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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello all.


DH and I had a fantastic cruise to Panama Canal. We are going back to NCL for our next cruise in Feb and will likely continue cruising with them for awhile if our second experience is as good as our first was. I guess we're more relaxed people--- however, we would certainly consider princess again in the future!


As for weight, I haven't weighed myself but my chest easily grew an entire cup while we were gone. Yikes! DH kept making comments which as a man of course he thinks is fine... but as he kept noting how small my bikini top was fitting I couldn't help but think about the bottoms. Makes me sad ;( I hope I didn't gain too much. I definitely veered off plan.


Again, it wasn't the desserts. I had ice cream several times but only really enjoyed a few pieces of cake. They just didn't tempt me much. And it's certainly not the alcohol. I had 1 drink/day or less. I refused the bread basket the first day and was never offered it again. But, it was the cereal this time as one big culprit. I ate cereal for breakfast because the eggs were so awful. I also ate waffles a few times because they were so tasty. I ate cottage cheese but there were no berries so I ate melons and granola in it to give it flavor.


All in all I was disappointed in the food selection. The steaks were ok. The pastas were almost always really good and after tasting DH's I would invariably get a bowl of my own. the fish was awful- very dry and most of them were very fishy.


I just hope I haven't done too much damage. We've already been to the grocery store today to get a week of atkins friendly foods for our cupboards. It's hard to return to off the ship eating isn't it?

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Thanks! yes very proud and you are right if I can quit smoking I can surely shed the FAT!


We are all in this together....

I heard a couple sugesstions lately- may want to try....

replace the coffee with green tea for 8 weeks and you are guarenteed to loose 10 pounds. ?? I love coffee- 4-5 cups a day... but Im trying it, it is day 1.

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Hey all ~ welcome newbies, oldies, lurkers!


Here is my renewed plan because I am trying again to scoot down the ole weight ladder...Think whole, clean foods as much as possible, & for me, I do better kinda limiting the amount I eat...DH is a really big eater so I sometimes forget what a portion really looks like...of course, try to hydrate...& the ole standby, can't skirt this one, exercise!


I tend to rely on a few nuts for an occasional snack, & raw almonds, walnuts, pecans work better for me than processed nuts..( I am talking just a scant quarter to half cup only on induction) I am sure there are other important things I'm forgettin ~ my DIL has my book at the moment. I do take my variety of supplements daily too.


About the coffee, good for you if you give it up, but for me, I just have only one cup in the morning, one cup in the afternoon...this is a small Corningware ~ type cup not a MUG!! So I'm sure I would do better weight wise w/out it, but this girl's gotta have her coffee, I've just never been much of a tea drinker, only an occasional cup of hot tea ~ you'd never know I'm from the South, never drank sodas either. A couple of times or more a week I make a heavy cream latte in the afternoon, it's a treat, kinda like a dessert for me. Oh well, that's sorta my plan, didn't weigh this morning, had a couple of glasses of wine yesterday eve, soooo....:p

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I cannot give up my coffee-it is my life! I drink it black with sugarfree syrup but I will try to cut back and see if it helps. Does green tea have much caffeine? I have really been watching and still stalled-darn.



Thanks for the warm welcome


Heres hoping our scales go down!!!! I ordered a dress on line that I need to fit into. Yikes



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I gained 6 lbs while I was gone. Ugh. Back on track this week and DH is joining me for the first time ever (but he'll be eating bread and rice as well!)... Here's my rough menu plan. What's everyone else eating?


bf-steak and eggs and a 2 cup salad of romaine with blue cheese

lunch- roast beef and horseradish flavored cheese slices (0 carbs!), cucumbers and blue cheese with bacon (yum, marie's!), 1/2 avocado

snack- pumpkin seeds

dinner- chicken and peppers with a variety of seasonings

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Good Morning All ya All!!


So DH and I had a great cruise! We had so much fun!

Good to see past posts pages....lots to read! And Hello Newbies!


We got home on Sunday night (last week) and Monday morning I get a call from our NY office that the owner of our company ( I haven't seen him in 3.5 years!) will be showing up that afternoon! :eek: So I did some extra cleaning and straightening up - while working through stacks of stuff on my desk! He was here through Wednesday - so last week seems to be a bit of a blur with work and laundry and time changes! But we had a good catch up weekend and I think it's back to 'normal' around here.


