, so then the net carbs would be 2.78.


I'm out of induction, so I add berries to it, and sometimes unsweetened cocoa powder.


Add butter & yum.



Thanks to LisaRock (from a while back) - this is the wonderful muffin recipe that many of us have tried...don't know if these in particular are 'freezable' or not, but, I make one at a time & - poof - it's gone... however, there is another egg muffin in the tins that goes waaaay back...perhaps this is the one Emily is referring to?


My Divinci goes in the fridge...that being said, I live in the mostly hot, humid South, so I refridge almost everything...:p;)


Ms Jean, I am poppin' xtra Vitamin C...just in case you sneezed on your computer & 'BAM' ... AHCHOOO...:eek: just sayin' ....hehehehe!!:D


Lixer - if you find some of the carb counts, please post them! That would be sooo helpful!


Welcome everyone, hope y'all have a really healthy, happy weekend!

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Hey Everyone!!

Do you have your holiday menu coming together.... Turkey? Ham? Hamburger?? haha! What ever you have - Choose wisely!

So our local TV Dr...a Cardiologist on was asked, with the new year coming...what diet would your suggest. He says...the one you'll stick with! Then he went on to say that he highly recommends a Low Carb/High Protein diet....The protein leaning mostly to Chicken and Fish! and then Exercise daily...do something...even if it's going for a walk every day! ....hmmm... where have I heard That Before?? :p:D

Cerabella....your vitamin C will only benefit you if you chase it down with a chicken wing!! haha!! LOL!!...and I didn't have much sneezing going on...but the coughing...Yikes...!! So Glad that is over with...and I was really good about wiping down my computer each afternoon...just so I wouldn't catch it again, from myself! haha! :p

Welcome Lixer!! Congrats on meeting your goal....what was your start and end numbers...if you care to share! ...and what did you do for exercise?

This is a busy week for all of us! I'll drop in again to see what you all are up too!

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Welcome Lixer!! Congrats on meeting your goal....what was your start and end numbers...if you care to share! ...and what did you do for exercise?



Thanks! I didn't have too far to go. I'm 5'6 and started at 158. I have been hovering around 135 for quite a few weeks now. I'd like to get to 130ish or just tone up what I've got. No real exercise routine. I go to yoga when I can which at one point was three classes a week, sometimes none. I did weightlifting for a few weeks that I need to get back into!


Lixer - if you find some of the carb counts' date=' please post them! That would be sooo helpful![/font']


Not too helpful...


Thank you for contacting Carnival Cruise Lines. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance.

While we do not have the carb counts available, all dining room menus offer Spa Carnival®. These items are lower in calories, carbohydrates, sodium, cholesterol, and low fat; our wonderful salads are prepared with diet dressings. Our Spa Carnival® decadent desserts are prepared with Sweet 'N Low or NutraSweet, and we offer diet jellies at breakfast.


Please consult with our dining staff for assistance with meal options and food preparations. Arrangements for these requests are to be made with the dining staff on embarkation day.



But I guess I have to watch out for the salad dressings now since they're diet and therefore probably higher carb!

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Hi Everyone!

Well...here we are ... 2 days before the New Year! How'd everyone do the last few weeks with Christmas Parties, Dinners, Baking your family favorites....ok ~ your favorites?!! I'm up 2 lbs.... So..... Come NY Day... Yep...low carbs! But I have to say that 2 isn't as bad as some Holiday months for me! I packed all of the wrapping that I had stored on my tred mil, which was stacked on just about the time I had that terrible cough!!...so ...no purring sound of the tred mil...in, well, to long I have to say!

Gotta love my DS...he handed me 2 Runners Magazines last night and said "Mom, after you read these two magazines, you'll be wanting to run a Marathon, for sure!!"...gotta love those young guys that are in great shape - ALREADY!!! ha

So - Here is to the New Year!! May you all enjoy your loved ones, look forward to losing some pounds next year and begin some kind of work out...that will keep us healthy until our next Cruise!! Happy New Year !!

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You know what? My first season of holidays on low carb really wasn't that bad!

My mom and I have a tradition of making hundreds of different cookies for cookie plates, but she got remarried this year and moved two hours away so we didn't do any of the big baking that we usually do. It was kind of sad going through Christmas without a pecan pie square though!


I've been able to stay away from treats at parties since they're not "our special christmas cookies" and I take a plate of cheeses, nuts, salami, and 85% chocolate so I ensure there is something to snack on.


Christmas eve I spent with my boyfriend's family and friends for a big seafood feast which I kept LC. His mom brought some homemade cookies which, admittedly, I did have quite a few, but only for that night! Christmas dinner with my family consisted of a small portion of everything. It was worth it. I gained 4 lbs in water weight, but that's mostly off now.


Really though.... I think it is the cruise 20 days away that's keeping me on track!


I hope everyone had a joyous holiday and has a wonderful new year!

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Hi Everyone!

Well...here we are ... 2 days before the New Year! How'd everyone do the last few weeks with Christmas Parties, Dinners, Baking your family favorites....ok ~ your favorites?!! I'm up 2 lbs.... So..... Come NY Day... Yep...low carbs! But I have to say that 2 isn't as bad as some Holiday months for me! I packed all of the wrapping that I had stored on my tred mil, which was stacked on just about the time I had that terrible cough!!...so ...no purring sound of the tred mil...in, well, to long I have to say!

Gotta love my DS...he handed me 2 Runners Magazines last night and said "Mom, after you read these two magazines, you'll be wanting to run a Marathon, for sure!!"...gotta love those young guys that are in great shape - ALREADY!!! ha

So - Here is to the New Year!! May you all enjoy your loved ones, look forward to losing some pounds next year and begin some kind of work out...that will keep us healthy until our next Cruise!! Happy New Year !!


