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Anyone on Atkins?


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Happy Monday Everyone!

Well, I was just not in the 'game' over the weekend. Had popcorn at the dollar movie and a Burger & Bun :eek: later that night. Ugh.. Now I feel the bloat, and even though I'm on track this morning...it'll take a few days and a lot of water to get re-balanced - you guys know what I'm talking about. :(

Donna - Good for you Girl! - 20 lbs...that is fantastic! I really hope you x gives in and lets your daughter go with you.... we've found that traveling is a gift to children especially...they learn soo much going places - not to mention the great memories she'd be making with you! ;)

Tom - Thanks for the Long Beach info.... We booked a Cruise this weekend on the Pride going down to Mexico - got a great cabin and a really good deal! I think by the first week of Nov I'm going to be needing a real get away and since the trailer will be winterized by then...heading down to Mexico will be perfect. We're not telling anyone else about the Cruise until about Ocotber - mostly because we want to just have a trip by ourselves..... pretty selfish sounding isn't that! oh well. - now working on the airfare. Do you have any thoughts on getting from LAX to the pier - but something better then the Carnival transfer...or is 52.00 pp about the best we can do?

Erica - a Personal Trainer....wow... do it! She'll probably give you that push that only sisters can get away with ...and you guys still loving each other! :p hehe

Kreeb! - 5 days...good for you! Be sure to post on your weigh in tomorrow...we'll be anxious to hear how you've done!:D

Jocelyn - Your not to far from your goal - Fantastic - discipline and hard work and you'll get there and then we can all 'cyber celebrate' with you too!

How great you'll be looking for your Cruise...you'll have to post some pictures!:D


Wow... lots to do today - these 4 days a week keep me busy! I'll have to go back to 5 so I have more play time during my day....HA!!

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Hello Donna:

Congtrats on the 20 lbs way to go :D.

I really hope your D.D. can go. Traveling with kids can be so much fun.

How hateful that your x does not even take an active role in the child's life. hopefully it will all work out.


Hello Jean: You will love the Pride. Perhaps it will work out we can meet up for coffe or something.

The Pride sails from behind the Queen Mary as you know. As for going from LAX to Long Beach you may want to try super shuttle or one of those. You are not flying in the day of are you ?? Then again N.M is not that far away. A friend just went from LAX to the Queen Mary in a taxi and it only cost $ 65.00 makes the Carnival tranfer not sound like a deal at all.


Well I am down a solid 15 lbs.. :D One day at a time....


Tom in Long Beach

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Hey Gang,

Not such a happy Monday over here either. Jean, I think we are telepathicly linked or something b/c I totally sabotaged myself this weekend. I had my fav poundcake and some wine & pizza!!!!!:eek: .


And today I am paying for it b/c I have the yucks, I think you all know what I mean. Why I do that to myself I will never know, esp after being down 2. I didn't even look at the scale today. I have been good with my WOE today but I know it is going to take a few days to feel "normal" again (I can hear you laughing at the normal comment from here Jean LOL):D


Well, at least I didn't eat the rest of the cake that is still in my cabinet today, I have to throw that out when I get home. Sorry for rambling but my brain is foggy from the carb fest I had this weekend.


Tom, you are so right, one day at a time. I will have to remember that from now on.


Donna, hope your x comes to his senses.


Glad to see everyone is doing so well on Induction, keep up the good work and take it from me THE CHEAT IS NOT WORTH IT!:D

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Hello Everyone!!!! Congrats to Donna (down 20lbs) and Sirwinston (down 15lbs)!!!! Wow, that is so fantastic! I am so happy for you guys!!!


Well my 2 week weigh-in showed no additional loss. So I am still down 2 lbs. with 54 lbs. to go. When I got on the scales, my heart dropped with disappointment:( , but then I held my head up and went on about my day. I know it would be so easy for me to say "oh, to heck with it...this is not working". However, I know I haven't eated this healthy in years, and I know it is going to be slow. Going to rev up my walking and water this week!