I tried to eat low carb 2 out of 3 meals on the cruise. Only had dinner rolls 2 nights...it just had to go with the appetizer soup or salad at the time. I even took some pictures of a few things we had, and soon I'll post them ok! We did the stairs on the ship, and a hike in the jungle (excursion), lots of walking in ports and snorkeling & walking in Cabo San Lucas. So I feel like we were active, but my DH's sweet tooth seemed to be a bit hyperactive at night, so we would go and have hot mugs of tea - and he'd have a dessert, and I would have 1 bite of what he was having and more tea....hey, we were on vacation!:p Pink - I'm up 6 lbs too...but down 2 this morning and I have recommited myself to hitting the treadmill daily!!! Exercise is a must to losing or maintaining my weight...not that I love to do it...but it's a part of the success! :D

I've been hiking with my dog, and if we start at one end and go all the way down and back...it's about 1.5 miles, in soft sand. But of course she does 3x's the steps I do because she runs all around and insists on scattering any birds that are looking just to happy sitting on a bush!


Dinner tonight: Swiss Steak, peppers & salad.

Breakfast: 2 sausage patties, 2 deviled eggs

Lunch.... not sure:confused:

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I'm glad you guys had a great time in Mexico. We haven't picked excursions for Costa Maya in Feb- did you happen to visit there? I think you were on the other side of Mexico probably... but, nonetheless, I'm sure if you and I work hard we can lose these 6 lbs with diet and exercise in no time!


Has anyone visited Costa Maya or Guatemala and has excursion recommendations??


Pink :p

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Hi Pink and Jean

I am new here but love this group already-very welcoming and helping me stay committed.

You were both on a cruise with food all around-I think 6 pounds isnt bad at all. I think it is great that you ate 2 low carb meals a day-very good idea. A lot was probably water. Did you have alcohol, too?


I am trying to lose 12-15 pounds by Christmas. I have 30 total to lose but am trying to give myself realistic goals so I dont give up.


I also walk 4 times a week-if my buddy makes me-its hard to add exercise in with teaching all day.


I ate the the portabello pizza recipe from Sugarfree Sheilas site. I only ate one, very good and filling. I have got to make some deviled eggs-that is a good idea for quick on the go breakfast. I tend to eat a lot of meat and cheese and salads. Very boring. I want to try that Maries dressing. Have you tried the spicy ranch? It is really good,too.

Welcome back. Hope you had fun cruises.


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Well the no coffee thing lasted 1 day...ok I will try the black coffee idea.

Kay- I did the same thing with the clothes I packed for my cruise- 2 sizes smaller...so I need to see some results since we leave in a month!!

Jean- glad you had a great trip- dont stress the 6 lbs, as long as you had fun and it appears you jumped right back into the low carb routine. GOOD LUCK!!


WE CAN DO THIS!! increase your water consumption..that is 1 thing I forget to do.

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Gooooood Evennning (Alfred Hitchcock voice).....hehe

Zee & RVP - new Atkineers - it's exciting to see new posters come on! :D Any lurkers that want to join in...come on! Any Oldies that are lurking....come back!

Zee - My DD is also a Kay!

Donna, Cerabella & Pink- Always good to hear of your good reports!

Pink - Our first Cruise was on the Valor and we did the W Carribbean - and Costa Maya! We went in August! I've never been so hot in all my life! I could barely breath on our balcony! It was torture to be on the balcony and constantly wanting to jump in! LOL!!:p Remember...I'm from the dessert where it gets hot - but the humidity is only at 20% - not 99!:eek: But we had a blast! In Costa Maya we went to the Maya Palms Resort : http://www.mayapalms.com/cruisers.htm

You have to walk past the Cruise Terminal stuff - about 15 min walk - then get a taxi to take you there...but it's beautiful! Only one other family was there with us. There is a pool and some amazing snorkeling! Then when your done, they can call a taxi to come back for you. The water is fantastic!!

Ok, time for bed....it's a work night!

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Thanks for the water reminder. Will drink more. Does it really make a difference on Atkins? Just wondering. I love water so its not a problem. How much should we be drinking? WE HAVE GOT TO FIT IN OUR CLOTHES!!! Went back up a pound today????????Rats



I don't meet many kays. Is it her nickname? Not for me-Kay is it! Thanks for the warm welcome and support.


Hope all are doing well-staying strong!


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Ahoy all!!


Welcome back Pink & NMJean!! So glad that you both enjoyed your cruises & didn't fall too far off the low~carb wagon that you can't get back on without a forklift! hehe!