Happy New Year!!


I gained 2.9 pounds between my cruise & the holidays. I will be cheating a little tonight, and that's it! Back to my normal routine. With my weight loss group, our new phase started yesterday, so the first weigh-in is 1/6.


This last phase, which started in July, I lost 3.5 pounds. If I hadn't gained just before and during the cruise & holidays, I would have lost 8.1.:( So that's 4.6 pounds I just have to lose again before heading on down to my goal. I am .6 pounds lighter than I was 12/31/09. :p


Having the cruise as a goal helped. I need a new goal. I keep thinking triathlon, but that takes a lot of commitment, so I really have to consider whether to do it or not. We'll see. I'll let you know!


Congrats to all the losers, well done to the maintainers, and to the rest of us, let's go!! We can do it!!:)

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Anybody here going on the Low Carb Cruise, May 1st? (Carnival Freedom, Fort Lauderdale)


First time I've heard of it.. I wish I could..:p

How did everyone do over the holidays??

I did so bad. DH and I eat our selfs sick.:mad:

I have felt so awful. Today we are back on it..

Ready to feel good again..

Hope everyone did well..


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I didn't know that there was a Low Carb Cruise...either! That's fantastic! I've got my Cruise booked for September and a few other trips here in the states...so I'll be saving my $ for those!

Best thing you can do for your self today.......clean out the Fridge and Pantry...anythign that is Dangerous Foods.......get rid of it! ...:eek::D

Yep...that's what I'm doing tonight! Holidays are over....Get back on track!!:p

It's also time to get my gym back sorted out, ipod charged up...add a few new songs and get with it!!

It's your Fork....it's your Choice!

oh...and Happy New Year Everyone!!:p

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Best thing you can do for your self today.......clean out the Fridge and Pantry...anythign that is Dangerous Foods.......get rid of it! ...:eek::D

Yep...that's what I'm doing tonight! Holidays are over....Get back on track!!:p

oh...and Happy New Year Everyone!!:p


Amen!! Well... we still have quite a bit of leftover snacks and goodies from our NYE party but I just have to remind myself of the same thing: "The holidays are OVER!" and hope that my boyfriend makes quick work of the cookies. I actually forgot to put the cheeses on the party table so I have something to snack on too!


Good luck everyone, you CAN get back on track!

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Good Morning!

Lixer....Cheese leftovers...that's a good thing! :)

So, I didn't get the pantry part cleaned out last night....but instead gave myself a much needed pedicure...so my gym shoes feel better for the tredmill.....it's all a process !! Right?! But I stayed away from the pantry...so that was good! ha!

For some reason...I am hooked on a freshly peeled orange!! They are tasting fantastic these days! I'm only having one in the morning...but wow...the smell and the taste are great! I feel that after catching that virus before the holiday's that fresh vitamin C is where I'll allow some carbs! The benefits are Good!

What's for dinner tonight?

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I didn't know that there was a Low Carb Cruise...either! That's fantastic!


Too bad that information never got here....Here's the basic information




Final payment date is February 15th, approximately, so there's still time to sign up. There are going to be several low carb superstars in the group (Tom Naughton, Dana Carpender, Fred Hahn, Jimmy Moore, etc....) It's gonna be an excellent cruise! Lots of information and lots of fun!

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Good Morning Everyone!

So ...have you been good this week?

What are you doing to be ready for this weekend?

I am headed to Denver to have a couple of Play days with my sister!! I managed to book this on a great weekend ...no snow...temps aren't to bad either!

We'll be doing lots of shopping and running around! YaY! :)

Have a great weekend!! What exercise have you started for the new year? Are you still with it?

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I started the 30-day challenge on EASports Active for Wii last Monday. It's the old one I got last year. It has been good when I can't get to the gym for whatever reason, and this year I didn't want to be one of the hundreds flocking to my gym in January. :)


I will go to Pilates there twice/week now that back-to-school routine is settling in.


Last night I really didn't want to workout, but I did. I almost forgot to. Thursdays are also a cheat day for me, so today I'm back on track. I've still got those cruise pounds to lose!!:eek:


Have fun in Denver, Jean!

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How's everyone doing after the holidays with their program??

I have the eating part back under control (3 full days now).

It was a ruff start but I feel strong again..:D I will start exercise

again tomorrow. I walk/run 3 miles at least 5-6 times a week..

I was so tired of feeling like a stuffed pig..:(

Everyone else on the program??

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Happy Monday!

How are All Ya All doing?...ooo I sound a little like Cerabella! :)

I had a terrific weekend with my little sis in Denver! Quick trip...but did a little shopping, laughing and just fun stuff! We did end up eating at a Panera (?) and it was so cold outside, but warm inside...I had the soup n sandwich! Yum!! It was soo good!!

My first time there.:)

I'm on track...Turkey sausages for breakfast, grilled chicken and strawberries for lunch..and we're having Turkey tonight for dinner....I'm not sure how I'll make it...but it's leftovers from the freezer from Thanksgiving! :p

It's been super cold here today..and will be like this through Wednesday!:eek::eek:

Just wanted to stop in and see how everyone is doing!

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I'm getting pretty frustrated. Since my cruise it coming up I have been on my BEST behavior since the 1st. I just can't seem to get below 135 for more than two days no matter what I do: tracking calories, intermittent fasting, higher protein, weightlifting ( I know this makes me stall though, but figured I'd look good after it all!). I've been fighting these last few pounds since October.


I'm raising my fat intake (tempted to do the fat fast, but I'll stay away for now) so we'll see how that goes...

Wish it weren't so cold here so I could take some long fat burning walks!

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