I got my cookbook from Sugar Free Shelia and it is great!!! If any of you haven't been to her website, just add a .com to the above and check it out. What a sweetheart!!! Her website and this thread gives me so much inspiration!


So NO to CARBS!!! Have a great day!!!

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Good Morning!!

I am happy to report that I had to retire my size 18 jeans. They just got too big and my 16's are comfortable for the first time in a while. :D I still have a long way to go but every pound counts. I was hoping I could get back into my 13's before our next cruise but we will just have to wait and see.


Thank you so much for all the support!! I feel so motivated having this group to talk to. My ex is really losing out. He has changed completely since he got remarried. He no longer has any contact with his family. His mother was pretty shocked when he called her Friday. He and his wife had their phone number changed last year so she could not call him. It is sad because he has wonderful parents. I am so thankful that they are a part of my daughters life. I am still close to his family but it was a little rough when my daughter and I moved in with my boyfriend two years ago. It just took them some time to see how wonderful he really is. :D They are supporting me in this custody battle and don't think he will fight me but we will see. It is very hard on my daughter, she is 10 and remembers how it used to be with her father. She refuses to call him Daddy anymore and refers to him as her father. She says that my boyfriend is her "Daddy". I guess I am rambling too much. Have a great week!!



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Just a quick post to let you know that after my first week of induction, I have lost 4 lbs. Was hoping for a little more, but I'll take any loss I can get. Let's see how the second week of induction goes.

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Way to go Kreeb :D four real lbs is great.

Way to go Donna, congrats on "retireing" the pants, Now burn them and never go back.. (less than half kidding). It is so sad so many fathers do not act like "Dads". The real Dad is the one that takes care of the child.


Jocelyn: Just get back on that horse and ride. I have cheated and am still loosing but I am trying to keep it to an absolute minimum. Pizza is my favorite all time binge food ( next is ice cream). Repeat after me Pizza is evil, Pizza is evil. For me it is evil because it is so hard for me to just have one slice. (and the following cravings). I do make a "pizza" omlette that is induction friendly. All the stuff on a pizza w/o the evil white flour.


Missbogota: keep it up and walking more should really help. Also I hate to say it but perhaps there is a hidden source of carbs that are sneaking in? Perhaps read the chapter on Induction and the one about Plateus in New Diet Revolution ? If you already have please do not be bugged by my suggestion. Perhaps even one food that is acceptable may not be right for you. (or is being eaten too much, I struggle with this alot myself).

All that said if you are feeling better that too is a huge bonus..


All for now, Tom

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Hello all, I'm back on Atkins, started the induction phase yesterday the 28th. I've done Atkins before and had success with it and know it will work for me now and in the long run but gee it is so hard to get started. I certainly didn't feel as bloated when I woke up this morning and know over the course of these next several days will feel even better. I'm finding the carbs are making me feel foggy as well.


3 1/2 weeks until my first cruise and I hope to lose maybe :rolleyes: 10 pounds by then. What I really want to do is not feel so bloated in the mid section. We are doing some pretty active excursions and I don't want to feel like I can't keep up or something. At 5'4" and 165 lbs. I know I won't feel my best :( . I think I will be able to continue eating low carb on the ship and pick one thing each day that I will splurge on but that's it.


I plan on going back to read the whole thread and did read several pages already but right now I am looking for breakfast ideas. I have been stopping by chick-fil-a and getting a sausage and egg burrito wrap and just eating the insides. That is filling and satisfying to me but not practical to buy everyday. I was thinking of making the sausage, eggs, peppers, maybe mushrooms and cheese ahead of time, put in individual containers to reheat in the morning. Anybody tried this before? Was it nasty or good?? I'll eat anything for breakfast including breakfast for dinner but I'm in the "breakfast food" mood. :p


Anyway, I hope there is room here for one more. You all seem very supportive and in my book there is no such thing as too much support when it comes to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.



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Hey Everyone!

Ok, so check out this thread (if you haven't already) on some really great exercise ideas with Bob from 'Biggest Loser' ... There are actually a few of these that I think I can do here on my breaks!