The last two days I had to eat out for lunch, so each time I got a grilled chicken sammy w/o the buns, water to drink. We own & operate a plant nursery, so, home alot..eating out is a treat that sometimes does me in. And even tho I feel like I work like a "man" all day & am really very tired,I still try to get in some 'real' exercise like free weights, a lateral thigh trainer thing I found @ Goodwill for under $20 new in the box, & walking some. I have a rairly new 10~speed bike, but I fear my cute little Australian Shepherd will run in front of me & do me in..


Tonight I am going to fix some grilled shrimp with steamed veggies.

Breakfast ~ I really have no problem starting off the day low~carb...sausage, over easy egg. DH adds a couple of slices of double fiber bread. He can allow the xtra carbs it seems & still do well, me, I just look at something wrong & it jumps right on the ole boote' (think J Lo here or Beyonce' or maybe Kim Kardashian...well you get the idea...:rolleyes:)

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Kay- water is the best medicine! the more we can drink definately we will see results. 8 8 oz glasses a day- i definately need to step it up....I have been holding at the same weight for 2 weeks! its crazy...and i have not cheated?

You can do it Kay! when is your crusie again?

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Pink & Jean - Welcome Back!! I know how crazy it is when you get back from a cruise. It looks like 6 pounds is the magic number for cruise weight gain. ;) My six pounds are gone but I am heading out for another cruise in a little over three weeks!! :) I am a little worried about the next 6 weeks with Thanksgiving, cruise, Christmas and New Years. Lets just keep our fingers crossed for strong will power!!


Zeegirl123- My daughter is 10 years old and I am taking her on her first cruise next month. She is really getting excited!! :D I try to eat dinner at a decent hour but sometimes it is late before we eat. I am very lucky that my fiance' does a lot of the cooking. He usually gets home several hours before I do and has dinner ready when I get home in the evenings. He owns a heating and air company and goes into the office in the mornings before I even think about waking up. Keith gets up at 4:45 every morning and leaves the house at 5:30. I usually get up around 6:00 to get myself and dd ready for the day. If he does the cooking we usually eat dinner when I get home at around 6:00 pm. I also wanted to tell you about this wonderful chocolate syrup I found. I love sugarfreesheila's breakfast shake but the only Davinci syrup I could find was vanilla, caramel and raspberry. One day I just happened across Walden Farms chocolate syrup. It has no calories, no sugar and no carbs. :D Now I get to start the day with a low carb chocolate shake!! I just wish that I could find it closer to home. When I do get it I buy every bottle they have in stock.


I hope everyone is having a wonderful low carb week. This is a rough week due to an ear infection. I have been having a difficult time concentrating on my schoolwork because of the pain. :( Hopefully I will be feeling better soon.


Until later!


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I don't meet many kays. Is it her nickname? Not for me-Kay is it! Thanks for the warm welcome and support.



Hi Kay,

Yes, she is a Kay - When my DH and I were first married we went to one of our favorite little towns outside of San Diego - where we saw a "Kay Dee Lane" and we just thought that it was very cute...and so we named her Kay Dee (her initals and name sound the same "KD") and she went by both names for a long time - Turned 12 yr old and it was quickly shortened to Kay. Very hard to find personalized things that are just Kay.

6 lbs are hanging on.-(looking for that forklift Cerabella! lol!) ... it's been a hectic week at work and I'm a stress eater...and so even though I'm walking - scales are not going anywhere. But I take it one day at a time, and for me sometimes I have to remind myself each meal, how important good choices are!

Donna - You've waited a long time to take your daughter on her Cruise...your going to not only have so much fun - but make great memories too!!:) I've never seen any Walden Farms items...I'll keep my good eye out for some though! ;)

RVP - Water is so important and here where it's dry I need to keep that going through the whole day !

Ok, gotta do some work, to pay for my play time!

**SFS......Cute hair cut - how do you like it shorter? Thanks for stopping by!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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RVP-really the same weight for 2 weeks??? not fair, not fair!!!! Hang in there it must be going to drop a lot at once.

I have learned when stalled to either cut back more or add more movement. Both stink but sometimes I do it just to get over that hurdle. I am cruising the day after xmas with my husband. You are going mid December i think? Hang in there-we CAN do this.


Donna-love that you are taking your daughter!!!! I took my teenage girls on their first last xmas-we had a blast as a family. We lost our son earlier that year(their brother) and it made it so xmas was not so bad for us. They tried so many unique foods it was fun to watch. We took them snorkeling with sea turtles on xmas eve! It was sooooo expensive but who cares-it is only money. They will have those memories forever. Where do you get the Walden farms sauce? I need to get me some of that. What are you going to school for?