Just scroll over the right side of the screen for different exercises that he show people how to do. I have neck & back issues....it's nice to actually see how to DO the exercises - in hopes of not hurting what is already in a fragile state. Anyway...check it out.... I think it's just encouraging to see how 'normal' (Jocelyn!LOL) people are in offices and need to work out!

What I also like is that when he reviews what people are eating - he goes back to the basic "you need to have some protein at Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner". *No, I do not work for or represent or get any funding from this MSN website!! Lol.... :p


Donna: Woo Hoo 'whistles', Yiippee "confetti", Oh Yeah! "balloons"....getting rid of the 18's!! We'll do this again when you have to throw out the 16's ok!! ;)


Kreeb: 4 lbs gone for the first week!! That's Great! Good for you girl!! Are you a walker? What do you do for Exercise?


MissB: Do not get discouraged! Sometimes just when we are about to give up - you get what we call a 'whoosh' and all of a sudden, it seems like overnight - there goes some of those really stubborn pounds! Remember, your at the very start of re-programming your system to use what you have stored up! It takes a little be to get it on track and to keep it there! Are you drinking enough water? Keep walking! It'll kick in!!


GAPeaches: Welcome! If you'd like some breakfast ideas check out

http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/! You can eat low carb while sailing....and if your active...you can come back a little lighter when you go! I bring my breakfast with me each morning...but I have it cooking while I'm getting ready. SFS has a great casserole that uses a bit of cream cheese & nutmeg that is my favorite for making ahead and heating up in the morning - it's on her website!


No More Cheating Joceyln: Yea, Girl...the cheats are a real shot in the foot - eh? Why do we do that? :confused: I know that I eat without thinking of what in the heck I'm doing....then when I realize what I have been eating...ARRRGH!:eek:

I must have had a lot of salt this weekend...because my system was letting go of that extra water about every 30 min all day yesterday! yikes! I talked with SFS this morning...and I've really got to cut out some stuff that I've let sneak up on my plate, especially now that I have a Cruise Booked! Ok, we're back on track...that was then, this is now! Let's Go!!:D


Tom: pizza is evil, pizza is evil - oh, I didn't have pizza.... Burger Buns are evil, Burger Buns are evil......hehe:D


Hey Pink........How ya doing Girl?! Where ya been!?!

Easy...are ya still with us? How's it going?


Catch ya's later....

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Hi friends! Hope everyone had a great day!


Donna - You go girl!!! It must have felt wonderful zipping up those jeans you haven't worn in a while! I can't wait until I can do the same. I will even be glad when the ones I wear now are not do darn tight!!:D


Kreeb - Congratulations on your 4 lbs. That is dedication, and it is paying off!!


Jean - Thanks for the thread and kind words! You inspire us all!


Mel - Welcome!! I want to weigh less and be healthier for my cruise in Jan. as well!! It is my hubby's 50th birthday and I want to take some pictures with him that I can treasure!!


Sirwinston - You are so right...I am obviously allowing in carbs. I know one thing is my instant cream in my coffee in the morning. I can't find a real half-n-half here. I found one cream that tasted good, but curdeled in the coffee. Any suggestions? I only have 2 cups each morning...but it tastes soooo good! Also, what do you snack on in the evenings before bed when you get the munchies???? I don't crave sweets.


Thanks to you all. I look forward to reading your posts everyday!!!!


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Kreeb: 4 lbs gone for the first week!! That's Great! Good for you girl!! Are you a walker? What do you do for Exercise?


I have a nine month old bichon frise puppy named Molly that I walk everyday. I work at Curves and workout there too, or should I say, will be getting back into the habit of working out religiously at least 3 times a week. I work part-time anywhere from 2-4 days a week, so I have no excuse not to do it. It really is a great workout because it combines resistance training, cardio and stretching.


When I've done Atkins in the past, I have logged my food into fitday.com and I need to start doing that again so I am aware of exactly what percentages of carbs/protein/fat I am ingesting.

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NMCruzzin, thank you so much for the link to Shelia's website. What an inspiration she is, and the recipes.....:). I did make a breakfast caserole last night and it was delish this morning.


Good Morning All, happy next to the last day of the month. I work in accounting at a large company and the end of the month and beginning of the next is always very hectic. BUT.......this month I'm looking forward to it because Friday starts August and our cruise is in August and at least we'll be in the same month as our vacation. We are flying out to San Fran a couple days early, see the city and do some touristy stuff. Neither my Husband nor I have been to California at all so this really is a dream vacation for both of us. :p


Donna, you probably feel like a new person being in a size smaller not to mention the motivation that comes with smaller clothes.


Kreeb, your puppy sounds adorable and I just love the name Molly. If I could have more children and had a girl her name would be Molly. Good for you to start working out again. I've never tried curves.


Pat, reading about the instant cream in your coffee it reminds me to check every single thing I eat or drink. I'm on day 3 of the induction phase and hadn't thought about my cream. My cream is my friend :(. Back to the grocery tonight to find something different.


Tom, I like the way you tell it like it is but in a nice way. I could use a lot of that right now.


I look forward to getting to know ya'll. Seriously, it's nice to talk to real people about weight loss. My Husband doesn't understand the whole carb "thing" and that it works for me if I'll just stick to it. My thing is making it a lifestyle. But I've always gone it alone so maybe this time having folks to talk to will be the difference I need.


2 days and I already feel less bloated. Doing just a small happy dance...don't want to throw my back out :D.

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Happy Hot Wednesday! The clouds are building...be nice to get a shower to cool things off!

Not a coffee drinker...no suggestions here, but I think that I've read where people have used 'whipping cream'? = no carbs added. Or is that what curdles in the hot coffee?

Kreeb - We are giving Molly & Sadie a lot of miles on those puppy paws! :)

GAPeaches- Have done my share of Month end, Quarter end & Year end.whewww...I getcha girl!! We did our first cruise 4 years ago....your going to love it!

Pat - Keep on Walking and drinking your water!

Donna, Pink, Lisa, Tom, Erica, Jocelyn - keep it low carb! :D

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Hello Low carb buddies:

Hello Pat: I used to have instant coffee creamer everyday. One of the main things in there is corn suryp or something like that. Junk carbs for days... I know it is really hard, but it is really best to give up coffee

(caffine) on induction. :eek: Induction is all about returning our metabolism to a more natural state. Now adays I use heavy whipping cream or heavy cream. Half in half is O.K. But it is half milk which has lactose which is carb ladden. Also when I am on Atkins I am only taking in a small fraction of the caffine I used to and I feel better and sleep better. I do occasionally have a cup of decafe, with heavy cream, and sometimes splenda. I do get some caffine ( I am in O.W.L) from the occasional sugar free choclate treat.


Ga Peach: Keep up the good work, I love not feeling bloated. My stomach works so better when I lay off the junk.:D We all have to be on the lookout for the carbs that we let slip by. Things like "little" mints, cough drops, fake coffee creamer. Remember that Dr. Atkins felt that caffine caused cravings for sugar and unstable blood sugar. ( Once again no fun, But if you can break through this wall things will go much better). You are going to have a great trip. S.F. is such a cool city.


Kreep: I have been walking by my gym almost every day, So like you I have no excuse. I have been lying to myself saying that I will when I get to a certain point on a project. I have been walking though 45 min a day. I need to go back if even for quick 20-30 min workouts combined with walking to and from. That would equal one hour.

Hello Jean... I like your countdown...


Tom in Long Beach

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Hey gang,

I am happy to report that even though I went totally off plan this past weekend, I am down 1lb. Imagine what it would have been if I stayed on track...Oh well. Thanks for all the support, you all are awesome.


Tom, LOL Pizza is evil Haahaa. I think I will try that breakfast pizza, sounds good mmmmm.


Jean, thanks for the link to the excercises. I was watching the weather channel the other day and they said that New Mexico got a lot of flooding from Hurricane Dolly and some roads washed away, hope everything is ok by you.