I eat an Atkins bar for breakfast during the week, eggs and sausage on the weekend.

Lunch is usually 2 hot dogs or pepperoni and some green beans or salad with ranch

Snack-handful or 2 of almonds

Dinner-chicken and salad

I usually drink 2-3 cups of coffee(I have to have that-teach Kindergarten-have mercy)

I also drink 2-3 waterbottles a day.


I am thinking-the almonds are the culprit???? I also see I am not drinking enough water.As you can tell I have very little time for food planning and eating for breakfast and lunch and it is very boring. I did read the book 3 years ago and lost 40 pounds but am afraid I probably have forgotten a lot. Thank you for your help. I want to ask your opinion on what do you think are the biggest no-nos for induction phase? I think maybe I am really blowing it somewhere.

Thanks for asking.

Take care my loser friends,


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Hahaha! loser friends- I like that


ok Almonds- that sparks something...I have been eating alot of nuts?? maybe that is the problem. Yes now almost 3 weeks and no LOSS? how can that really be? AND I have been reall really good- have yet to "cheat" ??CRAZY.

Kay- your menu seems fine- but Im definately not the expert.

Time to step up the excersing- I have been gone on business all week- so I have neglected to do any. Lets all beef up the excersise and report in daily what we have accomplished?

You all in?

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Welcome to the boards!


I'm not Sheila but I bet she'll tell you to try breakfast with real foods. DUMP THAT ATKINS BAR!


Substitute with:


cream cheese pancakes

stirfry (veggies/meat)



See if that helps!

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As I sit here I am watching snow fall!! Twice in one week and it is cold! What in the world is going on?? :confused: It is not supposed to snow this early!! I am attaching a picture of Haven and myself taken not long after I started Atkins and another one taken with friends on the Destiny last month. I am getting there slowly but surely. I think I can tell by the photos that I am losing weight.


Zeegirl- First off I would stay away from the Atkins bars and shakes. I love sugarfreesheila shakes with my Walden Farms sauce!! It is not carried at Wal-mart but I did find it at Kroger. I went to the website and put in a zip code for your area and it said that Giant Eagle carries it. You can order it online but the shipping is pretty high. I found it in the diabetic food section. I wish you luck finding it because it sure helps with the chocolate cravings!! :D I am currently going to school for my Accounting degree. After this semester I only need two more classes to get my Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Income Tax Certificates. I already have all the required classes for my Income Tax but I am waiting to get all three certificates at once. Then I just have about a year or so and I will have my degree!! This semester I took 9 hours again but I am cutting back because it is just too much for me with working full time and my daughter full time. It will take me longer to get my degree but I am getting burnt out. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as I stick with it!! ;)



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Thanks Pinkbikini for the help and I will dump them-they are too expensive anyway and honestly they are only a step above a cardboard box.



You and your daughter look precious together. Thank you for sharing that. You look like you are having so much fun with your friends and I do def think you look thinner. That is a good idea to take pics. I think sometimes on Atkins you can lose inches and not pounds. You are doing fantastic with school-numbers-not my bag-but you go girl. It is so hard and tiring to attend school with kids. You will get done and you will still get to enjoy your daughter. I think you are being very smart and an excellent parent-putting your relationship first before yourself. She has a beautiful smile-you are making her happy. Very cool.


Well I got my size 14 dress today. I weigh 185 and have a huge chest I hate-I got it on and it looked OK but too many bulges at the waist-my other huge area. I need to start sit ups. I have been saying that for weeks. I do walk 3 miles-4 times a week and I think I need to step that up.

Any other ideas anyone???????

Thanks, Kay

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Hello, all.


Kay & others...What to eat? I think if you have the time to go back & read thru some of the first dozen or so pages, there are a lot of ideas from long ~ time Atkin followers. I agree w/ Pink about what to eat, & reiterate, think whole natural ~ type foods..ie, boiled or deviled eggs for breakfast, or even think 'out of the box' & have left over chicken, fish, steak, etc if you are rushed for time...even lunch, those hot dogs may be laden w/ nitrates, nitrites, sodium, etc...maybe instead, celery sticks w/ tuna salad, dip...there are really sooo many choices & we do get in a rut for convenience sometimes, but if you fix your eggs a couple of times during the week, there they are in the fridge, ready to go!! yippee!!:p


I too tried some of the Atkins bars this summer when I found a coupon...blech, not missing anything except some over processed yucky thing someone marketed as a low ~ carb 'diet' food that would make Dr. A cry if he knew what they were putting his name on...:eek:


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