GApeaches & Missbogota, I use heavy whipping cream in my coffee (YUMMO) sometime if I shake it too much it will look curdled in the coffee but that is just the cream starting to whip. I sometimes also make whipped cream with it with a little Splenda.


Kreeb, great work on the workouts!


Keep up the good work everyone.....;) :)

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Hi Everyone!! Had a great day today low carbing!!!! Going to get my Botox tomorrow! Wish I could take a shot that got rid of these pounds I have put on!!!!:D


GA Peaches - So happy for your cruise in August!! January can't get here soon enough! San Francisco is so beautiful! Ya'll are going to love it!! What are your ports on your cruise?


Kreep - Curves seems like a great place! I have friends in Atlanta that go and love it! Thanks for the fitday.com suggestion. I think that will help me alot!


Jocelyn - 1 lb. is great! Just get back on it and no telling what you will lose by next week!


Sirwinston - Thank you so much for your words! I think I need to eliminate my coffee for a while. I know that instant cream is bad and if the cream I get looks yucky, well I can just not drink it. Maybe some hot tea would be better!


Ok gang, let's stay strong and get this weight off!!!!


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Hello all,

I have been reading your posts for about a week.

Was all geared up to start this Monday, but it is Thursday and no dice.

You all are an inspiration to me, so here goes.. TODAY I START.

I have done Atkins before...lost 25 then stopped...gained it all

back. I NEED HELP.

I want to lose 100 lbs.

I know..I know ..1 lb at a time

Maybe the difference this time will be talking with you all.

(I never had anyone to answer to. I don't get too much support at home, just comments about what I should be doing which you all know makes matters worse)

Just some info.. can't do too much excersize.

Bones deteriating in ankle, herniated disc and osteo arthritis.

I am starting Monday water therapy for knee( torn meniscis, water

on knee,cyst and some deteriation).

I want to swim as that will be less on the joints.



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Hi all!


Sorry I'm so long & far between on my posts. This summer is kicking my tail schedule-wise.


Anyhoo, I've been very faithful, but am not seeing it on the scale, until now...I've lost a pound! I really do need to get to the doctor. But at least it's moving. I'll keep you posted!


Jean ~ my parents are heading your way tomorrow...the moving truck picked up their stuff yesterday & they'll be here for good this weekend! They hope to stay in Albuquerque tomorrow night.


Tom & Pat ~ okay, what's with the name-calling? I know Kreeb has been gone for awhile, but that doesn't make her a kreep!!!:D :p Sorry, I couldn't resist. I agree, cutting the caffeine does wonders...even when the weight's not coming off!


Kreeb ~ you can do it!! It sounds like a great start.


Jocelyn ~ hey girl! Yay for the pound. Hopefully it will be even more now that you're back on track!


Hi GApeachessweety! I'm in the same boat...surrounded by people to whom carbs make no difference. In fact, for my skinny kids, they need a few more. It's just not fair. But, it is my lot in life.:) It sounds like you're doing great!


Cruising grammy ~ welcome! I hope you find the support you're looking for right here. This thread has been such a help to me.


Donna ~ woohoo! You know you're going to eventually have to post before & after pics.:D


Hi to the MS girls!!


Hi to everyone else! Have a great Thursday, everyone!

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Hey Gang,

Still plugging along over here:D


Hey Lisa, great to hear from you. I know what you mean about the summer kicking the schedule into a tail spin, not enough hour in the day. Let us know how you make out at the Dr. I think their is a way to check for a low thyroid in Dr Atkin's book, do you have a copy? If not I will check when I get home.


Hey Pat, I keep forgeting that you are in Colombia:confused: and may have some different items on the shelf at the supermarket.


Welcome Cruising Grammy!


Hey Jean, did it cool off by you yet?


Hey Tom, Kreeb, Peaches, Donna.


Almost forgot to tell you all this. I was in the supermarket the other day w/ my DH shopping around and he says "do you think this is good?" I'm like WHat is that?! (It looked like cooked soggy noodles sitting in a bag of water, Yuck) LOL

It was Shiritaki Noodles and it only had one net carb per serving (half the bag) So since I am always on the look out for new carb friendly items we decide to take it home and try it. Let me just say that when we cut open the bag the smell was terrible, so much so that I checked the date LOL:D But it was good for a few months yet so we followed the directions of rinsing them VERY WELL and micro for 1 min then dry well.


We then mixed them with a meat sauce that I made, Let me just say WOW! They were really good!!! They aren't aldente like real pasta, kind of a spongy consistency, but they do satisfy when your in the mood for pasta.

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On my goodness Lisa, you were right! So sorry Kreeb...honest mistake!


Welcome Grammy! So proud of your determination!!! Don't let not exercising deter you at all!!! You can and will lose weight! We are all in it together. We have different goals, but have one thing in common in fighting this weight battle. Please join us!


Got my Botox injections today so at least I won't have wrinkles for several months!!!!;)

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Hi everyone!


The weekend is finally among us!


Jean, I'm still here! It's been a busy week. I had my 4 year old nephew all week, and at night, guess who he wants to sleep with? Lucky me :rolleyes: .


Tom, that is awesome, 15lbs down! Woooo hooooo!!!!


Cruising Grammy, welcome to the group. You will ineed make it now because you have lots of support behind you here.


Donna, that is so awesome! Keep it going with Atkins and you probably will be.


I skimmed over the posts as I am not feeling my best today so forgive me if I haven't replied to all of you. Last night, when I went to bed, I think my spirit left my body. Talk about sleeping dead to the world. When I woke up, the left side of my leg near my hip was aching so bad, I could hardly move my leg. I was in pain. Tuesday I decided that I would do Induction full force and not get side tracked because I couldn't afford to. This morning gave me a good understanding of why I need to so badly. So I started again today. This weight is just not good for anyone. Anyway, on the upbeat, I went to the doctor Tuesday and I'm down 15 lbs. I was so happy. I'm going to keep it up and hopefully try not to get too off course. Honestly, I can't afford to.


I do have a question. If you decide to move to OWL after induction, instead of eating like 40 to 50 carbs, can't you stick close to the 25 or 30 if you choose to? I'm asking because I'm thinking of moving to the OWL but I still want to stay close to the 20 carbs because one thing I notice is that I am not hungry at all most times. But if I want to have an occasional peanut, I don't want to feel guilty because I ate one. Can't do that on Induction. I like the variety of OWL, but was reading that you go up in increments until you're still burning fat. Now, I do remember reading that you don't have to go high up in carbs, that you could infact stay low in carbs, but I don't want to go that high up in the totum poll until I'm ready for the pre-maintenance stage. Any thoughts or suggestions? I hope that made sense.


Have a great day everyone!



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Happy Friday!!!


I only have a few minutes this afternoon but wanted to shout out to everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend. It's tax free shopping and I'm going to be right in the thick of it. Actually need at least one more evening/cocktail dress and the undergarments to with it ;).


I was so proud of myself today. They had lunch catered in for a meeting and I didn't have to many choices to choose from. I took a chef salad with ranch dressing (i know, the hidden sugars in the deli meat, but I needed protein). I didn't touch the yummy breads, croutons, chips or the huge choco chip cookie that was calling my name. The last time I put on the jeans I'm wearing I was so uncomfortable sitting down that I was just miserable. They are still way more tight than I want them to be but I'm not miserable.


Happy low carbing this weekend ya'll.

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The OWL Carbohydrate Ladder


1. Vegetables

More salad and other vegetables on the acceptable foods list


2. Dairy

Fresh cheeses: Keep portions small for:

Cottage cheese Hard aged cheese Low-carb ice cream

Farmers cheese Cream, heavy and light Yogurt, and milk

Ricotta cheese Half and half

Pot cheese Sour cream


3. Seeds and Nuts

Macadamias Sunflower seeds

Almonds Sesame seeds

Peanuts/Natural Peanut Butter Walnuts

Coconut Pistachios


4. Berries

Eat frequently from: Eat moderately from higher AGR melons:

Strawberries Watermelon

Blueberries Honeydew

Blackberries Cantaloupe



5. Wine and other spirits low in carbs

Spirits Red Wine

White Wine Low-carbohydrate Beer


6. Legumes

Lentils Hummus

Kidney Beans Tofu

Pinto Beans Soybeans

Black Beans Soy milk, unsweetened



7. Fruits other than Berries and Melons

Plums Apples

Kiwis Grapefruit

Peaches Tangerines


8. Starchy Vegetables

Keep all portions small: Eat rarely:

Carrots Corn

Green Peas Potatoes

Acorn squash Sweet potatoes

Butternut squash


9. Whole Grains

Keep all portions small and focus on whole, unprocessed grains:

Old fashioned Oatmeal Low carb (soy) bread and muffins

Oat Bran All-bran

Wheat Bran Barley, cooked


The Power of Five

These portions contain roughly 5 grams of Net Carbs.( total carb minus fiber) Food groups are arranged in the general order in which they should be added.



1 cup cooked spinach

2/3 cup red bell peppers

1 medium tomato

1 cup cooked broccoli

12 medium asparagus

1 cup cauliflower

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 California avocado

2/3 cup summer squash



5 ounces farmer’s cheese or pot cheese

5 ounces mozzarella cheese

3/4 cup cottage cheese

3/4 cup ricotta cheese

3/4 cup heavy cream


Nuts and Seeds

1 ounce of:

macadamias (approximately 10 to 12 nuts)

walnuts (approximately 14 halves)

almonds (approximately 14 nuts)

pecans (approximately 14 halves)

hulled sunflower seeds (3 tablespoons)

roasted shelled peanuts (approximately 26 nuts)

1/2 ounce of cashews (approximately 9 nuts)



1/3 cup blueberries (fresh)

3/4 cup raspberries (fresh)

3/4 cup strawberries (fresh)

1/4 cup cantaloupe or honeydew



1/4 cup lemon juice

1/4 cup lime juice

1/2 cup tomato juice

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Hello all!!

This week really flew by for me. We bought a boat this week and my boyfriend has spent all week getting it ready to take to the lake tomorrow. He said it would be a couple of weeks but I should have known better!! I have had a really good low carb week and I am looking forward to good news when I weigh-in on Monday. :)


Kreeb- Congrats on 4 pounds for your first week!! That is great. :D


Tom - I am not a coffee drinker but my weakness is Diet Mountain Dew. I try to drink more water and less Diet Mountain Dew but I just can't give it up. I think drinking my Diet Dew helps me stay on track! Maybe that is why my weight loss is so slow. Oh well, every pound counts.


GA Peaches - I understand all about the end of the month, quarter and year!! I am about halfway through my accounting degree and hope to get into a good company. I worked in Time Deposit Accounting at a bank for seven years until we got bought out and they laid off about 500 of us that worked back office.


Jocelyn - I know I shouldn't but everyone once in a while I just have to cheat. If I just eat what I want then I am more motivated to get back strict. We all know that is not what you are supposed to do but it makes it doable for me. It is just that I have so much weight to lose and get so discouraged that if I have a day of fun then it is easier. Maybe I am fooling myself. Who knows?? Maybe I am a little crazy!;) :D


Cruising Grammy - Welcome and good luck!! You can do it. My goal is pretty close to yours. I started at 243 pounds and would like to get down to 150. I could deal with 160 but we will have to see. I am currently down 20 with 73 to go. I would love to lose another 20 before we go on our next cruise in 75 days but every pound counts. :cool:


Lisa - I don't know how many before photos I have. I delete most of them off the digital camera before they get saved!! :o Maybe I will start feeling like having my photo taken soon. I hope so! I love your avatar. It reminds me of our black lab, Harley. He is a pain but we love him. I will just be glad when he gets out of the puppy stage. He will be 2 in October.


Erica - I have been doing this for three months now and I try to stay as close to 25-30 carbs a day as I can. I have a long way to go and since I refuse to give up my diet dew I try to do better with my carbs.


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I will check in on Monday and hopefully I will have good news.

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